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On that note, why are you shouting? This is a polite discussion.


I can stop if its really that annoying though. You could just ask. O_o

For real though, I don't want any more dk races. I mean Gnomes are hard enough to understand. I mean, how can creatures that small and weak carry plate? O_o

Plus dks are kinda boring now. They all dress in black and blue. They are snowflakes that special, they copy eachother.

Edited by A Cat

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AS A LOYAL MEMBER OF THE HORDE AND THE FORTY THEIVES, I AM OBLIGED TO SHOUT A LOT! I can stop if its really that annoying though. You could just ask. O_o


I would not presume to command you. I just don't find the joke, if that's what you are intending, to be very funny.




For real though, I don't want any more dk races. I mean Gnomes are hard enough to understand. I mean, how can creatures that small and weak carry plate? O_o Plus dks are kinda boring now. They all dress in black and blue. They are snowflakes that special, they copy eachother.


Although the snow flake comparison is actually quite apt for them when you think about it. 

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Must I remind you that those same small creatures can also lay waste to an eight feet tall male TAUREN that's clad in the same plate?


Plus, I don't know about you, but now that you brought it up, I'm pretty interested to see what the DKs will be like in the Legion expansion.  But from an RP standpoint, I have to agree with you.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Must I remind you that those same small creatures can also lay waste to an eight feet tall male TAUREN that's clad in the same plate?


I'm pretty interested to see what the DKs will be like in the Legion expansion.

Yeah, they have been pretty much irrelevant outside of pvp since WoTLK. I hope they are something else than strange warriors/paladins. Or plate wearing mages (in pvp).

I just don't find the joke, if that's what you are intending, to be very funny.

I did not intent to be funny. I just like to talk like an orc, especially when something pandaren or alliance related comes up.

Edited by A Cat

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Just because you cross it out doesn't mean you didn't say it and mean it, that's just covering yourself from criticism.




I did not intent to be funny. I just like to talk like an orc, especially when something pandaren or alliance related comes up.


Thrall didn't shout everything he said. In fact a lot of Orcs are pretty soft spoken. Your ideal of Orcs seem to be limited to Garrosh and dare I say it 40K orks, not the noble, honorable race of warriors that Blizzard has created.


Plus again, "Pandaren and Alliance?" What is your beef with everything not filled with more testosterone than a volcano monster truck rally?

I think the more appropriate term is "anti-paladin".  XD 


Pretty much what Death Knights are, champions of dark forces. Hell the duality is driven home by the fact that Ashbringer, forged for the Silver Hand, for the longest time, was the corrupted weapon of choice for the Primarch Death Knight.

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Just because you cross it out doesn't mean you didn't say it and mean it, that's just covering yourself from criticism.

I just cross over it because it was not really relevant to the discussion, but ok?

Thrall didn't shout everything he said. In fact a lot of Orcs are pretty soft spoken. Your ideal of Orcs seem to be limited to Garrosh and dare I say it 40K orks, not the noble, honorable race of warriors that Blizzard has created.

Shh, I know warriors are honourable, especially orcs. I just find that stereotype especially funny. Is that really wrong?

Plus again, "Pandaren and Alliance?" What is your beef with everything not filled with more testosterone than a volcano monster truck rally?

Volcano what?

After doing pvp you will start disliking the alliance, no matter what race you play. Either 2 hours long search times or a 70% loss rate.

The panda thing is just for fun. I really don't mind them.... unless they are warriors, dks, or warlocks. Then we have a real problem!

I think the more appropriate term is "anti-paladin".  XD 

That is kinda why I used the word strange. They feel similar, but still very opposite.

Anyway I hope they will be relevant to some degree. I just hope I don't see any gnomes dks around their class hall. As Gnome dks look like zombie babies.

And as a brother of 6 I really don't like zombie babies. O_o

Edited by A Cat

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What is your beef with everything not filled with more testosterone than a volcano monster truck rally?


