ReGen 1,466 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I'm naming today National Scootalove Day. Where all we do is ride our scooters with our wings. Now all I wonder is: How is Hasbro going to take Scootadash from now on? That's right. Scootadash. Has that been said? 3 "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danger Wasp 114 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I also realized that Scootaloo lived up to her nickname (chicken) during the episode XD made me laugh when I realized that. XD 4 Tumblr: D.A: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RagingTwilight 101 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) As soon as I saw the name "Corey Powell" appear, I started to worry just a bit about this episode. Not only for the episode, but for the writer herself. If this episode is a good one, she will be showered with praises by the fandom. If, however, it is not, she and her work will be scrutinized to exhaustion, as another episode writer's work from last season was. Now that it's over though, those worries were once again misplaced. There were a couple of things that I didn't care for, such as Sweetie Belle's off-key singing (I thought it was established that she could sing well) and Rarity being stuck up again. However, these things were not enough to keep me from enjoying the episode. To start off with, I loved the idea of the camping trip - especially that it involved the sisters. For me, this kinda foreshadowed that Rainbow Dash would become a sister of sorts to Scootaloo. And then, a callback to one of the previous episodes (I love these) and the first ghost story is told. Scootaloo tries to act tough, pretending she isn't scared and is in fact so scared she can't sleep. The nightmare scene was fantastic, frightening and full of intrigue (I think I saw a certain princess of the night in the woods.) Scootaloo tries the play tough and pretend everything is all right, which slowly starts to become more apparent to the other campers as the episode progresses. And then when they find the cave and set up camp - the best part of the episode, in my opinion. Scootaloo falls asleep and in the midst of her nightmares, a certain princess of the night appears and reminds her that she has to face her fears. At first I didn't like Luna's new-found power, as I felt she didn't really belong in the episode, but now that the episode is over I can't help but be thrilled that Luna has now been given additional (and possibly unique) powers. Can Princess Celestia visit ponies in their dreams? Also, her role in the episode was quite clear. But perhaps the most heartwarming moment is when Rainbow Dash rescues, then confronts Scootaloo and Scootaloo finally admits she's been scared. She was simply trying too hard to impress Rainbow Dash from fear of being seen as a coward and uncool in Rainbow Dash's eyes. To see Rainbow Dash comfort Scootaloo and "literally" take her under her wing...almost brings tears to my eyes. But, the warm and fuzzies don't stop there. In the one before last scene where they all race off to the Rainbow Falls, we have Rarity finally deciding to have fun by enjoying a race with her sister, and, Scootaloo flying? Unfortunately no, but seeing Rainbow Dash lift her up tugged on my heartstrings a bit. All in all, another enjoyable episode. Corey Powell did a good job for her first episode, and I hope we will see more from her in the future. While this episode had its bad parts, the ending was fantastic and wonderful, completely nullifying all of the weaker parts. Edited December 8, 2012 by RagingTwilight 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Luna watching dreams...just seems creepy. This is like Inception, except she doesn't need to even be near you to enter your dream. So THAT'S why there's no crime or dissent against the government in Equestria. The Princesses can enter the minds of all their subjects. 5 #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sks_Burns 730 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 im starting to wonder if Sweetie Belle and Rarity are actually related. SB has the strength of 10 fillies, and she possess that southern kindness.... not to mention Belle is a term for a well manner southern gal. really makes you wonder... 3 "If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave." "Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) All righty then, time for an in-depth analysis of this episode. Let's see, what was awesome about it? Well, what wasn't!!! First of all, Scootaloo finally got an episode; after 57 episodes, it was long overdue, and it certainly didn't disappoint. Scoots got plenty of screen time, and really started to flesh out as a character in this episode; we know now without a doubt that she more than anything wants to be like RD, but at the same time, she's still a filly, and her nightmares proved it. She needs somepony to look up to like her friends have in their sisters, and this episode perfectly addressed that need; she now has a "big sister" of her own! Second, the subject in general concerning nightmares was a good one, especially for younger viewers. Let's be honest with ourselves, we've all been in Scootaloo's position before after hearing or seeing something really scary! You hunker down under the covers at night, you freak