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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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The egg robo shifted and continued the transport, "APOLOGIES, SECONDARY LEADER PROTOCOL ENGAGED. IN ABSENCE OF MASTER ROBOTNIK, ORDERS MAY NOW BE TAKEN FROM, SNIVLY ROBOTNIK." With that said, the Eggrobo and it's unit began the trek back to Baltimare, with the Roboticizer and malfuctioning E-100 series robot in tow, as well as what could be salvaged from the Death Egg for the time being.

Back in Baltimare however, Robotnik was begining to awaken from his magic induced sleep. He wasn't a very big fan of the rings of green that seemed to be clouding his vision. "SNIVLY!" The doctor cried out. "I have a SEARING headache, I require water, lot's of it. Pronto!" He ordered his false nephew as he rubbed his temple. "Blast this pain... Blast this land.... Blast these ponies... Blast that.... Hedgehog...." Robotnik said clenching his teeth. He went on, 'blasting' other things waiting for his water.




Knuckles followed behind the CMC and Tails, when suddenly Scootaloo picked up speed, racing toward Carousel Boutique at a frantic rate, "Whoa! Slow down there, speedster. Who do you think you are? Son-" before he could finish his statement however, he saw Sonic standing in front of the Boutique, as well as he Rainbow Maned, blue pony from their last visit here. "Well, speak of the devil..." Knuckles muttered to himself as he watched them enter the boutique. Looking down the ways further, he noticed another small group approaching, the smart, purple pony, accompanied by the chickenish dragon, a white stallion with a blue mane and tail, and one of the princess Alicorns from before. Just then, the pink, hyperactive pony rushed to their side and seemed to be engaging them in a conversation. "I'll just wait by the door and go in with them..." Knuckles said to himself s he walked towards the Boutique.




"Oh, she did?" Twilight stopped frantically pacing in place for a moment as she listened to Sally. "Well, I guess if she went to Zecora's she'll at least be safe and out of the open... Still, I wonder why she went there by her- BWAH!" Twilight was caught off guard and cut off, by Pinkie Pie, whom was rattling off many things at the same time, it took Twilight a second to process everything that she said, "Big meanies? Learned stuff? Applejack, could you please elaborate on what Pinkie is saying?" Twilight asked her friend in bewilderment.




"Ah'd be happy tah Twi, but after we get inside. That way I don't hafta tell the story over 'n over." Applejack said while tipping her hat to her friend and giving her a smile. They had gotten to the entrance of the boutique when knuckles waved at them. "Hey, it's been a while, huh? How've you been?" Knuckles said walking towards the group. "Oh, hello again Knuckles! So your here with Sonic as well then?" Twilight said through a smile, Knuckles returned the smile, but inside his head he was losing it. ~Crap! She remembers our names, but I can't for the life of me remember one of theirs! This is bad, I gotta improvise!~ "So you guys are headed into the boutique then?"

"Yeah, Pankie 'n me were gonna go over what we found in the Everfree Forrest with everypony." Applejack responded. "Why are you here though? Ya'll don't seem the type tah put on dresses 'n such." Knuckles eye twitched at the remark, but kept his composure. "No, of course I'm not here to try on dresses... In fact, I have something important to discuss as well, do you know if everyone is in the boutique or not?" Knuckles inquired, through clenched teeth. "Well, Sonic and Sally are in there for sure," Twilight started. "But I don't know about the rest of your friends. We have everypony gathered up on our end, except Fluttershy that is..." Twilight's voice trailed off in concern.

"Fluttershy, that's the pony witht the light pink mane, right?" Twilight nodded, "And you can't do that Harmony buisness of yours without her, right?" Twilight nodded again. "Well, that's kinda what I wanted to discuss, but without her, it's kinda moot. Tell ya what, I'll go back and get Fluttershy, just stick around here for the time being. Also, tell Sonic when you get in there not to use the Emeralds, something's wrong with them, and no one, and I mean absolutely no one other then Sonic and Shadow should handle them." Knuckles started to walk towards the Forrest when he stopped and spun around. "Do you know where Fluttershy is?" Knuckles asked while rubbing the back of his head. "According to Sally, she's with Zecora in the Everfree Forrest." Twilight said, a little unsure of sending him there by himself. "Zecora, that rhyming zebra? Uh... Okay, I guess. I'm sure I'll find it eventually!" Knuckles said while heading toward the forrest.

"Wait!" Twilight shouted, she then approached Spike, "I know you've been through a lot today Spike, but do you think that you could accompany Knuckles and take him to Zecora's hut?" She asked her #1 assistant and loyal friend.

Edited by Cranium Tyranus
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"I don't care who you stole them from, you have no right to have them. Just hand them over an-" Shadow looked behind him after Scourge's remark. "Those two again?" Shadow said not noticing Scourge revving up and chasing after Fang and Trixie, speeding by Shadow. "Wait!" the black hedgehog yelled out as he tried to catch up. Unfortunately it was too late, he had already lost the trio and the emeralds. "Dammit." Shadow cursed to himself. He then heard a voice...a familiar voice he had not heard for quite a while. 50 years to be exact. Before Shadow could react Rouge had landed next to him and commented on the voice. It wasn't in his head, it wasn't some sort of flashback, it was real. "It does sound like Maria." Shadow thought for a moment then said, "I'll go check it out. You wait here, it could be a trap." Shadow then started following the direction the voice came from.



The weasel looked behind him to see a green hedgehog chasing him and listened as Trixie laughed and shot at the foe. ~Well at least she's good for something.~ Fang thought to himself. "Keep at it, I'm gonna try to outspeed him. Hold on to your...uh....flank." he said to Trixie as he stepped on the gas in an effort to escape this green Sonic.



"Uh...yeah..." Spike looked at Knuckles and his spiked gloves. "Y-yes. Yes of course Twilight. Heh." Spike didn't like the idea of going into Everfree again but if Knuckles was accompanying him Spike thought he should be ok.

Edited by Flareon
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Manic turns around to see sonic and rainbow dash.

"Hey, bro and sis. Wanna jam real quick or have you gotten rusty over the years after the Underground?"

