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open Equestrian Civil War Roleplay


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Wait... He checked his scroll. He realized the base was Dragon Mountain... He turned to his school.

"All of you! Teleport to Dragon Mountain! Now!"

He teleported with the others following. When he arrived, he was shocked to see the enemy troops advancing quickly.

"Open fire!"

And his school obeyed, with a few stragglers showing up, looking around a bit confused, the joining the rest.

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Sky Warden stood on the top of a hill near him camp. His warband was taking a rest in a field near Dodge Junction. He turned when he heard his messenger called his name.

"SIR! A letter from General Applejack!", The messeger said as he bow and give the letter to Sky.

Sky took the letter and unfolded it.


Sky Warden,


Your presence is required to stave off an invasion of epic proportions. The murderer known as Steeleye has entered our land, burned our villiages and there are reports of missing children. I need you to head out with me, along with my personal regiment and honorguard. Bring every pony with wings under your command. I cannot afford to wait any longer then a single night. I shall hope this finds you will and our dear Princess blesses you with speed.


General Applejack

Sky snorted. His party still need a rest after their long march. He turned to face his messenger.

"Tell them to get ready! Hoist the colours! We march now!"

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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(Ooc: I forgot how many mages are in a school)

Bio was happily fiddling with her mask, when the scroll appeared beside her with a loud *POOF* 

She scowled as she picked up the scroll, breaking the seal and letting it roll open.
Reading quietly to herself


"Dear Bio Hazard

I have need of your services. Take a school of mages and help to throw back the invaders. Move quickly, and do not lt them know you are there until you strike.

Princess Luna."

Bio cursed. "Why do I have to lead a school!? I bucking work better alone, and she knows it!"
Still muttering curses. Her eyes started glowing a dark red as she focused her magic. The air around her started to speed up, surrounding her in a sphere of rushing winds. With a *POP* she was gone,  teleported to the NLR base.

Edited by zRevenantz
  • Brohoof 1
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Dead Eye had spent what felt like hours trying to get up the slippery slope but to no avail, he slid down each time putting him of course at the bottom. "I guess I have to stay ad fight till that damned ice melts." He sighed, and started towards the sound of the continuous battle. Once he got close he could see that the Solars were being pushed back a little but probably not for long. He unshethed his sword and charged into the fray cutting down any solars he saw with the black moon stone blade he had forged. With the element of surprise he had for a little while he counted 6 solars dead by his blade

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Sky flew straight eastward, followed by regular flapping wings sounds of his companion.

"Faster! We must reach Ponyville before the dawn!" He shouted against the silence of the midnight sky. He didn't like it, to force his party to fly all the night without sleeping, but he knew General Applejack have a good reason for this.

They had flying for hours when they finally spotted Ponyville in the horizon. He landed in the Sweet Apple Acres. He took some deep breath and talked to the guard, "I'm Sky Warden of Cloudsdale. I'm here to meet General Applejack. Let her know my presence here"

Edited by Sky Warden
  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Bio had arrived at the base and picked a small school of mages. All of mages except for one mare, seemed completely horrified that she, out of all ponies had picked them. It seemed her reputation preceded her. 
She told the group to gather their supplies and equipment and get a couple hours rest.

She took this time to put on her armor and finish a modification to her mask. The thing looked like a metallic skull more then a gas mask these days. 
Just as she had finished, Shadow weaver,  the one mare who actually seemed happy to be chosen,walked in.

"T-the others are ready to B-Bio"  she whispered. It was quite clear that she was nervous.

Bio just nodded, she put on her mask, it sliding comfortably over her face, making a *clak* as it locked in place. She pulled her hood up over her head, her ears springing out of the two holes at the top.

When she entered the next room everypony went quiet. "You all may feel a bit of nausea when we reappear" she calmly stated.
Slowly the the mages started disintegrating, becoming atoms. Soon to reform at their destination.

