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@@Akari of Duskshire,


I would probably say Chulorn, being a centuries old Vindicator.


That Wei Yu is a more or less normal mortal who's still growing into his training as practice rather than theory, is part of the point of the character.


Although you can sort of tell just from how many words are given in description to each, that the most powerful character is not always the most fully realized one. 

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Being a century old hunter and surviving for years on Outland despite the enemy hordes, I'd say Minalin.


Chenoa is still growing into her abilities as a druid.  And a time of fighting and healing for Garrosh's army (due to effectively being forced on threat of death to herself and others to do so) kind of put a damper on her training.


If I decide to go with a troll, she'll basically be a newbie.  Tons of untapped potential, but still a newbie.  XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Ironically enough, Trolls are my favorite race. Yet I have not capped a single one.

Sometime this week I will level one though. Its gotta be either a frostmage, affliction warlock or resto druid. (I have not tried these classes yet)

I wanna be a witch doctor of some kind. DA VOODOO BE CRAY CRAY MON!

(Really cool signature)

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


In my defense, Chulorn was still an early character and before I even became serious about being a writer. Much of his more extant characterization comes from what I re-wrote about him later. My early RP experience was basically "race/class that's the character" and while the classes have always been my favorite part of the game and I think an important part of a character as it basically colors their worldview and methods, I would later learn that how and why that character is that class is also important. Class should inform a character, even to a great degree, but it should not be the character's only defining trait.


Needless to say, by the time of Mists of Pandaria, I was further along in my major, so Wei Yu got the lion's share of my attention to becoming more of a character, with an arc, and motivations, etc. 


Ironically enough, Trolls are my favorite race. Yet I have not capped a single one.

Sometime this week I will level one though. Its gotta be either a frostmage, affliction warlock or resto druid. (I have not tried these classes yet)

I wanna be a witch doctor of some kind. DA VOODOO BE CRAY CRAY MON!


You can sort of do that by being a shadow priest or a warlock. Similar to how the Tauren and Blood Elves are not "Paladins" they are Sunwalkers and Blood Knights.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Well, you know how you mentioned your desire for shadow hunters to become a separate class?  I plan on making one of my own by choosing one of the three classes I mentioned.  I hear troll shamans do just as well if one wants to RP a witch doctor.


@@Steel Accord,


Same here. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Umm... err... I don't... really rp... I play on pvp servers.... meep.....



I should try it out once, but I have yet to actually rp. :wat:


For somepony who doesn't RP, you sure care a lot about the lore, and if you want to play a Witch Doctor/Shadow Hunter, you can! You just got to pick an appropriate class and play up the aspects you wish. E.g. play a Troll Priest and say the appropriate prayers and blessings. They probably would not even use the word "priest" as much as Witch-Doctor.


And if you consider that filthy, wretched, skit to be representative of the RP community in WoW, you are sorely mistaken!

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For somepony who doesn't RP, you sure care a lot about the lore,

Lore is love, lore is life.


Why do you sound embarrassed/intimidated? 

Oye, ya all made it seem weird. But yes, maybe I will put a witch doctor up on an rp server. I will just have to find one without a full goldshire inn. Kinda hard in europe as people like goldshire rp WAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH. Maybe after I do a bit of raiding first. Gotta get mah fancy gear.

Oh and also, is pvp/pve alive in those servers? (IF I WANNA SEND THOSE ALLIANCE SCUM TO OBLIVION!) XD

Edited by A Cat
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Last I checked, yes.  You may also see pairs or entire guilds out in the Plaguelands or some other place roleplaying.  I also wouldn't be surprised if there was an RPer who PvPs because it's in-character for them.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Oye, ya all made it seem weird.


Wait, we did or you did? I don't understand your wording.



But yes, maybe I will put a witch doctor up on an rp server. I will just have to find one without a full goldshire inn.


Goldshire is not some singular RP hub. It can happen anywhere. Typically in the capitol cities and starting zones where people meet up and just talk in-character.



Oh and also, is pvp/pve alive in those servers? XD


Wouldn't be able to level if PvE content wasn't available. PvP is fine as far as I've gleaned but more people are resistant to it than other servers because some people are playing characters that oppose the Alliance and Horde conflict, myself included.



