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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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Jade looked up at the mare now talking to him. "Y-yeah, something like that. Hopefully I'll be able to get through this without being recognized..." He said, before thinking to himself, easier said then done when the ponies who don't like you is the Canterlot Royal Guard...


Jade snapped out of his self pity and spoke. "Anyway, my name's Jade Flare. I don't believe I caught yours...?"

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(Time for me to do a bit of catch-up.)


Ganaram headed off to regroup with some of the other ponies, mainly the ponies he had been conversing with on and off for the past hour and the mare who had now joined the group.


And as much as he had to worry about the rest of his trip and all of his personal ramifications of trying to recall his past, oddly enough, it seemed to be in the back of his mind now; The train had only stopped at Canterlot (and one of the repairponies had to pull out a fire extinguisher; Why is it that a unicorn had to use her mouth-- Oh, broken horn...), and already he's indirectly receiving enjoyment out of the overall trip.


Ganaram reinforced the grey unicorn's statement and asked the mare the same thing:


"Yeah, what is your name...?"



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"I am ready!!" Beat said while getting out of the train. He then noticed some repair ponies that went inside to inspect the train, some of them were using mechanical tools to fix the train on the outside. Most of them, earth ponies.


"I feel so embarrassed right now, this is all my fault" Beat mumbled to himself while he blushed.


Then, at the station, he started to look for Nocturnal, or Draco, but none of them were at sight.

"This is unbelieavable! I wanted to meet princess Celestia, and this pony just leave without me! just my luck!" Beat Spark said somewhat angry. "and I'm hungry!" he said while his stomach made some mild noises.


He just could see on one side, the green earth pony with blue mane looking rather disoriented. "umm" Beat mumbled unamused.



And on the other side, he could see that obnoxious mare, Amber Vox trotting alongside that white unicorn with gray mane and the other gray pegasus.

"Well, at least I got rid of her. I bet Draco wanted to get rid of her as well. What a nuisance! I feel bad for that pony though, he looks rather nervous...well, that's not my problem!" he said with a smirk on his face, while he trotted down the plaza of Canterlot.


while he walked, he was saying: "This place is beautiful! everything looks ancient but with a nice touch of elegance." He then noticed the sand colored unicorn that he saw in the train walking towards a very strange looking shop.

"This is getting suspicious..." Beat said to himself while walking past that souvenir shop.


Instantly, he noticed that most citizens of Canterlot were looking at him while he walked down the street. It was so evident that he started to feel unconfortable. "What are they looking at? it is my mane? it is my tail? do I look messy? what it is?" he started to debate with himself.


Then, many ponies complimented him in a way he couldn't comprehend, but most of them agreed on the same message. "nice spell..."


"spell? why do they mean with that?... ummm...do they mean that I am that handsome? well, I knew that, but why also stallions are aware of my spell? ugh!!...I don't have time for headaches."


he still got more "compliments" until he stumbled upon one shop that caught his attention.

"Le Hoofé"...

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco and his friend left the castle and arrived in the market place then saw Beat standing infront of a shop"Sorry about thatBeat but I had to deliver it quickly. I maybe a courier but the princesses like their hobbies I guess plus I'm sorry that I left you behind but I was already late as it was now then how about breakfast"Draco said with a smile at his friend."Where's the cute mare oh right I was in a hurry"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Amber observed as the last ponies disembarked from the train - some immediately heading towards the shops. That was Canterlot after all, the city of luxury. She wasn't exactly the shopping type though. In fact, she found it rather boring.


"Anyway, my name's Jade Flare. I don't believe I caught yours...?"


"Yeah, what is your name...?"


"I'm Princess Cadance."


Amber replied sarcastically, wearing an upset expression instead of her usual silly smile. She kept staring at the two ponies for a few seconds.


"...You dummies weren't paying attention when I was talking in the train, were you?" She sighed. As always, though, she was exaggerating - she just wanted to play and put up a little show due to her childish side.


"My name is Am-- ...Wait. Actually, I'm gonna let you guys guess!" She laughed joyfully. Amber would never let an opportunity like that pass without having fun with it somehow.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Jade blinked. "Am...brosia?" he ventured a guess. He didn't recall her saying her name during her antics, and he was fairly sure she wasn't a princess. "I'll go with Ambrosia Rainbow. Am I close?" Jade paused a bit, before continuing, "Unless you really are Princess Cadance and are secretly trying to mingle with us common folk."

