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private Sonic the Hedgehog: Friendship is Way Past Cool 2

Alex Night

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Snively started to grow tiresome and a little frustrated with the two imbeciles. "Enough, both of you." Snively said irritably to Trixie and Nack. Snively accepted the two Chaos Emeralds from Nack the Weasel. "Nack, you will be compensated as such when you..." Snively started off until his eyes reached the Crystal Heart.


The fake Snively did his best to not squeal at the sight of the wretched thing. "Nack! Where did you get this... Thing? We need Chaos Emeralds, not Crystal jewels! Get this rock out of my sight; I don't care what you do with it! Also, you'll be paid your amount when you finish the job of collecting the Chaos Emeralds." Snively said angrily to Nack, pocketing the two Chaos Emeralds. His eyes met Trixie's. "As for you, Trixie. Consider this an amnesty for helping our wily friend here retrieve these two Chaos Emeralds. I suggest you leave now while you still can." Snively said grimly to the blue unicorn, subtly warning of her fate of roboticization should she continue lingering any longer.


Snively started to walk away to the little area near the research laboratory where Robotnik was working in secret. Snively pulled out the two Emeralds and opened a special case with seven slots. He placed the two glittering Chaos Emeralds in different grooves before sealing the box. He made sure to set it where it will only open at either Robotnik's touch or Snively's. It was only a matter of time for their queen to exact her revenge and Robotnik was the key to it all. Him and his great castle in the sky. The Unicorn badniks were already hard at work using their abilities to help rebuild the Death Egg Mk. II. It was only a matter of time...




Twilight looked towards Rainbow Dash who volunteered to go with her to look for Fluttershy and Zecora. She did appreciate how they care, but she needed Rainbow Dash with the others. She was about to answer Rainbow Dash when she heard the commotion coming from Pinkie Pie who was flying all around the walls. "What in Equestria is going on in here?" Twilight asked aloud with a shocked expression before getting plowed through by Pinkie Pie. On the ground, she shook her head to try and regain her clarity. "Ooooohhhh, why doesn't anything go right?..." Twilight asked herself, now knowing that Pinkie Pie was on the loose.


Rainbow Dash watched Pinkie Pie go off, wondering how she can run so fast. Dash looked back down to Twilight. "Twi, I'll help Cadence and Sally go after Pinkie." Dash said to her quickly, knowing full well of how bad a hyper active Pinkie Pie is. She didn't wait for an answer from Twilight as she flew off at Sonic Speed to go after the three mares.


"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called after her, but she was already gone. Twilight sighed to herself as she had to keep going on trying to find Fluttershy. She got back up to her hooves and looked back towards her brother. She was about to call after him until she was interrupted by Rarity. She volunteered to Twilight that she would want to go after Fluttershy as well. "I thought you never wanted to go back into the Everfree Forest because of how... Unnatural and glum it was..." Twilight said a little bewildered to Rarity. She shook her head a bit before replying to Rarity. "Okay, but be ready. Sonic and Shadow are in there somewhere fighting and I'd rather stay out of the blast radius." She said to Rarity before looking back towards Shining Armor. "Shining Armor, come on. We have to find Fluttershy quickly." Twilight said to her BBBFF before galloping off for the Everfree Forest, optting to search for Zecora's tree house first.




Amy listened on at Fluttershy's story about she almost became the lunch of a group of timberwolves. Luckily for her, Amy was on the scene. "Well, I'm glad you're okay. Your friends have been worried about you. Lucky for you, Amy is here to get you back to safety." Amy said cheerfully to the timid Pegasus. She wondered how Fluttershy would take Cream. She thought that they would've been the best of friends. Tails on the other hand was a different story as it involved Fluttershy fawning over a two tailed fox that could talk.


Amy shook her head at the memory before looking back to Manik. "Manik, can you still move? We need to get Fluttershy out of these creepy woods..." Amy said in a leader-like voice. She knew that she had come a long way from just chasing after Sonic and her willingness to help were on par with her skills with her Piko Piko Hammer. Maybe it was because she was starting to feel independent without falling for Sonic all the time. No, it was for different reasons she thought. She stood with her hammer head in the ground and leaning on it like it was a post, waiting for an answer on Manik or for Fluttershy or her zebra friend.