Manic smiles, it's been some time since the last time they had a casual jam. "Aw ya bro! What do ya say Sonia?" Manic asks.

Sonia had been cleaning off the facial mud. "I can never resist doing a song like the old days!" She said.


When sonic was tackled by the CMC, manic couldn't help but laugh.

"You two haven't raced yet? Talk about slow" he stated.


When Amy said,

"Oh, Sonic. I think I got a good idea about that. Maybe the Sonic Underground could play for the Grand Galloping Gala this year. You guys would knock their... Horseshoes off."

Manic got exited, "oh yah! It would be our first performance in like forever!" He said.


"This would also give Rarity an opportunity to show her seamstress abilities and get more business for her shop if she makes your outfits."

Rarity had a light bulb look and, "yes! That is an excellent idea Amy! I should get working on those outfits right away!" She said.


Sonic gave a thumbs up to manic for having two chaos emeralds, manic grinned and nodded.


"So, are we gonna jam or what?"

Sonic asked... Manic puts the chaos emeralds in his pouch and pulls out his drumsticks, he touches his medallion, a flash of green and his drum kit appeared. "Lets do this!" He shouts


Sonia jumps beside her two brothers and touches her medallion, a flash of pink light and her keyboard appeared. "Ready when you are!" She said.

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Tails fell out of the wagon due to the sudden stop. He mainly remained silent as he watched Sonic, Manic, and Sonia get ready to perform. He fingered the Chaos Emerald in his gloved hand.


Shining Armor looked at Twilight, rattling on what was happening to Sonic. he tried to not be jealous, yet the jealousy just kept coming back. He sighed and walked over by Cadence.


Scourge dodged the shots that the blue pony kept shooting at him. She wasn't a very good shot. He speed up and leapt at the hovercraft, trying to grab onto it.

Unfortunately, he missed his intended target. He went directly underneath the craft, and latched on with his hands and legs. His arms rapidly began to tire out, though, with the force of the air from underneath trying to push him off. He sighed. Let's hope that they don't decide to travel halfway across... wherever they were.

Where were they, anyways?

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Knuckles was walking slightly behind the leading Spike, taking note of how drastically different the forrest was in contrast to the rest of the land, he hadn't really noticed before on his last trip to this strange land, mainly due to being blinded by rage because of his charge, The Master Emerald, being stolen by Metal. In fact, Cantorlot seemed to be drastically different from Ponyville now that he thought about it. After a while of walking, Knuckles was starting to get slightly annoyed, "Hey, uh... Spike? When exactly are we gonna get there? Last time I was here I kinda just stumbled on it, and it was a lot faster then this path we're taking." Knuckles blurted out tactlessly.

He glanced around the trees and the dark path, "is there a way to just cut through these trees to get there faster?"




As Twilight entered the boutique along with Applejack, Cadence, Sally, and of course, her brother, Shining Armor. "Whoa, what in the hay is going on in here?" Twilight exclaimed upon entering the boutique, music booming out of Rarity's showcase room. Applejack tried to yell over the music, "Rainbow! Could ya'll turn that rock an' roll down! We got somethin' serious tah-" Applejack got cut off as she entered showcase room to find Sonic, Manic, and Sonia were rocking out, "... Tah talk about." Twilight and Applejack gave each other puzzled looks before smiling, they decided to wait for the set to be over before engauging in conversation. They went over and stood by an absolutely ecstatic Rainbow Dash. "Hey RD, How ya been!" Asked Applejack, trying to speak over the loud music to get Rainbow Dash's attiention.

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The fake Snively was brought out of his musings when he heard Eggman call for him about water.  "Y-yes sir!"  Snively stuttered out to him as he looked towards his Queen.  Chrysalis magicked a glass of crystal clear water out of nothingness to give to Snively.  "Attend to your master, Snively."  Queen Chrysalis said to voice her 'concern' for the doctor.  Snively accepted the glass of water from her and hurried over to Robotnik's side.  "Here you are, sir.  Clean and cold water to soothe your headache."  Snively said obediently to his master.  Chrysalis had thought of the usefulness of Metal Sonic and how it could provide with a convenient distraction for Sonic and his friends while she and Robotnik worked to build up their forces.


"In the meantime, there is a certain black hedgehog that needs to be put to our whim..."  Queen Chrysalis said to herself before looking towards Doctor Robotnik.  "Doctor, I am going to stretch my wings for a bit as it has been a long time since that...  Exhilarating feast.  My children will assist you in making sure these ponies we have weakened become your roboticized servants.  I won't be long."  Queen Chrysalis said calmly to the Doctor before flying away from their position to the north of the Everfree Forest where Shadow would be walking into his memory trap.




Maria was walking around the forest, looking lost.  The changeling Maria knew that the black hedgehog was close, so it decided to keep playing the act.  "Shadow!  Shadow, where are you?"  Maria asked pleadingly as she moved deeper into the forest away from the outside where Shadow was heading.  


Chrysalis was above the Everfree Forest and looked around the area as she saw a unique looking tree in the middle of a clearing deep within.  "Ahhh, that must be where that Zecora is...  I'll have to deal with her soon so that our little secret doesn't come out so soon."  Queen Chrysalis said to herself.  Normally, she would deal with the zebra herself.  However, she had to deal with Shadow and work her little plan to stop Sonic for at least a little while.  Chrysalis kept travelling quickly for about ten minutes until she heard the call of her disguised Changeling and swooped down into the forest as she neared her, passing above a brush of poison joke.


Maria was past a tree that was covered with strange glowing ivy.  All of a sudden, a whooshing sound came from in front of her and she screamed for a second before realizing that it was Queen Chrysalis.  "Ah...  My queen...  You startled me..."  The fake Maria Robotnik said to her.


"All for the better, dear one.  However, I will take over from here.  After all, I possess the magic to manipulate the black hedgehog.  Go back to Baltimare and help Doctor Eggman."  Queen Chrysalis said to her in loving yet devilish tone.  Happening at the same time, it seemed as if Maria was being transferred to Chrysalis as she now took her place for her entrapment.  The other changeling, now no longer keeping up the act, started to fly away again.  Chrysalis, now disguised as Maria, headed in an aimless direction.  "Shadow!  Shadow, please tell me where you are!"  Maria pleaded out to her 'savior'.





