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Treasure Hunters. Choose-Your-Own-Adventure!


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This is a choose your own adventure for the whole community! You start off with three adventurers, and as the game progresses you can gain more or lose some by the way of mistakes and traps. The group starts in a wetland by the ocean. But I'll get to that in the story then.


You follow the tour guide throughout the swamp, noting the indigenous species of mushrooms and porcine animals. The vines hang from the trees, poised almost as if to throttle passerby who dare trespass on their sacred soil...bah, you always bathe things in drama. No need to get jumpy this early on. First you actually get an assignment at the Adventurer's Guild, then your mother hears you are soon to go on a grand adventure! So she kicks you out of the house, and says "Don't come back until you bring me some grandchildren!". You never expected something like this. Your job at the desk was just fine! But now this stooped man is bringing you to a dingy looking shack by the water, with a creaky and broken dock by it. You wouldn't doubt that the boat moored to the docks has been so for at least a decade; the barnacle growth along the mooring rope supports your thoughts.


Well, you reach the shack, and there are three figures beside it. One is a pirate if you'd ever seen one, with an eyepatch and a...small treasure chest on his three-cornered-hat. He has a thick beard and sideburns, and laughs as he does fancy maneuvers with his katana. He also appears to be inebriated. The second figure is a bit short to the ground. It's a small orb, maybe a gnome or a head with feet? It's obscured under it's bright mining helmet, but the glowing eyes are focusing on an ancient and giant boulder. In a flash, it whips out a pickaxe and pulverizes the rock. Maybe it's one of those new golem things? And the third appears to be a wizard of sorts. You can't see his...her...face at all, or any shape to it's body. It wears a blue robe with no decoration, and thick brown gloves of leather. A light blue scarf is wrapped around it's collar, further giving shadow to it's face. It also wears a large, conical hat with a wide brim. It's features are totally hidden, save for the glowing eyes which nervously dart back and forth. A belt is secured around the hat, above the brim, to fasten the over-sized hat to it's masters head.


How do you approach your party of adventurers?


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Edited by Musical-Mettaur
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Introduce self modestly and ask for their names, then if able try to inquire what is this assignment from the guild and is it possible for you to finish this assignment before the week ends.


As the pirate shambles onto his own impressive yet small ship, to ready it for departure, you try to break the ice by asking their names. The mage trembles a bit, before stuttering,"A-Al-l-a-a-Ale-Alex-" The mage's voice echoes so much, you can't even tell if it's male or female. Well, Alex. Seems like a manly enough name. Better than Wally at any rate. The small mining...thing, doesn't respond. It just hops along to the boat for departure.


As you and the mage board the boat, you approach the pirate for his name. He laughs in a friendly tone,"Ahaha! I'm da Bane o' da East! And I'm yer main cap'en, figh'er, and manliest man fer dis adven'tur!" He laughs again, then peers at you with the scrutiny of a drunken man. "And yer da booky worm whose knows so much'en abou'd culture and lang'uege, eh?" He claps you on the back, not noticing that it knocks you to the floor."Ahaha! Treasure be awaiting us! I'll just need yer help setting da "Sea Strider" to journey!"


Well, there you are. The pirate calls himself the Bane of the East, and describes his skills as fighter and seaman. The name of the mage, what it managed to stutter out, is Alex, and is obviously a mage. The little mining thing...it's some kind of golem, or something. Well, you set sail with your eclectic crew, and there are three options available for journey. You do not randomly go on adventure, at least, your job doesn't include that. You take contracts from local guild halls, which may expire by the time you finish a different job.


One- A mostly buried desert temple, probably with monster guardians set by the pharoahs.

Two- Three villages, each with a haunted mansion, each more terrifying and deadly than the last.

Three- Slave traders. The complaint the guild got was from the traders, but when arriving you could either help more escape or round up the escapees.

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Two- Three villages, each with a haunted mansion, each more terrifying and deadly than the last.

The haunted mansions it is!


Better gather some supplies first. Ask Bane whether there is any way to buy some gunpowder for the mission, we might need to blow shit up.


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The haunted mansions it is!


Better gather some supplies first. Ask Bane whether there is any way to buy some gunpowder for the mission, we might need to blow shit up.


You approach the Bane of the East during the voyage in the middle of the Ocean, and ask him if it would be possible to purchase explosives before making it to the villages. The pirate laughs in a good natured way,"Haha! Oh me lil' wee one, we's in da middle of de ocean! We's get the explosives when we reach de land, aye?" Anything else to do while on your voyage? Talk to others, inspect things?
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Inspect the ship like there's no tomorrow AND YOUR WHOLE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Inspect the ship, and after wandering the ship, ask this Alex what can he do with his magic.


Well, no time like the present to inspect your surroundings. You decide to inspect the ship...and starting out in the storage room in the bottom, you notice all the various explosives and swords stored by your bearded seafarer. It's impressive, scary, and intriguing all at once. You can barely start to list all the different ways this man has for killing his enemies. You slowly back out of the room, nervous that you will set something off. As you leave, you see the small machine that pulverized the rock is sitting near a pile of Red Guardsmen Hats. You leave it be.


