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open Need for Heroes! (Revamp) Role Play

Octavia's Bow

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(All the stuff happens when I'm in school...)


Thunder Hooves had followed the criminal and police chief until they got to the hospital. Thunder Hooves then decided to pay a visit to this police chief and see why Maven, a vigilante, trusted him so much. Thunder quietly tailed Nightfall then landed beside him. "Hey there chief," he said sarcastically. "Name's Spark. I was wondering if I could tag along with you for awhile. I'd like to see if your different from the other cops I've been around," He continued.


Nightfall turned and saw another pony, most likely a hero.

"Sure, I guess... But right now, I'm just going to rest."

He turned back to the first hero, awaiting a response.




Slicer waved goodbye at Nightfall and smiled at the nurse. "Give us a kiss would ya sweetheart." He said, Showing off his teeth, Knowing she was scared.



The criminal panicked as the vines wrapped around him. When the officer arrived he yelled. "GET ME OUT OF THESE VINES...THAT PONY IS A WITCH...SHE'S EVIL." He screamed at Speedy, Struggling against the vines.


The nurse backed away a bit.

"Now, now," she began, shaking both in her voice and visibly.

"Please just follow me to your room."

  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: Are you controlling the guard ?)


Slicer nodded and followed the nurse to his room, the guard following closely behind. (I would guess)



Arrow placed her food in the fridge then walked into her room. She sat down on her bed and stared at a spot on the wall, Thinking hard about something.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(OOC: Are you controlling the guard ?)


Slicer nodded and followed the nurse to his room, the guard following closely behind. (I would guess)



Arrow placed her food in the fridge then walked into her room. She sat down on her bed and stared at a spot on the wall, Thinking hard about something.


(No, you control him or her. ;))


Speedy looked the criminal over. She smiled, then laughed heartily.

"Or you're just a simpleton. Come on, quit resisting," she said when she brought out a pair of hoof cuffs.

"I have a rifle and you don't, and since you're already subdued, I'd say you better stop."

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Slicer sat down on the hospital bed and only just realized how sick he felt. The nurse trotted off for a doctor and the guard hoof cuffed slicer to the bed.



Arrow stood up after several minutes of thinking. "I'm gonna do it." She thought out loud, Walking over to her suitcase and rummaging through. *Wait...I am going to fight crime ? Randomly...Why would I do that ? Actually...I am one thousand four hundred years old...And all I have done is sit in my g-garden. I need to do something more with my life...I really need to do something more with my life." She said.






He nodded and stayed quiet.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(When Frey blew the spider bomb down, it fell just as close to Demence as it did to him.)


A cone of wind formed around Freys leg from his repeated spinning. He saw Demences strategy at the last second and tilted the airstream upward, directions the blast to the roof and probably saving both their lives.


Rubble from the abandoned building piled up on the bottom floor. Frey was flying just above the new crater. "I thought I was crazy, but you take the prize!" he yelled. "The Hell was that? Ya don't make bombs go boom in your face!!!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Feraen sighed, and leaned in so only Nightfall could hear her. "Unfortunately, Den thinks I'm dead. He's probably told you the story; mom died due to some street violence, dad and brother to a sickness. My death was declared prematurely so they could experiment with new healing techniques. Elemental, actually. They healed me with fire magic. Den is my brother. But please, don't tell him; I need to do that."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nightfall turned and saw another pony, most likely a hero.

"Sure, I guess... But right now, I'm just going to rest."

He turned back to the first hero, awaiting a response.


"Great, I need a place to stay anyway," Spark said to Nightfall, inviting himself into Nightfall's home. He then turned to Ferean. "Nice work, with that guy from earlier by the way," he told her. 'There's another hero working with this guy? Why is he so special? He's a cop for Luna's sake!' He thought.
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He nodded and stayed quiet.


Speedy hoof cuffed him, then smiled.

"All right. Climb on my back, and I'll get you to the station quickly."


Feraen sighed, and leaned in so only Nightfall could hear her. "Unfortunately, Den thinks I'm dead. He's probably told you the story; mom died due to some street violence, dad and brother to a sickness. My death was declared prematurely so they could experiment with new healing techniques. Elemental, actually. They healed me with fire magic. Den is my brother. But please, don't tell him; I need to do that."


Nightfall stopped, stunned. He couldn't say another word.


"Great, I need a place to stay anyway," Spark said to Nightfall, inviting himself into Nightfall's home. He then turned to Ferean. "Nice work, with that guy from earlier by the way," he told her. 'There's another hero working with this guy? Why is he so special? He's a cop for Luna's sake!' He thought.


Nightfall didn't pay attention to what he had said. It didn't matter anyway, though. He was staying with Maven and they didn't have any more room for another pony. If Nightfall had heard, he would have sent him to the station to stay, since there were rooms there.