out at any shadow that even looks funny, you don't even want to get out of bed and walk the ten feet to the bathroom cause you're so scared, even if your bladder is about to burst! We've all been there when we were kids, so this is a great lesson to the younger viewers that it's OK to be scared of scary things, but what you don't have to be scared of is going to others with your fears and seeking them for comfort. That's a great lesson for younger viewers, and I'm really glad that Studio B chose to address it. Third, Luna finally helped teach a lesson, and that's great!!! Ever since her re-appearance last season, I've been dying to see her actually teach a lesson. I mean, as she said herself, she is the Princess of the Night (which is now officially a canon term, can anypony say, AWESOME?!?! ) after all, and over 1000 years old, so I always figured she had plenty of wisdom to convey and share with others. That's really cool too that she actually goes within ponies dreams and watches over them (sort of like a Sandman-like figure); it fleshes out more about what her responsibilities as the caretaker and guardian of the night are, distinguishing her duties further from Celestia's. But most of all, to reiterate, I was especially pleased to see her teaching somepony a lesson, and ya know, considering her rare appearances, it was kind of appropriate that she teach Scootaloo a lesson in her very first episode devoted to her!!! Also, Ponyception for the win; I said it in another post, but that whole "This is a dream" bit was totally an Inception reference, so I can die happy now because of that!!! Fourth, it was awesome seeing the CMC with all of their sisters (or sister figures). Rarity and Sweetie Belle's still somewhat dysfunctional, give-and-take relationship was hilarious to watch, but also very sweet, because ultimately, even if they're sometimes polar opposites, they're still really sweet together and truly love each other. Applejack and Apple Bloom got along swimmingly as usual, and Applejack even raised concern for Scootaloo a couple of times, proving yet again that she is easily the most mature of the Mane 6; she just notices so quickly and so easily when anypony is acting unusual or out of character, and that's a very useful and mature trait. It's a trait that those especially concerned with the well-being of others possess, and I was even convinced midway through the episode that AJ would be the one to tell RD that Scootaloo was freaking out from her stories. Finally, Rainbow Dash is finally living up to Scootaloo's hopes and dreams and has officially taken Scoots under her wing; I mean, what more could we have asked for really? There have been dozens of fan fics and thousands of fan pics depicting RD taking Scootaloo under her wing since Season 1, and really, that was a great shout out to the fandom from Studio B. Don't get me wrong, it logically makes sense as well, but it was a great bit of love from the producers to the fans; they know we've been dying to see RD treat Scootaloo with love and like a little sister. Plus, it's a great bit of character development for RD, and even though she was certainly surprised by Scootaloo's desire to have her as a big sister, I was so glad to see her not hesitate in the slightest to take her under her wing (literally!!!). It just goes to show how far RD has progressed as a character since Season 1, and how much she's matured, even if she is still the same good ol' RD who knows she's the most awesome pony around! The animation was, as usual, fantastic, and it was great to see them head to the mountains, an area around Ponyville we've never really seen before, for their camping trip. Got to see some nice new animation with some very cool colors. Harry the Bear made a reappearance, and that's always fun (poor guy lost his fish!!! ). Also, I think we officially have a new best song this season; "99 Buckets of Oats" was simply moving, an achievement in song-making for children's programs unlike any that Daniel Ingram has yet displayed on this show. I have no doubt that it will surely live on in this fandom and take hold of all of our hearts, perhaps even surpassing "Smile, Smile, Smile" as our officially new favorite song!!! Glorious, it was simply glorious!!! Overall, this was a great episode, a wonderful debut for Scootaloo in her very first own episode, and I think it's safe to say it was everything we could have and were in fact asking for, and so much more! Scootalove is offically canon, it was great seeing the pony sister pairs together, Luna made a surprise (and awesome) cameo appearance, one of my favorite movies of all time was subtly but also most definitely referenced, and we got the best song in the show's history thus far (I'm dead-bucking serious about that!!! ). In the end, what more could we have possibly asked for? P.S. As a side note, I'm fairly certain that this was actually the first episode that Twilight has never even appeared in!!! I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, maybe she showed up at some point in the beginning of the episode, but I don't think I saw her once. That's pretty interesting indeed, and it just goes to show how fantastic the cast of characters in this show is, considering at this point it is apparent that not every episode hinges upon the main character making an