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ooc The Dark Research Facility RP (OOC + Sign-ups)


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RP thread: http://mlpforums.com...128#entry725128



Okay, Let's do this,


A long while back, a shady research facility opened up on the Equestrian border. The facility was never reported as to being opened, it never employed any workers, very few ever even saw it. Several rumors surrounded the facility; It created it's own workers, warping life and even creating new life-forms. Several ponies claimed to have been there....None of them remained sane enough to report their findings.


Several years back, two ponies disappeared, they were sent to find the mysterious facility and mark it's exact location, nothing was ever heard from them, they just disappeared.


Celestia began to fear this place, she couldn't investigate herself, she was needed too much to leave. She had an idea though, she would send in a team of volunteers, as long as they were voluntary, she didn't have to worry too much about what would happen if they were injured.


She compiled a plan-sheet, to be given to all that applied:



>Investigate the mysterious facility,


>Discover what happens there and what it's purpose is,


>Destroy any resistance if you have to,


>Recover any data/research that may lead to the discovery of the facilities' purpose.


>If possible, recover the two ponies sent in before.




There have been rumors of Bio-weapons, live-experiments and new weaponry, Exercise caution at all times.


You partake in this mission through your own free will, Be careful.




RP stuff:


You will be part of a team (Maybe two or more), or separate if you want (Like a Merc. or something.)

The journey there could take up to 3 days, I'll note the days as we go.

This will be full of action and related things, even a little horror.

Humor is welcomed, but topical, please...And appropriate.

No unneeded swears please (I don't mind Pony-swears though E.g. BUCK! Also, moderate language is fine.)

If you feel like GM-ing, contact me somehow, be it on here or otherwise before doing anything, and wait for my reply, It will usually be yes if acceptable. Don't be rediculous.

Don't kill off RP-ers, you are welcome to kill yourself though...If you want to....Oddly....


Sign up if you're interested, I'll start as soon as I get enough sign-ups!

If you have any specific notes you want me to see, write them down.

Remember to link to your character.


Anyone can join! At almost any time, jus' note down and wait for a reply, almost always yes.


Any edits/add-ons? Tell me!




I'm gonna need six people at a minimum, including me. OBTAINED,

Head over to the RP here: http://mlpforums.com...rp/#entry723603





#1 That One Guy, Drizzle Dare, http://mlpforums.com...zzle-dare-r1429


#2 BlueHeart, Beau BlueHeart, http://mlpforums.com...blueheart-r1269.....? (PR)


#3 Me, Shardikku, Emerald Blaze, http://mlpforums.com...ald-blaze-r1331


#4 NotWhatWeExpected, HeartBurn, http://mlpforums.com...heartburn-r1473


#5 PonyTrollz, Trolly, :http://mlpforums.com.../_/trolly-r1486.


#6 Giordano, Jacob, http://mlpforums.com...s/_/jacob-r1263


#7 PlasmaStorm X-15, Luminous, https://docs.google....VjB2ScS9P0/edit (GoogleDocs)


#8 EquestrianScholar, Mythos Gray, http://mlpforums.com...n-setting-r1487


#9 ZL Tavs, ZL, http://imageshack.us...17/myponyo.png/ (ImageShack)


#10 Desktop, Mach-Speed, http://mlpforums.com...ach-speed-r1508

Edited by Shardikku
  • Brohoof 2
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I'll be joining?



Yes, yes, I'm new to the site, but I know what I'm doing.


Umm...yeah...100 char limit and all...just ignore this?

Ignore this too. Kthx.


You're up!

Looking at your OC....I'm scared if you ARE a doctor....

Obviously, a good one, but a Bonesaw? Even if I have a slight head-ache? Waa! 0_o




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Please remember not to circumvent the character limit by adding filler to your posts. It only serve to clutter up the thread, and the forum in general. A hundred characters is an easy limit to reach. :)



  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Well...I need at least 2 more sign-ups before I can start, If that IS a problem (Which it might be...)

