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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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Ganaram was still on the floor when he heard the green colt's voice once again, to which he promptly replied:


"Yeah... I'm fine..."


He got up onto his seat again and brushed the dirt off of himself. His saddlebag had fallen to the floor, but upon picking it up, he remembered the snacks he had packed within it. Frantically, he opened his bag and pulled out the snacks he had packed for himself: A bag of cookies, now reduced to crumbs.


"That's the last time I pack cookies in a dinky little bag..."


Having no choice, he looked out the window to pass the time, and thought to himself once more:


"So what is it with everything that has happened thus far? It's barely been half an hour since the train started moving, and already some of us have gotten into a mess... Maybe it's supposed to mean something...? Snap out of it, me!!! Maybe it wasn't the right time for me to revisit some old places..."


Ganaram turned his head to the rest of the train car, and noticed the other passengers, who apparently have had a game of "Throw the cards in the air like you just don't care". In particular, he focused on the light-brown stallion, staring at his manebrush. The grey pegasus was now only just slightly concerned.


"On second thought, maybe it was a good idea for me to have taken the skyway instead... But then I'd have to dodge renegade birds and dragons and bugs and--"


Ganaram suddenly paused from his trance once again as he felt a jolt surge through his body.


"On second thought again,... Trains have bathrooms..."

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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(OOC: I think INskuckush and Nocturnal will now finally meet each other)


Nocturnal quickly entered the bathroom car of the train. There were three stalls in the car and Nocturnal went for the first one, closed the door behind him and relieved himself. Just as he came out to wash his hooves, he noticed a grey pegasus enter the car.


Nocturnal of course, instead of being normal and saying 'Hi' or 'How are you doing?' just stared at him like the socially awkward pony he was.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Ganaram hastily made his way to the bathroom at great speed, passing by everypony else on board, and completely missing the other pony who was also in the bathroom.




Clearly, the only thing on his mind was reliving himself as he barely made his way into the stall, as he didn't wanna do so outside of the bathroom...


(A little bit short of a response, but I think I made it work. They kinda meet, but it was barely for a second.)



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na na na na na...


Sandweaver couldn't really concentrate on his book. It was barely a few hours away from the station, and he was already dead bored. He could only hope the first stop can bring out something interesting. Sandweaver was silently pondering how long it would take to reach the first stop when he felt a chill behind his neck.


The earlier blue unicorn trotted alongside Sandweaver's seat while giving the old stallion a faceful of angry look. Sandweaver could feel a sigh coming, but he suppressed it.


"Oh dear"


The train jolted, snapping Sandweaver out of his stupor. With a loud thud somepony from across the car slipped of of his chair, and seemingly another pony also fell of his chair. Welp, that was mildly interesting.


But then a whispers promising death was heard. Sandweaver looked around. There you go, the athletic pony's mane is now scrambled all around. Now that's a bit... scary.


Ganaram hastily made his way to the bathroom at great speed, passing by everypony else on board, and completely missing the other pony who was also in the bathroom.


Sandweaver glanced on the toilet, where the blue unicorn and Ganaram were now in. He chuckled softly while fidgeting around on his seat again. Maybe, after three botched train ride, this trip would finally totally worth it.


And somepony is totally going to die


Shut up, you, Sand scolded himself. He opened his book again.


...while the silica sand remained scarce, various glass appraiser...


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Nocturnal shrugged after not getting any response from the grey unicorn and walked over to the sink and started washing his hooves. He recalled what Beat said about killing, did he mean it? Did he want someone dead? If so, that was a great way for him to get some 'practice' before he got back into the brotherhoof.


Suddenly, something terrible happened, he dropped the soap.



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(A little inactive, isn't it?)


Ganaram got out of the bathroom in an equal haste of when he got in (and don't worry, he had hoof sanitiser). On his way back, he noticed the two other ponies he had previously conversed with: Electrobolt, who had apparently become sore again, and Jade, who seemed to be unresponsive at the moment, probably deep in personal thought.


He got back to his seat to sanitise his hooves, as he didn't wanna lurk in the bathroom for too long than he needed to. He still felt it to be quite awkward for him to be travelling with other ponies, but the trip had lasted for roughly half an hour, and in that time already (and by judging by the change of scenery), they were nearly halfway to Canterlot.

