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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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Lightning looked over to shadow who was helping him up and smiled. "Of course my lady Shadow. Trust nopony. Whats our next move?" Lightning put pressure on his now healed hoof, it felt fine band new in fact. "And I'm sorry I let the madness consume me...I-I had no choice..."

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Nova had had quite enough of what was going on first she was knocked down and then pinned down and Discord had run off with the Crystal Heart. "Get your filthy hoof off of me!" She released a large pulse of dark energy pushing everypony except for Shadow and Lightning. She could sense Celestia getting closer and now wasn't the time for this she focused her powers while everypony was still trying to get back on their hooves. Finding Discords location wasn't easy but her mind link was just the trick she needed, blasting Lightning with some dark magic that started to heal his wounds she levitated Shadow and Lightning to her. "This isn't over just yet my little ponies once Sombra is free my armies will strike all over Equestria." Nova looked to see Storm and Rainbow Dash flying straight towards them and Celestia close behind them before she teleported them away to meet with Discord.


"Hey wait a second Nova you're not getting away that fast!" Storm yelled but it was to late as they watched Nova vanish in her teleportation he growled shooting a ball of fire into the snow. Both of them landed in the snow with the rest of their friends all except Pinkie Pie and Applejack of course. "Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy are you girls alright?" Dash questioned running over to her friends with a bit of a worried look on her face. Storm wasn't far behind as he stopped next to Dash "Ah this must be Twilight Sparkle I've heard so much about. I'm sorry we couldn't stop her in time." Storm bowed his head in shame before he felt Dash's wing on him "I know this probably isn't time for introductions but this is Storm Fire and he's my......well..." Dash blushed a deep red "He's my special somepony." Storm smiled before looking back at the spot where Nova got away waiting for Celestia to regroup with them. "Twilight I have some urgent news I must give you."

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Hey wait a second Nova you're not getting away that fast!" Storm yelled but it was to late as they watched Nova vanish in her teleportation he growled shooting a ball of fire into the snow. Both of them landed in the snow with the rest of their friends all except Pinkie Pie and Applejack of course. "Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy are you girls alright?" Dash questioned running over to her friends with a bit of a worried look on her face. Storm wasn't far behind as he stopped next to Dash "Ah this must be Twilight Sparkle I've heard so much about. I'm sorry we couldn't stop her in time." Storm bowed his head in shame before he felt Dash's wing on him "I know this probably isn't time for introductions but this is Storm Fire and he's my......well..." Dash blushed a deep red "He's my special somepony." Storm smiled before looking back at the spot where Nova got away waiting for Celestia to regroup with them. "Twilight I have some urgent news I must give you."

Celestia put a hoof on Storm's shoulder, "Calm down young one," she said with a motherly tone, "Focus on the task at hand, Nova will be dealt with."

She turned her attention to Twilight, "Do you have the Elements of Harmony Twilight?  Also, where is Skullkin?  I need him to replace your brother...."

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Discord and Rarity jumped from place to place to place, leaving a long trail for anyone who was following. At one of his spots he left the Crystal heart. He finally came to stop at the Badlands.


"Ahhhhh, smell that dry, dead air! Isn't it lovely?"


He opened the bag and dropped Rarity out. Come my dear, we have a lot to discuss. He formed a cloud under them both and floated along the barren wasteland

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rarity stumbled out lf the sack.


"Discord...why did you so RUDELY capture me? What do I need to see? Honesly, are you going to use me as blackmail material?" Rarity asked with a hint of sarcasm.



"Sorry sugarcube, but ah need to find what ahm lookin for. Sorry to say it... Ahm in the middle of importance. Sorry." Applejack told hank.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hank nods "well do you need me to help with whatever you are doing? Sure im tired but i know i can help you." He slowly walks to her "so what exactly are you looking for?" He coughs abit as he laid down closing his eyes. He is still listening but resting at the same time.


(Im in school ill be on when i go home.)

Edited by kappa214



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Rarity stumbled out lf the sack.


"Discord...why did you so RUDELY capture me? What do I need to see? Honesly, are you going to use me as blackmail material?" Rarity asked with a hint of sarcasm.



"Sorry sugarcube, but ah need to find what ahm lookin for. Sorry to say it... Ahm in the middle of importance. Sorry." Applejack told hank.

The badlands were....well...bad...dry a empty. They were a vast wasteland of nothingness. Discord took a more serious tone when next he spoke.


"Listen my little pony to the story I tell, about a once great kingdom that later fell. Should you not heed the warnings I say, your dear Equestria may not last the day"


As he spoke the badlands vanished and they were in an etheral form. Where the badlands once were stood a beautiful oriental style palace with beautiful sculptures, music playing and the most darling ponies.