 By Claire Anne Carr)


Sonic started letting riffs from his guitar as he joined Sonia and Manik in a jam session that was long over due.  Even Amy was moving to the beat of the song.  "Oh my gosh, I haven't heard those three play in....  Actually, I've never seen them play before."  Amy commented to the group listening in on the jam session.


The CMC were just amazed at the sound of the music and light show.  "Wow...  They really are good..."  Applebloom said matter-of-factly to the two fillies.  Sweetie Belle seemed a little sullen.  "That makes our show that we had for the talent show look so bad..."  Sweetie Belle said with a sad face.


"Yeah, but at least we got an award for the best Comedy act!"  Scootaloo said to try and cheer Sweetie Belle up, which did work after a few more seconds.  Babs raised an eyebrow at the girls.  "You three did a concert?"  Babs asked them curiously.


Applebloom interjected before Scootaloo could answer.  "Trust me, you don' wan ta know..."  Applebloom said simply to her.  The CMC proceeded to cheering and whooping for the Sonic Underground.


Rainbow Dash bobbing her head to the side in the beat of the drum.  She had never heard them play either.  "Geez, is there anything that hedgehog CAN'T do?"  Rainbow Dash thought to herself, feeling a little jealous.




"Hey RD, How ya been!" Asked Applejack, trying to speak over the loud music to get Rainbow Dash's attiention.


@@Cranium Tyranus, Rainbow Dash looked to her left and saw that Applejack was trying to engage in conversation.  "Oh, hey AJ!  I'm just fine!"  Rainbow Dash yelled over to her before continuing to bob her head again.


@, The jam session went on for a little over five minutes before Sonia let out her final piano piece.  "Aaaah yeah!  Way past cool, Sonic Underground!"  Sonic said praisingly to his brother and sister, raising both of his hands for a high-five.  Sonic looked back to the audience and his eyes fell on Tails, his best friend.  "Yo, Tails!  Glad to see you made it back!"  Sonic said to him cheerfully, jumping off the dress rack area that was their makeshift stage.  He ran at a small jog to meet up with Tails.  He was surprised that he was also holding a Chaos Emerald.


"Whoa, Tails!  You got a Chaos Emerald!  Where the heck did you get that?"  Sonic said to him amazed and surprised at Tails' find.


Scootaloo was quick to jump into this question.  "Me and my friends found the Chaos Emerald, Sonic!  That's how we knew that you were all here!"  Scootaloo said to him excitedly.  She just remembered about Babs and pulled her front and center.  "Oh, Sonic.  This is Babs Seed, Applebloom's cousin from Manehatten.  We told her all about you."  Scootaloo said quickly to Sonic.


Babs looked up to Sonic who arched an eyebrow to her.  "Uh, hi."  Babs said to him a little nervous.  Sonic gave her an easy smile.  "Nice to meet you, Babs.  Gotta say...  If you girls really did find that Emerald, then you did a good job."  Sonic said to them.


"Well, more like it hit Scootaloo in the head."  Sweetie Belle mumbled.  Scootaloo made a shhhh sound to Sweetie Belle before looking back to Sonic with an embarrassed blush on her face.


Sonic looked towards the group.  "Okay, let's take stock.  Right now, we got Tails' Emerald and Manik has two...  Which means that the four others are out there somewhere."  Sonic pointed out as he looked at Tails' Cyan Emerald and Manik's Red and Colorless Emerald.




Princess Celestia flew past Canterlot as she headed for Ponyville, looking for Twilight Sparkle or her friends.  "I do hope that I won't be too late."  Princess Celestia said to herself as she was closing in on the small little town.




@@Flareon, Meanwhile, back at the Death Egg Mark II...  A solo blue metallic robot laid about motionless on the floor of the damaged Containment Area of the Station.  One of the Egg Robo commanders had approached this sole blue robot and ran its scanners.  "Scanning...  Subject identified.  Proceeding with Snively Robotnik's request..."  The robot said in an auto toned voice as it worked to bring the machine back online.


"It is time to awaken...  Metal Sonic."

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Maria!?" Shadow called out as he heard a cry for help. Memories of the ARK started flooding back. Memories of, not only Maria's death, but of everyone Shadow loved.


~"The escape pods are in here." Shadow says as he puts Maria down on the floor. She has just been shot by a GUN troop and is dieing. Shadow walks over to one of the pods "Now just let me figure out how to-" suddenly the escape pod actives and the glass traps Shadow. "What!? Maria what are you doing?" Maria struggles to get up as she leans on the escape pod controls. "Shadow...I beg you, bring hope to humanity. Do it for all those people down there. Do it for me."

"No! I can still save you. Maria please!"

Maria smiles. "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog..." She then pushes the eject button sending the escape pod out of the ARK, saving Shadow.~


Shadow cringes as the flashback ends and goes deeper into the forest until he finally finds what seems to be Maria. "Maria...is that you?" Shadow asks not really sure of whats going on.


~Metal Sonic~






Metal Sonic's eyes light up signaling he is once again online. ~Beep blop-boop ermp~ Metal holds his throat and looks down. It seems Eggman has taken away Metal's voice, most likely as punishment for betraying him. Enraged Metal Sonic starts blasting electricity all around the Containment Area causing a few small explosions. ~BLERP-BLOP BLEEP BLOP!!~ Metal Sonic commands the EggRobo to retrieve his voice chip immediately.



"Don't worry we'll be there in a bit, it should be just past those tress." Spike says to Knuckles speeding up a bit. ~He's almost as impatient as Rainbow Dash.~



The Marvelous Queen acted as if it had gone over a hole as Scrounge grabbed onto the bottom of the bike. Fang looked behind him. "Did ya get him?" he asked Trixie, unaware Scrounge was right under the airbike.

