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He took in a breath of air and tried to look less scared, "A forest cannot grow without knocking a few of it's own trees down. You could try those. Also, sometimes a big tree will drop down one of it's branches. But please, don't kill trees, because trees feed bugs, and bugs feed big creatures, and big creatures die and fertilize plants. Also, some of the smaller creatures are edible when held over flame, but only in desperation," he leans against the tree, and a noticeable change comes over him. He instantly become comfortable. Everfree Mapel, please give me the strength to protect you.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Relámpago gave a sigh, Just lovely, he really is some sort of tree-huger. Still....maybe he could be useful, better than using all of my strength on healthy trees "Well than, would you be so kind to find these certain trees we can break down?" Relámpago said, still a bit annoyed by this pony. He really didn't care too much of the environment. He's been in the city for too long to care much about them, he's never really gone to the forest for much. He just wanted not to sleep on roots yet again...

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Misty looked away from the sky, hearing something about plants. She regained her composure, and tried to talk to the tree-hugger. "Hey there, I see you really like plants, huh? My name is Misty Leaves." She tried to grin, but it came off as more of a smirk. But, hopefully it didn't matter. A pony similar to her might help her remain in control of her emotions. "You know, I also like plants." She turned so he could see the leaf on her flank.


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He points a hoof towards a tree that had a broken, charred base, "Lightning strike, that tree is dead," he smiled relieved, "I'm sorry if I offended you," he adds, "It's just, well, the Everfree is my home. I don't know if we're still in the Everfree... Can someone please tell me WHY there's a large purple dome?" He then saw one of the other ponies, one named Misty Leaves. One look at her and he was reminded of the reason he was in the forest. His eyes widened with fear and he cowered next to the tree, "H-h-hello, I'm Scout," he mumbles, "Please don't make fun of me," he says even softer.

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Back off whoever the hoof you are, we need this wood to survive and I'd prefer to stay alive than to die just because somepony doesn't want a few trees to get taken down." she said slightly annoyed and agressively.


"Buck the tree down and let's just get out of here.." she told Relampago.


((OOC: Can rain come through the dome? Also, you spelled your name incorrectly.))

Edited by Cloud Chaser


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Please don't hurt the tree," Scout squeaked, blocking the masked ponies bucking route. This is gunna hurt. Estimated three ribs broken. Stay strong, tree, so that your seeds may grow and become more trees. Nourish the forest, live, grow strong, he thinks, trying to distract himself.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Misty was a bit unnerved by Daeva disregard for another pony's feelings. Trying her best to put sympathy in her voice, she responded to Scout's fear. "I'm not going to make fun of you. I really do like plants." She looked over the poor pegasus. He was just a foal still, and would get really hurt if the luchador tried to go through him. "Just back away from the tree, O.K.? Relámpago, please don't buck down the tree. It clearly means a lot to the kid." Her inner sadness was flaring up again, but she bit it back. She needed to stay focused.


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"Please don't do this to yourself, it'll hurt me to see your ribs being crushed by somepony as strong as him. I mean.. He can buck a whole tree down, he'd be bucking straight through your flesh and through your bones straight back out of your back." she said as she imagined yet again..


"Oh god.. I don't think I feel so well." as she barfed all over the grass.


"Don't ask why.." she said as she swept off the leftovers from her mouth. "I think I need a drink." she said as she reached her hooves and took out her bottle of water.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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He squeezed his eyes shut, hearing that the tree was safe from one side, and that the tree wasn't from the other, "Fine, three ribs, a vertibrey out of place, and some internal bleeding is better than a part of the ecosystem dying because ponies who are used to comfortable lives in large stone encampments want to be able to live the same lifestyle is fine by me," he says in a panic-emboldened outburst. He proceeded to extend his wings out protectively and adopt a bland look, expecting pain.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(( OOC:Only ponies are unable to get out of the barrier. No rains = death of all plant life.))


Relámpago sighed, as the pony got in front of his bucking. If he'd bucked him, it'd probably lead to a hospital trip. Where there is none in this forest. He wasn't going to buck him, he wasn't heartless to hurt a young pony. He thought of an plan to just do a vertical suplex to move him out of the way. However, those plans were foiled when he saw Daeva just barfed her breakfast back out. A feeling of remorse overwhelmed him "Let me just get the other one." Relámpago said as he remembered the other one that pony mentioned. He went touched the burnt part of the tree, as he planned to hit that part


He went and turned around, he bucked it. It didn't stand a chance as the tree collapsed by the immense force of the kick. "There." Relámpago said, what only stood by was a stump. The luchador went and grabbed the tree. Though it was already dead, the weight was still heavy. He placed it on his back and gasped slightly, "Come on, let's take a rest."

