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open SonicXMLP: Friendship is Way Past Cool


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Manic: because I like you Amy!!!


Amy smacked manic... Then she calmed down and had a delade shocked reaction


Amy: what WHAT?!?!?!

Manic: Amy... Iv liked you since we've first met... But I just couldn't tell you because you were soooooo into sonic..

Amy: oh my gosh... I... I

Manic: you don't half to say anything Amy... Right now we gotta find a quick way to canterlot... And get this emerald to sonic!

Now.. Hm.... I wonder...


Manic pulled his busted board out...

He looked at some of the parts that survived the explosion...


Manic: my defusers are busted... Maybe if I connect the hovering intake... To the chaos emerald... It should be enough to get me there till my board falls apart...


He tinkered with his board a bit...


Manic: there!!! All done! I don't think my board can hold you Amy...

Amy: I wasn't planing to get on your board anyways... I have a new dress... And I'm not giving up the sparkle just yet...

Manic: alright... Catch ya later Amy


Manic then took off.. His board what's really fast... But unstable... He got close to canterlot when...


Manic: oh man... The board can't hold together!!

(OCC: Peppy: Do A Barrel Roll manic!!!) lol


Manic grabed the chaos emerald and jumped off his board... It exploded...


Manic was falling

Manic: the one thing I forget to do... Head to the ground before jumping off...


(OCC: I gotta go do something... Il post more later)



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(Horray for Color)





Fluttershy shivered a little at Blazes sudden outburst towards her, but she calmed down the instant she said it. "Umm my pet Angel must have one of your Sol Emeralds." She said in a normal voice "It looked kind of like the emerald that horrible robot monster had. " She said. Fluttershy shivered at the thought of the robotic copy of Sonic but she was relived that it was deactivated. "I can show you the way to my home if you want so we can get it from him." Fluttershy said to Blaze.


Then Knuckles said something that made something in Fluttershy's mind click "A Scooter..and a maroon tail...." Fluttershy thought putting 2 and 2 together. "That must've been Scootaloo...And that must've been Sweetie Belle traveling with her .!" Fluttershy exclaimed "Oh the poor fillies must be scared after being in the dreaded Everfree Forest." Fluttershy said her voive full of concern.


Fluttershy turned her head to Blaze "Um sorry Blaze but would you mnd if we held off looking for your Sol Emerald for a little bit." She asked politly "I really want to make sure those two are ok". She said.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo


Scootaloo had finally caught up with Applejack though it was no easy task as the mare was running full speed. "WHAT!?!?!" Sweetie and Scootaloo said at the same time. "We figured you would know where she would be at because we havent seen her all day." Sweetie explained to Applejack. "Yeah!" Scootaloo added. "We've searched everywhere...Our Clubhouse....the School....and Zecoras place in the Everfree which we just got out of because things were getting a little to crazy for us" Scootaloo finished. "Scootaloo and i saw this red thing that punched a WHOLE tree off of its roots and then we ran to Zecoras then a big explosion happened and Zecora gave us this wierd stone thing." Sweetie said showing the Sol Emerald to Applejack.




(Not sure if i did such a good job here....sorry im kinda tired)

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Amy watched as manic flew off...


Amy: what do I do now? And what do I think? Manic likes me??? Iv always loved sonic... He's always been there for me!... But... He has Sally and rainbowdash... Not to mention Mina at one point... Now manic... He's the next best thing from sonic... And he seems like he will go out with me if I ask.... Oh what to do???


Rarity: sounds like somepony is having boy problems...


Rarity walked out of nowhere...


Amy: oh... Hi rarity...

Rarity: yould you like to come to canterlot with me? I need some supply's and maybe il have another idea for a dress for you!

Amy: ok... But it seems like I won't be blowing away sonic... So I need to change first...


Amy changed at raritys and was back in her usual dress...


They got on the friendship express and went to canterlot...




Manic was falling... He quickly activated his medallion... And pownded his drums hard... Rocks started to come up and set underneath him... He continued the beat... The rocks started to slow him down,


The rocks slowed him down big time... He was nearing the ground... He pownded his drums so hard that his sticks broke...


Manic: that can't be good...


Manic then slammed into the ground... His drums vanished back into the medallio...


He was knocked out from the fall...



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"Heh heh... Good girl" Eggman then flipped a switch on his glasses, causing the necklace to inject a large amount nanobots into the base of Celestia's neck, taking control of her basic motor functions, as well as her vocal patterns, though she was still aware of everything, she was effectively, a prisoner in her own body. "There... Now that parts out of the way," Eggman started,"let's get thing ready for the rest of the show..." He said, ordering the Pegasus badnicks to repair the damage caused to the castle. "Take Luna back to the lab and throw her in the cryo-cell, I'll have use for her later." The badnicks complied without question.


