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open Canterlot High School

~The Snowy Wolf~

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Vinyl walked up the steps to the grand front entrance of Canterlot High School for the first day of her senior year. In the past three years, she had achieved, in her eyes, greatness. She was the captain of the Cheerleading team, was the homecoming queen last year, and maintained A's and B's (and maybe a C or two). She was planning on finishing strong.


This year was going to be her greatest. There was word of a new senior joining her class but very little in the way of specifics. The new mare supposedly had a brother that was coming as well. It seemed odd to transfer schools during your senior year, but honestly, Vinyl had much more important things to think about. This was her year. She would shine brighter than in any other year and earn her way into one of Canterlot's greatest colleges. She had everything going her way. What could possibly go wrong during her best year ever?!

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Neutron stepped off the school bus and soon found himself gazing at the high school. He had only been here once to see where his classes were but each time he stood in front of it he felt a small feeling of accomplishment. "Finally, I've made it! Canterlot High School. One of the best institutions of learning in all of Equestria!" The young colt thought once he began to make his way into the large school. Neutron remembered how he had gotten into this school. It was a few months back at the beginning of summer for him. His teachers at the middle school he attended highly recommended him to go to CHS due to his grades and extra-curricular activities. When he received the letter of acceptance it was one of the happiest days in his life. He remembered his parents telling him how proud they were of him. Even before he boarded the bus they gave him words of encouragement and praise. A smile was on Neutron's face when he entered the prestigious high school. The halls were bristling with students. Most ponies were either standing in the hall talking to one another and others were heading for class. The thought of there being more unicorns, alicorns and pegasi than earth ponies didn't really come to mind for Neutron. His head was dead set on getting to first period. It took the colt a little while to make his way through the others and into his classroom. There were a few ponies in the classroom and Neutron turned to look at the clock. He was a little early and it was the way he preferred it to be. He sat in the middle row and occupied a desk. It wasn't long before he took a look around the classroom and realized that he knew nopony here. His shy and nervous side soon came out and his gaze shifted from the chalkboard to his desk. If there was one thing Neutron didn't know, it was making friends.

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Transferring schools sounded difficult enough, but during his senior year? Nightfall didn't understand it quite fully. Bt he would do as he was told. He just needed to keep his grades up. And that wouldn't be so hard if old memories didn't pop up. But they did.


He showed up and hesitated at the entrance. Things would be different from now on. He accepted that and walked inside.

Edited by Nightfall
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She slowly walked with her half brother until they reached the school, then she slowed purposefully. She hadn't talked much with him since the incident and it was likely better that way. He had asked a few times why they had to move -again- and she just simply shrugged. He didn't seem to notice that the reason was the same -everytime- they had to move. Her.


She really wasn't feeling like all the looks and stares that came with being an Alicorn. She hoped the ponies here knew enough to realize not all Alicorns are reigning royalty. Some of us are just has beens apart of dead family lines. Her brother and her were the last of their family line.


She looked around the school, which seemed nice enough, and took a deep breath. 'Lets get this over with' she thought


Apple Dapple


She couldn't believe it was her first day of High School! Her Cousin Apple bloom was so jealous of her, it was adorable. She had spent the time the past few months helping her Cousin Applejack with apple bucking. She couldn't believe how strong Applejack was. It was inspiring to be around her. She trotted up to the school and a huge smile played across her lips. She was here. She was in High school. She knew her daddy would be proud of her for forcing herself to move on so soon after his passing. She stopped for a moment and thought of her daddy. "Ah, did it daddy....ah'm here..." she whispered to herself. 


She raised her head high, checked her saddlebags and trotted on inside for her first day of High school.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl noticed the two alicorns walking through the front door. She put on a smile and walked over to them. "Oh hey! Y'all must be the new seniors. Either that, or you're really tall freshponies. Ah'm Vinyl Blade, capt'n uh the cheerlead'n squad and your guide to CHS. And y'all are?"

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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(OOC I change mt OC's age so he's a fresh pony)


Swift checked his belongings as the private cart took a turn around the bend, he looked outs side and saw all the other student looking at cart he was in.

"Swift, are you listening?" said the old mare aka grandmother "oh yes.... of course i am" replied Swift giving a nod of apology.

his gran gave his a stern gaze "don't fool your self in believing that this commoners school is some kind of safe haven for you to get away from your duties as a member of this household, if you do anything to tarnish our reputation you will be pulled out and send back to a private school, do you understand"

Swift gave another nod as the cart pulled over and slowly climbed out to start his first day at highschool

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Scout kept his head down, and tried to look indiscreet as two Alicorns were stopped by the captain of the cheer leading squad. He'd heard plenty of stories about jocks and cheerleaders, and had more than enough experience with jocks to know that messing with them were bad news. Besides, he had class rooms to find. His hoof-falls were barely noticeable as he slunk away to find his 1st period class.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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A red mare walked into the front of the high school, a purse around her shoulder, and small glasses around the brim of her nose. She looked down to her schedule, noticing all of her classes... Six in total, two of them art classes, and in the final parts of the day... Perfect.


"This year should run by well...", Rockshire said, as she ventured the hallways.


