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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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Cadence flew back down beside Sally and gaped at how Fluttershy handled the timberwolves "um...Cadence? what-how did she do that?" she asked completely stunned "I...I think Twilight told me about this...Fluttershy has this ability 'the stare' as they call it and can intimidate even the fiercest animals, but only seems to do it when her friends are threatened" she explained "well thats certainly interesting...and i did expect that..." out of the corner of her eyes she was Manic leave the area "hey guys? i think we should follow Manic's lead and head back to Ponyville a regroup" she called out to them "I agree, I'm starting to worry about the others anyway so let's head back" Cadence said agreeing with the tomboy princess.




Pinkie felt herself being dragged away by Applejack and soon bounced along beside her as the other galloped and told her that the evil docter was back "WHAT?!" she yelled out angerly switching from her usual bouncing to a gallop "that big fat meanie is back?!" suddenly her anger switched to confusion "wait...I thought that was kinda obvious with Sonic and the others being back again" she asked give her friend a confused look.

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by Acousticbrony)


It was a normal day in Canterlot right now.  The high society ponies were going about their business, going to social gatherings, seeing the races, attending auctions for antiquities, and lavishing the high life.  However, it was a different story up in Canterlot Castle where the Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, looked out upon the world from the throne room.


"Construction has been going on for some time now...  It has only been a year since our world was almost left in utter chaos, my sister..."  Princess Luna spoke gravely to the regal Alicorn of the Day.


Princess Celestia nodded to Luna before looking back onto Ponyville off in the distance.  "It is true, but we have Sonic and his friends along with Twilight and hers to thank for stopping Dr. Eggman and Discord from destroying the world.  However, I now feel a sense of familiarity, dear Luna...  Spike's letter had mentioned of a strange energy entering our world from the Everfree Forest...  I suspect Sonic the Hedgehog has returned."  Celestia explained to her sister.


"If that is true, then that could only mean one thing: that vile doctor is back..."  Luna said with a hint of disgust in her voice.


Celestia placed a hoof on her sister's shoulder.  "If that is true, then he has nowhere to run.  We all know what he has done and he shall receive no kindness from us unless he is willing to surrender to Sonic and us...  Don't worry, my sister...  Everything will be-"


"We have an emergency from Baltimare!...  Your highnesses..."  a Corporal of the Royal Guard clad in his full battle armor charged into the throne room before bowing politely to the sisters.


"Oh no..."




"Oh YES!  That feels sooooo nice!"  Amy exclaimed from enjoyment as she covered her face with the mud mask.  "Sonia, I'm glad you're here now...  Equestria is really peaceful.  If you thought Ponyville was nice, you'll love Canterlot.  All of the highest of society are there.  You would've loved being there so much, Sonia."  Amy said to her as she put a pair of chopped up cucumbers to cover her eyes.  Her mind drifted back to when Manic expressed his feelings for her.  She had to admit, Manic was a really good guy, but he was alot like his brother, Sonic, which made her mind drift back to when he first saved her from Hyper Metal Sonic on the Stardust Speedway Zone.


Amy sighed at this.  She seemed like she was still having small twinges of forlorn love for Sonic, but she kept telling herself that it won't happen for them.




"Oh yes!  She's gonna be here soon!"  The CMC shouted out together as they see the train starting to pull into the station.  Once both the CMC and the train stopped together, the doors of the train opened right up.  Many ponies exited out of the train, including one that was a particular brown Earth Pony with an Hourglass for a Cutie Mark.


A figure emerged from the smoke generated by the train and it appeared to be a caramel coated filly with a short reddish pink mane and tail with no Cutie Mark.  The CMC smiled in excitement along with the young Earth pony.  "Babs!  You're here!"  The CMC shouted in unison as they crowded around Babs.


"Hey you guys, it's been too long since we've seen each otha'."  Babs said in her apparent Manehatten voice.


Applebloom pulled Tails closer to the group.  "Babs, this is Tails.  He's tha one who taught meh how to fix thangs and make meh more useful around the farm.  His friends are here too, includin Sonic!"  Applebloom explained to the young filly before turning to Tails.  "Tails, this is mah cousin, Babs Seed.  She's from Manehatten and she's just like us; she has no Cutie Mark!"  Applebloom explained excitedly.


Babs opened her mouth in surprise.  "Wow, it's so cool to meet you, Tails."  Babs said clearly happy to see him.


"Hello... Babs, right?" He bowed quickly. "So... how are you doing today?" He shifted around.




Scourge grinned as he looked around. Even the ponies here were crystal! This would make him rich as old King Acorn himself! Maybe even more...


He glanced upwards. Just n time to see a bat wing disappear behind of a tall building. She's here too...? He growled. "This place ain't big enough for both of us... He dashed off after her.

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As Sonic and Shadow sped off, they completely left Knuckles by himself. "... You know what... I probably should've seen this coming..." Knuckles walked towards the train station in Cantorlot to get back to Ponyville, he managed to run all the way there alongside Shadow due to his fierce determination to stop Scourge, but after everything he went through today he was feeling completely drained of energy. ~Find the peices, guardian of the Emerald, find them and make us whole...~ the Master Emerald's signal reached Knuckles thoughts, "There's that feeling again..." Knuckles shuddered as he hopped in through one of the windows, since he didn't have the money from this world he of course wouldn't be able to afford a ticket. "Ugh... So what if Sonic doesn't listen... Not like he'd be much help anyway, that purple pony ought to know what to do about the tainted energy in the Chaos Emeralds and hopefully... Purge whatever force trapped itself inside the Master Emerald."




Applejack stopped galloping for a second and did a double-take at Pinkie Pie, she was surprised and impressed that Pinkie managed to form a coherent thought without giggling or losing her intrest and suggesting some unrelated activity. "Uh... Well... If what that 'Weasel varmint' says is true then he ain't in the open yet, but if Trixie's helpin' that Weasel try n' find 'im, then there ain't nothin' else we can do here 'til we find Twilight. Trixie might be a blowhard, but she's too much for us tah handle on our own, and that Weasel don't seem tah shy away from usin' more force 'n necessary, if that dragon's anythin' to go by..." Applejack said remembering back to the dragon from earlier. Applejack took two steps ahead, indicating she was ready to continue back to Ponyville. "C'mon Pankie, we ain't doin' no good here, let's get back tah Ponyville and tell 'em what's goin' on." Applejack began to head back towards Ponyville again.

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Babs gave a small, but slightly shy smile to Tails.  "I'm fine, I'm just glad I'm back in Ponyville.  I never expected you to be here though..."  Babs commented to Tails.


Applebloom stepped up to them.  "Yeah, we didn' know that they were comin' here too.  We just found a Chaos Emerald that hit our scooter and that's how we figured out that they must be here."  Applebloom stated to the group.  Sweetie Belle stepped between them.  "Maybe we should head back to my sister's boutique, I'm sure she's there with the others, right?"  Sweetie Belle said to the group, trying to get their awesome day started.


Scootaloo looked a little skeptical.  "I don't know, Sweetie Belle.  Hanging out in a boutique doesn't sound like what Sonic or Rainbow Dash would do..."  Scootaloo answered back to Sweetie Belle.  Babs looked from the CMC to Tails.  "Ummm, what do you think we should do, Tails?"  Babs asked him, looking to end the tiebreaker.




Amy was just finished with trying on her old dress that Rarity made for her last year, which held a red-pink hue adorned by many rubies.  "I told you that she was good with making dresses."  Amy said to Sonia proudly.  She looked back to Sonia and thought.  She wanted to talk to somebody about how she was feeling Sonic and Manik until she heard a voice call out to her.



“Amy! Someone’s here to see you” she called out as she walked into the room. Manic walked in with rarity and, “hey Amy, what’s up?”