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"Hey you, hero pony," Feraen said, "You can come stay with me. The Captain actually needs to sleep tonight, and make up for making his marefriend upset. Besides, I'm new to the town; I need to meet new ponies," she said, guiding him away from Captain Nightfall. (Horay)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Hey you, hero pony," Feraen said, "You can come stay with me. The Captain actually needs to sleep tonight, and make up for making his marefriend upset. Besides, I'm new to the town; I need to meet new ponies," she said, guiding him away from Captain Nightfall. (Horay)

Spark scratched his head through his mask before following the mare. "Okay I guess, wouldn't want anypony thinking I Was staying with the police chief anyway, besides you look like you'll be much better company," he told her with a smirk underneath his mask. "What, pray tell, is your name," he asked her while they walked along.

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"You may call me the Sparking Flame. What do you call yourself?" she asked, looking at him, and hoping up into a fire escape to climb up to the rooftops. She wondered what it was like to have friends who weren't all unicorns lockedaway in a medical facility somewhere, get brownies for some reason.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Arrow grabbed a piece of paper and made herself a long list of things she needed to get. *I dont know why I didn't do this when I was out but whatever...I will just have to do it now." She thought, Grabbing her coat and trotting back out the door.




The nurse trotted back into the room along with a doctor. The doctor started removing the bullet from Slicer's leg and the nurse set up an IV. "You have lost allot of blood...Its amazing, you're still awake." "Green Vegetables...And pony flesh." He said, Smiling.






(I am just going to give this criminal a name.)


Brute...the criminal backed away from Speedy. "There is no way I am climbing on your back." He said.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Jack set down his tea on a small table next to his couch. "Stay as long as you'd like." he said to Den. "I need to get some sleep, but Cumulus practically never sleeps at all." He walked over to one of the only four doors inside the hut. Before he opened it, he glanced at the two graves in his backyard. Rando and Gamma, no Karasu.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"... You still didn't answer my unspoken question," Den said, "Have you had any weird feelings about the future recently Jack?" He sat down on the couch, in the middle so as not to disturb Cumulus or the recently set down tea, and watched the older pony glance at the graves. He knew exactly where the pony he was missing was buried. Because he'd buried him.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"... You still didn't answer my unspoken question," Den said, "Have you had any weird feelings about the future recently Jack?" He sat down on the couch, in the middle so as not to disturb Cumulus or the recently set down tea, and watched the older pony glance at the graves. He knew exactly where the pony he was missing was buried. Because he'd buried him.

"I'm tired of worrying about the future Den. It never goes the way you think it will. No, I dont have any wierd feelings about the future. I dont have any feelings about the future. The future is something you're going to have to figure out for yourself." Jack said. "I'm not going to be in it for very much longer." He walked throughthedoorand closed it behind him.


"He's practically dead already." Cumulus said. "He's already fought time longer than I thought was possible for a mere pony. What's so damn special about your friends that he's staying alive for, huh?"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"You may call me the Sparking Flame. What do you call yourself?" she asked, looking at him, and hoping up into a fire escape to climb up to the rooftops. She wondered what it was like to have friends who weren't all unicorns lockedaway in a medical facility somewhere, get brownies for some reason.

"Spark," Spark told her. "I suppose I should ask you why you're working with the cops, After all in my experience they all suck. Last law enforcement I met tried to kill my informant with a band of misfits (Reference to an RP me and Koenma were in ftw) and before that..... Well I'd rather not talk about it," He told her going off on a little tangent.

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"Well, it's not exactly my fault that you moved it. But that's beside the point. In the mean time, I can't have you telling people where I am, can I?" He reached into his bomb bag once more, but this time pulling out a flint and some steel. "Some ponies just love to watch the world burn." He said, smiling madly, as he smacked the two objects together, causing sparks to fly and a fire to start. "Well, this is more fun, isn't it."

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After doing large amounts of shopping Arrow walked back to her apartment and, After a few hours of work she stood at the end of her bed, Staring at it...Her costume. "What...AM I DOING." She thought, Turning around and hitting her head against the wall. She glanced back at the dark green suit laying on her bed. She took a deep breath and gave her self an encouraging nod as she walked over to the suit, she placed her hoof on top of it and closed her eyes. Light green swirls that almost seemed to be moving spread across the suit, Starting at her hoof. "I'm doing something good." She muttered, Watching the swirl's slowly move around.


(OOC: When I say the swirls are moving, I kinda mean like Rorschach's mask from Watchmen...But less





Heh heh...I'm a unicorn.


Edited by Flame Dancer

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Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Hey you, hero pony," Feraen said, "You can come stay with me. The Captain actually needs to sleep tonight, and make up for making his marefriend upset. Besides, I'm new to the town; I need to meet new ponies," she said, guiding him away from Captain Nightfall. (Horay)


Nightfall still couldn't believe it; Den's sister was still alive. He shook his head, and found he was at Maven's door already. He sighed and opened the door. (If they're staying together, he should be able to get in.)



Brute...the criminal backed away from Speedy. "There is no way I am climbing on your back." He said.


Speedy giggled and grinned.

"Then we have to wait here for more cops to arrive."