appearance ("Bad Seed" similarly proved it in that Twilight didn't speak once, but she did appear in that episode at least). EDIT: After checking MLP Wiki, I have to correct my above statement; this is actually not the first episode that Twilight has never appeared in. Last season, she did not appear in 3 episodes: (1) "Sisterhooves Social", (2) "Family Appreciation Day", and (3) "Putting Your Hoof Down". Still, this does further reinforce my point above about the fantastic cast of characters and there being no need for Twilight to appear in every episode in order to carry episodes. But, I apologize for the mistake everypony. P.P.S. Just realized, I still don't know what the buck Scootaloo's family situation is?!?!?! Oh buck it, I don't care, she's got RD as a big sister now, so it doesn't really matter!!! Still, I would like to get some sort of explanation at some point in the show's running; I mean, it's getting to the point where "Where's Scootaloo's family?" is the "What happened to Zuko's mom?" of MLP!!! LOL!!!! So, next week we got some more Rainbow Dash awesomeness to look forward to in "Wonderbolt Academy". This should be an awesome episode, especially for RD fans and pegasi fans in general, and it'll be great to see what kind of character development Rainbow Dash goes through at the Wonderbolt Academy. Also, I'm not gonna lie, I'm really hoping we get the most explicit Derpy cameo we've had yet this season, and I think there's great potential for that; after all, the whole episode should involve pegasi for the most part, so there's definitely a good chance Derpy may quite visibly show up, maybe even get into shenanigans!!! Here's hoping everypony!!! Edited December 9, 2012 by Batbrony 18 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenny 232 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 liek dis if u cry evertim But seriously, that was a great episode. Its job was to solidify the relationship between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash and it most certainly delivered. Luna had an awesome role in this episode as well. And if you need your daily dose of diabeetus, here you go: 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I think this video best sums up my reaction to this episode. Quite literally in fact I played the part of Twilight and the Crusaders part was how my parents reacted. Worth it. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrumpyMcfart 16 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) <snip> However, I would like to bring up a thought that has occurred to me. You may harm me for bringing it up in five seconds after you've read this bit. Have you noticed how each episode of the season so far seems to be showing things that at least some (or large) segments of the fans have been requesting? One could say that so far this entire season has been directed at appealing directly to bronies... What is the point here? The point I have is...welll...the number of season episodes. 13 episodes, and we've gotten through six now. Seven left until Season 3 is over. Thus far, it seems this season is jam-packed with stuff to make bronies on the whole giddier than a foal after getting their cutie mark. Some fans are naturally worried about this season being shorter, and theories are flying. I'd simply like to point out that if Hasbro was going to stop the series that....well, this would be the way I'd do it. Pack a season with tons of stuff to appeal to its most ardent fans, enough to make them happy, then have an excellent season finale that leaves everyone at least...content, and then move on. Personally, I highly doubt this, because from what I gather all signs seem to indicate we'll get more seasons, or at the very least that there is more ponies coming in some form after the end of Season 3. Nevertheless, it was a thought that occurred to me, and sense I don't like to thing about depressing things such as that on my lonesome, I decided to spread the potential misery but we alread have (possible) confirmation of season 4 from the DHX investor relations documents according to equestria daily. Here's a link not to mention the upcoming DVD Edited December 8, 2012 by GrumpyMcfart 4 Warning: This post was produced on equipment that is also used in the manufacture of sarcasm; trace amounts of sarcasm may have contaminated the post as a result. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mechon 58 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) I just come to put this here *my internet is very slow to view the streams in conditions waiting for the upload to youtube* Edited December 8, 2012 by mechon 8 Click Trixie if you can... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShyForever 284 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Does anybody else believe that Scootaloo will have the ability to fly by the end of Season 3? Or, at least sometime around that. Rainbow Dash took Scootaloo under her wing. If this plot continues, then Scootaloo might be able to fly after all! -Crosses Fingers- 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Very good episode. Dash and Scootaloo hugging towards the end was the feel good moment of the show IMO. I look forward to seeing thier friendship develop further. Nice to see Luna, and that she wasn't just a cameo but had an important role in the story. And Dash is definitely best scary story teller seems like they're phasing out the letters to Princess Celestia sequences. We've only seen one this season so far. I thought Scootaloo might do one about facing her fears, etc. 7 "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amethyst 42 29 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) I'm still waiting for it to show up on the Youtubes Still no season 3 broadcast in Canada! *SOBS*If anyone could hook me up with a link, I'd be forever grateful! Found it! Edited December 8, 2012 by Amethyst 42 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Time for my official bit on this. -- For those who know me, I've loved the idea of Rainbow Dash acting or being depicted as a 'surrogate sister' of sorts to Scoots since I got into the show three quarters of a year ago. I've kept up with art of the concept as well as fan fictions, and have written three Scootalove fan fictions, myself. To me, it's not just adorable, but needed, and that's why I'm so very happy that it's finally become canon. Some people will inevitably further complain about how the show is taking ideas from the fandom, so on and so forth. And while I can understand that opinion, I do have to say that, of the dozens upon dozens of popular and globally accepted head canons to work with, Scootalove is perhaps one of the best. It's kid-friendly, works terrifically with Dash and Scoots' characters, and has had a subtle hint or two all the way from season one, whether intended by the writers at the time or not. Scootaloo is the only CMC without a sister, and she is the only CMC whom has no adult pony to look after her. It's that concept which formed the foundation for Scootalove in the first place. Along with this, there's Rainbow Dash, who has the same basic personality as Scoots, is a pegasus like Scoots, and whom is looked up to by Scoots to the point of admiration. To that end, Scootalove has been dieing to happen from day one of Scoots introduction, in full honesty, fandom-popular-concept or not. But anyway, I think it's a fabulous addition to the show, and I really hope they include it more in future episodes. Perhaps not as a focus of course, but just show Dash and Scoots playing or flying together more or just hanging out in similar sisterly-like ways, that Applejack and Rarity do. Scootaloo's needed this addition to her character for a long time, and I'm so glad Hasbro went this direction instead of something else. Anywho, as for the other aspects of the episode... Luna's incorporation was rather interesting, and I was curious to what her role would be since the clip yesterday. I like how they had her become the factor that got Scoots to admit her fear to Dashie, but the 'Oh, yeah, I can invade your dreams. Just call me Freddy Kruger Pony :D' thing needs to be explained somehow in the future. That just seems too sudden and too big of a concept for them to just be like 'Ohyeah, she's always been able to do this :U'. I imagine that, like dark magic from the premiere, it's not the last we've seen of it. Other than that, this episode had d'awww written all over it, Scootalove and non-Scootalove aside. Scoots was cute throughout the entire thing from being scared or acting tough, AJ and Rarity had some cute moments with their own sisters as well, and the casual plot line of 'a group hike in the woods for the fillies to spend time with their sisters/idols' was a nice break from 'MUWHAHAHAHA TRIXIE IS RUNNIN' THIS SHIT NOW YO. DARK CLOUDS FOR EVERYPONY' from the last episode. I may be a dude, but I love cute things. This has been the cutest episode this season, and is easily one of the cutest of the entire series thus far. It is my new favorite single episode from this season. 16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dubstep Pony 0 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 So where can i even watch this episode online cause i don't have the hub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bright Honor 2,713 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 im starting to wonder if Sweetie Belle and Rarity are actually related. SB has the strength of 10 fillies, and she possess that southern kindness.... not to mention Belle is a term for a well manner southern gal. really makes you wonder... Interesting idea. But yeah Sweetie Belle is awesome in this episode. And I was suprised that Sweetie Belle was able to pull all that luggage with seemingly little effort, but when Scootaloo tries, who is known to be more athletic, couldn't.(To be fair she didn't get any sleep) Well I guess Sweetie Belle can be called "jacked" now XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thewookie Wooker 64 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Great episode filled with interesting and funny events. - Continuity nod with Rarity's near death. - Luna entering dreams is canon -Scootaloo is now canon, thought she may had just been a figment of our imaginations. -Applejack over-literally analyzes scary stories - Sweetie Belle cannot sing bar/trip related songs, can break Rarity's will with a frown, is extremely strong - The Everfree forest is a very odd place -Timberwolves have toenails Overall just a fun episode to watch. 