Eh, try posing a question like that to someone who doesn't like anything less humanlike than a human.  Also, what the heck is a volcano monster truck rally?

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Plus, I don't know about you, but now that you brought it up, I'm pretty interested to see what the DKs will be like in the Legion expansion.  But from an RP standpoint, I have to agree with you.


I agree, as I am looking forward to all the class based content. It will be interesting considering that the Scourge once was a tool of the Burning Legion but kind of took on a (for lack of a better term) life of it's own. The undead vs. the demonic, two flavors of evil fighting each other. It will be like the Blood War of Demons and Devils like in Dungeons and Dragons!


. . . . . Yeah I'm an uber nerd, so what?! I wear it with pride!  :proud:

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Dungeons and Dragons!

+9000 rep with a dancing cat.

You are now Revered.



Yeah I'm an uber nerd, so what?! I wear it with pride!

You are good, for being an alliance that is.

Have a drink!

*gives ogre mead*

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Shh, I know warriors are honourable, especially orcs. I just find that stereotype especially funny. Is that really wrong?


Stereotypes are always wrong.




Volcano what? After doing pvp you will start disliking the alliance, no matter what race you play. Either 2 hours long search times or a 70% loss rate.


So you blame the in-story faction for the actions and manners of the online PvP community? The few times I DID do PvP, the Horde players always hung out by the graveyard to kill us upon revival. Their hands ain't any more clean than the Alliance players.


And I consider PvP itself a loss because it perpetuates the conflict between the two anyway.




The panda thing is just for fun. I really don't mind them.... unless they are warriors, dks, or warlocks. Then we have a real problem!


Pandaren . . . >_> 


They can't even BE two of those and I thought you said it was only fury warriors that you had a problem with?




That is kinda why I used the word strange. They feel similar, but still very opposite. Anyway I hope they will be relevant to some degree. I just hope I don't see any gnomes dks around their class hall. As Gnome dks look like zombie babies. And as a brother of 6 I really don't like zombie babies. O_o


Gnome Death Knights exist, you are going to see some of your fellows around the class hall dude. 

@,@@Steel Accord,  


Now, can you people guess why a pandaren paladin would be a bad idea?


Because they have no connection to the Light or any similar source and their worldview is based on a Taoist ideal of balancing positive and negative into a whole?

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Now, can you people guess why a pandaren paladin would be a bad idea?

They don't fit in the bubble!

.... don't hit me please....

They are not really into the light thing either.

They can't even BE two of those and I thought you said it was only fury warriors that you had a problem with?

  Yeah I ment fury, sorry for not making that clear. Besides people complain about their inability to play warlock surprisingly often.

Their hands ain't any more clean than the Alliance players

  Yes, yes they are. People pick the alliance to gear up in pvp easier. As alliance wins a lot more, which generates them more and better gear. Picking the horde is a handicap. The people that pick horde are doing something quite noble right there.

And I consider PvP itself a loss because it perpetuates the conflict between the two anyway.

Its called world of warcraft for a reason, I personally like hitting things really hard. Especially players.

Stereotypes are always wrong.

Jesus, can no one take a joke around here? ;_;

Edited by A Cat

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+9000 rep with a dancing cat. You are now Revered.


Your rep still ain't stellar with me, by contrast. Nothing against you personally, but most of your posts antagonize me to yourself indirectly. (Anti-Pandaren, Anti-Alliance, willful belligerence.)




You are good, for being an alliance that is. Have a drink! *gives ogre mead*


Yeah see? That's exactly what I'm talking about. You need a damn qualifier in order to pay a compliment and you even cross that one out like it would make a difference!


As a Pandaren, I would gladly extend my paw to anyone in friendship, I don't see their banner, I see the person.

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You need a damn qualifier in order to pay a compliment and you even cross that one out like it would make a difference!

I have shown mercy to plenty of alliance players before. Its just that its not much to talk about.

Its mostly me not brutally murdering them and giving them a /hello.

