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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Whirlwind sat on the bed exhausted from training and he listened no to what Star was saying...... "he wants to clam a foal, that's just been conceived....that isn't even his..... as his own" he said to him self quietly under the sound of the shower and the cooker. "Is every pony here loco" 

  • Brohoof 2

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Whirlwind sat on the bed exhausted from training and he listened no to what Star was saying...... "he wants to clam a foal, that's just been conceived....that isn't even his..... as his own" he said to him self quietly under the sound of the shower and the cooker. "Is every pony here loco" 

Star gave Whirlwind a rather blunt look, planning his next words carefully. "You don't need to worry about the foal, for we still are unsure over the biological parent. You will obviously have allot more to deal with in the next few months. The way I see it you would be an obvious choice to stand in Nightfalls place, you would make an excellent father. In some ways I aspire to be that. I'm doing what I feel is right, I want to be a father, but more than anything I just want this foal to have a wonderful life. Now Rockshire may be the parent, and I'm not saying I plan of separating her from the child, but she is no mother. Don't even mention Dogboots."

  • Brohoof 1


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Star gave Whirlwind a rather blunt look, planning his next words carefully. "You don't need to worry about the foal, for we still are unsure over the biological parent. You will obviously have allot more to deal with in the next few months. The way I see it you would be an obvious choice to stand in Nightfalls place, you would make an excellent father. In some ways I aspire to be that. I'm doing what I feel is right, I want to be a father, but more than anything I just want this foal to have a wonderful life. Now Rockshire may be the parent, and I'm not saying I plan of separating her from the child, but she is no mother. Don't even mention Dogboots."

Whirlwind perked up in surprised that Star heard what he had said....... "do you even know how custody works, if the mother and farther were deemed unfit for raise the foal it will go to adoption....... and the chances of you adopting the foal are slim, besides what kind of ass would do such a thing" he said to Star

  • Brohoof 3

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"I'm not an idiot, nor am I deaf. I know that there is a very slim chance of success, but in the end I'm doing what I feel is right. I guess I won't have your support, but thanks anyway." Star decided he had overstayed his welcome, standing up to leave. "Tell me that you wouldn't do anything to give your foal a good life. You'll soon find out the hard way."

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"Me and Dogboots are going to set up an intervention with Star. He's set on claiming full custody on my foal, which is a bit silly, since he's not the father... He doesn't know it, and we're planning on telling him here. Why do I need your help? You're basically the only way that he can be contacted as of now, since he's determined on not talking with me until it gets to court. In the meantime, we;re setting it here because of your condition. We also had no choice but to ask Obsidian for help, to restrain Star if he tries to make any moves. I'm also wondering about that "Persuasive" or "Percussive" that goes here. I think he knows about this, and we could get all the support that we need, so if you have a way of contacting him, please do, since this can really help."


After that, Rockshire took in a deep breath, and conjured a water bottle, taking out half its contents. "Wow, that was a mouthful..."



"I apologize Nightfall if we're inconveniencing you but it was the best I could come up. Now it seems that nearly everypony except me has met this percussive or persuasive pony. Do we know if he's someone we can trust Nightfall?"


"But- but when did you figure out you had a foal..? And whose foal is it..?"

He sighed.

"You can never fully tell unless you were alone with the suspected father when you had unprotected sex."

He sighed again.

"And... And Star never left me a number or anything... I can't really contact him. I can ask Obsidian and Vinyl to help. And as for Percussive... from  what I know, he can be trusted. But again, I don't think I can contact him..."

He laid back down.

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She looked between Star and Whirlwind. "If you two are done now...." she cleared her throat.


"What do you want me to do about it Star Keeper? At the most I could MAYBE use my magic to see who the father is. I don't have any sway with the courts or with politics, all I have is my magic. How can that help you?"

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She looked between Star and Whirlwind. "If you two are done now...." she cleared her throat.   "What do you want me to do about it Star Keeper? At the most I could MAYBE use my magic to see who the father is. I don't have any sway with the courts or with politics, all I have is my magic. How can that help you?"

"Sway the courts? No, I only ask that you help find out who the father is. Once we know I will be able to take the appropriate action. In fact we may the perfect opportunity for that soon, if Rockshire tries to convince me the foal isn't mine. I won't believe it until I've tried everything." Star was about to leave, showing himself to the door. "I'm not crazy, just protective. What would you do in my own hooves?"


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"But- but when did you figure out you had a foal..? And whose foal is it..?"

He sighed.

"You can never fully tell unless you were alone with the suspected father when you had unprotected sex."

He sighed again.

"And... And Star never left me a number or anything... I can't really contact him. I can ask Obsidian and Vinyl to help. And as for Percussive... from  what I know, he can be trusted. But again, I don't think I can contact him..."

He laid back down.


"Remember when Obsidian brought you into the motel room a few days ago, and I escaped? Well, that was to perform a pregnancy test... And well, I'm carrying one. And yes, I was with Dogboots the entire time... No pony el--"


Rockshire could feel her phone buzzing from Obsidian's text.


"Good, Obsidian repli-- BUCK! Star's talking with her! Now, he's going to try to get her on HIS side!"


