applejack2013 10 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Im sorry your parents are acting that way. Sometimes parents think they have what is the persons best interest at heart but they don't understand that they are only making things worse. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 769 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Both my mom and my dad looked at me weird and questioned why I wanted it, then said that I'm "broadcasting" my liking of the show to the rest of the world by buying it. They mentioned Facebook as well, saying that when I like MLP things on there, my friends can see it, and they'll judge me for it. Edit: Also, to all the people saying I should just buy it for myself, I can't, because I'd be going behind their backs if I did, which would only make them angry. I appreciate all the offers, though. I'm right there with ya, bro. My parents really don't like all the MLP pages that I like on facebook, nor the fact that I'm an open brony...also I know that feeling of frustration that you can't just buy it for yourself because you'll be going behind their back. My advice, as far as parents hating on your interests, is to stay calm and brony on. I know that's much easier said than done, but when you face the worst criticism, the cruelest remarks...always remember that you have people that you can trust here on the forums, and anywhere else you can find bronies, be it on the Internet or IRL, when you eventually find somepony else who's into MLP. Always remember that you have friends to comfort you in the worst of times, and the best of times, when they will come. I'm here for you, and so is everypony else on these forums. Stay strong. /) 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Groves86 4 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Hey! I just wanted to say that I (Like all the other Bronies and Pegasisters here) am here to help and support you. I myself also really want an RD plush but don’t know how to approach the topic. (They don’t even know I’m a brony) But I digress. I wish you the best of luck and it’s amazing to know I’m not the only one going through similar scenario. All of the ideas I have, have been listed by the others already. Best of luck /) (Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes it's 5:30 AM and I haven't gone to bed yet ) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Tonight, my sister aimed to humiliate me in front of my parents by insisting that I watch an episode of My Little Pony on our big screen tv. I took the bait, foolishly believing that if they managed to get through one episode of the show, they would immediately set their doubts and reservations aside, and acknowledge its greatness. Needless to say, the opposite occurred. At the first sight of the multi-colored ponies, they began to laugh hysterically. My sister threw her hands up in the air, and imitated the motion of a horse rearing its hooves up in the air. "NEIGHHHH-HE-HE-HE!!!" she bellowed. "I'M LITTLE PON--EEE!! Want a pony ride, little boy??" "Stop it!" I cried out. My protest was futile. My Dad got on the floor and began imitating a bucking horse. "HEE-HAW! HEE-HAW! DO YOU LIKE MEEEE?? I'M A PRETTY PINK PONY! DON'T YOU LIKE THOSE, DEREK??" "Dad, PLEASE!! Just STOP it!" I demanded. "If you just watched the show, you would see that is has great animation, characters, stories,and--" Dad interrupted. "Oh puh-leez! I'm just telling you Derek, you are digging yourself one BI-I-I-I-I-IG hole! Better stop while you're ahead. Wouldn't want that dignity gettin' away from you, huh? Would ya? Huh?" He had a smile on his face as he said this, but there was a silent desperation in his eyes and his forced grin that seemed to suggest that he was holding out one last shred of hope that I would denounce my interest in the show right then and there, and then we could all move on with our predictable pedestrian lives. Well, he could anyway. "Dad...please...I am still the same son that you've always had. I am the same son who helped you fix up my car last year, who went camping with you in Colorado for the last five summers. I am the same son who went with you to the monster truck derby when nobody else wanted to go, the same son who stood up for you and DEFENDED you when you had that drinking problem a few months ago. I have tried and tried to please you for years and years, and now the f*cking thing that's going to finally destroy the f*cking bridge that I've been building between the two of us for ages and ages is a D*MN TV SHOW?!?!? I am DONE with ALL of you!!!" At that point, I lost my temper and kicked down one of the tables in the living room. Some coffee spilled on the carpet and my Dad began yelling something about how expensive the carpet was and how long it was going to take to get the stain out. My mind was spinning out of control, and all I wanted to do was shut myself in my room, cry, and vent my frustrations. So that's what I did. I'd like for this post to help you understand that there are a lot of bronies who are going through the same thing you are. Maybe the fact that you're not alone in your