@, Amy looked up from her dress to both Rarity and Manik entering back into the spa area.  "Oh, Manik!"  Amy said to him, standing with a more ladylike demeanor to him, showing off more of her dress.  "So, what do you think?..."  Amy asked him with a small red blush coming onto her face, feeling a little embarrassed.




Sonic looked up towards the hulking Timberwolf choking on the breath mint that Shining Armor threw into its mouth.  Sonic couldn't help but laugh at the sight.  However, the next sight surprised Sonic as he saw Fluttershy headbutt the timberwolf and shattered it into its six smaller counterparts.  He watched as Fluttershy gave a very unexpected presence towards the timberwolves with her condescending tone and disapproving eyes.  "Whoa, remind me to never make her mad..."  Sonic said to himself as he saw the timberwolves run off.


Rainbow Dash appeared onto the scene shortly after.  "What the hay just happened here?"  Rainbow Dash asked the group with a confused look.  Sonic looked at Rainbow Dash to answer her question.  "Nothing special, just a few wooden dogs that just needed some obedience training."  Sonic said to her breezily before looking towards the group.  "Okay, I think we've hung out here near the forest enough.  Why don't we move away from this place before something else happens?"  Sonic suggested to the group.




Queen Chrysalis watched the invasion go over as the badniks corralled the citizens of Baltimare into the center of the town.  "Ahh, unharmed and unspoiled.  This will work just fine, Doctor.  I applaud your efficiency."  Chrysalis complimented the doctor.  Her attention focused back on the populous once they were all gathered around each other.  An evil smile crossed her face.  "You might not want to miss this, Dr. Robotnik...  For you are about to witness why the ponies of Equestria tell ghost stories about us..."  Chrysalis said to him before moving closer to the group.


One of the stallions stood up outside of the group and away from a mare that he was clutching.  "Y-you will never get away with this!  Princess Celestia-"  The earth pony stallion started before getting cut off by Queen Chrysalis.


"Ah yes, Celestia...  I'm afraid that she won't hear about you..."  Chrysalis said to him, holding him up with her changeling magic.  She proceeded close to the stallion, who was struggling with no avail.  He didn't expect the changeling queen to place her muzzle to his in a lip-lock.  Slowly, the stallion was feeling a hole being created in his heart as he felt his love sucked away from the queen, granting her sustenance.  A green fire grew in her eyes as she felt new life within her.  The stallion soon stopped struggling after having the queen suck the love out of him.  "No!  Please, stop it!"  One of the mares cried out loud, her tears forming in her eyes.


Chrysalis had relented and tossed the stallion aside.  "Ahhhh, refreshing..."  Chrysalis stated coldly before turning to her legion.  "Help yourselves, my children..."  These words drove the changelings into a feeding frenzy and the screams and shouts of the ponies were muffled by the changelings' forced absorption of their love.


Queen Chrysalis stood near the doctor.  "As you can see, our abilites require the love that is within a pony.  Eventually, this will drive them to be nothing but mindless husks of their former selves.  I hope that will work to your advantage when you "roboticize" them, doctor?"  Queen Chrysalis informed the doctor, feeling new life within her again.  "Make sure to leave some of them alone for the doctor.  The rest...  Well, I'm sure that we will find something for them, won't we?"  Chrysalis stated out loud to her legion of Changelings.  She finally had a good meal for the last five months and already she was hungry for more.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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Shadow soon reached the middle of the city, with the essence of a Chaos Emerald's energy getting stronger. ~I don't see anything, but it feels like it's right on top of me~ Shadow thought to himself while looking around. He then saw a strange heart shaped crystal in the middle of the city, just a few feet away. "Could that be where the signal is coming from?" Shadow asked himself as he went up to investigate. "Hmm, interesting. It feels similar to the emeralds in power but..." Shadow stopped as he saw Scourge head for what appeared to be a bat wing. "Scourge? Just what is he doing here?" Shadow asked. "Humph no matter, looks like I can finally get some payback for stealing my emerald." Shadow said as he ran after the green hedgehog.



"Looks like we're here." Fang said as they arrived in the Crystal Empire. Fang couldn't believe his eyes, everything and everyone was made of a sparkling crystal. "Even better than I imagined." Fang said forgetting about both his mission, and Trixie for a few moments. "Err...anyway, we should probably split up to cover more ground. So uh...you go meet with that "inside source" as you call it and I'll go...errm..well you get the idea." Fang said, still thinking of all the money he could make from these crystals.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Sonic looked up towards the hulking Timberwolf choking on the breath mint that Shining Armor threw into its mouth.  Sonic couldn't help but laugh at the sight.  However, the next sight surprised Sonic as he saw Fluttershy headbutt the timberwolf and shattered it into its six smaller counterparts.  He watched as Fluttershy gave a very unexpected presence towards the timberwolves with her condescending tone and disapproving eyes.  "Whoa, remind me to never make her mad..."  Sonic said to himself as he saw the timberwolves run off.   Rainbow Dash appeared onto the scene shortly after.  "What the hay just happened here?"  Rainbow Dash asked the group with a confused look.  Sonic looked at Rainbow Dash to answer her question.  "Nothing special, just a few wooden dogs that just needed some obedience training."  Sonic said to her breezily before looking towards the group.  "Okay, I think we've hung out here near the forest enough.  Why don't we move away from this place before something else happens?"  Sonic suggested to the group.

"That's probably a good idea." Shining said, his burst of momentary humor disappearing. "I wonder where Twilie has got to..."


Babs gave a small, but slightly shy smile to Tails.  "I'm fine, I'm just glad I'm back in Ponyville.  I never expected you to be here though..."  Babs commented to Tails.   Applebloom stepped up to them.  "Yeah, we didn' know that they were comin' here too.  We just found a Chaos Emerald that hit our scooter and that's how we figured out that they must be here."  Applebloom stated to the group.  Sweetie Belle stepped between them.  "Maybe we should head back to my sister's boutique, I'm sure she's there with the others, right?"  Sweetie Belle said to the group, trying to get their awesome day started.   Scootaloo looked a little skeptical.  "I don't know, Sweetie Belle.  Hanging out in a boutique doesn't sound like what Sonic or Rainbow Dash would do..."  Scootaloo answered back to Sweetie Belle.  Babs looked from the CMC to Tails.  "Ummm, what do you think we should do, Tails?"  Babs asked him, looking to end the tiebreaker.


"Umm... I don't know, actually." He then remembered that small device on his ear. "Hang on a second..." He examined an earpiece, and stuck it back in. He then pressed a button on it. "Sonic...? Sonic, you there?"




Scourge dashed off after Rouge... and then ran into a blue pony with a large hat. "Whoa! Hey, watch it you!" He then stopped and looked at her. "Hey... Do I know you from somewhere...?"

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[i was gone for two bucking days and I just got 180 notifications :/]




Fluttershy whimpered a bit at all of the attention she was getting, but then sonic suggested we should get away from the forest. 


"Um...Okay...but maybe sooner or later we could go to Zecora?" Fluttershy asked. "We...um...well...you see...er...we were supposed to have tea..."


Trixie Lulamoon:

Trixie nodded at Fang as she vaulted off, and headed inside the city. After she saw three ponies, undoubtably after the Chaos Emerald, she walked toward the shop where her buddy was to pick up the emerald.


She ran into Scourage, instantly recognizing him. He didn't appear to recognize her..


"Er...No, Sir. I'm just here...to pick up  something from a friend of mine. Won't be any trouble..." Trixie said, but not after eyeing the Chaos Emeralds he had.


Rouge the Bat:


Rouge had an odd feeling someone was trailing her. She looked down and saw Scourage, tailed by Shadow.


"Hello, darlings! Well, as you two probably have notice, I picked up an emerald reading somewhere in this area! Wanna be buddies and find it for me?" She asked, putting as much emotion into her voice as possible.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Manic walked up to Amy, "you look amazing Amy! That dress makes you shine!" He said. Rarity felt proud of herself and Sonia felt sick in her stomach, she just couldn't figure out what Amy saw in Manic.