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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Electrobolt had noticed that Ganaram had gone off earlier, so he just shook his head, disregarding the slight facial pain as he looked out the window. He continued to observe the scenery as he smiled lightly. *Never had I been on a train... This is pretty nice...* he thought. Once he looked back in front of him, he had seen Ganaram returning, and using hoof sanitizer to clean his hooves. Shaking his head, he looked back out the window, seeing that the scenery changed, as they seemed to be around Canterlot now. Suddenly, he felt some pressure in his lower body as he shut his eyes. *Shoulda done that while I was home...* he pondered, as he got up and headed to the direction Ganaram had come from. *I bet he had gone to the restroom when he disappeared...*

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."That's gonna leave a mark"Draco said as he looked at the sand colored stallion"your whining over your hair. Hey look at me when I get up in the morning I tend to look like a f5 class tornado hits me then throws me across into a manticores den. Then when the manticores are done chewing on me they throw me across the forrest."

"do you think..."

"that...I am ... whining?"


Beat Spark very slowly gives the creepiest head turn


"just...over my hair?"


He slowly started to walk towards Draco with a murderous look on his face. But he snapped...


"huh?!? for Celestia's mane! what in the holly feathers I was doing?"


"my pardons noble gentlecolt for my inadequate behaviour"

"now if you excuse me, I have to fix my mane"


Beat Spark went back to his saddlebag, and took his maneblower

Posted Image

He plugged it in one of the electric sockets of the train. But after he did that, the small outlet exploded and started to expel smoke.


After that, all the electric energy of the train went off.


"hehe... ups!... sorry" Beat Spark said embarrased while the whole train was in complete darkness except for the light that came from the windows of the train.


"what do I do now that I can't use my maneblower?" Beat thought.


!!! he got an idea. He opened up the window of the train and he then let his mane flow with the speed of the wind that went against it.


"this brrrrr!!! is evbrrr -en brrrr -etter than the mane -brrrr -blower!!" said Beat Spark


He went back inside, and brushed his mane a few times with his mane brush and applied a bit of spray to keep it in place.








*waves mane* "Now I'm ready for Canterlot!"



"you know Draco? we have to look good, we could be in the presence of Princess Celesia! we can't afford to have an unkept mane"

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"I'm wearing a scarf during summer"Draco deadpaned as he looked at Beat Spark"and trust me I've seen alot worse than that Blue Blood I've well I have messed up his hair 3 or 4 times just to get back at him he's a stubborn son of a mule that's for sure anypony knows not to mess with the courier pony that brings you what you desperately wanted heck they give me tips"Draco said.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Nocturnal walked back to his seat, seeing Draco and a certain fabulous looking stallion named Beat Spark, who was now looking more fabulous for some reason. Maybe it was the mane.



At that moment, Nocturnal heard Beat say something, "you know Draco? we have to look good, we could be in the presence of Princess Celesia! we can't afford to have an unkept mane."


He froze, Canterlot....Blueblood...BLUEBLOOD!


Nocturnal observed himself and noticed that while he was a Canterlot Unicorn, he didn't look or act like one. There was no way he would be able to get close to Blueblood like that.


Suddenly, he remembered Beat and his obsession with looking good. Maybe he could help me....


Nocturnal reached his seat and sat down next to Draco and Beat.


"So....Beat.....how does one...properly present himself?"

  • Brohoof 1



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After Beat heard Blueblood's description by Draco, he had mixed feelings


"But what did he do to you? I mean, Princess Celestia may be the richest pony in all of Equestria and yet she remains kind, she's beautiful! ...P. Blueblood is Princess Celestia's nephew, he should be as nice as her".


Then Noctural approched, and sat next to Beat


"So....Beat.....how does one...properly present himself?"

with the darkness in the train, Beat got caught off guard by the vivrant and almost demonic green eyes of Nocturnal






"excuse me! how do you present yourself, you asked? well everything is in the attitude! it's not the same when a regular pony says Hi! and when Beat Spark says Hi! everypony will turn around, that's for sure".


"But you need, also some manners. We are going to Canterlot, so it's not acceptable to behave like brute".