"Where the badlands now stand there once was a great empire. It was one of the few that drew me here ions ago. I caused glorious chaos once i arrived and all the ponies lived in Disharmony. Beautiful wouldn't you say?"


"But it was not to last. One day a pony by the name of Sombra appeared and proclaimed himself King of this Southern Empire. With his dark magic he turned my glorious chaos into pure evil. THe ponies became slaves to his everywhim. He trained from them every ounce of goodness in their hearts until finally there was nothing left."


He snapped his fingers and showed all the beautiful buildings in ruin, ponies fighting and killing each other, blood in the streets, fires everywhere until finally there was nothing but ruin...and King Sombra.


"I may be the Lord of Chaos but what good is Chaos without other to share it with! *he laughed*.


"Anyway, it wasn't long until he moved to the Crystal Empire. He killed their Queen....eventual...and named himself ruler over the land. Fed up with him ruining my fun, I challenged him. But his regardless of how I altered reality, it was still a dark evil reality of HIS making. It was a stalement, but I knew what was to come. Every Empire all over Equestria would fall until there wouldn't be anything left for me to play with!.....err....I mean.....ponies left alive,"


He placed his hand over his brow in a horribly exagerated dramatic pose.


"Something had to be done and I knew just who to bring to the party......."

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rarity huf her head is amazement.


"Discord...i'm so so sorry. But why did you so rudely capture me? Just to show me...this?" Rarity asked in a sarcastic tone. Discord may have been evil, but sombra seemed so much worse now! She almost felt...sorry for discord, but how eas that possible?

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Rarity huf her head is amazement.

"Discord...i'm so so sorry. But why did you so rudely capture me? Just to show me...this?" Rarity asked in a sarcastic tone. Discord may have been evil, but sombra seemed so much worse now! She almost felt...sorry for discord, but how eas that possible?

"ummm heellllooooo... Lord of chaos and disharmony....why would i ask when its easier to take my dear."


He offered another one of his dorky smirks.


"and yes this is exactly why i brought you. You need to understand what's at stake here my dear. The best i could do against Sombra was astalemate, BUT you and your pals weild the elements of Harmony. With all that love and friendship stuff you can beat him. I've just bought you time."

"to finish my story, i needed help before Sombra made this into a land of nightmare, so i unleashed the worst possible chaos my power could wild in hopes it would attract a creature of love that could beat him."


He snapped his fingers again and the were in hall of stained glass windows that depict Equestria's history.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rarity looked around with a frown on her face.

"Why are we here? And if I help you beat Sombra, you'll just unleash Chaos again and we'll turn you into stone? Lord of Chaos and Disharmony! YOU LOVE IT! Ugh. I thought you wanted to rule the world. Why not just defeat him yourself? You are the being of chaos and disharmony..." Rarity asked. "And then why did you attempt to break us apart if you wanted us to beat him, huh?"



Applejack growled.


"Ah ain't need no help. Ah'm fine just go an' look fer Rarity or sumthin. This work horse can deal with it by herself."

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Rarity looked around with a frown on her face.


"Why are we here? And if I help you beat Sombra, you'll just unleash Chaos again and we'll turn you into stone? Lord of Chaos and Disharmony! YOU LOVE IT! Ugh. I thought you wanted to rule the world. Why not just defeat him yourself? You are the being of chaos and disharmony..." Rarity asked. "And then why did you attempt to break us apart if you wanted us to beat him, huh?"



Applejack growled.


"Ah ain't need no help. Ah'm fine just go an' look fer Rarity or sumthin. This work horse can deal with it by herself."

"You know, for someone as beautiful and talented as you are, you seem a bit dense........I CAN'T beat him. At best am an equal to him. He is not some small threat, He *is* Darkness."


He vanished and placed himself back in the window panes and moved from place to place as he told his story.


"Listen, this is important. Haven't you ever wondered why most of the horrible events that took place in Equestria happened 1,000 years ago? Me. Sombra, Nightmare Moon...they are all connected. 'I' got the attention of Celestia and Luna with my Chaos Magick, BUT I had a plan. No sooner then Luna was alone I corrupted her, much like I did you and your friends. I managed to convince her Sombra was the -real- threat so they took him out instead. I underestimated how strong willed Luna was and the doubt I planted in her took time to grow. They turned me to stone before her corruption sank deep enough and made her Nightmare Moon. So you see, child, I DID want to rule the world in total Chaos, but that wasn't possible with Sombra around. Now, that idiot Nova thinks she can just unleash him and he'll obey like a little dog. HARDLY. She's like a demi god wanting to play with the big boys, but she can't handle all she is releasing.