"Hey Manic, shouldn't you be helping sonic or something?" Sonia said trying to get rid of him.

"Nah, sonic is probably racing with Rainbow Dash. I don't think I'm needed for now, plus I gotta keep thees baby's safe" manic said as he pulled the two chaos emeralds out of his pocket



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Robotnik beheld the gruesome sight of the Queen feeding off of the stallion, sucking the love right out of him, his eyes turning to despair and deep depression as he was tossed aside like discarded trash. His loved ones rushed to him in a desperate bid to see if he was okay, but they were met with his weepy eyes and his answer of 'What point is there? I- I don't want to live anymore...' His loved ones recoiled in both worry and fright that he would never be the same. The doctor looked on at the remaining ponies, all being descended upon by the changeling horde. He looked on and felt no grief, no empathy for those having thier love, thier very reasons to live being striped from them.


Dr. Robotnik summoned one of the Egg Robos from the center of the square. "Egg unit #203, you have new orders, you're to take 13 EggPawn and one of the other egg Robos and return to the felled death egg, once there you will dismantle what remains and bring it here to this location. Starting with the roboticizer. The sooner I have the unicorn's magic under my control, the sooner my base will be restored to it's former, world conquering glory. One other thing..." Robotnik trailed off. "Inside of the North hall containment barracks, there is a malfunctioning E- 100 series unit. He has been put in stasis, but it is imperative that he is transported without compromising his containment pod. Understood?" The Egg Robo stood stoically and simpley nodded in compliance, it then took off, 13 egg pawns and an egg Robo following behind.


The doctor then began twiddling his thumbs, the remaining ponies cowering, wondering what's to become of them. It was an amusing sight, but his mind was no longer occupied. And he couldn't dredge up any memories to cloud his mind, there was only him and the madness that was waiting to consume his sanity. "Ngh... Sni- Snivley!" The doctor turned to his cousin with a look of overwhelming rage and wraith. He then rushed him, his hands out, ready to repeat the horrid deed they preformed on the real Snivley.




The train was about halfway to the destination of Ponyville, but Knuckles had fallen asleep, much to the dismay of the stallion seated next to him. Knuckles dream however was anything but restful, the skies were dark and ominous, lit only by the blood red light peaking through the dark clouds. The land was in ruins, completely ravaged, cities had crumbled, villages swallowed up by the earth underneath them. But the most chilling thing was the lack of a living presence. There wern't even bodies, just cold empty expanse that seemed to stretch on for miles. "Guardian of the Master Emerald... Find the peices... Make... Us... ONE!!!" Knuckles was startled awake, the train had reached it's destination. Knuckles had hopped off the platform and began walking around. "Okay, now to find that purple magic pony..." Knuckles looked to his left, a bunch of ponies were still talking about the scene that had transpired. He looked to his right, he saw Tails conversing with the two fillies that ran away from him when he landed in Equestria the first time. The other he recognized as being the sister to the cowgirl pony, however the red maned filly with the short tail was new. "Hey, Tails, good to see ya made it in one piece. Have you seen that magic purple unicorn anywhere?" He asked Tails bluntly.

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Robotnik beheld the gruesome sight of the Queen feeding off of the stallion, sucking the love right out of him, his eyes turning to despair and deep depression as he was tossed aside like discarded trash. His loved ones rushed to him in a desperate bid to see if he was okay, but they were met with his weepy eyes and his answer of 'What point is there? I- I don't want to live anymore...' His loved ones recoiled in both worry and fright that he would never be the same. The doctor looked on at the remaining ponies, all being descended upon by the changeling horde. He looked on and felt no grief, no empathy for those having thier love, thier very reasons to live being striped from them.


Dr. Robotnik summoned one of the Egg Robos from the center of the square. "Egg unit #203, you have new orders, you're to take 13 EggPawn and one of the other egg Robos and return to the felled death egg, once there you will dismantle what remains and bring it here to this location. Starting with the roboticizer. The sooner I have the unicorn's magic under my control, the sooner my base will be restored to it's former, world conquering glory. One other thing..." Robotnik trailed off. "Inside of the North hall containment barracks, there is a malfunctioning E- 100 series unit. He has been put in stasis, but it is imperative that he is transported without compromising his containment pod. Understood?" The Egg Robo stood stoically and simpley nodded in compliance, it then took off, 13 egg pawns and an egg Robo following behind.


The doctor then began twiddling his thumbs, the remaining ponies cowering, wondering what's to become of them. It was an amusing sight, but his mind was no longer occupied. And he couldn't dredge up any memories to cloud his mind, there was only him and the madness that was waiting to consume his sanity. "Ngh... Sni- Snivley!" The doctor turned to his cousin with a look of overwhelming rage and wraith. He then rushed him, his hands out, ready to repeat the horrid deed they preformed on the real Snivley.




The train was about halfway to the destination of Ponyville, but Knuckles had fallen asleep, much to the dismay of the stallion seated next to him. Knuckles dream however was anything but restful, the skies were dark and ominous, lit only by the blood red light peaking through the dark clouds. The land was in ruins, completely ravaged, cities had crumbled, villages swallowed up by the earth underneath them. But the most chilling thing was the lack of a living presence. There wern't even bodies, just cold empty expanse that seemed to stretch on for miles. "Guardian of the Master Emerald... Find the peices... Make... Us... ONE!!!" Knuckles was startled awake, the train had reached it's destination. Knuckles had hopped off the platform and began walking around. "Okay, now to find that purple magic pony..." Knuckles looked to his left, a bunch of ponies were still talking about the scene that had transpired. He looked to his right, he saw Tails conversing with the two fillies that ran away from him when he landed in Equestria the first time. The other he recognized as being the sister to the cowgirl pony, however the red maned filly with the short tail was new. "Hey, Tails, good to see ya made it in one piece. Have you seen that magic purple unicorn anywhere?" He asked Tails bluntly.


"Oh! Hi, Knuckles! No, I was just trying to see what Sonic was up to... Last I checked, she was with her brother... who was with Sonic... So..." Looking somewhat confused, he glanced at the others, who were looking somewhat worried.


[i was gone for two bucking days and I just got 180 notifications :/]




Fluttershy whimpered a bit at all of the attention she was getting, but then sonic suggested we should get away from the forest. 


"Um...Okay...but maybe sooner or later we could go to Zecora?" Fluttershy asked. "We...um...well...you see...er...we were supposed to have tea..."


Trixie Lulamoon:


Trixie nodded at Fang as she vaulted off, and headed inside the city. After she saw three ponies, undoubtably after the Chaos Emerald, she walked toward the shop where her buddy was to pick up the emerald.


She ran into Scourage, instantly recognizing him. He didn't appear to recognize her..


"Er...No, Sir. I'm just here...to pick up  something from a friend of mine. Won't be any trouble..." Trixie said, but not after eyeing the Chaos Emeralds he had.


Rouge the Bat:


Rouge had an odd feeling someone was trailing her. She looked down and saw Scourage, tailed by Shadow.


"Hello, darlings! Well, as you two probably have notice, I picked up an emerald reading somewhere in this area! Wanna be buddies and find it for me?" She asked, putting as much emotion into her voice as possible.


"What!?!" There's no way I'm finding you a Chaos Emerald, no ma'am. Especially after you made off with half o-" He noticed the expression on her face. "Meh... Wait! Darlings?" He looked behind him. "Sorry, Rouge, but I gotta run. Maybe later. Ta-ta! Come and get me, Blacky!" He cranked up his speed, moving almost doubletime now."

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Rouge the Bat:


Rouge had an odd feeling someone was trailing her. She looked down and saw Scourage, tailed by Shadow.


