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private The Jungle's Gilded Heart RP


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The desert. Sweltering, sandy, bleak. Across the desert the teal pegasus flew, followed by a streak of blue and green light that was never seen outside the arctic, except for where this pony flew. Ice crystals formed within the trailing aurora, and fell, only to disappear moments later, as they hit the hot, dry desert air. 


The Pegasus sighed with relief when his destination, a sprawling city centred around an oasis, within walking distance of the coast, came into sight. Finally, he had arrived at the beautiful Zebran city of Timbucktu...



He landed in the hot desert sand just outside the city, and, as he was walking through the front gates, examining a piece or parchment from in his saddlebag, a small zebra mare approached him. "You are one of the Equestrians being sent to the Amblezon Jungle?" The pegasus nodded. "You are the first of your company to arrive. Your boat departs later this afternoon. I will take you to where you can wait for your companions." 


The pegasus curtly nodded again, and followed the mare as she led him to what must have been some sort of tavern."You must tell me your name, so I may inform the elders that you have arrived."


"My name? My name is North Arrow."


The mare nodded, and exited the tavern where he would meet those ponies he would be travelling with. No doubt to inform the elders. Whoever they were.  


He took the scroll out of his bag again, and examined it. It was a letter from Princess Celestia, delivered to him about a month ago. North chose to reread it for what seemed the umpteenth time.


         Dear North Arrow,


You have chosen, among the best and wisest of my subjects, to lead an expedition to find the fabled Heart of the Jungle. If you choose to accept this invitation, you should travel to the city Timbucktu in the Zebran Desert, far to the south. From there, you and your fellow adventurers shall travel across the sea, to the dangerous lands beyond, the Amblezon Jungle. This is one journey you may not return from. But if you find the Heart, you will be recognised, in front of all Equestria, as one of the greatest explorers to ever live.


         Yours truly, and best of luck,

                      Princess Celestia




North Arrow leaned back in his chair, folding up the scroll and putting it back in his saddlebag, patiently awaiting the arrival of his companions. They would come.

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A short gust of hot air blew across the desert lands of Saddle Arabia (you never said what country :P ), as a teal (i think its teal) shaded unicorn treached the infernal lands, his mane being blown back. He opened his canester and took another sip of water to quench his thirst. It appeared that he had taken the long route, or so it felt. He had been delayed by an hour waiting for a sandstorm to subside. After such, his journey across the plains had ended. He had arrived at the destinated city.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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((Just to clarify - Frostbite is Arctic Combustions nickname, I'll be referring to her as Arctic, until she starts socialising and introducing herself as Frostbite)) 


"If i'd have known this would have been in the desert..." seemed to be the phrase Arctic was periodically mumbling. Having fused her body with cryokenesis, the intense heat was almost literally killing her. She stumbled her way through the desert, dragging her two empty water flasks behind her. Eventually she found what looked like an arrangement of buildings in the distance, and she immediately began to gallop towards them.


When she arrived, she was greeted by a rather strange looking local - a Zebra, something she wasn't familiar with. He gave her a few - rather invasive looks, and then gestured for her to follow him. Cautiously she did so, knowing she was in no state to defend herself, but she had no option other than to trust this stranger. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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There was a small hill outside of the city. Standing on it was a hooded, purple unicorn, with saddlebags filled with food, books, and a diary. Hanging around her neck was a canister of water, which she didn't drink a single drop from. So this is the city? The place where I have to meet my companions? Confident this was the place, she entered the city.

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A figure wearing a white cloak was happily...Skipping...Across the hot sandy desert. He skipped into the city of Timbucktu and got several weird look's from the zebra's around the city but he didn't care.

He stepped just inside a small tavern to figure out where he was meeting the rest of the group.

He pulled out the letter from Celestia, Thinking she may have said where.


Dear Wind Slicer.


I am reluctantly inviting you to help guide a group to the heart of the Amblezon. I have heard that you are one of the best fighter's in Equestria. I will need you too work together with the rest of the group. If you succeed, Your name will no longer be known for your...Strange way's, You will be known as one of the most famous explorer's in all of Equestria.


I wish you safe travel's.

Princess Celestia.



Slicer chuckled. *Strange way's heheh.* He thought. *But that still doesn't tell me where I need to go....Hmmmmmm.* *Maybe...You could...Ask somepony.* *That....Its a good idea.* He thought, Looking around the tavern and noticing a teal pegasus sitting in a chair. Slicer happily trotted over to the pegasus. "Hellooo." He sat down next to the pony and grinned, Showing off his teeth. "So I am supposed to meet this group for some mission to the heart of the jungle...Do you have any idea where we would be meeting ?" He asked.

