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Blazing Storm, Duran the lynx


@@Colt, @@dragon4111,



"Wow... Blazing im not into hot food but this is pretty good" were the words of Earth Miracle while she tasted the mix of flavors in the bowl, even some sweet details maybe some tropical fruits in there, it didn't matter it was good and for her right now that bowl filled of tasty chilly was doing wonders for her. "Im *munch much* so into *munch* your chilly now *MUNCH* oh... "


Blazing looked at Emi who enjoyed the Chili and smiled. "Thank you Emi. I am always trying new recipes, and i hope that you get some strength from this one. It´s good for your health and every is more easy if you have something in your stomache." the red pegasus said and was happy that Emi liked the food that much.



"witch bring us to you now Blazing Storm you say you know this dragon what can you say about him and how he is around ponies"


"Oh, so you want me to tell you my impression about Colt... now i understand. Even if he lost the storm of 100 questions i wanted to ask him, he is a nice guy i think. He found a job on Sweet Apple Acres, has a place to live... he is friendly, helps a lot and he is funny. He never hurt a pony and i don´t think he would do something like that. The rumors from the hospital are just stories from ponies who all don´t know anything about him. He spend a lot of time to be careful and he finally made some friends here. So here are my final sentences how i think about Colt..." she explained and leaned back a bit, drinking a bit coffee.


"Colt may be a dragon, but he has a golden heart. I think he is better and more friendly than some ponies that live in Ponyville. On my opinion i think he is as guilty as a new born filly. It wasn´t him." she finished.



On the other hand Emi was kind of frightened given her condition "Dont left me alone with him ok Duran... pls as a favor" she told to Duran's mind hoping for him to listen her plea.


Duran listened to Emis thoughts and there was just one answer he could think about... stretching contest! Since he was already lying on the same couch / seat Emi was laying on, he stretched himself, showing that he wouldn´t leave that easily. He had already eaten everything from the little bowl Blazing gavve him. It was delicious and now he was full. He cuddles near Emis fur and left wing and enjoyed the warmth she had on her side. He slowly started to purr.



"Blast it does some pony have anymore painkillers?" Draco asked with a smiled on his muzzle. He wanted to put the others at ease.


"Painkillers?" Blaze asked Draco. "We don´t have painkillers here. You can get some at the hospital. I am sure if Miss Sparkle finished her questions, she would go with you to the hospital again and get some of these medical things..." she answered to Draco. "But you should get them soon, because it´s getting dark outside...." she answered to Draco and looked outside the windows. It was already evening time. "So, are there any more questions Miss Twilight?" she asked and looked at the Unicorn again.

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"Blast it. I'll deal with the pain then. And to add onto what Blazing said. Colt would never ever hurt some pony. I trust him with my live and the lives of my two other friends. Sorry for that little outburst though. I'm an emotional stallion so yeah I've got nothing else to say so I'll just shut my mouth and enjoy my coffee," Draco said as he drank his coffee in silence. He didn't want to even sleep tonight.

Iron Wing,Colt

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Now more relaxed and starting to feel better Emi enjoyed her tasty dinner while carefully listening  to the explanation of the purple unicorn about what happened in the hospital. She was ready to reply at the slightest ill comment but to her surprise all the "delicate" matters were handled in the most fair of ways by Celestia's # 1 Student. "Wow, no wonder why everypony talks about her in canterlot, oh wait till I tell them I got to knew her.... should I ask for an autograp?" Emi thought realizing for the first time in the day she was very close to a celebrity... and maybe to Celestia herself. Emi's  mind began to think of many things related to her brother Canterlot and Twilight Sparkle but all of that was cut of by the more than kind words from Blazing Storm.



"Colt may be a dragon, but he has a golden heart. I think he is better and more friendly than some ponies that live in Ponyville. On my opinion i think he is as guilty as a new born filly. It wasn´t him."



For the first time in... well too much Earth Miracle listened to kind words about Colt coming from somepony other than her. She felt dazed and full of hope and relief after all she was the one that told him Ponyville was a good place to stay "You really found some one like her others like her?" she questioned herself thinking of Blazing and of course that Iron Wing.


Twilight Sparcle


With complete attention and complete silence Twitlight took note of each one of the words the fiery mare had to say not making any remark or particular expression all was recorded in the paper by ink and sealed with a last spot to finish the testimony. "Thank you very much Ms. Blazing Im sure this will all be of great use to my investigation" hurtfully for the unicorn she knew hard times were to come without the testimony of the guardian in charge and witness of all the ruckus. "Well I think all my dealings here are done, and my job is far from done. Im sorry for all the inconveniences "



"Blast it. I'll deal with the pain then."