All that is really left for you to see are the private quarters. The Bane of the East is busy with the actual sailing of the vessel, and probably wouldn't appreciate you barging into his private quarters while he was busy. So all that is left for you to see is Alex's living space. The door has a "do not disturb" sign..but you feel the need to search like there is no tomorrow left for your life! And, you wanted to gauge the skills Alex really has. So, you quietly open the door, just as Alex is about to remove the hat...spinning around now, and grabbing the staff. Alex at first seems scared and shocked, but soon grows angry and glares at you, taking a red bottle from the robe belt and gripping it like an explosive. Alex holds the staff in a guarded way, and almost growls at you,"Get out. NOW." This is what you've been able to gather about Alex from the Guild Files and what you've seen (And this very scene is illustrated, from the field of vision at the door frame); Posted Image


So...what will you do now, Adventurer?

Edited by Musical-Mettaur
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Apologize profusely and backs away. It's way too early for us to die here!


Leave Alex for now, an angry mage is a dangerous mage. Check up on Bane on how long it is until we reached the first destination, and try to learn more about our mining golem


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Apologize profusely and backs away. It's way too early for us to die here!


Leave Alex for now, an angry mage is a dangerous mage. Check up on Bane on how long it is until we reached the first destination, and try to learn more about our mining golem


You back away with profuse apologies, and Alex appears to be very calm once you leave the area of the door frame. "Just, don't go in my room, um, again. Yes? Good." Alex quietly closes the door, and probably carries on whatever was going on before you barged inside.


You check up on the Bane of the East, and the pirate is eating in his cabin. He glances up at you, and with his mouth half full of food, says "Aih, daen' wurry a 'bout it maete! W'ill reach lan' en a few 'aurs. Git sume rest, aie?" But instead, you head back down to the storage room. The mining golem is still sitting by the pile of hats, still not moving. Perhaps it's in sleep mode? In fact, you are feeling tired yourself...maybe you should get some rest. Be aware, you can go to sleep now, or carry on. But if you don't choose to sleep in your bunk soon enough, you'll pass out on the floor. So, what next, brave explorer?


And as an added bonus, here is the Mining Golem!

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<Holy muffin is that a hole in his face?>


Better get some rest for now. But before we sleep, check our inventory for a bit, and see if there's anything worthy of notice in our room.


When you return to your room in the boat, you realize you didn't bring much. You only brought that cloak of yours with the hood, a book on the World's Known Dangerous Or Bizarre Oddities (And Some Unknown Too!) by Neathon Hogbin, and some rather simple weapon or tool of choice. You feel so tired, you can't even remember what it was (When you wake up, pick something like staff, axe, sword, dagger- just make it simple. Nothing special, just a totally standard, normal weapon of steel. Or wood, if it's a bow or staff.). Still, you feel you have enough energy to look up whatever that odd thing was. You don't remember going into your bunk, but you finally wake up in it, feeling rested; and looking out your tiny window, you realize you've finally arrived at the docks of this strange and Gothic land. You remember the entry on that golem from last night. Well, not the exact words, but you could always look it up again before meeting the others on the deck.


It's a Lock Automaton. How some things run on clockwork? This runs on "lockwork", the ever rotating and ever changing locking mechanism inside of the Lock. It is said the Key of Glorton is able to "unlock" these oddities, which unleashes their hidden power.

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<a normal steel sword sounds good to me>


Well, it's the land! Ask the captain Bane if he have any maps to the haunted mansion, we don't want to get lost on the way. Before we leave the ship better carry some explosives from the storage


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You grab your steel short-sword from the hooks on the wall, don your simple hooded cloak, and grab your favorite book before leaving your room. As you leave you spot Alex leaving that room you were rejected from, and locking the door. Come to think of it, only Alex's room has a key hole, all the other ones just have simple knobs. Alex waves a hand over the key hole, and it disappears from sight. Clever...


You meet the Bane of the East on the deck, and the automaton is sitting right besides the pirate. As you ask if there is a map to guide you, the pirate laughs heartily."Ahaha! Ah, no me swabbie, we's goot ta falla' de guide thay send, se? Speak o da Devil, 'ere the wee fella naw!" In fact, a very short man in a cape, bowler hat, and oversized mustache is standing right on the docks, very close to the gangplank. As he bows in your direction, the cape falls to the side, and reveals an immaculate black suit. He may look like a tiny villain, but appears to be a tiny gentleman."Ah, you must be the gallant adventurer's from the distant guild halls, sent to deal with our three pestering poltergeists? Very good, I am Sir Bladeston, and I have been sent to escort you to our central claims of calamity. There is the annoyance, the danger, and the demon itself. Now, if you may?" The small man, whose last name leaves you wondering, gestures to a very gothic looking carriage, with two black stallions hooked up to it.

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<well that's a weird dwarf...>


For now just follow Sir Bladeston in his carriage. ASk for any and all informations about these poltergeists, and if there is any bizarre monster or undead sighting around the place. Running to a Lich while unprepared is the last thing we want!