"You can say something like: Good morning respectable lady or gentlecolt, that would do, but don't be too cloying with your words, that can be sort of irritating, you just have to remain humble and kind, that's the key"


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco narrowed his eyes at Nocturnal with a suspicous gaze as he knew that Nocturnal's walk was different"What's your angle?"Draco asked Nocturnal. Draco was looking at Nocturnal but then looked out the window"Well he thinks he's above everypony else, don't get me started on his.."Draco stretched slightly"additude one might consider sending an assassin after him but hey I'm just a courier pony"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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By the time Ganaram had put away his sanitiser, he noticed Electrobolt getting up and going to where he previously was before.


"Hmm,... What is it with everypony forgetting to use the facilities today...?"


It was at that moment that he heard a loud pop, after which, the train went slightly dimmer. Ganaram looked over his shoulder to see Beat, fiddling with what used to be a mane dryer, followed by him sticking his head out the window for who knows what.


"Wow. Not even half an hour and we've already broken the train... Should I be terrified or excited...? Well, at least it ain't a butterfly crossing zone..."


After a while, Ganaram heard the window shut behind him, but the silence wouldn't be sustained. Out of curiosity, he poked his head out into the middle of the train to overhear the conversation that was happening from behind:


"... I've seen a lot worse than that Blueblood..."


"... How does one properly present himself...?"


"... You just need to remain humble and kind, that's the key."


>> "I've never been to Canterlot, so... Would I be able to fit in, and would I really need to?"


Ganaram once looked again at the broken light fixture. He figured that once the train arrives at Canterlot, it'd be a while to repair the damage.


"Looks like I need to start learning..."


With that statement in mind, he returned to his former position and carefully took notes...

  • Brohoof 1



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After Electrobolt had entered the restroom, he walked into one of the stalls. Just then, however, the lights had gone out and he was left in the dark. "Ugh, just great..." groaned the colt, as he looked around. Thankfully, there was a small window, so there was some natural light at least. "Well... At least we aren't in a tunnel, or something..."


After a couple of minutes, the colt finally emerged from the bathroom, feeling better and hooves all cleaned. After returning to his seat, he had seen the three ponies that were playing cards now discussing something, and then he saw Ganaram taking notes of some sort. Curious, he sat down in his original seat before asking the grey pegasus, "So... What are you doing...?"

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After that, all the electric energy of the train went off.

Sandweaver twitched. He almost screamed some bloody profanities, but thought better of it. Ain't worth a dime. Can't a stallion read in freakin' peace!?


That namby pamby stallion...


"you know Draco? we have to look good, we could be in the presence of Princess Celesia! we can't afford to have an unkept mane"




Sandweaver hummed. It had been quite somewhile since the last time he visited Canterlot. Was it ten years ago? Five? He couldn't really remember.


Oh well, time to get myself fixed, Sandweaver thought to himself as he stood up. As he started to trot to the bathroom, the green stallion seemed to be already done with himself. The bathroom is empty, perfect!


With a slight bounce in his steps, Sandweaver entered the bathroom.


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(OOC: Damn, whole lot of posts since I last checked : P)


Nocturnal listened very closely to what Beat was telling him, nodding to assure him that he was listening, "Well...thanks for the advice...Beat."


Nocturnal then looked towards Draco, who he had heard talking about Blueblood, "So. I couldn't help over hear you say something about Blueblood. What's he like?"


Instead, he noticed Draco looking at him suspiciously.



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"Oh, uhh... I'm just writing some notes down."


As much as he felt awkward to eavesdrop on a conversation, Ganaram kept on writing down important notes from the other stallions's conversation. He didn't think he needed a tourist guide for Canterlot, but considering the situation the train was in now, he needed all the information about visiting Canterlot he could get if they're gonna be in Canterlot for longer as needed. Ganaram pulled out a battery-powered lantern from his bag and set it to his side, illuminating the slightly dim inside of the car.


"What do you think? With how the train is now, do you think this power outage would delay us in any way?"


Ganaram pondered to himself, and looked on at the other group of stallions. Even though he was unconscious for nearly half the trip, he could infer that there was already a fair amount of racket from those three. As far as he can tell, there were three distinct "groups" on the train: Ganaram, Electrobolt, and Jade, the three other stallions, and then the old sand-coloured pony who-- Wait, where did he go?


"I think the power outage is the least of our worries..."



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After hearing Ganaram responding to his question about the notes, he was curious about what kind of notes they were, but chose not to intrude. He then saw the grey pegasus pull the lantern out of his bag as the car suddenly got a tiny bit brighter. Deciding to look around the car, he turned craned his head around as best as he could to see everything in there. In his current view, he saw Ganaram, Jade, three other stallions - whom he doesn't know the names of - and one pony was missing.


