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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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"If I recalled correctly, none of them are foals," Sandweaver answered to both ponies. "Electrobolt will be fine. At least one of them knows where we are going next. We will leave their belongings on Appaloosa so they can get it when they arrived there after us."


Sandweaver washed Beat Spark's wound, a lot of dirt came out. He continued with picking the debris out and covering the wound with bandages. There was nothing he could do to Beat Spark's crippleness, but at least the blood will stop pouring.


"Besides, I'm pretty sure Nocturnal is with them. Four adult ponies can take care of themselves," Sandweaver said.


Jade looked back at Sandweaver, "With an autistic pony, a unicorn who could possibly be Pinkie Pie's long-lost sister, and somepony who may-or-may-not actually be a ghost...oh, I'm sure he'll be fine." Jade said, sarcastically. 


...before realizing he was being uncharacteristically rude. Before he could apologize, Sandweaver had begun talking to that Spork pony again. Jade sighed despondently and looked out the window at the city. At this point, the train had begun moving and the buildings slowly moved past the window. Everything that happened the last few hours had him in a foul mood:  being attacked by an assassin, being accosted by the guards, the painful memories of the home he lost...


Jade shook his head. No. He desperately didn't want to think about it anymore.



"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wash myself."


He entered the bathroom, leaving the other stallions to their own devices.


Jade looked back at the older pony who helped them out, and, mercifully, hadn't accused them of anything regarding what happened. Sandweaver went into the other car, and Jade briefly made eye-contact with Beat Spark...

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"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wash myself."


Beat looked at Sandweaver. "Thank you Sandweaver, I appreciate it" he said as he saluted him by moving his neck.


As the sand colored unicorn was leaving Beat's sight, he unveiled Jade again, who was behind him, on his seat. He noticed him trying to make eye-contact with him.

Beat stood his eyes on the gray unicorn breaking the eye contact that he intended on him, giving him a very instense look that showed him that he was looking on purpose.
((I missed drawing ponies ^_^ I couldn't help it ))
Edited by Motion Spark
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My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco looked at Beat Spark slightly a look of guilt in his silver eyes "I'm sorry you ended up like that," Draco said as he laid his head back down looking out the window.  He looked solemn and apprehensive about going to Apploosa. Draco shook his head slightly as memories started to resurface.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I just wanted to apologize for the way I shouted at you earlier..." She started. "If you remember back in the restaurant, I believe it was quite evident that I do have some issues with Manehatten, and when I found out we were accidentally headed there, I, uh... kinda lost it... I hope you understand."


Amber told the grey pegasus while facing downwards, regretful. She noticed his worried expression while he was cuddling his saddlebag, somewhat hopeless.


"But it wasn't your fault at all! In the middle of all that chaos, any of us would've panicked." She kept on trying to comfort Ganaram. Now that she finally understood that somepony else needed a friendly shoulder more than she did, it was about time to act mature.


Amber grabbed the pony's hoof and looked in his eyes.


"We will get through this, you hear me? Just don't worry about it!" She smiled warmly like always, successfully disregarding her own problems for a moment and focusing on her friends solely.


She then looked over to the blue unicorn from before, who told them about the destination in first place.


"You will help us out, won't you, mister?"


You better say yes... She thought, her eye slightly twitching.

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Ganaram was still sulking from what had happened when he heard Amber's voice again. He tried not to pay attention, that is, until his ears started to process what was being said; She was apologising.


Once again, he tried not to pay much attention, that is, until she grabbed Ganaram by the hoof:




"We will get through this, you hear me? Just don't worry about it!"


Ganaram couldn't help but to avoid eye contact altogether, but at the same time, he couldn't help but agree with her. Rubbing his eyes, he softly replied out:





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>>> "You will help us out, wont you mister?"


Rook had been standing near these ponies for no more than 7 minutes, and already came to his conclusion.