The four CMC were speeding away on Scootaloo's scooter as they were escaping from the Carousal Boutique. "Okay, I think we lost them." Scootaloo said to the back wagon fillies as they saw Pinkie Pie running off in a pink blur for an unknown destination. "Ummm, was it really a good idea to give her coffee beans?" Sweetie Belle asked a bit concerned watching Pinkie Pie go off. AppleBloom gave Sweetie a wave. "Relax, Sweetie Belle. Pinkie will be jus' fine." AppleBloom said reassuringly, although she wasn't secretly sure if she believed her own words.


All of a sudden, another pink blur whizzed past the fillies to block their path on the bridge and it looked like Sonic's sister, Sonja. "Oh no, it's Sonic's little sister!" Scootaloo called out to the fillies as she tried to figure out a way around her. Her shocked expression turned to one of determination as she beat her little wings faster towards the bridge. "Scoot, are you crazy? We''ll be caught!" Babs shouted to her in her thick Manehatten accent. Scootaloo exchanged nothing back as she drew closer to the bridge, but then she veered off onto one of the edges of the bridge to fly over and away from Sonja like it was a ramp. All three wagon fillies screamed for their lives as they soared over Sonja in their attempt to get away from her. They were successful, but Scootaloo knew that she could be fast to catch up to them.




(Won't stop, Just Go!: Sonic Adventure 2)


Sonic sped through the forest floor of the Everfree Forest, zipping through the trees in a zig-zag fashion to see if Shadow could still keep up. "Not bad for a faker." Sonic said to Shadow with a cheeky smile as he started running upwards along a dug in tree trunk of a giant tree that had to be at least a hundred and fifty kilometers wide and a hundred stories tall. He rolled into a Spinball and started 'drifting' along the winding ramp of the tree where he damns friction and slopes with his uncanny speed.


Sonic looked back to ensure that Shadow was still following him. "Come on, Shadow. Let's see that Ultimate Life Form at work." Sonic said challengingly as he launched a spin maneuver technique at Shadow which was something new he picked up in his many battles after their race aboard the Black Comet when the Black Arms invaded Mobius.

Edited by Yami Alex
  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Alex Night,



Fluttershy smiled softly. "Um, well, you see, I like it here. I think i'll stay here with Zecora. Besides, she has a jist of what's going on. I-If that's okay with you..." Fluttershy sheepishly grinned.


"Fluttershy, go with her." Zecora told Fluttershy. "Later, it may not be safe for you to transfer."


"B-But there's less chance of the changelings attacking here!"




"...Fine, Zecora, i'll go."


Fluttershy walked up to Amy. "I-I...um...am ready to go..."


Trixie Lulamoon:

(inb4 Trixie gets robotized or...mind controlled or...legionized or...something...)


Trixie growled. How DARE they deny her passage. She cast an illusion spell to hide herself and followed Snively. 


She looked at that box with the grooves. She raised her eyebrow, and put her hoof onto it, as it sparked electricity, and caused Trixie's disguise to falter. "Ugh! Owch!"


Trixie looked at her burnt hoof, before staring at Snively. "...if you won't give Trixie those whatever the heck that is, then Trixie will find something even GREATER then those blasted emeralds! Trixie will venture into the Everfree Forest and find something unimaginable, something with a greater power then anything anypony can hope to accomplish! It's power matches Celestia, Luna, Cadence, AND Twilight Sparkle all mixed together, plus Discord! I shall get the Alicorn Amulet...however, I shall trade with you. If Trixie recovers the Amulet, which may Trixie add, let her completely take over a part of Equestria, and probably the rest if trixie hadn't gotten fooled into taking it off, of Equestria too, give me at least ONE of those jewels. I could make good money destroying it!" Trixie hadn't actually put on the Alicorn Amulet, and that last part was just bluffing, but she had the coin to buy it. If he wouldn't buy it, Trixie would put it on herself and get the emeralds herself!