"Now dear princess, let's go wait to greet our guests... Their due to arrive any moment now.... hahaha....HaHaHaHa! OOOOOOOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!" Eggman let out a victorious laugh, sure that the end of his goal had just been reached.





"Oh NO!!!" Applejack yelled, she was also very angry. "Now ya'll listen here!" Applejack barked at the two fillies, "it's too dangerous her for ya'll! Now get back home, both of ya, 'n don't come out 'till... 'Till it's safe!" Applejack yelled to the two before heading back towards the farm. "Big Mac?! Granny Smith?!" Applejack shouted at her own home as she kicked in the door, not bothering to see if it was locked first.


"Oh my! In all my years of livin' I ain't never seen no pony so excited ta be back home! What's got ya so riled up hayseed?" Said Granny Smith in her usual delightfully cheery voice.


"Granny Smith!" Applejack exclaimed before giving her grandmother a big hug. "I'm so glad ya'll are o- where's Big Mac 'an Applebloom?" Applejack said nervously, looking around throughout the house.


"Dooh, I believe he said somethin' about checkin' in on the south field, seein' how them waterin' machines that egg-feller put in 'er doin'. And Applebllom's been out all day, ain't seen hide nor hair of that little filly."

Granny Smith said, before trailing off into a story about how when she was filly there were no such things as 'watering bots' but Applejack wasn't around to hear it, she made a B-line towards the south field, determined to make sure everything was okay.


"Big Mac?!" Applejack looked to the left side of the south field, "Big Mac?!" She plowed through the right side, panic setting in. "BIG MAC?!" She let out a frustrated scream, then she noticed one of the watering bots, it was headed back to the recharge depot that the Doctor had built in the center of the farm, Applejack decided to follow it.


The machine finally made it back to the depot. It went in through a door, that's when Applejack struck, she lassoed the robot and smashed it's chassy and other important-looking parts till she was sure it wasn't functioning anymore, then she went inside.


"This place sure is big fer it ta just be chargin' up a few ah them doohickeys." Applejack thought to herself, while keeping on her hooves, prepared for anything... Except. "What in TARNATION?!?!?!" Applejack exclaimed as several animals were being fed through a machine of some sort, only to become dangerous looking machines on the other end, "This place is awful! Who in their right minds woul-" she stopped mid-sentence, for in just behind her, from the reflection of the glass, was a robotizied version of Big Macintosh, and he didn't seem to pleased to see his sister there. "Big Mac.... No... Not you too..." Applejack stammered. Backing up, she turned around to run for the exit.





The shy pony seemed to know the two filles that Knuckles was talking about. "Yeah alright." Knuckles then saw Shadow and the others teleport off without taking Metal with them. ~Tch, not my problem, I'll stroll up later and bring it to 'em, let 'em sit in the cells for a bit untill I come and save their sorry hides, that'll teach 'em for roping me and the Master Emerald into this.~ Knuckles thought to himself. A smirk appearing across his face.


"Yeah, they went this way." Knuckles said walking in the direction of the hut. "You comin' 'princess'? Or are you waiting for someone to carry you?" Knuckles teased Blaze, as he continued to walk towards the hut.

(Yeah, I kinda want Knuckles and Blaze to but heads a couple of times, it should make for interesting dialogue, also I would have already done the Zecora scene, but I wanna first make sure that Blaze is coming with Knuckles and Fluttershy)

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Luna became conscious again at the sound of the Doctor's laugh... the pain in her wing was gone. She could focus and think again. But he had forgotten something... She charged up her horn the moment she was out of sight, and then, right before she entered his lab, teleported out of the container...


She reappeared next to a red hedgehog. "Ungh...." she shookk her head and stood up- and took a step back. "Who are you?" her horn started to glow again, preparing another attack.

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Tails' "senses" were tingling in his head. He knew his friends needed him. Hey, Apple Bloom, I'd love to stick around but I really need to find Sonic and the others, I don't think this mission will be very safe. You know where Sweet Apple Acres is right? Apple Bloom nodded, a little disappointed Tails was going to leave her. Sho' thing. The filly ran off to the farm, or as Tails thought. As Tails began to fly off and look for Sonic, Apple Bloom followed him. Tails was not flying too high, so she looked up and examined the path she was going, as well as making sure she wasn't being seen.

