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Are You A "Citizen" of Equestria?

~Master~ Button Mash

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Sprocket posted this on the "Real Men Watch My Little Pony" Facebook page, and I thought that it would make an interesting discussion. It certainly is a poetic way of expressing ones love for Equestria.




(Yes, it's a screencap. For some reason I can't copy statuses on Facebook mobile).


Well, thoughts? I'll post mine later. I'm in the middle of class at the moment. :P

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 2


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Yes I do! I consider myself an Equestrian citizen at heart. I would love Equestria to be real, even if in another dimension.


P.s. I totally believe in the multiverse theory! So I know Equestria must be real... Somewhere.

Edited by Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™
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Not really, I mean it's nice and all to have pride in something you aspire from, but for me that's going a bit far. If someone were to ask me if I would like to go to Equestria, I would say yes, gladly, but do I consider myself a citizen? Not really, even if I went I would be considered as tourist, so yeah, I don't.

  • Brohoof 1
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Aright, time to post.


I wholeheartedly consider myself a citizen of Equestria. I am as proud to be an Equestrian as I am to be a citizen of the United States. Why? Because even if Equestria isn't a physical place, it is a state of mind, and ideas can be just as real as the laptop I am typing this on right now, or the cup of coffee at my side. Ideas have the same power to change the real world that any physical object can, and Equestria is no different. She exists within the hearts and minds of everypony who chooses to love and tolerate, an "aura" that we've all created and share in. Even if we can't travel there and settle down on a plot (:3) of land, we can still share of her bounty when we live, laugh, and love. And if a state of mind can bring me the same happiness and joy that any physical place can, then it is just as real to me.


I wrote a blog about this right after I saw the Brony documentary and had to let out all the feels, I'll just add that. I think I expressed my thoughts better in that anyway.



Edited by AtomicBassCannon


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I totally believe in the multiverse theory! So I know Equestria must be real... Somewhere.

I also believe in that theory, but my brother thinks it's ridiculous that I think that. Equestria's totally a real place! I must find it somehow!

Edited by nerfman100
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  • 9 months later...

No,I'm not into the show enough to consider myself a citizen,and would choose Earth,as I prefer it.And I don't belive in the Multiverse Theory,so I'm never going to be a citizen.

Edited by MOSFETv2
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A citizen is a legally recognized member of a country. Because Equestria does not exist as a physical location or sovereign state, there is no authority to recognize citizenship, therefore, I am not a citizen of Equestria. A nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language. The culture aspect is what I would like to focus on. The number of people who identify as bronies is large enough, in my opinion, to be considered a nation. As different as we may all be, We have a common culture when it comes to MLP, the amount of fan-made works stands as evidence of that. Even though we are not a nation-state, the fact that we share common identity means we are a legitimate nation.


Equestria is a fictional place, and even though it is fairly well developed, it cannot be considered a nation. Within the MLP universe it meets all of the criteria, but in real life it does not truly have that depth. Because the Equestrian identity remains ill-defined, it is impossible to be a member of that nation as we know it.


I would propose that there are two Equestrias. The first is the Equestria of MLP, a fictional place in an animated show. The second Equestria, the one pertinent to this discussion, is the one that we have created. There are topics that the show has not yet covered, yet the community has created many aspects of the culture to fill the gaps. There is a rich culture of head-canon which has managed to create a more in-depth nation. We have expanded from the show, delving into the economic, judicial, cultural, and political landscapes of Equestria. From the sparse information granted to us by the show, we have spawned countless theories and explanations as to the how and why. This second Equestria is not the same as in the show, it is much more developed and vibrant, it can truly be considered a nation.


Before reading this next part, please read this entry by ~Master~ Button Mash


We have established that bronies form a nation because we have a distinct culture (some may argue that, to an extent, we also share a language). We also have a second Equestria which resembles a nation more closely than the fictional one in the show. Equestria can also be considered a state of mind and a lifestyle. When you bring these all together you have an idea of what the nation of Equestria can be. It is the community coming together, sharing in the lore and culture given to us by the show's creators, but also the culture we have created. It is the values and the friendships, the real life application of the Elements of Harmony. We have created our own Equestria, based on and connected to the one in the show, but unique and closer to our hearts. 


