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open SonicXMLP: Friendship is Way Past Cool


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Eggman had begun coming back up to His Canterlot castle loft when his Egg satellite picked up on Metal's divergent train of thought. "METAL!" He said as he arrived in his loft. "Do not engage the ponies! I didn't give you an order! You are to remain stationary until you are called upon again, or do I need to remind you who pulls your strings?" Eggman said, cutting Metal's motor functions for a second before reinstating them.


"Don't think I've forgotten those other times you've gone rouge Metal... The next time your thought process diverges from my orders, I will shut you down... PERMANENTLY! Robotnik out!"


Eggman re-enters the throne room. "I've returned, here is the cell I mentioned earlier..." Eggman threw one of the discuses he had with him on the ground, it then shifted into a large container, seemingly made of a strange sort of reflective metal and pure energy, shaped as sort of a jar, though big enough to accommodate Shadow.


"All you need to do is hold him when he's inside of the container, after that it'll lock up, sealing him inside till we know how to... Restrain him more leniently without him escaping."


Eggman turns his focus towards spike, "I don't know why you insist that I am such a villian, it hurts me deeply to have such accusation brought up against me by one so... Innocent. Especially since it is only my fondest wish that I stop the one responsible for the destruction of Fillydelphia." ~your gonna go the way most of the other dragons went in my world before long, welp.~ Eggman thought to himself. "Princess, if you would be so kind as to set Shadow inside the cell, I would be much more comfortable, until he is utterly contained I'm a bit nervous about what he's capable of. Afterwards, I can take the young dragon back to where he came from via my Newly constructed Egg Carrier, and perhaps I could meet these, 'Wielders of Harmony'." Eggman ended, waiting for the princesses next move.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Blaze looked to where the new and rather shy voice came from and saw a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail. "No you were not i was simply introducing my self and asked where I was" Blaze then turned towards the shy looking pegasus "I suppose i should introduce my self to you as well, I am Blaze the Cat, Princess of the Sol Kingdom and guardian of the Sol Emeralds, and you are?" she asked adding a small smile hoping to comfort the pegasus. Then she remembered something else which she said to both the unicorn and the pegasus "but...please don't call me 'princess' or 'Princess Blaze' just 'Blaze' please....I'm not that formal..." she said looking to the side awkwardly and embarrassed.

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"Arrg, I will have my day Robotnik." he says to himself as he flies off.


"He'll just kill them." Shadow says. "Or trap them long enough to take over. Let me and Spike find Sonic, as annoying as he is he isn't evil." Shadow says trying to convince Celestia.


(Quick OOC where is the Egg Satellite? In space right?]



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Celestia turned to Dr. Robotnik. "I have reached a decision. Shadow and Spike have exactly 1 day to return here with Sonic the Hedgehog. If you do, then I will hear him out and then reach a decision. If you do not, then I will assume you have either ran away or have been destroyed, and I will come after Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends." He turned to Eggman. "You may put that toy away... for now."

Celestia released Shadow.

"And take note of this, Doctor... if you do prove to be the villian, you will have many, many things to answer for...

But if you are right and Sonic did this, than you will be welcomed. Also, You are to stay inside of Canterlot Castle until he comes back. If you give me the coordinates of your "Egg Carrier", then it will be transported here."


Luna was shocked. The tyrant, helping civilians? That was too much. She peeked toward Sonic. He might look odd, but he couldn't do it, especially if Rainbow Dash was with her. If that wasn't true, then... who did it?

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Eggman was slightly annoyed by the princesses decision, but also saw a new tactical opportunity.


"Very well princess, though I strongly disagree with this course of action, I coincide to your plan, my Egg Carrier is already inside my loft, it's just a personal transport of sorts. But princess, you really should let your people know that you've chosen to release Shadow again, just so can at least get to a shelter of some sort before hand, I can help broadcast the conference with a few of my inventions." As he said this he snapped his fingers and two small, pen-sized robotic things floated in, hovering with out any visible means to keep them aloft.