  • Brohoof 1

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North looked up from where he sat, reclined in his chair. A vibrantly green pony with razor-sharp teeth had approached. He didn't look entirely right in the head, or at least that was North's first impression of him. Princess Celestia picked him?? "That'd be right here," He said in a slow, deep voice that betrayed none of these thoughts. "My name's North Arrow. I've been picked to lead this expedition." He extended a firm hoof to shake. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Wonderful." Slicer smiled again and bumped his hoof against North Arrow's. "Its nice to meet ya North." He said, Standing up and walking over to the bar, He ordered a beer then sat back down next to North. He placed his beer on the table, Then leaned close to North. "Tell me North...Do you...Like Cupcakes ?" He asked, Leaning back smiling, Then sipping his drink.

  • Brohoof 1

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(OOC: My introduction is going to be different. How different? I'm not going to type in my OC's name until somepony asks me! >=D)


The unicorn wandered around the city a little before levitating a scroll out of her saddlebags. It told her about how she was selected for the mission that will send her into a jungle of sorts. No address though. I hope this isn't a prank or anything... It wasn't the promises of glory that attracted her to accept it. It was the chance to escape, to be free, to have a new life. And if she's to die on a mission of great importance, so be it.


With that in her head, she randomly chose a tavern(the same one Arrow and Slicer are in) and walked in. She kept her hood up and ordered a water with ice in it. She opened her canister and levitated all of the ice into it.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 3

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After succesfully arriving at his Location, the unicorn wejt for the center of the town and askes if he could fill his canester. They allowed him to and so he did, allowing as much of the water in as he could. He cleared his face of grit and sand before being adressed by anothe zebra. After answering alll their questions the unicorn was escorted inside and tol to take a seat. He found a place and sqt down. Near to him were two other pegasi mid conversation.

(im upset. School aint closed tommorrow :( )

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"So..." Arctic started "I got some letter about some treasure, or something? I take it that is where we're going right?" She asked with a confident tone. There was no reply from the Zebra, he merely stopped, turned around and pointed to a door to his side. Arctic looked at the door - she couldn't see the name of the tavern from this angle, but she assumed it was the right place. 


She stepped in the doorway and looked around for a second. She caught sight of two ponies already here, over in the corner. 

She took a deep breath - she was still exhausted from the heat, but she didn't want to come off like that. She trotted over and started to ask "So...i'm just gonna take a guess and say that since you're the only ponies in this desert, this is the expedition crew?" 

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"Hardly seems relevant," North responded in a no-nonsense manner. He turned, noticing several other ponies having entered. He spoke to the closest one first, an icy blue unicorn. "I'd say that's pretty accurate," North said. He brushed his silvery mane out of his eyes - he had let it grow too long again. "I'm North, and this is Slicer. I'd imagine we're still missing a few ponies though." 

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"You don't know how relevant it is North." He said, With a very serious look. He then looked at the icy blue unicorn and smiled. "Good afternoon miss. My name is Slicer, Pleased to meet you." He said, Nodding at Arctic then taking a swig of beer. "Oooh That's good." He muttered.

  • Brohoof 1

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She looked around the tavern and spotted four ponies; two pegasi and two unicorns. Having spotted not a single pony in the city, she assumed they were part of her group. She approached them, but only sat a table away to listen in on their conversation to make sure.

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Démence snuck through the Zebran Desert. "Stupid, Stupid. Why would I listen to a letter to go to Timbucktu?" He exclaimed to himself, half expecting someone to answer him. Spotting the town, he ran in, trying to stay undetected. He had already been banished from zebra lands, yet here he was, courtesy of whoever sent the letter. He saw the tavern in the distance, and a strange group of ponies. "Bingo." He started approaching the tavern when he saw a zebra walking out. Démence walked around the back and climbed through the window, joining the group. "So this is who I'm travelling with? I've seen worst." He thought out loud.

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She was a little surprised by Slicers introduction - here was this pony who looked rather...insane...to be polite, but he spoke in such an educated manner. She narrowed her eyes a second trying to examine the pair, then without moving an inch - "Charmed, i'm sure. Name's Arctic, but i'd prefer you call me Frostbite" she replied to Slicer. 


She then turned her attention to North. He seemed like a very straight forward character - pretty easy to read "We're missing somepony? That's good then" she said rather curtly, and then turned her attention to the door, seeing several ponies enter after her "I'm going to head over and get something to refresh myself before we head out." Her words being both a warning to her current condition, and an excuse to be alone again as she walked over to the bar. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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The unicorns ear twitched slightly as he just heared the conversation. It seemed to fit his purpose. He pickeed himself up and went over to the group, bumping into an Icy blue pony along the way (ooc frostbite). He swiftly apologised as he made his waya over.

" tell me. I don't suppose your on about a certain expedition to a certaian forest? Given to you by celestia herself?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Leaf Orange finally made it to the zebran city of Timbucktu. "Seriously, who comes up with these stupid names..." he thought. Leaf had entered the city and then realized he had to go inside the tavern, because that's where they all be meeting up, the letter said. So he went inside to find a couple of other ponies arrived before him.