These ponies are mildly insane


"It seems that there isn't much I can help you with." Rook tried to say so he could get out of this situation. The red mare started to frown and had a terrified look in her eyes. Tears started to form. "Ah! uh... d-don't be upset! It's just I -" The red pony turned away, wiping her eyes with her hoof. The two stallions in her company gave Rook a look of anger and disappointment. "Gah! Ok, ok. I'll help!"


The red pony turned around and had a smile on her face. "Great to know! I'm Amber!


Wha- what? Was she faking, or is she just bipolar or something!?


"Er.... ok. I'm Rook"

Edited by AnonyPoni


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"Er.... ok. I'm Rook"


Good answer... She thought, giving the pony a slightly satisfied look. "Nice meeting you, Rook!"


"Hear that, Anagram? This gentlecolt is going to help us!" Amber turned back to the sad pegasus. "Now... Give me a big, happy smile, will ya?" She built a huge smile herself, expecting Ganaram to do the same.


Amber took a few more seconds for herself gazing out the train window, thoughtful. She assumed Beat and the others had most likely embarked the right train since they were nowhere to be seen, meaning they were keeping all the luggage safe.


She then eyed back her two partners and sighed. Now that she had calmed down, perhaps it was a good time to clarify some things.


"Though now I believe you guys are curious about what's the deal with Manehatten and me?..."

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Ganaram awkwardly embraced Amber, feeling like things were beginning to turn out good for once. Then he turned his sodden head towards the one pony who just happened to be there for the past several minutes.


Rook was his name... Ganaram wondered how he could be much of help, but as always, he was a bit reluctant to ask.


(That's the best response I could come up with...)



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Jade's eyes met Beat's accidentally, but he caught the intensity of the expression he was giving him. Jade broke eye contact and turned to face forward. And now this.


Jade was doing everything he could to keep his thoughts at bay, but Beat's behavior since they got on board the train was not helping at all. Jade found his saddlebag, left next to his seat right where he left it that morning. Perhaps another banana was in order...

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With a flick of his magic, Sandweaver turned on the faucet. He splashed the water several times to his face. "Oh dear.... This is what I call refreshing," he murmured to himself. He ducked his head under the running water, rinsing his short, graying mane.


Sandweaver let his thought free. The three possibly criminal stallions, four separated ponies which were now on their way to the other side of the mountain, the salesmare, all these things happened in just one morning. He chuckled slightly. Months he had been traveling already, yet nothing this bizarre ever happened around him. While the morning had been interesting, enough was enough. If something even remotely dangerous happened again, he would leave the three stallion and took another train. The ticket be damned, he was too old for this shit.


"But what about Electrobolt and the others?"


Sandweaver pulled his head from the faucet, splashing water all over the place. He chanted a simple spell to blow away all the water immediately. "I'll think about Electrobolt and the others later. For now, I need some Celestia-damnit rest," Sandweaver murmured as he slammed the bathroom's door open. He cantered to his seat, past the glaring Beat Spark and the uneasy Jade. He jumped on and lie down on his seat with his belly up.


"You two, try not to kill yourself," he said to both stallions as he covered his eyes with a small book from his suitcase.

Edited by Starshine


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Beat's eyes never left Jade. Even when he was searching for something in his saddlebag.


he then noticed Sandweaver comming from the bathroom: 

"You two, try not to kill yourself," he said to both stallions as he covered his eyes with a small book from his bag.


"well Sandweaver, you obviously don't have to worry about me, I'm not an assasin. But I guess we can't say the same about somepony who got exiled from Canterlot right?" Beat said to Sandweaver, who started reading a book, making emphasis in Canterlot, while he was still staring at Jade.     


