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Lord Theoretical

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Console gaming is miles better than PC gaming.


Yeah. PC gaming is too expensive and doesn't feel right. To me, gaming was meant to be played with a controller on your couch/bed/etc. Sure you can equip a controller to your PC, but you'll get annihilated online by players using mouse & keyboard. 

  • Brohoof 1
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My unpopular opinion is Tidus is a good character and is probably the most relatable of the final fantasy franchise as many of his personality trates respectively are human reactions and questions but as many of us are so well known to do is criticise how it is annoying and that he is stupid, well put your self in his shoes and ask yourself have I ever been skeptical, akward or ignorant you would find that yes you have and probably still are.

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I am a athiest. I think COD is getting old. Most TV sucks. Not a big fan of most american candy. More Shall be added

These aren't really that unpopular. Some aren't even opinions. :v






Nirvana's 'Bleach' album was the best, not 'Nevermind.'


Applejack will never escape the title of background pony.


If r34 artists such as Mittsies worked with hardcore fan animators, writers, and VAs, we could have a pretty good project going on.


Take Me Out.

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Season 1 is overrated,

Not bad, but highly overrated. It's better than S3, but not nearly as good as S2 and S4.


There were still some weak episodes that lacked something, like Ticket Master and Look Before You Sleep (Boast Busters lacked everything)

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes. Yes it is. But that's precisely what makes it so dang funny. :D :D :D

Well, I hate it. All it is a ugly looking dog with bad grammar and spelling.


(No offense to any doge fans)

Edited by SuperNESBrony
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And that's............ bad?


(kudos if you get the reference, which I would've posted if I could find a video of it)

To me it's bad, at least.


Remember, it's my personal opinions.


Also, I don't get that reference.


And another unpopular opinion - Windows 8 is not bad at all. It just takes some time to get used to. At least it's not crashing every 5 minutes (*ahem* Windows ME...).

Edited by SuperNESBrony
  • Brohoof 1
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Command line > GUI


Conky > Rainmeter


Windows 8/8.1 != Windows 7 ... At all.


I don't support getting rid of opticals... some of us still have crappy internet.


Console gaming is miles better than PC gaming.


That's unpopular alright. Care to share your reasoning?

I'll be on the #! forums if you want me.

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  • The Xbox One and PS4 are the same exact shit, but in a different package. The Wii U, while it employs wicked restrictive DRM on its users, is actually something different. And I appreciate that.

In the interests of the First Amendment and how it specifically forbids Congress from establishing a state religion for America, America should remain a secular state. (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.)

LGBT people are people too. I'm bisexual, am I not a person as the rest of you are?

Apple products are absolute garbage and yet knows how to delude people into thinking that paying $2500 for a laptop with a GT 750M and no upgradeable parts or $300 for a phone with a tiny, sub-HD-resolution screen, no expandable storage and a million different ways to void the warranty is a good deal. I mean, that shiny screen makes up for it, right?

Anime is overrated.

Nokia >>>>>>>>>>> Samsung >>>>>>>>>>>>> HTC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple

I liked Magical Mystery Cure

Windows 7 is boring

PC gaming is gaming of the future. The PS4 and Xbox One are stuck 4 - 5 years ago with just lies and buzzwords backing them up.

Console wars are just as childish as the people involved in them.

You are not better than those PC "elitists" if you mock other console gamers for getting the other console and not the one you chose.

You read the constitution? Good for you, so did I.

FTL: Faster than Light is overrated.

Opera used to be a very, very good browser. Now I think the Opera team has lost their touch and I am considering moving to Chrome.

Bragging about exclusive games is cancerous. Yeah, I enjoy all my PC exclusives, but who's to say that the console gamers can't enjoy them too? Aside from all the limitations of the consoles and how expensive developing for them is.

On the note of consoles, the Super Nintendo is the best console ever made.

Realism should not be a valid reason for playing a game, unless it's a simulator. That's the one exception.

Games shouldn't be like movies; you will give me a "cinematic" 30FPS cap, super-edgy game over my PC's dead chassis!

If you own an Xbox One or PS4, or religiously play Call of Duty, Battlefield or mobile games, congrats! You are contributing to everything wrong with gaming these days.

90% of mobile games can die in a fire.

1280x720 should not be an acceptable resolution for gaming in 2014.

Edited by Daring
  • Brohoof 1
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I think that all religions are just widely accepted cults and are one of the only things from holding society from being a utopia.

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Time for a new round of these I guess.


1. I own and read a Bible, as an Atheist. I think all non-religious people should, despite the many flaws and horrid things it teaches, it also teaches some great lessons. (Although I tend to read it as a comedy.)