((OOC: Actually, Nightfall, you CAN. Percussive left his number before he left that one time. Just wanted to point that out.))

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"Remember when Obsidian brought you into the motel room a few days ago, and I escaped? Well, that was to perform a pregnancy test... And well, I'm carrying one. And yes, I was with Dogboots the entire time... No pony el--"


Rockshire could feel her phone buzzing from Obsidian's text.


"Good, Obsidian repli-- BUCK! Star's talking with her! Now, he's going to try to get her on HIS side!"


((OOC: Actually, Nightfall, you CAN. Percussive left his number before he left that one time. Just wanted to point that out.))


"Kind of doubt that she'll end up on his side. She would need to hear both sides before deciding who she aligns with. At least that's what i'm guessing due to our last get together when she tried to clear the air among everypony." He said trying to reassure the worried mare. 

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"Kind of doubt that she'll end up on his side. She would need to hear both sides before deciding who she aligns with. At least that's what i'm guessing due to our last get together when she tried to clear the air among everypony." He said trying to reassure the worried mare. 

"Remember when Obsidian brought you into the motel room a few days ago, and I escaped? Well, that was to perform a pregnancy test... And well, I'm carrying one. And yes, I was with Dogboots the entire time... No pony el--"


Rockshire could feel her phone buzzing from Obsidian's text.


"Good, Obsidian repli-- BUCK! Star's talking with her! Now, he's going to try to get her on HIS side!"


((OOC: Actually, Nightfall, you CAN. Percussive left his number before he left that one time. Just wanted to point that out.))




He faded out. He didn't want a massive argument. He thought that over the past week, he had had enough of those.

"Pregnancy tests can, er- miscalculate... actual pregnancies..."

He was still lying down. He remembered he had Percussive's number, but he left it on the table. Maybe they would leave... he needed rest...

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Vinyl stepped out of the shower feeling cleaner than she had been in days. She dried off her tail and fur, then wrapped the towel around her mane and walked out of the bathroom. She noticed breakfast was on the table, Star was gone, and yet no one was eating. What gives? "So what did Star want? And why is no one eating?" She sat down at the table and waited for Obsidian and Whirlwind to sit down with her. "And also, Obsidian, what was your plan that you were about to say before you were cut off?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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She shook her head, confused over the whole thing. "I don't know Star Keeper. If its not yours, I would just let it go because it doesn't concern you then. We'll talk later". She watched him go and turned to look at Vinyl who had just gotten out of the shower. 


"Star Keeper wants me to see who the father is of Rockshires foul. I guess I'll do that much. I really need to shower first though. Did you want to come along? Whirlwind, you can come with if you want. As for my idea, don't worry about it for now."


She sat down and ate quietly then went to the bathroom to shower. After she was good and clean, with her mane brushed and styled she went to the middle of the room.


"So, if your ready, lets go."

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Laying back on the bed my not have been the brightest idea for Whirlwind to do, he had just had a shower before hand and now he layed on a bed that had soaked up sweat from what Obsidian and Vinyl were likely doing before he got there.

He sat up to grab small bits to eat while Obsidian was brushing her mane,  and talked to Vinyl.

"So, if your ready, lets go." she said and she moved to the door.

"yeah, I'm ready" he replied standing up and rustling his sore wings a bit as the three of them headed off 

Edited by PonyEcho
  • Brohoof 1

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In a flash she used her magic and they were at the Hospital. She staggered a bit, really needing a few days to just relax and recharge. She yawned and stretched and looked around the room at all the various ponies there. "Okay, we're here. Now what can I do for you?"

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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In a flash she used her magic and they were at the Hospital. She staggered a bit, really needing a few days to just relax and recharge. She yawned and stretched and looked around the room at all the various ponies there. "Okay, we're here. Now what can I do for you?"


Dogboots was taken a little by surprise by the group that suddenly appeared. The stallion was able to recognize both Obsidian and Vinyl however there was a pegasi there that he didn't recognize. He noticed that Obsidian seemed a little dazed from the teleportation but soon shrugged it off and got straight to the point. "To make a long story short, Star is attempting to gain custody of a foal that might not be his. Rockshire here came up with the idea to hold an intervention and try to talk some sense into him. That's why we need your help. He won't listen to Rockshire and I know for damn sure he won't listen to me. The plan is to hold the intervention here in the hospital. However, I got a feeling that he might try to leave. That's where we might need your help with this Obsidian. If I remember correctly from the incident in the cafe you must specialize in frost magic. Am I correct in assuming this? I'm not asking you to completely freeze him but all i'm asking is that if he tries to leave early, could you use your magic to restrain him?" He asked Obsidian, hoping to see if she and the others could assist them.

Edited by thor9356
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After teleporting Whirlwind took a moment to recompose himself, he never quite liked teleporting as there's just something about not knowing or feeling the speed from traveling such a great distance that left him unsettled .

He managed to stop wobbling around  he turned to help a dazed Obsidian stay up using his body for her to rest on.... Vinyl should have been the one to teleport them but there was no point in thinking that know, he thought to himself as he listened to what the other stallion was saying.