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"You don't know how relevant it is North."


"I'm sure I don't," North said offhandedly, before turning to the others. He nodded at the unicorn's question, and answered, responding to basically the entire company gathered in the room, "Yep. We're gathering for an expedition into the Amblezon Jungle. And we're leaving tonight on a ship, which will arriive there tomorrow morning. I'm North Arrow. And I'm the expedition leader. You all need to make sure you're prepared for this journey, because the jungle doesn't like it when ponies try and plunge into its depths. And it will fight back."

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"I'm sure I don't," North said offhandedly, before turning to the others. He nodded at the unicorn's question, and answered, responding to basically the entire company gathered in the room, "Yep. We're gathering for an expedition into the Amblezon Jungle. And we're leaving tonight on a ship, which will arriive there tomorrow morning. I'm North Arrow. And I'm the expedition leader. You all need to make sure you're prepared for this journey, because the jungle doesn't like it when ponies try and plunge into its depths. And it will fight back."

Leaf had overheard the conversation the expedition leader and group is having when he decided to come in and introduce himself. "Ummm, my name's Leaf Orange, but you can call me Leaf... You must be North Arrow!" he said. Leaf then eagarly waited for North Arrow to respond

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"You will." He said to North.

Slicer sat quietly, Sipping his beer, Until he noticed a pony move from the bar, To a table next to the one he was at. Slicer slid his chair across the floor so he was at the same table as this pony. He smiled her. "Are you coming on this Expedition as well ?" He asked.

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@@Descant, @


"Watch yourself!" Arctic snapped as the unicorn walked into her. 

She approached the bar and ordered 2 glasses of water. 


Her ears perked up as she heard "fight back" and she turned to face the gathering crowd of ponies. "sounds interesting" she muttered. Her water arrived, and she drank them straight down, letting out a sigh off relief. Her horn began to emit a soft glowing mist again, and he hooves turned bright white. "That's much better, but it's still too hot in here" she said, ordering two more and looking around. 

  • Brohoof 1

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Leaf had overheard the conversation the expedition leader and group is having when he decided to come in and introduce himself. "Ummm, my name's Leaf Orange, but you can call me Leaf... You must be North Arrow!" he said. Leaf then eagarly waited for North Arrow to respond

North nodded. "Yes, I just said I was." He extended his hoof, to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Leaf."




"You will." He said to North.

Slicer sat quietly, Sipping his beer, Until he noticed a pony move from the bar, To a table next to the one he was at. Slicer slid his chair across the floor so he was at the same table as this pony. He smiled her. "Are you coming on this Expedition as well ?" He asked.

North didn't like Slicer, or his tone. He thought that sounded awfully like a threat, although he couldn't understand why Slicer would want to threaten him. He subconsciously moved his other hoof to the hilt of his slingshot, which was poking out of his saddlebag.

Edited by Descant

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"Ooooh. Fighting trees. I'm absolutely frightened." Démence joked. "When do we leave this dreaded place?" He was prepared to leave ASAP. He had hated other zebras since he was banished. Since then, he has wanted revenge. He thought he saw another zebra look his way, and ducked down below the table.

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"I'm sure I don't," North said offhandedly, before turning to the others. He nodded at the unicorn's question, and answered, responding to basically the entire company gathered in the room, "Yep. We're gathering for an expedition into the Amblezon Jungle. And we're leaving tonight on a ship, which will arriive there tomorrow morning. I'm North Arrow. And I'm the expedition leader. You all need to make sure you're prepared for this journey, because the jungle doesn't like it when ponies try and plunge into its depths. And it will fight back."

(OOC: wait theres a coast? I couldve made my post so much mor badass!)


The unicorn raised an eyebrow "So you are our expadition leader? Well i'm not throwing questions around so yeah." He shrugged as he shook norths hoof. "I'm bright spark by the way." He sat down at the table and opened uis saddlebag. The bag contained various important items, a few gears and cogs to fiddle with, and a small contraption made of nothing more that a plastic casing, a metal gear and a piece of flint. It was designed to light fires. He put all the stuff back on and then pulled his machete. It was a cold steel kukri machete, the wooden handle was about 4 inches in length and the actuall blade being 13. It also emmit a faint blue glow at the tip as bright spark looked down it. Looking satified he sheathed it again and sat down, taking another drink of water.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"You will." He said to North.

Slicer sat quietly, Sipping his beer, Until he noticed a pony move from the bar, To a table next to the one he was at. Slicer slid his chair across the floor so he was at the same table as this pony. He smiled her. "Are you coming on this Expedition as well ?" He asked.

Star Rain simply turned her gaze over to regard the pony who spoke to her. Is it me, or does this pony belong in an insane asylum? Judging from the scars and disheveled appearance, she didn't trust this pony one bit. Then again, she never really trusted anypony. She may have interacted with them, but she never trusted them.

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