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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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Nova continued down the hallways taking care of any unwanted gaurds that might have known who she was until she was outside the doors to the Grand Ball room. Soon she would have her revenge on Celestia and the rest of the world and start a new era of life on Equestria. "Soon very soon my time will come and then I will be the next ruler of Equestria and then everypony will see the price of a new world." Nova stood outside the doors watching as ponies walked into the dance room waiting for theright moment to enter.


Storm and Dash backed up a bit both of them stuttering neither of them knew what to say to each other they just stared at each other. Storm decided to make the move that neither of them were going to do, he stepped closer to Dash and hugged her closely and held her tight. Dash put her head against his neck "This is such a wonderful feeling Storm promise me that it won't ever end." Storm pulled her head away and gave Dash a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her "I promise Dash that nothing will ever come between us, you have my honor as a Pegasus."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Nova continued down the hallways taking care of any unwanted gaurds that might have known who she was until she was outside the doors to the Grand Ball room. Soon she would have her revenge on Celestia and the rest of the world and start a new era of life on Equestria. "Soon very soon my time will come and then I will be the next ruler of Equestria and then everypony will see the price of a new world." Nova stood outside the doors watching as ponies walked into the dance room waiting for theright moment to enter.


Storm and Dash backed up a bit both of them stuttering neither of them knew what to say to each other they just stared at each other. Storm decided to make the move that neither of them were going to do, he stepped closer to Dash and hugged her closely and held her tight. Dash put her head against his neck "This is such a wonderful feeling Storm promise me that it won't ever end." Storm pulled her head away and gave Dash a kiss on her forehead and smiled at her "I promise Dash that nothing will ever come between us, you have my honor as a Pegasus."


Butajiri felt his comrades enter the ballroom before he could see them. They had a fourth pony with them who he presumed was the exact one they were going through this trouble for.


Without warning, he jumped onto the stage while the band was still playing and snatched an unused microphone. The band abruptly stopped, mostly out of shock that someone had the nerve to do that.


"Alright everyone," he began. "Sit the hell down and shut the hell up. I'd like to get this done without incident."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Their rears firmly planted against the cold ground and backs against the smooth stone of the wall, the couple heard noises coming from inside the castle.


"...Then the chainsaw just reared back..." Twilight placed a hoof on Skullkins chest, the black velure of the suit was soft against it.


"I'm sorry master Skullkin, another story about wartime masaceres that inevitably end in gratuitous debauchery must wait, I believe somepony is...mmmmaakkkiinnggg a toast?" The words oozed like molasas off her lips. He stood, granting the young 20 year-old a hoof up and an open door in to the castle.

Edited by Molporgnier
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Fluttershy wandered back into the main ballroom and saw many of her friends scattered throughout, but all of them seemed busy so she kept to herself as she took in the scene. Then, she saw something jump onto the stage and violently order the crowd and, not wanting to cause trouble, she headed over to her friends while attention was being distributed elsewhere.

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Butajiri saw a few of the ponies attempting to exit the ballroom. Hirue walked out in front of her to keep them from leaving. "Nobody's planning on leaving now, are they? I promise not to take long." He brushd away some of his hair in his eyes. "I've been to evey Grand Galloping Gala for the past fifty two years..." This statement sounded rediculous because he appeared to be half that age. "... and I have to say, this is the third most boring one yet. There aren't even any damn drunkards. I always look forward to that. The good news is that is about to change. Life was made from Hell's everlasting sulfur, and thus it will return! This is the last day your princess will raise the sun! I prupose a toast to a new, better Equestria, one run by fear! If any of you find it difficult to believe I am telling the truth based on my looks." He turned a way from the microphone. When he turned back to the ballroom, his eyes were yellow with red slits for pupils, his teeth were sharper than that of any wolf, his lip was curled up, and his head was adorned with two grey horns as long as his snout. "Things will get ugly soon enough! Just you wait!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Rarity was attempting to dance with Hank, but was too busy thinking about how Spike would react. She and Spike had a soft spot for each other...