"With these and the camera built into my glasses," he began, "we can broadcast you message to the major cities of Equestria in no time at all. You can also warn them about Sonic... And me if you prefer, though before this is all over I'm sure Sonic will reveal himself to be the cur that he most certainly is, Shadow no doubt as well." Eggman said, folding his arms and giving Shadow a disapproving glance. "So what do you say Princess? Don't you think your subjects deserve to know what's going on? The unfortunate event that took place in Fillydelphia?"

Eggman took a step back, waiting for the princesses response.

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Spike looked down at Shadow from his spot on his shoulders. "Let's go Shadow we've got to find Sonic in 24 hours!" Spike told Shadow as he pointed toward the castle exit. "He said he was going to Fillydelphia, so that's where were headed," Spike added as he eyed Shadow's Chaos Emerald.

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"I can't use Chaos Control with a drained emerald. We'll have to run there." Shadow says heading for the door.


[imma assume Celestia isn't holding Shadow with her magic anymore.)


"I need to find a way to get past Eggman." Metal says thinking out loud. "I will not fail this time, Sonic will be destroyed." he says thinking of a solution. "If I got rid of the satellite for a bit I could find and destroy the Elements of Harmony, and scan their data in the process." Metal transformers into a rocket [like his does in Sonic the Fighters] and heads for the satellite.


[Also I know there is a lot of OOC in this post but please Cranium Tyranus don't mess with Metal destroying the satellite.]



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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When Sonic entered the crumbling building, he could hear it creaking. "This place is gonna come down any minute. I better hurry and find those survivors. Hello?! Can anyone hear me?" Sonic yelled out to try and find the general direction of the survivors. Around him, he could see the building was on it's last legs as bits of dust fell from the cracks in the ceiling. Eventually, he heard some voices call for help. "Okay, just stay there. I'll get you out! Dash, I hear some of them. Come down to me!" Sonic yelled out to Rainbow. "Hold on. I'm coming." Sonic looked to the upper left and saw Rainbow Dash fly out of a doorway on the second level towards Sonic. "Have you found anyone, Dash?" Sonic asked Rainbow quickly. "No, there is nopony who is still alive up there... You found somepony, Sonic?" Rainbow asked to Sonic. "Yeah, I hear them coming from that pile of rubble there." Sonic said to RD while pointing to the rubble just a few feet away. "Please, help us! We can't get out!" said a male voice underneath the rubble. "Don't worry, we'll get you out. RD, get ready on my signal. I'll tunnel a way through for you." Sonic grabbed another Power Ring from his backpack and closed it in his hand. Rainbow Dash saw the ring and looked at it wide-eyed. "What IS that?" Rainbow asked. "It's a Power Ring. My uncle Chuck made a machine that can make more of these so I can use them to fight Robuttnik. It'll give me the extra juice I need to cut through the rubble." Sonic said to Rainbow. He felt the energy from the Ring flowing through and started to glow. "All right, everyone trapped in there, move to the right." Sonic yelled out. "O-okay." Said a female voice from underneath. "You ready, RD?" Sonic asked Rainbow. "I'm ready." Rainbow Dash said while getting into a ready stance. "All right, let's do it to it!" Sonic exclaimed.


Sonic started revving up in his Spin Dash over and over again until he stopped in a kneeling position. "Readyyyy?... GO!" With that last word, Sonic sped off in a spin dash in the blink of an eye through the rubble, piercing through the rocks to the other side outside the building. Rainbow moved with agility to grab the two ponies trapped underneath and almost immediately, the rubble above her started to collapse. RD moved with all her speed that she could muster with the weight of the two ponies, but she was able to get through outside before the rubble collapsed on her.




Twilight looked at the newcomer that introduced herself as Blaze the Cat, who is a princess from a place called the Sol Kingdom and is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds. "Oh my gosh, I never realized you were a princess. It's an honor to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle. You're in Ponyville that presides near Canterlot, where Princess Celestia lives." Twilight said to Blaze before bowing to her in courtesy. She saw her friend, Fluttershy, walk up next to them.