Edited by Flareon
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Manic twirled his drum sticks and threw them up in the air, he reached and opened his pouch and the sticks landed in it. He then touched his medallion, after a flash of green light his drum kit was gone. "Just like old times!" He said happily.


Sonia jumped up and touched her medallion, a flash of pink and her keyboard was gone. "That was great! Why did we even break up in the first place." Sonia rhetorically asked.


Manic was pulling out his two chaos emeralds when he looked over at Sonia, "one word Sonia... One word... Mina" he said as he walked over to Sonic holding the chaos emeralds. "I suppose I should give thees to you" manic said holding out the emeralds.

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Trixie Lulamoon:

Trixie was just as confused as Nack.


"No, I didn't get him..." Trixie trailed off. "He's not above us, in front of us, or behind us."


Trixie decided to try a test. She took out her old jewel that she replaced with the chaos emerald.


"Well, just in case, i'll throw the chaos emerald-" She winked at Nack. "Into the forest."


She then tossed the jewel into the wilderness.


Fluttershy (+Zecoramlp-zwhat.png):

Fluttershy trotted up to Zecora.


"Um, Zecora, do you need anything?"


Zecora actually nodded, and pointed to her cookbook, with a amethyst on it.


"Oh, okay, let's get some!" Fluttershy piped, as the duo set off into the Everfree.


Rouge the Bat:

"Shadow!" Rouge shouted as she flew right behind him. Sure, he was quite annoying at times and sometimes he kept her from keeping jewels she wanted, but they were friends! At least, she assumed they were friends. She skidded to a stop and settled down, panting. She adjusted the Element of Magic so it wouldn't fall off of her head. Then she stared at...Maria. It looked like Maria, sounded like Maria...but something was off. Rouge couldn't put her finger on it.


"...Shadow, i'd be careful." Rouge told him. "Something is just...off about her."

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Tails grinned as he held out his emerald. "Yeah, The Cutie Mark Crusaders found it. I was actually quite suprised; wasn't this the same Chaos Emerald that you girls found before?"



Shining Armor sighed as he watched the proceedings from besides his wife, Cadence. He was still feeling a bit... down about not getting a greeting from Twilight, who was currently staring at Sonic in some state of admiration. He shook his head and continued to watch.



Scourge watched as the fake Emerald flew out of the cockpit of the hoverbike. He shook his head and latched on tighter. He wasn't letting go for anything short of the real deal.

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AppleBloom gave a squeeze to Tails.  "That's right!  That Emerald was the same one that we found the last time you guys were here!"  AppleBloom chimed in to Tails before looking up at Sonic.  The rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders gathered around Tails in a sort of cheerful hop around the two tailed fox.


"So, where are we gonna go next?"  Scootaloo asked in excitement before being interjected by Amy.


"Girls, don't you think that you're a little too young for doing something so dangerous?  I mean, for all we know, Eggman might still be out there somewhere."  Amy said matter-of-factly to the group, mostly to the four young fillies.


Sonic tapped his right foot impatiently.  "Which is why we need to put the Emeralds in a safe place.  After all, we only just need one Emerald with us since the Chaos Emeralds are like magnets.  Tails created a way for us to find them using just one Chaos Emerald."  Sonic spoke to the group.


Amy tried to think.  "Well, let's see.  Tails' has one, Manik has two...  That's makes three Emeralds for us, right?"  Amy questioned the group.


Sonic looked over at Twilight Sparkle.  "Got any magic tricks that can protect the Emeralds?"  Sonic asked curiously to her.


Rainbow Dash seemed a little unhappy.  "Guess our race is on hold...  Again..."  Rainbow Dash said to Sonic a little disgruntled.  Sonic gave her a thumbs up.  "Don't worry, Dash.  We'll get the Emeralds back as well as the Elements of Harmony faster than you can say 'Speeding Bullet'!"  Sonic said confidently to her.  Sonic hadn't forgotten about how Rouge escaped with the Elements of Harmony and he knows that those relics are way too important for her to steal.


Amy looked around the group.  "Wait, where's Shadow and Knuckles?"  Amy asked the group confused.




Chrysalis disguised as Maria was wandering around the forest until she heard a familiar voice from behind her.  She slowly turned around and saw Shadow the Hedgehog.  Her eyes started to tear up and a small smile formed on her face.  "Shadow...  It's...  It's you.  I know those spines anywhere..."  Maria said to him, trembling slightly from happiness.  He moved towards him and kneeled down down in front of him.  "Shadow...  Where are we?  I've never seen this place before...."  Maria asked him before hugging the black hedgehog as if she was missing an important part of her life.


As she hugged Shadow, out of his sight Maria's eyes flashed a sickly green and her hand touched the back of Shadow, magic infused in it.  Chrysalis had now used her control magic on Shadow, manipulating his feelings and memories.




Maria saw out of the corner of her eyes a bat come out of the clearing.  She returned to her normal state of Maria, now completed with her objective.  "Shadow...  What is that?  I...  I don't like bats..."  Maria asked him slightly afraid although she was manipulating her control over Shadow to take care of the new arrival.




With Hyper Metal Sonic reawakened, the Egg Robo leader moved towards its objective to restore his speaking capabilities.  After about five minutes of searching in the extra components in the Containment Area, he returned to Metal Sonic with a small chip.  "As you requested."  The Egg Robo leader said monotone to the blue robot. 

Edited by Sam Avalon
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"No don't..." Nack triled off as Trixie winked to him. "Oh...ermm darn I guess we just lost a Chaos Emerald. We'll just have to get it later, after we find Robotnik." Nack said winking back. Still though it seemed that whatever Trixie planned didn't work as Scourge was still nowhere to be found.



"Maria..." Shadow was just as confused as "Maria" or at least until her plan was put into action. Shadow's mind and memories became distorted. Usually he could resist something like this, has he had with Black Doom years ago, but this felt stronger.  "It's....It's okay now." he said comforting the disguised changeling queen. He then noticed Rouge fly in, much to Maria's dismay. "It's alright Maria I'll handle this." Shadow said walking up to Rouge. "I told you to stay where you were, Rouge." Shadow said somewhat angry. "I'm fine, Maria's back. I don't have all the details but it doesn't matter. Just go steal some more gems or something, I don't have time for you right now."


