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ooc Silverwisp starts a Roleplay

Silverwisp the Bard

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Come closer my friend, yes you, I could tell you were special. You're not looking for another dating RP or an overly grimdark Fallout or Halo setting you want the good stuff. Come closer, my friend and listen to the bard songs...


We're approaching the 3000th anniversary of the Founding and Equestria is more powerful than she has ever been. We have grown prosperous under the rule of the Sisters and peace has endured for generations.  In all of the world, who could rival our bountiful harvests, is there any place of learning that could rival the royal college of Canterlot up high? Of all the races and warlike tribes, can any hope to match the armored might of the pegasi?

Our glory shines far: From the frozen shores of Shetland to the burning planes of the Zebra tribes, from the yurts of the Aduu in the east to the stone pyramids of the steaming jungles beyond the western sea, from all the corners of the world, wealth and knowledge stream into our hallowed land.

But not all is well my friend: Rumors are spreading about the witch-king Sombra in the north, ponies throughout the country a plagued by strange dreams. The Griffons, once our closest allies have grown distant to us and the tone between our nations grows sharper with each passing month. Worst of all are the heretical tales told of a growing cleft between the Princesses, that tell of a war in the Heavens.

And so, while the wise caution for unity and strengthening old bonds, others already scream of a second Long Winter and the return of Chaos eternal.

The fate Equestria hangs in the balance, my friend. She is in need of heroes.


So yeah, I've dabbled in RP quite a lot in the past and have finally decided to combine it with my passion for MLP. The setting will be Equestria a couple of years before Luna's banishment and have the players go on various missions to try to spread the spirit of harmony and thus strengthen Equestria against outer and inner foes.

For this, I will be using a very bare-boned system, I've used for forum-RPs before (rules below).

Since this will be somewhat similar to DnD, it would be preferable to have an hour-long session once a week/bi-weekly. From my experience, around 5pm EST works best.


If there's enough interest (3 people should be fine), I'll run a game next week.


The rules:



The Rules



-The game consist of one Game-master (GM) and several players


 -Each player controls 1 pony avatar that possesses the following stats:

Dexterity (D) determines how agile the pony is on his hooves (or wings) and how fast he/she reacts to sudden events.


Strength (S) determines the pony’s raw brawn and how well he/she can bring it to bear. Flexing your muscles can also be used to impress or intimidate.


Toughness (T) determines how tough the pony is and how well he/she does at straining exhausting tasks.


Wit (W) determines the pony’s ability to think, recall knowledge from years past and steer a conversation. Unicorns use their Wit to cast magic.


Willpower (WP) determines the pony’s ability to face scary situations and resist magic.



There are also two secondary stats:

Hitpoints (HP) indicate, how many serious blows a pony can take before passing out.


Fight (F) shows how adept the pony is at landing blows and defending from opponents.



Stat Tests:In some situations in the game will call for a test of one of these stats. These tests will usually have a level attached to them (e.g. D8+ for a complicated dance) .To do so, roll a six-sided die, add your stat value and then announce the result to the group. If you meet or surpass the level of the challenge, you have succeeded.

Example: To advance down an abandoned mineshaft, a door has to be forced open (S10+). Oak Heart, a mighty earth pony stallion with Strength 7 steps forward. The roll shows a 5 and he batters the wood to peaces easily (7+5=12).


Players can also decide to up the difficulty to perform truly impressive deeds.


Example: Sweetberry, an earth pony mare (D4), decides to impress the company at an inn by not only dancing on her hindlegs (tricky enough at the best of times: D7+), but also juggle cidermugs at the same time (raising it up to D9+). Her player then rolls a 4, resulting in failure and a lot of spilled beverages.




Sometimes violence is unavoidable. Fighting takes place in rounds. Per round each participant

(in order of Dexterity) can move a short distance (Dexterity in meters/double that distance if flying) and/or attack an opponent.

To land a blow, the attacker rolls a die and adds his/her Fight value, the defender does the same. If the attacker’s result is greater than the defender’s, the blow lands.