I'll have to do a quick Swiftablade-Switcheroo and edit the plan slightly...It shouldn't affect it much other than the fact that it'll just be an easy group, which I might consider anyway,


Kick off is either; Once we have six or more signed up, or within the next two days because I don't want to keep you all waiting AND I want to start!


Thanks to everyone that has signed up so far, I appreciate that! ^-^




Side-note: Can people find SOMETHING to say about anything when they post? The weather, The RP, What you happen to be doing at the weekend, Etc. Just don't put 'Filler' or something similar to fill up the Char. space limit.

2 Post have been shot already, I only have a few.... Do something!


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I am interested as I have a pony that has actually been hired in the past to investigate someplace or some pony... sometimes for those of more shady character. His talent is actually finding and retelling a good story and as such I found it reasonable that he would be able to apply his talent to find other things.


Let me repost my OC as it is currectly for one setting.

  • Brohoof 1
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Count me in!My OC:http://mlpforums.com.../_/trolly-r1486.

My OC's not all that perfect but im ready to join.I will make a perfect roleplay out of this(im sure).

Please accept me



I'm pretty intrigued by your description on the OC page, Odd to have a talent at trolling and yet seem normal (Heh!)

Also, Is your OC pic a recolour? It's not a bad one if it is, otherwise - I'm jus' being stoopid. ^-^

Thanks for sign-up,




I think i'll also participate this seems interesting. But is there any limits on the characters? I don't wanna just post my character and he's too broken/OP for this.


I hadn't thought about limits......Hm...Won't be many, that's for sure. If you get me a link I can check and decide.

You're almost definitely in though.



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Can i join with my Oc : http://mlpforums.com...s/_/jacob-r1263 This roleplay looks like it can get really interesting. Ps. When do you think you'll start this roleplay?


You're up!

Umm, I'm not sure when to start, probably once I've finished a few matters of business and added the remaining Sign-ups.

Within about 2 hours from now, all thanks to you!


Thanks. ^-^




Then here's my character https://docs.google....VjB2ScS9P0/edit i prefer google docs honestly. Just let me know if there's anything that needs to be nerfed. I won't mind it.


You'll be signed up in a moment, I've just got to go eat now, And I'm busy reading your Bio.

Very nice BTW, Pic & Story.


Sorry for the wait,





Edit: Read through, very nice story, if you ever write a fic (or if you already have.) Tell me about it!

As for the magicks; Dumb them down a bit, E.g. multiple illusions, 25m, switching 'round, all that jazz - Don't edit your OC page, just remember; During this RP the version of that would be, multiple illusions, as far as you can maintain magic-flow (not too far) switching around....Seems a bit technical, but if you (YOU CAN) can keep track of everything, feel free, jus' no SERIOUS OP-ing or GM-ing, okay?


Yeah, You're up, I've got to take my dog out though, so bear with me, I'll be about 20mins max.

Sorry for another delay.




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Also, Is your OC pic a recolour?


Yes, it is.I don't know how to make an OC so i recoloured a character :/.Is it good or bad because i couldn't make a real OC(i coudn't do the pose,the hair).Didn't know how to.


Signature and Avatar made by ~Chaotic Discord~

"People change but their changes don't last long."

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Yes, it is.I don't know how to make an OC so i recoloured a character :/.Is it good or bad because i couldn't make a real OC(i coudn't do the pose,the hair).Didn't know how to.


Dude, I admire Re-colours and original pieces more than the standard PC-OC, they show originality and difference that the other's don't, also, they take much longer to make (Coming from a minor Pixel-artist.)


If you want to standardize (Like a lot of other's do) Just Google up: 'General Zoi Pony Creator' and go onto the Da link.



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I am interested as I have a pony that has actually been hired in the past to investigate someplace or some pony... sometimes for those of more shady character. His talent is actually finding and retelling a good story and as such I found it reasonable that he would be able to apply his talent to find other things.


Let me repost my OC as it is currectly for one setting.