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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"Pinkie!!! you have to calm down!!!" Sally called out to the pink pony, "I CAN'T SLOW DOWN!!!! SOMEONE ISN'T LETTING ME!!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled back to them as she continued to zip around Ponyville which caused the two princesses to skid to a stop and looked at each other in confusion. "do you have any idea what she's talking about?" Sally asked, Cadence gave a sigh "no i don't" she responded as she looked around and spotted a long banner and gave it a thoughtful look "i think i may have an idea" the princess of love stated as she flew over to it and took it down and flew back to Sally.


"i'm not certain this will work but lets try this, take this end and go to the other side of the road, we'll both pull when Pinkie comes through" Cadence said explaining her plan "it's better than nothing" Sally said taking her end of the banner "but how are we going to get her to come back this way?" Sally questioned "hmmm....i have an idea!!! Quick go to your spot!" Cadence told her quickly. The two princesses took their spots and Cadence cleared her throat "uh...Pinkie Pie!!! there are some cupcakes over that way!!!" Cadence yelled out to her pointing her hoof down the road. This caused Pinkie to stop in her tracks and turned to their direction with a crazed look still on her face "CUPCAKES?! WHERE?!" Pinkie yelled out as she ran in the direction of the said cupcakes.


"NOW!!!" Sally yelled out as they both pulled on the banner which Pinkie ran into, but the plan only half worked as while they were able slow the pink party pony down, she still didn't stop causing Cadence and Sally to be pulled along with her, their legs and hoofs skidding in the ground trying to hold for dear life. Sally cracked a eye opened as she tried to find something to help them when she saw Rainbow Dash "Rainbow!!! see if you can stop Pinkie while we're slowing her down a bit!!!" Sally called out to the cyan pegasus.

  • Brohoof 2
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Manic got up and looked around to get his vision to focus. As Amy asked him if he could still move, he nodded. "Don't worry about me Amy, I'm chill." He said cheekily and in a way hoping to impress Amy. He got his hover board and jumped on it. Immediately his board flipped and through manic onto the ground. This time, 3 Ristar sprits spun around his head. Manic looked up and saw that he had a unicorn horn on his head. He blinked and slowly got back up. "I think il just take it slow." He said with a small chuckle.




Sonia watched as the fillies got passed her. She face palmed as this reminded her about the times in the underground where she and manic had trouble keeping up with sonic when he was running at full speed.

She continued to chase after the fillies thinking up a new plan to get them to stop. Sonia got beside them, "this bike was made to keep up with sonic, you won't be able to outrun me." She yelled. She then passed them and got right in front of them again. She jumped up onto her seat and touched her medallion. With a pink flash, her keyboard appeared and then she started playing it. Pink smoke started to cover the place as she played her rift. She hoped they would stop, otherwise she would need to get rough.




Rarity shook her head, "twilight dear, I insist that I help you find fluttershy. Even if I do need to get my hooves a little dirty, I want make sure my friend is safe!" She said.

She followed twilight to the everfree forest to go find fluttershy and zecora. She knew that the everfree forest was no place for a pony like fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1



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Nack was confused at Snivley's response to the Crystal Heart. Surely it had some use seeing as it caused Snivley to cringe in fear. In the end Nack shrugged it off, perhaps he could pawn it for some rings back on Mobius. "Alright then Trixie I suppose you should-Trixe?" Nack called out. He looked around to see that the blue unicorn was nowhere to be seen. He could only assume she had either run off or Snivley had just robotized her despite his warning. Nack didn't really care either way seeing as she had served her purpose. "Well.....let's go find the rest of those emeralds." The weasel said to himself as he got on his air bike and sped off.



Seeing the incoming attack Shadow countered with a homing attacking, bouncing off Sonic. "Is that all? Your becoming soft Sonic." Shadow said. "Now it's my turn." Shadow then starting to spin around Sonic, going faster with each pass. Soon Shadow created a tornado around the blue hedgehog causing him to fly up a few feet in the air. Shadow then wall jumps off a nearby tree to Sonic kicking him down to the ground, causing Sonic to drop his Chaos Emerald.


