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Yeah all the time. I need to farm BT for the pets and the Bulwark on my Pally soon actually. Still doing some of the earlier BC raids for that set a few pages back. I think I only need the helm and the Hammer at this point. 


I know people still do Vanilla Raids for the T2 stuff. 

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I got loads of transmog sets on my warlock. But none of them compare to what I use on him now;



Also the posing is awful for some classes. My perfectly good priest transmog ruined by bad posing;



Wish I could get a repose but I don't think they'll do that...

Oh well :)

Edited by Tempest Shift
  • Brohoof 1


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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You guys ever go to a dungeon that was ridiculously below your level? Either because you liked it's theme or story, because you wanted to solo it, missed it when you were the appropriate level, a combination or some other reason?

You never get enough Stratholme... never ever.....

Yeah all the time. I need to farm BT for the pets and the Bulwark on my Pally soon actually. Still doing some of the earlier BC raids for that set a few pages back. I think I only need the helm and the Hammer at this point. 

Bulwark of azzinoth is the best shield in the game. It makes any paladin/warrior look like an absolute beast.

Edited by A Cat
  • Brohoof 1

(Really cool signature)

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So...discuss about the smash hit MMO right here.


what, you mean Final Fantasy XIV? Oh...right...WoW.


I often question myself for going back...it feels like an abusive relationship, and you're sticking with it, because you believe it'll get better with time...and eventually you realize it won't ever get better.


People there, can be extremely hostile, toxic, and unfriendly towards anyone, for any reason, at any time. :(

half the time, I never feel welcome there, and even my own guild never notices when I'm off for weeks or months at a time. :sunny:  So I'm trying to find a new home. Though...it's not as easy as I thought. I play FF XIV more, though my PC isn't working as good as I'd hope. May have to invest in the PS3 version of Heavensward to progress though.

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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what, you mean Final Fantasy XIV? Oh...right...WoW.


I often question myself for going back...it feels like an abusive relationship, and you're sticking with it, because you believe it'll get better with time...and eventually you realize it won't ever get better.


People there, can be extremely hostile, toxic, and unfriendly towards anyone, for any reason, at any time. :(

half the time, I never feel welcome there, and even my own guild never notices when I'm off for weeks or months at a time. :sunny:  So I'm trying to find a new home. Though...it's not as easy as I thought. I play FF XIV more, though my PC isn't working as good as I'd hope. May have to invest in the PS3 version of Heavensward to progress though.


Well then don't play it. I've found my interactions with other players to always be friendly and cordial. If it weren't so, I wouldn't bother playing. (Granted, my play enjoyment comes from IC questing and RPing with others.)


I've never really gotten why people compare it to an addiction. Sure, an individual session might be hard to stop, but no more so than your typical Civ game, and I've never struggled with just shrugging, putting it down and not coming back for a long while. This last time I started playing again I had to restart my account because Battlenet wasn't invented last time that I played!

  • Brohoof 1
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People there, can be extremely hostile, toxic, and unfriendly towards anyone, for any reason, at any time. :(

I know the feeling. I have spent like 1500 hours in dota 2, the 4th most toxic gaming community in existance. Only beaten by cs:go, LoL and CoD. The thing is that for ever 100 puppy killers you meet, you find at least a couple of angels to make up for it. Great People are everywhere, you just have to find them.

  • Brohoof 1

(Really cool signature)

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I know the feeling. I have spent like 1500 hours in dota 2, the 4th most toxic gaming community in existance. Only beaten by cs:go, LoL and CoD. The thing is that for ever 100 puppy killers you meet, you find at least a couple of angels to make up for it. Great People are everywhere, you just have to find them.


I started a fresh alt on a new server, so we'll see how things go from there. hopefully they'll have a character sale on soon. If things look promising, I'll transfer at least one character over.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


I'll play it safe. What I want to do is transmogrify my gear to look like the outfits the Tushui students typically wear on the Wandering Isle, which you attain along with the Huojin set as you quest through it in the starting area. Don't want to have to grind an alt through all of that just for it to not mean anything as I was kind of thinking I would join the Horde.

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@@Steel Accord,To answer your question, you cannot send mail to the opposite faction, or toons on other realms, opposing faction or not. You can mail Bind on Account gear to other factions and realms, though.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Actually, you have a point there, just because I can't transmog it to use it regularly, amazing as that would be, doesn't mean I still can't wear it during RP to properly represent the Tushui school. 