((OOC: I'm gonna be blipping in and out for the next day or two. I have some business to take care of IRL.))

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Vinyl noticed the two alicorns walking through the front door. She put on a smile and walked over to them. "Oh hey! Y'all must be the new seniors. Either that, or you're really tall freshponies. Ah'm Vinyl Blade, capt'n uh the cheerlead'n squad and your guide to CHS. And y'all are?"


"No, no," he laughed.

"We're the new seniors."

"Captain of the cheerleading squad? That's the first pony we meet? Huh..."

"My name is Nightfall Starline, Nightfall for short, and this is my half sister Obsidian Winter. Nice to meet you, Vinyl."

He smiled at the other pony.



She slowly walked with her half brother until they reached the school, then she slowed purposefully. She hadn't talked much with him since the incident and it was likely better that way. He had asked a few times why they had to move -again- and she just simply shrugged. He didn't seem to notice that the reason was the same -everytime- they had to move. Her.


She really wasn't feeling like all the looks and stares that came with being an Alicorn. She hoped the ponies here knew enough to realize not all Alicorns are reigning royalty. Some of us are just has beens apart of dead family lines. Her brother and her were the last of their family line.


She looked around the school, which seemed nice enough, and took a deep breath. 'Lets get this over with' she thought


Apple Dapple


She couldn't believe it was her first day of High School! Her Cousin Apple bloom was so jealous of her, it was adorable. She had spent the time the past few months helping her Cousin Applejack with apple bucking. She couldn't believe how strong Applejack was. It was inspiring to be around her. She trotted up to the school and a huge smile played across her lips. She was here. She was in High school. She knew her daddy would be proud of her for forcing herself to move on so soon after his passing. She stopped for a moment and thought of her daddy. "Ah, did it daddy....ah'm here..." she whispered to herself. 


She raised her head high, checked her saddlebags and trotted on inside for her first day of High school.

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Rocket blast walked slowly towards the school with butterflies in his stomach, he was worried about his first day and being a newpony in such a big school. as he approached the steps he lowered his hat to cover his face more, as he walked into school the butterflies in his stomach exploded into a tornado of nerves. "holy smokes," he thought to himself, "there must be thousands of ponies here!" he gulped his heart back down into his chest and walked through the halls. "better head to the office" he said to himself.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Obsidian walked with her brother now, quietly as the country sounding Cheer capatain introduced herself. She sighed as her brother put a special note on saying we were only half siblings. Oh well, he was a noob anyway. She listened intently to this Vinyl Blade and nodded in all the right spots, smiled when it seemed correct to and followed her along as she began her little tour of the school.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Swift double check as he enter the school before messing up his hair abit, he hated having to look so formal when he didn't have to, and this was high school after all..... he didn't want to look like just some rich pony who would make for a easy target, as he entered the hall way he began to search for the class room he was suppose to be in.

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Vinyl dropped her overly cheery smile a bit when she was out of sight and earshot of the faculty. "So, looks like we got Obsidian, the quiet and possibly emo one, and Nightfall, the... I can't really tell with you. So yeah, it's just a normal high school, like any other. What brings y'all to CHS?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl dropped her overly cheery smile a bit when she was out of sight and earshot of the faculty. "So, looks like we got Obsidian, the quiet and possibly emo one, and Nightfall, the... I can't really tell with you. So yeah, it's just a normal high school, like any other. What brings y'all to CHS?"


"She isn't emo," he said. "Just more reserved."

He looked at Obsidian.

"We moved. I'm still trying to ask Obsidian why. She never tells me. We've moved quite a bit, and I've never understood why. It's confusing for me."

He looked back at Vinyl.

"Normal..? Not quite. In a 'normal' high school, everyone isn't quite so rich."

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"She isn't emo," he said. "Just more reserved."

He looked at Obsidian.

"We moved. I'm still trying to ask Obsidian why. She never tells me. We've moved quite a bit, and I've never understood why. It's confusing for me."

He looked back at Vinyl.

"Normal..? Not quite. In a 'normal' high school, everyone isn't quite so rich."



Rocket blast soon got lost in the school, eventually he decided to ask for some directions, he looked around and saw a group of ponies talk. he walked towards them sheepishly and asked quietly,

"erm hey.... i;m new here... do you know where the office is" he then looked at the ground.

"great, now i'm going to be know as the shy kid who got lost on the first day" he thought to himself


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Looks like another long and potentially hurtful day," he mumbles to himself, removing a banana peel from his head. The football team certainly hadn't wasted time this year. If he was lucky, he might catch a break in the locker rooms. He shot from his spot quickly, through the locker room doors, right into the big guy who just through him in the trash can. Yep, another long, hurtful day for me, he thought. The stallion grinned and pinned him to the ground, gathering his buddies around. Scout sighed and cringed as he raised a hoof.


"Look, the idiots so used to this he's all ready cringing. I bet his momma's as loose as he is cowardly."


"What did you say?" He whispered through gritted teeth. Fire burned through his gut as the jock continued to berate him. He didn't really care about the new insults, the only one he cared about was the one to his family. The jock's mistake was that his weight was too far forward; he brought a back hoof up and swapped positions with him. "Nopony insults my family," he hissed, "Nopony." He began to walk towards the showers when the thistle of a colt dared to challenge his statement.