struggles will provide some comfort. It does for me. All of these stories of difficulties with parents is making me feel guilty. Sure, my parents may not think I'm super normal, but didn't we all, as children, learn that being special is a good thing? All of you have my support, and deserve more medals than I can give. 4 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 I have/had the same problems with my parents especially my dad. Every five seconds he's telling me not to wear My Little Pony shirts in public or not to buy plushies. Because it sends the "Wrong Message" Hide the Plushies whenever friends come over, hide the shirts when your friends come over, don't tell anyone you like the show. And so on and so fourth. You see, the problem is since the older generation was all for little girls , they just don't get how this newer generation can be less girly then the others. Is there any way you can convince them to do something to do something like maybe watch one episode or look at up on Wikipedia? (Really depends on what episode you choose, for your parents to watch, but there is a chance that your parents can change their opinions slightlyn after watching an episode or reading about Friendship Is Magic on Wiki.) I made my dad look it up on Wikipedia and now he slightly understands it a bit better. He still doesn't "Like" that I am a fan of the show but he accepts it. Maybe if you filled in your parents what this show was really about I think then they might buy you that plushie. But, for the time being just try to lay low about it and the next time they bring it up, try to convince them to read up on it or watch just one episode with you and see if their opinion on the show has changed slightly. We as the Brony community are here to support you, and I hope everything works out. 3 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Author Share December 27, 2012 (edited) @@jackleapp81, No offense, but your dad doesn't exactly sound...mature. Also, I'm very sorry about your experience going badly, I'd have probably done something similar if that'd happened to me, and I'm normally a peaceful, kind person...but if my parents set me off by acting like that...*holds self back from continuing the thought* I have/had the same problems with my parents especially my dad. Every five seconds he's telling me not to wear My Little Pony shirts in public or not to buy plushies. Because it sends the "Wrong Message" Hide the Plushies whenever friends come over, hide the shirts when your friends come over, don't tell anyone you like the show. And so on and so fourth. You see, the problem is since the older generation was all for little girls , they just don't get how this newer generation can be less girly then the others. Is there any way you can convince them to do something to do something like maybe watch one episode or look at up on Wikipedia? (Really depends on what episode you choose, for your parents to watch, but there is a chance that your parents can change their opinions slightlyn after watching an episode or reading about Friendship Is Magic on Wiki.) I made my dad look it up on Wikipedia and now he slightly understands it a bit better. He still doesn't "Like" that I am a fan of the show but he accepts it. Maybe if you filled in your parents what this show was really about I think then they might buy you that plushie. But, for the time being just try to lay low about it and the next time they bring it up, try to convince them to read up on it or watch just one episode with you and see if their opinion on the show has changed slightly. We as the Brony community are here to support you, and I hope everything works out. I'll suggest the Wiki article, but they don't like changing opinions once they have them set (Even when I've proved I'm right on something, like why our computer isn't working right, they get angry! ). Even so, I'll ask them to read up on it, but as for showing them an episode, two things. First, they may have already seen some of it (or so my dad claims), and second, which episode should I show them? It may not do much good, as I'm lead to believe their real issue is that others will think it's for little girls, regardless of what I say. Still, I'll try, but really, which episode? I'm no good at choosing, especially since I need it to be as perfect as possible. I mean, no girliness whatsoever, and it needs to be appealing to them as well. Your parents seem to be forgetting something very important. You're a brony. Not Satan. IT'S. A. GOD. DAMN. CARTOON. "But it's for girls!" The show was designed for the whole family to be able to watch it without wanting to gouge their eyes out. "But people will treat you differently!" Real friends won't give a fuck. "But people who watch it have no lives!" Really? Talented musicians, authors, and artists who happen to watch a cartoon have no lives? You just want merchandise for a show. It's not something that will change your life or topple the Spanish government. I give you points for your final comment, that made my day. Anyways, I appreciate the responses to the possible reactions. I'll be the first to say I'm not