The attacker now rolls a die and adds his Strength. If the result is greater than the defender’s Toughness, the defender loses one HP. If the result is more than double the defender’s Toughness, the defender loses 2 HP and so on.

A fighter that has already been attacked may not move or attack any other target than his current opponent.


Example: Amber Storm, a pegasus (D6, F5, S4) swoops in to save her unicorn friend from a changeling (D4, F3, T5). Her player rolls a 4 for the attack, the GM controlling the changeling a 2. Amber easily overwhelms the creature but a to-wound roll of 1 means that she does little more than scratch the creature’s carapace. She has however fulfilled her goal of keeping her friend safe for this round.



The most important rule: Have fun, be honest.

 In order to keep this simple, I won’t monitor your dice rolling. However, no game I ever ran ever resulted in failure or success because of dice. This is not a competition, there’s nothing to win and no one likes a cheater.


The second most important rule: Roleplay over diceplay

Most challenges can be worked around and some of the best I games, I’ve witnessed had not more than a handful of dicerolls in them.

Example: The party tries to convince a greedy old unicorn sorcerer to reveal the location of a magic gem they need to appease a rampaging dragon. To pry the information from him would be very difficult indeed (W12+), but if the players were to point out the effect dragon flame would have on, let’s say, a tower filled with ancient books and scrolls, he might change his opinion.


The third important rule: This is not WoW

Boni, rewards and experience will be rewarded for good roleplaying and finding creative solutions, not battering the maximum number of diamond dogs into the ground.




Character Creation



To create your very own character or adapt your OC, just follow these steps:

1.   Choose a name, gender and species

2. Choose your stats

3. Note perks and choose up to 3 advantages and the same number of disadvantages

4.   State your character’s cutiemark and profession (effects are determined by the GM)


Hint: An OC with a very well done backstory will receive a small bonus (such as the chance to get a pet, a cool little piece of equipment....)


1.  Choose a name, look, background and species for your character.

Pretty basic stuff.


2. Stats



Every pony starts with the same stat line:


 Protopony: D3, S3,T3, W3, WP3


You then get to spend 3 points to raise the value of one stat by 1 (not more than 2 for one stat).

Next you apply the modification that comes with your species of choice:


Earth Pony: +1 to either Strength or Toughness, +1 to another stat of choice.


Pegasus: +1 to Dexterity.


Unicorn: -1 to either toughness or Strength, +1 to Wit.



Once this is done, you determine Fight and Hitpoints (normal rules for rounding fractions apply):

Fight:  (D+WP)/2

Hitpoints: (S+T)/3



3.  Perks and (dis)advantages



Every pony gains a perk corresponding to his/her species:


Earth Pony: Versatile: May take on more advantage, than disadvantages



Pegasus: Wings: The pony can fly and carry up to his/her weight (roughly determined by

Toughness) into the air.

Cloudstrider: The pony can walk on clouds, move them and manipulate their shape.



Unicorn: Magic Horn: The pony can cast magic. The pony can levitate small objects and can choose one

spell from the Basic Spell list. He/she can cast the spell once a day.


Once you are done with this you can choose up to three advantages and the same number of disadvantages (try to avoid contradictions such as using Royal Descent and Crossbreed).



Some advantages/disadvantages are species-specific, others are universal.




Earth Pony:



Iron Will: Earth ponies are notoriously stubborn, some say too stubborn to die.

Whenever the pony would lose His/her last HP, roll a die. If result is equal or smaller than the pony’s Will, the HP-loss is ignored.

That all you got?


Well known family: Among the many Earth pony families in Equestria , some are known and loved all over the country.

+2 to all rolls on Wit when dealing with earth ponies.

You’re an Apple? My favourite aunt was an Apple!


Child of the Earth: Some say that only the earth ponies still feel the songs that created Equestria in their bones. +1 to all rolls on Strength and Toughness while touching Equestrian soil (not rock, stone, floor boards ect.)

Can’t you hear it?


