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What Villain Came Close to Taking Over Equestria


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I am counting all the villains, yes even nightmare moon. What villain came close to winning it all? Here is my formula 


Nightmare Moon: Was able to break her 1000 year prison and attempt to take over Equestria to take revenge on her sister Celestia. She in my opinion came really close. If Twilight didn't realize that she and her friends were the elements of harmony or if Twilight didn't make any friends in the first place.... we'd be looking at eternal night forever....unless if Celestia stopped being lazy and just did something about it.


Discord: He did a pretty good job except he suffered from one fatal flaw. He was to cocky and caught up in the moment. He tricked 5 out of the mane 6 to be the opposite of their true selves(maybe he tricked Twilight since she also turned gray). But he didn't realize that the elements of harmony would work once the mane 6 friendship was restored. So losing was just all his fault. Plus Discord doesn't strike me as an evil doer. He's a misunderstood trickster who wants nothing but to have fun in his own demented world.


Queen Chrysalis: She deceived Celestia by swapping places with Cadence and taking on her appearance . She trapped Twilight in the process. She was able to control Shining Armor thus weakening the force field which allowed the changeling army to swarm in Canterlot. She defeated Celestia and was able to subdue her in a pod. She captured the mane 6 and suffered an embarrassing defeat by getting pushed out by a force filed. But she practically won and lost in a way that felt forced. If Cadence and Shining Armor's love for one another sparked a chain reaction which pushed the changeling army away from canterlot. Why didn't Chrysalis absorb that love power and become even more powerful. This is the only plot hole in the show that annoys me


King Sombra: Not much to say about him. He had potential but wasn't developed enough. He was able to confuse Twilight and Spike into believing their worst fears. He almost caught the crystal heart until Cadence saved Spike and caught it.... The exploding into oblivion



Winner: Chrysalis 

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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Eh, I'd say Discord. I mean, he turned Ponyville completely chaotic. He would have taken over all of Equestria had it not been for Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Nightmare Moon didn't -do- a whole lot. She appeared on a balcony, did her evil laugh bit, made it permanently night for a while, then got her ass handed to her. Instead of focusing on taking over, she focused on the Mane Six, following them through Everfree and trying to stop them from using the elements against her. While she was intimidating and probably could take over had she gotten the chance, we saw none of that.


Take-over-O-Meter: 3/10


Chrysalis only took over Canterlot, which, though the 'capital' of Equestria and where the princesses live, was not the entire nation. Chrysalis herself said that soon they would take Canterlot, and then all of Equestria. Her army took Canterlot, and then in midst of bragging, she too got her ass handed to her. She would have spread if given the chance, but she never got said chance.


Take-over-O-Meter: 5.5/10


Discord broke out of his stone prison, and without even trying, turned Ponyville, Cloudsdale and presumably Canterlot on their heads. The longer he remained in the world, the more his chaotic powers spread, and while no one can prove that he had the entire nation under his chaotic reign by the time he was imprisoned again at the end of The Return of Harmony Part 2, the fact remains that his influence, power and mayhem spread farther than any other villain we've seen thus far.


Take-over-O-Meter: 8/10


Sombra didn't really get to do much. His purpose as a villain was to be the looming threat should Twilight fail in her mission, so he really didn't have a whole lot of takeover time.


Take-over-O-Meter: 2.8/10

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I think we've got to take into account the goals of the villains. There's a certain tipping point which they've imposed the new status quo and now it's up to the heroes to run around and change things back.


Nightmare's goal was eternal night. Which she achieved within seconds, technically before she even appeared. There was nothing else to do, she'd won.


Discord's goal was to escape and spread chaos. Which, again, he did fairly quickly. He broke loose, stole the Elements, defeated the Mane Six in a game of his own devising and had no need to do anything more than enjoy his new found freedom to wreak havoc.


Chrysalis's goal was to conquer Equestia and use the Ponies to feed her army. She snuck in, dumped one princess into an abandoned mine, took control of the top shield-pony, defeated another princess, and her army broke in and began rounding up the Canterlotians. But she still had further to go; she needed to take out Luna, secure control of the city, begin processing it's citizenry (whatever that involved) and deal with the other cities of Equestria.