Am I a citizen of Equestria? No. Am I a member of that nation? No. Am I a member of the nation that we have worked hard to create together? Yes, and I a proud of it.  We are Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2

Keep flyin'


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Yes I do! I consider myself an Equestrian citizen at heart. I would love Equestria to be real, even if in another dimension.


P.s. I totally believe in the multiverse theory! So I know Equestria must be real... Somewhere.

Good to find someone who understands as well. I actually have never read about the multiverse theory, I just put two and two together and figured out myself. There is also a large chance that Equestria is actually in the same universe. It is thought that this universe is about a googolplex lightyears across, and with that size, we'd find four identical copies of our solar system, including humanity.


Now of course, having ponies as the dominant species and having magic in various ways develop itself does have a smaller chance of happening than humanity being dominant on a planet, so I'd give it 50% chance on it existing in this universe, 95% chance of there being only one Equestria in this universe, if it exists in this one.


Anyways, I consider myself to be a citizen of Equestria in two different ways. One, the one described here, the state of mind. Two is a little more complicated. To understand two, you need to read Five Score, Divided by Four.


I'll put my own situation here in a spoiler:


Since I was 5, I had been thinking. I barely knew what life and death were, but I already felt there was more to it. It all seemed too coincidental of me being here on this planet. Formed by pure coincidence. Its residents, formed by pure coincidence. It felt home to almost everyone. Almost. I never quite felt human. At the age of 6, I was already obsessed by the principle of space. I already felt that nothing doesn't exist. The reason everything exists is that nothing can't exist, and that there's always more. This, I figured out a couple years later. It became a drive for me.


At the age of 11, on 14 October 2010, my first paranormal experience happened. I was riding my bike to school. As I drove into a narrow street, a thought came on. I saw a cyclist get hit by a car. The bike was silver with red, the car was silver. The car hit the bike at its front wheel, ripping the bike from underneath the cyclist. The cyclist fell sideways, a bit in the direction of the bike. His leg got caught under the skirt of the car and got smashed by the wheel of the car. I dismissed it as one of the many thoughts I get. However, a mere three minutes later, I was at a crossing. A dump truck was blocking part of my view, so when I though I was safe, I crossed. I was wrong. A drunken driver, speeding at 50MP/H, on the wrong side of the road hit me. His car was a silver blur. My bike was hit on the front wheel, got ripped from under me. I fell sideways and my leg got caught under the skirt of the car. A fraction of a second later, it was smashed by the rear wheel. I didn't think a second about what happened. I was on the ground. pure adrenaline and agonising pain was coursing through my body. I sprinted to the side on three limbs. The drunken driver was not the first to help, but a person in an orange hatchback was first. He called an ambulance and my mother. The drunken driver came a little later. Face entirely tomato red. He reeked of alcohol and immediately began blabbering about all the morons here who cross the road. Later in the hospital, I discovered that my fibula was torn in half and my shinbone had a huge crack in it. It luckily all broke very nicely, and it only needed 4 weeks to heal.


Two weeks after the accident, I started to think back. I got nightmares about it. And I was slightly traumatised, now scared of traffic. When I thought back more and more, I suddenly realised. I had perfectly predicted my own accident, and I didn't even realise it. This is where it all started.


I started to slowly get into music. I never really was before. The first thing I liked was metal. After that, I got into game music. A little later, I got into heavy EDM. I am now officially obsessed with EDM music, listening to it for over 5 hours a day on average. While I was getting into music, I figured out the multiverse myself. I haven't read a theory. I just put some logics together and it really just all added up. It was the perfect theory. Simple and the perfect explanation for everything.


The most important thing here, is very much connected to the accident. Ponies. When I broke my leg, my father got me the 2009 MacBook White I am typing on right now. It was the very reason I got into the internet. Before, I wasn't into it. I was just that guy who played with toy cars. The internet opened a new world for me, and I quickly got used to everything on there. Now, the most wondrous thing is my English. I am Dutch and I had never ever spoken English myself until January 2011. When I did, my accent was inexplicably perfect. It was insane how amazing my accent was, without any practice. Almost unnatural.