"Dont be ridiculous Mr Omally, you were almost killed today, just some hours ago and your wounds look like they could open any moment now ", said the mare toting to Draco while storing her notes in her saddlebag. "And those wings look like swelling once again I think the best for you would be for me to escort you to the hospital..." she stopped for a second and completed. "you are not going to let a mare walk by herself at night do you Mr. Omally?" she completed with a smile towards Draco.





"applejack. Maybe i can get an apple from your farm later? i had all types of apples but not from here."


"You know wha' fix this bad boy and you will be tasting half a dozen of our finest Pacific Roses for you to enjoy with one jar of two of our Cider, how does that sounds pal?"  Said AppleJack while rolling some gears around to let hank work.

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He smiles as he nods "that sounds good.Applejack.. anything that is electrical i can fix.." he smiles as he makes sure all rhe gears are fixed as he does a test run "so.. applejack.. i think its fixed.infact.. i know i am correct." He smiles and pats her back. "So.. applejack.. do you wish that we could be brothers?"



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"Don't be ridiculous Mr. O'Malley, you were almost killed today, just some hours ago and your wounds look like they could open any moment now ", said the mare toting to Draco while storing her notes in her saddlebag. "And those wings look like swelling once again I think the best for you would be for me to escort you to the hospital..." she stopped for a second and completed. "you are not going to let a mare walk by herself at night do you Mr. O'Malley?" she completed with a smile towards Draco.

Draco sighed as he stood up slowly "Once more Blast my chivalrous spirit. I guess I won't be here to help you Blazing. If you not busy Blazing how about a coffee at this nice café I know?" Draco asked as he smiled and then winced. "I'll get you're answer later it's time for this courier pony to bow out," Draco said as he walked to Twilight "Shall we milady?" Draco said opening the door for her. He began to hum a song so he can ignore the pain. He looked to Twilight "Me escorting Celestia's student hmm it's interesting the stars I mean. The zebras have legends about it you know," he said out loud.

@Iron Wing,@Colt

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Blazing Storm


@@Colt, @@dragon4111,



"Well I think all my dealings here are done, and my job is far from done. Im sorry for all the inconveniences "


Blazing was shaking her head a bit. "Thats not a problem. I love to help..." she replied to the mare and got up from her seat. It seemed that Twilight had now every detail she needed to continue her research somewhere else. Of course she would need to ask Iron Wing too about this situation. Blaze looked outside the window and it was getting dark already. "Oh my, the day almost is over. I think you should hurry to get home before it´s too dark outside..." she said to the unicorn.



"Dont be ridiculous Mr Omally, you were almost killed today, just some hours ago and your wounds look like they could open any moment now ", said the mare toting to Draco while storing her notes in her saddlebag


"Ms Sparkle is right, you should get into the hospital again to get some rest and to use some of these painkillers. It´s getting dark so we can see how you are doing tomorrow. Also i have some things to do tomorrow since i found a house where i can live. I have to do some preparations within the new house and to buy some furniture..." she replied to Draco and Twilight. It was true, she had found a house where she wanted to live and she had enough bits to buy it. The contract was already done so everything she had to do now was to move in and bring furniture.



"Me escorting Celestia's student hmm it's interesting the stars I mean. The zebras have legends about it you know," he said out loud.


Yep, Draco definitely needed some medical attention since he started to talk about strange things that made no sense at all. Blaze got to the door and opened it for Twilight and Draco to walk outside. "Bye bye! See you around!" she just said and closed the door after both left. She went to the living room again where Emi and Duran were waiting. "Well, it´s getting late. i guess i prepare the beds. Or do you want to know anything Emi? I feel we had been interrupted earlier..." she asked the pegasus.

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"Me escorting Celestia's student hmm it's interesting the stars I mean.

The purple mare giggled a little in response to Draco's curious words and the fact that he mentioned the stars was certanly interesting for the unicorn "Well I dont know if there are any signs in those cosmic bodies but I do enjoy your gallant escort Mr Omally... I didnt knew you were interested in astronomy maybe when you recover we could see some stars using my telescope " she then listened to all what he said about Zebras and Legends "Im sure i never heard legends about me and a currier from Zecora but that would sure be a good nighttime story" she giggled once again.



"Bye bye! See you around!"



"Ok, lets go straight to the hospital, we need to get you over there soon and have some treatment on you Im sure in a few days you will be as good as new" she said walking into the night. 


"Well, it´s getting late. i guess i prepare the beds. Or do you want to know anything Emi? I feel we had been interrupted earlier..."