2 things I noticed Scootaloo loses her scooter twice, first when she drives while sleeping, and then at the end. Luna certainly does seem to have her sister's love for Equestria but unlike Celestia overt or manipulative ways, Luna seems to be a grey jedi in that she isn't goodie two shoes and hasn't abandoned her love for lightning. Luna seems more behind the scenes oriented as well until the time is right. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy Flicker 16 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I say 8.5/10. Luna was a nice addition to the episode. Did anyone else notice that strange object on the ground? It's looks similar to a shovel, but not exactly. Signature made by: villan97. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thewookie Wooker 64 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I say 8.5/10. Luna was a nice addition to the episode. Did anyone else notice that strange object on the ground? It's looks similar to a shovel, but not exactly. That's AJ' s fire starter. A bent stick with 2 strings attached to it tied to another stick in order to create the same friction as we can use our hands for. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zenoctilles 102 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Being a big Scootaloo fan, this episode was my dream come true, and while I regard as the best S3 episode by far, I still have some reservations, especially in how Scootaloo was treated more as a flat, recurring character (like Mr. and Mrs. Cake) rather than a bona-fide protagonist in her own right. This episode is a start, but I hope that future episodes flesh her out a bit more in terms of background. I mean, what sort of family does she have? Is she an orphan? Is that why she looks up to RD so much - it is because RD is like the big sister she's never had? I hope by the time S4 hits, Scootaloo will be more of her own character, rather than relying on Applebloom and Sweetie Belle for support. This episode was a start in that regard. But, overall, I loved this episode so much. S3 is miles ahead of S2 in my books. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sks_Burns 730 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 thats called a Bow Drill btw. typically, they have a piece of wood or rock ontop of the vertical stick to act as a bearing and to prevent injury to your hand as you operate it. "If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave." "Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Another small thing I liked was the nod to Scootaloo's Pegasus abilities when she jumped up and was able to hang onto the cloud for a moment. 2 "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,005 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Interesting idea. But yeah Sweetie Belle is awesome in this episode. And I was suprised that Sweetie Belle was able to pull all that luggage with seemingly little effort, but when Scootaloo tries, who is known to be more athletic, couldn't.(To be fair she didn't get any sleep) Well I guess Sweetie Belle can be called "jacked" now XD It's been said that unicorns are, on average, the weakest of the three pony races. But Sweetie Belle and Rarity have always shown very good physical abilities. From pulling heavy carts to combat (well, Rarity at least) to obstacle course races, these two handle themselves very well. They may engage in vigorous physical exercise between their more girly girl activities, possess very good genes (their dad is apparently a football player) or some combination of the two. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bright Honor 2,713 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) It's been said that unicorns are, on average, the weakest of the three pony races. But Sweetie Belle and Rarity have always shown very good physical abilities. From pulling heavy carts to combat (well, Rarity at least) to obstacle course races, these two handle themselves very well. They may engage in vigorous physical exercise between their more girly girl activities, possess very good genes (their dad is apparently a football player) or some combination of the two. Good point. It is just suprising to me because I generally thought of Sweetie Belle as the weakest physically of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I guess that has been proven wrong now XD. Edited December 8, 2012 by JesstroidPrime 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PurpleBaconEater 37 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 OMIGOSH! is this not what we have all been waiting for???!!! as previously mentioned, there have been countless fan recognitions of scootaloo's need for a sister, and her want for that sister to be none other than rainbow dash. i am so happy about this, and i proud to admit that i cried during this episode. i feel people no longer need to worry about season 3 sucking due to the lack lauren faust. it is now evident that the new season is completely capable of being amazing, and because of this i doubt there will only be 13 episodes in total as it seems that the producers still have our backs 1 I AM A GENUINE, CERTIFIED, PONIFIED, FULL OF PRIDE, PONYVILLE BRONY HE WAS A ONE EYED, ONE HORNED, FLYING PURPLE PEOPLE EATER SHE WAS A TWO EYED, NO HORNED, WALKING PURPLE BACON EATER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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