good at arguing or debating, so I often have to plan these things in advance, but even then I often forget or panic. Still, everything helps, so thanks. Edited December 27, 2012 by whoovesfan7698 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candy Apples 18 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 So much for love and tolerance, eh? <_< I'm sorry about what they said to you. Your situation sucks. I'm not sure what all to say, my mom was the same way when I started collecting Pokemon stuff. She eventually realized that I didn't care about her opinion, or anyone else's, about me and let me get them to shut me up. By the time I asked for MLP stuff, she just went with it. I hope they get their panties out of a knot and let you get it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weegeez 150 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 (edited) Sorry to hear about your situation mate. I think my best recommendation to help is get your parents to understand the MLP franchise more directly, show them some of the stuff, like videos or fanfics, that bronies make. ANother option is to show them some of the better episodes in the series. It's clear that they care for you, and worried what others think of you since they seem to be fine with your choice. So they should be understanding enough to let you show them why you are, or what makes you one of us. I'm sure they'll come around, parents always do and it will further increase your bond with them. I even made my mom a pegasister, my dad is still not supportive of my decision, but since I'm keeping my grades up and avoiding suspicious activity, he is perfectly fine letting me be a brony...of course I don't have any plushies, but I never really wanted one. Like I said, your parents seem to be good folk in comparison to some others, just try your best to help them understand your situation. remember we are all here for you, never forget that. As for your friends on facebook, your real friends shouldn't give a damn, and will support you even if they aren't bronies themselves. Most of mine aren't, and although they tease me every now and again, it's all in good fun, and they defend me when I get attacked by someone Edited December 27, 2012 by weegeez 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
butter scotch 79 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Well... Life advice is where this should be really... You should tell your parents you don't care about what others think of you. And that a lot of people like the show. Que the amazing figure and some photo's or something. (Don't over-do it!) Having a Plushie or something honestly isn't amazing. But then again that's coming from me so unless it's really to do with practical things then I'm not the man to ask... 1 Did you know: 20Kv's of electricity can kill you from up to 5ft away? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Have you considered showing them these forums, or maybe even this topic? It would show that you aren't totally weird, and that this community isn't just a society of emos and gays. (Although I have no issue with either.) 3 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strawberry Tart 161 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Really? They said that?! My mom basically thinks me liking MLP is "cute" (although she's the kind of mom that thinks I'm still ten. She even called me a "little girl" the other day). I can't believe your parents are like that about it. They're kind of right, people will judge you for it, but those aren't the kind of people you would want to hang out with, are they? What they call "watching a childish show", I call "having fun". Come on. They're saying other people will judge you, but they're judging you right there! If you don't want to go behind their backs, ask for it for your birthday, and then act all surprised that you got it. That's what I do when I want something (last time it was nail polish. Apparently 14 years old is too little to be doing things like - *gasp* - painting nails. Don't even get me started on make-up.) 3 Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature Credit to Генерал Четник for Avatar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pariah164 83 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 (edited) Wow, your parents are close-minded jerks. This story right here is why I'm glad my parents are so open to me having hobbies that aren't 'normal' by societal standards. They occasionally tease me (jokingly) for my MLP love, asking 'how old are you again?" when I squee over a toy or plushie, but they also accept it as part of who I am. As for your situation, if you have your own funds, buy it yourself. I know you said it would be going behind their backs, but if it's your money, you have the right to spend it on whatever you damn well please, and you should (politely) tell them that when it arrives. It's not like you're going around screaming 'WOOO I LOVE PONIES' while wearing Rainbow Dash underwear in your front yard. It's something you enjoy. Plain and simple. If you have any Brony friends in real life, keep 'em