"Hello, darlings! Well, as you two probably have notice, I picked up an emerald reading somewhere in this area! Wanna be buddies and find it for me?" She asked, putting as much emotion into her voice as possible.


"I wouldn't be here if I didn't think-" Shadow stopped as Scourge taunted him. "Why you....Err, I don't have time for this. Your not called a treasure hunter for nothing, you find it." Shadow said speeding up to match Scourge's speed.


[scourge has some emeralds doesn't he?]



Fang was riding around the Crystal Empire following a strange power signal in the center of the city. "This looks like the place." he said getting off his bike and inspecting the area around him. "Hello what have we here?" Fang says walking up to and inspecting the Crystal Heart. "Wow this must be worth a fortune. Way more than anything Robotnik could pay." Fang then got a devious smile on his face and looked around to make sure no one saw him. "Well, I'm sure these ponies won't miss this...heart thing." he said before taking the heart. Soon there was a pulse of energy that pushed Fang back and caused the entire empire to start losing it's color "What the...What is this thing for anyway?" Fang asked as several guards rushed out to stop him. "IN THE NAME OF PRINCESS CADENCE I ORDER YOU TO HALT!!" one said. "RETURN THE CRYSTAL HEART!!" said another. "Oh you mean this? Well you see..." Fang pressed a button on his wrist and the Marvelous Queen sped to his aid. "It's mine now!" Fang said before shooting missiles at the guards and speeding off. ~Ok, forget the Chaos Emeralds, I gotta find that blue pony and get outta here~ he thought to himself.

Edited by N-Harmonia
  • Brohoof 3



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Trixie Lulamoon


Trixie gaped at the commotion and ran toward the shop. She stopped right in front of it.


"EMERALD-NO-TIME-NOW-CINDER-HERE'S-YOUR-PAY" Trixie said after shoving in all of her moneys worth at the booth pony. She nodded and passed her the Emerald. Trixie put it on and felt a new found power, and then smugly trotted around, looking for fang ini the madness.


Rouge the Bat


Rouge frowned at the display, but quickly eyed Trixie as she picked up a-


"CHAOS EMERALD!" Rouge shouted, before quickly covering her mouth. She swooped down at the unicorn, who was acting quite smug.

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sonic heard something coming in from his wrist comm and brought it up to hear it.





"Tails, that you buddy?  I can't hear you right..."  Sonic told him through the static coming from his communicator.  It really wasn't a surprise that this was happening since the satellite that Sonic and his friends used is back on Mobius, but now that they are in Equestria they will have to rely on Burst transmission.  The problem is that they need to be within a certain amount of distance to hear themselves clearly through the transceivers.  "Tails, we're gonna head back to Rarity's shop to meet back up with the others there."  Sonic said to the comm unit before letting go of the talk button to let Tails report back.  


@@Shift, @, Sonic looked back to the group.  "Okay, gang.  Let's juice it back to Ponyville  The sooner that we can figure out what is going on around here, the better."  Sonic said to the others.


Rainbow Dash nodded in aggrement.  "Yeah, I really want to get that over with so that we can continue where we left off.  You know, the part where I beat you in a race..."  Rainbow Dash said in a snide confident tone.


Sonic gave a smirk of his own.  "In your dreams, chicken feathers..."  Sonic said to her cheekily as they locked eyes with each other, challenging each other.




Amy's blush reddened a bit more as she covered her face, giving a small giggle.   "Thanks, Manik..."  Amy said appreciatively to him.  "You know, I would like to wear this to a party one day...  I think Rarity mentioned a party called the Grand Galloping Gala once."  Amy said to Sonia before her attention was drawn away for the moment by the two chaos emeralds in Manik's grasp.  "Omigosh, Manik.  How on earth did you get those?"  Amy asked incredulously, moving closer to him.




@@Cranium Tyranus,


The CMC were crowded around on Tails as they were greeted by a familiar face.  Applebloom gave a big smile as she looked upon the new face.  "Knuckles, ah can' believe yer here!  Welcome back!"  Applebloom said excitedly as she gave the echidna's leg a hug.


Scootaloo looked back at Babs.  "This is Knuckles, the big, strong red guy we told you about.  He's strong enough to knock almost any tree with just one punch."  Scootaloo said to her, sounding impressed.


Babs gave a whistle.  "Man, dat sounds awesome...  I wish I was dat strong."  Babs said honestly to Knuckles.


Applebloom let go of Knuckles and moved back to Babs' side.  "Knuckles, this is mah cousin, Babs Seed.  She's from Manehatten and she came down ta visit.  She knows all about how about you and the others saved Equestria a year ago."  Applebloome explained to him as she placed a hoof around Bab's side.


Babs gave an embarrassed wave to Knuckles.  "Hi..."  Babs just simply said, not knowing what else to say.




Princess Celestia looked out upon her kingdom from the throne room's open window.  "This is happening just like a year ago...  We need to find Twilight and the others so that we can find Sonic and his friends."  Princess Celestia explained to her sister, Princess Luna.  Luna arched an eyebrow to her.  "Do you really believe that Robotnik is here as well, my sister?"  Princess Luna asked the regal Princess of the Day.


Princess Celestia looked back out to the kingdom.  "I don't know, Luna...  I don't know..."  Princess Celestia said to her, opening her wings to head for Ponyville.  "Please stay here and watch over the kingdom for me, Luna.  I will be back as soon as I'm able.."  Celestia said to Luna, who nodded in agreement.  Princess Celestia headed out into the sky to head towards Ponyville.


Princess Luna looked out upon the kingdom.  "That wretched doctor...  Who knows what sort of foul deeds he is conceiving of..."  Princess Luna mused to herself.




@@Cranium Tyranus


Snively looked out upon the forced madness that the changelings were inflicting on the ponies of Baltimare.  He was standing next to the queen as he watched.  "My Queen, I hope that I may be able to partake in at least one of the ponies later.  It has been so long since I've had fresh love touch my lips..."  The fake Snively sent telepathic thoughts to Queen Chrysalis.


Queen Chrysalis observed the horror with a devilish smile.  "Yes, of course my dear one.  I never forget all my children for their loyalty to their queen.  Children, leave one alone for the child next to me."  Queen Chrysalis sent back the telepathic thought to the fake Snively before sending the order back to the changelings partaking in their feast.



"Ngh... Sni- Snivley!" The doctor turned to his cousin with a look of overwhelming rage and wraith. He then rushed him, his hands out, ready to repeat the horrid deed they preformed on the real Snivley.



Snively was interrupted by the doctor's fit of rage as he careened towards Snively with his arms extended, looking to choke him.  "U-uh Doctor, please.  W-what are you doing?!  This isn't you!"  Snively said fearfully to Robotnik, giving Chrysalis a warning that Eggman was losing his mind even further.  Chrysalis' horn gave a hum as she sent a spell to make Robotnik feel tired and sleepy.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Ugh, first Sonic and his friends start raining from the sky, along with that weird blue muck, next Trixie goes completely insane and tries to harness the energy from one of those Chaos Emeralds to terrorize the town until I agreed to duel her! Then that gets interrupted by Shadow, and yet another Hedgehog! *sigh* and we were so close to having Equestria repaired again..." Twilight looked down, feeling guilty about the events that had transpired, Trixie's vengeful behavior, not having the answers to why Sonic and his friends had returned. It burdened her mind greatly, but she had to focus, "First things first, I need to write a letter to Celestia regarding what's happened so far, as well as tell her to order a search for the rest of those Emeralds, if Trixie had one then the rest could be anywhere. I really need to find Spike, and the others, we may need to get the Elements of Harmoney for this one." And with that, Twilight was enveloped in a flash of light, the next moment she was gone, she reappeared in her library, grabbed some parchment, quills, and ink, before stuffing them into her saddle bag. She then walked out of her tree home and began asking the ponies on the street if they had seen Spike and Cadence, one said that she had seen them head off into the Everfree Forrest, chasing after Fluttershy, but they hadn't come out since. Determined, Twilight set out into the dark, foreboding forrest to search for her friend and sister-in-law.