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@@Steel Accord,You can get the monk mistdancer set if you have a level 3 salvage yard in your garrison, however it has a really low drop chance, as in, like a 0.09% drop chance.

It's the gear you get when you boost a character to level 90.

Edited by Celli
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@@Akari of Duskshire,


That does sound funny but I'm not looking for something so deceptive. My main motivation is that Wei Yu, even at level sixty . . . three I think now(?), still isn't a real badass yet.


I do try to apply some artistic sensibilities when selecting my gear and trying not to look like I'm actually color blind, but the thing is, all of the "tier gear" it looks badass and is more what I'm going for with the monk look, but Wei Yu, the character has not earned wearing badass looking stuff yet regardless of his actual level.


So I wanted to try and make him still wear relatively simple looking clothing that nevertheless fits his vocation.


@@Steel Accord,You can get the monk mistdancer set if you have a level 3 salvage yard in your garrison, however it has a really low drop chance, as in, like a 0.09% drop chance.

It's the gear you get when you boost a character to level 90.


Hell, Wei's still on Outland, no where near getting the garrison yet.

Edited by Steel Accord
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@@Steel Accord,


Same here.  I once compared raiding Blackwing Lair on a max-level rogue to shopping at the mall.  As a matter of fact, it's kind of why I prefer designing my own gear over copying how it looks in-game.  


I tend to give my characters Classic questing and dungeon sets, simply because I think the slightly simpler look fits them more (I mean, come on, what mercenary mage living in the desert would wear an elaborate helmet and shoulder pads that make for some fancy lamps?).  With a few exceptions, I find lots of the raiding and PvP gear to be too flashy.  Call me vain, but that's just how I feel.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


I wouldn't call that vanity. Surely the Buddha gave his daughter's hand to the humble mallard duck rather than the vane peacock.


. . . Sorry, let me rephrase that. Surely the most vain person would want all that flash.


This doesn't bother me as much but why would a Rogue, be they a mercenary, an assassin, a spy, and/or a criminal want something that's flashy, blood red, and glowing?! 


For me, it's not so much a matter of design overkill, I just would prefer a consistent character look as opposed to swapping out slightly better shoes and shirts every now and then. When I log in, I want Wei Yu to have a specific look that, might not be unique to him, but that he's always seen with.

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@@Steel Accord,


...Dude, work on your analogies.


But anyways, hey, it looks cool.  And I can always assassinate that person for their shoulder gear and use them as lamps can ask the same thing about warriors who wear the spiked shoulder pads (I mean, haven't you seen a character wear them while in the /sit position?  The spikes go through their head on some models!).  And why some outfits protect much less on a female model than a male.  It could make some sense if you're a long-range fighter/healer or even a melee fighter, but I don't think I would want my chest and midriff exposed if I'm in the tanking role.


Definitely can't argue with consistency.  I'm sorta the same, but sometimes I get lazy and don't bother with transmogging with stuff.


Btw, does anyone ever go for those little pieces of cosmetic gear like a White Woolen Dress or the Black Embersilk Gown?

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...Dude, work on your analogies.


It actually wasn't an analogy. There is a Buddhist myth about the Buddha's incarnation as a bird and who his daughter would end up marrying.


I wasn't comparing you to any particular figure if that's what you thought.



And yes I do use cosmetic pieces. When in a capital city, I always wear a simple green robe.

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So I made a new character for RPing on Wyrmest Accord, Draenei Vindicator, going to spec as prot.

Some ideas I have are that he's a peaceful Draenei that loves all beings with open arms, but will not hesitate to protect allies in the face of danger, will openly avoid confrontation with horde members.(Basically, PvP would be OOC for him).

I'll think of some more story elements for him as I go along. 

Let me know what you think, and @@Steel Accord,If you want to help me out as an RP noob, add me and we can get together and maybe you can give me some pointers.

My battletag is lavenderpone#1108.

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I like the idea, he sounds similar to my Draenei Vindicator. However, my only addition to that description would be "that's it?" Not that every character needs to be a special snowflake but they need a backstory, something that establishes their existence in the world prior to you actually creating them. 

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