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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Sky's romantic house party.


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Maybe im coming off too strong. Thinking to himself scratching his face. (sigh) Think ill get another drink and go back out on the balcony. After getting a drink he goes back to the balcony and looks to the sky. Run away and never come back. I will save you brother, I will find a way. Crushing cup

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Nervously chuckles before ducking in to the house, Hi Everyone, Im Luna. Inside she's a mess. Do these bracelets make my hooves look weird? I hope my mane isn't sticking out... I hate it when Im the social runt.



Thanks, Octavia's Celloziod!

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"Well I like Snow Flake because he's such a cute and sweet colt." Cherry Blossom replied to Storm Cloud. "And I like Cherry Blossom because she's nice and pretty." Snow Flake also replied as he continued drinking small amounts of the punch.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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I need some air.Goes out on the balcony. As he looks around he looks down and sees another flyer. Hey blue wings where you going? the party is in here. Flies down to her to introduce his self. Hi iv never seen you in the skies before. My names Razorwing but you can call me Razor. Whats yours?


She turned around and was just about to leave when she heard somepony talking to her. She turned towards the talking and saw another pegasus. "Oh I was just...um...I've never seen you around before either..H-Hi, I'm Blossom Bloom..." she said quietly. Blossom Bloom looked down and slightly kicked the ground.


"Just a mixture of some fruits and a few drops of... Excuse me I believe there is someone at the door" Sky was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. "Hey Blossom, glad you could make it." Sky smiled.


Blossom Bloom looked up to see that the door was open and Sky was standing there in the doorway. Finally, somepony she knew. "Hello Sky." she smiled a little as she walked up to him "Thank you for inviting me."


Noticing the new guest, Cosmo waved and called out a greeting, "Hello, welcome to Sky's party, you have to try this punch!" Cosmo used his magic to grap another cup for her and refill his own, he was already feeling a bit drunk because he didn't drink very often and this seemed like a strong beverage.


She heard another pony talking to her again and this time it was a Unicorn. "Um...Thank you but no thank you...M-Maybe later.." she spoke softly as she declined his offer,hoping she wasnt being rude.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Mosies off to the corner... Oh well, I guess I'll just sit this one out... Luna is used to being the odd one out. Hopefully another "unwanted" will stumble over and she can finally get to talk to someone. Luna is new here and could use an understanding friend.



Thanks, Octavia's Celloziod!

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Sonic Wubz saw Luna walk off to the corner and trotted over to her. "Excuse me miss, would you like to join me at the DJ booth? Maybe I can teach you to spin a few." he said as he held out a hoof and smiled.

Edited by Half-Note
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Mosies off to the corner... Oh well, I guess I'll just sit this one out... Luna is used to being the odd one out. Hopefully another "unwanted" will stumble over and she can finally get to talk to someone. Luna is new here and could use an understanding friend.


(You need to request in the OOC topic before posting here. Please check the rules before role-playing.)


"It looks like everyones enjoying my punch guess I should go make some more" Sky said to himself as he walked into the kitchen.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Krystal had never been to a party before. She'd been invited to a few but never went to them because she either didn't know the other ponies going, had plans, or just plain wasn't interested.


For the last few hours she'd been nervously pondering what to wear. She kept throwing on various combinations of clothes "Should I wear a dress? No, it's not a formal party I don't think..." She looked up at the clock and realized she was and hour late, so she hurrily decided to wear casual attire (which would essentially be nothing).


She flew over to Sky's house quickly, took a moment to straighten out her mane and tail, and knocked on the door "What am I doing? You don't knock on the door to one of these parties. Or do I? Bah!" Krystal quit arguing with herself and entered the house.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Blossom Bloom stood near a wall and watched all the ponies that were already there having fun. She sighed a little and leaned against the wall. Maybe she'll warm up to the party later. For now she would just watch. It was always fascinating to watch ponies living their everyday lives. "I hope that's not creepy...Oh god what if somepony can read my thoughts?!" she thought as she covered her ears with her wings and started looking around frantically. "Oh I probably look crazy right now!" she sighed again and folded her wings back.


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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Sky came back into the party room with a new bowl of punch and as he came back in he heard Blossoms sigh. he put the bowl on a table and walked up to Blossom. "Whats up you dont seem to be enjoying yourself" he said to her.

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Embers sat back, this was like every other party he had even been to, no pony cared about him, no pony even was talking to him, and only 1 mare had come up to him, this was horrible, it seemed every other pony was geting to know some one, but he was just lying there dieing in his sorrow...maybe he would go get some punch

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Krystal entered the house and imediately noticed Vinyl Scratch at the other end of the room. Her jaw dropped. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Vinyl Scratch was her all time favorite musician.


Krystal dashed over to her DJ booth where she greeted her and they engaged in a friendly conversation that was inaudible to the other ponies at the party. After their conversation had gone back and fourth for a bit they both let out a long hard laugh. Krystal reached into under her wing and pulled out a piece of paper and a few bits. She handed them over to Vinyl Scratch who took them, nodded and began playing a new track.


Edited by Krystal Serenity

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"Um.....No?" (Hes not a pegasus, or is it some other pony? if so tell me and ill edit it) Embers took a sip from his punch, he had forgoten why he had got this cape...Oh yeah, its to hide that big ugly scar on my leg....Ewwww, i hate deadmau

Edited by Ember_star
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Snow Flake and Cherry Blossom saw the upset look on Ember's face and decided to try to cheer him up. "Something on your mind?" Snow Flake asked as he poured some more punch into his cup. "You don't look very happy." Cherry Blossom said.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Once the track started playing Krystal started dancing (not like Twilight but something more like just swaying back and fourth). She waved goodbye to Vinyl Scratch and made her way to the punch table.


"What's up?" She said to Embers with a smile

avatar and sig by your's truly
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Sky walked over to the group surrounding Ember. "Hey, everypony. Is everything okay?" Sky asked concerned. "Please dont tell me he drank to much of my punch" Sky thought to himself.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Blossom Bloom decided to walk around. Maybe even dance. The music was pretty good. She started to sway back and forth a little and hum along with the music.

Edited by BlossomBloom


Avatar made by the one and only Krystal!

Signature made by the amazing Cloud Chaser!

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"Let me fix" Sky said as he evaporated the punch off of Embers cape. "Also I overheard your problem why dont you go speak to Blossom over there shes pretty lonely at the moment and I know a guy like you could cheer her up." Sky said with a smile.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Krystal got a cup of the punch and drank it "Phew, that's good stuff" She then proceded to drink the whole cup, get another cup and start to slowly sip on that. She looked at all the other ponies with a face like 'here I am, is anypony interesed?'

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"I wouldnt drink to much of that if was you Krystal. I made the second batch stronger than the first" Sky said to Krystal.

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Snow Flake was beginning to feel light and started to wobble around. "You okay Snow Flake?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Umm... I'm feeling a bit light headed." Snow Flake replied as he tried to get to the couch. Unfortunately he tripped and fell on Cherry Blossom. "AAHG!" "AAGH!" They bothed yelled simultaneously. Snow Flake got back on his hooves "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Snow Flake asked as he offered a hoof. "Yeah I'm fine." Cherry Blossom replied as she took Snow Flake's hoof and got back up.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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