In November 2011, I stumbled upon Ponies on YouTube. It were a couple clips of a couple seconds, from Lesson Zero. Thanks to it being only a couple seconds, there was no character development or anything whatsoever. No reason to even like it based off of that. However, it felt right. Unnaturally right. Almost predetermined. I got heavily into the show, and two days later, I had watched every single episode there was. One day after, I discovered the bronydom. I immediately dove into fan fiction and read about 2.5 million words in a week or two. I really was quite hardcore. Then I got into pony music. One of the first artists I discovered was Blaze. Blaze was the reason I had gotten into EDM.


Now here, in 2013, I read Five Score, Divided By Four in July. It was an immediate hooker for me, and I read through the whole thing (18 chapters at that time) in 4 hours. After that, I realised some things, and it fit together.


-I never really felt human.

-Ponies felt unnaturally good to me

-I had always felt like I would be able to master "magic" (just psionic energy).

-Almost all my songs were pointing at Five Score, int he form of atmosphere, title or lyrics.

-I have had synesthesy for all of my life, but it got out of hand after I read Five Score.

-Things started pointing me in directions, not only music.


I have calculated the approximate chance that song-form hints are a coincidence. It's about 1 in 4300000000000000000000000000000000000.

That's only song hints. My entire personality and viewpoint of our reality perfectly fit in. All the hints I had gotten before and didn't realise, the dreams that I had to decode hints from. Number sequences that stood out from others and meant something when decoded. Dates, images, feelings. It was all perfectly understandable now. Transfictional connections. Whenever someone is in a universe where his/her native universe is a piece of fiction, there need to be related signs for the person not to entirely lose everything they had from their native universe, otherwise it will be a "piece of fiction" and nothing else in his/her eyes. While this is not directly applicable to all of the multiverse, it does apply to magic. Everything has to be able to be undone in some way, in order for there to be the possibility of balance being restored. Now this here, is what happened to me. I don't know if Five Score takes place in this universe, in another universe, if I got rammed through multiple layers of fiction, if the spell got desynced, synced itself to our moon and waited a year because the moon was a head of it, lining up with my birthday. It's all possibilities. Only time will tell.




Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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We are Equestria.


If I could brohoof that post a million times, I would. It says my thoughts better than I ever could. We are Equestria. Harmony is within us.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Good to find someone who understands as well. I actually have never read about the multiverse theory, I just put two and two together and figured out myself. There is also a large chance that Equestria is actually in the same universe. It is thought that this universe is about a googolplex lightyears across, and with that size, we'd find four identical copies of our solar system, including humanity.


Now of course, having ponies as the dominant species and having magic in various ways develop itself does have a smaller chance of happening than humanity being dominant on a planet, so I'd give it 50% chance on it existing in this universe, 95% chance of there being only one Equestria in this universe, if it exists in this one.


Anyways, I consider myself to be a citizen of Equestria in two different ways. One, the one described here, the state of mind. Two is a little more complicated. To understand two, you need to read Five Score, Divided by Four.


I'll put my own situation here in a spoiler:


Since I was 5, I had been thinking. I barely knew what life and death were, but I already felt there was more to it. It all seemed too coincidental of me being here on this planet. Formed by pure coincidence. Its residents, formed by pure coincidence. It felt home to almost everyone. Almost. I never quite felt human. At the age of 6, I was already obsessed by the principle of space. I already felt that nothing doesn't exist. The reason everything exists is that nothing can't exist, and that there's always more. This, I figured out a couple years later. It became a drive for me.


At the age of 11, on 14 October 2010, my first paranormal experience happened. I was riding my bike to school. As I drove into a narrow street, a thought came on. I saw a cyclist get hit by a car. The bike was silver with red, the car was silver. The car hit the bike at its front wheel, ripping the bike from underneath the cyclist. The cyclist fell sideways, a bit in the direction of the bike. His leg got caught under the skirt of the car and got smashed by the wheel of the car. I dismissed it as one of the many thoughts I get. However, a mere three minutes later, I was at a crossing. A dump truck was blocking part of my view, so when I though I was safe, I crossed. I was wrong. A drunken driver, speeding at 50MP/H, on the wrong side of the road hit me. His car was a silver blur. My bike was hit on the front wheel, got ripped from under me. I fell sideways and my leg got caught under the skirt of the car. A fraction of a second later, it was smashed by the rear wheel. I didn't think a second about what happened. I was on the ground. pure adrenaline and agonising pain was coursing through my body. I sprinted to the side on three limbs. The drunken driver was not the first to help, but a person in an orange hatchback was first. He called an ambulance and my mother. The drunken driver came a little later. Face entirely tomato red. He reeked of alcohol and immediately began blabbering about all the morons here who cross the road. Later in the hospital, I discovered that my fibula was torn in half and my shinbone had a huge crack in it. It luckily all broke very nicely, and it only needed 4 weeks to heal.