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Manic is still knocked out from the fall



Amy, pinky pie, and rarity were on the friendship express...


Pinky: so your from another world? Is it like equestria? What is it like? Is your rain chocolate milk? We had chocolate once it was awesome! How do you walk on such skinny legs? Your pink like me! Are you the hedgehog me? That would be so awesome! Where is your cuty mark? What are you good at? Do you not have a cuty mark yet? If you don't where would it be?....


Pinky just went on and on and on like this... Amy started to get annoyed...


Rarity: please pinky pie, be polite and ask one question at a time... Miss rose has gone through a lot today.


Amy was relieved from the talking


The train stopped at canterlot,


Pinky: oh boy! We're here! Do you have a place like canterlot in your world? Is it on a mountain? Is it big? What is it like?---------------------


Pinky wouldn't stop talking...

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Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle



"Whats going on?" Sweetie asked. But before she could get an answer Applejack dashed off. "Well that was ....off." Scootaloo said. "Yeah we should really go follow her." Scootaloo added "But Applejack told us to go home." Sweetie rebelled. "And you think im going to do to what she said?" Scootaloo defended. "Well no....actually you do what anypony says,"Sweetie said. "Which is exactly why were going to go after her.....we deserve to know whats going on here and I KNOW something wierd is happening. "Riiight." Sweetie agreed "Your impossible to convince." Swertie added. "Heh heh well you know you dont have to come with me." Scootaloo responded. "Yeah but id rather not be alone......besides i wanna know whats going on and Applejack looked like she knew what." Sweetie said. "Well then lets dash." Scootaloo Said with a determined look.


After awhile Scootaloo and Sweetie reached Applejack 's house they went in only to find Granny Smith. "Oh sorry to budge in like this Granny Smith." Sweetie said apologetically. "Yeah its an emergency." Scootaloo added. "Lookin fer Applebloom?" Granny Smith guessed. "Well yeah her and Applejack." Sweetie responded. "Oh well ah reckon Applejack went yonder back ta check on Big Machintosh and little Appleblooms been out all day." Granny Smith explained. "OK THANKS!" Scootaloo shoutd and left with Sweetie as fast as they arivved.


Dashing through the south end of the farm The filly duo looking shocked from the sight of the wierd robots and Animal Robot hybrids who only glared at them. "What are those thing and whered they'd come from?" Scootaloo asked a slight hint of panic from her voice. "I don't know What they are" Sweetie said withe the same fear. "But look there." Sweetie said pointing to a weird structure. "That looks like some kind of base." Scootaloo said turning her head around to meet Sweetie's "Now this is just beyond wierd." She said. "Does Applejack know these thing are invading here farm?" But before Sweetie could respond. Scootaloo once again crashed ito a familiar orange mare although not really too hard. "Applejack" The fillies exclaimed "What in the hay is going on here" Scootaloo demanded. "And what are these wierd things on your farm?" Sweetie added "I've never seen anything like them before" Sweetie said.


"Nope" another voice shout out somewhere it sounded like a pony....but not a pony. "Who is that?" Scootaloo asked. "It sound familar....but different Sweetie said



(Argh so tired i dont feel like wriiting Fluttershys part right now sorry)

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Blaze nodded to Fluttershy at her wanted to check on the two fillies "I understand Fluttershy, the wellbeing of children must always come first and I'm sure my Sol Emerald will be fine for now if it is at your house, but we have to make sure to go there before we leave for this...Canterlot place" the cat said kindly to the pegasus. At Knuckles' comment she gave a hard glare at him as he walked away, she calmly walked behind him before kicking him in the back and sending him to the ground as she walked past him as if nothing happened. Blaze looked at him over her shoulder "are you just going to lie there Kunckles? or are we going to have to carry you?" Blaze asked teasing back with a playful smirk on her face


((OOC: well i'm ok if thats the case just as long as it doesn't go to far...i feel so sorry for Fluttershy since she's traveling with Blaze and Knuckles for now XD))

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  On 2012-10-05 at 11:16 PM, 'Summer_Breeze' said:

Cadence panted heavily as she landed and let her wings droop as she caught her breath "It's that Eggman guy...from the moment...i saw him...i knew there was...something wrong about him...and now he's revealed his true colors" she told them still panting "he's taking over the castle as we speak...i-i flew out a window to head here to get help the last thing i was Aunt Celestia confronting him but...i'm not sure but...i think he was...holding Aunt Luna...hostage..." she whispered the last word out still a bit shocked about what she had seen. "we need to get there as quickly as possible" she said as she began to flap her wings.