She picked up her radio, threatening to call Sapphire.

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Den sighed, "What's so special about my friends. Well, in my experience, he cares the most for Nightfall, however, I did my research. He used to be part of the military. Have you ever considered that Jack's redeeming quality is loyalty? Perhaps he's still here because we still need help."

Feraen shrugged, "My brother used to be part of the police. I just find them helpful, and besides; heroes are here to uphold the law, and protect the people, right? Just because we can do it better than the cops at times doesn't mean the cops don't deserve credit for what they do on the streets. And the cops here are special; they were helping take down super villains before there were super heroes. That, and demons." (Reference to the last RP, where pretty much all of the heroes were inactive, and we had a heck of a time putting together an elite group of Police to take villains down)

Delphina was in their room, the bottle left open on the side table and the pillow marked with tears as she seemed to sleep fitfully. She hadn't been asleep long, and it's kind of obvious that she'd wake up if Nightfall entered the room. She rolled over.


Sapphire had finished making brownies, and was now sitting with the radio in the dressing room. She was putting on the uniform she knew Speedy liked, and playing with a  .10 mm pistol, assembling and disassembling it. She eventually set that in the belt of her outfit, and moved to the armory, where she began to do the same with a sniper rifle. Speedy should be calling me... right about... now!

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Well, it's not exactly my fault that you moved it. But that's beside the point. In the mean time, I can't have you telling people where I am, can I?" He reached into his bomb bag once more, but this time pulling out a flint and some steel. "Some ponies just love to watch the world burn." He said, smiling madly, as he smacked the two objects together, causing sparks to fly and a fire to start. "Well, this is more fun, isn't it."

"Only right to be about what you said! Nothin better than raisin the stakes, or so Id say!" Frey said. He reached out his right front leg and spun it around at an impossible speed, creating a cone of wind around his hoof. "This is one of my favorites! Tornado Hoof's the name!"


Den sighed, "What's so special about my friends. Well, in my experience, he cares the most for Nightfall, however, I did my research. He used to be part of the military. Have you ever considered that Jack's redeeming quality is loyalty? Perhaps he's still here because we still needwas him?"

"What do you need from him?"He Cumulus asked. "When has he ever brought you anything but problems? He cant possibly make up for that as the shriveled old thing he is now."

(Dont read to much into the dickish things that Cumulus says. He doesnt like.looking soft, but he has a better personality than he implies.)


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Den laughed, "Oh, and when has he ever not help fix those problems? He just made life interesting." I can't believe he's dying. No wonder he wan't to see Nightfall, Nightfall has to fulfill his promise. That's gunna hurt him more than what's already hurting him.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(Nightfall wont be doing that any time soon. An A class demon would be way too strong for the time being. Ill think of something else.)


"He makes no sense." Cumulus muttered. He glanced back at Den. "I suppose you expect me to be sorry, dont you? Well, I dont need your trust, and if I said I was sorry, I would be lying. Didnt you listen to Gamma? We were so close to getting the light!"

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Den sighed, "What's so special about my friends. Well, in my experience, he cares the most for Nightfall, however, I did my research. He used to be part of the military. Have you ever considered that Jack's redeeming quality is loyalty? Perhaps he's still here because we still need help."

Feraen shrugged, "My brother used to be part of the police. I just find them helpful, and besides; heroes are here to uphold the law, and protect the people, right? Just because we can do it better than the cops at times doesn't mean the cops don't deserve credit for what they do on the streets. And the cops here are special; they were helping take down super villains before there were super heroes. That, and demons." (Reference to the last RP, where pretty much all of the heroes were inactive, and we had a heck of a time putting together an elite group of Police to take villains down)

Delphina was in their room, the bottle left open on the side table and the pillow marked with tears as she seemed to sleep fitfully. She hadn't been asleep long, and it's kind of obvious that she'd wake up if Nightfall entered the room. She rolled over.


Sapphire had finished making brownies, and was now sitting with the radio in the dressing room. She was putting on the uniform she knew Speedy liked, and playing with a  .10 mm pistol, assembling and disassembling it. She eventually set that in the belt of her outfit, and moved to the armory, where she began to do the same with a sniper rifle. Speedy should be calling me... right about... now!

Nightfall walked into the room and lied down next to Maven.

"I'm here now. Here to rest."

He hugged her and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry..."


Speedy called Sapphire.

"Hey~. I'm waiting for this criminal to comply. If he doesn't, I'll want you here to teleport us to the station."

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The night was ending and the knocked out ponies behind the shadow started to mumble proof of their awakening. It spend all of the night looking for a certain tome in the “arcane magic” section but after revising each one of the books and the index of the library it was nowhere to be found.

“Looks like it is at that other place… lost that coin flip” it whispered with annoyance, some time before the chaos in the city ended, after some explosions, shots and weird sounds it was calm time was running out. The demon like shape ran to the same window he enter the library and took flight towards the edge of the city in a not very nice industrial outskirt abandoned some years ago.

Edited by Colt
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