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Pony Merchandise Guide

Lady Leopardess

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I have complied these lists to help people know where they can buy their specific pony goods as well as what's currently available either online or in stores! Of course any pony related purchases or creations are welcome ! I've provided images as well to help compare and visually see what's available. Feel free to post pictures of your own pony collections/finds! I am based in the US and I don't know much about what's available abroad. If you are abroad and would like help keep me posted that would be great! 

UPDATE:  I really meant to keep up with post but I have had a  bunch of stuff going on and such. When I first made this the Strawberry site didn't have an updated list and now they do so that can be used as well. I'd still like to update this throughly at some point but until then here's a short TDLR of pony merch information:

Helpful Merch websites:




www.toywiz.com ( just to see what's going to come out as well)


Places to get pony clothes

Hot Topic, Red Bubble, Target (small) , WeLoveFine, Ebay, claires

Places to get pony toys (online and off)

Toysrus , hasbrotoyshop webstie, target ,walmart , dollar stores , hot topic, meijer , walmart, kmart, amazon , ebay

Pony Plushes available at

Meijer, Target , Walmart , Ebay, Amazon, Hottopic , Claires , Buildabear

Pony Plushies available:

Funrise Plushies (most available in multiple sizes ) , Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Princess Twilight, Twilight (alicorn and unicorn), Applejack (with and without hat), Rarity (rainbow power  rarity too), Rainbow Dash , Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, DJ , Derpy , Octavia , Trixie 

Aurora Plushies : Mane 6 (sitting and standing , standing in two sizes) soon to be Princess Luna and some winter clothes ones

TY beanie babies: regular size and big of mane 6 plus regular size twilight)

Build a Bear : Pinkie Pie , Twilight Sparkle, Spike , Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy , Rarity, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell

Build a Bears coming this year : Zecora , Applejack, Applebloom, Trixie

Backpacks at Welovefine, Claires , hottopic :   Dr. Whooves , Pinkie Pie, Derpy  , Rainbow Dash , DJ 

Also 4DE plushes which I'm aware of Twilight and Pinkie pie being out and that Big Mac will be out later this year.


Current Funko Figures out( available at places like Walmart, ToysRus , Hottopic all with see through variants):

Rainbow Dash, Derpy , Dr. Hooves, Pinkie Pie, Lyra , Octavia , Twilight Sparkle , Trixie , DJ, Fluttershy , Big Mac , Applejack





       Post 2    Top New items and Buying News!

       Post 3   Brushables !

       Post 4    Figurines !

       Post 5    Plushies !

       Post 6    Other My Little Pony FIM Merch.

       Post 8    Plushies coming out this year! 



Buying News!

Our favorite BG gray musically inclined pony is being made into a plush by Funrise!

Build a Bear news!

BAB newsUpdate 3/26

Check out big box stores a lot of sales on pony items seem to be going on!

Update 3/22

More hard books and coloring books are popping up  for MLP , also the new flash drives are now availae.

Update 3/11

10in Fluttershy funrise plush is in Walmarts now , when I bought mine a couple days ago they were on sale for 10$ each

Rarity Funrise plushes have begun to pop up in stores. Also places like walmart are having some MLP stationary type items like pencils and pencil case. There is also now MLP:FIM party supplies there!

Also check meijer this week(3/10) for glitterwing ponies  as they are on sale for 6.99$ also some of the other pony stuff is on sale as well

BAB official news has stated RD and PP will be coming out April first as well as MLP specific clothing.

News Update 2/9

At the toy fair 3 beanie babies of MLP were there! pics here

Pictures from Toy Fair

toy fair

News Update 1/27

Valentines Day: Keep your eyes peeled as there are two MLP valentines Day card sets out there! I got one at Meijer and one at Kmart!

New stuff at Meijer:

5in fluttershy plushes (they also have RD,PP,TS)

Design a pony RD and FS

Crystal (tinsel in hair) brushable mane 6 ponies

yellow blind bags(the ones with princesses)

I just saw posted on the Build a Bear website they will have My Little Pony in Spring! 

