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private Pranceton University

Miss Light Diamond

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(OOC: I think she's said a bit too much, myself x3 hehe)


Sweets would shake her head at Night Shimmer's praise. The shade was going to give the mare a fat head. Usually her cousin Goldilocks wouldn't really pay attention, so she had a lot of alone time. But she always liked it when her work got praised. The orange pegasus' mouth was closed, but her ears were wide open. Her bright green eyes would fly open in shock. And her light heart sank deep into her stomach... She knew how deep the ocean of sadness could be, and how one pony alone couldn't tread those murky waters. 


It swallows you whole... Drowns you... I could never imagine going through the things she's describing. Having nopony.


Sweets sighed gently, looking around her half of what should have been a shared dorm. It was probably so lonely. How hurt this-this Lite must have been. She smiled. I promised myself to make other ponies happy. No one deserve such sadness. "She..." the mare searched for words. "She sounds like a nice girl. I can't wait to meet her sometime."


Oh, yes, deary, I forgot to tell you. I can also hear your thoughts as well. So, that way, you don't have to blurt what's on your mind. It's a bit of a pain to hear the same thing twice, am I right? *giggles* But, don't worry. She's bound to find some happiness here. Anyways... Since I have no clue on where she is... Could I just hang out with you?

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@, @@The-Master,  


"Go right ahead," Cascade told Rambler. She couldn't help feeling slightly apprehensive, afraid that this was too good to be true, but she hid these thoughts, and they didn't show in her voice. She smiled serenely at the pair of them before hiding, once again, in her fruit salad.

  • Brohoof 1

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"I don't know but she needed help." Lila said watching Arrow prance around and giggling. "Arrow, now is not the time to be all goofy. Settle down." she said sternly, but she didn't want to make him feel bad. Its just that now wasn't a good time to be all happy and silly. If it wasn't for that one pony who cleared the smoke they could have all died from breathing in the smoke. *I hope she is ok. I don't want someone to die because of me*

Arrow thought to himself about the giggling part. *She's right I have to stop.* he thought, but something else came to his mind that he had to say it out loud. "Well, it's funny because everybody thinks there's gunna be a fire when it was only smo-" He starts coughing in mid sentence covering his mouth with a left hoof. He releases his mouth and finds blood on his hoof, Arrow tries to hide by putting the other hoof next to it. "only smoke." He started up again. "And the university well panic and there really was nothing to panic about." He continued.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Oh ok, bye!" Night Song waved at Shade. She trotted over to her music class and greeted the teacher over there. While waiting for her class to start, she contemplated on what was so interesting about her friend if it isn't her changeling form. After a couple minutes, her class began. But then,she jumped when she heard fire alarms go off. She rushed out her classroom and called for Shade. @,


Shade landed beside night... She looks at the smoke... "What did I miss? A fire?" She asks a little confused


"Well what ever it was, I had nothing to do with it, and that's all that matters to me..." Shade joked...

"But really.. What happened?"


Shade didn't worry or anything... She was mostly fire prof since changelings use fire to change...



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@@Descant, @@The-Master


Rambler nodded and grabbed a chair to sit down in.


"So... I'm just glad you two don't hate me, but eventually we're going to have to sort this out, so... um, after everything that happened today... where does that leave us? Are things just going to go back to the way they were yesterday? Because I really just want to start over with you, Star. I didn't give you the chance you deserved."

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Oh, yes, deary, I forgot to tell you. I can also hear your thoughts as well. So, that way, you don't have to blurt what's on your mind. It's a bit of a pain to hear the same thing twice, am I right? *giggles* But, don't worry. She's bound to find some happiness here. Anyways... Since I have no clue on where she is... Could I just hang out with you?


"Hear my... Thoughts?" Sweets blinked, looking up in thought. "Well, shoot. Now at least I can talk to you in public without looking like a lunatic." she grinned cheekily. A big toothy, gleaming grin "You can hang with me, sure! But I think I have to get to my classes now that I'm all settled." with light hoof falls, she would look to her schedule. "Hmm... Night Shimmer, I know you're with Lite a lot, but- do you know who teaches the voice classes? It's a Fine Arts class." she tilted her head, taking off her scarf slowly. It was odd, she felt so naked without it. She reached into a small suitcase, pulling out a sheer wrap of the same yellowy color. Hooves would style her mane, placing half in a round bun, right atop of her head. "Make a good impression." she nodded, speaking more to herself. The last thing was to grab her saddlebag. A white leather deal, that was exclusively used for school. She strapped it on, nodding again. "Ready. I don't mind you hanging out with me until Lite needs you back. I hope she is sore at me for keeping you." she giggled, heading out of her room and down the halls.

