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private Lockheed Expo RP


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"I'm still not sure about this" Sky said nervously


"Come on Sky, you look great" Krystal replied in a comforting tone


"But what if I say something stupid?"


She chuckled "Believe me, you won't say anything I haven't said already"


Sky didn't have time to protest any further. Their long flight from home near ponyville was over. It would have ended sooner but they had to fly slowly not to mess up their carefully groomed mains and tails and Krystal's dress. They landed on the sidewalk in Manehatten right outside the Cloudline ballroom. There was a long line up to the door that consisted of all kinds of ponies in extravagant dresses and tuxedo's. Krystal and Sky trotted up past the entire line and up to the bodyguard up front with a clipboard "Sorry. Back of the line" he said.


"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Krystal Serenity"


The bodyguard's eyes grew wide "Oh Miss Serenity I'm terribly sorry. Please come in" the guard unclipped the red velvet rope and stepped aside for her. She stepped forward past the rope and the bodyguard rudely clipped the rope back before Sky could follow. The guard gave him an angry glare.

Sky shrunk and looked towards Krystal for help.


"He's with me" Krystal said


"If you say so" the guard said as he slowly unhooked the rope and stepping aside, never taking his eyes off Sky.


Krystal and Sky interlocked their arms by the elbow and trotted into the party together.

Inside was perhaps the most extravagant party in Equestria (next to the Grand Galloping Gala). The ballroom was the size of half a football field with what might have been the largest chandelier in the world in the center. In the front of the room was a stage where the Royal Canterlot Symphony was performing with Octavia herself in the center. All around the room were pedestals with uncountable contraptions that could only have been the "latest and greatest" inventions that the invitation had mentioned.

Edited by Krystal

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Gemstone looked at his clock in his study. Oh my. Im going to be late for the party. Calls to his maid. Sunny Day im stepping out for a while. Ill be back late to night. Ok lets get this show on the road. Teleports to the party. Yup this is the place. Looking at the bouncer at the front door. Gemstone party of one. Right this way sir. Thank you sir. As he walks in he sees some old friends. Its good to see old friends.

Edited by Razorwing

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Storm Cloud looked at the building, every time she came to a party she suddenly felt the need to check if everything on her outfit was right. The boots were in place, the leather bracelets were in place, her tail still nicely braided up to the height of her knees making sure the rest of it could flow freely and she supposed the tips of her ears were still dyed in black.


She gulped and took a look at the badge that was attached to a little chain around her neck. She showed her invitation to the guard at the entrance. She walked in, she was a bit early and noticed only Sky and Krystal were present at the party.


Seeing them made a smile appear on Storm's face "Hey you two! How have you two been doing!" she said extending her hoof to greet Krystal and then gave a friendly hug to Sky "You're my neighbour and I never get to see you! You look great"


[OOC: It seems Ember is taking a break from the Forum]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Krystal was stunned to see Storm Cloud. She shook her hoof and gave her a friendly hug "It's so good to see you here Storm. How've you been? And what are you doing here anyway? I didn't know you were that important of a pony. No offense."


There weren't that many ponies in the ballroom yet but it was quickly filling up.

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Sky looked around the huge room and felt rather intimidated. He then turned to Krystal. "I hope I dont embarrass you." He thought to himself. He then turned to Storm and felt a little at ease. Maybe it wont just be extremely posh

ponies. He then heard Krystal and his intimidation came straight back.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Gemstone walked around and talked to some of the ponies he knew. He saw Blue Blood and was shocked to see him outside of Canterlot. It was a real shocker to see Fancy Pants there. Wow there are a lot of my high class friends here. He looks and sees some new faces. He walks over to the three. Why hello you guys. My name is Gemstone. It is nice to meet you all. What are your names?

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((OOC: I decided to stick with Bumble Berry.))


Bumble Berry slowly glided through the air, making sure that the beautiful gown she was wearing didn't get crumpled. She floated down towards the streets of Manehattan, where she carefully landed and looked left and right. Spotting the tall build where the party would be held, one of the fanciest parties in Equestria, she trotted over to the line and stood at the back, not wanting to provoke anypony.