~Metal Sonic~

Metal Sonic took the voice chip and inserted into his forehead. "ZZt-Goo-Bloop-Gr-Abroop......Ahh that's better." Metal said after his voice began working again. "Now, I have no further use for you." he said to the EggRobo before shooting it with electricity causing it to explode. "Now to find Sonic and that fool Robotnik." Metal's body became engulfed in electricity as he prepared his Overdrive attack. "The reign of Metal Sonic starts now!" he then flies through the wall and begins looking for his two targets.

Edited by Flareon
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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The doctor immediately popped two aspirin in his mouth and chased it down with the water. He then began to feverishly rub his temples. That's when the console showed that the egg Robo leader had been shut down, his circuits didn't respond to re-activation, however that soon became a moot point as he realized that the last order he executed was that he re-activated Metal. "Snivly..." The doctor growled as he turned a crooked gaze toward him. "Do tell me why it is that Metal Sonic is out and about currently, his evolution modem not installed, as well as his new OS that would've completely overwritten his previous personality and instated complete obedience within him?"

Robotnik finished, clearly agitated with what happened, so much so that he crushed the glass he had gotten in the palm of his hand, bits of the glass cutting through his glove and sticking into his hand, blood trickling down, crimson droplets dripping onto his console.




"Knuckles went with Spike into the Everfree Forest to bring Fluttershy here." Twilight answered Amy after she asked, "As for where Shadow is, I don't know. I haven't seen him since my duel with Trixie." Twilight said before noticing the Chaos Emeralds in Manic's and Tails' hands, "Whoa! You guys gotta put those down!" Twilight said in a rather anxious voice, Applejack tried to comfort her, "Easy Twi, yer gettin' yerself worked into a tizzy." Applejack said, voicing her concern. "*sigh* I'm sorry, it's just that Knuckles said that it was dangerous for anyone other then Sonic and Shadow to even touch those things right now, and if Trixie's behavior was anything to go by, then it's for good a reason." Twilight said, her voice calm though also very stern. "Also, I'm sorry, but did I just hear that the Elements have been STOLEN!?" Twilight shouted, clearly furious. Though her rage was subsided when Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder and gave her a look that signified that, 'everything would work out and be alright.'

Applejack spoke again, "speakin' uh Trixie, she's gone an' teamed up with some wolf guy on a flyin' metal box! He looks like he's from the same place as ya'll, he was talkin' bout findin' that Egg-feller ya'll feud so much with." Applejack paused before starting up again. "This wolf varmint is a real dangerous bugger too, he-" she looked to her sister, as well as the other two crusaders, "He took down a dragon... Full grown and all. He's a dangerous sort, an' now he's got Trixie with 'im, who's tah say his ways wouldn't rub off on 'er?" Applejack said, slightly concerned though keeping a brave face for Applebloom.


Twilight noticed that her brother, Shining Armor, was looking rather down, she trotted up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder and giving him a smile as she looked back to the conversation at hand, waiting for a response from somepony else.




Knuckles rounded the Trail to find that Spike was standing in front of Zecora's hut, "Good work, small fry. Now let's about getting your shy pony friend." He said rather brashly as he walked past Spike and knocked on the door. There was no response. Knuckles frowned, this time knocking louder with vocal accompaniment. "Hey Zecora, we need to grab Fluttershy real quick! We'll get her back to ya soon, promise!" He stood by, tapping his foot impatiently on he ground. His patience exhausted, he grabbed the handle to the hut, to his surprise, it came right open. Upon initial inspection of the shack, there was no one, or pony inside. "Zecora?" He heard no answer, "Fluttershy?" Not even a peep.


"Okay, something is clearly going on here, where could they have gon-" Knuckles was cut off as he felt one of the Master Emerald's shards actually calling out to him, it was as if that now that he was so close to it, it was actually pulling him closer towards it. He walked out of Zecora's house and past Spike, as if in a trance, though in his mind he was struggling valiantly against it. He had walked for quite a ways when eventually he fell upon Shadow and Rouge, it seemed as if Shadow was giving Rouge the business. Whatever was happening it was enough of a distraction to give Knuckles back control of his body, though he lost his short term memory. "What the- how did I end up here...? Oh well, I guess." He walked closer when a girl came into view, and just beyond her, Knuckles felt the energy of the Master Emerald shard again. "Gonna hafta avoid that... But who's the girl though?" Knuckles looked back over to Shadow and Rouge again, walking over to them, he extended his hand and grabbed Rouge by the arm. "Gotcha, Bat thief. You didn't really think you'd get away with the whole set, did you?" Knuckles faced Shadow, "And just what are you doing here, in the middle of the forest just jawing away with Little Miss Pickpocket here?" Knuckles said, jostling Rouge slightly, he then noticed the girl again, "And what's with her? She's not from around here, is she?" Knuckles ended as he awaited a response from Shadow.

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((Took you long enough, Cranium.))


Shining Armor looked up at a hoof on him shoulder. But instead of Cadance, who he was expecting, it was Twilight- wearing a brilliant smile. He couldn't help but smile back, pulling her into an embrace.



Scourge almost laughed at their fake attempt to try to tempt them towards the fake Emerald. They seemed to have forgotten- or didn't know at all- that he had the same reaction to Chaos Energy that Sonic did. He grinned. All he had to do was wait...