Sonic and Twilight listened on as Cadence spoke about the atrocities Robotnik had committed under Princess Celestia's nose. "What? He has Princess Luna?! That's just terrible!" Twilight exclaimed, wondering how scared she is because of Eggman. "Why, that blowhard! Just wait til I get my hooves on that Egghead!" Rainbow Dash said while pounding her front hooves together. Sonic looked towards Cadence. "We'll just have to get there quick! Come close, your Highness. We'll be there in a Sonic second!" Sonic said to Cadence before looking towards Shadow who looks more than ready to go as he raised his Chaos Emerald to the sky. "Chaos Control!" The group heard Shadow say before disappearing. In the instantaneous moment of teleportation, it felt as if Sonic's entire body was being split apart into a million pieces. It felt strange to him when he used this technique against Shadow on the race to the Eclipse Cannon on the ARK and it still feels strange to him now. In the next instant, Sonic and the others teleported to another space in Equestria. Sonic and Co. looked around and found themselves in front of the entrance of a grand castle. However, Sonic heard Twilight gasp at the sight. "Oh my gosh, Canterlot Castle..." Twilight said shakily as she looked at the state of the castle.


Sonic and Co. looked towards the castle as parts of it were left smoking and could be seen as it is in extreme duress. Sonic looked towards Shadow who motioned to them to move on. Sonic gave a small pat on Twilight's back. "Don't worry, Twi. We'll get the castle back." Sonic said to Twilight reassuringly. Sonic looked as it appeared that Robotnik had made his move already. "Hmmm, not all of us can be able to go knock on the front door and say hello. I have an idea, me and Rainbow Dash will cause a distraction through the front to draw Eggman's attention while you three try to sneak in and find Princess Luna. As long as Eggman has her, Princess Celestia won't be able to help us. Princess Cadence, is there any way you can get inside the castle without Robuttnik knowing?" Sonic asked to the princess.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"We could go through the caves underground, just like Twilight and Cadance did at the wedding," Spike suggested. "Or Twilight could teleport us in," he continued as he looked through his bag to check the gems he had. "But one thing is for sure, we're probably going to have to split up," Spike finished as he slipped his bag back on his back and sucked on a ruby.

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Manic woke up.... He had a massive head ache,


Manic: oh man... Talk about a head ache... Woh.... What happened to this place....


Manic ran up to canterlot castle... He sees sonic and the gang making a plan... By this time his head ache was painful...


Manic: YO sonic!!! Look.... What......... I.. Found


Manic started tripping running to sonic holding the chaos emerald...



Pinky, Amy, rarity were walking through canterlot


Rarity: what happened to the castle!!! We better go check up on Celestia


They ran to the castle.... They see the gang...


Rarity: twilight darling, what happened here?

Pinky: is there another bad pony??? Or is it just a fire? It would be nice if it were just a fire, but then... Etc etc


Amy saw sonic... She runs up to him, but then sees manic tripping and holding the chaos emerald...



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Cadence and flown closer to the group as Shadow said 'chaos control' which left her feeling slightly dizzy but snapped out of it before looking at the castle "oh nononono..." Cadence gasped out and then turned to Sonic when asked if there was a way in without being seen and heard what Spike said "well....like spike said...we could go through the caves underneath Canterlot...but when we were down there it wasn't exactly by choice...but we could try it...though i'm not really sure where they would take us...what do you think Twilight?" Cadence asked her sister-in-law.

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Amy was about to hug sonic when she saw manic tripping and stuff... And had a confused love feeling...


She went over to manic and huged him

Amy: what happened manic? Are you ok??

Manic: better now...


Manic was shocked to see Amy huging him... He flinched from the pain and through the chaos emerald to sonic...

He then fell down, he got dizzy, and he passed out...



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Tails flies to the sight. Apple Bloom continued to sneak up on Tails without his knowledge. "Sonic!" Tails exclaims, as he lands at the sight of the gang. "What's the matter? I can tell that Eggman is up to no good again! I actually parked the Tornado somewhere underground from here, so I can get that if we need it."

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Applejack ran back out the way she came, luckily enough for her, the silo was still open, possibly due to the robot she broke never going back to it's charge port. She then galloped, going her top speed when she ran into the 2/3 that make up the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "What the- Didn't I tell ya'll ta go home?!" Applejack yelled at them, they then asked her about the strange animals and machines that seemed to be littering the farm, then came a sound that seemed to deafen the noise all around Applejack. "Nope." The voice was familiar, but at the same time, lost all of it's personality. It was Big Mac, he had been right behind Applejack all along, only he never made a sound while following her.