Edited by zRevenantz
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Princes Celestia:

In a short space of time, the war hard transformed from two competing ideals to a giant, confused, and monstrous blood feud. News of what was truely happening in the deep south had come to her far to loot for any hope of repair. Her own personal academy was packed to the brim with kidnapped filles and colts, the south was being burned ever as she thought, and more and more of her top advisors were calling for total war. Not simply the re-unification of Equestria, but every last pony on the other sie being ground to less than dust. She knew it was not just those at the top of the chain. Even from miles away the pure hatred born of tradgedy washed over her in continous waves. It seemed to her, that while the south's homes and livelyhood burned, the north had lit its own passions aflame. Every dawn was more strained than the last, every raising of the sun more difficult to bare.


So now she found herself at the precipice, the fork in the road as it were. She could turn back now and try to smother the flames, or she would jump blindly into the abyss. There was little to no hope of this ending happily. To many ponies had died and too much had been destroyed. Even if she did dispose Steeleye, surely something more terrible would rise in his stead. Her kingdom would be conquered, or somepony would take command that would utterly destroy both nations in his or her fervor. She knew Steeleye, as she knew all of those who served in her direct command. He was a kind pony, stead-fast and as loyal as any companion bred from birth. But now that loyalty was turned into these same attrocities and she struggled to find a way that he could redeem himself.


While she thought over these things, she had her staff organize troop movements. One important resolution would have horrified her, that they could forsake Ponyville for the time being. Logically, important troops were tied up in an unwinnable battle. The recent actions of their wayward General had given them a solution, even if the enemy took the town. They would destroy it all, right down to the last blade of grass. As such preparations were made to load so many booby-traps into the structures in their half that they were unlivable, not to mention the surrounding countryside. Some of the withdrawn troops were sent east to bolster border patrol efforts and some as far as Baltimare, hoping to recruit fresh troops.


General Steeleye:

No good General left themselves so far into enemy territory that they had no supply train. While unaware of Applejack's plans, Steeleye had altered his army's course to go straight toward the nearest Solar territory. At a quick but sustainable march, they planned to reach the border and travel west, taking out Lunar Forts along their progress to further open the wound created by Steeleye's attacks. The temporary reprieve from assault had allowed the newly conquered fortresses to bolter their defences and now stood above the skyline. In addition, recon flocks were sent out far and wide across enemy territory, searching for enemy troop movements.


Steeleye himself had no intention of staying in the Lunar Republic for long. After allowing their own forces to plug the gap he had made, he would withdraw his troops to Canterlot so that they might recuperate. He also hoped to pick up fresh soldiers when he arrived, those would fill in the minor casualties he had sustained. Currently, his beeline to the border had gotten him one half of the way between Apple-Loosa's former location and the outer border.


(Accept this post, and your warning is null and void. I just read over it, and this will fix any negation that has come up.)


Steeleye and his troop made it to 10 miles before the front lines before Col.Macintosh's men caught up with them. Starting with a back attack (not an ambush)and some support from the front lines, they began to assault and raid the enemy army.


Thus starting the start of the Battle- history sometimes called it the Rout- Everfree Forest.




Night Flare had finally eaten breakfast. Just in time to have the ice melt. Bah. Oh, well, then.

Time to obtain a new ice collection...

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Sky flew straight eastward, followed by regular flapping wings sounds of his companion.

"Faster! We must reach Ponyville before the dawn!" He shouted against the silence of the midnight sky. He didn't like it, to force his party to fly all the night without sleeping, but he knew General Applejack have a good reason for this.

They had flying for hours when they finally spotted Ponyville in the horizon. He landed in the Sweet Apple Acres. He took some deep breath and talked to the guard, "I'm Sky Warden of Cloudsdale. I'm here to meet General Applejack. Let her know my presence here"

One of Applejacks honor guard came running up to her. The notification that Sky Warden was here, and early reached her.


"Good, 'bout time we got some good news 'round here." She said,


Applejack met Skyward just outside a small clearing that served as the Pegasus primary air strip and flying services center.


"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Its so very good to see ya'll here. We have a lot to discuss and not alot of time. Please send yer folk there to get some food, clean up and sleep while they can. Ya'll be shippin' out again soon. Lets go to my tent, Lt."