Stubborn: Many Earth ponies have a deep distrust of magic.

+3 to rolls on Willpower when resisting magic.

We don’t want your mumbo-jumbo around here.







Arcane Mastery (may be taken up to 3 times): Some simply use magic, others embrace it.

Each level of Arcane mastery gains the unicorn an additional spell and raises the numbers of spell he/she can cast per day by one.

Let’s see if this works…


Royal Descent: Even though there has not been a unicorn king or queen in Canterlot for centuries, many unicorns would rather part with all their gold than with their heritage.

Why, yes the blood of queen Platinum does flow in my veins.


Bookworm (may be taken up to three times): The unicorn has amassed vast knowledge in a certain field of study. +3 to rolls on Wit concerning a chosen theme (such as history, biology, engineering ect.).

Wait, I’ve read about this.


Magic Compass:  The unicorn can detect the presence (but not the nature) of magic nearby.

The Unicorn can sense the presence of magic and its location in relation to him/herself.

Wait, there’s something over there…







Mastery of the weather (can be taken up to three times): Given the right conditions, a small number of pegasi are capable of laying waste to an entire countryside.

I: the Pegasus can effortlessly maneuver in storms and manipulate rain clouds

II: The pegasus can manipulate snow and hail clouds

III: The Pegasus a can manipulate Storm clouds including aiming and releasing lightning


Blood of Heroes: The Pegasus can trace his/her ancestors back to the days of the War against Chaos.

+2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with pegasi.

Ever heard of Commander Tempest?


Lightning Reflexes: The unicorn is experienced at flying and dodging under the most extreme conditions.

If unburdened, the unicorn can fly at full speed through potentially fatal environments (such as thick forests or the rafters of a roof) without having to roll a for Dexterity.

Left, right dive, fold in left wing, pull up…


Martial Upbringing: The Pegasus was raised in the old ways of the pre-unity tribes.

+3 to Fight. When fighting with a spear, the Pegasus gains +1 Strength.

Thrust like you mean it!




Universal Advantages:




Silvertounged: The pony has a way with words.

+1 to rolls on Wit, when conversing.

I’m so glad I ran into you, you got to let me buy you a drink..


Attractive: The pony is pleasant to look upon.

+2 to Wit when dealing with members of the opposite sex (or homosexual members of the same).

Well, look at that.


Heirloom: The pony owns a treasured and possibly magical item.

The pony owns an item such as a little gemstone or a small mirror. The player is free to choose the magical effect of this item (as long as the GM sanctions it).


Brave: The pony is not easily intimidated.

+2 to rolls on Willpower when facing danger. 

Let’s do this!


Lucky: The pony is seemingly favoured by some higher power.

The player may reroll one failed die roll per session.

Yay, I win again.





Earth Pony:



Prejudiced against Unicorns: -2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with unicorns.

Bunch of snobs, wouldn’t know a plow from a rake.


Narrow World View: The pony struggles to let new change his/her perspective. 

-1 to Wit when dealing with non-ponies.

You know, what them foreigners are like.







Prejudiced against Pegasi: -2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with pegasi.

Ruffians and brutes, the lot of them.


Affinity to Magic: Magic shapes the user just as he shapes it.

-2 to rolls on Willpower when resisting magic.

Those who would have magic's might must too pay magic's price.


Wild Magic: Not all unicorns possess the calmness of mind to safely use magic.

Whenever the unicorn's player rolls a one when casting a spell, a magical accident occurs (GM specifies effect).

Ribbit, ribbit.







Illiterate: The Pegasus cannot read.

In my youth I had better things to do than make paper talk.


Prejudiced against Earth Ponies: -2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with earth ponies.

Surprise, surprise: an earth pony without ideas.


Weak Wings: The pegasus’ wings are not fully developed.

Halves flying speed and the weight the pegasus can carry while airborne.

We can’t all be Wonderbolts.





Universal Disadvantages:



Scarred: An illness or fight has left its mark on the pony.

-2 to rolls on Wit when conversing (except for the "right" kind of company)

Hurts, when its about to rain.