Funrise has announced that Applejack and Rarity plushes will be coming out ( in 5in and 10in sizes) So you can complete your collection!

 Keep an eye out for 20inch plushes at Target as they are listed on their website (although apparently not available for purchase just yet! yay!

Sale on the train set at Meijer for 12$

New Pony products showing up on preorder on Toywiz , including a Nightmare moon sized WHITE CELESTIA!!!



Vinyl Scratch and RD hug me backpacks among other things at this website here


Pictures for new blind bag ponies , wave 7 (for 2013 are up!) look here!



Post 3 



All Toys R Us exclusives

Favorites set including DJ, a tall Nightmare Moon , Trixie as well as several other brushable ponies as well

White Animated Celestia

Glow in the dark brushable Zecora ( not available online anymore , might still be in the stores)


Animated MLP items!

Pink Animated Celestia(also available at Walmart and Kmart and Target)

brushable twilight and remote control car (also available at walmart,target,Fry's,Kohl's, Kmart and hasbro online)

Pinkie pie and remote control car (also available at Kmart,hasbro online and Target)

simple express train set (also available at Walmart and Kmart ,Target, Hasbro online and Meijer and Kohl's)

MLP Express Train

Fluttershy train car available on Amazon

brushable Sweetie Bell and Ice Cream train car(might still be available instore, no longer online toysrus)

Walkin' Talkin' Pinkie Pie Also available at Meijer,Target, Walmart and Kmart



MLP Playsets

Daisy Dreams and Rarity in scooter set

brushable pink Celestia , Rainbow Dash and pinkie pie tea time set

Fluttershy and Pinkie Crystal Princess Spa set also available on Hasbro's shop

Crystal Jewel Salon set also available at Hasbro's shop

The rest of the listed playsets are older and are probably not available in stores anymore.



$5-6.99  Single Brushables

Some of the links no longer work ,if they're not at kmart online store or hasbro online , you'll either have to search for them at stores that sell brushables (like walmart) or buy them off ebay/amazon)

Brushable Snowcatcher (also might able available at Walmart and Meijer and hasbro online)

brushable FeatherMay (also available at Walmart and Meijer and Hasbro online)

brushable Honeybuzz

brushable Plumsweet (also available at Walmart)

Brushable SunnyRays(also available at Meijer and hasbro online)

brushable Lyra(also available at Meijer and hasbro online)

Brushable CherryBerry(also available at Meijer and hasbro online)

brushable Trixie (also available at Meijer and hasbro online)

Brushable Twinkle Shine(also available at hasbro online)

brushable Dewdrop Dazzle

Brushable Lulu Luck

Brushable Cupcake ( at walmart)

Decorate your own pony

The Crystal Empire ponies and traveling mane 6 should be available at Meijer and Walmart and likely the other big stores as well.

It seems the main place to buy those ponies is> Hasbro's online shop

Unfortunately i"m not sure where you can find Blossomforth, Diamond Rose, Cherry Pie, Lily Blossom or Cheerlie. They might still be / will be in stores but I haven't seen them in stores yet besides Cheerlie (who was the first group of FIM brushables).

Flitterheart you can buy on Amazon


Multipony Brushables!

brushable Twilight Sparkle and pink Celestia and a spike figure (also available at Target and hasbro online)

Brushable CMC and Cheerilee set

White Celestia and Pinkie Piealso available at meijer , hasbro online ,target

Princess Luna and Rarity also at meijer, hasbro online ,target

Brushable set of Cadance , Celestia and Luna(target exclusive)

I don't believe the last two are available online at any major big box store


Back of Castle

Brushable Bride and Groom and Castle ( Also can be found at Meijer,Target Walmart, Kohl's ,Fry's, Kmart and hasbro online)


Wedding Brushables

Brushable flowergirl CMC

set (also available on hasbro online and target)


Brushable Bridesmaid pinkie pie ( also available on hasbro online)

brushable bridesmaid Twilight sparkle(also available on hasbro online)

brushable bridesmaid fluttershy (also available on hasbro online)

brushable bridesmaid Rarity (also available on hasbro online)

