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open Ponyville roommates [RP topic]


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"You are kidding me right? well who am I going to be sharing rooms with?" Sky asked rather annoyed that he wasnt told that he would have to share the house with others. He hadnt lived with other ponies for years and it was going to be a completely diffrent life style for him.

Edited by Sky

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Well, you have Ice Opal there, you have Quillusion, you have Marisa, and, uh... Me." Star looked away. He wouldn't mind sharing his room, but he still wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea. "Kalypso and Nimbus are already sharing a room, so I guess they're out. Marisa and Quillusion are mares, and I don't think they would feel much comfortable sharing a room with a stallion... So, um... Your choice. The rooms are upstairs, have a peek and choose the one you like." Shooting Star headed back to the kitchen, waiting for the new member to make his choice.
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"no i don't ever pause when i speak because i have big lungs." laughed Kalypso "But yea there is some food in the fridge if anypony wants some, and shooting star you don't need to make Sky coffee i'll get it i need a cup anyways... So sky where are you from anyways?"

Edited by Kalypso

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"I was born and lived in Cloudsdale for eight years. After that ive been living on clouds around Equestria till now" Sky replied to Kalypso. "And uh I don't want to burden anypony who doesnt want to share a room with me so ill let somepony choose if they want to share a room with me" Sky said to Shooting Star as he entered the kitchen..

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Marisa heard a bunch of noise coming from downstairs, something about another pony and coffee, she rubbed her eyes and sighed, not like i was getting sleep anyway... she groggily got up and walked downstairs, she put a hoof to the side of her forehead and shook her head, "Do you know how late it is? I was trying to sleep, but with this noise not like it was going to happen" she sighed and walked over to Sky and held out a hoof, "Hey, i'm Marisa, if you need a room to stay in you can stay in mine, i don't care, as long as you don't poke into my things"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"If thats okay with you then thanks and im sorry if I woke you up" Sky replied as he shook Marisa's hoof. "And I promise not to go through your stuff." Sky was rather surprised that a mare had offered to share a room with him but he accepted the offer anyway.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Sorry for waking you up, Marisa... But as you can see, we've got a new pony to stay with us." Said Star "But you're right, it's pretty late... I'll just have my snack here and then we all should go to bed." Star lighted out the fire and served his hay fries on a small plate. "Oh, by the way, Sky. Would you still go for a cup of coffee? Last chance!"


Shooting Star was glad to see Marisa offering her room to Sky. "Well, then it's settled! Hope you two get along nicely. If you change your mind though, just give me a notice, alright?"

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"Oh i would never, i'm not that heartless... maybe" he said jokingly, "Its the second door on the left upstairs, if you need me then i wont be there for you because i'll be sleeping or trying to be, at least today"

She smiled and trotted back upstairs to her room, she was happy to add more people to the 'family'

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Thanks ill keep that in mind." Sky replied to Star Shooter. "And ill think ill pass on that coffe. Its pretty late I think I should just sleep." He said as he went up the stairs and into his new room. Sky saw that Marisa already occupied the bed. So he curled up into a ball on the floor and began to try to get too sleep.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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(Yall post so much...)

Quillusion heard voices downstairs, but decided to ignore it. She had already unpacked her things, and was now laying down, reading though one of her books she had brought. She loved to read, but she was getting rather tired, so she set the book down, layed back, and was soon fast asleep.

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Marisa opened one of her eyes slightly and say Sky sleeping on the flood, she nudged him with a hoof and smiled, "If you want the bed you can sleep on it instead, unless you're okay with being awkward and sleeping together, don't worry, i don't bite... very hard" she gave him a wry smile and waited for his answer.

Edited by Magneus

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Shooting Star soon finished eating and went back to his room, so he could get some sleep as well. It has been a long day, and he couldn't hide that he was also very tired. Passing through all of the others' rooms until he reached his - the last in the corridor -, he found himself enjoying the idea of sharing the house with others. I wonder how things are gonna go from tomorrow on he thought, as he lay on his bed and tried to get some shut eye.

