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ooc The Jungle's Gilded Heart OOC


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Why'd you make a new OC for first death? It's not like you can never use them again outside of this RP. 

I dont exactly want Frostbite to die, but if she does then i'm still going to use her in different RPs ._.

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Fair enough. Actually sounds like a pretty good idea, but I dont think I can let Frostbite go if she does die haha, I like her character too much. And I dont want an OC page of 300+ OCs...

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Well, nopony's going to die on this first encounter, I can guarantee you folks that much. It's not like we're all going to be dying left and right here. You're supposed to be the best Equestria had to offer; that would be too easy.

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But still, just how much fighting are we allowed to do before we are classed as controlling the jungle? 

I mean...for an example (not that I will be doing this) would Frostbite be able to freeze a plant and shatter it in one post that I make? 

Or would that be too much? Would that be counted as me controlling the jungle or not? That's the kind of things i'm worried about, and sure, you can use Frostbite as a test dummy if you like, she's at the back of the group after all. But as im going off now, you'll probably have to wait for me to reply. 

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@, Depends on the plant in question. Or how many there are on this occasion. I'll let you know if you overdo it.


You and @@aRegularPony will be the first attacked, but neither of you will be killed, unless you, or the rest of us, just respond totally ineptly. 

Edited by Descant

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Yeah there's um, not too much I can really reply to on that is there? 

Not much you can do if you've been grabbed by vines and swallowed whole...


Edit: Nevermind...~I'm a unicorn~

Oh, and Aqua isn't going to be on tonight at all. 

In fact, you're probably better of writing him out of the RP altogether now

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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I apolergise. That's kinda why I made you the one swallowed whole. Kinda new to DM'ing an action RP.

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It's cool, I dont wanna powerplay and break out, so she's panicking and im playing it slow. I'm either gonna wait for someone to rescue me, or burst out myself in a few posts...I know exactly what im going to do in either situation ^_^

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I'm going to treat the action scenes like D&D. You post your OC's intent, I roll a dice to see how well it works. Sound like a plan? 


I will accept limited powerplay. Frostbite froze the yateveo's insides, giving it essentially brain freeze. Since it's partially disabled, you'll get better odds when attacking that one.

Edited by Descant

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While i've never played D&D, I have played LotR tabletop games and I like how they work. Although dice rolls for me always kick my ass (as proven here... -.- ) Sounds...like it could work...I guess :/ cant really think of any better ideas though myself so...

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That's just sorta how this worked out, I guess. You actually originally rolled a complete dud, I thought I'd reroll for ya. :P This is only first encounter, after all. I don't want anypony dying first encounter.

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I like to make my OCs make sense. So if they die, they're dead. Especially Goldseek. I'm giving him a fanfic.

Hey, my OC's ninja star pierced the vine halfway, try making your OC shake since the vine's weakened and it may snap.

  • Brohoof 2
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lmfao thanks. See what I mean though? 

Although if you're going to do it with the dice, might I suggest a system of health? 


Either, some health system per character, and encounters damage us by whatever amount (example, say Frosbite has 250 health, and each post she's in the acid she loses like...20 health, or something?) Not sure how that would work but it could do quite well. 


Or failing that, maybe if we have multiple tiers of failing? 

Bad - worse - screwed - dead. 

So if I rolled a dud then, I would be say...pulled under, but not dead. Then I can get out of the acid but weaker, and if I rolled a dud again, im even more screwed, maybe with tendrils ripping into me, then another dud and it's game over for me. Kinda like that? I guess? I'm just bouncing ideas here, trying to get some things that would represent as us Equestrias best, and not get us insta-fucked by a leaf on a bad day, know what im sayin? 

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lmfao thanks. See what I mean though? 

Although if you're going to do it with the dice, might I suggest a system of health? 


Either, some health system per character, and encounters damage us by whatever amount (example, say Frosbite has 250 health, and each post she's in the acid she loses like...20 health, or something?) Not sure how that would work but it could do quite well. 


Or failing that, maybe if we have multiple tiers of failing? 

Bad - worse - screwed - dead. 

So if I rolled a dud then, I would be say...pulled under, but not dead. Then I can get out of the acid but weaker, and if I rolled a dud again, im even more screwed, maybe with tendrils ripping into me, then another dud and it's game over for me. Kinda like that? I guess? I'm just bouncing ideas here, trying to get some things that would represent as us Equestrias best, and not get us insta-fucked by a leaf on a bad day, know what im sayin? 

I think we'll be fine without a health system. I'll just keep track of injuries and tie that in to your odds. 


I'll make sure I post your odds for what might or might not happen. But I'll generally reward creativity with better odds, and I'll generally try to be lenient, but death will start being an option later on in the RP. 

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Eh, like I said im just thinking about getting instantly deaded just because you rolled the wrong number. Hardly seems right to me. Like you could be in my position right now, fairly well off to be honest, just a little stuck as it stands, just to be killed because you rolled a 20. That's all. But I suppose you have something figured out, i'll be happy as long as it doesn't get us all killed without a chance lol

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Well, like I said, even when death does become an option, it's only gonna be only under the worst of circumstances, and perhaps even then the odds aren't going to be very high. I want this RP to last at least until we reach the Heart... I have a good plan for what lies there...

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Alright cool. There is just one thing I request when you consider for Frostbite - if you see when she uses her spells, can you check her OC page? I have named her spells there and what effects they have, how strong they are etc. I will be referring to her spells by name when I use them, so you can see what kind of effect they would have on the circumstance. 

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Long story short? Im fucked, Démence is KO'd on the ground. Tentacles are having at it with us all. I think that about covers it...

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I dont think Slicer has been hit yet has he? 

Frostbite is kinda...stuck. 

Démence is KO'd 

Star and Unholy are fighting the vines, and North is trying to save us. Aqua isn't here right now, and we're still waiting for Leaf and Slicer. I think that's everyone? 

  • Brohoof 1

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North took out his slingshot and, moments later, a ruby flew from it, striking a thorny tendril that had just wrapped itself around Slicer's hind leg, shattering it.


Never mind...I just read it wrong.

It is the vine that has been shattered upon. I just wasn't paying attention  :ph34r:

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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OH! -Derp- just re-read the first post, I would assume that Slicer would be fine, it grabbed his leg and then was broken, I dont know if they're all thorny or not, but it doesn't sound like it's done much damage. I suppose it's up to you, how dramatic do you want to make this? 


(Also, if Frostbite dies now, im gonna be pissed, but i'm still taking part in the OOC forum -.- i've not waited for this RP to die on the practice round xD )

  • Brohoof 1

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