Rarity looked over at the commotion, but was too busy starting to dancewith Hank to make any notice. However after hearing the speech, she began to worry. She stopped Hank with the dancing, and pointed at Buttajiri.


"Hank, Dear, what does he mean 'This is the last day Celestia will raise the sun'?" Rarity asked.


Meanwhile, after seeing Buttajiri make ponies refuse to leave. Applejack looked at Butajiri with pure hatred. Honestly, ponies should leave if they wished. She pulled her Apple stand right in front of him, and gave him a sharp stare.


"And who the buck are you? Sugar, ponies should leave if they want to. Wha's you're problem, your color blind? In all honesty, you're being a bucking jerk." Applejack shouted, making sure other ponies could hear. She looked over at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, Back me up." She said through gritted teeth.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Shadow stood in the doorway. It didn't seem right that this monster, whatever he was, she still had yet to decide what he might be, was announcing what was going down. But who knew that might be his job. She waited for whatever she would need to do next, watching from the shadows, one of the few things she was good at.

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"My princess, I need not tell you of mine and Moonlights relationship. Many a time, if you remember, did you advance upon me in the early years, during and after the discord war. Each time I told you the same, that I belonged to her. In such a time of frivilty to be joined was a much more important thing than in this time. And so I know of all the ponies in the land that you, my oldest friend, can understand when I say that I wish to stay with her all her days. Death to me is inevitable. Time shall not rend from me my life, the winds not forget my taint. Every drop of blood spilt in the lands of equestria, at least in your name, shall be spilt by me. But not hers. Only those that would work against her," he looked towards the door to the castle and smiled a sort of sly smile, "Unless she begs me otherwise."


Celestia felt a tinge of alarm when he began to leave, "Wait!" she blurted, "Don't leave Skullkin!"

She tried to think of a reason besides her own affection, "Perhaps you would consider rejoining the Guard? Lately Shining Armor has complained to me that he needs someone to train the soldiers better....."

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Rarity was attempting to dance with Hank, but was too busy thinking about how Spike would react. She and Spike had a soft spot for each other...


Rarity looked over at the commotion, but was too busy starting to dancewith Hank to make any notice. However after hearing the speech, she began to worry. She stopped Hank with the dancing, and pointed at Buttajiri.


"Hank, Dear, what does he mean 'This is the last day Celestia will raise the sun'?" Rarity asked.


Meanwhile, after seeing Buttajiri make ponies refuse to leave. Applejack looked at Butajiri with pure hatred. Honestly, ponies should leave if they wished. She pulled her Apple stand right in front of him, and gave him a sharp stare.


"And who the buck are you? Sugar, ponies should leave if they want to. Wha's you're problem, your color blind? In all honesty, you're being a bucking jerk." Applejack shouted, making sure other ponies could hear. She looked over at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, Back me up." She said through gritted teeth.


Butajiri tilted his head and pulled back his lip more, showing his jagged teeth. "I'm not keeping anyone from leaving." He said. "He is."


Hirue took off his glasses and threw them on the ground. The skin on his body ripped and fell off in shreds. Underneath, his skin was a leathery, green skin like that of a toad. His shape changed, replacing each leg with two tentacles. His torso turned upright and an enormous mouth opened on his chest. Two claws sprouted from his shoulder sockets with a small mouth in each palm. His mouth was replaced by a small green trunk with a suction like opening at the end. "Ha ha! I've finally had a chance to show this form!" He said happily. His voice was shrill and gurgled. "I am Hirue. The Inlet of Leaches."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Storm and Dash stopped dancing when they heard the pony making demands looking on they weren't sure what to do. Dash however wanted to jump right in and kick that pony right in the mouth for what kind of toast he was proposing, but Storm had a hoof out in front of her and was giving her a stern look while he shook his head. "Dash you don't know what that pony or whatever he is is capeable of he could kill you for all we know and I don't want that to happen." Dash growled she wanted to just rush in and beat him up "But you don't know if he's really dangerous at all he could be bluffing for all we know." Storm stepped in front of her with a worried look on his face "Dash you can't be sure and I don't want to loose you after we just found each other." Storm place his head against hers but things rarely stay simple.