Animated Bride Princess Cadance (also available at Meijer, Target ,Fry's, Kmart, Kohl's and hasbro online)


Fashion Style Luna and Celestia seem to be the two that are still available in stores, although if you get lucky you might spot the others at places where celestia and luna are.Also Cadance and Shining Armor are also still in Targets

Fashion style Princess Luna (also available at Walmart ,Kmart and Meijer)

Fashion Style Princess Celestia (also available at Walmart ,Kmart Meijer)

Fashion style Fluttershy

Fashion style Twilight sparkle (also available at Meijer and Kmart )

 Rainbow Dash is no longer available online big box stores , it used to be sold on Kmart's website and it's listed as an instore item on toysrus

Fashion Style Rarity

Fashion Style Pinkie Pie

Fashion Style Bride Cadance and Shining Armor ( only Target)

The last one is no longer available in stores as far as I'm aware.



Glitterwings Figures and other Single Ponies

brushable Daisy Dreams glitterwings (also available at Meijer, Target and hasbro online)

brushable Fluttershy glitterwings (also available at Meijer ,Target ,hasbro online and was at Aldi's for a bit)

brushable Rarity glitterwings (also available at Target, Meijer and was at Aldi's for a bit)

 Brushable Rainbow Dash glitterwings (walmart,toysrus and was also available at Aldi's for a bit)

brushable Ploomette glitterwings (meijer,toysrus and also available at Aldi's for a bit)

Diamond Rose and the Sweet Song sets are only available in store at Target

Crystal Motion Applejack also available at hasbro online and walmart in store,toysrus

Crystal Motion Twilight Sparkleavailable at hasbro online and walmart in store , toysrus

Crystal Motion Rainbow Dashavailable at hasbro online and walmart in store, toysrus

Masquerade Sunset Shimmer also at hasbro online

Masquerade Rainbow Dash also at hasbro online

http://www.kmart.com/my-little-pony-rarity-figure/p-004W089313611127P?prdNo=11&blockNo=11&blockType=G11'>Masquerade Rarity also at hasbro online

Masquerade Pinkie Pie also at hasbro online

Other Past Available Brushable Items



Post 4



 Collectible Figurine set

12 set of figurines Celebration set

The Walmart exclusive set isn't sold online , so you'll just have to hope you see it in stores.

 Rainbow Crystal Pony figures target only

I don't believe the four pack is sold anywhere anymore either



3 Packs!

3 piece apple family figurines ( Big Mac, Grannie and Apple Jack) ( Also can be found at Meijer,walmart and hasbro online)

3 piece figurine of Shining Armor , Cadance and Twilight Sparkle ( Also can be found at Meijer, walmart and hasbro online)

3 figurine set RD, Gilda and Wonderbolt (also can be found at meijer,walmart and hasbro online)

Spa Set (also at walmart ,Meijer)

Famous Friends Set(also at target ,walmart and kmart)

Class of Cutie Marks set (also at target,walmart and kmart)


Other Figurines!

Design a Pony Fluttershy also at Meijer and target

Design a Pony Rainbow Dash also at Meijer and target

Derpy Vinyl Figure

Rainbow Dash Vinyl Figure , used to be sold on Hottpic , it's not at the moment though ,probably still in stores.

Fluttershy Vinyl Figure

Dr. Whooves Vinyl Figure


Blind Bags!

 Mystery figure case pack 

You can also find blind bags at Walmart ,Riteaid ,target ,hottopic and Meijer


Don't like surprises or duplicates?

Use this guide to get the ones you want!

Pony Code Guide for Blind Bags (or just use as a list of ponies available via Blind bag!