"I hear he doesn't even have parents; his father is a tree, and his mother is a spider!" Scout looked in the bathroom mirror and saw the cocksure grin, and felt red creep into his vision. Aim for the legs, come up to the face. You're going to regret this decision tomorrow. He stretched his wings out as if to test them, then snapped around and launched himself in a tackle to the colt's legs. Coming up with his hoof on his neck, he beat his wings to distract his friends while he drilled him once in the face. Drilling him again in the stomachs so he wouldn't follow, he bucked the sprinkler system. At least I get a shower, he thought, as he grabbed a towel and ran out the door. Oh, I can't wait to explain this to Headmistress Luna. Again. Let's hope for something less then a suspension. Maybe a detention?

  • Brohoof 3


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Obsidian looked around the school for a moment and then answered.."Trouble always seems to follow us around. But this is our last year so hopefully we can get through this then head over to Canterlot College. I just want a quiet year" It would be a good change of pace.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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They finished up the tour and Vinyl turned around to look at Obsidian. "If by 'quiet,' you just mean trouble-free, then you've come to the right place. Trouble makers are quickly weeded out here. And we throw some good parties and great dances throughout the year. I think you'll like it here. Stick with me and y'all'll be fine." She winked at them and started heading toward her first period class

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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As Rockshire ventured through the hallways, she managed to catch glimpse of her first class: English. What a bother...


She trotted out to the back row of the class, already seeing some new faces, and some old companions as well. She sat down and pulled out a small scroll, unraveling it to show a picture of a fire-breathing dragon... Out of her purse, she took out an inkwell and a quill as she went to shading in some of the features of the drawing.

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First period for Neutron had ended and soon everypony was making their way to the next class. It was difficult for the young colt to navigate through the large crowd of ponies. It wasn't before long that the young colt bumped into Apple Dapple. He ended up dropping his books and things all over the floor. "oh i'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I'm just trying to get to my next class as early as possible." He said as he started picking up his books and supplies not even bothering to make eye contact with Apple Dapple.

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Scout was on to one of his better classes; herbology. Last year they got to eat a fungus that made their manes turn blue. It made his Everfree Dartmouth more comfortable around him. Did I bring Del today? Hmm... Maybe I let him go to his family today, and catch glow-flies. I wonder how he always manages to come back home. Maybe he does something with webbing. I bet he doesn't have to deal with trashcans and detention... He sighed, Luna hadn't been pleased. He had to help the janitor fix the sprinklers, and then spend 3 days after school in suspension. On the bright side, he didn't have to worry about that colt for now. He saw a bit of a commotion in front of his class and saw somepony had bumped into another pony. Said pony had managed to drop all his books. It also happened to be right in front of the door to his class, but as he observed the situation, the pony he'd crashed into a mare. He wasn't about to ruin a possible relationship. Those were hard enough to make as it was. He waited.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Obsidian Winter


As Vinyl left she shook her head. She never understood why anypony would want to be a cheerleader. She hated popularity contests but at least she was cute. She looked up over at Nightfall. "I'll catch you later little brother. Stay out of trouble please". She walked off to her first class, Equestrian History AD(After Discord). She paid close attention to this class and took great notes. She was always looking for clues on where she came from.


Apple Dapple


Apple Dapple was taking in the sites of the school and not really watching where she was going when  Neutron and her collided. "Oh! Ah'm terribly sawr'y. Ah' didn't see ya there!' 

She started picking up her own books and looked at the colt she bumped into or may he bumped into her....

"Well Howdy there partner! Ah'm Apple Dapple! Its nice to meet anuther pony who looks close to mah' own age." She smiled.

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Apple Dapple


Apple Dapple was taking in the sites of the school and not really watching where she was going when  Neutron and her collided. "Oh! Ah'm terribly sawr'y. Ah' didn't see ya there!' 

She started picking up her own books and looked at the colt she bumped into or may he bumped into her....

"Well Howdy there partner! Ah'm Apple Dapple! Its nice to meet anuther pony who looks close to mah' own age." She smiled.


"uh it's nice to meet you too. I'm Neutron. I'm guessing your also new here?" He asked to Apple Dapple. Neutron was a little surprised to see another earth pony especially one that was his age. The accent in her voice was something he had never heard before though. "Her voice isn't like the others. It sounds different. More laid back and country in a way."  The young colt thought. To him they didn't look like all the others who seemed to fit in. 

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Scout shifted his weight thinking, I know I said to myself I could wait, but if they take much longer, I'm going to have to go back to the office for a tardy slip... He shivered and tapped the colt who said his name was Neutron. He decided that he wasn't supposed to know his name, so he simply said, "Excuse me," and waited for him to move so he could get to class.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Swift enjoyed his first lesson, he wasn't sure why because what the teacher was talking about was something Swift already learnt, but still it felt nice. but there was a mare sat next to him with  spotted pattern on her flank.... Swift blushed thinking about it, he should have introduced himself ' maybe we'll be in another class together' he thought as he trotted to the next lesson. 

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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