Edited by The Space Marine Twi
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KNUCKLES --------------------- Knuckles rounded the Trail to find that Spike was standing in front of Zecora's hut, "Good work, small fry. Now let's about getting your shy pony friend." He said rather brashly as he walked past Spike and knocked on the door. There was no response. Knuckles frowned, this time knocking louder with vocal accompaniment. "Hey Zecora, we need to grab Fluttershy real quick! We'll get her back to ya soon, promise!" He stood by, tapping his foot impatiently on he ground. His patience exhausted, he grabbed the handle to the hut, to his surprise, it came right open. Upon initial inspection of the shack, there was no one, or pony inside. "Zecora?" He heard no answer, "Fluttershy?" Not even a peep. "Okay, something is clearly going on here, where could they have gon-" Knuckles was cut off as he felt one of the Master Emerald's shards actually calling out to him, it was as if that now that he was so close to it, it was actually pulling him closer towards it. He walked out of Zecora's house and past Spike, as if in a trance, though in his mind he was struggling valiantly against it. He had walked for quite a ways when eventually he fell upon Shadow and Rouge, it seemed as if Shadow was giving Rouge the business. Whatever was happening it was enough of a distraction to give Knuckles back control of his body, though he lost his short term memory. "What the- how did I end up here...? Oh well, I guess." He walked closer when a girl came into view, and just beyond her, Knuckles felt the energy of the Master Emerald shard again. "Gonna hafta avoid that... But who's the girl though?" Knuckles looked back over to Shadow and Rouge again, walking over to them, he extended his hand and grabbed Rouge by the arm. "Gotcha, Bat thief. You didn't really think you'd get away with the whole set, did you?" Knuckles faced Shadow, "And just what are you doing here, in the middle of the forest just jawing away with Little Miss Pickpocket here?" Knuckles said, jostling Rouge slightly, he then noticed the girl again, "And what's with her? She's not from around here, is she?" Knuckles ended as he awaited a response from Shadow.


Shadow gave an annoyed look when Knuckles entered. "I should ask you the same question. As I was telling Rouge, this is of no concern to you. Now please, both of you just leave. I wouldn't want to fight in front of Maria..."



"Knuckles? Where'd ya go?" Spike called out as he searched Eeverfree for the red echinda. For some reason Knuckles had just walked out of Zecora's hut, which was strangely empty. He then heard Knuckles talking to...Shadow? Yes it was Shadow but there was also a bat and a human. "What's going on here?" Spike whispered to himself as he watched from the bushes.

Edited by Flareon
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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Trixie Lulamoon:

Trixie knew he was here somewhere, but where? She scanned the area for Scourage, but he was nowhere to be found. She used her telekinesis to slingshot the fake emerald towards them, then once she could fully grab it, she used her telekinesis to make the jewel float in the air.


"...Well, he's here somewhere...but where? Ugh, we'll find out once we get to...um...whereever we're going." Trixie mused.


Rouge the Bat:

"Shadow, you're acting o-" Rouge told Shadow with complete concern, but she stopped short when Knuckles grabbed her wrist.


"Get off of me! That girl is Maria, a relative of Gerald and Shadow's first friend, and I doubt she wants fighting to happen." Rouge told Knuckles as she slapped his hand away. "As for these jewels-" She gestured toward the elements of harmony. "-I do not walk away from a gem. After that whole Sol Emerald business, Shadow knows it too. So does Omega."


"Now listen, since I don't want things to get rough with the girl around, how about we talk without anyone trying to take away my beautiful gems?" Rouge told the group. 


Fluttershy and Zecora:

The duo was busy searching for Amethyst in the Everfree forest.

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Sonia rolled her eyes at manics statement about why the sonic underground broke up. "You know manic, there are other reasons why we broke up." She said with the kind of annoyed tone. "Oh yah I know, it's just that Mina is a big part of it" manic replied. "You are impossible manic hedgehog" Sonia commented.


"Girls, don't you think that you're a little too young for doing something so dangerous? I mean, for all we know, Eggman might still be out there somewhere." Amy said matter-of-factly to the group, mostly to the four young fillies.

Manic looks over at Amy, "aw come on Amy, you let cream tag along on adventures, and besides they found a chaos emerald. Who knows, they might be useful in a way." Manic backed up the fillies just for the heck of it.


Manic pulled out his hover board and started tinkering with it. "Hey one of you girls wanna help me with something? Just need you to balance on my board so I can check the gearing of the stabilizing system." He said to the CMC.

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"What'd you just say to me spike-top!?" Knuckles erupted, his brow expressing anger, as well as his clenched teeth being on full display. He then noticed that Rouge began talking, mentioning that the girl's name was Maria. "Maria, the girl Shadow knew from the Ark?" Knuckles eyes darted from Rouge, to Shadow, to Maria. He was so captivated by the situation that he didn't even notice that Rouge had slipped from his grasp, he began walking with a purpose toward Maria, she herself was close to the Master Emerald shard. "You!" Knuckles shouted in a commanding voice, "Your gonna tell me who you really are and how you got here! Now!" Knuckles ended, his strides becoming more subdued do to her being so close to the shard, however as the Emerald was trying to work it's influence on Knuckles, it was also transmitting the tainted energy to him, although it was not at all good for Knuckles, the closer he got to Maria and the shard, it allowed Knuckles to see more and more through the illusion that 'Maria' was projecting.

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Shadow teleported in front of Knuckles "I think that's far enough."  he said menacingly. "I know most things don't get through your thick skull so I will say this once more, echidna. Go. Stay away from Maria she's stuck here and just as confused as the rest of us." Shadow then put his hand on one of his Inhibitor Rings. "Remember, I don't need a Chaos Emerald to defeat you."

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"You must really think she's real, don't you? And they call me 'hard headed." Knuckles said, completely blowing off how serious Shadow was trying to be. He then noticed that Shadow put a hand on his Inhibitor ring. "You serious? Shadow, even if you do release your 'potential', how long do you think you can keep it up for without an emerald?" Knuckles said as he started pointing at himself with his thumb, "I'm built to take a beating and keep on ticking, not to mention that I've given Sonic a run for his money, heck, I've even knocked him out of his super form before, now get out of my way. Your delusional right now, in more ways then one." Knuckles retorted to the Black Hedgehog, his fists balled up and ready to throw down at a moments notice. Though he didn't show it, the creeping influence of the Master Emerald shard was beginning to get to him again.