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"Hear my... Thoughts?" Sweets blinked, looking up in thought. "Well, shoot. Now at least I can talk to you in public without looking like a lunatic." she grinned cheekily. A big toothy, gleaming grin "You can hang with me, sure! But I think I have to get to my classes now that I'm all settled." with light hoof falls, she would look to her schedule. "Hmm... Night Shimmer, I know you're with Lite a lot, but- do you know who teaches the voice classes? It's a Fine Arts class." she tilted her head, taking off her scarf slowly. It was odd, she felt so naked without it. She reached into a small suitcase, pulling out a sheer wrap of the same yellowy color. Hooves would style her mane, placing half in a round bun, right atop of her head. "Make a good impression." she nodded, speaking more to herself. The last thing was to grab her saddlebag. A white leather deal, that was exclusively used for school. She strapped it on, nodding again. "Ready. I don't mind you hanging out with me until Lite needs you back. I hope she is sore at me for keeping you." she giggled, heading out of her room and down the halls.


Sadly, Sweets, my dear, I do not... Since Lite's only classes involve magic and history. And I'm sure Lite wouldn't need me back yet. She would be too busy with a certain stallion to pay attention to me for a split second. Plus, I like being around you. Your shadow is so warm...

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"I don't think I matter too much right now. I just want to know I haven't ruined things between you and Cascade. It was wrong for me ever to interfere and I fear that I may have caused more damage than I know. I hope this doesn't really change anything between the two of you. I'm, sorry."


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"Well my feelings for Cascade haven't changed at all. I'll always want to be with her. So I guess it's up to her what happens now. Either way though, don't blame yourself. It's my fault more than anything for being so stupid and possessive."


Rambler turned to Cascade.


"Anyway, you can have all the time you need to think about it, Cascade. I don't want to put you on the spot again."

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Sadly, Sweets, my dear, I do not... Since Lite's only classes involve magic and history. And I'm sure Lite wouldn't need me back yet. She would be too busy with a certain stallion to pay attention to me for a split second. Plus, I like being around you. Your shadow is so warm...


Sweets could only shrug, continuing to walk down the halls. Ah well, I can get a better look at all the great architecture... Wait, did you just say my shadow's warm??? Shadows have temperatures? ... Cool. she smiled wide, feeling more at ease as she took each step. Past the cafeteria, past the magic classes, past the door to the outdoor classes. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Sweets could only shrug, continuing to walk down the halls. Ah well, I can get a better look at all the great architecture... Wait, did you just say my shadow's warm??? Shadows have temperatures? ... Cool. she smiled wide, feeling more at ease as she took each step. Past the cafeteria, past the magic classes, past the door to the outdoor classes. 


Well, of course! Every shadow has a temperature depending on their mood! I've been into many shadows before, and none of them are even close to being as warm as yours is! 


Meanwhile, back in the dorm, Lite had decided to head out to her classes with Sky, her tail intertwined with his for all of the most part. She couldn't leave him at all. It was so cute... a bit too cute.



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Diamond smiled at Nightfall as he extended his wing's to shield her from the rain...Even though the both of them were already soaking wet. "You're my night in shining armor." She said, Pushing the door's open and running down the hall alongside Nightfall.


He blushed lightly at her compliment. When he had reached outside with Diamond, he slowed to a trot.

"I'm just doing what needs to be done, Diamond."

He smiled at her.

"I need to take this," he indicated the soup, "back to my room. You can come along and get dry if you want."

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((Hm. I actually don't know what I'm going to have Cascade do here.))


Cascade glanced back and forth between Star Keeper and Rambler.  She looked both relieved and slightly bemused. As if she didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to pick - she hated important choices like this. After several moments, she sighed and said, "I just... I don't know. I'll need to think." She glanced apologetically at Rambler. "Sorry..."

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He blushed lightly at her compliment. When he had reached outside with Diamond, he slowed to a trot.

"I'm just doing what needs to be done, Diamond."

He smiled at her.

"I need to take this," he indicated the soup, "back to my room. You can come along and get dry if you want."

Diamond nodded. "Id love too...I should probably change out of these clothes so...That would be a good idea." She said, Trotting with him to their dorm room. "That is the same building where they hold the magic classes...So this isn't the first time the sprinklers have gone off." She chuckled and shook off all the water.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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Rambler sighed and nodded. He had sort of expected that.


"It's okay. You don't need to apologize. I don't want you to feel like you're being forced to make a decision right now. Take as long as you need, and I'll be waiting for you when you decide. I'll wait forever if I have to." 