~Metal Sonic~

Meanwhile Metal Sonic watched as the two hedgehogs fought. "Interesting. The black one's power levels are higher than usual, yet he has no Chaos Emerald." as soon as Metal said this, Sonic dropped his emerald giving Metal Sonic the perfect chance to swipe it. He quickly flew down and took the emerald, knocking Shadow out of the way to get it. "Heh. You know I'd love to watch you two tear each other apart but I have a world to destroy." Metal said before enacting a Chaos Control that maybe Sonic and Shadow could jump into.

  • Brohoof 2



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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  • 2 weeks later...

Snively finished locking the box that held the two Chaos Emeralds inside securely.  Snively smiled at himself before turning away to deal with a materials clipboard to help with supervision.  His attention was pulled away ten seconds later when he heard the distinctive sound of something trying to get in the case with the Chaos Emeralds.  He turned to see it was none other than Trixie, which made Snively facepalm himself.




Trixie looked at her burnt hoof, before staring at Snively. "...if you won't give Trixie those whatever the heck that is, then Trixie will find something even GREATER then those blasted emeralds! Trixie will venture into the Everfree Forest and find something unimaginable, something with a greater power then anything anypony can hope to accomplish! It's power matches Celestia, Luna, Cadence, AND Twilight Sparkle all mixed together, plus Discord! I shall get the Alicorn Amulet...however, I shall trade with you. If Trixie recovers the Amulet, which may Trixie add, let her completely take over a part of Equestria, and probably the rest of Equestria too, give me at least ONE of those jewels. I could make good money destroying it!" Trixie hadn't actually put on the Alicorn Amulet, and that last part was just bluffing, but she had the coin to buy it. If he wouldn't buy it, Trixie would put it on herself and get the emeralds herself!


Snively stared at Trixie who was going on in a monologue reminiscent of Doctor Robotnik.  After she was done, Snively felt ready to strap her into the roboticizer.  "Listen here, Trixie!  I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!  I gave you a chance to walk away with your life and you decided to try and steal the Chaos Emeralds out from under me.  Trust me when I say that your magic won't crack this open.  Frankly, since you think you have the-"  Snively started ranting visibly to the blue unicorn, ready to give the order to have her roboticized when he happened to look and see that green hedgehog was trying to open the case as well.


Scourge looked towards Snively.  "Well, this is embarrassing.  I may have left the password somewhere..."  Scourge said mockingly innocent to Snively.  This boiled Snively's veins as he raised his voice.  "Get that hedgehog!"  Snively yelled out loud.  Immediately, a plethora of Changelings and Badniks started to surround Scourge.  Scourge just smiled with a wicked cheeky grin.  "Awwww, that all you got, Snidely?"  Scourge asked, still retaining a cocky pose while flicking the collar on his leather jacket a bit.


Seeing how he couldn't open the case and he was surrounded by a bunch of robots and strange creatures, Scourge decided to take his business elsewhere.  He jumped into a Spin, hopping quickly on top of the Changelings and Badniks that were trying hard to grab the green hedgehog.  He was just out of their reach and on the edge of the Everfree Forest's east side.  "So long, suckers!"  Scourge said before running off into the forest at the speed of sound.



Queen Chrysalis/Maria watched as her cage of fire started to sink in the earth to drag Rouge to a far away place where she won't interfere with her plans.  "I think you might need some quality time underground..."  Maria cooed to Rouge before walking away from her.  She'd imagine that she would have a good time with the Diamond Dogs and all of the jewels that were down there.  She was doing her a favor by sending her down there in the long tunnel network with the jewels hiding all inside.


As soon as Chrysalis was out of Rouge's sight, she grinned wickedly as her eyes flashed green for a second.  "Phase one of my plan is well under way.  It seems our metallic friend is already giving them a run for the hedgehogs' money.  I'm sure he'll have plenty of fun before I put him underneath my hoof."  Chrysalis said to herself, thinking it was time to begin work on phase 2: diversion.  However, there was one loose end that she had to take care of.  A certain zebra will surely disrupt her plans and sooner or later, Sonic and his friends would figure out that she and Robotnik are working together.