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco opened up one of his eyes from his nap. "Well Beat by Dodge station you'll be able to walk. Trust me on this alright and that song I sang has alittle more meaning when we reach Apploosa. You'll also have to shove an apple into the greeter pony's mouth he loves to yell out the name," Draco said as he  looked at Beat then Jade then smiled . He then looked at Sandweaver "The reason  why my injuries aren't visible because the crazy but hot mare got me in the wing. And she threw me into a wall so trust me it's nothing I can't handle," Draco said as he laid his head down.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Once Amber had finished apologizing and Ganaram had accepted her apology, Electrobolt smiled softly. Hopefully all this would just be water under the bridge. Then Amber looked over to the unicorn, asking if he'd help, to which he eventually agreed to. Although it seemed forced, he didn't really mind, as they needed all the help they can get to return to their proper train. Eventually, the unicorn introduced himself as Rook. In response, Electro said, "Um... Nice to meet you, Rook. I might have mentioned my name earlier, but... I'm Electrobolt..."


Looking back to Amber, she seemed to have let out a sigh, before speaking up, asking if they were curious about why Amber was acting up because of Manehatten. Although he didn't know why, he assumed that she had a bad history with the place, but didn't bother to pursue after the topic. Yet, here she was, offering if they wanted to know. Even though he wouldn't mind an answer, he was unsure about whether Amber would be fully comfortable talking about it. Electrobolt then responded, "Um... I won't make you tell us, but if you feel comfortable, then... Alright..." Suddenly, he wished he could have worded that better, unsure about how the mare might take his words.

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Jade nosed open his saddlebag and with a sparkle of green light a banana began to levitate out.


"well Sandweaver, you obviously don't have to worry about me, I'm not an assasin. But I guess we can't say the same about somepony who got exiled from Canterlot right?" Beat said to Sandweaver, who started reading a book, making emphasis in Canterlot, while he was still staring at Jade.     


There was a splat sound as a projectile banana suddenly struck the ceiling, leaving a crushed banana peel floating in front of Jade's face. Despite that, Jade's voice remained even and cool as he spoke. "You...just won't let that go, will you? Even have to be passive-aggressive about it, too...What, exactly, are you trying to imply here, Mr. Spork?" Jade lowered his head. "That this whole thing is my fault...?" Jade remained facing forward, his face not visible from the ponies behind him...until his composure finally broke.


Jade jumped to his hooves and whirled around to face Beat, furious. "I didn't do a single goddamn thing! Do you honestly think I got the guards called on me? That I WANTED a psychotic mare to try to murder us? That I even wanted to come back to this gods forsaken CITY!?" Jade stepped forward, yelling now. "You have no bucking idea what I had lost three years ago! My whole life, the pony I loved, everything I struggled to accomplish at the academy since I was a fucking COLT, now means absolutely nothing!"


Jade stamped his hoof, everypony in the room now staring at him. But Jade didn't care. "For three years I've been stuck, now forbidden to fulfill my own special talent, all because some corrupt, out of touch unicorn council believed I deserved to pay for making a single damned mistake!" Jade lowered his head, "I have blood on my hooves that can never wash off, all because of, what, exactly? That I had the NERVE to fall in love with a pony who showed me a little affection? That I unlocked a door I shouldn't have ONLY ONCE one night so he could see me? And now I deserve to have everything that mattered to me taken away thanks to circumstances out of my fucking control!?"


Nopony in the room had any idea what Jade was talking about, but Jade didn't slow down. "And now, three years later, nothing's changed. I still can't come home, I still can't resume my education, I CAN'T EVEN WALK DOWN THE STREET without all this happening!" Jade raised his head again, "I didn't blow out the electricity on this train! I didn't steal a fancy necklace from a salesmare who, as luck would have it, turned out to be a deranged killer! And I definitely DID NOT throw a smoke bomb that started a stampede! I just wanted to get a shake from a restaraunt while I waited for my train to finish it's delay, is that such a crime?" Jade's voice continued to increase in volume, "And now, thanks to all this, if I just so happen to bump into another guard I'll most certainly get banished to a dungeon in the mountains of the Badlands where I'll be hanged by my fentlock from a cactus WHERE THEY'LL GATHER ALL THE LITTLE FOALS TO GATHER AROUND ME AND WHACK ME WITH STICKS AND-


"Excuse me, sir-"


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" Jade roared while turning around towards whoever interrupted him, before seeing it was a stewardess mare who was now quite taken aback.