  • Brohoof 1

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Star was a bit concerned. What exactly was making her feel this way? What did she have to think about? "Y-you don't think she believes she has to choose, or did I get something wrong? To be honest I'm quite confused about this whole situation now. I thought this was sorted?"


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"Don't worry about it. Just give her time to think and she'll do whatever is right for her. I trust her enough that I know she'll make the right decision. Even if that decision means that we'll never be together again, it will be what she wants, and that's more important than anything else."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Diamond nodded. "Id love too...I should probably change out of these clothes so...That would be a good idea." She said, Trotting with him to their dorm room. "That is the same building where they hold the magic classes...So this isn't the first time the sprinklers have gone off." She chuckled and shook off all the water.


"Now it makes more sense."

He smiled, then thought about what she had just said about changing her clothes. He blushed a bit after some thought, but stayed a bit quiet. Maybe she would realize she didn't have any clothes in his room. At least, not yet. Not yet... he blushed a bit more.

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@@The-Master, @,  


Cascade held her silence as the two colts talked about her. She was lost in thought, not knowing what to think. Rambler was clearly head over hooves for her, but... The way he had exploded at Star Keeper the other day... honestly terrified her a little bit. And Star himself... He was wonderful and brilliant and all that tosh, but still, he had breached her trust by not calling her for months. Of course, she could pick neither, but what fun would that be?

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"Now it makes more sense."

He smiled, then thought about what she had just said about changing her clothes. He blushed a bit after some thought, but stayed a bit quiet. Maybe she would realize she didn't have any clothes in his room. At least, not yet. Not yet... he blushed a bit more.

"Why are you blushing so-" She went silent and...You guessed it...She blushed. "I mean...I have clothes in my room...Across the hall...From your room, so we can just stop by there and I can...uh...Grab some clothes." She said, Feeling rather embarrassed. *That sounded like we were living together...Oops.* She thought.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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Arrow thought to himself about the giggling part. *She's right I have to stop.* he thought, but something else came to his mind that he had to say it out loud. "Well, it's funny because everybody thinks there's gunna be a fire when it was only smo-" He starts coughing in mid sentence covering his mouth with a left hoof. He releases his mouth and finds blood on his hoof, Arrow tries to hide by putting the other hoof next to it. "only smoke." He started up again. "And the university well panic and there really was nothing to panic about." He continued.

Lila got angry about what he said, "No its not funny." She stoped and turned to look at him. You could see the stress starting to get to her. "Do you think it would have been funny if it really was a fire, or if this mare dies? What if i died? Would it be funny then? Be more mature Arrow." Lila felt like hitting the stallion for his ignorence but restrained herself from doing so, and continued to walk down the hall.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Lila got angry about what he said, "No its not funny." She stoped and turned to look at him. You could see the stress starting to get to her. "Do you think it would have been funny if it really was a fire, or if this mare dies? What if i died? Would it be funny then? Be more mature Arrow." Lila felt like hitting the stallion for his ignorence but restrained herself from doing so, and continued to walk down the hall.

Arrow mentally face hoof. *good bucking job... Plothole!* "Fick sie." He swore at him self in germane. "No... It wouldn't."  He said almost in a depressed way, thinking about what he said. He always thought of problems as if the universe is saying 'don't do that', or 'do this again and you're going to have problems. He took it as a sign and forgot that it was ever a real problem. He started to cough again this time twirling his head away from Lila so she couldn't see the blood flying out of his mouth. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Why are you blushing so-" She went silent and...You guessed it...She blushed. "I mean...I have clothes in my room...Across the hall...From your room, so we can just stop by there and I can...uh...Grab some clothes." She said, Feeling rather embarrassed. *That sounded like we were living together...Oops.* She thought.


"She caught herself. That's a good sign. Keep her as your marefriend."

"Yeah..." He was still blushing a bit, and stayed silent as he opened the door into the dorms and held it for Diamond.

"But- that shouldn't keep you from coming over... I mean, instead of going out tonight, if- if you planned on going out, of course... there is the soup I made..."

His blush got slightly worse.

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Rambler sighed and stood up.


"I guess I should probably just leave you alone now. I don't want to make this decision for you, Cascade, but I really do hope you give me a chance. I'll be here waiting if you ever do."


Rambler walked out of the cafe and headed back towards the dorm.

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"Okay, bye then." Star gave a gentle wave back to Rambler, trying to be a little bit polite at least. Then he realized it may be best if he did the same and followed en suet. "You obviously have allot to think about, and I didn't want to get in the way of that. Did you want me to leave as well? I don't mind really."


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