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Would your opinion of the show change if the ponies were humans?


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To answer the OP's question, yes, my opinion of the show would probably be different if the characters weren't ponies. Nothing to do with the MLP brand, but part of the reason I enjoy watching it is because the non-human characters create a feeling of high fantasy, and help to establish that Equestria is a very different world from Earth.


I also generally tend to find the animation of cartoon animals very admirable - there are details they have to animate that they wouldn't have to with humans, like tails, manes, and a quadruped walking cycle. Not to mention that Faust's art style makes them look so cute, I want to hug them.

  • Brohoof 2
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Actually, I just realized one of the worst things about the earlier stuff was that they had human kids as the sort-of main characters. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


Yeah, that really turns me off the G1 cartoon. I hope so much that they never ever bring humans into G4 in any way. I know Faust was pretty dead-set against it, I just hope without her there to say "No!" some clueless executive doesn't decide "Hey, I know what this show needs!"
  • Brohoof 1
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It wouldn't have been bad, but it definitely wouldn't be as good. Them being ponies is part of what makes it great.





Lol that's pretty cool! XD


I don't know about everyone else, but I dislike the whole ponies as humans thing. I like my ponies as ponies.


I agree for the most part. I like them being ponies though some of the fanart of them as humans is really great as well. :)


To answer the OP's question, yes, my opinion of the show would probably be different if the characters weren't ponies. Nothing to do with the MLP brand, but part of the reason I enjoy watching it is because the non-human characters create a feeling of high fantasy, and help to establish that Equestria is a very different world from Earth.


I also generally tend to find the animation of cartoon animals very admirable - there are details they have to animate that they wouldn't have to with humans, like tails, manes, and a quadruped walking cycle. Not to mention that Faust's art style makes them look so cute, I want to hug them.


I agree. It feels so much more imaginative and charming as it is. Besides there have been a lot shows about animal characters but they usually act annoyingly like what they are, and nothing more. And generally it begins to feel lightly subpar.


Getting back to what you said, I just feel personifying animals is pretty fun. On another note, as an aspiring animator, I did one animation with an animal character and there are quite a few details to focus on that you don't necessarily have to focus on when drawing humans, namely the ones you mentioned.

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Well, of course there are many who like it because of it being MLP and actually being good but unlike what haters will think there are many of us who genuinely enjoy the show as well.


We watched it cuz it was MLP and to be different, we stayed and talk about every aspect of it because we love it so.


You can't honestly walk up to a person who says they love something popular and tell them "You just like it cuz it's popular and it's the in thing right now" when they tell you otherwise. It isn't anyone's place to doubt others on their reasons for liking this show or how much they actually do.


Personally, I have no idea if I would like it any differently. The idea is so out there it's hard to even consider. I mean, I could use my imagination but that's not really any good for trying to speculate the show I know and love as a teen drama or something.

  • Brohoof 1
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The ponies main appeal to me is the fact that they are ponies, the distance to humanoid form makes them much more appealing to the escapist portion of my entertainment allowing me to revel further into the lore as the immersion is not then hindered by need of plausability.

As someone extremely rational and logical person in my own life, my standards also impose certain levels of expectations for the behaviour that ponies are not tied to, allowing me to more fully enjoy their personalities. This in turn has provided me a more enjoyable format to entertain the social aspects without societal norm reference frame that ties in with the cynical realization of what it means t be a human being in a world populated by creatures driven by more primate sort of social environment in contrast to equine social environment which is much more structured and benevolent among the members of the herd as wild horses display.


Ponies primary appeal as ponies is very much the freedom from the grim aspects of political ape.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd probably still like it. And I have a feeling a bunch of people who are anti-bronies would actually be more willing to watch it and like it.


Sadly this would probably be true for the lot of them. The identifier 'My little pony' is what mostly makes them too self conscious to watch it with an open mind. If it were called something completely different then there'd be no reasons for them to have preconceived notions about it. Attributing to the mane cast being converted over to human beings. :/


And if they'd still avoid it even after those changes, then I'm sorry to say, but it would likely be that they're against shows with girls as the protagonist ingeneral. :(

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Well it would lose a lot of it's horse/pony jokes and the character's wouldn't be as cute so no. Plus what would it be called, my little human?


That's about right! I don't think I would even have bothered to watch it if it was humans...

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm not sure I'd have given it a try in the first place if the characters were humans. I think if I did, and the characterisation was just as well done, then I'd probably keep watching it but I wouldn't have been curious about it to begin with. And I still think it would lose a lot - the fact that it's a quadruped-dominated world gives a good ready-made hook for background details as well as plenty of puns of course.

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I probably wouldn't watch it, either. Part of the reason the show is so awesome is because it's My Little Pony. If it were humans, the show would, like Lyra said, lose it's charm.

I'm not sure I'd have given it a try in the first place if the characters were humans. I think if I did, and the characterisation was just as well done, then I'd probably keep watching it but I wouldn't have been curious about it to begin with. And I still think it would lose a lot - the fact that it's a quadruped-dominated world gives a good ready-made hook for background details as well as plenty of puns of course.


And this, too. Though I'm not sure I would have kept watching it if the show were just as good.


I can't see the humour being as good with humans, either.

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Stumbled across some silly fanart and it got me wondering. What would your response be if the show had been made if the characters were all humanoid? Aside from slight modifications regarding the Cutie Mark Crusaders and how Pegasus/Unicorn characters would be written, the rest of the show would still pretty much be the same. How would this affect you as a fan? Would you be more open about liking it? Would you be as big of a fan as you are now? Would you have even started watching FiM if it didn't have the MLP name slapped onto it?

It would turn me off to the show since I love the cuteness of how the ponies already look, but I suppose it would be easier for other people to accept who are new to the show.

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I would probably like it assuming that all these are present:

1.) It would have the same writing team

2.) It would be animated with the same level of care

3.) All the characters retain their original personalities

4.) Had all the same voice talent


If all that was there, I would still like the show because it would still be an amazing show. The fact that it is ponies has given it something unique, however it never HAD to be MLP to be a great show. Case in point Clannad and Clannad: After Story, Kanon, Firefly, etc...

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