"Um, I'm sorry, I just wanted to know if you'd like some refreshments..." the mare said, scared.


Jade blinked, taking a moment to readjust after being brought to a halt from his furor so abruptly, before sitting down. "Um...yeah, I'd like that. Cider would be nice."


"May I see your ID?"


"Just get me the cold, regular kind." Jade replied.


"Of course. Sorry to interrupt you."


"Yeah..." Jade turned back towards the ponies he was yelling at, before realizing he had diverted extremely off topic. He sighed heavily, and placed his hoof to his eyes. "I'm just taking a trip to Salt Lick, and the train I chose passed through Canterlot." At this, Jade lowered his hoof and stood up, before starting to walk towards the door at the back of the car. As he walked, Jade continued. "Since the train was only supposed to layaway here for twenty minutes, I don't feel I'm obligated to justify myself to any of you." Jade pulled open the door to the car with his teeth. "Good day." Jade said with a huff as he exited the car and entered the next one, before the door glowed with a green sparkle and pulled closed.


There was a long pause before the stewardess mare spoke up again. "...would anypony else like refreshments?" She asked, smiling.

Edited by Jadefire
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Draco sighed as he watch the two fight. He let his voice get cool and had an edge to it as he said "Now you two are acting like two fillies fighting over a doll. Now I may not know what's all this fuss is about yeah we got our flans kicked by a psycho but still hot mare but my family..." Draco paused at the mention of his family. his voice wavered "has a motto. It's Begin again but know when to let go," Draco looked at the two with his silver eyes "Now if you don't don't stop squabling like two married old ponies well I'm not a nice pony when I'm pissed off and right now I need a nap," Draco said stompping his hoof on the ground snorting. He cursed in the zebra language as he laid his head down.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(( OOC: Alright... *cracks knuckles* I hope this works... xD ))


"Um... I won't make you tell us, but if you feel comfortable, then... Alright..."


"It's alright... I just feel like it would be a good thing to explain everything after that scene in the restaurant, and even more after my, uh... 'breakdown' a few minutes ago." Amber kept smiling apprehensively. "Besides, it's nothing that horrible. I just don't usually talk about it because it brings back a few bad memories, that's all..."


She slightly tensed in her seat, wondering if those words she had spoken were true. She wanted to believe that she was, in fact, overreacting a bit and that she didn't need to worry about going back to Manehatten after everything she has been through. Nevertheless, telling the others about it would simply get rid of that 'guilty' feeling.


Amber took a deep breath, reluctantly, and looked away for a second, thinking of where to begin.


"To make it brief, I was born in Manehatten in a rather poor family. I didn't have many friends and even my cutie mark was pretty darn late. Until one day I got along with a couple of street rats with whom I shared many tastes and opinions - music on top. We started hanging out daily from then on. I used to do the things they usually did: go out in the streets at night, causing fracas, making trouble, bothering the neighborhood just for the laughs... I became a true troublemaker."


"And if that wasn't enough, we then formed a rock band: Coal Dust. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys ever heard of it... I was the vocalist."


Amber quickly glanced at Electrobolt. Her horn began to glow as she imitated the green colt's own voice, flawlessly.


*A fake, magically assisted vocalist as you may have already guessed.* She said, using Electrobolt's voice.


Her horn then ceased glowing and she let out a small giggle. It was always fun to mess around.


"Anyway... After roughly two years of Coal Dust on top, everypony in the world eventually found out that I was a farce. The band's reputation plummeted and I felt like a trash bag, with amazingly no support whatsoever from the former street rats that now were my partners... I ran away to Ponyville, where I wished to start a completely new life and forget about Coal Dust."


She looked away, wiping a few tears that began to form again.