The four Cutie Mark Crusaders successfully cleared the bridge and away from Sonia.  Scootaloo smiled cheekily at herself as she and the other CMC sailed away in their scooter wagon combo.  "Yeah, way to go Scoot!"  Babs said praisingly to Scootaloo.  However, it was shortlived when Sonia caught up to them telling them about how she can keep up with Sonic and they couldn't escape her.  The next action that she did confused the fillies as she brought out a strange looking keyboard and started playing.  As she was playing, the girls saw that pink smoke was forming all around her.  "Oh no, she's gonna make us crash!"  Apple Bloom exclaimed to the Crusaders.


Scootaloo looked to her left and all that greeted her was the Everfree Forest.  The Crusaders had been in there enough to know that it isn't a safe place for them.  Scootaloo didn't want to be put under 'adult supervision', so she took a chance and veered off to the left to break through into the forest.  "Hang on, girls.  It's gonna get bumpy."  Scootaloo shouted to the fillies, their eyes widening seeing them head for the Everfree.  "Scootaloo, are you crazy?!"  Sweetie Belle asked the orange Pegasus, her voice squeaking a bit saying crazy.  Unfortunately for Sweetie Belle, it seemed that way as she ran up the smooth side of a rock to break through the bushes and into the mysterious Everfree Forest.




Rainbow Dash flew around the town, searching for wherever Pinkie Pie went.  "Man, that pony has got surprising speed...  Where is she?"  Rainbow Dash asked herself, veering off to the right and bypassing the well in the town square.  Her ear flicked over to the left as she barely heard a commotion from what sounded like Princess Cadence talking about cupcakes.  She got the full attention when she heard Pinkie Pie screaming about cupcakes and a pink trail was running across the town.




"NOW!!!" Sally yelled out as they both pulled on the banner which Pinkie ran into, but the plan only half worked as while they were able slow the pink party pony down, she still didn't stop causing Cadence and Sally to be pulled along with her, their legs and hoofs skidding in the ground trying to hold for dear life. Sally cracked a eye opened as she tried to find something to help them when she saw Rainbow Dash "Rainbow!!! see if you can stop Pinkie while we're slowing her down a bit!!!" Sally called out to the cyan pegasus.


 Rainbow Dash flew down to see Princess Cadence and Sally Acorn trying to catch Pinkie Pie by pulling her with a banner only now she was dragging them.  Sally called up to Rainbow Dash, asking for her help to stop Pinkie Pie.  Rainbow Dash tried to think of an idea to stop Pinkie Pie and she got it as she flew upwards to grab a cloud hanging over Ponyville.  "Oh Pinkie Pie..."  Rainbow Dash called down to the pink pony, dragging her name out a bit.  She flew up ahead Pinkie Pie, staying just a little above Pinkie Pie.  Once she was in position with the cloud, Rainbow Dash gave the cloud a hard buck to cause a tiny bolt of lightening with a loud boom to scare Pinkie Pie into the hiccups and stop her running.




Amy looked over Manik who was trying to play cool with her, which only made her roll her eyes at him.  "Just like Sonic..."  Amy thought to herself, watching jump onto his board.  Unfortunately for him, he was thrown off of his own board and smacked his head into the ground.  He started growing a bump on his head and Amy facepalmed herself.  "Okay, maybe not like Sonic..."  Amy thought to herself before putting her attention back to Fluttershy and Zecora.


The words that Zecora spoke of to Fluttershy sounded very cryptic, although she really couldn't understand the full meaning of it and frustrated her to no end internally.  Amy could see that Fluttershy seemed very adamant about staying with Zecora, which is understandable given how they are in the Everfree Forest.  Eventually, Fluttershy relented and walked over to join her and Manik.  Amy smiled to Fluttershy before speaking.  "Don't worry, Fluttershy.  You'll be perfectly fine with me.  Nothing will hurt you as long as Amy Rose is here!"  Amy said to her reassuringly, striking a bit of ladylike pose as she spoke.