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Electrobolt looked around the inside of the train for a bit, wondering what Jade's reason for being somewhat nervous could have been. Just then, he realized that everypony had already departed the train. "Gah... I'm not all there today, am I...?" muttered the young colt, before he began to get off the train. It was then that he caught up to the group consisting of Jade and Ganaram, along with the pony that was rolling around on the floor earlier. Shaking his head, he slowly approached the group as he said, "Um, sorry I'm late... I kinda got distracted for a second..."

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"Well, in that case, my name's an anagram."


That was Ganaram's response to the mare: Being as cryptic as possible, just to see if one can decipher his riddles. Plus, he was having fun already, and besides, he didn't mind a challenge, so he went on searching through his mind for words and names that start with AM:


"AM-FM-PM, Amast, Amaya, Americium, Amethyst, Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Ambidextrous, A mermaid..." "I got nothing... Maybe something will come to me..."


Suddenly, Ganaram began to feel woozy, which is not too unusual for him when he hasn't eaten anything.


"You know what else came to me? Hunger."



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"Sorry about thatBeat but I had to deliver it quickly. I maybe a courier but the princesses like their hobbies I guess plus I'm sorry that I left you behind but I was already late as it was now then how about breakfast"

"Yeah, you definitelly owe me one! ... but now, I MUST see what items of high couture I can find in this store".


Beat looked closely at Draco.


"You don't seem like a pony that appreciate luxurious accesories don't you? well, I hope you don't mind that we check out this store right? Then we get something to eat".


"Where's the cute mare oh right I was in a hurry"

"She's cute, but she's utterly childish. Anyways, are you comming?" while he pointed to Le Hoofé


"well done sir, your spell" another pony yelled at him.


Beat raised an eyebrow.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"I don't mine Beat I mean I did leave you behind and sure let's check it out might work up an appitite plus I've been here before they sell good items for when I need it and they also let my two friends work here"Draco said and he smiled slightly. His two friends were zebra alchemists who fled from their country to see the world.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Phew... That was awesome!" Sandweaver said to himself while closing the shop's door behind him, carrying with him a brown paper bag. He looked back for the last time and yelled through the window, "thanks for the sweet deal!"


Griff, now that's a name to remember


Sandweaver took a nearby vacant chair across the street, just about a few meters away from the Station's entrance. He opened the paper bag, and pulled out his prize from it with his new prize with his telekinesis. "Whoa..."


The first was a set of ornate knife and fork. Made of almost yellowing copper, both knife and fork's handle were carved with an ancient motive. Sandweaver could almost made out a detail of a running pony. After a few seconds admiring it, Sandweaver put them back and took out the last piece.


It was a scary looking knife, with lots of sharp, serrated bits and weighed handle. Some might say it was a perfect torture weapon, if not for the fact that the steel blade is completely dull to the point that it was better suited as a mace. The blade gleamed under the sunlight, Sandweaver couldn't hide his mischievous smile. With a mocking face he stabbed his own neck with the knife. A loud thump could be heard.


"Grandma? Grandma!!" A young filly was cradling an aged mare in her hooves, seemed like the old mare passed out thanks to Sand's little play. Instantly the area was crowded with concerned ponies and pissed off guards. Sheepishly Sandweaver bagged the knife and ran for his life.


"Gotta go, gotta go!"


Sandweaver noticed the small group of his fellow train passengers, and quickly galloped to catch up with them.

  • Brohoof 1


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"I don't mine Beat I mean I did leave you behind and sure let's check it out might work up an appitite plus I've been here before they sell good items for when I need it and they also let my two friends work here"

"Then these friends of yours shoud be really lucky to work in Le Hoofé, from what I heard, this is a very exclusive store"

"Anyways let's get going".


they both entered into the store...


"Oh! I love these place already, everything is so neat and elegant! I know I will find something for me! I think I need a new pair of boots, or what about a necklace? maybe a vest? a scarf! too much options so little time!" Beat said realy excited...


he looked back at Draco.


"Go find something for yourself, I'll pay, but don't get something extremelly expensive because I'm not a gold mine..."