Two weeks after the accident, I started to think back. I got nightmares about it. And I was slightly traumatised, now scared of traffic. When I thought back more and more, I suddenly realised. I had perfectly predicted my own accident, and I didn't even realise it. This is where it all started.


I started to slowly get into music. I never really was before. The first thing I liked was metal. After that, I got into game music. A little later, I got into heavy EDM. I am now officially obsessed with EDM music, listening to it for over 5 hours a day on average. While I was getting into music, I figured out the multiverse myself. I haven't read a theory. I just put some logics together and it really just all added up. It was the perfect theory. Simple and the perfect explanation for everything.


The most important thing here, is very much connected to the accident. Ponies. When I broke my leg, my father got me the 2009 MacBook White I am typing on right now. It was the very reason I got into the internet. Before, I wasn't into it. I was just that guy who played with toy cars. The internet opened a new world for me, and I quickly got used to everything on there. Now, the most wondrous thing is my English. I am Dutch and I had never ever spoken English myself until January 2011. When I did, my accent was inexplicably perfect. It was insane how amazing my accent was, without any practice. Almost unnatural.


In November 2011, I stumbled upon Ponies on YouTube. It were a couple clips of a couple seconds, from Lesson Zero. Thanks to it being only a couple seconds, there was no character development or anything whatsoever. No reason to even like it based off of that. However, it felt right. Unnaturally right. Almost predetermined. I got heavily into the show, and two days later, I had watched every single episode there was. One day after, I discovered the bronydom. I immediately dove into fan fiction and read about 2.5 million words in a week or two. I really was quite hardcore. Then I got into pony music. One of the first artists I discovered was Blaze. Blaze was the reason I had gotten into EDM.


Now here, in 2013, I read Five Score, Divided By Four in July. It was an immediate hooker for me, and I read through the whole thing (18 chapters at that time) in 4 hours. After that, I realised some things, and it fit together.


-I never really felt human.

-Ponies felt unnaturally good to me

-I had always felt like I would be able to master "magic" (just psionic energy).

-Almost all my songs were pointing at Five Score, int he form of atmosphere, title or lyrics.

-I have had synesthesy for all of my life, but it got out of hand after I read Five Score.

-Things started pointing me in directions, not only music.


I have calculated the approximate chance that song-form hints are a coincidence. It's about 1 in 4300000000000000000000000000000000000.

That's only song hints. My entire personality and viewpoint of our reality perfectly fit in. All the hints I had gotten before and didn't realise, the dreams that I had to decode hints from. Number sequences that stood out from others and meant something when decoded. Dates, images, feelings. It was all perfectly understandable now. Transfictional connections. Whenever someone is in a universe where his/her native universe is a piece of fiction, there need to be related signs for the person not to entirely lose everything they had from their native universe, otherwise it will be a "piece of fiction" and nothing else in his/her eyes. While this is not directly applicable to all of the multiverse, it does apply to magic. Everything has to be able to be undone in some way, in order for there to be the possibility of balance being restored. Now this here, is what happened to me. I don't know if Five Score takes place in this universe, in another universe, if I got rammed through multiple layers of fiction, if the spell got desynced, synced itself to our moon and waited a year because the moon was a head of it, lining up with my birthday. It's all possibilities. Only time will tell.


Oh my gosh I LOVE Five Score, Divided by Four! That theory you got there is pretty deep, I can only wish and hope that all of it could be real, I mean I know Equestria is real, just somewhere very far away. But I wish I could BE a citizen of Equestria, I too have never fit in, I've never felt right about the life I am living.