 Crossbreed: Though hard to tell for outsiders, to other Equestrians the pony’s mixed ancestry is written plainly on his/her face.

-2 to rolls on Wit when conversing with ponies who put emphasis on their “pure” descent.

No true unicorn would mingle with farmers.


Clumsy: The pony is prone to minor accidents.

The GM may force the player to reroll a single successful die roll per session.



Inability for X: The pony could not perform a certain task well to save his/her life.

-4 to stat rolls for a certain area of expertise (singing, giving a public speech …., must be sanctioned by GM).  

If I give you two bits, will you stop singing?


Fear of X: The pony is terrified of some creature or circumstance.

-3 to all rolls while in the presence of the fear’s cause (a certain animal, heights, tight spaces ..., needs GM’s sanction).

Do we have to stay so close to the cliff?







4. Cutiemark/Profession

State your characters cutiemark and profession. The GM can use this to determine some additional bonus for your character.



Now your character is ready for action. Yay







Spells for Beginners: to use a spell, a unicorn’s player rolls a die and adds the unicorns Wit.


Light: The unicorn’s horn glows and illuminates the surrounding area. W5+

Fi, Fa Funkel


Minor Illusion: The unicorn conjures up blinking lights, multicoloured puffs of smoke or an equally distracting image. W7+

Now you see me...


Advanced Levitation: The unicorn can not only manipulate larger objects (up to a combined size and weight of a pony) with magic but also hurl them at foes or use them as a shield.  W8+

Eat cabbages!


Cloudwalker: The unicorn enables a group of ponies to walk on clouds for one day. W5+ (+1 for every additional pony after the caster)

Try to not think heavy thoughts.


Gills: The unicorn enables a group of ponies to breathe both air and water for a day. W5+ (+1 for every additional pony after the caster)








If all of this has not scared you off yet, feel free to submit your characters.




Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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My goodness! Lot of guidelines to be read. I don't even know if I could study this system in a day. What the hell, I'll give it a shot.

My good old OC, Lance Vanguard, Lieutenant of the Royal Guard. An Earth Pony with a fair amount of military experience.


I'll follow up on this soon once I've fully examined the rules. Good luck.


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My goodness! Lot of guidelines to be read. I don't even know if I could study this system in a day. What the hell, I'll give it a shot.

My good old OC, Lance Vanguard, Lieutenant of the Royal Guard. An Earth Pony with a fair amount of military experience.


I'll follow up on this soon once I've fully examined the rules. Good luck.


As long as you change it to Lance's great great dad, who lived during this setting wink.png

I cleaned up the rules somewhat and will post an example for character creation later tonight.


Also, the characters will start out as "average" ponies with better stats and additional abilities gained by doing well in the game (such as higher level spells, pegasi being able to use Spitfires airslicing and so on).

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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As long as you change it to Lance's great great dad, who lived during this setting I cleaned up the rules somewhat and will post an example for character creation later tonight.   Also, the characters will start out as "average" ponies with better stats and additional abilities gained by in the game (such as higher level spells, pegasi being able to use Spitfires airslicing and so on).
 Message received. I can easily make the appropriate adjustments and records on his page. Thanks for the reply.


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This sounds like just my type of game. Count me in! I will be fairly busy the next day or three, but after that I should be able to post regularly.

Now, to pick an OC...

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Can this only be played by ponies?? My OC is a dragon and I would like to get him  into this stuff sounds like my type of thing, here you can get to know him better http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/colt-the-dragon-r2023.  Ill be wating your answer. 

