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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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On the subject of Smash Brothers, I never saw the big deal in Mewtwo. He's kind of an average fighter and nothing amazng.


Mewtwo may never have been high in the 'tiers' from my understanding, but I really couldn't care less about competitive play (people can play that way, just not me). The thing is that Mewtwo had a unique moveset and there really wasn't any reason for removing it. Plus, Mewtwo was the 'final boss' Pokemon of the original games. Certainly more impactful than a random sidequest Pokemon (Lucario).

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I would not be surprised at all if frozen 2 is actually in the making


Out of all the 3DS games I've played, sorry to say, but super mario 3D land was my least favorite despite the love and hype


Iced coffee is a lot more refreshing than hot coffee, but that's just me

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Plus, Mewtwo was the 'final boss' Pokemon of the original games. Certainly more impactful than a random sidequest Pokemon (Lucario).


Given that Lucario and the Mystery of Mew came out around the time of Brawl's release, Lucario was pretty big.




Michael Bay doesn't deserve all of the criticism he gets. Not every movie has to be some ultra cryptic and deep masterpiece.

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I'm not a fan of Super Smash Brothers, Mario Party, or...really any multiplayer game. I like watching other people play games and playing games while in the presence of other people, but I just can't get into multiplayer games for some reason.

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I would not be surprised at all if frozen 2 is actually in the making

Pretty sure it probably is. Disney might not be quite as much of a sequel making monster as they used to be but given how damned popular the movie was, how much money they made from it via DVDs, ticket sales and merchandise it's fairly obvious they're going to make a sequel to milk that cash cow more. I've stated I'm sick of the film but I am curious as to what they'll do for a sequel.

  • Brohoof 1


^full sized avatar picture there

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Any form of trolling is not funny. It is the internet equivalent of bullying. 


This video further explains this



Also, being an asshole and constructive criticism aren't the same thing. This seems to be a common mentality on the internet. People will disguise their petty insults and ad homonyms in say, the comments of a review as constructive criticism, then say the reviewer can't take criticism, and call them butthurt, autistic, a man child, or retarded. And if you rightfully take offense to any of these, then you're suddenly labeled as more butthurt. Want proof? Just watch your typical commentary on other users or heck, just read the comments of a review that, well was not well made, people went too far with their hate. 

  • Brohoof 4



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Any form of trolling is not funny. It is the internet equivalent of bullying. 


This video further explains this



Also, being an asshole and constructive criticism aren't the same thing. This seems to be a common mentality on the internet. People will disguise their petty insults and ad homonyms in say, the comments of a review as constructive criticism, then say the reviewer can't take criticism, and call them butthurt, autistic, a man child, or retarded. And if you rightfully take offense to any of these, then you're suddenly labeled as more butthurt. Want proof? Just watch your typical commentary on other users or heck, just read the comments of a review that, well was not well made, people went too far with their hate. 

Indeed being an ass and giving constrictive criticism are two totally different things. If you use constant insults you are not giving constructive criticism. If you unfairly compare their work to yours or some other artist you aren't giving constructive criticism.

If you're polite and try your best to be as kind in your comparisons and such then you're giving constructive criticism.

  • Brohoof 2


^full sized avatar picture there

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I hate franchises like DBZ,Street Fighter,and Mortal Kombat where every character is overpowered.

*activates flame shield*


  • Brohoof 2


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I don't like The Beatles. That is honestly the only unpopular opinion I think I even really have.


I wouldn't say I dislike them, and I do know they were an important part of music history, but I don't see them as these ''untouchable geniuses'' like so many other people do.  

  • Brohoof 1


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I dislike the "PC Gaming Master Race" stuff. I mean, I'm fine with people liking computers over consoles, but I hate it when people act like giant snobs about it.


Also, there is no time when shows were good. Every decade has shows that are good, and shows that are bad.


And I never really liked Disney Channel that much. No matter if in the 90's or now. They never really had that many great shows. Recess and Gravity Falls were/are okay, but the rest were just bleh.

  • Brohoof 2
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- Most Mariah Carey songs, especially "All I want For Christmas is You", "Emotions", and "Visions of Love" annoy the crap outta me.

  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I wasnt a huge fan of Catcher in the Rye. People are always like 'oh its amazing look at this masterpiece' but it just seemed confusing for the sake of being confusing until the later parts where it actually realized it was a book that needed an actual story.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Bruno Mars (Phil Collins wannabe) is the most annoying pop singer today.

  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I don't like The Beatles. That is honestly the only unpopular opinion I think I even really have.



I wouldn't say I dislike them, and I do know they were an important part of music history, but I don't see them as these ''untouchable geniuses'' like so many other people do.  


*applauds* finally someone says what needs to be said.


I don’t hate the Beatles, there hits were fun.


But on the downside


There early stuff was crap: I shocked my dad asking what that crap country music was when it was playing on the radio. I wasn’t having a dig, I seriously thought it was just crap old country music.


Groundbreaking maybe, but other artists have done groundbreaking music since then. And the Beatles aren’t the only band who ever did anything new or groundbreaking. And it's just annoying to me when people try to pass of the Beatles being the only band who are of any importance etc.


And I dislike the “all you need is hate” attitude of some Beatles fans when meeting those who personally aren’t that into Beatles mania. The ones who go on a “you got no taste because yours is different to mine” rampage.


Oh and to add a random one, the Liverpool accent is awful. 

  • Brohoof 3
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They tell you that you have no free will and that God has a "better plan" for you than what you can come up with yourself, among other things, how is this not controlling?


While I'm not Christian, that's not true. It's said in the Bible that God gave us free will.

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"Unpopular opinion" threads are entirely useless. They're always filled with a small handful of people posting over and over again and patting each other on the back. Most of the things I'm seeing in this thread are things that I hear every day in real life. If your opinion was really unpopular, then people should probably... oh, I dunno... disagree with you. Instead of giving you a chorus of agreement after the obligatory "there, I said it! haters gunna hate!" variation to seal the deal. That's probably an indication that your opinion is not actually unpopular.


Plus, how are we defining popularity in this case? To which group of people is this popular or unpopular? Are we talking only about forum members? A certain area? A certain demographic? The world at large? Your opinion's popularity changes completely depending on context.


To support the point I am making, I actually have no idea how "popular" or "unpopular" this is. I could spout off a list of opinions that I have, and I would be just as in the dark for every one of them as I am with this one. Without statistics popularity is unmeasurable, and without context, discussions about popularity are meaningless.

  • Brohoof 8
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I think the cel-shaded graphics in the TF2 beta look better than the graphics in the game we have currently:


Also, when people compare Battlefield and Call of Duty, my personal opinion on both of them is that they're equally generic. 

Edited by (MLG)xX_KILOBYTE_Xx

out of my swamp

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