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Sky laughed nervously. "I couldnt take the bed from you but that would be extremely ungentlemenly of me. But if you are okay with umm...Sleeping toghether then I guess we could...uhh..you know...Do that, but only if you want too." Sky said extremely nervously.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Marisa laughed quietly and looked down at Sky, she gave him and sly smile and got about an inch away for his face with hers,
"Well i don't want you being uncomfortable on the first night, and i don't mind as long as you don't mind, but its up to you. You can either sleep with the most amazing mare in the world, me. Or you can just be boring and sleep on the floor"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I dont mind at all." Sky said in a nervous tone as he got up off the floor and slowly got into the bed with Marisa. He tried to take up as little room as possible so that Marisa could be more comfortable. He curled up into a small ball on the very edge of the bed.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Marisa was surprised at him letting her take up most of the bed, "Hey! I'm not that fat" she nudged him and smiled, "But seriously, i don't take up very much room, i usually like to curl up anyway, so don't make yourself uncomfortable just to make room for me"

She was generally a kind pony, she thought of others before herself, but all she said was true.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I wasnt trying to imply you are fat. Sorry. Its just I havent slept with a pony let alone a mare all my life. So im kind of nervous and was just trying to let you be as comfortable as possible." Sky said as he uncurled out of a ball and moved inwards in the bed.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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"Jeez do you take everything this seriously? I was just joking about the fat thing, and i wouldn't have guess you would have before, but if were going to share a room might as well share the bed as well, that is until we get another"

She yawned and wrapped up in a small ball, she found this position rather comfortable, even if other ponies didn't.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Sorry. I just dont talk to many ponies and ive never been that good with talking to mares even if I am living with them." He said to her. "Well goodnight and thanks." He said as he fell asleep. He dreamt about his parents and the horrorfying event that changed his life so many years ago.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Nimbus woke up. He grabbed a book from one of his suitcases and stared at his sleeping roommate. "Hmm... This brings back memories." He stretched his wings and groaned. Nimbus got himself some tea and he silently flew up to the attic. He opened a window and climbed onto the roof. Nimbus took a few sips from his tea and stared at the rising sun. He sighed. "And this brings back even more memories."

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The birds sang outside, announcing the beginning of a new day. Shooting Star let out a big yawn and went through the corridor, noticing the other ponies still asleep. Hm... I don't know why, but I'm feeling like cooking again he thought, as he walked downstairs, and into the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. Heh, as expected. We have almost no food at all... I'd better go and buy some at the groceries store down street before the others wake up as Star picked up his bag and went outside.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Nimbus noticed Shooting Star walking out of the house. Nimbus called out to him. "Hey, you're up early. Where are you going?". He drank the rest of his tea and flew down to Star. "Come to think of it, you were the first one in the house yesterday, right?" Starstream chuckled. "Are you always early with stuff?"

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Star was startled by the pegasus resting on top of the roof. "Oh! Hey there, Nimbus! Didn't noticed you up there." Star turned around to speak to him. "Heh, well... I always try to not be late to anything. I hate being the last one, you know?" He answered. "Not only that, I like waking up early and prepare everything for when the others wake up. I was going to the grocery store just now to buy breakfast." Star noticed the empty cup. "I see you already got yourself a cup of tea though."

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"Umm, yeah. I like to get up early and drink some tea, while I watch the morning clouds before the weather mares get to them." Nimbus rested the cup next to a plant. "Mind if I tag along? I could help carrying some stuff. And afterwards I can help you prepare some food..." He paused for a while and chuckled. "Or at least try to help. I'm not exactly a chef cook."

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Marisa moaned and tossed around a bit, too early guys, too early... she got out of bed and tried not to wake up Sky, she wasn't surprised they both fit on the bed, she was smallish for her age.

She didn't know that Nimbus and Star had already left, but she did hear some noises from downstairs a little while ago, she rubbed her eyes and walked over into the bathroom, she quickly washed her face and brushed her mane, she was hungry but didn't feel like making breakfast, they were probably going to have to make a schedule for alot of things since they share the house.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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