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Princess Cadence and Sally nodded their heads a bit as they listened to Sonic, Manic, and Sonia play "i must admit, this isn't the usual kind of music i'd listen to, but they are amazing" Cadence complemented. Sally smiled then as she heard Amy remark about how she's never heard Sonic and his siblings play before "to be honest, i've never heard them play either" Sally told Cadence "but i often heard that they were amazing." When the three stopped they decided to get down to business. Sally payed close attention when Applejack described someone she saw with Trixie "hmm...wolf guy on a flying metal box" The tomboy princess wondered aloud as she scratched her chin when she suddenly snapped her fingers together "it must have been Nack the Weasel or Fang the Sniper as he's sometimes called, he's also a bounty hunter" Sally explained as she sighed as she put her hands on her hips "why am i not surprised that he's working for Robotnik?" Sally asked in an annoyed tone. Cadence gave her new friend a small smile and smiled a bit more when she saw Twilight hug Shining Armour after seeing her brother look a bit dejected and gave him a small nuzzle before looking towards the group "so what is our next course of action?" she asked.



Pinkie was being herself as she listened to Sonic and his siblings play their song which included dancing to the beat "this is the best thing EVER!!!!!" she exclaimed happily as she danced and pouted a tiny bit when they finished "aww...its over already?" she asked but upon hearing Amy and Rarity's suggestion of the three performing at the Gala she became excited again "ohmygosh that is an awesome idea!!!" she said jumping into the air "having all of you there would make it the BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!!!" she exclaimed. Pinkie settled down as they all began to talk about what they were going to do next when Pinkie suddenly got an idea "ooooh hold on a sec!!!" she exclaimed as she zoomed out the door, a moment later zoomed back in with two trays of cupcakes and put them on the table "cupcake anyone?" she asked as she took one and stuffed it in her mouth.




Cadence and sally both watched Pinkie do this "is that...normal for her?" Sally asked uncertainly taking a cupcake "from what i've learned about her? yes" Cadence said giggling lightly as she took a bit out of her own cupcake.

Edited by Summer_Breeze
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Like Knuckles, Shadow brushed off the insults and back talk. "Well then, looks like someone needs to be taught their place." he said giving an arrogant half smile. In the blink of an eye Shadow rushed at Knuckles and unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks each stronger than the last. Shadow then gave one final blow that knocked Knuckles into a nearby tree. "And I'm just getting started." Shadow said taunting Knuckles.

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Heh heh..." Knuckles chuckled, blood trickling from his mouth, he brushed it from his mouth with his gloved hand and looked at Shadow, returning his smile with one of his own, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" As he said this he tunneled underneath the ground, so deep that the earth would not give away his position by losening the top soil to accommodate him. He remembered where Shadow's position was and began his journey back toward the surface, nearing the top soil, Knuckles began corkscrewing his entire body in a clockwise rotation, eventually resembling a drill, he then burst forth from underneath Shadow, crumbling the Earth from underneath Shadow, causing him to fall slightly, but not for long as Knuckles corkscrew uppercut made contact with Shadow's chin, sending him sailing through the canopy of a tree, "Happy trails, and you hit like girl." Knuckles said turning away from Shadow's direction for the moment and faced 'Maria' with a grimace, "Now as for you, you got Shadow fooled, but I see right through you." Knuckles began thinking to himself,

~Why am I able to see through her illusion, see looked like a girl before, now, although fuzzy, she looks like some dark combination between Overlander and some, black, thing...~ he had took about four steps toward her when the Emerald shard began to speak to him again.


"+Do you see now, Guardian? Do you see how great it would be, were we to be made one once more? We can do some much more for you should you gather us together, we would bestow you with power that would dwarf that of the Hedgehogs, even if they should acquire the Chaos Emeralds... You could set everything right, should you only see fit to gather our peices. Help us Guardian, so that we may help you...+"


Knuckles eyes shot open, his will slowly giving in to the thought of unrivaled power, "~I could stop Eggman, once and for all, I could restore balance between the dimensions, I could make everything right. The way it should be. Fair and Just, with no more of this power struggle madness between Eggman and the Freedom Fighters, this is Justice.~" Knuckles had stood still throughout the entirety of the external dialogue.


"I accept..." Knuckles began to walk toward 'Maria', though his destination was just beyond her, to the Master Emerald shard, toward the absolute power that intoxicated his thought process.

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Chrysalis watched Shadow fight against Knuckles.  For the moment, it seemed as if the Echidna was not bluffing in his strength.  Chrysalis could see through his heart and realized that his sole commitment above even his friends was the Master Emerald, the controller of the Chaos Emeralds.  "Hmmmm, is this Master Emerald the power that Robotnik spoke of?  Maybe this Echidna might be useful if I can figure out how to get inside his thick skull..."  Maria thought to herself.


However, her thoughts were cut off as she noticed that the Echidna was looking at her with suspicion.  "What is he doing?  Is...  Can he see through me?"  Chrysalis thought to herself as she realizes that this is a problem.  She had to step in and 'help' Shadow.  In the guise of pleading for help, she secretly sent her own magic to fuel Shadow's natural abilities of Chaos Energy, putting him more in her control.  "Shadow...  Please, don't let him hurt me!"  Maria pleaded with him, backing away from Knuckles to further sell her act.  She had to get Shadow to defeat Knuckles in order to make it easier to put him under her control as well.




The changeling had started to head towards Baltimare, unaware of the events transpiring between his queen.  It knew that she had a plan for everything.  It had her unquestioning loyalty.  All of a sudden, the changeling had noticed something shine out in the middle of a bush down below through the canopy.  Curious, the changeling had proceeded downwards to investigate.  When it got close, it turned out to look like a glowing sparkling Green gemstone.  It wasn't sure what it was called, but the creature could sense a great well of power emitting from the gem.  "Ahhh, my Queen...  I believe we have found what that big doctor talked about...  What should I do with it?"  The changeling thought telepathically to Queen Chrysalis.


"Take it back to Doctor Robotnik.  I am sure he will be pleased with our cooperation and give us more of his trust to allow us to further our plans for Canterlot..."  Chrysalis thought to her precious child, who didn't hesitate to pick up the gemstone.




Snively was busy overseeing the operations of the EggRobos bringing the necessary components for building the Roboticizer.  Although his concentration was broken by a particular question that placed the fake snively on edge.  It never expected that the doctor would catch on that so soon.


