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open Pirate Adventure Rp! (Steampunk Edition)

Alex Kennedy

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"Whatever you say Harmonic." she said briefly before heading back to the headquarters, leaving him to his business such as barking at crew members. Azura looked around and saw Demence walking around. "Maybe he'd be more friendly to talk to instead" she thought.

Edited by Azura


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Fiera had been busy with her very close friend; a healthy dose of vitamin C. Also known as the orange. Fiera had gotten away with hoarding all the oranges from enemy ships. It wasn't every day you got one of those vitamin C coated things, and when she did, nobody else would. 


It wasn't as crisp as apples or potatoes, but maybe that's what made them good? The squishy texture and the sweet flavor combined? Or maybe it was just a flavor preference. Fiera had never ate anything else that tasted exactly like oranges, and she didn't think the flavor was able to be artificially produced.


Fiera ate the last slice of her orange slowly, as she always did. She always hated to see the last slice go. She only ever ate one or two a day, cause when she ate more than that, bad things happened. It wasn't her fault they were delicious, it was natures fault! But she never complained.


Fiera tossed the skin aside and laid down on her bed. "Ugh, my shift is probably soon... No... no it isn't! That's right!" she exclaimed as she stood up from her bed. "I can ask Diamond to give me a different role! I could lead the boarding parties! Or... something..." her voice trailed off. She knew that wasn't likely to happen.


She slumped back down on her bed and sighed heavily. "'If music be the food of love, play on'..." she quoted. It was the only play she had ever watched, and it would probably be her favorite if she had seen any others. "'Enough, no more. Tis not so sweet now as it was before'..." she quoted the play once again.


Fiera flopped off her bed and made her way onto the deck and towards the stern (back of the boat for you land lubbers).


(Yay for 1246 characters!)

Edited by The Original PWD
  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Harmonic simply gave a cornered glare as Azura walked away from him. He didn't turn his head and he didn't say anything, he just followed her with his eyes, before reverting his attention to the air in front of him. "She's one to be watched" he mumbled to himself. Lifting his head and looking into the air, he turned his attention to something else again...Diamond. Everything ending up back at Diamond, but why? He needed answers to this, and he knew he was the only person who could get them. But how? 


One of the crewmembers cautiously approached Harmonic from behind and spoke to him "M-mister H-Harmonic, sir?" he turned his head the slightest fraction, indicating his awareness but not replying. 

"W-well I w-was just wondering, you c-called about the de-" 

"Stop stammering, it's irritating" 

"Oh...s-sorry. I was just wondering...what did you want doing with the deck, sir? You called for attention to it?" 

Harmonic stood up and walked over to the pony, he was only a small thing, and Harmonic seemed to tower over him. "Just get it fixed. There are more pits in it than there needs to be for a vessel like this"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Steel messes around with the parts, and sees that there is some sort of pattern. 'I wonder what they make, looks interesting i bet.'

He puts the parts together and realizes there needs to be more pieces. 'I'll go up on deck and look for another crate.'

*Goes up on deck and looks around*

Edited by Oireann

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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While they waited for the encounter with the Rake, Gladius walked into the sparring ring in the center and addressed the entire crew.


"Alright, until we reach our destination, I want all of you who aren't on active duty operating the ship to train their combat skills. To that end, I challenge any of you who are willing to a sparring match."

  • Brohoof 1

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Diamond sat quietly in her room. The sun was getting low in the sky but they would have a few hours of day left. She yawned and finished her tea before getting up and making her way out onto the deck.





Rain heard something about sparring with the other crew members and felt rather uncomfortable...he really didn't have any training.

He longed to sneak off the deck of the ship but he knew that may not be the best idea, so he hesitantly walked over to Gladius.

Something something something something


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Demence noticed Azura and walked over to her. "So, what do you think about the ship? I'm not really liking it." Which was true. Demence hated being ordered around. Oh, how he would love to ditch this ship, maybe even get something valuable from it. But, in the middle of the air, it just wasn't possible.

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Gladius saw Rain walking towards him hesitantly. He trotted over and met him halfway.


"You know, you don't have to spar if you don't want to. You can just train by yourself or something. As long as you're keeping your skills sharp, I don't really care how you do it."

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"I was never planning to stay on this ship. I'll be hopping off the leaving them the second we arrive at Neighsau." she replied Demence. Azura is rather curious why Diamond wants to keep her out of the Armory and she wants to see it for herself before leaving the ship, hopefully without having any part of her being sliced off in the process.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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Rain shrugged. "Well, as you saw...I am not the best of fighter's so I just wouldn't want to slow the rest of your crew down or something." He said.




Diamond walked out onto the deck and made her way down below the deck to the kitchens where she told the ship's chief what to make for dinner that night...soup and bread.

After that she made her way back up to the deck of the ship and couldn't help but notice two of the new ponies talking...which usually would be considered a normal thing but Diamond felt something was up.