Finally being let in after the long wait, Bumble headed toward the center of the ballroom, it still being quite empty. She spotted three familiar faces that she had met at the party what felt like so long ago, though it had only been a few months. Grinning, she headed over. Examining Sky and Krystal, she said, "I see you two have stayed together, congratulations!" Turning to Storm Cloud, the other pony she knew, she continued, "I'm guessing you and Embers are still together? I did in fact meet somepony a few weeks after the party, but he couldn't make to the party."

Edited by The Opals

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Starbolt was waiting at the back of the line. She saw several ponies step past the line and were admitted inside. She assumed they were VIPs. Starbolt was wearing a simple but good-looking dress. "This line is really long Fae. I'm tempted to just teleport inside." She commented.

'I'm quite sure that's a bad idea Starbolt.' Fae replied.

Starbolt sighed.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"Nah! I was planning to meet here with Ember, he's the VIP now!" she said cheerfully "He's written a pretty well selling serious of horror books. About humans and slendermane"


"I've kept my work at weather patrol and am doing my best to get a bit of promotion, but the rest of the ponies are good too. How's it going for you and Sky?"

  • Brohoof 1

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Embers, who was just walking out side of the line, NOT knowing were the V.I.P line was, sighed, but as he lowered his head, he saw a few other ponies that he knew.... He had never been to one of these, he was to poor, but thanks to sky, he had been able to get in, he started trotting twrods the V.I.P line, starting to feel happier about him self

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(sorry I'm a little confused. Are Storm and Embers still together?)


"We'll I'm glad you're doing well for yourself. And Sky and I are doing great!" Krystal nuzzled Sky's cheek "We were actually thinking of moving in together" Just then a white unicorn with a black mane trotted up to them and introduced himself "It's nice to meet you too, Gemstone. I'm Krystal and this is my date Sky. And this is Bumble Berry and Storm Cloud. So what business brings you here to my cousin's showcase?"

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Oh so your Krystal then. Well your cousin speaks very highly of you. And this is the great Sky. Shakes hoof. I had a dear friend of mine tell me about you and what a great party you had. I think you may him as Razor. Such a good kid, went back home a few weeks ago with a lovely young mare. And it is nice to meet you as well Bumble Berry and Storm Cloud. But yes Krystal your cousin asked me come here. My family owns one of the biggest gem mines in all of Equestria and are the biggest supplier of fine jewelery in Canterlot and Ponyvill. We also specialize in the magic properties each gem has in it. You would not believe the power these little gems have in them. Well it was nice talking to you all. I hope to see more of you at the party.

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By now the ballroom was mostly full and it was quite crowded.


"Speaking of Martin would anypony like to meet him?" Krystal asked the group "He said he'd be near the stage" she trotted off toward the front of the room with Sky in hoof and the rest of the group following.


They approached a large group of ponies all huddling around a center. Some were holding cameras and were jumping to try and get a picture of whoever was in the center. Then suddenly the entire group started to laugh uncontrollably. Once the laughter died down a voice could be herd from the center "We'll how was I supposed to know her dress was flammable?!" the entire crowd erupted in laughter again. "Is that Krystal? Hey guy's could you move over so my cousin could come through?" the crowd parted revealing Martin Lockheed himself in the center. He was, as always, wearing his artificial wings that he designed himself. He also had on a tuxedo and was holding a glass of champagne. "Krystal it is you!" Martin said. He outstretched his arms "Come here cous'" Krystal came closer and hugged him "So this must be the Sky you told me about" Martin reached out and shook his hoof "You're a luck colt"

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"The luckiest of them all." Sky replied as he shook Martins hoof. "So, you are the famous inventor. You know ive read that you are so smart you could escape Canterlot's 'inescapable' prison with ease. And by the sound of the crowd you're quite a showman too. Its a pleasure to finally meet you"

  • Brohoof 1

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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Martin laughed "It's nice to meet you too Sky. I don't know about being able to escape that prison. That place is the most fortified facility in Equestria, well, except for Canterlot Castle, and my office" every few seconds there was a flash from a camera "Please, let's get away from the paparazzi; they drive me mad." They all walked over to the bar "Hey buckie!" Martin said to the bartender "Three sparkling ciders" he put some bits on the counter and the bartender came back with three glasses of sparkling cider. Martin hooved one to Krystal and Sky "So Sky, Krystal tells me that you can 'evaporate things'" He looked at Krystal who just shrugged "Tell me how that works again, Sky."