Her eyes fell back down to Manik and she stood normally.  "Well, we should be going then.  It was nice meeting you Zecora!"  Amy said to the group, giving Zecora a friendly wave before proceeding to Manik.  She helped him by the spines on his back.  "Come on, Manik.  Stop fooling around and let's get out of this place.  We need to get Fluttershy back to Ponyville."  Amy said to Manik, already walking forward with Piko Piko Hammer in hand.  Meanwhile, unknowingly to her and her party Chrysalis was stalking the swampy lands that were a part of the Everfree Forest.  She waited, stalking the zebra's hut until Amy and her friends were out of sight.  She grinned wickedly as she thought of how the Zebra would make a nice enthrallment to her ranks.






Seeing the incoming attack Shadow countered with a homing attacking, bouncing off Sonic. "Is that all? Your becoming soft Sonic." Shadow said. "Now it's my turn." Shadow then starting to spin around Sonic, going faster with each pass. Soon Shadow created a tornado around the blue hedgehog causing him to fly up a few feet in the air. Shadow then wall jumps off a nearby tree to Sonic kicking him down to the ground, causing Sonic to drop his Chaos Emerald.


Sonic rolled his spines across the leaning treetops going upwards.  He missed Shadow who went into a Homing Attack to bounce Sonic off, taunting the blue hedgehog about getting soft.  He was out of his spin and back on his feet with a grin.  "Oh, I'm just getting warmed up!"  Sonic said cheekily to Shadow.  Although he had to admit that Shadow was unusually stronger right now and he didn't have a Chaos Emerald of his own.  He started losing ground as he started flying in the air from a tornado that Shadow was forming only to be back kicked in the air.  The result of the kick sent Sonic flying into the side of the wooden runway and he dropped his blue Chaos Emerald.  Before Sonic could act on it, another blue blur smashed through Shadow and grabbed the Chaos Emerald.




"Heh. You know I'd love to watch you two tear each other apart but I have a world to destroy." Metal said before enacting a Chaos Control


Sonic looked to see that it was none other than Hyper Metal Sonic.  He didn't have much time to contemplate why he was back up and running as it was going to initiate Chaos Control.  "Oh no you don't, Chrome Dome!"  Sonic said quickly, landing quickly on his feet.  He ran towards Metal Sonic at a Sonic Boom to tackle Metal Sonic before it could finish the Chaos Control process, sending him and Metal Sonic flying off the giant oak tree.  "You want the world, you gotta go through me and I'll trash you again just as easily."  Sonic said to him jovially.  As if to emphasize his point, he pushed Metal Sonic down quickly with a Spin Attack, aiming to stun Metal Sonic until it crashed into the ground.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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@@Alex Night,


Trixie Lulamoon


Trixie smiled as she realised that Snively wasn't paying attention to her anymore. She scoffed as she once again attempted to open the case, to no avail, burning her hoof in the process. She growled, realizing that it would only open to Snively's touch. She quickly formed a plan that would get Snively angered at her...


Trixie shot some fireworks all around the room, damaging the room greatly.  She looked at the case, and slowly levitated it up as the room started to crack due to the fireworks destroying the support. Trixie grunted at how heavy the case was, and slipped away in all of the confusion, not getting far because the room crumbled down in an avalanche the second Scourage was in the forest. All of the robot's and changeling's eyes were on her now...and frankly, Snively was probably ticked at her. Which meant all of them were ticked.


Trixie quickly hid the case (Which was ridiculously heavy and due to the 'curse' it burnt at her magic) behind her back. She smiled at them.


"It's me or him. Who are 'ya gonna choose, suckers?" Trixie told them with a wink as she mustered up the last of her magic to do a smoke bomb, making her appear to 'disappear' from plain sight, however she really just ran away. She started to run, got about a mile away from where she started, but due to her magic and tiredness, and tripped, tumbling into a small hole, the case slowly following. She pushed her case over to one section of the hole, and passed out, overcharged, and accepting the fact she was going to be here for a couple of days, and begging to Celestia that she would still be alive and well when she woke up.


