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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"Yeah, I guess so."


Star reluctantly let go of Shire, his forelegs falling limply to his sides. He seemed to be in better spirits now. "I guess we can sort everything else out later...  when things area bit less complicated. I'm sure the other are going t need our support as well."


"Y-yeah... That would be the smart idea.", Rockshire said a bit quietly, as her thoughts came back for their little conversation.


I can't believe it... He forgives me in a way... I just can't believe it... I now know that I can't buck this up at all. Considering he's the one who made this foal...

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Star attempted to bury thoughts and worries about the foal away in his mind for a while at least. They still had their friends to help, even if they didn't ant right now It seemed only right.


"Let's go back in. We can come to some sort of agreement soon." His voice was a bit cracked as he tried to hide back his joy. It was quite a happy occasion when he thought about it, not something to forget. Once they were back inside Star seemed viably a lot brighter than before and turned to face Obsidian. "I think it's going to be okay. Maybe we should focus on settling down and finishing our studies before getting caught up in all this family business. After all  I think well deserve a break after what everypony has been through."


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Whirlwind returned to his dorm after spending a good 2 hours flying above the campus and areas of Canterlot he was too exhausted to keep up the search at the risk of crashing but Whirlwind checked  in with the campus security and reception for any sign of Obsidian leaving or inform them of such..... tho it had only been a sudden change in Obsidian's action so maybe she just needs a little brake.

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Dogboots wasn't even near tipsy after finishing his 20th cider though it was the cheap stuff it still didn't help him. He payed his bill and exited the pub. He made his way back to the dorm but his gaze was fixed to the ground still and his mind was still wrapped around what happened. His thoughts were interrupted when he collided with Vinyl on accident. "S-sorry about that." He said rubbing his head from the collision.

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Nightfall awoke with a start. With no one around him, he had cried himself to sleep. And his dreams were worse; instead of everyone leaving for what could be a temporary time, they all left for a permanent time, all mad at him for Obsidian's sake. He closed his eyes, but couldn't sleep with those thoughts in his head.

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Dawnpath wandered around campus, when a newspaper blew in his face. He saw a story on a local Alicorn in the hospital. He didn't really read it at all, but he saw the name of the hospital. Never having really met an Alicorn, he rushed off to see one. Lets hope there's good luck here...

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(just speeding up to a new day, just for Whirlwind)

as the morning sun came up the light beamed though the dorm window and directly into Whirlwinds eye, "bye Celestia, its too early for her too be raising the sun.... can't she give some thought for the ponies who have been up all night" he groaned to himself as he stumbled out of bed to reach his now fully charged phone.


'Good Morning' he sent the message to Obsidian before a sudden know on the door which he then answers


"package for Whirlwind" said the campus mail mare carrying a box which she then placed to the ground. "that's me, thank you for the delivery" replied Whirlwind as he reached for some money to give as a tip to the mare before she went off to carry on with her deliveries.


"Ok lets see what in" Whirlwind pick up a near by knife to cut the top of the box to unveil a flight uniform, the design was very nice more closer to uniforms the shadowbolts wear with the goggles apart of the head of the uniform, the color scheme was nice too a White/Silver uniform with blue on the sleeves and a red stripe. 


Whirlwind smiled with excitement, he was never rely apart of a flight team that had the own uniforms, he looked down as the note that was also in the box which read.


'welcome to the team  recommend trying the uniform on and wearing it for the day just to help brake it in to your shape'



Whirlwind giggled a bit as he tried to clime in the uniform with quite abit of difficulty at first as he kept falling over and over as he squeezed in 


Visual Aid 




"so what now" he said to himself wondering what he should do today, there was no training on today so he had nothing rely to do apart from keep searching for Obsidian which had already had covered with the campus security and they likely inform Obsidian's mentor about it.... so unless he ran off with out any of them knowing he wouldn't be able to find her.



my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Dawnpath walked into the reception area and respectfully took his hat off, walking up to the desk. After a few minutes of convicting her he was there to interview the Alicorn, she told him 'Nightfall's' room. He walked up and knocked on the door, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'd catch his bid break.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Dawnpath walked into the reception area and respectfully took his hat off, walking up to the desk. After a few minutes of convicting her he was there to interview the Alicorn, she told him 'Nightfall's' room. He walked up and knocked on the door, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'd catch his bid break.


"Come in," he said. He didn't sound enthusiastic, and was trying not to let his hopes rise just in case it was some nurse or doctor coming to both wonder what the influx of ponies coming to meet him was and to make sure he was ok. He honestly didn't feel like he'd see Vinyl or Obsidian again, and it crushed him to feel so, but he couldn't help it.