Meanwhile, the pull back from Ponyville had began and those troops started their march toward Baltimare. The Air support that pulled back a few days ago had already arrived and were at the Command of General Fluttershy. (Since meta already posted about Col. Mac's troops, I won't mention them. Solar Side, Ponyville, all the way down to the river is up for grabs if your interested))

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Once Vanguard was comfortable, Golden Age began. "Right, things have been quite peaceful here. There is a Solar camp a few miles away from here, but no attacks have been made so far." Golden Age then walked over and pulled out a map "Quite frankly" He continued "I would like to break camp by tomorrow morning and head out for Baltimare. I believe we'll need all the troops we can muster. The only problem however, is that the Solars a few miles away may intend on taking this position upon our leave. So, I wish to have your opinion on the matter."

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"We may be able to hold off a significant portion of Solar forces in this pass. We cannot relinquish control until we are sure that there is no chance of holding it. Until we have any idea of the strength they have within the camps we may not be able to act. Have you sent scouts over the pass? Have they returned with any estimation on numbers? For you see my own division has undergone substantial loss. This day I only bring 150 to the fight, all I could muster in such a short time."


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Spitfire landed on the ground gracefully. She had been called to Baltimare for protection, seeing it's , along with a team of high acrobatic flyers. Among those ponies, Sugar Rush awaited, while she wasn't as strong as others, her swiftness and agility made up for it, "Alright guys, ya'll now the orders, spread out through out the city, inform me and the others if ya'll see any suspicious activity" she ordered the group of pegasi. Rush watched them all leave, as she wondered around the city. 


Rainbow Dash walked into Twilight's room "Hey, Twi, I just sent Spitfire and some others to Baltimare for extra back up, being near the NLR border and all, it seems like a possible attack spot." Twilight awoke, realizing her planning had kept her up all night "Wha- Oh Rainbow Dash, I thought you were the Princess" she said standing up as she organized her desk "uhh... you okay, Twi?" "Uhuh, better than ever, just was busy yesterday with some planning" "O-kayy, anyways, you've seen Pinks? I was gonna talk to her and see if we could get any of the infantry to go to Baltimare. Ponyville seems to be doing better, we better try to protect SE territory, or else soon they'll got us surrounded in Canterlot."




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Upon awakening, ICe Opal's eyes slowly opened as they adjusted to the evening air, with the sun still slightly above the horizon. He stood stiffly and ate some snow, which he had just materialized in from of him. He ate some and swallowed, before letting some more melt in his mouth, a substitute for water.


He looked away from the sun, slightly to the left, where he made out the outline of the tiny town of Dodge City, which was not a factor in the war at the moment, a great place to fresh himself up before continuing on to Baltimare, unless he decided to go North West from there, always following the river back to Ponyville, possibly the safest route back through the Everfree, as the river had sandbanks on each side that didn't quite display the same evil air as the forest.


Not caring for what to do next, as he rarely did anyway, beyond thinking of possibilities, he began trotting in the direction to Dodge City, away from Apple Loosa, to find a place to rest.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Princess Celestia:

When she got the first peice of news, she was absolutely mortified. 'Give up Ponyville?' she thought to herself. 'What kind of madness is this? I know it has no strategic importance, but Ponyville is essential if any kind of peace is to ever be attained!' As such her generals had to a make a hasty but still careful revision to previous orders, leading to the second piece of news. When they found out that Ponyville had been largely abandoned, it was a little hard to believe. An area that had been fought over so hard had been given up by both sides at nearly the same time? Improbable at the very least. Never-the-less, further reconasiance confirmed this news and provided further information. Large troop formations were heading east on the Lunar side, though why was unclear. Nothing the Solar's had lay in that direction, save for General Steeleye's forces attempting to pull back into Solar Territory and a few recruiting units. Ultimately, it was decided their focus was General Steeleye. Thus decided, immeadiate re-inforcements were called to make a bee-line from openings in the border to General Steeleye, mostly those that were there already. More than likely this would cause them to come in contact with the enemy, if they continued their progress eastward.


General Steeleye:

When the inevitable confrontation came, it came in one of the worst possible situations. His army was making slow progress, forced to hew down trees and land form to make any real progress through the bog. Otherwise, supply carts and hapless ponies would get stuck in the mud, or suffer in other manners. Steeleye was getting ready to inspect the forward progress when the alarm flares started to spring into the sky throughout the entire column.


