Hidey 2,836 November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 The Star Wars prequels aren't as bad as people say they are. I understood and liked "The End of Evangelion" as well as the last episode of Eva. When L died in Death Note, I kept watching, I liked Near and Mello, and the rest of the series. I like Pepsi AND Coke. I don't think models are that attractive. It's good to read. 5 this is my signature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Light Diamond 950 November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 (edited) Skyrim imo is overrated. edit: but I still play it. I haven't played Skyrim yet so i can't comment on that. If there is one video game franchise that is overrated imo it's GTA. Edited November 23, 2014 by Light Diamond 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vox 870 November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 Pink Floyd died after Roger Water's departure I don't care for Sting's solo career after the Police. U2's new content is lousy. The Rolling Stones need to just end already. Paul McCartney's more talented then John Lennon. Ringo Starr isn't very talented. Primus is good. 1 Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
long gone 8,929 November 24, 2014 Share November 24, 2014 Having jumpscares as the death condition does not excuse a game for having jumpscares. Jumpscares in general are just shitty horror. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 I honestly don't get what's so special with modding for the Source engine. Don't get me wrong, Source is an awesome engine and probably the best one out there to this day. It's so difficult to learn how to modify it. Why? Because Source SDK's GUI is total bullcrap, everything just has some weird icons that have no description of what it's supposed to do. Now if you excuse me, I'll be having fun with Doombuilder 2. out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marine_Vet_Brony 317 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 I agree with the Grand Jury with Micheal Brown shooting case. 1 Not afraid too admit Ponies are sexy. Sexy Pony list: Applejack, Celestia, Luna, and Trixie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 Morrowind is actually is a pretty horrible game from a gameplay and mechanics perspective until you fix it with mods. 1 "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirrory 258 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 Disliked GTA and Red Dead Redemption. Skyrim was overrated but still is a good game overall 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Cynical Lone Wolf 615 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 I dont care what going on in Missiouri. I just see it as Civil Rights Moment 2 Facebook sucks and its overrated Twitter is okay I fell that Math,spefically Alegbra should no longer be taught in colleges and schools I feel there are a few really good mobile games out in the market Borderlans The Presquel is a great game Animie>Cartoons Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 I just have to say that the original Looney Tunes was so boring. I'd rather do schoolwork,than watch it. If you want a good Looney Tunes show. Go with the Looney Tunes Show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 •I'm pretty sure 9/11 was not an inside job and was merely the doing of terrorists. •Any form of government could work... only if humanity was not corrupt. •I'm not a huge fan of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. •Any person who wishes to start a war with another country by the use of nuclear weapons deserves a bullet to the head. •People now a days are WAY too sensitive. One little joke, one little slur, and people literally go nuts. "Oh no! A white cop shot a black guy! Let's start a riot and kill even more people!" 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Pink Floyd died after Roger Water's departure Yep. ___________ - Spongebob didn't become bad after Season 4. - Dubstep is an extremely hard genre to produce, I've tried and even with my 2 years of experience with FL Studio I still cannot create a quality dubstep song. - I believe we should all learn French because of how beautiful it sounds o3o - Diamond Tiara actually isn't that bad 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight The Creator 298 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Rap music is a good genre, yet again. You gotta look in the right places. Michael Brown is (mostly) innocent. 1 Kill People, Burn Shit, Fuck School. -Tyler the Creator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowed Watcher 183 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Okay here's one I've been lugging around for awhile. Meat eaters kill animals, killing animals is bad. But Vegetarians have a high horse (punny) because they don't kill animals and eat them, but they forget that these plants are as much alive as the cows and pigs and whatnot that meateaters slaughter. In my eyes, Vegetarian's brutally murdering living plants is JUST as bad as meateaters killing animals. So I came up with a solution. Stop eating meat, stop eating plants. Eat rocks. To the fullest extent of my knowledge, rocks are not alive in any way, so they must be the food to eat that causes no backlash. I have principles about food and brutal life murdering. Doesn't mean I can follow 'em though. I ain't eating no rock. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Okay here's one I've been lugging around for awhile. Meat eaters kill animals, killing animals is bad. But Vegetarians have a high horse (punny) because they don't kill animals and eat them, but they forget that these plants are as much alive as the cows and pigs and whatnot that meateaters slaughter. In my eyes, Vegetarian's brutally murdering living plants is JUST as bad as meateaters killing animals. So I came up with a solution. Stop eating meat, stop eating plants. Eat rocks. To the fullest extent of my knowledge, rocks are not alive in any way, so they must be the food to eat that causes no backlash. I have principles about food and brutal life murdering. Doesn't mean I can follow 'em though. I ain't eating no rock. You make a good point, eating vegetables is murder! Also brought to mind a Mitchell and Webb sketch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 The Jurassic World trailer was REALLY cool! 3 Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 If you own a YouTube channel, the make some damn videos. There's a reason why the site was created, it was to have you POST VIDEOS. Otherwise, just don't have one. Also, using one only for comments is not an excuse because you could instead have a Facebook account if you want to talk about a video or share it. So if you're not going to make videos any time, then what's the point? out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 (edited) If you own a YouTube channel, the make some damn videos. There's a reason why the site was created, it was to have you POST VIDEOS. Otherwise, just don't have one. Also, using one only for comments is not an excuse because you could instead have a Facebook account if you want to talk about a video or share it. So if you're not going to make videos any time, then what's the point? What’s the point? Well you can have a place to favourite videos so there in easier reach, thumb up videos when deserved and as for comments have a discussion, including replying to something someone else said on YouTube comments already which you can’t do on Facebook. I for the record do post videos on my YouTube, but then again I comment on a bunch of videos that are on a different topic entirely to my videos I post anyway so it makes no difference. Also, if your video ideas suck anyway then why bother uploading videos? Edited November 26, 2014 by Scootaloodle 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hidey 2,836 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 What’s the point? Well you can have a place to favourite videos so there in easier reach, thumb up videos when deserved and as for comments have a discussion, including replying to something someone else said on YouTube comments already which you can’t do on Facebook. I'm also thinking there must be plenty of people who make youtube accounts for the one purpose of trolling videos in the comments section. this is my signature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 I never really liked the Megaman series that much. I find the entire series to be just.. boring. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruddboy Olaf 10,628 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Mr. Meaty was actually pretty good. People say it's creepy,but the only episode that ever creeped me out was the Tape worm episode. If you're a fan of Mr. Meaty,then you'll know what I'm talking about. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 IGPX was an absolutely incredible anime and deserves nothing but praise for its sheer excellency. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,399 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Time to make some enemies Here comes the flood! I think religions are holding people back from experiencing life and that religions are fear mongerers trying to create their perfect world at our expense, whether it's for god or not. Heck, lets anti this up. I think monotheism is primitive. Religion, politics and race are the worst social constructs in history because they ruin lives and have killed a lot of people. I liked waterworld. I thought Street Fighter starring Jean Claude Van Damme was awesome. At my job I think I'm right and my customers are wrong. I think rap in of itself is not music, merley a tool to be used as part of music. Alone, it's just poetry. While creative, still not music. And saying the N word, glorifying drug use, criminal life, and demeaning women doesn't help. Overall I think black culture in america is sad. It centers around sex, poverty, and escapism through crime and drug use and it only reinforces negative stereotypes perpetuated today. And I think the welfare system was to blame. Before that, blacks in america had high standards of living. In a way that it could be extended to all racial minorities outside of whites and asians. I pity anyone who drinks, smokes or does any drugs, legal or otherwise. I think it's pathetic that people need foreign substances to be happy. Americans should lose the right to vote because they tend to elect the wrong people. Obama and Bush weren't idiots. All of you who voted for them were! The democratic & republican parties both suck. Social liberalism with fiscal conservatism is the logical way to be. Nazi flag, symbolism, mannerisms, uniforms, military & memorabilia look cool. Still disagree with their actions though. I have no pity for starving people in poor countries because they choose to remain in such conditions, rather than fighting till the end to make life better by any means necessary. You don't like your life? Fight to change it! I also won't donate because it's treating the symptom and not contributing to solving the problem permanently. I think America has an ego problem. Red white and blue on everything! We are the best! Than why are there countries happier than us? Our troops aren't dying for our freedoms. If they all came home, we would not be enslaved by Al Qaeda. Post-WW2, our soldiers have deserved better. They fought and died in battles they didn't need to. God bless our troops. God damn the country that sent them to hell. Christmas isn't a christian holiday, it's a pagan one. I hate holiday music. The commercialism behind it all kinda kills the holiday spirit for me. Heck the overabundance of christmassyness post thanksgiving (this year it started before Halloween!) just makes me wanna step away and forget Christmas. I shouldn't be so happy during the interim between Christmas & new years. I think all the things you can do on a phone are stupid. It's supposed to call people! Do those things at home! I hate small talk. I hate people trying to have a cheerful conversation with me when I'm trying to work. I don't like it when people smile at my workplace. Why do you get to be happy and I dont? I don't think women should wear high heels. I don't think dudes should wear sandals or flip flops. I don't think trick or treating should have an age limit. I think breakfast is the first meal you eat after waking up, not solely in the mornings. In playing RPGs of any sort, I think it's a little (what's the word?) gay for a dude to be running another dude Lipstick doesn't look good on most women. Red is a lousy color for lipstick and nail polish. I don't think women should pint their toenails. It rarely looks good. I think monogamy is overrated and is an archaic form of social relationship. Polyamory, an open relationship, where both members date each other and whomever they want, and their partners date whomever they want, all with each others consent, is the perfect way to go. Marriage isn't a religious institution, it's a social contract. Gays have the right to do it too, duh. The concept of valuing virginity is stupid. Sex keeps the human race going. And it feels nice (like I'd know...). Just be responsible. Abortions wouldn't be an issue if everyone had access to morning after pills. No cell division in the womb. No kid. I hate people asking me how I'm doing. It's none of their business. They wouldn't like the answer anyways. The 1950s are a cultural lowpoint for america I like furries. I like G3 & G3.5 (pre-newborn cuties, which should be counted as it's own seperate gen) That's all I got for now. Sorry if you're offended. I'm a rather discontent & jaded person. I blame middle & high school. I think i just gave myself a headache typing all this. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 (edited) I don't like lesbian/gay ships at all and the only lesbian/gay ships I prefer thinking of as a "bromance" thing than being lesbian/gay. I'm not anti-gay or anything, but my problem is... I really doubt any of the characters in the show a lesbian/gay... Also, there are much worse Sonic games than '06. Not that I like 06 or anything, I think it's terrible, but I'd rather play that over Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis (GBA port), Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic Drift, Sonic Schoolhouse, Sonic Spinball for Game Gear, and Sonic and the Secret Rings, honestly. Edited November 26, 2014 by Skarloey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Black Circle 1,586 November 26, 2014 Share November 26, 2014 Morrowind is actually is a pretty horrible game from a gameplay and mechanics perspective until you fix it with mods. Agreed. (Even though this is my favorite game of ALL TIME.) Rap music is a good genre, yet again. You gotta look in the right places. I'm too lazy. Biscuit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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