"D'woah!" Knuckles had been caught off guard by Applebloom's hug, "Hey, nice to see you too kid." The Echidna gave a smile to the excited trio as Scootaloo began rattling off praise about Knuckles' strength. "Yeah, I guess I am pretty strong, haha!" Knuckles said while rubbing the back of his head. Applebloom then went to Babs' side and introduced her to Knuckles, "Hey, it's a pleasure to meet you Babs, you know my name already, but I'm Knuckles." Knuckles noticed Babs seemed to be recoiling, as if she was trying to hide herself from him. "Hey, buck up would ya? No one'll be able to hear ya if you talk so low, stand up tall and hold your head high, your you, be proud of that." Knuckles said confidently to Babs before turning to the CMC, "Oh yeah, I don't suppose you girls wouldn't happen to know where that smarty pants purple unicorn is, would you?" Knuckles asked the group inquisitively.




The doctor was jetting toward Snivley, murder clearly his intent, when suddenly, it felt like someone flipped a switch in Robotnik's head. He fell, rolling now. He still rolled over the fake Snivley and into the square. Twitching a bit as he did. As far as Eggman's condition stood, the lights were off, and the building was abandoned.

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Manic smiled from Amy's laugh.


Rarity turns around when Amy said 'grand galloping gala' and said, "oh the gala, yes it's the biggest party of the year! But when me and my friends went, it was a total disaster."


Sonia was still trying to enjoy her facial.


When Amy gasped about the chaos emeralds, manic just simply shrugged and said, " I don't know, I just still have them."



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Cadence and Sally both nodded in response and began to follow him. Cadence then trotted up to Sonic and then slowed back into a walk "hello again Sonic i will admit, despite the circumstances it is very good to see again" Cadence said giggling a bit before she got serious "I'll just get right down to it, i know you know about both of my Aunts magics so let me tell you about mine, i'm able to sense the love between other and help rebuild it if necessary, so yes i already know you and Sally were once a couple but when i looked at the bond between you two it was still there though very thin, i already talked to Sally and told me her side of the story, i also want you to know that she does feel guilt about over what happened between you two and sometimes wonders if you hate her." Cadence paused for a moment before looking at him "so now i just have two questions for you; what's your side of the story, and do you?" The Princess of love asked




Sally saw Cadence trot up ahead and knew right away that she was going to talk to Sonic and gave a big sigh "I hope everything will go alright..." she thought to herself.




Pinkie quickly galloped after Applejack "well i certainly hope we don't see that big fat meanie again but if we do i'll give me a taste of my party cannon!!!" she shouted with glee before speeding up towards Ponyville.

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(Prayers for my surgery if that's your thing, it's officially happening April 8th.)


Tails tapped his communications headset twice. Sonic's voice came on, patchy. He said something about... Rarity's workshop? Alright then. "Will do, Sonic. Meet you there." He looked at the others. "Looks like we're going to Rarity's Boutique."




Scourge took a fake turn-step to the right, then turned left- and ran into a wall. Growling, he ran up the wall, and started jumping across the pointed rooftops. "They certainly don't cut corners, these ponies." He said with a scowl.

Edited by Beatles Knight
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"Get back here Scourge!" Shadow called out as he chased the green hedgehog all throughout the city. Shadow wall jumped up to the building Scourge was on and landed right in front of him. "Give me back the Chaos Emeralds you stole from me and that blue pony or I'll make you, emerald or no emerald. "Shadow threatned unaware that Fang had just sped by the building looking for Trixie.



~Come on, come on.~ he thought to himself. It was only a matter of time before more guards were sent after him, and if one of the Sonic Heroes happened to spot him, he my lose his treasure, the Crystal Heart. Soon he saw a blue pony walking away from some sort of shop. It was Trixie and she had gotten a Chaos Emerald as promised. "BLUE PON-err TRIXIE!!" Fang called out before stopping beside her. "Get on, I don't want the guards to catch up to me and my uhh...prize." he said holding up the Crystal Heat. At this point the palace guards could be seen in the distance. "Uh-oh..." Fang said. "Come on we'll lose em' in the forest." Fang revved up the Marvelous Queen and sped of in the direction of Everfree forest as the Crystal Empire and all it's inhabitants slowly lost their color and shine.


[OOC: I'm just going to assume Trixie got on.]

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"The Great and Powerful" Trixie Lulamoon


Trixie raised her eyebrow at the weasel uncertainly. 


"Oh, Weasel, Trixie forgot to ask: who is this 'Eggman'?" Trixie asked while admiring her emerald. "And do I get to keep my emerald in exchange you get to keep the Crystal Heart, the source of power for a bit over a thousand ponies that was able to defeat a great evil by itself?"




Fluttershy had wandered into the forest and was attempting to find a way out when she bumped into something.


"EEE- oh."

It was just Zecora's treehouse.


She knocked on the door, and after some explanation, Zecora let Fluttershy in.


"Fluttershy, please be aware what I am about to tell you is no lie." Zecora told Fluttershy. "But Eggman, who has plagued us so, had befriended Chrysalis and her changelings in tow." Zecora told Fluttershy as her brew seemed to show Baltimare, fallen to Eggman's might.


"Oh no...how do we stop him?" Fluttershy whimpered.


"Power of the seven must be wielded by a hedgehog, whose color is not of a frogs." Zecora stated. "The Harmony must be wielded six, so you can undo what Eggman did and everything you must fix."


Fluttershy nodded. "Um, this is a bit too much to take in. Can we have some tea?" Which Zecora replied with a sharp nod.


Rouge the Bat


As Trixie dodged Rouge's grip and vaulted onto the bike, Rouge dashed after them before noticing all of the color gone in the city. Rouge's jaw went slack.



Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Snively was on his back, twitching just a bit from bearing the weight of the overweight, but surprisingly spry Doctor Eggman.  "Eeeehhhh, Eggbots...  Please escort Doctor Robotnik to his Egg Mobile..."  Snively uttered out loud as Queen Chrysalis helped the fallen Snively up.
Chrysalis looked upon the mass of ponies that were now subdued by her children.  "Let's take them to the Doctor's...  Roboticizer to have the ponies turned into his servants.  The day shall come soon when we are able to launch our invasion again on Equestria.  This time, we will ensure that Princess Celestia will look into our eyes as we ascend her subjects."  Queen Chrysalis said to Snively with a devilish laugh.
Snively dusted himself off as he stood by the doctor who was now incapacitated at the moment.  Snively reached to his comm unit.  "Eggpawns, continue on Doctor Robotnik's orders and bring what you can to build the roboticizer as well as the E-100 Robot he inquired about."  Snively told the Eggpawns as they headed off back to the Death Egg for their task.
Chrysalis thought more about Sonic and his friends.  With the Chaos Emeralds in her grasp, she knew that she and her children would be more than a match for Twilight Sparkle and her friends.  However, she knew that the hedgehog would be a problem as he was...  Special as she learned from her trip within Eggman's memories of the hedgehog.  "I'll deal with you soon, hedgehog..."  Chrysalis said to herself as she kept a vigil over her children's...  Buffet.
Babs Seed watched as the red echidna spoke to her.  "Ummm, yeah.  Okay, I see whatcha mean."  Babs commented to him, blowing a strand of mane from her face.
Sweetie Belle popped into the middle of the group.  "Did you hear that?  Sonic and the others are at my sister's Boutique!  Let's go!" Sweetie Belle said to the group, her voice more high-pitched at the word 'go'.
Scootaloo placed her helmet back on her head.  "Well, come on.  Let's get going."  Scootaloo said excitedly as she practically dragged the three other Cutie Mark Crusaders as well as Tails into the attached wagon and flapped her wings to speed off for the town square in en route to the Boutique.
Sonic was walking along the grasslands that were adjacent to the Everfree Forest when Princess Cadence trotted up to him.