"Umm.....Excuse me Twilight and whoever you are im not interuppting anything important am i?" She asked Shyly.

Twilight saw Blaze introduce herself to Fluttershy and could see that Blaze is a little embarrassed about her status. "Oh, Blaze. This is my friend, Fluttershy. She takes care of all of the wild animals near Ponyville. There is nopony better with animals than her." Twilight said to her in a slightly proud manner. A thought occurred to Twilight. "Actually, I've never heard of the Sol Kingdom anywhere in the library. Where is that exactly and what are Sol Emeralds?" Twilight asked Blaze.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Manic watched as sonic and rainbowdash were working away to get the surviving ponys...


Manic: hm... Even in a different world sonic dosnt need that much help... Haha but there's one thing he can't do safely...


He laughed and rushed down to stop sonic from spin dashing...


Manic: hey bro... Have you forgotten something about the days in the underground?


Manic activats his medallion and his drum set appears...


Manic puts on a light beet to lift the rocks off... Being cairful not to tumble the other buildings...


Finaly... The rocks were off of the surviving ponys...



Rarity went back to the spa to clean herself up from the dust that manic, sonic, and RD created...



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Metal Sonic flew up to the satellite. "Hmm shouldn't be too hard to take down." Metal shot lighting at the satellite making it overload it's circuits and shut down. "There that should by me some time. Now I need to destroy the Elements." he says going back down to Ponyville



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Sonic exited out of the building and finds Manic telling about the old days in the Underground. He sees him activate his medallion and uses his drum set. Sonic had a little slight of worry seeing him do this, but he looked as his drums moved the rocks off, revealing more of the ponies trapped underneath. "Past cool, little bro" Sonic said to Manic, giving him a high-five. Rainbow Dash looked at Manic's display. "Wow, talk about dropping a beat." Rainbow said to Manic, throwing in a little joke. Sonic looked at the survivors, who proceeded to thank them. "Oh, thank you so much! We thought that we..." said the male Earth pony, who cut off his thanks after getting a better look at Sonic. "Oh my gosh, it's HIM, Sonic the Destroyer!" screamed the female unicorn in the crowd. "Maybe he is here to hurt us even by freeing us and then blast us! Everypony, RUN!" said the same Earth pony. "What? Wait, I'm not the bad guy! The real villain...." Sonic was trying to explain, but it was too late as the survivors all started to run off out of their sight. "I can't believe this! We just saved their lives and no thanks are given.." Rainbow said to Sonic. "Guess that just adds one more reason to put skid marks all over Buttnik." Sonic said to RD and Manic.


At that moment, Sonic and RD heard a boom and looked off to the distance. Sonic saw something falling towards the same town he just came from. He adjusted his hands in an attempt that they were binos. He couldn't get a clear look, but he could see a cool blue haze. Sonic's heart skipped a beat when he knew without a doubt who it was. "Metal Sonic! He is heading towards Ponyville! Come on, it's Juice and Jam time!" Sonic said quickly before bursting off into Mach 7. Rainbow Dash saw him burst off. She looked at the direction of Ponyville and knew it wasn't good. "Hang on, Sonic! I'm coming!" She said before increasing her speed to Mach 5. She tried pushing her speed even further in attempts to stay with Sonic. Rainbow Dash could feel the Mach cone forming around as she was getting ready for a Sonic Rainboom. "I was hoping to save this for the race, but I got no choice." Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Her eyes were starting to water as she was almost at the break point for the Sonic Rainboom to occur.