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"where do you think i get my talismans for my delivery services. Well I get them fr free but I pay hem in jewels saturated with large amounts of magic so that they can make more. and it's alright I'm not much into fashion or making myself look pretty or anything unlike you my friend"Draco said with a laugh as he followed Beat into the store.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"I'll go with Ambrosia Rainbow. Am I close?"


"Not even a little~" Amber giggled. Was she having fun with that situation, despite still being a bit 'upset' because they, in fact, didn't remember her name.


"Unless you really are Princess Cadance and are secretly trying to mingle with us common folk."


She thought for a moment. "Hm... That actually sounds fun! Hehe, I would totally do that if I was the princess!" She grinned, finishing with a 'cute' snort. "But no, I'm not... I wish, though!"


"Well, in that case, my name's an anagram."




"AM-FM-PM, Amast, Amaya, Americium, Amethyst, Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Ambidextrous, A mermaid..." "I got nothing... Maybe something will come to me..."


Amber stared clueless at the pegasus for a second, then suddenly collapsed laughing. "You know a lot of funny words, don't you?!" She said between her laugh, wiping her tears of joy. "You're weird!! I like you!"


"You know what else came to me? Hunger."


"Oh yeah! We should definitely eat something!" She started bouncing around again.


"Um, sorry I'm late... I kinda got distracted for a second..."


"You too!" She turned to the earth pony who just arrived. "We should all have breakfast together somewhere!" They were now a group of four and, finally feeling like part of the group, Amber was happier and more excited than ever.


"Oh, and by the way... I'm Amber! Amber Vox." She smiled warmly, as she searched around the nearby buildings for a cafe or somewhere else they could eat.

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"and it's alright I'm not much into fashion or making myself look pretty or anything unlike you my friend"

"haha...you are a very interesting character Draco" said Beat while he smiled.


"stay by my side then, while I take a look".


Beat Spark walked by the store. He started to look at some pieces of clothing for stallions, the look on his face expressed large amounts of boredom.



"*yawn* Nothing good to see here, I hope to find something good"


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco rolled his eyes"You wanted to come into here my friend"Draco said as he looked at his bored frind"You wanted to see what they have hmm"Draco looked at an amulet that looked just like his own when he was only a young colt"huh that's strange"Draco said quietly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"You wanted to come into here my friend"

"I know, it's just that I heard about this store on the newspaper, everything looked so good"


Draco looked at an amulet that looked just like his own when he was only a young colt"huh that's strange"Draco said quietly.

Before Beat could say anything else, he saw the most perfect pair of golden boots! "AHHH!" he screamed, before Draco could see closer that amulet Beat pushed him with his head over the place where the boots were.


"Sweet Celestia! these pair of boots look amazing!!! don't you think Draco? I have to try them on" Beat Spark tried them on


"How do they look Draco? don't you think they are just fabulous?" Beat Spark turned his head, and took a big breath.


"these shades!!" Beat pushed Draco again where the shades were and tried them on.


"Amazing Draco! amazing!! stylish!". Beat Said excited while Draco started to look disoriented.


"Celestia! NO! ...no! I can't believe it!" Beat pushed Draco again to a different section of the store in where he saw a black vest and tried it on. He almost ran over a customer from the store.


"Don't you think that this is just elegant?!? I MUST have all!" he said "it's like they been hiding all these thing from me!"

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"You too!" She turned to the earth pony who just arrived. "We should all have breakfast together somewhere!" They were now a group of four and, finally feeling like part of the group, Amber was happier and more excited than ever.


"Oh, and by the way... I'm Amber! Amber Vox." She smiled warmly, as she searched around the nearby buildings for a cafe or somewhere else they could eat.


Electrobolt blinked when he had heard the pony turn around and speak up to him, before mentioning that they should have breakfast somewhere together. Just then, a very faint growl sounded from his stomach as he looked at his belly. "Um, I think that'd be a good idea," responded the young colt. At that moment, the pony had then introduced herself as Amber Vox. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Amber... I'm Electrobolt." Noticing that Amber was looking for a cafe, or someplace to eat, he decided to join in too.