As the red and bright orange lights flew towards the heaven and detonated, a dull roar was heard of ponies clashing in battle. Up and down the line, lights and signals were going off like a fireworks display. When the battle horns began to sounds, the outer line had devolved into a mass of struggling bodies, the inner earth pony ranks keeping the sheild wall up and dragging their companions to safety when they could. A number of mages had been on clearing duty with their earth pony guards and now the battle to get them back out of the fight was becoming brutal. Not only tired but magically exhausted, these ponies were the most vulnerable of the entire regiment, numbering maybe one hundred and fifty out of five thousand. (One thousand and four hundred were support and medical staff, still able to fight when called on, but not nearly as experienced.)


Steeleye for one had been expecting some form of retaliation, more as a gut feeling that actual fact. Even he knew you didn't destroy all a pony treasured and expect to get away scot-free. Apple-Loosa had been sheer luck in his understanding, with cotention in the Buffalo tribes and mercifully few garrisoned troops. But now the toll was going to be paid, he just had to make sure as many of his men got out as possible. The first order of buisness was to keep unit integrity, that was already halfway done due to his lieutenants being quick on the uptake, keeping their commands in formation despite confusion. Second was to get support staff to safety, a little more difficult with the majority marching at the rear of the column. Finally, was to get the hell out of here. Winning this battle wasn't important. Was was important was to get his men out alive and if enemy troops died that was just a bonus.


Pulling out his personal voice-caster, he sent out a serious of magical signals for his lieutenants to follow. Therse being coded in Solar Military Protocol made them easy to understand the gist of, but Steeleye had coded his own commands with special care in mind, making his officers very clear on what they were too do, while (hopefully) throwing the enemy off balance. Summarily, the front ranks were to get all ponies inside the lines, bring up fresh mages, and set fire to the forest. This was a marsh, little cover, alot of mud, and animals. The first sign of fire the would panic, as did all animals. It would be difficult to get the trees to light, but all he needed was crispy Lunar corpses. Not to mention Magical Fire tended to burn white hot at minimum while being spread in a convienent cone.


The back ranks were to pull all support staff and recon units in, bolstering the defences. Pegasi were fairly reigned in by the heavy foilage, so instead the were relgated to carpet bombing the forest directly outside the Solar ranks with all manner of potions. Some of these were simply sleeping gas, whipped up easily enough by the variety of alchemists present. A good number of them were poison, short ranged but fairly lethal, ranging from paralysis to blindness. Though he was reluctant to use them, the few and most powerful were the Fluid Flame Canisters. When the ignition was pulled, a small pilot light would ignite, meeting what we would call highly flammable motor fuel, but simply known as Experiment Thirty Two to the Solars. These would literally rain fire down on the enemy, coating them in the gas as it ignited. Even if that didn't work, ingestion meant a bad day for any unlucky enough to do so not to mention the acid feel on the skin.


Fortunately for the work, these were still extremely unreliable and just as likely to explode on ignition as do their job. So out of the twenty canisters he had, Steeleye chose to deploy four, to be used where the Lunar troops were thickest on demand. With these plans set out, he took personal command of the mages around him, tasking them with healing spells and more importantly trying to scry the enemy commander with magic.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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One of Applejacks honor guard came running up to her. The notification that Sky Warden was here, and early reached her.


"Good, 'bout time we got some good news 'round here." She said,


Applejack met Skyward just outside a small clearing that served as the Pegasus primary air strip and flying services center.


"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Its so very good to see ya'll here. We have a lot to discuss and not alot of time. Please send yer folk there to get some food, clean up and sleep while they can. Ya'll be shippin' out again soon. Lets go to my tent, Lt."


Meanwhile, the pull back from Ponyville had began and those troops started their march toward Baltimare. The Air support that pulled back a few days ago had already arrived and were at the Command of General Fluttershy. (Since meta already posted about Col. Mac's troops, I won't mention them. Solar Side, Ponyville, all the way down to the river is up for grabs if your interested))

Sky nodded "At once madame". He turned to his quarter master and said "You may eat and sleep while you can. Dismiss". His quartermaster nodded and trotted to his men. Sky watched gladly as his men disbanded At least they have a chance to recover.