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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(Yep. Just going to jump in. Right now. With limited knowledge of what's going on. I can tell I spent a lot of time thinking out my plans)

Dawnpath walked up to the college, looking around. It was a good size, a fair chunk bigger than the one he'd transferred from. He looked through the mail they'd sent him and got his dorm number. Grabbing his suitcase and saddle bags, he hoofed it up a few flights of stairs to the room, which was vacated. I hope the pony who stays with me is okay with late-night work... And quiet. He setthe suitcase on a bed, which he really hoped was his and began to explore.

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(Yep. Just going to jump in. Right now. With limited knowledge of what's going on. I can tell I spent a lot of time thinking out my plans)


Dawnpath walked up to the college, looking around. It was a good size, a fair chunk bigger than the one he'd transferred from. He looked through the mail they'd sent him and got his dorm number. Grabbing his suitcase and saddle bags, he hoofed it up a few flights of stairs to the room, which was vacated. I hope the pony who stays with me is okay with late-night work... And quiet. He setthe suitcase on a bed, which he really hoped was his and began to explore.

In the meantime, Percussive was on his way back to the dorms, heading into his room, when he saw a new pony before him.


"Well, guess I finally get a roommate. What's your name? I'm Percussive Force. Though... You can just call me Percuss if you wish. I'm good with either."

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"Uhh, Hi. I'm Dawnpath. I guess you can just call me Dawn," he scratched the back of his head and smiled, thinking, And I was hoping the drumset was just for show... He blushed, "So, umm, which bed is yours?" he asked. He took his suitcase off the bed and stood. Welcome to Canterlot College...

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Uhh, Hi. I'm Dawnpath. I guess you can just call me Dawn," he scratched the back of his head and smiled, thinking, And I was hoping the drumset was just for show... He blushed, "So, umm, which bed is yours?" he asked. He took his suitcase off the bed and stood. Welcome to Canterlot College...

"I've got the opposite bed.", Percussive said, as he pointed to the other side of the room. "And don't worry about the drumset. I don't play it, unless I need to, since I'm in involved in the jazz ensemble here. At that point, I usually do a nights worth of practice, then take it apart.


Oh, and it's nice to meet you Dawn."

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He was blushing harder now. ​Oh Celestia, he notice I was staring at the drumset... "Ya, it's nice to meet you to Percuss." He held out a hoof to shake with his new roommate, setting his bags back down on the bed. "Umm, I was wondering how much you'd mind if I stayed up at night working," he stated, after they shook hooves. (If they shook hooves and didn't have an awkward moment after which he'd ask the same question anyways.)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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He was blushing harder now. ​Oh Celestia, he notice I was staring at the drumset... "Ya, it's nice to meet you to Percuss." He held out a hoof to shake with his new roommate, setting his bags back down on the bed. "Umm, I was wondering how much you'd mind if I stayed up at night working," he stated, after they shook hooves. (If they shook hooves and didn't have an awkward moment after which he'd ask the same question anyways.)

After they shook hooves, Percussive smiled a little.


"I don't really mind much. I'm usually knocked out when it comes to midnight. So, whatever you like to do, I'm not minding it a bit. As long as its relatively quiet. That's all I'm caring for at the moment.", he said, flopping on his bed.

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"It should be, unless I get frustraighted and do something stupid. Oh yah, I guess you should know this. I'm a writer, usually poetry. I'll probably join the Newspaper, if you guys have one here," he said, popping open his suitcase. Inside, there were stacks upon stacks of paper, sets of quills, and inkwells. His bag held his personal effects. He put the suitcase under his bed, closed so the papers didn't blow away.

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She sat down and sighed. "Listen you two, Star Keeper has asked me to help by using my magic to see who the father is. If it turns out Star is not the father, I am sure he will leave you in peace. If it turns out he is....yes, I suppose I could use my magic to keep him here, but I don't like getting this involved. I have had to deal with my own issues on my own. Considering all of this is...." *She trailed off and smirked a little*


"Alright, yes. I have an idea. Lets get him here"

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She sat down and sighed. "Listen you two, Star Keeper has asked me to help by using my magic to see who the father is. If it turns out Star is not the father, I am sure he will leave you in peace. If it turns out he is....yes, I suppose I could use my magic to keep him here, but I don't like getting this involved. I have had to deal with my own issues on my own. Considering all of this is...." *She trailed off and smirked a little*


"Alright, yes. I have an idea. Lets get him here"




Rockshire sighed a little. "All right.", she simply said. She picked up her phone, and began to text Star. This was only the chance to get him to be here.


Hey, Obsidian needs you at the hospital.




"It should be, unless I get frustraighted and do something stupid. Oh yah, I guess you should know this. I'm a writer, usually poetry. I'll probably join the Newspaper, if you guys have one here," he said, popping open his suitcase. Inside, there were stacks upon stacks of paper, sets of quills, and inkwells. His bag held his personal effects. He put the suitcase under his bed, closed so the papers didn't blow away.


"Yeah, I think we've got a newspaper...", Percussive merely said, looking at all of the parchments and inkwells.

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