"hello again Sonic i will admit, despite the circumstances it is very good to see again" Cadence said giggling a bit before she got serious

@,  "Oh it's no biggie, your Highness.  Equestria is alot like Mobius where there is so much space to run.  Also, I did miss you all a bit."  Sonic said to the regal Alicorn.
Rainbow Dash flew up next to him.  "A bit?"  Rainbow chimed in with a small smirk on her face.
Alex threw up his hands in mock exasperation.  "Okay, okay.  I did miss you guys a lot.  You still owe me that race, Rainbow Dash."  Sonic said to her a little impatiently.

 "I'll just get right down to it, i know you know about both of my Aunts magics so let me tell you about mine, i'm able to sense the love between other and help rebuild it if necessary, so yes i already know you and Sally were once a couple but when i looked at the bond between you two it was still there though very thin, i already talked to Sally and told me her side of the story, i also want you to know that she does feel guilt about over what happened between you two and sometimes wonders if you hate her." Cadence paused for a moment before looking at him "so now i just have two questions for you; what's your side of the story, and do you?" The Princess of love asked 

Sonic turned his attention back to Princess Cadence as he walked back from the outskirts of Ponyville.  His cheerful disposition disappeared slowly as she explained the reason why she is speaking with him at the moment.  Sonic didn't answer her immediately.  After a few seconds pause, Sonic looked back to Princess Cadence.  "It's complicated, Your Highness.  Basically, she wanted to ask me to take succession of the throne with me by her side.  I told her I couldn't do it because being a king is not something that I can do.  I mean, I can't fit the role; I'm a Freedom Fighter doing what I do best, which is stopping Eggman from destroying the planet in his quest to create...  Ugggh, 'Eggmanland'..."  Sonic explained to Princess Cadence, remembering his spat with Sally.  He could still remember the hard slap across the face she gave him.
"We disagreed with each other and I guess she told you about how it went down.  I was angry with her...  That was until everything changed when Eggman gave us a visit to Knothole Village..."  Sonic said to Princess Cadence, his mind flashing back to the attack.
A rumble blasted through the living room of Sonic's underground home in Knothole Village.  There standing over the hole was Robotnik's crony, Snively smiling at them.  "Knock, knock my friends..."  Snively said devilishly to the group down below as he raised his robotic arms to fire a beam of disintegrating light at Sonic and co.
The unlucky ones that were hit were Rouge, Knuckles' niece, and Vector the Crocodile.  Sally tried to coordinate the group in the ensuing chaos, but she herself was zapped by Snively's laser into nothingness.  "Sally!"  Sonic shouted out to her with no avail.  The group was now down to Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Rotor, and Mighty the Armadillo.  Mighty the Armadillo was beating down the robot, taking away one of its legs and arms before getting zapped himself.  Sonic jumped out of the hole with Knuckles climbing up behind him.  "All right, now we go!"  Sonic shouted out to the group.  Apparently, Snively had the same idea as he detached the cockpit from the robot before setting off an explosion.
"It's fine, Sonic the Hedgehog.  After all...  I was only the distraction!"  Snively said conivingly to Sonic as he sped off out into the distance.  The ensuing explosion caused a cave-in on Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Rose.  Knuckles and Amy were using their strength to hold the rocks back from crushing them.  "Sonic!  He must mean that Robotnik is attacking Knothole!  Stop him and save our families!"  Tails pleaded with Sonic from underground.
With that, Sonic sped off to Mach Three to head for Knothole Village.  However, it looked like that he was too late.  "No..."  Sonic said to himself as he looked upon the familiar sights of the Lake of Rings that was created by his Uncle Chuck destroyed with no ways of using it again.  He then saw his Uncle's chili dog diner demolished  as he sped through the smoldering village.  The sky was laden with red-orange and pink skies combining with black smoke and ash decoratiing the landscape of Sonic's peaceful home.  His eyes fell upon Castle Acorn, which was thankfully intact.  "Oh great, Elias Acorn must have evacuated everyone to the castle."  Sonic said to himself before realizing his folly.  The castle exploded in a symphony of rubble and fire.
(The black heart of a mad Doctor; Sonic the Hedghog 2006, Egg Wyvern)
Standing in the fiery veil was a large robot.  "It's about time you showed up, Rodent..."  The familiar voice of Eggman echoed through its speaker.
Sonic stood firm against the hulking machine as it walked out of the fire, revealing itself to Sonic.  The machine itself looked like a mechanical version of its creator, although it held a shield on its left arm and checkered ball attached to a chain on its other arm.  "My friends...  Sally...  They're..."  Sonic said to the doctor with barely contained rage.
"Captured, Sonic.  Snively and I used a special teleporting beam on them.  They have all been sent to my 'Egg Grapes' where their life force will power up my empire....  Ending this little war..."  Robotnik said to Sonic, his grin still on his face.
Sonic stood defiant to the Doctor.  "Nice try, Doc.  Snively didn't get me.  I get to save the day like always..."  Sonic stated matter-of-factly to Robotnik.
"Silly boy..."  Eggman said cheekily as he threw up the ball attached to its chain while firing five missiles to Sonic.  "I told Snively to leave you to me!"
As Sonic jumped from one missile to the other, Eggman kept trying to get under his skin.  "I'm surprised you're retaining your confidence after so many failures...  You never deroboticized your friends and family; your father is still a robot!"  Robotnik stated to Sonic as the remaining missiles missed their marks.
"How about your love-life, hmmmm?  Sally, Mina, and even Fiona?  So...  How come you're all alone?..."  Eggman said snidely to Sonic, who returned with a Sonic Spin for the head.
"Shut up!"  Sonic retorted to him as his Spin was deflected by Eggman's shield, following up with a swipe from his ball and chain which made contact with Sonic.  He flew fifteen meters from the Doctor.
"Did you really believe your Resistance had a toe-hold against my Empire?  I allowed you to exist because I needed entertainment."  Eggman stated as he swung around his ball in a clock-wise motion.  Sonic performed a back step to avoid the checkered ball slam down on him.
"You're a liar!  You tried and failed to beat us in the past!"  Sonic said to him through clenched teeth as he sped away from Robotnik.
Eggman gave chase in his new Egg Battle Armor, firing phasers from his metallic wrists.  "It's true that you have won more battles than not.  But so what?  Is Mobius any more safer than it was years ago when we first met?"  Eggman reasoned with Sonic, tracking Sonic's movements.  "The world knew that you were powerless, Sonic.  That is why they never asked for help...  That is why they never warned you about this!"  Eggman answered back as he swung his ball and chain, making contact with Sonic before he could get out of the way.
Sonic flew for twenty feet and getting up was a monumental effort for him.  "Get up, rodent.  I'm not done with you yet."  Robotnik barked at Sonic, who was still seeing stars for a few seconds.  Sonic moved at Mach One to close in on Eggman with a Homing Attack, but Eggman just blocked his approach with his shield.  "Hahahaha, you were finished long before the Egg Fleet began bombardment on the forest.  This battle suit is designed to match and out-class your speed and strength."  Eggman answered back with a callous laugh as he stunned Sonic with a laser bolt following up with a strike from his ball and chain.
Sonic flew away again and this time, he had serious trouble getting back up as his muscles shook from his continuous punishment from Eggman's Battle Armor.  The only reason Sonic could take this much was because of all the Power Rings he had used in all of his battles with Robotnik over the years.  Eggman stood over Sonic with a wide grin on his face.  "I've studied you all your life, rodent.  We've reached your limit."  Eggman said through the loudspeaker clearly for Sonic to hear.
"Limit..."  Sonic uttered out before looking back at Eggman with complete rage in his eyes and a nasty grin on his face.  "Limit?!"  Sonic yelled out unexpectedly before speeding off with a Sonic Boom.
"Snively!  Track him, where did he go?"  Eggman asked through his transceiver.
"S-sir!  Sonic is moving at a speed much faster than we have calculated!  He reached the East coast in just five seconds!"  Snively said to him, now sounding very worried.  Eggman's eyes widened at this.  "He what?!  Oh my gears and starters..."  Eggman said out loud, mostly to himself.
Sonic reached the beach on the east with madness in his eyes.  As he turned around, the sheer force of his speed caused a massive tidal wave to move away from him.  "Limit?  I've got your 'limit' right here!"  Sonic said out loud mostly to himself as he burst off at an unprecedented speed past his maximum speed...  Mach Five!
Eggman awaited him with his shield raised.  "Watch out, sir!"  Snively warned him through the comm unit.  What resulted was a massive force collision from the Sonic Boom to Eggman's armor, sending the machine flying a hundred yards away from Sonic's position.
"H-how's that for a l-limit, E-eggman?"  Sonic asked him through his massive headache, feeling victorious.
"Just fine, Sonic...  Although I'm a little upset that you dented my shield."  Sonic looked back with a surprised look on his face as he saw Eggman back up on his feet and the machine mostly intact with the exception of his shield being dented.  Eggman swung his shield, hitting Sonic up in the air.  He followed up with his ball and chain, sending Sonic upwards again.  "Like I said, Sonic...  You're out-matched.  Outclassed.  You're not fast enough."  Eggman told him slowly to make the reality sink in for Sonic.  "You're not strong enough."  Eggman added before kicking Sonic straight down to the ground.
(The fall of a Blue Meteor; Dark Egg-Eggman Theme by Shadowofrock)
Eggman landed on the ground near Sonic, who no longer had the strength to even stand up.  "You're certainly not smart enough to defeat me."  Robotnik told him as he grabbed Sonic with his metallic grip.
"I'm going back to my base in Megaopolis and freshen up a bit.  Once I'm done, I'm turning on the Egg Grapes.  Everyone you've known and cared for will turned to fuel for my city and you'll be left alone and helpless.  Run.  Run for the rest of your life and never escape the humiliation of today..."  Robotnik explained to Sonic as he was gripped by him, barely conscious.  Robotnik threw Sonic to the ground and lifted off to join his nephew, Snively.
Sonic just laid there and watched as Eggman walked away with a crushing victory on Sonic.  After so many victories over the Eggman Empire, he had never felt so defeated.  "Sonic!"  The voice of Tails rang out from the distance.
Sonic was looking back to the ground as he recollected the event.  "Me, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, and our A.I. NICOLE got together to form a plan to not only free our friends and families, but to also get them to New Mobotropolis.  If it wasn't for NICOLE, we wouldn't have stood a chance.  After that, Eggman tried to destroy our new home.  I went out there to meet him, but this time I had the support of other Knothole Freedom Fighters.  After we destroyed his machine, he retreated and we were safe at the time..."  Sonic explained to Princess Cadence.  "I'm not upset with her, your Highness.  I just don't want to get into it right now...  Not with Scourge, Trixie, and possibly Eggman out there looking for the Chaos Emeralds..."  Sonic said to her, not wanting to continue the conversation.  He looked back to Rainbow Dash.  "Come on, I'll race you to Rarity's shop!"  Sonic challenged her before speeding off to Ponyville again with Rainbow Dash right next to him.
"You can't beat me, needlenose."  Rainbow Dash said cheekily to him before inching just past him as they reached the bridge into town.
  • Brohoof 5