Edited by Electrobolt
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"I know, it's just that I heard about this store on the newspaper, everything looked so good"



Before Beat could say anything else, he saw the most perfect pair of golden boots! "AHHH!" he screamed, before Draco could see closer that amulet Beat pushed him with his head over the place where the boots were.


"Sweet Celestia! these pair of boots look amazing!!! don't you think Draco? I have to try them on" Beat Spark tried them on


"How do they look Draco? don't you think they are just fabulous?" Beat Spark turned his head, and took a big breath.


"these shades!!" Beat pushed Draco again where the shades were and tried them on.


"Amazing Draco! amazing!! stylish!". Beat Said excited while Draco started to look disoriented.


"Celestia! NO! ...no! I can't believe it!" Beat pushed Draco again to a different section of the store in where he saw a black vest and tried it on. He almost ran over a customer from the store.


"Don't you think that this is just elegant?!? I MUST have all!" he said "it's like they been hiding all these thing from me!"


Draco looked at his friend with a disoriented look"Yeesh Remind me to bring you to one of my customers in Ponyville she'll gladly make you fabulous"Draco said with abit of sarcasm in his voice."It's like your OCD for fashion"Draco said jokingly with his friend. He saw his zebra friend in the back"Hey I'll be right back I need to see about getting..."Draco was interupted as he was buried underneath alot of talismans.


"your welcome Draco"said one of the zebra's as he put a cloth away. Draco glared at his zebra friend then began to gentlely put the talismans into his saddle bags"there we go"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Sandweaver trotted a little bit behind the group, not wanting to disturb their chatter. The new mare, Amber Vox, was quite lively. She never stopped talking, always giggling and once she even dropped on the floor laughing. Sandweaver sighed. "She certainly sounds like somepony I knew," he murmured to himself.


Looking around, Sandweaver noticed that Beat Spark already made his way to a seemingly fancy shop named "Le Hoofe", followed behind him was the courier pegasus.


"Oh yeah! We should definitely eat something!" She started bouncing around again.


"Um, I think that'd be a good idea,"

Eat? Now she mentioned it, Sandweaver did feel a bit hungry.


"Hey, I know a good restaurant around here" Sandweaver suddenly chimed in. He pointed a hoof to a nearby restaurant. "That one!. 'Sally's sandwhich and haycakes'. She got the best milkshake on Canterlot!"

Edited by Star Weaver


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Jade commented after he heard Sandweaver speak up. "Oh, Sallywag is still in business?" He looked to the other ponies. "I used to live here some years ago, and Sally's is pretty good." Jade paused. "...if you got money, though. Every restaraunt in Canterlot is fairly pricey."

Edited by Jadefire
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Draco looked at his friend with a disoriented look"Yeesh Remind me to bring you to one of my customers in Ponyville she'll gladly make you fabulous"Draco said with abit of sarcasm in his voice."It's like your OCD for fashion"

"Oh no! I don't care for fashion at all, I just like to loo good, that's all...I have to admit, I got a bit carried away haha". Beat said while looking at himself on the mirror.


"Hey I'll be right back I need to see about getting..."

"Ok, you should get a bit distracted, just give me a couple of minutes". as Draco was leaving to talk to his zebra friend, a beautiful unicorn mare got near Beat and said.


"Is there something that I can help you with?"


"yeah..I'm..." Beat got caught off guard and blushed a little, he cleared his throat and continued "yes, I want to buy all of these, but...do you think you could have this vest in a bigger size? "


"of course, let me get my measurement tape" she then levitated the tape with her unicorn magic to take Beat's measures.


"Excuse me miss, but you are very beautiful" Beat said very confident.


"I know..." she answered unimpressed. Beat, on the other hand, was impressed of her answer.


she stopped, and stared at Beat from head to toe like it seemed like forever, she then said "Sweet Celestia! I'm very sorry sir, for my answer, it's just that I get that a lot, but comming from a trained gentlecolt such as yourself, it must be a huge compliment ...now if you excuse me, you can stop doing that spell so I can help you with your request."


Beat Spark felt himself like smacking a little filly. "WHAT SPELL!!?" he screamed with frustration. "...errr...I mean, I don't know of what you are talking about miss...".


"well, that spell that let you hide your horn, I have to take measures of your horn as well sir".


"I have to say that that spell is one of the most difficult for any unicorn to learn and master and I respect you already for mantaining it for so long, but you can rest now, it's OK".