(...Trixie's going to be sleepin' for a while. In a hole. Yayyy...)


Rouge the Bat

Rouge growled as her cage started to sink into the ground. She sighed, upset she couldn't do anything.


"...ugh. At least I still have these fabulous jewels."

Edited by Shifting Gears
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The doctor had finished the test run of his machine, extracting more of the blue, chaos energy-infused substance from his malfunctioning E-100 Unit. "Ahh... So the process was a success. Good." The Doctor said to himself as he pushed a button, which sent the fluid transferring into a vat full of scrap metal and a few gems from around the area, as refined metal was scarce in Equestria. The liquid covered the metal in a goopy, gooy mess until it was impossible to determine that there was ever any metal there to begin with. "Now, computer. Engage the smelting process and begin molding sequence soon-after." Robotnik ordered of his newly built computer, and obediently the computer complied, no back talk or sass given, just mindlessly following it's programming. The way everything should. The way everything will, as far as the doctor was concerned.

Minutes later the metal and goo had been exposed to super-heated temperatures and became one, light-blue mixture, it was then funneled into several molds, to become parts for a new badnick, one to signify the return of the doctor, to announce the end of all freedom, and proclaim Robotnik as Emperor Eggman. After the metal cooled and was ready for assembly, Robotnik snapped his fingers and displayed a blueprint, within seconds several grab claws and mechanic bots entered the area, Robotnik didn't even need to say a word, they began assembly of the first military grade Badnik to grace Equestria since one year prior.

Robotnik left his makeshift laboratory to see the taken town whipped into a frenzy of chaotic behavior, Badniks pursuing some unseen entity that dashed into the woods, changelings flying about in a frenzy to look for some other thing that has disturbed thier new "nest" and the sight of a shop having been demolished and left smoldering, with Snively just outside of the debris. Such an angering sight to the Doctor for just moments ago he was in a room of complete order and structure. "Snively... Report, I want to know everything that has happened in the time of my absence, nothing left out, am I understood?" Robotnik said, completely seething with rage.




"Grrrr..." Knuckles slammed his fists into the ground, the force causing his body to rise into the air, he then shifted his weight in order to front flip back onto his feet, he saw Shadow speed off with a blue-blur, ~ Big mystery as to who that is. ~ Knuckles thought to himself as he got ready to pursue them. +"No Gaurdian, allow them to leave, your duties lay elsewhere.+ Knuckles gave a look of rage to nothing in particular, "I don't run from fights, Shadow started this! Now I'm going to wipe that smirk off his stupid looking mug once and for all!" Knuckles said as he began to take off after them again, only to feel the presence of another shard of the Master Emerald nearby, +"I'll ask you this, which is more important? Pathetic vengeance, or the power to change the World... For the better of course."+ Knuckles stood still for a moment, contemplating what he should do. He eventually turned his back to the hedgehogs and jumped high into the air, and glided off in the direction of uncompromising power.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sonia's eye twitched as the four fillies got out of her smoke trap, they where persistent little fillies. it sure did bring back a lot of memories of the underground. after a flash of pink light, she put her keyboard away and moved her bike closer to the Everfree forest. the terrain was filled with too much tree roots and other forest debris for her to go too fast. the bike may have sonic's speed, but it didn't have his agility. Sonia still needed to keep up with the fillies so she nodded and drove into the mysterious forest. as she drove through the forest, it reminded her of the first time she set foot on angle island. it was a mysterious forest that the ponies said is full of danger. if the danger is true, she would need to find the fillies fast.




Manic shook his head and watched as Amy was walking away, he got his balance back and picked up his hover board and started towards Amy. he followed her quietly as he didn't want to make a fool of himself even more. plus, he was also blinded by the sparkles that seemed to flow out the back of Amy's head; it was a beautiful.