Sombra's goal was...I'm assuming control of the Crystal Empire/City, at a minimum. His main objective was to get his clutches on the Crystal Heart so it couldn't be used against him. After that, he have to institute a reign of terror to regain political control of the city. Then, he'd need to ensure that Celestia and Luna - with or without Equestria's military and/or the Elements (if the Bearers escaped) - didn't storm in and depose him.


So the way I see it, NMM and Discord are tied, as they both succeeded in taking over Equestria for their purposes. I give Chrysalis and Sombra the Most Horrifying Fate Award for what would've happened if they did take over.

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Well NMM turned everything to night forever, but I dunno if I'd consider that to much of taking over, of course I guess she did come pretty close. If it weren't for the coincidence twilight had she may have taken over.


Discord actually could've easily had controled Equestria, and kinda almost did, he turned the mane 6 into Discorded selves and Twilight ALMOST gave up. Plus he was quite cocky, which lead to be his downfall by ignoring the elements of harmony.


Chrysalis I think did a good job of basically actually having control over Canterlot for a while, so in one way she came close actually, but then again she didn't really take over all of Equestria but just Canterlot, but she probably could've after Canterlot really.


Sombra kinda did. I mean we don't really know the effect of the Crystal empire over Equestria, but he did come pretty close to taking over. Still it wasn't that close. But he did come close to getting the affects of the crystal empire atleast, didn't feel all that close.


So overall I think sombra was the least, then Nightmare Moon, then I think Chrysalis and Discord finally.


However I think they all came pretty close in, but they all seem to have suffered from just one little thing happening to turn everything around, then again I guess thats how most antagonists are. :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I think we've got to take into account the goals of the villains. There's a certain tipping point which they've imposed the new status quo and now it's up to the heroes to run around and change things back.


Nightmare's goal was eternal night. Which she achieved within seconds, technically before she even appeared. There was nothing else to do, she'd won.


Discord's goal was to escape and spread chaos. Which, again, he did fairly quickly. He broke loose, stole the Elements, defeated the Mane Six in a game of his own devising and had no need to do anything more than enjoy his new found freedom to wreak havoc.


Chrysalis's goal was to conquer Equestia and use the Ponies to feed her army. She snuck in, dumped one princess into an abandoned mine, took control of the top shield-pony, defeated another princess, and her army broke in and began rounding up the Canterlotians. But she still had further to go; she needed to take out Luna, secure control of the city, begin processing it's citizenry (whatever that involved) and deal with the other cities of Equestria.


Sombra's goal was...I'm assuming control of the Crystal Empire/City, at a minimum. His main objective was to get his clutches on the Crystal Heart so it couldn't be used against him. After that, he have to institute a reign of terror to regain political control of the city. Then, he'd need to ensure that Celestia and Luna - with or without Equestria's military and/or the Elements (if the Bearers escaped) - didn't storm in and depose him.


So the way I see it, NMM and Discord are tied, as they both succeeded in taking over Equestria for their purposes. I give Chrysalis and Sombra the Most Horrifying Fate Award for what would've happened if they did take over.

I agree what you said about Chrysalis having the most horrifying fate award. But in my book it seems she was the closest. If she was able to take down a goddess like Celestia and capturing the mane 6 just added to her possible victory. But she was beaten by a plot hole. The love SA and Cadence created really should have fed her, some one correct me if I'm wrong though. Chrysalis would have done the same thing Sombra would have done and that would be enslaving all of pony kind.

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Actually, changelings (that includes Chrysalis) can only absorb love that is directed towards 'them'. Because Chrysalis was pretending Cadence at the time, the love that Shining Armor gave off was directed towards her, because he 'thought' she was the real Cadence. If she could just absorb 'any' love power, she would have already won without needing to go to Canterlot.


TL;DR There were no plot holes in the Chrysalis episodes.



But it still doesn't explain the fact Chrysalis just sent out her minions to 'feed' while everypony was scared to death.

Edited by Quip es #1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Discord ruled Equestria before the show. I think that it's fair to keep the "analysis" within the boundaries of the show, but the one that really got the most out of his time was Discord.


The second place I give to Nightmare Moon. She didn't really rule Equestria, but she came close to it. I imagine there was some sort of conflict. She probably was as smart as Celestia and must have anticipated that her sister would use the Elements against her.