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<well that's a weird dwarf...>


For now just follow Sir Bladeston in his carriage. ASk for any and all informations about these poltergeists, and if there is any bizarre monster or undead sighting around the place. Running to a Lich while unprepared is the last thing we want!


You all climb into the carriage, but as the pirate, mechanism, and mage enter the vehicle, you state you wish to sit with the driver in front. So as the three are encased in the enclosed, wooden chariot, you sit on the seat with your mustached driver. How else could you converse with him while he drives? As he keeps the horses on the path, you look at the rich countryside. It seems dark, mysterious, threatening, yet pulling you in- this land ensnares your imagination and gives it a booster. It's dark, creepy, and seems to have ancient history everywhere. You lean near your driver and ask of the assignment your team is here to work on. He responds in that voice of his,"Ah, the mansions of the possessions. Which you have been sent to deal with in the usual warriors heavy-handed manner, I assume?" You almost expected a polite, small sigh, but he just uses the reins once more and stares straight forward."And I believe you wish for me to inform you now, correct? Fear not my honored charge, for you will gain your sense of why we even sent for the Adventurer's Guild in the first moment." He removes his hat, you see he actually has hair underneath it, you thought it was to cover an immense balding problem. "I would hate for it to be lost whilst I drive. Now, there are three mansions, all possessed by a certain unhappy resident. One was a simple comedian, an entertainer of music and tales. His demise was tragic yet humorous, fitting. Now he possesses the house, doing simple things such as operating the instruments of song lying about, or making things float. It is his misguided way to try and entertain once more, but the villagers are nothing but scared. He might leave if he finally makes someone laugh with joy, once more..he is relatively harmless. You wish to hear more?"
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As if I need to say anything, of course we must know everything about this mission!


Oh, while he explains the poltergeists, check his hat for a bit. I'm curious :wacko:


The man continues on."The second mansion however, is where things turn a bit more 'rough and rumble'. A rogue died in that house, a bandit of the high seas. He made his fortune and settled down, intending to return to the brine. But he never did, Captain Bearbeard died in the house. He gets a true enjoyment out of scaring the terra loving do-gooders. He has not yet brought harm upon those that trespass his land in the physical sense. He prefers a more psychological terror, sending fools screaming out of his domain. Nobody has died yet, but there was the case where an entire party of fifty upper-class men, women, and children jumped out of the windows in terror. Forty-six fell out windows, four tripped on their way out the door."
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Ask him why in the bloody muffin does those 50 idiot entered the mansion, and don't forget to ask him about the third poltergeist :huh:


You ask the man why the fifty idiots entered the mansion in the first place, just as he was going to move from the easy ghost, and the tough ghost, to the depraved-insane-violent-sadistic-maniac that haunts the third. He was mentioning those qualities of the third ghost, but you brought up the question on why the dolts entered a haunted mansion."Well, they were of the wealthy class. They thought it most exciting and funny to host a high-expense party in the haunted manor. They thought it exquisite and wonderfully exotic. You do know the wealthy class-" He was going to call you sir or madam, but he can't tell with that hooded cloak on, so he continues,"Yes, you know the exorbitantly rich, they entertain themselves at the expense of others. I suppose the Capitán took it back to the fops." The driver has almost arrived at the first village! "Yes, this is where you will find that sad, sad comedian. You may explore the town if you wish, but deal with the haunting before long, for your sake as well as mine. Good day to you- noble adventurer."
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Welp, here goes nothing!


Ask Alex if he/she have any illusion spells that can be used to fool the comedian. Then go around the town, we need to find this poltergeist's name and if he had any living relatives. We need some hostage, err I mean clues!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, here goes nothing!


Ask Alex if he/she have any illusion spells that can be used to fool the comedian. Then go around the town, we need to find this poltergeist's name and if he had any living relatives. We need some hostage, err I mean clues!


As you all disembark from the carriage and it drives off, you question Alex if any illusion spells are on the mage's possession to fool the spirit, and Alex shrugs,"I possess the ability to create illusion, any orator or actor can do such. If you want visual effects, I can grant such. But they will have no substance, realize that." Feeling a bit strange from this calm and methodical statement from Alex, you go off searching for clues.


Going around town, you try to find this ghost's name, and if there are any relatives in town. You get directed to the local graveyard, since there seems to be nobody here related to him, or having cared for him, perhaps records will be there? Looking through the dusty pages of a giant tome for tombs, you line up the date of the death with the cause of death some laughing villagers gave you, and you get the name! Paul Grayson...seems a bit bland? Well, you have the name, and your mage can cast illusion magic. But now everyone is scattered around town.

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then take a nap

Edited by Royal Muffinz

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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You shout that your entire adventure is a cliche on every single adventure ever, because of similarities it must be some sort of...devious closed experiment, planned by higher powers! As the preservation agents in the corpses get to your head, you swoon to the ground and fall out of conciousness. In other words, you take a nap...sorta. You awaken as the funeral director is poking you with his foot. He is impatient, and has a sobbing, grieving train of villagers behind him. You are kinda holding him up.


((Well, consider this a test. Sorta with my writing skills and how to advance character developments according to progress made. I will now start one of zombies in a 10000 block city! This will still be active, though.))

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