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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  • 2 weeks later...



Robotnik was still out-cold from the spell, reclining in his Egg Mobile that his Eggbots lowered him into and adjusted for long term sitting without bedsores becoming an issue. Back at the swamp however, the lead EggRobo and his unit were just finishing packing what they could carry for transport when they got a message from the fake Snivly. The lead EggRobo, unit #203 ordered his unit to stop and established a link with the channel that had just contacted him. "SUBJECT IS NOT MASTER ROBOTNIK, VOCAL PATTERN RECOGNITION ESTABLISHES THAT SUBJECT IS SNIVLY ROBOTNIK. RECORDS INDICATE THAT SNIVLY ROBOTNIK IS DECEASED. THIS UNIT REQUIRES THAT SUBJECT ESTABLISHES IDENTITY BY STATING THE OVERRIDE SEQUENCE NECESSARY TO TAKE CONTROL." The EggRobo stood stoically, a large container on it's back.




Knuckles couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Tails being dragged along by the CMC. "Hmm, so everyone'll be at 'Rarity's' eh? At least I won't have to chase everyone down and tell them individually." Knuckles stood in deep thought before realizing that they were leaving without him.

"Hey guys, wait up!" He shouted as he sped off after them.




Twilight had just reached the bridge that lead to the Everfree Forrest when two blurs passed by her almost simultaneously, the speed at which they traveled as they went by her almost made her get pulled with them, "Wah- Whoa!" the experience instead gave her a weird sense of vertigo, as she was being compelled to spin around from both sides. She collapsed in an attempt to steady herself. When she lifted her head she was greeted by the visage of Cadence, her faithful assistant Spike, and her loving brother Shining Armor.

"Oh thank goodness you guys are alright!" She said as she began hoping around them. "Wait a minute... Where's Fluttershy?" She stopped hoping and began interrogating them instead, all while walking back into Ponyville.

"You went in to look for her, didn't you? Were you not able to find her!? Ohmigosh, what if she's lost out there!? What if we're never able to find her!? What if that Eggman is back and he captured her!? What if she gets Roboticized!? What if we can't turn her back!? Whatif?whatif?whatif?whatif!?" She never let them get a word in edge wise as they approached Rarity's Boutique.




"Your party cannon might not work so well against an actual cannon Pankie... Just a thought." Applejack said honestly as they approached Ponyville from the brush. "Hey, take a gander over yonder Pankie!" Applejack exclaimed as she extended a hoof toward Rarity's Boutique, "Looks like Twi an' the others are meetin' up at Rarity's. Knowin' Twi, she's probably got this whole mess figured out and just needs the rest of us tah put it tah practice!" Applejack said praisingly about her friend. "Well, we ain't doin' no good here Pankie, let's get movin'!" She said with a wink as she rushed over to Rarity's.

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Tails didn't especially realize what was going on, until he was already halfway to it. He was stuffed in a wagon with the other three girls en route to Carosel Boutique, with a grinning Knuckles following. Laughing at him, no doubt. "Hmph."


Shining Armor ran to hug Twilight. "Twilie! There you are. I thought that you were..." He stopped and looked away. "Never mind what I thought..." He made his way with the others to the boutique, feeling strangely ashamed for some reason.


Scourge made his way to his feet. "Woah, slow down, Shadow. I stole these fair and square from Eggface, so they're mi-" He looked behind Shadow in the distance. "Hey... wait a minute! It's that sniper fellow! He's got one of my Chaos Emeralds!" He revved up and sprinted after Fang and Trixie, who were retreating quickly from the crystal empire.


((Post made. And before any of you lot. And I had surgery. Except Cranium, but he's more awesome then the rest of us standard players.))

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Princess Cadence listened carefully as Sonic told his tale when he was finished Cadence was about to say something when he sped away to Rarity's dress shop and gave out a sigh "well...at least i learned a little something..." she thought as Sally came up beside her "so...what did he say?" Sally asked nervously "he's not upset with you anymore if thats what you mean, but i'm going to have to think of something to help you two" she said as put one of her hooves to her chin as she kept walking "you really don't have to do this Cadence ...but thank you" the tomboy princess said softly, Cadence just smiled in response as they continued to Rarity's. When they got there, Twilight, while obviously worried about them, the purple unicorn began to worry about Fluttershy, it was Sally that stepped in "Twilight please calm down i heard her tell Sonic that she was going to go to see someone named Zecora, right Sonic? Sally asked the blue hedgehog hoping he could help calm her down.