It was a nice and sunny day at Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack was heading to Ponyville to sell the apples she was able to buck today. "Well, Ah think it's a pretty easy day out here in Ponyville." Applejack said to herself. She made a quick stop by Sugarcube Corner to drop some of the apples that Mr. and Mrs. Cake need to make some apple treats. She walks in and sees Pinkie moving frantically in the room across from the actual shop. "Pinkie Pie, what's all the fussin' about?" Applejack asked Pinkie while looking around to see that she was getting a party ready.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Heading down Metal targets Sugercube Corner to make sure the Elements are still there. "Excellent, this should be easy." he says before he crashes through the ceiling leaving a rather big hole. "Greetings...Twilight is it? I take it these other ponies are members of The Elements of Harmony correct?" he askes Twilight. "Well allow me to introduce myself. I am Metal Sonic and I am here to destroy you. ALL of you." he says charging his chest laser.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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DIscord felt that Metal Sonic was disobeying him again. He decided to stop him. Discord's hologram appeared between Twilight and Metal. He shot an EMP towards him, temporarily shutting him down. Looking at Twilight, he said, "Your welcome." With that, he teleported to Eggman's loft, telling Eggman that he double crossed him.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Manic hoped onto his hover board and blasted into march 5...


Manic knew he wouldn't catch up to sonic... Half way there his board started overheating...


Manic: darn... Gotta slow down


He could see RD with a strange colorful light formation around her... BOOM* a sonic rainboom happened... It through manic off... And he wipe out... He landed in a medo...


He was rolling on the ground when he smacked into a rock?


He was dazed and he could barly see...


???: why don't you watch where your going next time!!

Manic: ug.. Sorry I was just...


Manic looks at the "rock" he hit... He sees something pink...


Manic: Amy?!

Amy: manic? What are you doing here? Was that strange rainbow explosion you?

Manic: um... No that was rainbowdash

Amy: who's rainbowdash?

Manic: sonics new girl friend...


Manics hart stoped after her sayed that... "Oops"


Amy: new..... Girl.... FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!

Manic: no no not like that... I I mean...

Amy: where is he!!!!!!!!

Manic: um at ponyville... That way...


Amy grabs manic and starts running at march .5

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Tails continues to take Apple Bloom by the hoof. "Hay, Tails. How did yah figure out yer very special talent?" Tails looks at the filly and chuckles. "I've always loved machines. You have to think about what you're passionate about and that is how you know what you're good at. We have to find Sonic." Apple Bloom smiles and whispers. "Maybe mah special talent is fightin'." Edited by Dίsмαjo
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"Its a pleasure to meet you Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy" upon hearing the name of the town and the country and Twilight saying she has never of her home before gave a slight smile "well to be fair, i have never heard of 'Equestria' either as for the Sol Emeralds, they are seven mystical jewels that contain great power and depending on who gains control them can use them for good and evil which is why its my duty to guard them, in a world that similer to mine called Mobius, they have counterparts called Chaos Emerald now don't let the name fool you as the work the same as mine which is why my friends who live in Mobius do their best to protect them, both of the sets come in seven colors, Red, Silver, yellow, green, blue, cyan, and violet, unfortunetly my Sol Emeralds were scattered and must collect them but so far only found one" Blaze informed the holding her hand out showing them the violet Sol Emerald "i had senced that another was near the base of my friend's arch-enemy when i saw a bright flash of light and next thing i know I wake up in that forest there" she continued pointing toward the forest before sighing and putting the Emerald away "I suppose all I can do is hope that the rest are here as well, ....although I am at a loss of what to do next.." Blaze trailed off before none other then Metal Sonic appeared and appearently wanted to kill Twilight and Fluttershy, Blaze quickly stepped infront of them "both of you run now!!!!"

Blaze said getting into a fighting stance "I will be fine..." she added as flames covered her fists but didn't harm her.



Princess Cadence was pacing through the halls before going to her aunts throne room she couldn't shake the feeling that she shouldn't trust the egg-shaped man despite what had just happened in Fillydelphia and decided to voice her concerns to her aunt, just before she reached the throne room something that resembled a black hedgehogg with the baby dragon which she remembered was named Spike race out of the room, with a quirked eyebrow she went in. Upon entering she saw the egg-shaped man talking to her aunt which caused to flatten her ears nervously before clearing her throat "um....Aunt Celestia? could i talk to you for a minute?" she made a nervous at Eggman "alone please?" she asked emphasizing the word.