All of the attention on Butajiri was cut short when the doors going into the ball room exploded from a dark energy blast. The explosion had killed at least 15 ponies that had been standing near it as Nova Star slowly walked into the Grand Ball Room. "Well you've done such a nice job at keeping everyone here my associates." Nova chuckled as she walked past the scared and bloody corpses of the fallen ponies. Nopony dared make a move as she made it to the center of the stage "All of you will fear me as I will create a new Equuestria one that is filled with those only worthy enough to grace it with their hooves." Nova's dark aura started to show around her as her horn glowed black and her wings extended.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"What the hell!" Hirue exclaimed. "Im the one they should be freaking out about. Im a freaking demon! Come on! My hands have fracking mouths on them!"


"Yes, and Im sure your nightly ritual is fantastic." Butajiri said. "Now will you shut up? Your voice sounds like dying kittens."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Hank looks at Nova and her aura as he took a couple steps back. He doesn't seem afraid of her at all. Well at least he doesn't show it. There is something strange going on with Hank as his aura is changing different colors, each one matching an AI. The Aura kept switching different colors as he slowly makes his way away from Nova and to storm.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"Stand still, damn it!" Hirue order to Hank in his gurgled voice. "Nobody moves unless I say they can, you little welp!" He slithered through the crowd on his eight tentacle base and towered over Hank with the mouth on his chest opened wide. Hirue's true form was enormous and not pleasing to the eyes or nose.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Applejack laughed. Hirue looked funny.


"Sugar, I can MOVE. In all honesty...you're weird." Applejack told Hirue. She walked out of her Apple stand, and looked Hirue in the eye. Then she bucked him. Hard. As hard as she could.


Then she looked up at Nova, and spat. And threw a pie at Nova, yelling "BOOO!"


Rarity hid behind Hank, scared. How could AJ or Hank stand up to such a creature?

Edited by Magic Tricks

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Applejack laughed. Hirue looked funny.


"Sugar, I can MOVE. In all honesty...you're weird." Applejack told Hirue. She walked out of her Apple stand, and looked Hirue in the eye. Then she bucked him. Hard. As hard as she could.


Then she looked up at Nova, and spat. And threw a pie at Nova, yelling "BOOO!"


Rarity hid behind Hank, scared. How could AJ or Hank stand up to such a creature?


Hirue was so tall that her hoofs only hit the base of his spiny, boneless tentacles. His skin and bone shifted around from the force of the blow, but he wasn't knocked back. "Ha!" He exclaimed. "You can't fight me if you're so short! What were you planning on doing? Are you gonna bite my tentacles?" He swung two of his tentacles at applejack's neck.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Applejack dodged them. Barely, though she did get a small cut. Applejack was about to git Hirue her all, but Rarity held her back.


"No, Applejack, he's much stronger then usual. You can't beat him...just give up!" Rarity whined.


"Fine." Applejack told her, frowning. Giving a clear look to Hirue that said 'Another Time'.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hank watched what Hirue did to Applejack "im not afraid of you." he stares at him as his aura changed "you think you are all cook. I can take you on but i don't want anypony to get hurt!" He stood protective infront of Rarity. "Applejack get behind me incase he attacks" He said calmly as he still kept changing Aura colors.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Storm growled at the fact that this pony was doing this, that she would just go and kill those ponies in cold blood like that it didn't make any sense at all. "You can't just think that you can get away with this Celestia will put a stop to you and end this before it begins." Dash watched as Storm fought his urge to blaze right in and fight this strange new pony, she bit on his jacket holding him back a bit. "Don't do it Storm, Celestia and Shining Armor will take care of her." Storm relaxed a bit he was content with waiting for Celestia to take care of her.


Nova simply swatted the pie that AJ threw at her away knocking it to the ground and she laughed at the feeble ponies attempting to challenge her. She looked around and saw a couple tryinng to sneak out of a window she glared at them and a dark magic claw appeared and cut them down their blood staining the dance floor. "Now now nopony will be leaving so soon, my dear Celestia where are you it's me your favorite friend in the whole world."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hirue bellowed deeply. "Everything I touch ends up dying! I just don't know why they keep making me the guard."