"I'm sure my party cannon hold up after all it helped against the changelings!!!" Pinkie said happily before spotting the others and giving a gasp of happiness before zooming towards the others and stopping beside them "hey guys!!! Applejack and i went after some big meanies or rather AJ did and i followed after her and we learned a lot of stuff, right Applejack?" she said looking in the direction of Applejack.

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The CMC were among the first ones to arrive to Rarity's Boutique.  When they arrived, they saw Twilight, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence at the front door.  More so that got Scootaloo having her eyes widened was the sight of Sonic and Rainbow Dash racing for Rarity's Boutique.  "Hang on, girls.  We're gonna fly!"  Scootaloo said excitedly as she flapped her infantile wings faster to speed up their scooter which jolted their wagon.


Applebloom was holding onto the edge of the wagon.  "Whoa, easy Scootaloo.  We don' wanna bump Tails off the wagon!"  Applebloom warned her as they raced for the Boutique.




Amy was admiring the two Chaos Emeralds that Manik had in his hand until she heard the unmistakable sound of a Sonic Boom except that there were two Sonic Booms that occurred.  "I think that's Sonic."  Amy said matter-of-factly as she passed by Manik to head outside.  She was met with the smirking faces of Rainbow Dash and Sonic.


"Heh, that race was nothing.  Just wait til we have our real race.  I've been planning this race for a long while."  Rainbow Dash said breezily to him, extending her hoof for a hoof bump.


Sonic met her hoof with his fist bump.  "Yeah, we'll see just how slow you are when we do."  Sonic said to Rainbow Dash.  He looked over to his left to see Amy with Manik, Rarity, and Sonia.  "Hey, you three.  How's it going?"  Sonic asked cheerfully to them.  His eyes drifted to his siblings.  "Hey, bro and sis.  Wanna jam real quick or have you gotten rusty over the years after the Underground?"  Sonic asked his siblings cheerfully until he was tackled by three fillies.  "Ugh, what the?"  Sonic asked surprised as he saw that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were looking up at Sonic with wide eyes and big smiles.


"Sonic!  It's so good to see you!"  The CMC shouted in unison that made Sonic cringe a bit from the sheer force of their shout.  They let go of Sonic and Scootaloo got in front of Sonic and Rainbow Dash.  "So, how did it go?  Did you race?  Who was the fastest?!"  Scootaloo asked quickly to the two before Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on her muzzle.


"Easy there, Scoot.  That wasn't a real race.  I've already got one planned for the two of us."  Rainbow Dash explained to Scootaloo. before stepping back a bit.


Amy just had an idea pop into her mind about Sonic's request to his brother and sister.  "Oh, Sonic.  I think I got a good idea about that.  Maybe the Sonic Underground could play for the Grand Galloping Gala this year.  You guys would knock their...  Horseshoes off."  Amy suggested to Sonic and his siblings.  "This would also give Rarity an opportunity to show her seamstress abilities and get more business for her shop if she makes your outfits."  Amy added to them.  She didn't want to say, but she always loved the opportunity to go to a fancy gala.


Sonic pondered on this.  "Maybe, is it that kind of party?  Eh, doesn't matter.  We'll always bring the party, right?"  Sonic said cheerfully as he flicked his nose confidently.  His eyes caught sight of Manik's two Chaos Emeralds.  "Whoa, you got two Chaos Emeralds!  Nice work, bro."  Sonic said encouragingly to him with a thumbs up.


Rainbow Dash saw that again and still didn't know what the thumbs up meant.  "Maybe it means good job?"  Rainbow Dash thought to herself.




"Twilight please calm down i heard her tell Sonic that she was going to go to see someone named Zecora, right Sonic? Sally asked the blue hedgehog hoping he could help calm her down.


@, Somic paid his attention to Sally who asked him about Fluttershy.  He then noticed Twilight acting all flustered.  "Oh, yeah.  Fluttershy said that she was going to see Zecora.  Dunno who that is though..."  Sonic admitted to Sally and Twilight Sparkle.  Somehow, he couldn't help but think that Fluttershy and Cream would make fast friends.  It brought a small smile on his face for a second before looking back to Manik and Sonia.  "So, are we gonna jam or what?"  Sonic asked as he touched his guitar medallion.  The medallion materialized into an electric guitar that resembled the spines on Sonic's back.




Snively heard the EggRobo speak over the communicator asking him for the command override code.  Snively got visibly angry before speaking back.  "Listen you bucket of bolts!  It doesn't matter what your records tell you, I'm still here and I have been put in charge by Dr. Robotnik!  Alpha Foxtrot Tango Kilo One Four Seven Command Override Omega!"  Snively said to the Eggrobo over the intercom.  He was able to learn from Robotnik's memory of his command overrides when his queen read his mind.  "Now, I want you to get a transport to get the Roboticizer over here in Baltimare to subject them to roboticization."  Snively said to his transceiver.


Queen Chrysalis was looking through the eyes of her many children and one of them was looking at an interesting sight.  She was seeing that Sonic and his friends were back at the Carousal Boutique.  "I see...  So, they are all together again."  Queen Chrysalis said to herself, moving on through her other children's eyes.  She had to think of a way to disrupt them while allowing her time to get more ponies under her subjugation as well as Eggman's in order to keep up the ruse that she was going to completely help him conquer the world.


One pair of eyes that she was looking through brought her interest.  One of her children was watching a black hedgehog in the Crystal Empire.  She had surmised that this hedgehog was named Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form.  "Hmmm, if I were to subjugate him, his DNA would create much more powerful children among my ranks..."  Queen Chrysalis said to herself with a devilish grin.  She could see that he had a serious disposition, but there was a weakness in his heart.  He had lost someone very close to him by the very people that he saved from the destruction of his planet years later.  Not only that, but there was also a deep rivalry between him and Sonic.  An idea was raised into her scheming mind as she looked to Snively.  "Snively, tell the robot to also activate Hyper Metal Sonic and to activate his free will protocol.  Be sure to tell him that Sonic and his friends are also at Ponyville."  Queen Chrysalis requested to Snively, who relayed the message to the Eggrobo.


Her mind spoke to the changeling as she give it commands.  "My dear one...  Transform into the human Maria Robotnik and manipulate Shadow into killing Sonic and his friends."  Queen Chrysalis said to the Changeling scout.




Somewhere close by in the Crystal Empire, a voice called out for a single name.  "Shadow...  Shadow, where are you?"  The young female voice cried out on the outskirts of the city near the Everfree Forest.

Edited by Alex_Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"The Great and Powerful" Trixie Lulamoon

Trixie gave a shrill laugh at the spiny green hedgehog chasing her.


"Oh, look, another neigh-sayer. I am the great and powerful TRIXIE LULAMOON!" She boomed, as she shot a laser at the spiny green guy.

Fluttershy (Zecora Too!)

The duo was having tea in Zecora's hut.


"So, um, Zecora!" Fluttershy piped. "How did you figure out what eggman is doing?"


Zecora grinned. "My brew see's things in the future, however, it notify's others of my location, even a changeling creature."


Fluttershy's  ears flattened. "...Oh no...the changelings should know where we are?"


Zecora nodded.


"We should go, then!"


Zecora shook her head. "They know where we are, even at this second, if if we move from our location...even if crystal empire far."


Fluttershy attempted to think of a plan.


Rouge the Bat

Rouge flew down to Shadow with a frown on her face. "Scourge and that petty blue...unicorn ran away with my chaos emerald " Rouge pouted. "However...I did manage to nick these 'Elements of'...whatever those guys called them."


However, a familiar voice started to register in Rouge's ears as she was rambling.


"Wha...Shadow...that sounds like...um...Maria?" Rouge asked uncertainly. "It sounds a lot like her...at least, when we were on the ark."

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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