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Alright, here is my fresh and clean OC ready for action. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/jabbermouth-r2076

And in case it matters, here are the stats I came up with:




D3 +1 = 4

S3 -1 = 2
T3 = 3
W3 +2 = 5
WP3 +1 = 4
Fight: ~4
Hitpoints: ~2
Magic horn: Can cast magic. Levitate small objects, one Basic Spell once per day
Silvertongued: +1 to Wit rolls when conversing
A life of slippery sales and smooth words has left Jabbermouth with a talent for talking.
Attractive: +2 to Wit when dealing with members of the opposite sex or homosexuals
Sometimes words don't cut it - that's when Jabbermouth's looks kick in.
Way of the Scoundrel: (GM-giving ability) +1 to Wit when dealing with small-time crooks (poachers, pickpockets, thieves, etc.)
Remember that time I didn't rat you out to the Guard? Yeah, now you owe me.
Clumsy: GM may force player to reroll a single successful die roll once per session
Just because he talks a good game doesn't make him eloquent at walking.
Fear of Heights: -3 to all rolls while in the presence of heights
Bad memories, man. Bad memories.
Minor Illusion: Conjure up blinking lights, colored puffs of smoke or an equally distracting image. DC: W7+
Wait, you say this magic amulet doesn't glow?...[huff] okay, how about now?
Cutiemark: A white pony head with a silver tongue; can reroll a failed die roll during a conversation once per session/day (GM approved)
Profession: Travelling (swindling) merchant
Starting gear: Saddlebag with merchandise, a small collection of false beards and manes

Edited by Kolth

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Well, I have finished my Character, making changes and additions where necessary. Here's the link and here's the statistics I have chosen for my OC. (Cutie Mark ability yet to be confirmed.)



Lance Vanguard







Fight:  8/2

Hitpoints: 10/3


Wings: The pony can fly and carry up to his/her weight (roughly determined by toughness) into the air.

Cloudstrider: The pony can walk on clouds, move them and manipulate their shape.



Brave: The pony is not easily intimidated.

+2 to rolls on Willpower when facing danger.


Blood of Heroes: The Pegasus can trace his/her ancestors back to the days of the War against Chaos.

+2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with pegasi.



Scarred: An illness or fight has left its mark on the pony.

-2 to rolls on Wit when conversing (except for the "right" kind of company)


Prejudiced against Earth Ponies: Lance detests those of lower intellect, seeing them as unworthy combatants.

-2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with earth ponies.


Cutie Mark Profession:

Golden Laurel Wreath: Lance Vanguard bears his Cutie Mark as a symbol of authority, nobility and rank

Is not burdened by armor (see below), trained in the use of chosen weapon


Profession: Royal Guard: His entire family has been in the service of the guard, and Lance was no exception.

Royal Guard armor (+2 to Toughness, -2 to Dexterity), either a spear (+1 Fight in battle) or sword (+1 Strength in battle)


Edited by The-Master


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Is there a max amount of people yet? Or are you still making the majority of the RP thingamagigs?


Edit: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bluenote-r1674

(I don't know how to use spoiler Dx)






Fight: 9/2

Hitpoints: 6/3


Wings: The pony can fly and carry up to his/her weight (roughly determined by toughness) into the air.

Cloudstrider: The pony can walk on clouds, move them and manipulate their shape.




Lightning Reflexes: The pegasus is experienced at flying and dodging under the most extreme conditions.

If unburdened, the unicorn can fly at full speed through potentially fatal environments (such as thick forests or the rafters of a roof) without having to roll a for Dexterity.

Right, down, left, and here we are!



Blood of Heroes: The Pegasus can trace his/her ancestors back to the days of the War against Chaos.

+2 to rolls on Wit when dealing with pegasi.

Of course I've heard of Commander Tempest!






Crossbreed: Though hard to tell for outsiders, to other Equestrians the pony’s mixed ancestry is written plainly on his/her face.

-2 to rolls on Wit when conversing with ponies who put emphasis on their “pure” descent.

Does it matter if I'm pure or not?



Clumsy: The pony is prone to minor accidents.

The GM may force the player to reroll a single successful die roll per session.

Eheh, sorry?


Cutie Mark:

Cutie Mark: A violin, as she gains her pride from it; +3 on rolls playing music; +1 to Dexterity for handling delicate objects in flight (Approved)



Traveling violinist.



Special Equipment: Custom violin saddlebag, book with sheet paper and a fancy robe for special performances.