Sky stifled a yawn as he followed General Applejack to her tent.

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Cherry Blossom opened her eyes and stared at the same gloomy, grey ceiling. Things seemed different when she had been transferred from Cloudsdale to Canterlot for active military duty. And the fact that she was new to combat duty had made knots in her stomach. After a few moments she yawned and climbed out of her bed, meeting the mahogany-wood floor with her hooves. Then she started walking down the hall towards the bathroom for a shower. The white mare walked onto the cold, blue tiles, flipped a switch causing 4 light bulbs to turn on, and proceeded to wash herself up.


Around 5-10 minutes, Cherry Blossom stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel after turning off the metal faucet. As she dried off her coat, she walked back to her room and used a hairdryer for her wet mane and combed it afterwards. Then she tied and fastened a red bow on her mane. Finally she slipped into her white assassin outfit, fitted with a hood, and tailored with pink accents and zipped up. Cherry Blossom grabbed a hidden blade, quiver of arrows, a bow and headed out the door, onto the asphalt.


As she steadily flew through the streets of Canterlot, her face made a worried face as she watched wounded soldiers passing by on crutches and wheelchairs. Some of them had bandages wrapped all over their faces and this made her even more nervous. Continuing forward to the castle she tried her best not to look saddened, as she flew past a field hospital full of moaning and screaming wounded. The sight was terrible because not only was it just soldiers, but there were civilians and foals wrapped in bandages. Cherry Blossom nearly starting tearing up, right after she quickly started flying towards the castle in a much higher altitude.


7 minutes went by and she appeared at the castle gates. Cherry Blossom wiped off her small tears and saluted the entrance guards before walking in. Looking around, she spotted and the stairway and started walking up to the throne room where Princess Celestia would be. The mare saluted the guards, walked into the room, and bowed down to the Princess. "E-Excuse me Princess Celestia, but I'm here to receive any mission r-requests."



Apple Mint opened his eyes and watched the war-torn Appleloosa that was set ablaze. He was on the ash and dirt mixed ground, wearing his grey assassin outfit, fitted with a hood, and tailored with blue accents. A Lunarian soldier came and help Apple Mint on his hooves.


"Them Solar varmints are goin' ta pay for what they just done here!" Apple Mint exclaimed as he started walking around the corpse paved roads. The whole place was an absolute massacre with blood puddles every 3 feet and piled up bodies. This didn't discourage Apple Mint, but it fueled his anger, considering this was his home and his allies were killed all around him. He turned to the Lunarian soldier and said, "Go n' find every one of our soldiers n' meet me at town square. We've got a score ta settle with them Solars!"

The soldier nodded and trotted off, searching for any remaining soldiers who could still fight.


Apple Mint went off to kill any high ranking officers that were in charge of occupying the city. As he saw town hall, a few Solarian soldiers walked inside, seemingly around to protect an individual pony. They were possibly an officer or some kind of important pony for that matter so he waited for the remaining soldiers to rendezvous with him. 15  Minutes passed by and around 42 soldiers came and used the urban are to hide. The Lunar soldier returned and informed Apple Mint of the survivors that arrived.


He smiled and unsheathed his sword, then charged right at town hall along with the remaining soldiers.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Dawn Blazer hopped out of the LATT(light armored troop transporter) and was followed by a few more soldiers who were all green as grass. She looked around Canterlot and it was nothing like what she remembered, what used to be the beautiful shops along the road were now medical buildings or armories and other things of the sort. She trotted through the streets to the castle and the whole time was surrounded by the screams of wounded, yet she was unfazed she had been through this kind of thing before the screams of injured colts and mares on the battle field was two times worse than this. as she approached the front gates she threw a salute to the gaurds who let her through. She walked through the castle to the war room(or the throne room I guess) and knocked on the door and waited for a response.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Applejack and Sky Warden moved into the tent.


"Alright partner, listen here. I got us a plan to deal a crushing blow to them solar ponies. Thing is, I need your help to do it."


She pulled out a map and started pointing.