close. Hopefully this post was helpful. Edited December 27, 2012 by pariah164 2 |College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover| Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~. I draw ponies: My Original Characters: Ruby Sharp Shoe: Buttonstitch: Starry Sky: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Wow, your parents are close-minded jerks. This story right here is why I'm glad my parents are so open to me having hobbies that aren't 'normal' by societal standards. They occasionally tease me (jokingly) for my MLP love, asking 'how old are you again?" when I squee over a toy or plushie, but they also accept it as part of who I am. As for your situation, if you have your own funds, buy it yourself. I know you said it would be going behind their backs, but if it's your money, you have the right to spend it on whatever you damn well please, and you should (politely) tell them that when it arrives. It's not like you're going around screaming 'WOOO I LOVE PONIES' while wearing Rainbow Dash underwear in your front yard. It's something you enjoy. Plain and simple. If you have any Brony friends in real life, keep 'em close. Well, I agree and disagree. Her parents must be good people, they might just have problems accepting new thing, or are really self-conscious about their social status. Also, is your Avatar from Persona 4? I love that game. 1 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pariah164 83 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Well, I agree and disagree. Her parents must be good people, they might just have problems accepting new thing, or are really self-conscious about their social status. Also, is your Avatar from Persona 4? I love that game. It is! That's Rise. The art's from Persona 4 Arena. 1 |College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover| Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~. I draw ponies: My Original Characters: Ruby Sharp Shoe: Buttonstitch: Starry Sky: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Author Share December 27, 2012 So much for love and tolerance, eh? <_< I'm sorry about what they said to you. Your situation sucks. I'm not sure what all to say, my mom was the same way when I started collecting Pokemon stuff. She eventually realized that I didn't care about her opinion, or anyone else's, about me and let me get them to shut me up. By the time I asked for MLP stuff, she just went with it. I hope they get their panties out of a knot and let you get it. We can only hope... In the mean time, I'm glad for you because your parents didn't mind you getting MLP stuff. I don't think things will get better until I make them better, though. If that means sucking it up and bringing a few more people into the fandom, then so be it. I think my best recommendation to help is get your parents to understand the MLP franchise more directly, show them some of the stuff, like videos or fanfics, that bronies make. Another option is to show them some of the better episodes in the series. The episodes, maybe. I've been thinking about showing them an episode, along with a few friends of mine, but I'm kind of questioning which. Any advice for the episode of choice to show my parents? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 Party of One. It's my favorite episode, and I think it's a really good one to show to non-bronies. The only problem is that it starts in a pretty girly setting (The party, with the pink pony, with dancing and whatnot.) But, as long as you make it past the first couple of minutes without them storming away, then I think they'd like it. 2 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Author Share December 27, 2012 Have you considered showing them these forums, or maybe even this topic? It would show that you aren't totally weird, and that this community isn't just a society of emos and gays. (Although I have no issue with either.) What? Show them that I've gone behind their back and are talking bad about them in front of who knows how many people? Show them that I'm "obsessed" enough to make an account on a forum dedicated to bronies? I'm only showing what they'd say. Believe me, I really do want to show them this, but I just can't help but think they'll see it as me going behind their backs, like if I bought the plushie without their permission. Plus, they'd see the comments I've left, which would give them an insight into my insight they wouldn't understand and would criticize. If anything, showing them the website and the articles I've written about my brony troubles, particularly this one, would only anger them, and they'd probably make me delete my account here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weegeez 150 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 (edited) The episodes, maybe. I've been thinking about showing them an episode, along with a few friends of mine, but I'm kind of questioning which. Any advice for the episode of choice to show my parents? I remember my mom liked the show after I showed her S1 E9 and S2 E20. My friends also enjoyed S2 E3, S2 E21, S3 E4 and S3 E7. Not sure if these will appeal to you