Lore is love, lore is life.


If you think that, why haven't you RPed yet? That's literally living within the lore. 

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Wait, we did or you did? I don't understand your wording.


Goldshire is not some hub where only RP may take place. It can happen anywhere. Typically in the capitol cities and starting zones where people meet up and just talk in-character.


If you think that, why haven't you RPed yet? That's literally living within the lore. 

YOU did*

Yeah, but some RP servers in eu have a horrible reputation... all the slutmogs... the horror.... Well I will find a good one eventually.

If you actually read the quest texts you are bound to see some lore, lore is in everything even battlegrounds. Lore is love, lore is warcraft...

Edited by A Cat

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Yeah, but some RP servers in eu have a horrible reputation... all the slutmogs... the horror....


Remember how I said before that it helps to have a person or two who's there to keep your sanity up?  And how you yourself said that there for every hundred trolls, there's at least a few angels?  That also applies to the RP servers.  It can be a guild who love what they do, it can be someone like Steel Accord, someone will be there to show you an awesome time.


Besides, Goldshire is one small spot.  There's a whole WORLD out there and just as many people exploring in it, fighting in it, and anything else that doesn't involve libido. 

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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YOU did*


What did we do?




Yeah, but some RP servers in eu have a horrible reputation... all the slutmogs... the horror.... Well I will find a good one eventually.


Shadow Council and Wyrmrest Accord both are wonderful RP realms. Some of the best RP guilds in the game, plenty of friendly walk up RPs too.




If you actually read the quest texts you are bound to see some lore, lore is in everything even battlegrounds. Lore is love, lore is warcraft...


Yes I do. AS an RPer you think I wouldn't read the quest text? They are a part of why my character accepts some quests but refuses others and it can be the same for any character. Doing some things would be OOC for them while others it would be in line with a personal mission. 

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I am confused, nevermind.


You said.


Oye, ya all made it seem weird.



How did we make RP seem weird? Weird in a bad, intimidating way?




@@Akari of Duskshire,


Speaking of Demon Hunters being the new Hero Class. Anyone besides me remember this towering citadel of awesome before even Wrath came out?


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How did we make RP seem weird? Weird in a bad, intimidating way?

You made not having RP'ed before seem weird. NEVERMIND.

Anyway. Its either Blood elves or Night elves only for demon hunters... I don't really enjoy blood elves and I usually play horde.

So no demon hunter for me.

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You made not having RP'ed before seem weird. NEVERMIND.


I'm sorry. I had no idea I was making it seem that way. It's fun and I think it's the best way to experience and live the lore, but by no means do I think it's unanimous nor do I think it's required.




Anyway. Its either Blood elves or Night elves only for demon hunters... I don't really enjoy blood elves and I usually play horde. So no demon hunter for me.


You can always play him as a High Elf who became a Demon Hunter before the Scourge invaded, or you could roll a Night Elf and see the other side more in depth.

I've never seen it before. It looks amazing!


Oh yeah, like I said, it's old too. You can clearly see that he's using the old character models. Sadly I don't think he ever made the whole movie. The trailer is obviously a work of art though, so we have that at least. (And it long ago gave me two more songs to add to my classic rock collection.  ^_^ )

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Anyway. Its either Blood elves or Night elves only for demon hunters... I don't really enjoy blood elves and I usually play horde. So no demon hunter for me.


I can go either way, but I think I'll go night elf. 


@@Steel Accord,


I could definitely spot the difference.  I started sometime during MoP after all.  XD 


Ah, guys!  Anypony here a fan of CraniusPresents?

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Finally got my off-hand Warglaive today! I've had the main hand in my bank for over a year now. Can't wait to use it in Timewalking dungeons 


I've killed Illidan 33 times on my main, and probably around ~20 times on other characters combined. I've seen 2 Main-hands drop, and one Off-hand. In comparison, it only took me 14 Kil'jaeden kills to get the Legendary Bow.


Anyone else been enjoying the time-walking dungeons? I've been doing the Lich King ones with Shadowmourne and the Legendary Cloak, it's hilarious.

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