"Alright, they blazed a trail through the forest and moved down, apparently takin' out Dodge City and Cap'n Silverstar, then over to Appleloosa and some how managed to take out Major Braeburn. Luna knows I hope he's alright........" *sigh* "Anyhow, Its pretty obvious if they stay on this here path, they plan to burst out of the Everyfree." Thing is, I already sent troops from our stronghold in Sweet Apple Acres to prevent that." She smiled as the entire plan she had been setting in motion was about to come together.


"Lookie here now, I've sent troops over toward Baltimare but this here wasn't just for that battle. Those ponies from Ponyville would be movin' close between our land and theirs headin' east. If Steeleye tries to back track, this Ponyville battalian with its mages and air support prevent him from escapin'."


She drew lines showing that between the forces from Sweet Apple acres heading south and forces moving East from the northern border of Lunar land toward Baltimare, there was no way back without fighting. She smiled.


"Now heres where YOU come in. Yur goin'  head around from the southwest of ponyville. Then head UP from Appleloosa. That will have'em trapped from tha North, South, the west is covered by Ghastly gorge and the south by ya'll. So remember, ya go southwest around the outside of Ghastly Gorge then cut across and come up from tha south. That should be enough to to end all them solor ponies. Kill'em all....Destroy all them ponies and I'll have ya promoted to Capn' by the end of tha week. The Battle for the Heart of the South has begun! I'll be headin' over to help Flutters with Baltimare. Group up with Col. Macintosh after that there battles done. Dismissed"


"Oh, Sky Warden......Bury them Solar ponies when its done. We ain't about to sink to their level when it comes to treatin' pony folk. At least bury'em as the brothers and sisters they once were."

Edited by Obsidian_Winter

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Aye, I took a few lads with me to scout a few days ago, their numbers were big. But I haven't seen any major acitivty as of late (Rp'er has not responded). They do have large numbers, but from I have discovered they show no intention of attacking. But I assume your men have experience under their belt? I prefer quality of quantity. Those Solars o'er the pass look as green as mine. Shiny uniforms, shiny swords.


And by chance, have you heard of a Steeleye Sunglazer? He is the one responsible for massacreing an entire Lunar fort, as well as evicting Lunar sympathizers from their homes and torching public property. He recently marched through Applelooza, I heard there's nothing but a pile of debris from where the town once stood! I was hoping to catch the bastard at Baltimare, but I guess we'll be holding  down the tent here in the midst of a motionless enemy! And what's worse, is that I've yet to hear of any action taking by Celestia! Is this what she calls warfare? Masscres and pillaging!?"


Golden Age sighed and then finished. "Well, I guess that's our situation Vanguard, we've got a big motionless enemy in one direction, and a murderer in the other."

Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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Sky nodded and strode out from the tent. He wasn't sure if he can make it or not. He only had thirty men under his command and they're all exhausted. He didn't ask anything though. He knew that it's better to do something without complaining. He found that his quartermaster was still awake, Good.

"You better get some sleep and order the others to do so. We move at dawn and we have a battle to win tomorrow"



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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There was a loud *VOOMPH* as Bio and her school of mages reappeared.

<Good. No ones pu..>
From behind her, the sound of ponies vomiting filled the clearing. Having a look round it seemed like they had warped to the forest just at the base dragon mountain.
A scowl spread across Bio's face <Hiking. Lovely>  she thought to herself. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!" she cried, gaining the attention of the mages. "We are at the base of Dragon mountain, the solarians are about launch a strike here, to try and halt the NLR attacks on ponyville. Its our job to stop them."
Her eyes starting to glow a deep red from behind her mask and map levitated out from her saddle bag. "What we will do is scout out the area around us and find out where they plan to attack from. Then we will lay traps and ambush them, cutting em down before they can even retaliate" putting the map back in her bag "Lets move out"

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At the Edge of ponyville, a blind unicorn meditates in peace feeling natures air flowing in his mane and the noise of wildlife whispering into his ears. A storm is brewing, and it is one that shall leave its mark on Equestria. "This is not good...I sense something terrible will happen." The wise, blind unicorn said as he got up from his mediation pose. Vedana Purity looks up to the sky and sighs, "Why is this happening...how come I sense the wildlife in fear?"