parents/friends but those are just a few, and those are definitely among the less "girly" episodes with well executed morals and character developments Edited December 27, 2012 by weegeez 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 I know your situation. You don't have to show them this thread: show them this community. Show them the videos, show them know-your-meme, or make them watch an episode or two. Show them fanart. Also, show them Dragonshy or a Canterlot Wedding. Dragonshy was one of my favorites: or try Lesson Zero, Party of One or It's about Time if you think their intothat stuff. Dragonshy is a good one for non-bronies. Hurricane Fluttershy might work too: just do NOT show them the girly ones [The first and second episodes]. Who knows, they might get hooked. 1 Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 What? Show them that I've gone behind their back and are talking bad about them in front of who knows how many people? Show them that I'm "obsessed" enough to make an account on a forum dedicated to bronies? I'm only showing what they'd say. Believe me, I really do want to show them this, but I just can't help but think they'll see it as me going behind their backs, like if I bought the plushie without their permission. Plus, they'd see the comments I've left, which would give them an insight into my insight they wouldn't understand and would criticize. If anything, showing them the website and the articles I've written about my brony troubles, particularly this one, would only anger them, and they'd probably make me delete my account here. Ah. You make a good point. I apologize, but your parents seem a bit more.... mean than I suspected. And of course, if they deleted your account, you wouldn't be able to get the support that we're giving you. 1 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Author Share December 27, 2012 (edited) They're saying other people will judge you, but they're judging you right there! That's exactly what I would have said to them, but I didn't want to set them off any further. Plus, at least in their mind, they have the higher ground. They are my parents, after all. Edited December 27, 2012 by whoovesfan7698 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strawberry Tart 161 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 That's exactly what I would have said to them, but I didn't want to set them off any further. Plus, at least in their mind, they have the higher ground. They are my parents, after all. You're right. And the sad thing is that you can do absolutely nothing against it until you're 18. Even if you find a good argument, they can still say "But we're your parents. So no." 2 Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature Credit to Генерал Четник for Avatar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorWhovian1902 596 December 27, 2012 Author Share December 27, 2012 Well, I agree and disagree. Her parents must be good people, they might just have problems accepting new thing, or are really self-conscious about their social status. Also, is your Avatar from Persona 4? I love that game. "Her parents must be good people." ...uh, I'm a guy. But yeah, they just don't seem to be accepting of new things, I mean, my dad has constantly told me that he's "amazed at what the new generation likes" (He's not referring to things like Lil' Wayne or Drake, either. No offense to anyone who likes those things.). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor-Whooves 288 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 "Her parents must be good people." ...uh, I'm a guy. But yeah, they just don't seem to be accepting of new things, I mean, my dad has constantly told me that he's "amazed at what the new generation likes" (He's not referring to things like Lil' Wayne or Drake, either. No offense to anyone who likes those things.). I meant his. I apologize. I was talking to my sister as I typed that. The 'new generation', huh? I think we're pretty much the same as all the previous ones. 1 Signature by myself Signatures, Avatars, Wallpapers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pariah164 83 December 27, 2012 Share December 27, 2012 I guess maybe because I'm 27 I fail to see your parents' logic. The only reason I'm living with my folks currently is that a job I wanted got pulled out from under me when the economy crashed, and I've been helping out my mom since my dad had heart surgery. But even when I was underage, they accepted all my likes and dislikes, even if they weren't 'normal'. The fact your parents can't accept new things is, quite frankly, very sad. I hope you eventually call them out on their hypocrisy. "You tell me to be confident in myself, but how can I when you react to one of the things I enjoy in such a degrading way? It makes me depressed, frustrated, and angry." 4 |College Student|Bibliophile|Brony|Gamer|The Once and Future Music Lover| Buck it, I'm ~*FABULOUS*~. I draw ponies: My Original Characters: Ruby Sharp Shoe: Buttonstitch: Starry Sky: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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