"But it seems like you can never leave your past behind. It will haunt you forever... I just wish I knew that earlier."

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"I guess I'm in the same boat as you, Amber..."


Ganaram began to speak out, figuring that he needed to explain something as well, and he thought that now would be the time to do so. He continued on:


"I'll be quick about it: My dad was a royal guard, and my family and I used to live in Miramare. It was a great place to live at, but I would always be shy if I was with anypony other than my folks. But then when we moved to Twentynine Hooves, my folks began to argue a lot. It reached the point that I couldn't do anything but run away... So I did...


"I was 14 when I ran away, and the railroad that goes to Miramare goes through the same route I used to get to Ponyville in the first place...


"The reason I'm going back is to remind myself of what went right, because if I forget of everything that went wrong, I'll also forget of everything that went right. Plus, it's my hometown I'm talking about. I grew up there when my innocence was at its highest. I guess there is such a thing as bliss through ignorance... It's just that it's like a double-edged sword; I can't separate the good from the bad..."

Edited by TzHaar-Hur-Ganaram
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He then looked at Sandweaver "The reason why my injuries aren't visible because the crazy but hot mare got me in the wing. And she threw me into a wall so trust me it's nothing I can't handle," Draco said as he laid his head down.

Sandweaver only mumbled something that sounded like, "yeah yeah." He pressed the book harder to cover his eyes, ruffled pages be damned. He needed his sleep. He also heard Beat Spark talking something about Canterlot. With a heavy sigh he tried to feign sleep. He knew he could easily trot to his sleeping room, or whatever they call train cabin nowadays, but he knew doing so would leave all the owner-less luggages around him would be in danger. It was not like he was suspicious to others, but it won't hurt to play safe.


Sandweaver almost dozed off when Jade lost it.


Jade jumped to his hooves and whirled around to face Beat, furious. "I didn't do a single goddamn thing! Do you honestly think I got the guards called on me? That I WANTED a psychotic mare to try to murder us? That I even wanted to come back to this gods forsaken CITY!?" Jade stepped forward, yelling now. "You have no bucking idea what I had lost three years ago! My whole life, the pony I loved, everything I struggled to accomplish at the academy since I was a fucking COLT, now means absolutely nothing!"

Oh boy, we have a crazy unicorn here, Sandweaver thought to himself. He levitated his book with his horn take a look at Jade as he continued his tirade, he didn't even notice the stewardess entering the car. Sandweaver almost chuckled when Jade screamed to the mare. After a few while, Jade retreated to the next car, leaving a rather confused stewardess.



There was a long pause before the stewardess mare spoke up again. "...would anypony else like refreshments?" She asked, smiling.

"I'll have a coffee, please," Sandweaver said to the mare, still lying down on his seat.


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"I see. Interesting." Rook wasn't really sure what to say. He didn't want to be rude, but he never knew what to do in these situations. "Er... As for the train situation, I think I might have an idea. Though, it requires a bit of time in the Big Apple. It won't be long, trust me... if it works and all."


Rook looked through his bag for his pocketwatch. He wasn't sure what time it was. When he pulled out his watch, he noticed something was missing,"Hey... wait a minute..." He pushed around the stuff in his bag, looking over and over again. He then turned it over and let the contents fall out. He got on his knees and sifted through papers, maps.... "Oh dear... oh Celestia this isn't happening..."


Rook got back up and craned his head around the train car, looking extremely worried. Dammit, my Journal! Where the hay is it!?!



(OOC I suggest a bit of quid pro quo, since there isn't much going on right now for this group. They help Rook, Rook helps them with getting back on track)

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As Electrobolt listened to what happened to Amber, he looked at her, while slightly looking downward. She was saying that she had a rough life in Manehatten, barely had any friends, and didn't know her talent till later than normal. Then, when Amber explained her talent, he was startled. Looking up at Amber fully, he heard that she spoke, using his very own voice. *Wait... She used my voice? That's her talent? Wow...* he thought, still a bit startled. After she had finished, it was Ganaram's turn to explain his past.