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Dawnpath heard a depressing greeting, and began to second guess his decision. He decided he had to anyway, and walked in. He blinked at him a few times, and before his brain could register what his mouth was saying, he'd said, "Wow, you look like shit." He shook his head, and blushed. "Sorry, that was uncalled for," he sighed, and sat awkwardly, "My name's Dawnpath. You don't know me, I came into town a few hours or so ago. I'm trying to get into the paper, and I saw an article on you, and wanted to meet an Alicorn. If this is a bad time..."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Dawnpath heard a depressing greeting, and began to second guess his decision. He decided he had to anyway, and walked in. He blinked at him a few times, and before his brain could register what his mouth was saying, he'd said, "Wow, you look like shit." He shook his head, and blushed. "Sorry, that was uncalled for," he sighed, and sat awkwardly, "My name's Dawnpath. You don't know me, I came into town a few hours or so ago. I'm trying to get into the paper, and I saw an article on you, and wanted to meet an Alicorn. If this is a bad time..."


Nightfall sighed. He thought he had told the nurses and doctors to keep all interviewers out.

"Well, he's gotten this far. I might as well give him his prize."

"Oh, no. I'm gonna be here for many months, and I'm pretty sure a few good friends could be gone forever."

He sounded a little sarcastic and a tad bitter.

"So what do you want to know about me?"

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He sat down, and put all his things aside, "How about you just talk. You look like somepony who could use a good talk." He sat silently, wings fluttering in slight discomfort, but otherwise totally attentative. As if he saw alicorns everyday, and there was no difference between an alicorn or a pegasus.

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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He sat down, and put all his things aside, "How about you just talk. You look like somepony who could use a good talk." He sat silently, wings fluttering in slight discomfort, but otherwise totally attentative. As if he saw alicorns everyday, and there was no difference between an alicorn or a pegasus.


Nightfall sighed.

"Where do you want me to start? When I got to college? When I saw the mare I thought would be my soulmate? When I regrettably had... 'fun' with her? When I learned she and I were related?"

He laughed bitterly at the last one.

"Because everything's gone downhill since I went to the college." 

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"Then how about we start with your first day of College. If you're anything like me, which is unlikely, but possible, you happened to have a lot of hope that it'll make your future brighter. Like I said, I had a weird outlook on college," he blushed and looked away, flexing his wings, then relaxing them against his back. He was certainly nervous.

  • Brohoof 3


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Then how about we start with your first day of College. If you're anything like me, which is unlikely, but possible, you happened to have a lot of hope that it'll make your future brighter. Like I said, I had a weird outlook on college," he blushed and looked away, flexing his wings, then relaxing them against his back. He was certainly nervous.


(Time to dig back through the RP from the beginning. :lol:)


"First day, I met some stallion named Eris... Captain of the ponyball team. He always introduced himself like that, like showing off. I also met his sister, who was really pretty. I ended up pissing her off later."

He laughed bitterly.

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(The easiest way to get a tl;dr xP)


"Ehh, probably not that bad a thing really. Ponyball players can be very protective, and I'm not sure if I'd want those kinds of parents for inlaws, but I suppose it's not a great thing. Anyways, please. Continue," he made a gester with his hoof for him to continue, actually beginning to write stuff down.

  • Brohoof 3


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Dogboots wasn't even near tipsy after finishing his 20th cider though it was the cheap stuff it still didn't help him. He payed his bill and exited the pub. He made his way back to the dorm but his gaze was fixed to the ground still and his mind was still wrapped around what happened. His thoughts were interrupted when he collided with Vinyl on accident. "S-sorry about that." He said rubbing his head from the collision.

Vinyl recovered from the collision and brushed herself off. "Oh, i-it's nothing. Don't worry about it." She looked and sounded lost. Maybe not physically, but mentally. She was still in disbelief from Obsidian's leaving. She didn't know where to look or who to turn to anymore

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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(The easiest way to get a tl;dr xP)


"Ehh, probably not that bad a thing really. Ponyball players can be very protective, and I'm not sure if I'd want those kinds of parents for inlaws, but I suppose it's not a great thing. Anyways, please. Continue," he made a gester with his hoof for him to continue, actually beginning to write stuff down.


"So he invited me to this party. A few others were present, so it seemed like everything would go fine. But there was alcohol, no doubt. The party wound down and Eris kicked me, his sister, and some other colt out so he could get it on with a mare I got to know later on, one Vinyl Blade. Eris's sister came back to my room with me, and I didn't want anything frisky, so it was luck to find that my roommate was already back having got it on with another mare. Eris's sister almost immediately fell asleep, and I slept calmly as well. The next day, Eris almost hurt me on the suspicion I had done something with his sister, which I hadn't..."

He faded off, sounding like he was trying to remember things.


(Going to Calculus. I may be on later, but I dunno.)