Beat felt lie all the pieces in the puzzle now fitted perfectly. Something made click inside his brain. He sighed, then replied. "I don't have a horn".


"what do you mean?" answered the store's employee.


"I'm not an unicorn, I'm an earth pony" Beat replied.


"An earth PONY?!!? that can't be possible, you look like..."


"yes I am, any problem...?"


there were a brief silence between the two...


"oh! I know why you are here, you should be somepony elses bodyguard right? how didn't I think of it? for who you work for? Ah! yes! you should work for Mr. Fancy Pants, I have to say that he choose really nice accessories for his servitude, if you follow me please..."


Beat Spark remembered that when he got off the train, most of the repair ponies where earth ponies, he also remembered that most Canterlotians where unicorns if not all of them. Then, he changed the look on his face and changed the tone of his voice and said "stop there!"


He gave a few steps "I work for myself! I earn my own money and I'm pretty sure that I can pay for all of these things...on my OWN! I don't need a boss that pays for my things!"


"if you don't work for Mr. Fancy Pants, then who?"


"nopony! it is that hard to understand?"


"In this case..." she lowered her voice "I can't sell anything to you, I'm sorry, but I can't permit that you wear some of our desings, we have a brand to protect, if you know what I mean...but I can recommend you a cheaper boutique that is very near from here" she winked at him.


Beat Spark stood there frozen.


"AM I JUST BEING A VICTIM OF RACISM?" he said very loud in the store


"shhhh!!! quiet!" said the embarrassed salesmare "hehe! sorry everypony...nothing is happening here" she said apologizing to the other customers.






he got the attention of all the customers by this point. The salesmare was spechless with her mouth open.




"suddenly I don't want to buy here" one mare said


"I don't either" said another one


"I'm leaving!" said another customer.


and they all slowly started to exit the store.


Beat got close to the obviously shocked salesmare and said "and before you even started to talk about how I cannot have my own bits from my own hooves you should ask yourself instead why you still are just a store employee.

You were beautiful...what a waste!"


"Draco, come here! we are leaving this place"



  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"...if you got money, though. Every restaurant in Canterlot is fairly pricey."


"Well, not really. If I recalled correctly, their prices should only like twice or less when compared to your usual place outside Canterlot."


Sandweaver shrugged slightly. If his memories served him right, a full meal will cost him about 35-50 bits. On him he got enough to buy two meals. But then again, the last time he visited Canterlot was years ago, he couldn't really say things hadn't changed at all. Sandweaver grinned slightly. As he reconsidered to eat somewhere cheaper, a scream could be heard from the Le Hoofe.


"AM I JUST BEING A VICTIM OF RACISM?" he said very loud in the store


Sandweaver could feel a facehoof coming. By the stars above!, he screamed in his mind. He separated himself from the group, slowly trotting closer to the store to get a better sight on what happened.


Another round of screaming happened. Sandweaver could almost feel pity to the salesmare on the receiving end of Beat Spark's hopefully justified tirade. After a few while some Canterlot mares trotted out from the store, each of them were clearly disgusted on what just happened. Though whether it was on the alleged racism or the ensued protest, Sandweaver couldn't really tell.


"Draco, come here! we are leaving this place"


As Beat Spark made his move to leave the store, Sandweaver quickly retreated back to the other passengers. He didn't want to get in any trouble. "Well that was certainly interesting"

Edited by Star Weaver
  • Brohoof 1


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"Oh no! I don't care for fashion at all, I just like to loo good, that's all...I have to admit, I got a bit carried away haha". Beat said while looking at himself on the mirror.



"Ok, you should get a bit distracted, just give me a couple of minutes". as Draco was leaving to talk to his zebra friend, a beautiful unicorn mare got near Beat and said.


"Is there something that I can help you with?"


"yeah..I'm..." Beat got caught off guard and blushed a little, he cleared his throat and continued "yes, I want to buy all of these, but...do you think you could have this vest in a bigger size? "


"of course, let me get my measurement tape" she then levitated the tape with her unicorn magic to take Beat's measures.


"Excuse me miss, but you are very beautiful" Beat said very confident.