I mean, in game you cannot really do more diplomacy than that.

I'd be happy to fight alongside a band of dwarves or whatever. (Pretty much the only alliance race I ever play)



most of your posts antagonize me to yourself indirectly. (Anti-Pandaren, Anti-Alliance, willful belligerence.)

I am not trying to antagonize you at all. You are a pandaren monk, that is acceptable. As that does not involve breaking the story with thunderous vengance. Plus I used to do martial arts, so similar classes will always have a special place for me. As for alliance, I don't always dislike them. Their king is cool, velen is cool, the dwarves all look like (short versons) of my irl father. I don't mind alliance rp. Just their presence on pvp realms is litteraly ruining our beloved game.

Edited by A Cat
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Yes, yes they are. People pick the alliance to gear up in pvp easier. As alliance wins a lot more, which generates them more and better gear. Picking the horde is a handicap. The people that pick horde are doing something quite noble right there.


What's that, participating and perpetuating a useless war between two nations that should be allies? People play with the odds stacked against them all the time, that doesn't make them "noble" just determined. A virtue to be sure, but not one that guarantees right conduct.




Its called world of warcraft for a reason, I personally like hitting things really hard. Especially players.


We both have more than enough enemies already to justify the title and I also like hitting things really hard . . . especially those that actually deserve it and the Horde doesn't deserve it.




Jesus, can no one take a joke around here? ;_;


No. At least I can't. You will find that I am quite the anti-sarcastic.  :mellow:  

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@,@@Steel Accord,


Because it would create the very thing you both fear.




I don't get it. How would Pandaren Paladins . . . Ohhhhh you think that, if they become Paladins, then they can become Death Knights!

@@Steel Accord@,



Well first of all, Steel, I think you should try and not take things too personally.  Cat, you should probably dial back on the joking.


So, friends?   :D


Kind of hard to do that when the chief targets of the jokes are the Alliance as a whole and very often the Pandaren, of which I am both. If someone made a joke about bronies being universally child molesters, wouldn't one be justified in taking it personally regardless if you do or don't (take it personally)?


As a favor though, I will endeavor to do just that. Detach myself and not take things as personally.



I am not trying to antagonize you at all. You are a pandaren monk, that is acceptable. As that does not involve breaking the story with thunderous vengance. Plus I used to do martial arts, so similar classes will always have a special place for me.


I currently do them IRL, it's one of the reasons they are my preferred class. The self-insert RP is almost seamless.




As for alliance, I don't always dislike them. Their king is cool, velen is cool, the dwarves all look like (short versons) of my irl father. I don't mind alliance rp. Just their presence on pvp realms is litteraly ruining our beloved game.


In that regard, we agree, if for vastly different reasons. 

Ok, This voice will be missed.

Rip Hjalti the orc 2013-2015.

I will try to stop the alliance jokes though. But not for the gnomes...

I really don't like the gnomes... Except for millhouse.... He is awesome....


Ugh . . . . 




(Wish I could leave it there, I will say that my brother's main was a Gnome and I've always loved them. Crazy advanced tech and all.)

Edited by Steel Accord
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rogues sure are invincible

Not if you are a hunter... Like my dwarf.


*turns into this guy*




Edited by A Cat
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@,@@Steel Accord,


Thanks!  Let's just resume the light-hearted fun and not go at each others' throats, 'k?


That being said, rogues sure are invincible! 


I never intended such, quite the opposite as I hope I've made clear with my stance on ending the conflict of the Alliance and Horde.

Does anyone else roll new characters just to see the initial dialogue from that starting area's class trainer?

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I don't.  I roll new characters because no one has found a cure to my alt-itis yet.  XD 


I confess I really don't have it the way I thought I did. Wei Yu IS my main, I actually have trouble trying to level Chulorn, Ameroo, Piterant, and Enochain because without a mount and any of the more high level abilities, I just don't have the patience to bring them up to speed.

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