"I took you here to explain how important it is that Nova not find the Crystal heart and release Sombra."


He jumped out of the pane and poured himself a glass of juice, then drank the glass.


"And -I- didn't break all of you up. Nova did that. I corrupted Pinkie because it was a win win situation. IF I could keep the Crystal Heart from Nova and Sombra remains locked away, I don't want to go back to stone. On the other claw, if Nova does find the heart and releases Sombra, with Pinkie being currupted, nopony playing on the 'Dark Side' of the team is going to care about her so Twilight could then find her and restore her like last time.


I'll have you know its a rather complex game and playing board I've arranged. You little ponies don't even realize that you have two MORE ponies to worry about besides Nova. Frankly my dear, You all don't stand a chance....without......HELP"


He grinned devilishly

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Rarity backed away. 


"So you're saying we'll just get up and help you? And you'll help us? AND YOU CORRUPTED PINKIE PIE!" Rarity said, but then sighed. "Alright, what's your plan? I'll go along, for now. And honestly, Pinkie is a bit of a threat when corrupted. She techniclly has two sides, that are like two different ponies!"

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Rarity backed away. 


"So you're saying we'll just get up and help you? And you'll help us? AND YOU CORRUPTED PINKIE PIE!" Rarity said, but then sighed. "Alright, what's your plan? I'll go along, for now. And honestly, Pinkie is a bit of a threat when corrupted. She techniclly has two sides, that are like two different ponies!"


"Hmm, actually I think of it as helping myself really. What good is a land of Darkness when CHAOS is so much better!"


Discord crossed his arms


"I gave Pinkie Pie a choice and she made it. It really doesn't matter because the same thing is about to happen to you. There really is no other way. Pity. I can see why other ponies like you so much. If only you were as pretty as me maybe we could have had something" He laughed warmly.


"Ah! Before I change you into a greedy horder, I almost forgot to give you the key to EVERYTHING!"


He began, moving in circles around her, jumping from stained glass window to window, then through the reflections on the floor, round and round as he spoke.


"If you wish to beat your foes, a riddle first, here's how it goes. When Darkest hour has arrived, then you shall see past the lies. When Moonlight shines on sad, small pools, reach inside and grab your tools. Only then will you see its true, the key to saving Equestria is inside you"


As he spoke the word 'you' he placed the tip of his clawed finger over her heart. A surge of magic filled at the same time he began to corrupt her.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Rarity took in the riddle and instanly realized what it meant. The mir-


Suddenly, her mind changed. Right in the back of the room, there was a huge sparkling bedazzling fabulous DIAMOND! And it was hers, all hers!


Rarity ran up to the boulder.


"Aha! Look, this boulder is a beautiful diamond! And it's all mine!" Rarity chuckled, then looked back at Discord.


"Help me with this, will you? BUT DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT PUTTING YOUR FILTHY CLAWS OVER TOM!" Rarity ordered. "I know where you live."

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Discord shook his head. She was FAAAR more adorable like this. He snapped his fingers and Tom grew legs. The stone would follow her where ever she went.


"Don't worry my dear, this won't last forever...just until you need to remember. Adios my little pony!"


In a flash of lightening he was gone and Rarity was transported to Ghastly Gorde with.....Pinkie.

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Pinkie Pie grumbled.



"Oh, i'm just here with tom." Rarity muttered, then gasped. "YOU ARE WAY TOO CLOSE TO TOM!" Rarity said, karate-chopping Pinkie Pie.


"Oh no you don't! Stop smiling!" Pinkie said, headbutting Rarity into tom. Tom stumbbled backwards.


Rarity and Pinkie Pie got into a big fight, creating a big magical surge, both Element of Harmony neckalces a deep grey. When they broke up the fight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were deeper grey's then before.




"Yeah! Unless you don't smile!"


"I beg your pardon? You don't treat tom that way!"


Tom 'nodded'.













Rarity and Pinkie Pie sat on opposite sides of the gorge, occasionally taunting the other.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Twilight took a Skullkin esque look.


"Mr. Storm, Its nice to meet you, glad rainbow could find a stallion after all. Now you both had Urgent news for me?"


Skullkin embraced Celestia, his hollow heart filled with nostalgia.



(Im gonna just fill this up with apologizing. Please forgive me for my lack of being here all)

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Celestia looked Skullkin directly in his eyes, ignoring the old feelings she felt for him, she needed to focus, "Skullkin, you have given more service to Equestria than any other pony.  Even I have no right to ask this of you, but I have no choice," she sighed, "Commander Armor has been injured and cannot command the guard.  Will YOU take up arms once again for Equestria, this time as Commander of the Guard?"