"I know..." she answered unimpressed. Beat, on the other hand, was impressed of her answer.


she stopped, and stared at Beat from head to toe like it seemed like forever, she then said "Sweet Celestia! I'm very sorry sir, for my answer, it's just that I get that a lot, but comming from a trained gentlecolt such as yourself, it must be a huge compliment ...now if you excuse me, you can stop doing that spell so I can help you with your request."


Beat Spark felt himself like smacking a little filly. "WHAT SPELL!!?" he screamed with frustration. "...errr...I mean, I don't know of what you are talking about miss...".


"well, that spell that let you hide your horn, I have to take measures of your horn as well sir".


"I have to say that that spell is one of the most difficult for any unicorn to learn and master and I respect you already for mantaining it for so long, but you can rest now, it's OK".


Beat felt lie all the pieces in the puzzle now fitted perfectly. Something made click inside his brain. He sighed, then replied. "I don't have a horn".


"what do you mean?" answered the store's employee.


"I'm not an unicorn, I'm an earth pony" Beat replied.


"An earth PONY?!!? that can't be possible, you look like..."


"yes I am, any problem...?"


there were a brief silence between the two...


"oh! I know why you are here, you should be somepony elses bodyguard right? how didn't I think of it? for who you work for? Ah! yes! you should work for Mr. Fancy Pants, I have to say that he choose really nice accessories for his servitude, if you follow me please..."


Beat Spark remembered that when he got off the train, most of the repair ponies where earth ponies, he also remembered that most Canterlotians where unicorns if not all of them. Then, he changed the look on his face and changed the tone of his voice and said "stop there!"


He gave a few steps "I work for myself! I earn my own money and I'm pretty sure that I can pay for all of these things...on my OWN! I don't need a boss that pays for my things!"


"if you don't work for Mr. Fancy Pants, then who?"


"nopony! it is that hard to understand?"


"In this case..." she lowered her voice "I can't sell anything to you, I'm sorry, but I can't permit that you wear some of our desings, we have a brand to protect, if you know what I mean...but I can recommend you a cheaper boutique that is very near from here" she winked at him.


Beat Spark stood there frozen.


"AM I JUST BEING A VICTIM OF RACISM?" he said very loud in the store


"shhhh!!! quiet!" said the embarrassed salesmare "hehe! sorry everypony...nothing is happening here" she said apologizing to the other customers.






he got the attention of all the customers by this point. The salesmare was spechless with her mouth open.




"suddenly I don't want to buy here" one mare said


"I don't either" said another one


"I'm leaving!" said another customer.


and they all slowly started to exit the store.


Beat got close to the obviously shocked salesmare and said "and before you even started to talk about how I cannot have my own bits from my own hooves you should ask yourself instead why you still are just a store employee.

You were beautiful...what a waste!"


"Draco, come here! we are leaving this place"


Draco looked at the salesmare and said with a dangerous tone"Miss tell me that package you ordered from The O'mally delivery services. Draco pulled out his notepad."You're bits will be transfered to miss Ditzy Doo aka 'Derpy Hooves'"


Draco looked at her and rised his undamaged wing to stop Beat from leaving the shop"Unless you lower your prices for my friend here I am Courier 6 of the O'mally delivery services we always garatee your satisfaction. and Beat calm down"Draco looked at his friend with a 'don't worry I've got this'.



Draco walked forward towards the mare"Of course a beautifull mare such as yourself can be quite reasonable correct"Draco whispered into her ear his voice cold"unless you want to be mauled by a rabid squirrel. Then that pretty face of yours will be as ugly as your personality"Draco walked to his friend Beat and said"I'll pay for the things you've got Beat. I have enough for them. You'll just owe me breakfast"Draco said as he pulled out a bag of bits and he put it onto the counter"How much?" Draco asked with a smile that was sweet but laced with venom.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Ganaram could feel his senses tingling, telling him that there was something wrong nearby...




But it was still overshadowed by his hunger. He nudged his hoof forward to Jade to inquire about the area:


"Hey, you've said you've been in the area before. Is that place any good?"


Ganaram turned around to find the sand-coloured pony who, to him, just suddenly appeared out of nowhere:


"Whoa!!! Where did you come from?"


The pegasus turned back to the others:


"Guys, if we don't find some place to eat soon, I think I'm gonna fall over..."



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