  • Brohoof 1



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Pinkie Pie was still running as fast as she could despite being slowed down a bit by Princess Cadence and Sally "I DON'T SEE ANY CUPCAKES!!!!" Pinkie shouted out. then she saw Rainbow Dash fly over her and kicked cloud and saw a small flash of lightning and a boom of thunder which frightned Pinkie so much that she suddenly slid to a stop and somehow ended up on her back, this caused Cadence and Sally to shoot pass Pinkie and land in a heap on the ground, groaning in a bit of pain.


Pinkie stayed on her back for a few more seconds when she suddenly hiccuped which caused her to burst out laughing "totally awesome ~hic~ joke Rainbow ~hic~ Dash" Pinkie laughed. Cadence and Sally slowly stood up and looked at the laughing, hiccuping, pink pony "well...that's one way to stop a hyper pink pony...thanks Rainbow" stated Sally "indeed...thank you Rainbow Dash" Cadence responded tiredly before gasping "Rainbow Dash! i'm afraid there is another problem, Pinkie was hyper like that because Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed had given her coffee beans and then while we were trying to settle her down the three sped out of Rarity's store! we saw Sonia go after them...but given how much trouble they can get into..." Cadence trailed off worriedly.

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Once hurricane Pinkie Pie had been unleashed, there was little Applejack could do, she attempted to subdue Pinkie during her outburst, but she was never quite quick enough and all too often landed on her face. "Consarned it Pankie! What's up and gotten intah you!?" Applejack stated aloud, though was completely ignored by Pinkie as she began tearing across Ponyville, Princess' Sally and Cadence hot on her trail, along with Rainbow Dash. "Ugh, sometimes I just don't quite understand that pony.... How's about ya'll Cuite-" Applejack turned to the direction the CMC had been prior, only to find that they had left, Tails had just run out of the building, hot after something, she decided it had to be them. They, seemed to have quickly given Tails the slip, though they could've only gone to one place. "The Everfree Forest... Awww horsefeathers, I shoulda kept ah closer eye on the younguns, now they're probably gettin' into a whole heap o' mess." Applejack said to herself as she began galloping in the direction of the Everfree. Twilight was leading Shining Armor and Rarity through the Everfree Forest, toward Zecora's hut. "Thank you, you two. It means a lot knowing I can count on you for something as dangerous as this..." As Twilight finished her thought aloud, a thunderous boom could be heard from deep within the forest, indicating that Sonic had indeed found Shadow, and things hadn't turned out too well. "C'mon guys, let's get going before we get caught up in the middle too." Twilight picked up the pace as she began calling out for her friend, "Fluttershy? Where are you?"




Knuckles had been sailing for as long as the wind would let him, but he eventually had to land, and from there he continued his journey on foot, he eventually came upon a sort of flat area, with many mounds piled high on the ground, upon looking around, Knuckles discovered that these mounds seemed to be everywhere in the general area, with some mountain having been dug into as well, but that didn't matter to him, all that he knew was that the energy signature of one of the shards of the master emerald was emanating from here. "Humph, don't know what all these mounds are for, but whoever dug 'em up didn't find the shard, it's still underground..." Knuckles said to himself. After he finished his thought, Knuckles began digging through the ground effortlessly, but soon came upon a tunnel, that seemed to interconnect into even more tunnels. "Well, this is new... Sort of." Knuckles thought. It wasn't long however before he was descended upon by dog-like humanoid creatures that inhabited the tunnel network. "Who are you, red one?" Questioned a particularly ugly creature from the group. Knuckles shot him a crooked glare before responding, "I'm Knuckles, and something of mine is in these tunnels, I'm here to retrieve it and leave. That's all."

The dog was not too fond of Knuckles' tone, or his statement in general. "Well 'Knuckle-head', these tunnels are Diamond dogs tunnels, what's in here belongs to us!" The dog snapped, growling a bit. Knuckles shrugged and smashed his huge, hulking fists together. "Everyone must think they're sooooo clever when they call me that." Knuckles cracked his namesake as he began to limber up. "And I wasn't asking if it was okay to get what's mine back or not, I'm TAKING it back." Knuckles cocked his right fist back, getting ready to rumble with the dogs, though he would have to show some restraint, too much activity would bring the entire tunnel system down, which could endanger many lives, both above ground and below.

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