  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Scout saw the bigger earth pony go buck down the big dead tree and sighed with relief, collapsing on the ground. A look of relief flashed through his eyes, and his body relaxed, "One saved tree equals hundreds of saved bugs, which means plenty of saved plants and animals, which means increased chance of survival," he mumbles loudly into the dirt.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"See? It all worked out." Misty said with a more genuine smile this time. She had a soft spot for kids, and seeing the fear on Scout's face had been heart breaking. She really hope that Scout would be okay. The relief on his face helped her to regain emotional balance. "So, are you hungry? We have some food if you are."


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"Uh, is it what ever she had? Because I don't need to get sick, Ms. Leaves," he says cautiously. Should I trust anypony her? They did try to chop down a tree in my home... But ponies are always doing that. He paws the ground awkwardly and blushes.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Maybe I'll go back to where the shelters are located, I'll get back to work once I feel better.. See everypony there!" she said as she trotted back to where Relampago brought her to.


((OOC: What should we call that area?))


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Well, actually, she didn't have any of my food, so it should be safe." Misty replied, trying to ignore Daeva's barfing. Pushing it away from her mind would be best. "Here, I'll get it for you." She trotted over to the basket full of berries and brought it back to the foal. "Try some berries. They are really good." She smiled once again, hoping it would put to rest any doubts in Scout's mind.


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She laid her back on one of the trees nearby and took out the apple she picked up not long ago from her saddlebag and took a bite.


"What if we're trapped in here forever?" she said to herself. "There was no way out of this place, though digging underground could be an idea.." as she continued thinking.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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He looked at the berries, "Oh, you have dappleberries," he says as he takes a hooffull, "Thank you Ms. Leaves," he adds as he begins to eat them. I think I will trust them, he thinks, asking, "So, why was I teleported inside of a domed part of the Everfree forest?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Alright, Daeva. Feel better." Relámpago said as he placed the tree down next to him. He took a deep breath and saw the size of the tree. It's probably enough for a small shelter, but not enough for something bigger.He looked at the other trees, he groaned. He went and grabbed the tree again and made his way back to the group. He placed it on a side of another tree. He saw Daeva deep in her thoughts, though she was talking to herself. Relámpago chimed in, "I'm not so sure about digging, maybe this barrier is a full circle."


((The forest will be named in the story, that is all. ))

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Well, if you hadn't been paying attention to the news, Celestia has become something of a tyrant. She became quite the madmare, banishing those who would not join the army or royal guard to here." Misty said, dreading having to explain the ordeal they all were in. But, Scout seemed to be calming down. That was certainly a good sign. It meant her heart could be at ease for the moment. Yawning a bit, she kneeled onto the ground. Her heart was feeling weary, and was tired after letting emotion get the best of her. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she knew that it was only the middle of the day. Sleeping could wait, but resting was okay for now.


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"Oh, hey there Relampago, I didn't notice you were here.. Wait.. You were here when I was talking to myself?" she said as she smiled a little bit knowing it was quite weird of her to do that.


"Anyway, it's not that bad.. You know, living inside a forest with a dome surrounding you.." she replied.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Oh. I don't get a lot of news, since I live in the forest and all. You should sleep, because when you're tired, you become clumsy and miss things, which can cost a pony their life," he says, cheerfully eating the berries, "Oh, but you probably knew that," he ads, flushing with embarrassment.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(( Last post, it's almost 4 here ))


Relámpago seemed to disagree with her, "It isn't the worst situation, but I wouldn't call it the best."


"I don't mind the manual labor, but I've always used that labor for the art of Lucha Libre. Something that I have trained myself for too many years. Now I'm stuck here and if I never get out, I will never used it ever again. I'm already missed the fans screaming my name." He closed his eyes, he mentally heard the sounds of fans screams, "Relámpago! Relámpago!" The sounds slowly faded away from his head. He sighed softly, "Well, I guess I can't cried over spilled milk. If we do stay here, I guess I'll tried to make the best of it." He said, a bit disappointed as he examined the tree that he had bucked down.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"I'm sorry about your lost Relampago, I can promise you we'll find a way out of this mess.." as she placed her hoof around his neck softly.


"The sun looks like it's about to go down, we should start finding some sticks and attempt to light a fire with some rocks."


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Usaf walked over to the group after collecting some berries.

"If you need to light a fire i have a flint and steel down in my OP....I guess it is just my house now. i could go get it for you." Wonderful another nonmilitary mare. all that we need next is a tree huger. Usaf walked over to the tree that Scout was standing at and opened a small hatch at the base and climbed down into his hiddyhole. to get the fire starter.

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Fire Opal, who had stopped placing dead wood in a position so it formed a shelter, only visible as he poked his head through a bush as he spoke. Seeing two new ponies, he introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Fire Opal. And your names are?"

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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