"Now ya- ya'll listen here..." Applejack said, her voice quivering as she gazed upon what she used to call her brother. "I'll hold 'im off, and ya'll ju- ju- just make fer Ponyville... Don't you worry none, I'll be right behind ya'll, promise." Said Applejack, trying to sound as reassuring as she possibly could. Applejack got back on her hooves, she then looked back to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, glaring at them untill they sped off. "At least they're outta the fryin' pan..." She said as she looked back at Big Macinbot. "But now I've gone an' hopped in the oven..." She took an aggressive stance, snorting while scratching the ground, kicking up dust. "I don't wanna havfta' fight you Big Mac, please... Show me that yer still you in there..." She said sincerely, but to no avail. The badnick approached Applejack, it's orders were to capture her, along with any of the other 'Elements of Harmony' he acknowledged his new assignment simply by emotionlessly uttering. "Eeyup."


Big Mac descended upon Applejack with speed she never thought her brother capable of, she only barely dodged his lunge, which took out many of the apple trees in it's wake. "Big Mac! Snap out of it! This ain't you!" Applejack pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. "Nope." Was her only response as she felt a sharp pain in her gut, followed by a sense of weightlessness, she had been struck upward by Macinbot, he then swiftly bucked her into an apple tree, felling the tree, an greatly hurting Applejack. Though Applejack was no push over.


"Tha- that the best you can do?" Applejack said, staggering back on her hooves. "Yer gonna hafta do better'n that!" She said as she finally engaged her brother matching him shot for shot, though she wasn't pulling her punches (so to speak) she wasn't visibly doing any harm to big Macinbot, but for every lucky hit he managed to land, Applejack felt more and more like life itself was leaving her. The fight wore on for too long, she was now too exhausted to run from her brother, her only option was to stay focused and use her rodeo skills to dodge his strikes and lashes.

"I- I ain't gonna last.... much.... longer...." Applejack was running on empty, she had already accepted she wasn't going to win his fight, but she had to do something, Granny Smith, Applebloom, her friends, Ponyville, and ALL of Equestria was in danger, this Eggman was bad all along, yet she was fooled by him anyways, her trust had been betrayed. Not only that, her family now had to suffer for it, they would have to see what became of Big Mac.... And what would undoubtedly happen to her.

"Nu- No... I can't just let that happen. Please... Celestia, see me through this..." She dodged another of Big Mac's lunges, she the made a break for the recharge silo, determined to put an end to the roboticizing of innocent lives.




Eggman was in the throne room, Celestia on the throne, him by her side. An entire formation of the new Pegasus badnicks at the door, ready to defend against the opposition on the other side. "Do remember to smile, dear Princess," Eggman started, "It won't be as good of a show if our tragic heroine was sad before her exeunt from the stage, are all the players ready? Then it is Showtime!" As Eggman said this, all the main doors leading to the throne room flung open, reveling the group standing before the gate. A loud, booming voice called out to them, "Sonic and friends! Please don't be so shy, step right up, come and face me as you are!" It called out to them, rows upon rows of Pegasus badnicks lining the halls leading up to the throne room.


"It shall be a show to remember..." Eggman said to himself as he waited for his, 'performers' to take 'center stage'.




Knuckles landed face first after Blaze's little trick, he wasn't too pleased face planting twice in one day. "Just play along Knuckles.... The sooner we get the emeralds the sooner we can find the Master Emerald..." Knuckles said to himself as he did breathing exercises to calm himself back down. The small group of three were walking through the forest rather tensely as a certain animosity could be felt between Blaze and Knuckles. Finally they came upon the hut. "Yeah, this is it, they ran here just before the whole 'explosion thing' happened." Knuckles said as he casually walked up to the hut and knocked. "Hey! Two... Uh... 'Foals' *to Fluttershy* that's what you said right?, *back to the hut* yeah two FOALS ran in here, one was orange, maroon tail, the other white and well groomed. They have a Emerald that we need, so bring em' out here and let's get this over with!" Knuckles stated, ever so elegantly


"You seek the fillies who just saw me? And who, may I ask, might you be?" Came a voice from inside the hut.


Knuckles got agitated. "Listen, I'm sure you have a whole book of rhymes you've been dying to use, but we don't got time for game, now get them out here!" Knuckles shouted, stomping his foot.


