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Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed thread


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So, apparently this game will be out for PC with 3 exclusive characters, one of them in particular, being related to TF2


What do you guys think about this game? Has anyone played it before in a console? And if so did you like it? What are your thoughts on this? 

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I got it for the Playstation 3 when it first came out, and followed it since it's announcement (I'm a huge Sonic fan apart from being an MLP fan.) The PS3 got the shaft on exclusive characters, since everyone but us GOT one... but that's just sour grapes.

The game's great once you get the hang of it. Until then, most would be bound to get VERY frustrated with it... As I did. First off, in order to unlock all the characters, you have to play through the game on Hard and a bit on Extreme, which isn't awesome. If they had kept the SEGA Miles from the first game, it wouldn't be bad... But forcing someone to play through incredibly frustrating trials and missons to experience the full game is kind of lame. I realize that it's /meant/ to be a reward, but everything drones on so long, and if you have a favorite character that happens to have a huge unlock threshold... It sucks the fun out tenfold. Also, bounding all my complaints to one paragraph, the water sections still give me problems. (Plus, spending hours on single missions just for one star, and doing that again and again to unlock all the racers, I got burned out quickly and never touched it since.)

The pros though... So many pros. First off, the game's absolutely stunning. The character models are beautiful, and stages like the NiGHTS level and Sky Arcadia level (and the neons in the Sonic Colours level) really bring out the whimsy a game like this benefits from (While stages like Outrun and After Burner are realistic and incredibly fun.) The music will make your ears bleed rainbow residue, and and call-backs to stages and music within the levels will make any SEGA fan happy. Some All-Star attacks are fun to use, but all of them only last a few seconds and suck the power from them. The range of characters were perfect for me, and aside from a few select, are unlocked without much angst. Also, Air racing? VERY fun (subjectively). (I found water racing to be irritating though...)

The PC really gets the better of the exclusives, since they're brand-related characters and not just Wii-folk or 360-folk. As a Sonic fan, I really enjoy this game and what they did with it, and all they added to make my rose-tinted nostalgia goggles fog with joy. The realist in me /really/ dislikes the flaws though, but they really clash and the pros typically outweigh the cons. I love the game, even if I haven't touched it in months, but that's probably because I played too much, too hard, too persistently.

Those are my two cents :I

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