Just then, Ganaram's question had pulled his attention back to the pegasus. "Um, seeing that the power is out, they may have to remain at the station to fix things up..." responded the colt. "So we might be waiting for a while." He then noticed that Ganaram was looking around the car as well from where he was sitting, but then when Ganaram spoke, Electrobolt looked confused. "Huh? What do you mean...?" he inquired, tilting his head slightly out of confusion.

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Jade hadn't really been listening to what was going on around him until the lights went out, and when satisfied that they weren't getting attacked by a dragon or anything he let his gaze wander back out the window.


Jade couldn't help but listen in on Ganaram and Electro's conversation.


"Oh, uhh... I'm just writing some notes down."


The appearence of a source of light drew Jade's gaze back over to the two ponies. Hm? What's going on here?


"What do you think? With how the train is now, do you think this power outage would delay us in any way?"


A very methodical way of speaking. I wonder if he's a-


"Um, seeing that the power is out, they may have to remain at the station to fix things up..."


Wait a minute, "Hey," Jade spoke up, after a moment. "We're stopping at Canterlot next, right?"

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"Don't ask why, but I'm getting this feeling that something interesting might happen, and that it may either endanger us or be beneficial to us..."


Ganaram finished up his reply to Electrobolt just when he heard Jade speak out, inquiring about the next stop.


"Oh, uhh, ain't in Canterlot the train's heading to?"


Ganaram looked outside again to confirm his suspicions, and like before, the recent change of scenery still shows that they're headed for Canterlot, and by the looks of things, the arrival is imminent. The young pegasus opened his window and poked his head out the window, and just as he suspected, the gilded city was just on the horizon, and growing by the passing second. He swiftly retracted his head, as to avoid any collisions with flying insects. He turned back to Jade:


"Uhh, why do you ask...?"

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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Draco stared at Nocturnal and Nocturnal stared back at him. It was slowly turning into an all-out stare contest if Nocturnal hadn't decided to move on.


Not in the mood to talk, I guess.


He turned his head back to Beat again, "So....what makes you so excited about being in Canterlot?"



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(sorry was alittle busy)

"Well Mr. Beat is probably trying to get into the nobility, and what I know of Blueblood well I won't say with those little colts and fillies there"Draco said as he pointed with his hoof toward acouple children"Yu see your either curious about him or you have another motive. But I'm guessing option A. is correct or is the way you move and rythem is that of a dancer or an assassin"Draco said crypticly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Nocturnal listened very closely to what Beat was telling him, nodding to assure him that he was listening, "Well...thanks for the advice...Beat."

Beat noded at Nocturnal, and continued talking ... apparently Draco was part of the conversation as well.



"So....what makes you so excited about being in Canterlot?"

"well...Canterlot is just beautiful! have you ever seen their buildings, their people, their food, their stores! I plan on buying some nice items for my trip in there... *sigh* I feel like in home in Canterlot"

but soon, Beat noticed that any of the ponies were paying attention to him because they were maliciously staring at each other.

Beat made an awkward pause, and started to feel unconfortable in the middle of the situation...





"so..." Beat said


"Well Mr. Beat is probably trying to get into the nobility, and what I know of Blueblood well I won't say with those little colts and fillies there"Draco said as he pointed with his hoof toward acouple children

"I would like to know more about P. Blueblood as well"


"Yu see your either curious about him or you have another motive. But I'm guessing option A. is correct or is the way you move and rythem is that of a dancer or an assassin"Draco said crypticly.

Beat thought that Draco's last comment was very direct and awkward. Again an strange silence sorrounded the area, while both ponies stared at each other...


Beat Spark, in the middle of everything... again




  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco sighed"Anyway Beat spark why are you going to Canterlot anyway?"Draco began to feel heat around his neck"ugh can't believe my friend Cherry made me wear this today"Draco complained as he took it off but on the side of his neck was a jagged scar from a fight with a manticore over a package he was delivering.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Jade went pale, though it wasn't particularly noticable through his already-pale coat. Oh gods, getting stuck there for hours...this is not good. Not good. Not good. Not good. Not goo-"It's n-nothing, really. Just ...stuff..." Jade smiled unconvincingly. "Just wondering."

Edited by Jadefire
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