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(Lovely. Calculus. Tell your parents you need something easier)

Dawnpath wrote it down in shorthand, looking it over. "I thought you said you did get frisky with this mare. Was that later, or did I hear you wrong?" He frowned at the Legal Pad of Science, Discovery, and Anything Else Not Mentioned, and sighed. It made his life seem rather easy.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Obsidian Winter walked out of Canterlot Caster feeling worse then when she arrived. She had spent the evening and most of the day speaking with her mentor who, in turn, had spent most of that chiding her for her lack of dedication to reform and control her magic. Obsidian wondered if Twilight Sparkle ever had this problem with Celestia. She bet she didn't. She continued into the the light of the dying day, really unsure where to go. Nightfall was family but she couldn't stand that hospital for another moment. Whirlwind would be happy to see her but she really didn't feel deserving of sympathy or love. Star and Shire would be working on their own problems and Vinyl, though she would be angry with her, would in the end forgive her and she would end up with the same problem she would have with Whirlwind.

Dogboots seemed the best option. He would be feeling pretty depressed and down and that matched how she felt. She closed her eyes and teleported to the Student Living center and checked what room he was in. Then with another brilliant flash of Ice and snow popped outside his door and knocked. After there was no answer, she looked both ways and let herself in. The room was empty of any pony but there were personal effects. She took one of the items and cast a scrying spell. It gave her a very generel direction of where he was. She sighed, and vanished again, this time re-appearing on the outskirts of Canterlot. She headed towards the nearest bar.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Hey Slacker since you have you're uniform on how about you help with the weather"


Whirlwinds ears perked up as he turned his head to the mare who spoke to him, she was one of his team mates, Charging Star..... aka the pony who got the coach to give Whirlwind some extra laps during practice.


"Hey Star, well its my R&R day and i was gonna spend it perched in that tree over there watching you guys work.... but sure I'll help out, what do you want doing?" he said as he flew up to the cloud awaiting orders.


"ok well we are scheduled rain for the after noon so we need to clear out all these empty clouds and bring in some full ones and get the down poor started" said Charging star as the rest of the flight team got there. "ok Whirlwind, Velvet Splash and Thunderlane go clear the skys, Razor Wing, Myself and Flash Forward will fill up the coulds we have on standby and bring them over..... ok GO!" the Captain lowered her hood and every pony got to work.



the cleaning job was done in a flash  with Whirlwind rushing past them and collecting them with his tornado trail for the other two to push them away. then Charging stars group brought in the cloud bulging with rain and brought them into position.... and now they waited a few minutes for the ponys below to get to shelter before kicking the clouds.   

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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(Lovely. Calculus. Tell your parents you need something easier)


Dawnpath wrote it down in shorthand, looking it over. "I thought you said you did get frisky with this mare. Was that later, or did I hear you wrong?" He frowned at the Legal Pad of Science, Discovery, and Anything Else Not Mentioned, and sighed. It made his life seem rather easy.


"Naw, you heard that wrong. I said I didn't want to get frisky with her, and I had said that I had pissed her off later. That was from something different..."

He thought for a moment.

"I don't remember much from in between then and from when I saw another mare I liked at first look. Her name was Obsidian, and she was, and still is, very nice. She was suspicious of my and Vinyl for a bit because Vinyl came over to my room because she was bored. So that ended badly..."

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"Obsidian... Wiiiinter... Okay. I'ma take a wild guess, one of these mares is your sister." he looked up from the notepad and tapped his chin with his pencil. He also used his hat to scratch his head, and assumed a more comfortable position, slouching a bit and watching Nightfall.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Obsidian... Wiiiinter... Okay. I'ma take a wild guess, one of these mares is your sister." he looked up from the notepad and tapped his chin with his pencil. He also used his hat to scratch his head, and assumed a more comfortable position, slouching a bit and watching Nightfall.


"That's where it gets tricky. You see, eventually, there was some prom, and Obsidian and Vinyl went together and I went by myself. Well, the punch was spiked with some kind potion, and the two mares came back to my room with me and things... things got out of hoof. And after Obsidian figured out through her ice magic that she was pregnant, she got really pissed. Mind you, this was after Eris's sister hated me for saying I really liked Obsidian. I was in the hospital because Eris slammed my head with a chair. Now, I went to apologize to Obsidian, and... And I knew her magic wasn't her own, so she... got really pissed. I'm- I'm going to tell you something only if you promise not to tell anyone else."

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"Off the record. Sorry, I'm geared toward a difference audience. I promise," he said, putting his legal pad down. He crossed his arms and nodded, symbolizing he was ready to listen to what the other pony had to say. He had the feeling it was going to be unpleasant. He'd also just promised something, which meat he'd follow through. Of course, Nightfall didn't know that...

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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