As Ganaram spoke, the young colt was surprised. Ganaram originally lived in a place he had never heard of, and things were good for them there, in Miramare. But as soon as they moved to some other place that was unknown to him, things went downhill rather quick. His parents' fighting and arguing had gotten to Ganaram so bad that he fled to Ponyville by train. He had wanted to shed a tear for the pegasus, but he was unable to. He was basically all dried up from when he cried earlier, though he still had a sad look on his face. Although he wanted to say something, he could not find the words, so he just left his mouth shut.


It was then that Rook had started speaking, saying that he would be able to help them, and his attention was suddenly attracted to the unicorn. When he was shuffling through the saddlebag to get something, he noticed his face suddenly had a surprised look. Suddenly, the unicorn flipped the bag over, sifting through the items in a panic. Concerned, Electrobolt asked, "Rook...? Um, what seems to be the problem?"

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After telling about her past, Amber snapped from her memories and looked back up as Ganaram began to tell about his own past. He, too, ran away from his home town due to unbearable arguments and fights. But apparently the grey pegasi's point of view was quite different from Amber's:


"The reason I'm going back is to remind myself of what went right, because if I forget of everything that went wrong, I'll also forget of everything that went right. Plus, it's my hometown I'm talking about. I grew up there when my innocence was at its highest. I guess there is such a thing as bliss through ignorance... It's just that it's like a double-edged sword; I can't separate the good from the bad..."


She kept staring blankly at him, reasoning.


"Remind yourself about everything that went right despite the bad things, huh?..." She smiled ironically. "Heh... I wish I was able to see things like that. But no matter how hard I try, the bad memories will always overcome the good ones. Looking back now, I don't know how I managed to get through each day of my life inside that city without... without a reason, you know? And when I finally thought my smile would be worthy, everything crumbled..."


Amber then looked back and forth at her two partners before suddenly bursting into laughter without an apparent reason.


"Hahaha!! See?! This is why I don't like talking about my past, I get all dramatic and gloomy! That's not who I am at all!!" She kept on laughing stupidly, yet cheerfully. This is something she very usually did: laugh away her troubles and pretend everything is alright. Even though most of the times she looked like a psycho of some sort due to the sudden change of moods.


After wiping her tears that now, strangely, were of joy, she changed subjects. "Anyway... We gotta find a way to contact Beat and the others and see how fast we can get our luggage back. So, um... Rook!"


"Oh dear... oh Celestia this isn't happening..."


Amber approached the blue unicorn as he got on his knees, somewhat desperate. Her eye twitched.


"For Celestia's sake, WHAT NOW?!" She shouted, regretting it immediately as the other passengers in the train once again looked at her with annoyance.


"I mean... Uh... Nevermind... Sorry." She sneaked back and shrunk in her seat.

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(Here's me REALLY kicking up the pace...)


Ganaram had finished up telling his story and had now turned his attention to the others. Electrobolt seemed to be uninterested with his story -- or maybe he was reluctant to say anything; It was always hard for him to tell one way or the other -- and Amber had just now spoken out her thoughts; Perhaps he was more emotionally solid than he had thought. That is, until Amber started laughing out loud.


He couldn't help but wonder what was up with Amber, anyway; He couldn't help but think that she was unstable somehow, but regardless, it felt good to know that he was reassured, that he was more emotionally sound than he would have thought otherwise.


Perhaps more emotionally solid than somepony was secure with their items -- the one pony who had now accompanied them had seemed to have been thrown into a panic of some sort; Looks like he, Rook, had lost something, but he didn't know what, and he didn't know where to begin.


Ganaram got up again -- his bladder was calling once more -- and turned himself towards the door leading to one of the other cars. On second thought, it could wait... He had a good feeling that this Rook character may be of some aid; After all, he had offered just seconds prior. Either that or it was in his firmware that he should help out a fellow pony, or maybe the sound of Amber's voice -- shrill enough to nearly lose himself right on the spot -- was enough to divert his attention back to the group:


"Did you lose anything...?"