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Cutiemark: A white pony head with a silver tongue; can reroll a failed die roll during a conversation once per session/day (Awaiting GM approval)
Profession: Travelling (swindling) merchant


Cutiemark is approved, also add +1 to Wit while conversing with pickpockets, poachers and other small time crooks (meaning ponies who may break the law, but would not do serious harm to any pony).

Special starting equipment: Saddlebag with merchandise, a small collection of false beards and manes


Well, I have finished my Character, making changes and additions where necessary. Here's the link and here's the statistics I have chosen for my OC. (Cutie Mark ability yet to be confirmed.)



Lance Vanguard







Cutie Mark Profession:

Golden Laurel Wreath: Lance Vanguard bears his Cutie Mark as a symbol of authority, nobility and rank

Ability awaiting approval from GM.


Profession: Royal Guard: His entire family has been devoted to the service of the guard, and Lance was no exception.



You still get to put 3 points in his stats.

Cutiemark: May add +1 to any roll when directly enforcing the law, +2 to Wit when rolling on military history

Profession: Is not burdened by armor (see below), trained in the use of chosen weapon

Special Starting Equipment: Royal Guard armor (+2 to toughness, -2 to Dexterity), either a spear (+1 Fight in battle) or sword (+1Strength in battle)


Is there a max amount of people yet? Or are you still making the majority of the RP thingamagigs?

Cutie Mark:

Cutie Mark: A violin, as she gains her pride from it; +1 on rolls involving her violin. (Awaiting approval by GM)



Traveling violinist.


Up to six people should be fine. Rules are pretty much done, as is the first story.

Cutiemark: make that +3 to her rolls while playing and also +1 to Dexterity for handling delicate objects in flight.

Special Equipment: Custom violin saddlebag, book with sheet paper and a fancy robe for special performances.


Can this only be played by ponies?? My OC is a dragon and I would like to get him  into this stuff sounds like my type of thing, here you can get to know him better http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/colt-the-dragon-r2023.  Ill be wating your answer. 

I could probably make up rules for a crystal pony or maybe even a griffon, but a dragon would be both a huge stretch of canon and way too powerful, sorry.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Cutiemark is approved, also add +1 to Wit while conversing with pickpockets, poachers and other small time crooks (meaning ponies who may break the law, but would not do serious harm to any pony). Special starting equipment: Saddlebag with merchandise, a small collection of false beards and manes


EDIT: I now get where the +1 Wit goes. I'll change that tomorrow.


And do I get to know/pick what my merchandise is, or is it a surprise? I'm good either way.  :)

Edited by Kolth

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I could probably make up rules for a crystal pony or maybe even a griffon, but a dragon would be both a huge stretch of canon and way too powerful, sorry.



No prob dood, I totally understand the OC normaly has a hughe impact and for sure he can save the world with ease. Have fun guys =D

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You still get to put 3 points in his stats. Cutiemark: May add +1 to any roll when directly enforcing the law, +2 to Wit when rolling on military history Profession: Is not burdened by armor (see below), trained in the use of chosen weapon Special Starting Equipment: Royal Guard armor (+2 to toughness, -2 to Dexterity), either a spear (+1 Fight in battle) or sword (+1Strength in battle)
 Done and done. Thanks for pointing that out. My OC character is fully prepared now for battle.


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If you're still taking people, I'd like to join.






Fight: 7/2
Hitpoints: 8/3

Versatile: May take one more advantage, than disadvantage

Lucky:The pony is seemingly favoured by some higher power.
The player mey reroll one failed die roll per session.

Silvertounged: The pony has a way with words.
+1 to rolls on wit when conversing.

Crossbreed: Though hard to tell for outsiders, to other Equestrians the pony's mixed ancestry is written plainly on his face.
-2 to rolls on Wit when conversing with ponies who put emphasis on their "pure" descent

Cutiemark: A walking stick, symbolizing his free spirit and love of travel. Also he isn't afraid to let fly his shilelagh should a fight break out.