Then comes Sombra, IMO. He didn't look like much in the show but he did become a threat, enough that Luna and Celestia themselves took action.


Chrysalis didn't win. She thought that she had while letting Twilight roam freely the room to free Cadance, and for some creature that feeds on love she just let Shining Armor there to the put out of her spell. She did everything right only to lose it all because she was careless. I love her as a character, but she was pretty stupid.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I agree what you said about Chrysalis having the most horrifying fate award. But in my book it seems she was the closest. If she was able to take down a goddess like Celestia and capturing the mane 6 just added to her possible victory. But she was beaten by a plot hole. The love SA and Cadence created really should have fed her, some one correct me if I'm wrong though. Chrysalis would have done the same thing Sombra would have done and that would be enslaving all of pony kind.

It would seem to be indicated in the episode that feeding on love is a direct magical process. Other wise they wouldnt need to take a loved ones form. They would be able to absorb love from afar. 


Yes they feed on love but as mentioned above it would seem to be a direct process, that accumulates power over time. How much time it takes is unknown. Too much of anything at once can be harmful. We drink water but we can still drown. 

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King Sombra: Even though he didn't take over Canterlot he did still take over the Crystal Kingdom and had it under his control for longer than the other villains and I'm assuming Crystal Kingdom is second most important place in Equestria after Canterlot. In terms of keeping a city/kingdom under control for a long time that would go to King Sombra.


Discord: He took over Ponyville but that was a very small town not a kingdom, not a big city like Manehattan and definitely not Canterlot. As far as I'm concerned Discord did have an intention to take over cities but his primary concern is if he had fun doing it or not. Lacked the motivation to take over Equestria.


Nightmare Moon: Even though she didn't forcibly take over cities she was taking control of entire Equestria by forcing it to stay night time with her powers. Not sure if Celestia was unable to keep her under control or not (I'm guessing Celestia could not keep Nightmare Moon in control until she got weakened by the Elements of Harmony). She was in fact capable of having everyone that approached her kneel before her in other words took away their will to oppose. Technically Nightmare Moon did take control of most of Equestria she just didn't have it under her control for a long time.


Chrysalis: Chrysalis took over Canterlot. Unlike Nightmare Moon who took over everyone's will to oppose, Chrysalis took the more physical approach and took over the heart of Equestria. Not only that she has beaten Celestia off her throne with full evidence. Once again she didn't hold it for long.


Runner ups are Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis. Chrysalis seems to have a more obvious control over Equestria so maybe Chrysalis.

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If she was able to take down a goddess like Celestia and capturing the mane 6 just added to her possible victory. But she was beaten by a plot hole. The love SA and Cadence created really should have fed her, some one correct me if I'm wrong though.

I'm guessing that Changelings have to inhabit the role of another character in order to feed off the love of that character's loved ones. It's easy to imagine an individual Changeling slinking into a village in the guise of a villager, absorbing some free energy, and then slinking off again. So Chrysalis could draw off love from Shining Armor as long as she kept up the Cadance act vis-a-vis him. Feeding off love otherwise looks to involved considerably more preparation. Doesn't look terribly sustainable en masse, though.


As regards the love explosion effect, I'm going with the explanation that Cadance powered up Shining Armor's shield. That seems slightly more sane than that they loved the Changeling army away.

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I'm guessing that Changelings have to inhabit the role of another character in order to feed off the love of that character's loved ones. It's easy to imagine an individual Changeling slinking into a village in the guise of a villager, absorbing some free energy, and then slinking off again. So Chrysalis could draw off love from Shining Armor as long as she kept up the Cadance act vis-a-vis him. Feeding off love otherwise looks to involved considerably more preparation. Doesn't look terribly sustainable en masse, though.


As regards the love explosion effect, I'm going with the explanation that Cadance powered up Shining Armor's shield. That seems slightly more sane than that they loved the Changeling army away.


It's more like Cadance's love made Shining Armor stronger. There is that age old tale about "love" being the most ancient of magic as described in Harry Potter.


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I think Chrysalis. She planned her attack on the nation's capital without even getting caught until it was too late. It's the nation's capital, which of course would have an effect on the other cities and towns, and if she were not stopped, could have easily taken over Equestria from her starting point.

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