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MLP pony monster stats [Dungeons and dragons 4th edition]


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These are for dungeons and dragons. So I was reading my monster manuals, Wich I do alot, so I thought why not make stats for the ponies? They will all be lv. 20 because I feel like it. (except for Luna, parasprites, Celestia and Discord)






Rainbow dash

Royal Guard (Unicorn)


Yet to be done:


Pinkie pie





Royal guard (Pegasus)

Diamond dogs

Timber wolves


Queen Chrysalis

Shining Armor








Twilightsparkle. Level 20 controller (leader)

Medium natural magical beast, (pony)


Initiative: +17.  Senses: perception +16, truesight

Aura: 4 magic, all allies in aura have their aura's effects boosted by 2. All enemies take ongoing 5 radiant damage.

Hp: 180; bloodied: 40

AC: 30; fortitude 35, reflex 33, will 40

Saving throws +2

speed: 8


Melee- hooves (standard; at-will)

+23 vs. AC, 1d8 + 7 damage


Melee- piercing charge (standard; at-will)

Twilightsparkle makes a charge attack: +15 vs. AC; 4d8 + 5 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.


Melee- horn touch (minor; encounter)•healing

An adjacent ally can spend a healing surge or make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.


Ranged-Beam (standard; at-will)

Ranged 10;+30 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 radiant damage


Area- twilight wisp (standard; at will)•charm

Area burst 5 within 10;+18 vs. Will; dancing lights appear in the  origin square, and the target is pulled 3 squares toward the origin square.


Twilight teleport(standard; encounter)•teleportation 

Close burst 5; affects willing allies only; the target is teleported 5 square, appearing in an unoccupied space in twilightsparkle's line of sight.


Teleport(move; encounter)•teleportation

Twilightsparkle can teleport 5 squares.


Alignment: lawful good languages: common

Skills: Arcana +30

Str: 22 (+11) Dex: 28 (+14) 

Wis: 28 (+18) con: 20 (+14) 

Int: 29 (+17) cha: 27 (+14)




Rainbow dash



Rainbow dash.    Level 20 soldier

Medium natural magical beast (pony)


Initiative: +17. Senses: perception +14

Aura: 2 loyalty; all allies in aura have +3 to attack rolls

Hp: 185; bloodied: 92

AC: 35; fortitude: 36, reflex 38, will 32

Speed: 8, flying: 10, overland flight: 20


Melee- kick (standard; at-will)

+25 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage


Melee- flyby attack (standard; at-will)

Rainbow dash flies up to 10 squares and makes one melee basic attack at any point during the movement. Rainbow dash doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the target of the attack.


Melee-Sonic rainboom (standard; at-will)• radiant

Rainbow dash makes a flyby attack using her overland flight speed and then uses sonic rainboom slam on the target.

(recharge: after using flyby attack 2 more times)


Sonic rainboom slam (standard; after using sonic rainboom)•radiant

+30 vs. AC; 1d10 + 10 damage plus 1d8 radiant damage.

Rainbow dash's flying speed is doubled.


Alignment: good languages: common

Skills: athletics +28

Str: 20 (+18) Dex: 22 (+16) 

Wis: 18 (+13) con: 18 (+15) 

Int: 18 (+10) cha: 20 (+18)








Fluttershy      Level 20 Lurker

(subject to change)

Medium natural magical beast (pony)


Initiative +13.

Senses:perception +4

Aura: 2 kindness, all enemies in aura have -3 to attack rolls.

Hp: 173; bloodied: 86

AC: 16; fortitude 20, Reflex 29, Will 32

Vulnerable: 10 fear, 5 charm

Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy), overland flight 8


Melee- kick (standard; at-will)

+20 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage


Ranged- hush now, quite now(standard; at will) • sleep

Ranged 8; +22 vs. Will; the target falls unconscious (save ends)


The STARE (standard; at-will) • charm, fear

Ranged 10; +22 vs. Will; the target is slowed and moves away from fluttershy by the safest route possible. Second use: target is immobilized.


Alignment: lawful good. Languages: common

Skills: Animal empathy +30, Hide +5

Str: 19 (+4). Dex: 16 (+8) 

Wis: 16 (+4) con: 15 (+3)

int: 17 (+3) cha: 22 (+5)







Parasprite swarm  level 8 controller

Medium natural beast (swarm)


Initiative +9. Senses: perception +5

Swarm attack: aura 1; the parasprite swarm makes a basic attack as a free action against each enemy that begins it's turn in the aura.


Hp: 88; bloodied: 44 

AC: 20; fortitude 20, reflex 18, will 18

Resist: half damage from melee attacks; vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks.

Speed: 8, fly 10


Melee-Swarm of hunger (standard; at will)

+12 vs. Reflex; 1d8 


Melee- devour (standard; at will while bloodied)

+8 vs. Reflex; first failed save: the target looses a random item for one turn (save ends) (the DM may choose to not use this attack or change the effect) second failed save: the target looses a random item till the end of the encounter (save ends) third failed save: the item is destroyed (save ends)


Alignment: unaligned languages: -

Str: 18 (+9) Dex: 16 (+7) Wis: 15 (+7) Con: 18 (+6)  Int: 1 (-1) cha: 10 (+4)




Royal Guard (Unicorn)



Royal Guard (Unicorn) Level 20 Soldier

Medium natural magical beast,  (pony)


Initiative: +17.  Senses: perception +16, 

Hp: 120; bloodied: 60

AC: 30; fortitude 40, reflex 37, will 38

Saving throws: +1

speed: 7


Melee- Hooves (standard; at-will)

+23 vs. AC, 1d8 + 7 damage


Melee- piercing charge (standard; at-will)

Royal guard makes a charge attack: +15 vs. AC; 4d8 + 5 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.


Combat advantage 

Royal Guard makes an extra Hooves attack against any enemy  it has combat advantage against.


Invisibility (minor; encounter)•Illusion 

The Royal Guard and one ally within 10 squares of it turn invisible until the end of The Royal Guard's next turn


Alignment: Lawful Good languages: common, telepathy 10

Skills: Arcana +8, dungeoneering +20

Str: 16 (+7)  Dex: 13 (+5)

Wis: 15 (+5) con: 13 (+5)

Int: 18 (+4)  cha: 18 (+5)


(I feel like I should have gave him a ranged attack)



Edited by Zalgo


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  • 8 months later...

Why did you not make the manuals for the rest of them?


I'm making the parasprites now and trying to figure out attacks for twilight and RD.


The parasprites are done.


Rainbow dash is now complete. She would be done last night but I deleted the file that had it by accident :/





It's been a long time, here's a new one:

Royal Guard (Unicorn) Level 20 Soldier

Medium natural magical beast,  (pony)


Initiative: +17.  Senses: perception +16, 

Hp: 120; bloodied: 60

AC: 30; fortitude 40, reflex 37, will 38

Saving throws: +1

speed: 7


Melee- Hooves (standard; at-will)

+23 vs. AC, 1d8 + 7 damage


Melee- piercing charge (standard; at-will)

Royal guard makes a charge attack: +15 vs. AC; 4d8 + 5 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.


Combat advantage 

Royal Guard makes an extra Hooves attack against any enemy  it has combat advantage against.


Invisibility (minor; encounter)•Illusion 

The Royal Guard and one ally within 10 squares of it turn invisible until the end of The Royal Guard's next turn


Alignment: Lawful Good languages: common, telepathy 10

Skills: Arcana +8, dungeoneering +20

Str: 16 (+7)  Dex: 13 (+5)

Wis: 15 (+5) con: 13 (+5)

Int: 18 (+4)  cha: 18 (+5)

Edited by Zalgo


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