Ganaram inferred the time based on the moving scenery outside; It was well over half an hour since the train had gone into motion, but he couldn't be sure of it because he couldn't get a good look at any one shadow of anything tall outside. That and the train was now crossing over a river, which didn't help his bladder at all. That and he saw somepony else go into the bathroom previously, but he has yet to see that pony come out yet.


He went back to his seat, clutching his back legs, staring at the other three ponies. It was one thing to look like an emotional wreck in front of somepony, but to have to pee was a different thing altogether. He felt like he was being stared at again, so he needed something to break the trance:


"Well? What is it that you lost?!!"




(Since I can also control the other train,... We'll consider Sandweaver's last chain of events as deleted up to him washing his face, and declare him missing in action from the bathroom. We'll say he's not returned from the bathroom.)



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"Gah! I lost my journal!" Rook finally blurted out. His journal contained all the information he had gathered about the treasure he was looking for... Rook looked at, for the lack of a better term, his new companions. "Er... Hey guys, why not we do a bit of a trade? You help me find the journal, I help you get back to... wherever it was you were going. Uh...." Rook had to explain the urgency behind this situation, "Look, if we don't find it, bad things may happen...."


Rook made an awkward smile, hoping one of them would say yes....


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"Gah! I lost my journal!"


Oh boy, could this day get any better...


Amber thought, still shrunken at her seat after the 'unintentional' fracas she caused inside the train. She still wasn't used to the overcrowded ride, as her last one consisted in just a couple of boring old ponies, that is, until she found the group. It made her feel a little uncomfortable having to behave properly among those Canterlotian ponies, though neither she wanted to get to Manehatten as soon as possible. Overall, the situation was awkward.


"Er... Hey guys, why not we do a bit of a trade? You help me find the journal, I help you get back to... wherever it was you were going. Uh...."


Amber rose her ears and glanced back at Rook when she heard the word 'trade'. With all of her innocence, she thought the pony would be kind enough to help the group out without demanding anything in return. But perhaps this wasn't - and could never be - the case.


Striving not to freak out once again, she let out a lengthy sigh and turned to the blue unicorn pony with an upset look on her face, as Rook continued to tell about his 'oh-so-precious journal'.


"Look, if we don't find it, bad things may happen...."


She suddenly snapped, quickly closing her mouth with her hoof in order to hold the laughter.


"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize we had Daring Do on board of the train!" Amber said sarcastically, giggling. "Hey! What bad things shall be cast upon us if such precious artifact goes missing, Daring Rook? A curse of a thousand years??" At that point, she was already laughing out loud.


Wiping her tears of joy once again and ceasing the laughter, she took a deep breath.


"But I guess we don't have many options, do we?..." She then turned back to Ganaram and Electrobolt. "What do you guys think?"

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As Electrobolt looked at Rook, he then heard he lost his journal. He had a confused look, as if his face was asking why he was freaking out over a simple journal. However, at the mention of a trade, that he'd help them get back to the right train for his journal, he sighed. *What could be so important about a journal that he would have us look for it, just to get us back on the right path?* he asked himself mentally, shaking his head. Then he heard mention that bad things may happen if they don't find it. He was about to say something, before Amber had started up.


As Amber was joking around, calling Rook "Daring Rook", she began to giggle, teasing him for a while. Although he wanted to sigh, he couldn't as he found himself slightly chuckling at the remarks she made. After she had finished her laughter, he calmed down again, albeit a tiny chuckle escaping his mouth at the end. She had then asked their opinion on whether they should look for the journal or not. At this point, he had regained his senses, and remembered that he was gonna ask about the journal. "Ah, right. Um, it seems we will need to find it," he spoke up, before looking over to Rook. "So Rook... What's so important about this journal, anyways...?"

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