Proffession: No real job, travels Equestria doing odd jobs and telling stories of his adventures to whoever will listen. Generally just does whatever he feels like and doesn't care about money.


Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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If you're still taking people, I'd like to join.



Does he by any chance love to fight :) ?

Cutiemark: +1 to rolls for traveling related activities (setting camp, making a fire and so on), +1 on rolls for typical hired-hoof work (splitting wood, building a fence, harvesting crops...)

Equipment: Flint and Spark, 2-pony tent, cooking equipment, waterskin.



EDIT: I now get where the +1 Wit goes. I'll change that tomorrow.


And do I get to know/pick what my merchandise is, or is it a surprise? I'm good either way.  :)

Whatever you like, lets say about 30 bits worth of stuff.




Well, this is coming along nicely. If all you guys have time tomorrow 5pm EST, we could get this thing started.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Whatever you like, lets say about 30 bits worth of stuff.



Well, this is coming along nicely. If all you guys have time tomorrow 5pm EST, we could get this thing started.


I don't know Equestrian prices at all...I'll just pick a couple of the more important items and ask your approval on them.


And 5PM EST is 2PM PST, correct? I'll be 30,000 feet off the ground at that time. I'll check if the airplane has WiFi.  :P

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I don't know Equestrian prices at all...I'll just pick a couple of the more important items and ask your approval on them.


And 5PM EST is 2PM PST, correct? I'll be 30,000 feet off the ground at that time. I'll check if the airplane has WiFi.  :P

Ok since I haven't heard from anyone else, we'll have to do this sometime next week.

Gives me some time to draw some setpieces too.

  • Brohoof 1



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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Ok since I haven't heard from anyone else, we'll have to do this sometime next week.

Gives me some time to draw some setpieces too.

I'm pretty much fine with whenever you want to do it. If I don't respond to whatever time is decided, just assume I'm okay with it.


Ok since I haven't heard from anyone else, we'll have to do this sometime next week.

Gives me some time to draw some setpieces too.

Are we still going to do this? If so, have you figured out a time yet? Nothing's happened with this for a while.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I'm pretty much fine with whenever you want to do it. If I don't respond to whatever time is decided, just assume I'm okay with it.


Are we still going to do this? If so, have you figured out a time yet? Nothing's happened with this for a while.

Sorry for this, real life keeps getting in the way :(

But yeah, this Sunday at 5PM ES, if you got the time (I'll send PMs to see if that works for the others). If not just give me an idea what works for you.



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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But yeah, this Sunday at 5PM ES, if you got the time (I'll send PMs to see if that works for the others). If not just give me an idea what works for you.

Sunday is probably the best day for me, so this works out great. I play D&D on Friday and Saturday nights, but otherwise I'm available pretty much all the time, since my classes ended yesterday.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Wållathen, a male Earth Pony coming from the icelandic north of Equestria, has heard your plead for help.

Well, considering his is kind of norse/viking, he is some sort of warrior which had stats like D, S and T. I am working on this things, and as I move ahead on more details of this character I'll edit this post. For now, I will continue the backstroy I started for him three or four weeks ago.

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/romulus-lance-romance-r2127http://general-sedivh.deviantart.com/ |

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Hello, I finally managed to finish all the instructions on the first post. So, can I join? My character is Aurora - mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/aurora-r2137

Edited by Lillian
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Wållathen, a male Earth Pony coming from the icelandic north of Equestria, has heard your plead for help.

Well, considering his is kind of norse/viking, he is some sort of warrior which had stats like D, S and T. I am working on this things, and as I move ahead on more details of this character I'll edit this post. For now, I will continue the backstroy I started for him three or four weeks ago.

Hello, I finally managed to finish all the instructions on the first post. So, can I join? My character is Aurora.

Well, if you can just post your finished characters, why not.


Also some pics for the party.









Please get a picture of your character ready to include in your first post (or change your avatar), so the others have a general idea of you.

This thread is henceforth also our OOC thread.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 2



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

But the bard songs will remain.

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