Some of the Blind bag waves


Post 5


If you go a couple posts down you will see other plushes and when they will be coming out htis 

Baby Rainbow dash plush (also available at Meijer and Walmart  and hasbro online)

Baby spike plush (also available at Meijer and Walmart  and hasbro online)

young pinkie pie plush learns to walk (also available at Meijer ,Fry's, Walmart and hasbro online)

Sweetie Bell plush

Cadance Storytelling plushalso toysrus

Plush Princess Skyla

Twilight animated story teller plush

pinkie pie animated story teller plush also at toysrus

 Pinkie Pie with brush and sound

 Twilight Pillow plush thing

I young sunny daze plushalso at toysrus

So soft pinkie piealso at toysrus and hasbro online

So soft cotton bellealso on hasbro online

Apple sprout

Jumbo Pinkie Pie and Cheerup Cheerilee you can probably find at the same stores that stock the items above.

Funrise Plushes

 All the funrise plushes above can be found in Hottopic (some on their website), Target, Walmart and Meijer ) (to my knowledge 5in rarity has not hit stores yet , neither has applejack (picture below in the plush release guide)

20 inch Twilight also at toysrus,hottopic

20 inch Pinkie Piealso at toysrus,hottopic

20 inch Fluttershyalso at Toysrus

 Post 6 

ITEMS ONLINE  as of 3/26 (possibly instore as well)

House supplies (sheets, blankets that sort of thing 

Other Items Online 

Instore Items

Clothing type items and other

Slapbands of the mane 6 (one of each) have been showing up at targets,walmarts and meijer (look near the trading cards ,as that's where it seems they put them)


The main brick and mortar store that sells pony clothes online for adults is Hottopic , since they have changing stock I"m not going to specifically list their clothing. They also carry key chains, headphones, socks and cards.


You can find some of them listed online at like Walmart

There is at least one giant coloring book ( I found mine at Meijer)

There is a sticker book (which was also online) ( I found mine at Target)

There is  book with suction cup characters ( I found mine at Meijer)

There is a jumbo like 200+ page coloring book  (I found mine at Joann Fabrics)

There's a set of hard cover books that came out

There's also a couple single hard cover books came out.

Keep an eye out around children book's for these in places where they have coloring and children's books.

Other stuff instore

Walmart is carrying

party supplies;

4 different plastic cups

napkins, bags, wrapping paper

also applejack cake decoration stuff

At walmart as well as other places carrying

pencils, erasers, pencil cases

Also at walmart and other stores different cleaning stuff

bath sets and toothbrush sets

Trading Cards+Comics:

I don't know a ton about either but I figured they should be mentioned

Trading Cards : They come in packs, there's also a gala themed tin available as well as a couple different gift box type things. They're available at places like Meijer , Walmart and Target. They're also available at Hottopic

Each pack comes with 4 random cards, a foil or a standee, and one removable tattoo. 

Comic: There's a MLP comic out , you can find them and trading cards at your local comic shops. There's a variety of different covers, but as far as I understand they're all the same comic.












Edited by Lady Leopardess
  • Brohoof 13
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Don't know if this will help many people (People in the UK only really I suppose) but I haven't seen much on here to tell me where to get pony merch from in the UK! so for anyone else in the UK here goes :P

If your after pony figures then you should be able to find some brushables in shops suc has Tesco, Argos, Asda and the like, but it's generally not to much stuff. It tends to be a few of the $5 brushables from above and things like the remote controll car. If you go to a more toy based shop such as Toys 'R' Us I believe you should be able to get most of what is listed above, although from my knowledge they don't sell blind bags. But if it is blind bags you want you'll want to head to a Symths Toys store as they currently sell what I believe to be wave 6 blind bags (altough I could be wrong). In addition to the blind bags Symths also sell some of what is shown above. However if the fact that things such as blind bags cost more to buy here than in the US then Ebay is the place to head as you'll find blind bags being sold as well as just the ponys. There are sometimes even whole sets of waves being sold on there for quite a good price! You can also buy some pony merch from amazon but i've found it to be rather expensive compared to other shops.

If your after pony shirts and the like then im afraid your not in luck :/

From my knowledge you can't really buy Brony shirts and such in the UK so you'll want to head online for these! I believe the places like http://www.redbubble.com/ and http://www.welovefine.com/ are the better sites as the shipping doesn't cost an arm and a leg!


Hot Topic?