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"Well, im not to sure myself, how it exactly works. Ive been able to do it ever since I went half way through the rainbow machine in Cloudsdale. The liquids almost feel part of me" Sky replied as he evaporated his cider into a cloud and began drinking it.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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As Gemstone walks around he starts to see some of his clients at the party. Mr. Fancy your new hoof links are finished. You come get them in the morning. Walks to another. Sir that ruby and diamond hair pin you ordered will be in at the end of the week. And another. Sir can i speak to you in privet. Your wife's ring is ready. I brought it with me tonight so you can make your move. Winks and walks away. Now that only leaves one pony left. The host of the party. Waking over to the bar he sees sky drinking out of a cloud. Now that is a neat trick my dear Sir. Mr. Lockheed that "thing" you had me work on is ready.

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"Ah yes that 'thing'. You'll have to excuse me" he set's down his glass and trots away with Gemestone to a more secluded corner of the room, yet the still paparazzi manages to snap a picture or two every few seconds "So it's actually finished this time? You're a little late on the delivery but don't worry, I won't charge extra"


Krystal takes a sip from her glass. She turns to Sky and asks "So what do you think of my cousin? Are you still worried you'll embarrass me?" she gives him a teasing look

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Embers had gotten in.....after about 20 mins, "Yay! i got in!" Embers ran twrods his friends, and promptly tripped, and fell down. He slowly got back up "well, ill go a bit slower now" He said as he started walking (I have no idea, ask her!) Embers said "Hey guys! sorry im late, that blasted line...."

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Bumble Berry looked to Embers. "Hey there Embers! Good to see you again!" She looked behind him at the still lengthy line, then turned back to him. "It wasn't that long when I got here. Guess a lot of ponies come in late." He looked between him and Storm Cloud. "Well, are you two still together?"

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Yea i know its a little late but it took a little more time to make it just right. Plus i had to fire the kid that was working with me. He had mixed the gem to crystal ratio wrong and i had to pull everything back down to its basic strutter and start from scratch. But its perfect now. Walks into the back room where it was. Ta-da!! This gem right here is just what your company needs. Puts the gem in a box and gives it to Lockheed. This is by far the strongest gem i have ever made. As my gift to you my friend. Edited by Razorwing

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"Thanks" Martin takes the box and tucks it away into his tuxedo pocket "Don't worry I'll be sure to mention your name when I debut it. I see you getting a lot more business from us in the future" he winks at Gemstone and trots back to the rest of the crowd, paparazzi in tow.
  • Brohoof 1

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"Well, he is not what I expected. I thought he was going to be one of those extremely posh ponies that think there better then everypony else. But he seems like a good enough guy. Though I still feel like im going to embarrass you." Sky replied as he finished drinking his cloud.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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After some waiting Starbolt was finally able to get inside. She went to the bar and approached the barpony. "Do you have any tea?" She asked him. The barpony gave Starbolt a strange look but went to get her some tea. Starbolt took a seat and started to drink her tea.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"Quit worrying about embarrassing me, Sky. I'm probably never going to see any of these ponies ever again anyway, so who cares what they think of me. Then again some of them are probably with newspapers and if they write something bad about me everypony in Equestria will know..." Krystal took a small sip from her glass and stared off into space; imagining what could happen... "But that probably won't happen so don't worry" she noticed another pony sit down next to her. "Umm... hello. How are you?" Stupid Krystal she thought That could have been the mayor of Manehatten for all you know and all you can say is 'how are you'. And now you're worrying about embarrassing yourself after all that you just said to Sky! Okay, just play it cool. What's the worst that could happen...

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