((OOC: i think this has been my longest post yet nd i hope i did a good job explaining the sol and chaos emeralds to Twilight...did I? o.o))

Edited by Summer_Breeze
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(Sorry, Discord, you are taking too much power... If you really want to do that, you have to wait and take in at least two more emeralds...)

"Please, excuse me..." Celestia walked off into the corridor, down into her rooms, where she went inside with her beloved niece. "Yes, Cadence?"


Moving to contact Shadow...

Unable to make contact.

Waiting for Shadow at the edge of city at the most logical exit point...

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Cadence followed her aunt and when they stopped she took a deep breath "it's...it's about that Eggman character....there is something in my heart that repeatingly tells me not to trust him..." she started pawing at the ground a bit "then when that attack happened in Fillydelphia, i think i wanted to start to believe him....but my heart still tells me not to...do you trust him Aunt Celestia?" she asked and then wanted to ask about something else "oh and....one more thing...before I went into the Throne Room i saw something that looked like a....black hedgehog run out with Twilight's baby dragon friend...who was he? and where were they going?" she asked confused

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(OoC: It's time...)



Knuckles had been floating down the tunnel for what seemed like hours, twisting and turning, wondering when he was going to get let out, or if he even would get let out. Finally, the tunnel ended abruptly, flinging him out towards a forest of some kind, he didn't have enough time to react as he went smashing through the canopy of the forest, breaking branches and flailing around all the way down, expressing his surprise and painful encounters with branches to the face in a way that... only Knuckles could. Till he hit the ground with a deep *THUD*


"Grrrrrragh!" Knuckles let out a frustrated cry towards the heavens as he pulled his face out of the dirt. "I swear if I see Sonic, Tails, or that bolt bucket Metal, I'm gonna rearrange their anatomy for getting the Master Emerald involved in another one of their wack-job adventures!" Knuckles said as he began punching a tree, knocking off the bark, then chunks off effortlessly.


"Then, once I find Eggman!," he trailed off as he focused for a final punch that would topple the tree. "Not even all of Sally's men would be able to put him together again!" *WHAM* the tree was then felled, luckily enough, the trees surrounding it caught the falling oak in their own branches.


Knuckles then turned around to find two rather frightened fillies, one was white, with a mane that was purple of varying two varying hues, it also looked to be kept in pretty good condition through grooming, she was in a wagon behind the other, an orange tinted filly with a helmet on, though her tail appeared to be a dark maroon.


"Uhh... Sorry about the tree, I was just letting off a little steam..." Knuckles noticed the Emerald in the wagon with the white filly, "That's a... Chaos Emerald!" Knuckles stared in disbelief at two fillies that somehow managed to get thier hands on something that could channel enough energy to level an entire city by itself, let alone what could be achieved through combining all seven. "Can you understand me." Knuckles said in a stern voice. He began walking towards the fillies, "If so, that thing you have is incredibly dangerous, you need to hand it over to me." He said as he held his hand out, walking ever closer to the two.




Eggman's face turned to a grimace after Candice took Celesia into the other room. ~Metal has turned against me, as expected... Just sooner then I was planning.~ The blip on Eggman's glasses had been indicating to him for a while that the egg satellite had been taken down, the inhabitants of Equestria would have had no idea that it was even up there, let alone the means to get there to disable it. The only culprit could have been, "Metal..." Eggman grunted to himself.


He then began to fiddle with his glasses, just then, the site where Discord's statue stood sudden began to revolve, it switched out what was there and replaced it with something completely identical. As the swap began, Discord's statue traveled down a conveyer belt, down towards Eggman's lab, it then thrust the statue into what appeared to be a large egg shaped container.