While they sell some very good merch the shipping is quite expensive, but it can be worth buying from there if they have deals on, such as $75 off when you spend $120 as if your buying a fair amount this can mean something such as a pony figure can go from costing £30 to only £10 :D


That's right, well almost. You will have to wait a good few months before you can get your hands on them but you can now pre-order them from http://www.forbiddenplanet.com/ for a very good price! :D


Hope this is helpfull for anyone in the UK :)

Edited by WindsweptFrog
  • Brohoof 3


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So pictures from Build a Bear apparently leaked since ED did an article on it. Looks like it will be Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash with brushable manes. I'm waiting to put it in the first post until I see it officially posted about by build a bear.

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IM not sure plastic ponies do it for me, I tend to have to resort to Ebay for the better part of my ponie swag, and its not for plastic ponies ether

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I understand they are for kids.

But why..WHY cant Hasbro make any of their toys look like the characters from the actual show?

Especially the fact most of them are overpriced. I have yet to find a decent figurine. Except for these two..


1. http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/PopCulture/EverythingElse/CultFavorites//My+Little+Pony+Bubbles+Vinyl+Figure-144782.jsp


2. http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/PopCulture/EverythingElse/CultFavorites//My+Little+Pony+Rainbow+Dash+Vinyl+Figure-144781.jsp


And of course, they aren't sold in my store. So ill have to add more money to my PayPal account to get them. *sigh*.  <_<

  • Brohoof 1
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I understand they are for kids.


But why..WHY cant Hasbro make any of their toys look like the characters from the actual show?

Especially the fact most of them are overpriced. I have yet to find a decent figurine. Except for these two..


1. http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/PopCulture/EverythingElse/CultFavorites//My+Little+Pony+Bubbles+Vinyl+Figure-144782.jsp


2. http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/PopCulture/EverythingElse/CultFavorites//My+Little+Pony+Rainbow+Dash+Vinyl+Figure-144781.jsp


And of course, they aren't sold in my store. So ill have to add more money to my PayPal account to get them. *sigh*.  <_<

If you don't want to spend the time to style the brushable ponies, then you can always buy the blind bag figurines, the only one that could be different is fluttershy and she's going to be getting her new mold soon enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

 Have fun!  And remember if you bring something with a speaker , you could always put one of RD's quotes/song into the plush for an extra 6$ . (the only premade mlp sound they have is the theme song) ^_^

I plan on getting a Rainbow Dash build a bear on Sunday 

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Build a Bear must be seriously considering making more pony plushes as they've put up a new survey , most about My Little pony ! 





That's pretty exciting. While I am not blown away by the two Build-A-Bear ponies they have so far, they're still pretty decent. I think I'd definitely want an Applejack plushie if they make them, but I'm not getting my hopes up. There's a lot of neat possibilities there though. I filled out the survey already.

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The rarity plush from funrise doesn't look that bad. I think it actually suits rarity over some of the other characters. I only have twilight in those plushes, and I will probably just wait until aurora releases their versions.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Havent found it (or im blind)


Nici ( a famous german plushie merchant) is making MLP Stuff coming out in Fall/Winter 2013. You can find everything here :




Its at page 28. Including: Beanie bag key chains, bags, pillows, plushies, coloring books. Havent seen them yet, but nici normally produces good quality at affordable prices.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another gem i found just a minute ago




I know the shop is in german and it might be a little hard to understand everything, but with the help of google translator, you might be able to get those wonderfully designed wall tattoos :)


Im not sure however how far they send, havent bought there yet.

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Yeah I need to update the listings as now there's a new pinkie line at target, plus I don't know if I included the neon wave bag of blind bags, I was chatting with an employee at build a bear and it sounds like fluttershy will be out this winter . There also some new stuffs at walmart like walkie talkies and pinkie earbuds. There's also the sort of light up animals of fluttershy,twilight and rainbow dash ( they're plush but have plastic wings that let the light through to shine lighting bolts, butterflies and/or stars) . Also for me Octavia and applejack funrise plushes finally started popping up in my area. So have the new cake figurine set and the elements of harmony figurine set with the new fluttershy mold , nightmare moon and some other cool ones.

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