"Oh my, how rude! You should fix your attitude! You shout and bang on my door, what reason have I to help you for?!" The rhyming voice continued


"Okay, that's it! Hope you know a good carpenter lady! Cause your door is GONE!" Knuckles stated as he began to wind up for a powerful, door shattering blow.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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Blaze quickly gabbed Knuckles before he could do any damage "doing something like that isn't going to help matters Knuckles!!!" Blaze scolded before turning to the closed door "I apologise for my friend, my name is Blaze the Cat and my hot-headed friend is Knuckles the Echidna, we are here to find those two fillies because Knuckles saw them with what we call a Chaos Emerald that hold great power and that they had come here before that explosion and we need find them right away, are they still here?" Blaze asked calmly.

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Twilight looked behind her as she sees Spike interject about the crystal caves underneath Canterlot Castle. "Spike, I thought I told you to go and help the others!" Twilight said in an irritated tone to her assistant. Sonic reassured her. "It's okay, Twi. He just wants to help, but you be sure to know when to stay out of the way, right Spike?" Sonic said to Twilight and Spike before giving a small wink to Spike. Twilight heard Cadence voice her approval of Spike's plan before asking Twilight for her opinion. "Well, it is true, we are able to get in the castle that way. I wonder if we can remember the route though." Twilight said to her old foal-sitter. Sonic got a surprise as he saw Manic scream at him with a Chaos Emerald in his hand. He sees Manic throw it to him and Sonic catches it. "Manic, you okay, bro?" Sonic sped his way to him and sees he is already being accompanied by Amy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. "Alright, looks like we got two Emeralds to play Eggman with. Shadow can use his while I work this one with RD."



  On 2012-10-07 at 4:21 PM, 'Dίsмajo' said:

Tails flies to the sight. Apple Bloom continued to sneak up on Tails without his knowledge. "Sonic!" Tails exclaims, as he lands at the sight of the gang. "What's the matter? I can tell that Eggman is up to no good again! I actually parked the Tornado somewhere underground from here, so I can get that if we need it."


Sonic looked around as he sees his best pal, Tails, fly to the group. "Yo, Tails! Long time no see, buddy!" Sonic said as he gave a high-five to Tails. Tails voiced his concern about Eggman. "You got that, Tails. Robuttnik is at it again and it looks like he has Princess Celestia under his control. We need to put him out of play, pronto!" Sonic said to Tails. Sonic faced to his new friends. "Everyone, this is Tails, my first best friend. He has been with me in the toughest spots I have ever been in." Sonic said as he praised his genius of a good friend. Tails then spoke about the Tornado being here. "No way! You brought the Tornado here too? Nice work there, buddy! Me and Dash are definitely going to need the extra fire-power in a bit." Sonic said to his friend. Twilight took a sudden interest in Tails. "Wow, is he really that smart? He looks so young." Twilight asked Sonic. "You bet! Whatever's broken or something needs built, Tails is the man." Sonic said to Twilight Sparkle.


  On 2012-10-08 at 5:38 AM, 'Cranium Tyranus' said:

A loud, booming voice called out to them, "Sonic and friends! Please don't be so shy, step right up, come and face me as you are!"

Sonic's praise stood still as he heard Robotnik's voice boom out out of megaphone from within the castle. "Hmmm, sounds like an invitation to party! Shadow, go with Twi and the others through the mines to make sure nothing happens to them while they try to find Princess Luna. Tails, get the Tornado and be ready to back and RD up when needed. Amy, I need your help running the middle with me. I need you to punch when I can't." Sonic said to the gang. "Oh, almost forgot. Tails, you got any more Power Rings? My bag is all out." Sonic asked to Tails.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Thank you Blaze." Fluttershy said to her with a smile. Fluttershy was glad she put the concers of other people before her. Then Blaze and Knuckles started to argue but Fluttershy saw it as just playful roughousing.


When they got to the place knuckles last saw the two fillies Fluttershy immediately knew where they where but before she could say anything Knuckles walked up to the door and knocked . Zecora answered almost immediately . Knuckles was getting irrational with the zebra and was about to blow the door clean off. "STTTOOOOPP!!!" Fluttershy screamed...."Ummmmm sorry about that" She apologised . Zecora recognised the mare. "Oh my dear Fluttershy, Please tell me why have you come by." The Zebra asked. "Oh we were just wondering if Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came through here." Fluttershy asked as nicely as she could. "Oh so its the 2 fillies you seek i can only say that very soon you shall meet. The Zebra rhymed. "So are they here or not." Fluttershy asked again not understanding the zebras rhymes. Zecora shook her head. "Ohhh" Fluttershy said disheartened.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo



The duo caught up to the orange mare but it was clear Applejack wasn't happy to see them, and the big pony roboy hybrid looked even more displeased with thier appearance than Applejack did if that was even possible. The fillies stood in fear at the sight of the monster until Sweeties mind clicked "Big Machintosh....is that you?" She said "What happened to you?" Scootaloo addedbut the robot didnt respond only taking steps closer to the group. The farmer pony didnt waste anytime telling the fillies to leave. "But Applejack we want to help you fight." Scootaloo protested. "Yeah you cant beat Big Mac by yourself." Sweetie said defiantly, But a glare from Applejack that could only be beaten by Fluttershy 's famous stare said to leave NOW!.. Big Macinbot was now closing in on them. The fillies seeing theres no way they'd last got up and left quickly leaving Applejack to fend for herself.


"This is so stupid!" Scootaloo said zooming on her scooter withe Sweetie Belle in the back. " Applejack is fightning for her life against her own brother and were powerless to do anything." Scootaloo said angrily. " I know" Sweetie add "Its so fustrating...." She said holding the Chaos Emerald in her hoof it too glowing with the same firery passion in Sweeties heart determined to help her friend avoid whatever fate that Machintosh had. All of a sudden the group lf tobot birds that were previously idle were now agressive and were attack the duo. "AHHH stupid birds." Scootaloo said angrily trying to avoid them. Little Sweetie Belle attempted to swar some of them away nut all was futile as the birds swarmed Scootaloo causing her to stop. "Argh Sweetie...go on without me" She said weakly. "NO!!" Sweetie shouted louder than usual. "I ALREADY HAD TO ABANDON ONE FRIEND I WONT ABANDON ANOTHER". Sweetie yelled the emerald she had now shining a blinding whit light and her horn too flowed with a mystical raw power she had drew from the emerald . The flock flew away scared dropping Scootaloo down. "Wow Sweetie that was awesome!" Scootaloo praised Sweetie for saving her. Sweetie hugged Scootaloo "Im just glad your safe." Sweetie said all the animal robot hybrids gone. "How did you do that anyway?" Scootaloo asked. " I dont know." Sweetie responded " I just felt so angry when those bird things picked you up then this rock thing started glowing." Sweetie Explained.


"Hmmmm" Scootaloo hummed. "I got a crazy idea but i think we may be able to help Applejack after all." Scootaloo proposed. "Well what are waiting for?" Sweetie Said eagerly . "Lets go save our friend." She added. Scootaloo nodddd and went back the way they came.


"There she is!" Scootaloo shouted. "Oh man Applejack doesnt look to good either." She addd seeing how Applejack was looking rather tired from battling Big Macinbot. Applejack then started to run away but the Badnik was catching up to her. "NO! Sweetie shouted again her horn glowing a radiant light blue hue ( Was white before but who cares >.>) "Yeah Sweetie." Scootaloo Said encouraging Sweetie to power up. " Get angry .... imagine what will happen to Applejack if she gets caught here." Scootaloo added. Though Sweetie tried to NOT think about it she imagined Applejack being turned into a robot like the animals and Big Macintosh. "AUUUUUUGH!!!" Sweetie screamed her horn then unleashed a powerful beam that headed for Big Macinbot.

The Badnik barely had enough time to turn around only to meet face first with a powerful energy beam. Big Macinbot was hit and he was enveloped in its explosion



(And no i didnt kill Machintosh but do say if that was a bit much)

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Amy: ok sonic!


Manic woke up.... His head was still in pain but wasn't as bad now....


Manic: yo sonic... Don't forget about your bro... I can still hack into robutniks computers... And remember, if there was an eggman coad I couldn't bust... I'd turn in my freedom fighters badge!


Rarity: I bet that badge is as tacky as your hair...


Manic: well excuse me princes...(lol see what I did there?) you sound a lot like Sonia...

But what ever... Lets just flinch* get in the castle

  • Brohoof 1



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  On 2012-10-08 at 6:54 AM, 'Alex_Night' said:

Twilight looked behind her as she sees Spike interject about the crystal caves underneath Canterlot Castle. "Spike, I thought I told you to go and help the others!" Twilight said in an irritated tone to her assistant. Sonic reassured her. "It's okay, Twi. He just wants to help, but you be sure to know when to stay out of the way, right Spike?" Sonic said to Twilight and Spike before giving a small wink to Spike. Twilight heard Cadence voice her approval of Spike's plan before asking Twilight for her opinion. "Well, it is true, we are able to get in the castle that way. I wonder if we can remember the route though." Twilight said to her old foal-sitter. Sonic got a surprise as he saw Manic scream at him with a Chaos Emerald in his hand. He sees Manic throw it to him and Sonic catches it. "Manic, you okay, bro?" Sonic sped his way to him and sees he is already being accompanied by Amy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. "Alright, looks like we got two Emeralds to play Eggman with. Shadow can use his while I work this one with RD."