Butajiri lept from the stage and ran toward Hirue and his targets.


Hirue sprung forward at Hank with his curled tentacles. The mouth on his chest was now fully opened, but he stopped himself in his tracks when Butajiri drew his sword and extended the blade in his path so that it separated him from Hank. "You musn't eat the guests, Hirue. T'is very rude." Butajiri said.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Hank sighs "thats the reason why they made yu the guard." He watchs Hirue get ready as he reaches for his knife. When he saw him stop he got back in his normal position "i am surprised you stopped him.. why would you stop him from eating me? I can be a threat to you all." He still stood infront of Rarity. He thought about what happened to the ponies who tried to escape and shakes his head not trying that idea.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"A threat? You?" Butajiri asked. "You're a pony. Your lifespan is measured in decades! If something as simple as time can wither you up and turn you to dust, how do yo expect to kill Yokai. That's the name most of our race goes by but I rather prefer Demon. You may be more familiar with that name. I'm not going to kill you because you would make an excellent slave. I'm looking for someone with a strong will."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Celestia stood up as soon as she heard the commotion, someone had just made an open threat against Equestria in her own hall. "Who just said that?" she blared, using her royal voice, "I demand that they show them selves this instant! I will not tolerate open threats to my kingdom!"

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Nova looked over finally see Celestia show herself "Well my dear Celestia it's been a few years since we've seen each other you might have stopped me last time but now you're powerless to stop me." Nova just laughed seeing Celestia standing there staring at her the reality that Nova had come back setting in. One of the guards flew in to try and stop her only to get impaled by her horn his blood soaking her face as she absorbed him turning him into more dark magic for herself. "Now I demand that you all will fall before my power except those worthy forthe new world, and as for those that are strong feel free to join me as my gaurd." Nova smiled cheekily hoping to goad the Princess into a fight.


Storm and Dash both looked at each other and glared back at Nova up on the stage "Nopony here would dare follow you in this so called new world!" Storm yelled getting a few other ponies agreement that were brave enough to voice there opinion. Dash looked over and could see Princess Cadance and Shining Armor moving through the crowd getting closer and closer hoping to stop her before she could do any more harm. One pony made a run for the door "Hey no don't do that you don't know what will..." her plea was cut short as the pony was encased in a orb of darkness and spears appeared out of the side of the orb it hurt more hearing a young filly calling for her big sister, only to see the body slump to the ground as her blood stained the floor.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rarity shrieked. She didn't dare move.


"Mister...um...whatever you're name is, why are you doing this?"


Applejack stood in front of Celestia.


"Idiot, you don' beat Celestia till' you get through me. We earth ponies may not fly or use fansy mansy magic, but we take pride in brute force."


"Now get out of here before you take a buck to the face, pardner."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Nova looked over at the golden brown pony using her magic and conjured up a pony from the ground the skeletal remains and rotten flesh taking form while she stepped down from the stage. The pony looked at AJ and slashed at her just barely missing moving around growling at the ponies in the party before lunging and attatcking an innocent attende. "You think that you can really stop me you pathetic earth pony? You aren't even worth licking the scum off of my hoof." Seeing that her resurrection was attacking randomly after not being used for a few years, so she used her magic pushing her out of the way standing in front of Celestia grining. "Well Celestia do you submit to me or do I get to have my fun and slaughter everypony here."


Storm couldn't stand it anymore and jumped into the fray kicking the undead pony off of the poor pony his wounds sever and he was bleeding badly. "That's it I can't stand by and watch this anymore I won't let you harm another pony in Equestria!" Storm used his flame magic to start burning the zombie pony in a blaze of intense heat until there was nothing but ash. Dash jumped in as well trying to attack Nova only to be stopped by force field. "Hey why don't you face me like a real pony and not hide behind a stupid shield." Dash tried again and again the barrier keeping Nova safe, Nova saw the power that Storm used and was quite interrested by his power.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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