2. Pop music/Country are the two worst genres of music. I'll listen to everything else.


3. There is no correct political system, all of them suck.


4. Live action television is extremely boring, especially sitcoms.


5. It's okay for males to read/watch romance oriented books/shows. Romance is amazing.


6. Marijuana, crack, etc. shouldn't be illegal, but should be treated as a public health issue.


7. Despite how much I complained, high school was one of the most fun experiences I have ever had. Take it slow and enjoy it before you have to handle more serious responsibility.


8. Cats > Dogs


9. You don't need to be excessively safe online. Sure, be careful where you upload your personal information, do a virus scan regularly, but you don't need a different password for every account, 30 letters long that are random codes... Just play it by ear.


10. Porn is good. Everyone should look at it at least once in their lives.


11. You shouldn't play it safe and make sure you are financially secure when you are young. You should take risks, visit new places, and experience the world.

  • Brohoof 3


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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~Rainbow Dash is overrated

~Pinkie is worst pony of mane 6

~Pinkie Pie is annoying.

~Vinyl Scratch is Overrated

~Anime is stupid

~People are overreacting to Facebook buying Oculus

~I actually sorta liked Rainbow Falls, if only for Spitfire.

~I hate Canon x OC shippings and art.

~dubstep is the worst genre of music

~death metal sucks

~Black Ops 2 Is the best recent CoD.

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Apple products are absolute garbage and yet knows how to delude people into thinking that paying $2500 for a laptop with a GT 750M and no upgradeable parts or $300 for a phone with a tiny, sub-HD-resolution screen, no expandable storage and a million different ways to void the warranty is a good deal. I mean, that shiny screen makes up for it, right?



I only paid a grand total of $50 for my iPhone, and it does everything I really need in a phone. "[A]bsolute garbage" is a bit extreme.


And on that note, tech elitists annoy me to no end. Console wars are nonsense, as is the elitism of the PC gaming community. Every bit of it is unnecessary. People have opinions and should like what they like, and leave the rest alone. Other people liking another console/platform does nothing to you.


This is one subject where I flat out can't understand why people can't just get along... It's just...dumb. There's nothing to argue. The console wars are all a bunch of people criticizing the opposing compan(ies) for the very same things that the opposing side is criticizing their companies for.


4. Live action television is extremely boring, especially sitcoms.


So glad I'm not alone on this!


Those sitcoms always come on in the break room during my lunch break, and they do absolutely nothing for me. Yet my coworkers seem to find them funny... They'll laugh and I'm wondering "What in the world was funny about that?". They're so dull, and pretty much anything that has to insert a fake audience laughing to show you what's supposed to be funny just rubs me in the wrong way.


I hate to be so closed-minded, but when I look at live-action TV all I see are a number of categories: Reality shows/game shows, dull sitcoms, forensic shows (yuck!), and action/violence/zombie shows.


Sorry, but none of those do anything for me. They tell me to "grow up" from cartoons, but cartoons are just so much better and varied. So, I refuse!

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I don't like mushrooms on my pizza


I most certainly agree, but I didn't know that was an unpopular opinion.


IMO, mushrooms belong in the ground... Nowhere near my food or mouth.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I tend to think that those who prefer Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 7 are M$ Fanbois/goils to some extent.


I most certainly agree, but I didn't know that was an unpopular opinion.


IMO, mushrooms belong in the ground... Nowhere near my food or mouth.


More for me at least!

  • Brohoof 1

I'll be on the #! forums if you want me.

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pretty much anything that has to insert a fake audience laughing to show you what's supposed to be funny just rubs me in the wrong way.


Contrary to popular belief, this is not the purpose of laugh tracks. It it a fact for most people that they will find anything funnier with more people in the room. The point of the laugh track is to make it feel like you're watching the show with an audience to make it a more entertaining experience. Personally I love laugh tracks and think they fit fine in most shows that they're in.

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-Fluttershy is boring.


-AJ is annoying most of the time. Tends to be a trend with characters that are meant to be the voice of reason- they instead end up aggravating. I like her better these days, though.


-Dave Polsky is the best writer on the show right now. With M.A. Larson gone, someone had to step up- and Polsky did. He's a braver writer than most of the others(see Haber), can write a good story. His problems lie in small plotholes(commonplace for all writers, and can be disregarded as long as it's not to bad...), and being a bit awkward at morals(good thing they aren't as vital anymore!).


-All the Two-parters the show has had are either badly written/paced, or are bit stock(Yes, even the Return of Harmony one had major pacing problems).


-The Crystal Empire was a more solid two-parter than either the pilot or A Canterlot Wedding, and was better written in general.



-Sean Banan should usurp Celestia:


King Sean Banan the First!


"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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That's unpopular alright. Care to share your reasoning?

PC gaming is very expensive, not only do you need your computer to be updated constantly, to keep up with new games, but that console gaming in itself is  fast and simple.

  • Brohoof 2
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