Sonic looked around as he sees his best pal, Tails, fly to the group. "Yo, Tails! Long time no see, buddy!" Sonic said as he gave a high-five to Tails. Tails voiced his concern about Eggman. "You got that, Tails. Robuttnik is at it again and it looks like he has Princess Celestia under his control. We need to put him out of play, pronto!" Sonic said to Tails. Sonic faced to his new friends. "Everyone, this is Tails, my first best friend. He has been with me in the toughest spots I have ever been in." Sonic said as he praised his genius of a good friend. Tails then spoke about the Tornado being here. "No way! You brought the Tornado here too? Nice work there, buddy! Me and Dash are definitely going to need the extra fire-power in a bit." Sonic said to his friend. Twilight took a sudden interest in Tails. "Wow, is he really that smart? He looks so young." Twilight asked Sonic. "You bet! Whatever's broken or something needs built, Tails is the man." Sonic said to Twilight Sparkle.


Tails turns a little red from all the flattery. "Thanks Sonic, and everyone else, too! Yeah! You see, I have another base that's not as impressive as the main one here in Equestria. It's basically just a simple cave. Nothing special." Apple Bloom pokes her head out behind Tails. "Boo! Hay, Tails!" Tails flinches from not expecting Apple Bloom to appear. He turns around. "Where's Applejack?" "AB, I thought you were going back to Sweet Apple Acres. I honestly don't think anything will turn out well if you come on an adventure with us, unless you are extra careful."

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The transport had went on for some time... did something go wrong? How was she... wait...


Luna came to on the ground, in front of Canterlot Castle. There was a large group of... creatures there, along with several ponies. "Ungh...."

Luna stood up. How did that take so long for something that short? She stood up, regained her balance, and said, "Hello, I am-" Then she became dizzy.... and all went black...


OMEGA online.

Equestrian spotted.

"Hello, apple pony. I am E-123 Omega."

Offering handshake.

"Pleased to meet you."

(Yes, it is Applejack.)


Celestia was trapped- a prisoner of her own body! But she could still think... and for that she was grateful. And... wait. Magic is a mental function! She didn't need her body to do it... but she needed to wait for the right time...

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"Do not fret Fluttershy they were fine when they said goodbye." Zacora reassured Fluttershy. After getting thier answer from Zacora Fluttershy was confident that the pair were safe at home maybe. "Ok thanks for the help Zacora." Fluttershy thanked the zebra. Fluttershy turned to Blaze. "Now we ccan go get your Sol Emerald thing." Fluttershy said with confidence.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo



As the flash of the blast dimmed down Scootaloo was amazed at the amount of power Sweetie had just released. "Wow Sweetie that blast was amazing!" She praised. "Why I bet even the Princess could'nt handel that kind of attack." She added making Sweetie blush. "Oh it wasnt that powerful....besides this rock we found earlier is the real reason I did that because im not really good at magic." Sweetie admitted as she held the light blue Chaos Emerald in her hoof. "Well then im glad we found it otherwise Applejack would've been done for." Scootaloo said.




The fillies giggled until they saw a little farther ahead was Applejack in front of another robot. The duo wasnt sure what it was doing but they werent taking any chances. "APPLEJACK WATCH OUT!!!!" Sweetie screamed. "He doesnt look so tough." Slured Scootaloo. "Im gonna ram him!" She said getting on her scooter and making a mad dash towards the robot .

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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  On 2012-10-08 at 6:54 AM, 'Alex_Night' said:

Shadow, go with Twi and the others through the mines to make sure nothing happens to them while they try to find Princess Luna.

"Fine then, but we take on Eggman together. We can't risk failing now." Shadow said as he turned to Twilight "Now where are these mines again?"


Metal Sonic was flying towards Canterlot ready to enact the next part of his plan. ~I just need there princess's data, then I will depose of this pathetic world, leaving Mobuis to myself~ Metal thought to himself. ~Hopefully the Master Emerald is still where I left it~

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Offensive Action taken by ponies.

Open weapon systems.



Transportation destroyed.

Close weapon systems.

"Why were you charging me? And why do you have a Chaos Emerald and a Sol Emerald.

Contacting Shadow...

Shadow, Chaos Emerald located with younglings. Attempting to obtain. Over.

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