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Whirlwind sat alone in the corner of a Tavern outside of Canterlot with a flagon full of ale in his hoof and a pile of gold on the table, his last job for the solar empire went well and he was paid handsomely for his efforts, and that just how he liked it.

"Ah... barkeep another plz" he said and he finished the flagon in his hand and glared at the pony who were eye him... or more so his gold.

"that's a fair bit of gold you have there, care to gamble some away?" one the the ponies drunkenly grumbled as he twirled a small dagger in his hand

"no I'm good i did enough gambling earlier, and i recon you have nothing to offer me" replied Whirlwind as he flipped some gold toward the bar keep. and then proceed the place his Rapier in the table "in case you want to bet you life instead" he said with a cold stare at the pony who back away and left the bar, the threat may have been unnecessary but its better yo avoid the rise entirely rather then think 'maybe'.





a few hour had past and Whirlwind was in his room in the tavern inn, skimming though some requests


most of them were from bandits and dog asking from Whirlwind to off his services raiding....... something Whirlwind would never dream of doing.

one letter however was more interesting as it had a royal seal on it, Whirlwind opened and began to read


you services are requested at the foal mountains, be there at sun set or we shall find some pony with punctuality.


the message was very blunt but Whirlwind was sure it was real and if it wasn't he'd just have kill the one who sent it.



(Whirlwind is heading to the mountain and it will take some time)     

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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Dodge City was actually quite peaceful compared to the near destroyed perimeters of the battle and what happened inside. All the buildings stood and Ice Opal, with a few rest breaks for water and ice, was happy to finally have arrived.


He wandered straight into the market, with a few bits in his mini-pouch. Each deployed pony was given a little money to survive if anything drastic happened, and he bought himself a more desirable drink, tea, with a few hunks of warm bread fresh from the oven as well. He ripped a piece of bread as he stared at the fading sun. It must have been around 7:30 in the evening at the time, so he decided to make way back to the battle at night, where darkness was his only enemy, as the war took a small break with only minor deaths for sleep. Apart from specialized assassins, of course.




Half an hour later, and Ice Opal felt refreshed to the brim. With such crude meals at basic training, he was filled with energy from the nutrients the food held, and he began trotting away from the setting sun, speeding up the fall of darkness in his eyes. He almost yawned, stifling it, and set his first hoof outside of Dodge City and toward the river that would lead him through the Everfree.


((OOC: Yup, sorry Higu, I'm just gonna hoof this on my own. Hope I finally find another Solarian RPer soon enough, this is getting tiring.))

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"Perhaps" Golden Age said "Perhaps we could divide our force into two parts? I take my regiment down to Baltimare and you hold down the tent here? My men will certainly need the experience." I have no doubt you'll be able to manage things here. What say you on the matter Lieutenant?"

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The Poacher had been activated. Arcane energy flowed through the conduit of its body, fuelling the creature's facsimile heart. Chilling blue light shone from the empty sockets of the creature's eyes, illuminating the space around him.


The light also saw. The Poacher was in a stone room, a laboratory filled with unicorn scientists. The scientists watched with fascination as the Poacher began to come to life, talking amongst themselves while jotting down information. The head scientist and another unicorn approached the awakened creature.


"It... it worked! So, do we tell the princess?"


The head unicorn scoffed at this idea, "tell the princess? You mean, distract the princess of the night for a simple experiment?" he laughed bitterly. "This creature is nothing more than an age old plaything, an experiment into the creation of artificial life. I very much doubt it's supposed abilities... nevertheless, we have worked to long on this thing to simply toss it aside. So it's meant to take orders from high status..." he directed himself at the Poacher. "Number seven. I have a task for you; find and capture a live Phoenix, then bring it back here!"


There was a collective gasp from the scientists, as they waited for a reaction from the Poacher. It didn't move. The head scientist sighed, and smiled to himself. 

"What a pity. It looks like our weapon is faul..."

Before he could finish, the Poacher leapt across the room, and through the single window. The unicorns were stunned into silence, and the head scientist's jaw dropped.


The Poacher took in his surroundings; a forest. His task was to locate a Phoenix. He moved off into the shadows.

  • Brohoof 1
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