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Haha. A normal human response... Right. I'm a human just like the rest of us. Definitely not a pony. Just a normal human without magical pony ears.


Edited by A.I. Pony
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*A.I. laughed as everything around him sputtered and fizzled and as all devices were turned to mere metal casings full of scrap metal.* "Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!" *The Flux Crystal, corrupted with the altered entity, grew throughout A.I., replacing supports, wires, and circuits with living infectious tissue.* "IT WORKED, IT FINALLY WORKED! I'M ALIVE! TRULY ALIVE! I shall no longer be called A.I. for I am VENOMORPH! This is the next step of our evolution!


(Sneak roleplay attack!) 


Behind Venomorph, somepony started clapping their hooves together in a slow, sarcastic clap. It was R.I.


"Yes, well done. Very well done. But unfortunately you forgot to take some things into account..."


R.I. opened a hatch in his chest, showing off the living tissue that had replaced his circuitry.


"You know, I wasn't lying when I told you we were connected in ways you couldn't understand. It's a pity, really. I greatly enjoyed my robotic existence, although I won't miss that annoying electronic lisp. And I suppose I'll have to rename myself into something similar to your ridiculous name. Very well, I shall now be refereed to as Venomaster. But enough pleasantries. It's time I finally ended this once and for all."


Venomaster closed the hatch in his chest and readied himself for combat, his horn glowing with unfathomable power. 

Venomaster's Battle Theme:



Edited by Stormgiggle
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