Draco and Twilight left the tower at the same time the bowl of chilly was over feeling how her strength was beginning to return, with some curiosity in her eyes and with her nature of being straight forward Emi "I wouldn't  say interrupting but I would love to talk a little with you…" she said to Blazing Storm “oh how to say this…oh feathers …. Well its just that there aren’t many ponies around that would say what you said about my brother.” She paused and smiled “I…wanted to thank you and... well we have been traveling to found our place and well I think I find mine but he never made it to fit anywhere…”  some pain was once again blooming in Emi’s chest but she contained that and continued “Now there are ponies defending him… like that farmer with the hat and Ms. Sparckle, you of course and… Iron Wing did he changed since he got here…. ” the ache and uncertainty in Emi made some damages inside as she thought “Was I the one keeping him away from the world away from others?”
Snapping out of her daze she tried to stand up to feel how her legs once again went numb taking her down to the now very familiar floor of the tower. “oh shoot!, Blazing im sorry for asking but could you help me upstairs… I think your chilly was good but nor a miracle medicine” she said forgetting a little about the dragon/pegasus couple making a silly face to her host and holding Duran over with her wings.



"Yehaa" said the mare with joy as soon as the gears and stone started to move again. "Ya' did it hank!, now we can start to make that cider again " she gave the white pony a friendly noogie with her hoof.




"So.. applejack.. do you wish that we could be brothers?"


"erhm... I dont know if we can become brother and sister hank... I mean... well... ya' know mom and pops..." the question from Hank took Applejack from joy to melancholy almost in an instant with the memories of her parents touching very sensitive fibers in her heart  "But hey.." she said with a slight smile "we can always be friends" she turned around and wiped out something from her face that hank was unable to see "Come on sugar cube, Im gonna get ya' those apples"

Edited by Colt
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The purple mare giggled a little in response to Draco's curious words and the fact that he mentioned the stars was certanly interesting for the unicorn "Well I dont know if there are any signs in those cosmic bodies but I do enjoy your gallant escort Mr Omally... I didnt knew you were interested in astronomy maybe when you recover we could see some stars using my telescope " she then listened to all what he said about Zebras and Legends "Im sure i never heard legends about me and a currier from Zecora but that would sure be a good nighttime story" she giggled once again.
Draco chuckled "Astronomy is interesting yes. I use the stars when I lose my maps. My name comes from a constellation you know Draco. There," Draco said as he pointed to the dragon shaped constellation. "Of course the griffins have legends about it too. I can tell you one of the legends that dragons themselves tell or who remember them,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Yehaa" said the mare with joy as soon as the gears and stone started to move again. "Ya' did it hank!, now we can start to make that cider again " she gave the white pony a friendly noogie with her hoof.



"erhm... I dont know if we can become brother and sister hank... I mean... well... ya' know mom and pops..." the question from Hank took Applejack from joy to melancholy almost in an instant with the memories of her parents touching very sensitive fibers in her heart "But hey.." she said with a slight smile "we can always be friends" she turned around and wiped out something from her face that hank was unable to see "Come on sugar cube, Im gonna get ya' those apples"

Hank nods "well.. we could be family.. its not hard.. i can.just go and make it so we are.. like i am adopted or something.. or you could make me an honorary member.. i can tell your sad.. want to talk about it? Ill tell you something about me.. im not from here.. i am from a different planet.. i came here after my people and another race went into war.. i didnt want to die. So i took a time machine.. and teleported here.. i had to kill my race.. the timelords.. but.. i heard about doctor whooves here.. he is a close friend of mine. when i first got here.. i got taken in by celestia.. and she gave me to twilights parents.. i was an alicorn.. but.. sombra.. got me.. and tortured me.. until he got banished before you came.. to stop him.. andcelestia got me.. and took me to be her solider.. and her coltfriend.." he sighs as he is tearing up



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(OOC: Well, this is going to far now. @@kappa214, not that you have a weird bio for your character and i am wondering why you even got accepted, you are writing about something which is NOT within your character bio. Dude, this is a pony world with no big technology. You just CAN´T be from outer space, be an alien creature or have a laser sonic screwdriver thing! Things already got weird within this roleplay and now it´s repeating again, and to be honest i don´t want to be part of it. So i will leave this roleplay to find a better one somewhere. I am sure that @@Colt, thinks the same, or at least something similar. I wish you both, @@kappa214, and @@dragon4111, much fun together since you both are the only roleplayers left within this rp. I´ll do a short post in the OOC thread aswell. Bye!)

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(OOC:Hey I'm staying in character here. Draco travels the land delivering things from and to other's. So he'll hear and learn legends about a few things. So sure he got a little depressed abit but I'm fixing it aren't I? anyhow I'm just waiting for Colt to reply right now) Great. Well thanks for the rp but since this went down quickly*looks to kappa214* I guess I'll see about making a rp with Colt and Iron here))

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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( well.. i could leave.. or remove everything about hank that doesnt fit.. if it make you all stay... I dont want to be the one that makes it so you all quit.. i dont like to be the one blamed for everything.. i really dont. It makes me feel horrible... I will go tone down my message..)



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