Something something something something


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"I may as well do the same. Though, I do plan on taking a... souvenir from Diamond." He grinned, hoping Azura would understand what he was getting at. He wanted to steal something valuable, and not even every crew member working together would stop him. And what better thing to do then steal from Diamond's own personal room. There would surely be something worth a lot of bits.

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Azura knew that Diamond saw them talking when she walked pass. "Hey Demence, this isn't a good place to plot our plans against the Vermillion Sky with all these ponies walking around, especially when we're talking about stealing the captain's valuables. Lets go someplace more.. Private." she whispered into his ear.


(OOC: You'd better not get over-suspicious with us, Diamond..)


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"You make a good point. Any place in mind?" He whispered. He had completely disregarded the fact that Diamond was there before, but now he saw it probably was an important fact. He didn't know how many 'private' areas there were on the ship, but he guessed there would be at least one. 

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(OOC: You guys are jerks...Diamond lets you live when one of you is a stowaway and the other is from an enemy ship  :P Also...don't try getting into her room...don't...I will destroy you.)



Diamond felt rather suspicious of these two ponies but she ignored it and walked into her room where she grabbed her book and started to read...again, after pouring herself a large cup of green tea of course.



(OOC: One other thing...don't do that thing where you break in then just get out without giving someone a chance to stop you...that would be uncool.)

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Gladius nodded.


"Very well, if that's how you feel then you can just go train by yourself belowdecks. But from what I saw, you're a pretty good fighter. Maybe you should give it a try. I guess it's up to you. But if you ask me, you might as well give it a shot and see what happens."

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She wasn't familiar with the ship so she didn't know where to go. Maybe the headquarters for the crew members? "Maybe we could head over to the bunks to see if it's empty. It usually is." she said.


(OOC: Is anyone at the bunks right now? @, I'll make sure we have a good fight scene before I get off.)


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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(OOC: Goldseek is sleeping and I would like that. Just keep in mind that Diamond is a captain and she has been doing this since she could first hold a sword (For this RP))





Rain sighed. "Yea...I suppose you're right. What have I got to loose anyway. I actually need to speak with you about something. I wasn't raised with other deer but I did read some stories about them...and I know one of the things they used as a weapon was steel tips at the end of their antlers, and I was just wondering if...when we land, you would know any good blanksmith's that would be willing to make something...different." He said, watching a couple ponies prepare them selves to fight.

Edited by Sir Flame of Dancerville

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"Good thinking. Let's go then." He gestured for her to follow, then headed towards the bunks. Looking in the bunks, he saw no pony. If only he noticed Goldseek. He walked in and turned back to face Azura and tell her about his plan to steal from Diamond.

(OOC: Now Goldseek will hear the plan and know when. You wanted a fight. :P)

  • Brohoof 1
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Gladius shrugged.


"I don't see why not. It is my duty to make sure you're appropriately equipped. Whatever kind of weaponry you need, I'm sure I can find a blacksmith to make it for you. One of the benefits of working for the military is that we have pretty much all the funding we could ever need." 

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"Diamond! - Buck - Ma'am!" Harmonic shouted across deck as he made his way over to her for what seemed like the 30th time that day. "Begging your pardon for the rude calling ma'am, but I think there's something you should know about our new...recruits."


Harmonic hadn't seen Azura and Demence talking, so he had no idea they where plotting anything, he was most likely just being over suspicious like he normally does.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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After she was finish discussing about their plans, she left the bunk and looked around to see if anypony was overhearing their conversation, but she didn't notice that there was a pony sleeping right beside them on one of the bunks just now. "What now Demence? Do you have any idea when we'll arrive to Neighsau?" she asked.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"Hopefully soon. Lets drop the subject before someone finds us." He said, then proceeded to act as if nothing was going on. "Though, we should steal something before we land, so that as soon as we're there, we can leave. Is that too risky?" He wanted this plan to go down perfectly, but chances of that happening were slim.

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"That they were talking ? Oh yes...I saw that. And since we aren't really sure whether or not they were just being friendly or whether they were plotting against me...we are just going to have to keep a closer eye on them...which means you should move anything of value into my cabin and help me guard it...tonight." She said quite seriously, but she still couldn't help but give Harmonic a rather seductive grin.

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"Yeah, lets just hope nopony heard us.. Anyway, I don't mind taking a few risks, especially if it pays off. So what is this thing you plan on stealing? I don't want an entire crew chasing us for a worthless piece of scrap." She looked at Demence, waiting curiously for his answer.

(OOC: I'm on my phone, so I can't add color or mention easily.)

Edited by Azura


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


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"She's a pirate. She has to have at least one thing of value."  He knew there would be something worth while. There had to be. He wasn't leaving this ship empty handed, that was for sure. "Also, are you armed? We can't just walk in and take something without being prepared. Expect a fight."

(OOC: Sorry for taking so long with post. Was talking to friend on skype.)

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