I was always so innocent, I had a fine, rather sheltered life as a kid, but when I was forced to go to that horrible highschool I was hit by a severe culture shock, and my innocence caused me great grief and bullying. I never understood why I was bullied, because I don't understand why we couldn't of just been friends! But during my harder days of highschool and stuff I always knew this wasn't who I was meant to be... I wasn't meant to be living this life, because quite frankly I didn't deserve to go through what I did.


When I was home I would always hide away on the internet in the sonic fandom, I always dreamed of living on Mobius, and I loved using Sonic as an escape. Then one day, years later I came across My Little Pony and I've been using this fandom, especially the fan fiction side as an escape from reality for me ever since. I used to cry at night and actually try to SPEAK to Luna, wishing I could come to Equestria. 


All of what I just said is just some big rant/ramble I know, but I just feel as if I shouldn't be on earth, I feel as if I should be an Equestrian pony. Though it's nothing more than a fantasy for me, I don't let it interfere with my current... 'life'. If you can even call it that. More of an existence.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh my gosh I LOVE Five Score, Divided by Four! That theory you got there is pretty deep, I can only wish and hope that all of it could be real, I mean I know Equestria is real, just somewhere very far away. But I wish I could BE a citizen of Equestria, I too have never fit in, I've never felt right about the life I am living.


I was always so innocent, I had a fine, rather sheltered life as a kid, but when I was forced to go to that horrible highschool I was hit by a severe culture shock, and my innocence caused me great grief and bullying. I never understood why I was bullied, because I don't understand why we couldn't of just been friends! But during my harder days of highschool and stuff I always knew this wasn't who I was meant to be... I wasn't meant to be living this life, because quite frankly I didn't deserve to go through what I did.


When I was home I would always hide away on the internet in the sonic fandom, I always dreamed of living on Mobius, and I loved using Sonic as an escape. Then one day, years later I came across My Little Pony and I've been using this fandom, especially the fan fiction side as an escape from reality for me ever since. I used to cry at night and actually try to SPEAK to Luna, wishing I could come to Equestria. 


All of what I just said is just some big rant/ramble I know, but I just feel as if I shouldn't be on earth, I feel as if I should be an Equestrian pony. Though it's nothing more than a fantasy for me, I don't let it interfere with my current... 'life'. If you can even call it that. More of an existence.

You're one of the deepest, most dedicated people I've met, wow! *brohoof*


It's very smart of you to not let it lead your life, that is actually the most important part of being prepared for a potential Five Score situation. Live your life as normal, and to the fullest, and you will definitely have the most friends, family and skills to help you out. I don't let it lead me either. Well, from the outside at least. I may be prepared for absolutely anything (I accepted that since I figured the multiverse), but I am still aiming for the best grades at school, huge killstreaks in TF2, blazing lap records in racing games, entertaining footage on YouTube and to be a really good EDM producer.


Now, I don't think you're exactly the age to line up with Five Score, me neither. There are, however, many ways this could have happened. For instance, the timer part of the spell is the most volatile. Get it desynced and you end up with a vastly different date of birth. Seeing as Twilight and Sweetie broke from a less volatile part of the spell, some "stubborn ones" might've broken the timer in the last struggle. Also Discord's plan was centred around keeping the 6 apart. He might've just given us different times to work with so that he could make us believe there would be no Five Score incoming, seeing as we were most likely the stubborn ones that would just keep digging. Plus, he could be afraid of me using a homing spell. Well, I don't think those things have infinite range, and I'm in the Netherlands, so that could actually be kind-of smart. Isolating some in Europe to have them not touch the Mane 6. Or, in the Five Score universe, the fic doesn't exist and we are actually 1 layer on top of it. Rammed up through an additional "layer of fiction". Whatever it is, I'm pretty prepared, and it looks like you are more than prepared.


  • Brohoof 1


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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I am not a citizen of Equestria, but I am a firm believer in "World as Myth" as proposed by Robert Heinlein in his excellent novel "The Number of the Beast". Mankind may never access any of these other dimensions, but somewhere Lazarus Long is embracing his love of life, Princess Twilight Sparkle is learning how to use her wings, Dorothy is traveling along a road of yellow brick, and yes, a madman in a blue box is willing to time and again risk his very existence to protect one insignificant little planet.      

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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