Waiting on your OC right now, No rush, but it's the last one before we start at some point,

Other's may join any time after, soon there will be a start, I require this page to have no pending sign-ups while I start.


As said - No rush, take yo' time an' chill.




Joe i'm a little confused at what you want me to do. It seemed a bit odd how your telling me i should nerf these things down but in what way?


I agree, my communication was a bit.....Crap....There, I'll try again.

Basically, try not being so technical E.g. certain distances? Change to..Something like 'As far as you can see', or 'As far as you can reach with your magic for that spell.'


Understandable? Or am I being stupid...Again!

Sorry about misunderstandings, I use some words very....Differently than their actual purpose....




Right then, this is gonna be kicked up and turned into the OOC section for the RP,

The actual RP will be named.....Drum roll please..........The Dark Research facility, Wow I'm so original!


Lookin' forward to rockin'


Aka, the RP has officially begun as soon as I post up an RP thread.

In about 5/10 minutes GO!

Anyone who wasn't signed up, TELL ME, I'll deal with that ASAP.



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Here we go, here is Mythso Gray's bio: http://mlpforums.com...n-setting-r1487

If you have any complaints tell me, though I have used in on many sites without to much change or difficultly.


I probably will be unable to start today though, just to let you know.


You're in, just drop by when you want, It's up and rolling so feel free to join anytime.

I can't add you to the list today as I'm using my phone to post meaning I can't edit big posts properly. I'll add first thing tomorrow though.


Scrap that! You're up as soon as I finish editing the post saying so!

You're up!


Thanks for the sign-up.

See ya there.





@@Plasmastorm X-15,



Just a notice to tell you that the RP has started, I'm sorry about this li'l thing if you already realized and are busy or anything and haven't been able to post. Just to say; The RP link is at the top of the my first post on this thread.


I'm sorry if either you didn't realize because I didn't make it clear (Or send a message..) Or if you've already noted that it's running but haven't posted.



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Sorry i've been gone. My grandma was sent to the hospital due to kidney & liver infections plus my mom thinks that she has either a cesar or a stroke.


Okay, that's pretty serious, don't rush anything.

Was I heckling?

Anyway, do what you want.


The RP is up an' running if you didn't already know...(Which you probably did...I kinda made sure a few people did...)

Feel free to kick in at anytime.


Got to say - I appreciate the Explanation.



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It's okay. BTW why do you put "-Joe-"? Is it because someone else uses your MLPforums account or something? It just seems odd.

Anyways. I'll probably pop in now but i don't have a computer ATM for myself. I have to rely on the library currently. My mom's sister just moved yesterday. I mean't to asl her if i can have her Mac Apple Desktop computer but i forgot


BTW just wondering. Is Celestia going to give a speech or something? Cause i'm kinda confused on how to come in. I read through the logs and it looks like ya'll are still on the train or something.

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Eh, I don't know why I sign things off like that....Nah, no-one else even knows about MLPforums near me.

I do it everywhere I go though...................I'm like that.

Maybe I do it because then some people go;


"Ahaha, now I know his name I shall track him down and stalk him permanently....DAMN HOW MANY JOE'S ARE THERE IN THIS WORLD?! I'm going back to the moon....It's easier...."


Or yeah, something like that...


Anyway, BTT, Rock up anytime you want, soon would be perfect as I'm announcing the selections in a bit.

(Might want to read through the posts, there's only about 30 of them.)


Right then, sorted....Um......Anything else?....Uh....Right, When posting here and you want me to see it, either mention or quote me so I get notified.............Uh, done.




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Well, i know i can join at anytime but i'm confused at the posts. I read them but someone is still one the train i think and i'm still thinking on how to bring Lumi in.


Eh, I'm pretty sure all three of us were off the train, the other hasn't been around so I'm not sure where she is....

If you need an LZ give me a moment to announce the expedition members and get some attention in the crowd....Any.Way.Possible

I blew up a bush I got stuck in and I stole someones letter-y thing.

You'll think of something,

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