 "U-ummmm, well sir.  There is a good explanation for that.  You see, the hedgehog already knows that we might be out here somewhere and Metal Sonic is the perfect distraction to keep them off our tracks.  As you know very well, Metal Sonic despises us and would not want to associate with us.  Thus, they would not be able to know about our plans.  On a plus note, he cannot be able to utilize his Copy ability that makes him stronger as to keep his power in check.  I'm sure that our presence here has not gone unnoticed and we need more time to buy to roboticize the ponies here so that we can finish the Death Egg Mk. II."  Snively stated to Dr. Eggman, showing the datapad confirming the lack of Metal Sonic's copy ability.  The fact as to why this was apparent was because of Hyper Metal Overlord's defeat at the hands of Twilight Sparkle's magic and the Elements of Harmony.  "I know what I did was out of protocol, but I did what I had to...  For the Eggman Empire."  Snively added finally to him.


Sonic looked at the group around him as they discussed the concerns of Robotnik and the Chaos Emeralds.  "I just hope that he isn't trying to get DIPcord to help him again."  Sonic said aloud to the group, grinning visibly at how he brought down his little game.


Amy looked towards Sonic.  "So, what are we gonna do about the other Chaos Emeralds?"  Amy asked, wanting to get the group's attention to the most important subject.


Sonic chimed in for her.  "Easy.  We just need something to keep the Chaos Emeralds locked away without using any magic on them.  For some reason, the magic here is messing with the Chaos Emeralds scattering them all over the place.  As for finding the others, we just need to take one with us to allow NICOLE to be able to track them."  Sonic said to the group, motioning to Sally to indicate that she was needed to come with them since she knew how to work with NICOLE better than anybody else.  Sonic looked back towards Twilight Sparkle.  "Think you got something to keep the Emeralds inside of?"  Sonic asked her before a knock was made at the door.


Rainbow Dash was the one nearest it, but she just stayed there, not wanting to open the door and let somepony else do it.  However this didn't stop Sweetie Belle from doing so.  She opened the door with her magic and the pony she saw caused her eyes to shrink in surprise.  "Oh my gosh, it's Princess Celestia!"  Sweetie Belle exclaimed aloud, her voice reaching a higher pitch.


Sweetie Belle's words stood true as Princess Celestia stood in front of the doorway of the Carousal Boutique, her regal appearance unchanged.  She looked upon the ponies and the Mobians that were present in the shop.  "Hello, everypony and to Sonic and his friends as well.  I wish that I could speak to you in better circumstances, but I'm afraid that I cannot delay...  Something has happened."  Princess Celestia spoke to everyone in the room.  She knew that she was a princess, but she didn't want to be rude and overbearing as to enter somepony else's home without their permission.




Elsewhere, Castle Acorn was dealing with cleaning up the shards of broken parts of the robots used to attack the nanite city that was New Mobotropolis.  :There were injuries, but thankfully none of them are fatal.  However elsewhere, there was still unrest within the Acorn Throne room.


King Maximilian paced around his throne room as he had come to realize that half of the Freedom Fighters as well as the Death Egg Mk II were still nowhere to be seen.  The king was now more worried for Sally as he wondered if she was alright and where in the world she was.  Within the throne room was King Maximilian, his son Elias Acorn, and Sir Charles 'Uncle Chuck' Hedgehog.


"Father, please.  You cannot worry yourself like this.  You'll only just make yourself more sick."  Elias pleaded with his father, a worried expression to match his words.


King Maximilian only stopped to address his son.  "I cannot help it, Elias.  Sally is gone to who knows where and Robotnik is out there with her."  King Maximilian said to his son vehemently before resuming his pacing.


Sir Charles stepped forward to the king.  "Your Majesty, you don't have anything to worry about.  Sonic will be there to help her.  Not only that, but the other Freedom Fighters are there with them."  Sir Charles reassured him.


KIng Maximilian stopped pacing for a few more moments and sighed.  "I know...  Sonic has done so much for my family...  For us all.  However, I can't help but wonder how often he will come through for us.  Even Jules was able to defeat him when we lost Knothole Village to him."  King Maximilian said to the two of them, looking out at horizon from his window.


Elias stepped closer to his father.  "I know, father.  He did beat us...  However, Sonic and the others were still able to pull through for us all before we lost everything at Megaopolis."  Elias said to him, determined.  Elias placed a hand on his weathered father's shoulder.


King Maximilian looked towards Elias as he placed his hand on his shoulder.  He gave his son a small smile, thinking that he was right about that.  He was about to comment to Elias until something strange happened inside him.  All of a sudden, Maximilian clutched his chest groaning in pain.


Elias looked worried to his father.  "Father!  Father, what's wrong?"  Elias asked him, but the king gave him only a more pained groan as he fell to the ground, writhing.  Elias' eyes shrank at the sight.  "Oh no.  Chuck!  Quick, we need to get him to the infirmary!"  Elias said to him.


Uncle Chuck rushed off as fast as he could for the infirmary to prep up.  The King was in great danger.

Edited by Sam Avalon
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Chaos Spear!" Shadow had recovered from Knuckles' blow, determined to save the fake Maria. Thanks to Chrysalis' magic Shadow was able to tap into the energy being given off the the Master Emerald shard once again giving him access to his Chaos powers. Taking full advantage of this he fired a Chaos Spear directly at Knuckles. "I don't think we're done yet. Leave Maria out of this, this is between you and me." Shadow said to Knuckles getting into a fighting stance.


~Metal Sonic~



"Excellent." Metal Sonic said as he sped across the sky. When he came up to the energy source it seemed something had beat him to it. It looked similar to the ponies that inhabited this land but was...different. It was insect-like and had holes all over it. Metal just ignored it's appearance as he only cared about the Chaos Emerald. He landed in front of the creature just as it was about to take flight with the emerald. "I believe you've found something I want." Metal picked it up, grabbing the strange creature by the neck. "And you will give it to me." Metal Sonic said as his eyes glowed red.

Edited by Flareon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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