~Discord~ Eggman sounded annoyed ~my... Partner has turned on me far sooner then I had expected. however, this is why I had this made, just in case back-up was needed.~ he explained as the egg-shaped container was then hoisted into the air. ~What you are inside of is the Eggception mailable mobile armor. It is powered by a single gem known as a Sol Emerald, it doesn't have the same energy as a Chaos Emerald, yet it is just as powerful.~ Eggman explained.


~ this is what the suit your in right now is capable of, it can form itself based on the thought of the occupant inside, in this case, you. It can also be controlled via mind wave-lengths, so you don't need to move. However, it cannot take the shape of something smaller then yourself, so you are slightly limited due to your... Current condition. It is able to change color and replicate speech patterns, it can also form weapons, but any projectile formed is going to take part of the suit itself to be fired, so remember to retrieve any fallout that you maybe forced to use.~


Eggman paused.


~What I want you to do as a primary objective is to find the Master Emerald, it is important to the final part of my plan. But as incentive, Metal has a Chaos Emerald in his core. The Master Emerald is more then likely close to Metal position, I don't know where that is currently due to the satellite being out. However, I'm sure you can lock-onto the power he is currently outputting from the emerald to be able to find his position. Be careful though, he is capable of copying the DNA signatures from any living creature, including you, but so long as you stay inside of the E.M.M.A, you shouldn't have to worry about him being able to scan you. After you retrieve the Master Emerald you may due whatever you wish, but not before, understand? Cause if you deviate even one iota from my plan, I will enable the self-destruct sequence on the E.M.M.A, do I make myself clear...~


Eggman awaited a response from his... New partner.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Celestia sighed."I know what you mean, my beloved. But I cannot allow this to happen again. If it does, I will have no choice but to go after this... Sonic. I wish that wasn't so, but the safety of ponykind rests on me... I cannot fail them." She turned to leave. "I understand where you are coming from, but I have no choice but to believe this man... at least until we hear Sonic's side of the story. And the black hedgehog... he is going to bring me Sonic. Spike will guide him."

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"Metal looked at Blaze. "You are Blaze correct? Guardian of the Sol Emeralds? As much as I would like to kill you please step aside this does not concern you."


Shadow arrived in Fillydelphia. "Sonic doesn't seem to be around. Metal really destroyed this place." Shadow walked up to a pony "You, have you seen Sonic?" he askes. "You mean the monster that did this to us? I think he said something about Ponyville." Shadow nodded and looked to Spike. "Do you know how to get to Ponyville from here?"

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Spike nodded his head. "Ponyville isn't too far from here but I don't understand why Sonic would go back to ponyville..... unless he thought they were being attacked!" Spike said to Shadow. "Stay here for a second buddy," Spike said suddenly before going into a shop and coming out with a bag full of gems. "Let's go!"

Edited by Half-Note
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Discord was pleased. He was finally able to move from his position. "Will do, Doctor. In fact, I can already sense the master emerald. It's a huge amount of chaos energy, at least enough to power a large planet for centuries!" Discord changed the armor to look like a giant bird. "I'll start looking." He flew out of the chamber, into the skies.


(OOC: Who has the master emerald ATM?)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"you think i will move to let others suffer under your wrath Metal Sonic? think again!!" Blaze spat angerly as she made a flaming flying kick at the robot "you will leave now!!!" she said angerly.



"I see...I'm still going to be careful around him...honestly he sort of scares me...but i've taken enough of your time...thank you for listening to my thoughts though Aunt Celestia" she said before trotting out of the room "i'll have to see what i can do about keeping an eye on him..." Cadence thought as she left the room.

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Celestia was concerned for her niece. Well... it was time to raise the sun. The pony world needed its light to survive. She walked into the room, sat down, and told Eggman, "I have my royal duties to attend to... please leave. I will see you tonight."


Luna started flying back. Wait until Tia heard about that! Sonic, being a good guy! That would clear up the entire issue...


(Arrival has to wait for next post...)

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