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The red flowed through Skullkins veins. To have such power again was fit to make him crazed. Twilight nocked his shoulder, seeing a blood lust trance fall over him, bringing him back to reality.


"My princess, I would love to be your wraith again." He bowed low.

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Celestia nodded, "thank you Skullkin, I'm sorry to have to pull you from retirement like this......" She turned back to Twilight, "The elements Twilight, please tell me that you know where they are, we need them if we are to combat Nova."  Celestia was surprised to find herself almost begging

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Nova followed the link from area to area following Discords path he was deffinately a slippery Lord of Chaos to keep tabs on since he could move so quickly. Suddenly she stopped when her eyes caught the light of the Crystal Heart her evil grin appearing on her face she had found what she was looking for but she needed something from Discord. "Oh my what ever is a lady like my self to do without any chaos being rained down apon me, oh Discord I have a propossal for you if you're interrested in hearing it." She had been thinking about this for a while but she knew how hard it would be even for her to control Sombra and without her books fully collected she wasn't in any shape to be taking him on. All she could do was wait to see if Discord would indeed show herself.


Storm looked over at Celestia and then back to Twilight from what Dash had told her about Twilight and Cadence this was going to be really hard. "Twilight as far as I could tell Nova captured your brother Shining Armor and Cadence.....well.....Cadence is in the ICU and nopony knows if she's going to make it. I'm sorry I wish I had better news." Dash pushed Storm out of the way and looked Twilight right in the eyes "Also we don't know where the Elements of Harmony are and Nova's close to freeing Sombra, what should we do Twilight." Storm got up out of the snow tossing some on Dash to calm her down as they waited for Twilights response.


(K since I can't find anypony to play Sombra right now I'm going to throw a major twist into this when I get a chance and take him out as a playable character.)

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Nova followed the link from area to area following Discords path he was deffinately a slippery Lord of Chaos to keep tabs on since he could move so quickly. Suddenly she stopped when her eyes caught the light of the Crystal Heart her evil grin appearing on her face she had found what she was looking for but she needed something from Discord. "Oh my what ever is a lady like my self to do without any chaos being rained down apon me, oh Discord I have a propossal for you if you're interrested in hearing it." She had been thinking about this for a while but she knew how hard it would be even for her to control Sombra and without her books fully collected she wasn't in any shape to be taking him on. All she could do was wait to see if Discord would indeed show herself.


Storm looked over at Celestia and then back to Twilight from what Dash had told her about Twilight and Cadence this was going to be really hard. "Twilight as far as I could tell Nova captured your brother Shining Armor and Cadence.....well.....Cadence is in the ICU and nopony knows if she's going to make it. I'm sorry I wish I had better news." Dash pushed Storm out of the way and looked Twilight right in the eyes "Also we don't know where the Elements of Harmony are and Nova's close to freeing Sombra, what should we do Twilight." Storm got up out of the snow tossing some on Dash to calm her down as they waited for Twilights response.


(K since I can't find anypony to play Sombra right now I'm going to throw a major twist into this when I get a chance and take him out as a playable character.)

Discord was pleased with himself. He had hidden the Crystal heart and left perfect replica's through out Equestria, filling them magic. Nova was smart and he didn't know how many She would fall for, clever little pony. He had begun ripping the Buildings out of Manehatten, turning them upside down and switching all the clothing around so the Rich were wearing the poors clothing and Vice versa. It was a hoot.

He suddenly Felt Nova calling out to him. "Show time!"

He snapped his fingers and appeared in front of Nova. "You called m'lady'?


(I thought we had a Sombra. Sorry for all the twists in this but I figured it would be best and more interesting to play Discord..well...Chaotic. I hope ya'll don't mind.) 

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Hank opens his eyes again as he got his energy back "applejack are you sure you dont need me cause i need you. I dont know a lot about places here on Equestria and i can need all the help i can get." He coughs abit "we need to stick together incase something bad happens ok?"

(Its my bday i will probably rarely post today.)

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Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Twilight looked in amazment, and brushed some snow off of rainbow dash.


"I beleive that keeping a watchful eye on the princess is good. Skullkin shall go with the princess and hank to go to the bunker just outside of canterlot. Now we need to check on cadance!"


Skullkin hugged Twilight and looked towards Celestia.


"We should leave soon princess."

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Hank looks at applejack feeling a lot better "im going to find the others please dont get hurt." He got up as he teleports to where skullkin,twilight,celestia,dash,and storm is at.

Once Hank appeared he was breathing hard "hello Princess..." He looks at the others "hey.. do you all have a plan on what you will all do next?"



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