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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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Hank coughs "i have a sister in the army, remember? the element of magic?" He smiles and laughs "well, when shall we tell the generals of the plan?" he smiles "and JT Twilight will be there with us okay? she has to be there also." he smiles and pats JTs back and laughs



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Hank coughs "i have a sister in the army, remember? the element of magic?" He smiles and laughs "well, when shall we tell the generals of the plan?" he smiles "and JT Twilight will be there with us okay? she has to be there also." he smiles and pats JTs back and laughs

JT smiles, "I didn't forget about you two, hank. but you are both in the Equestrian army. so I figured you would be there" JT laughs and says, "I hoped twilight would be there. im sure you and her will be huge help with anyone that is on the fence. im glad you guys will be there"


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JT smiles, "I didn't forget about you two, hank. but you are both in the Equestrian army. so I figured you would be there" JT laughs and says, "I hoped twilight would be there. im sure you and her will be huge help with anyone that is on the fence. im glad you guys will be there"

Hank smiles and nods "well i will tell her soon enough when she needs to know. Also, i thought i heard some of the PACE members in the citadel talk about a blue box, my friend must still be waiting.."


"Propaganda isn't a problem anymore... I have PACE watching re-runs of bad sitcoms right now... that should be sufficient. And with regards to your offer of sonic weapons, I'm going with the opposite angle, my Vintorez is subsonic, but that means it's probably the only silenced automatic weapon with it's range... they'll be carrying sonic jammers and wearing hyperkinetic shielding... the slower something goes the better off it will be." said Cezary.

Hank nods "well, my sonic weapon isn't what they are expecting, i can change the frequency which means that it will do certain things" he smiles and laughs



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Golden Age woke up, his eyes still heavy. He couldn't sleep, not on a night such as this. He was about to go into combat, to defend Equestria from colonization. "I don't think there's e'er been such a nobler cause than one such as this" He said to himself. He decided he would write the letter now, best to get a response ASAP.


Dear JT,


My regiment and I are camped on the edge of the Everfree near Ponyville. I am eager to get into the fight. I would like to get plans of attack set up ASAP. Tell me when and where and my lads will get the job done! I would imagine meeting in person would fit best, respond as soon as possible if you please.


Lieutenant Golden Age, 3rd & 9th Ponyville Volunteers


The Lieutenant hastily sealed the letter and walked outside. He spotted a small huddle of his soldiers circled around a dying fire. "Who's the best fit and most awake of you three?" He asked. "Eh...I guess I am sir." one responded. "Aye, then you're it" Golden Age responded. He put the letter in the corporal's hand. "Give that to a one called JT. I would appreciate it if you didn't diddle dally. I'll give you a few mintues to gather your canteen and such." The soldie saltued and ran to his tent.


In a few minutes he was back. "Aye good lad" Golden Age said "Now be off with ye, time's a wasting." The corporal began to gallop off. "Oh, and stay clear of Ponyville, that place is a bloody hornest's nest!"


Now, he waited, all the while trying to go back to sleep.

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JT nodded off, but was awoken by a bump, he looked out the window to see ponyville in sight, he nudged rocket out of a sleep.


"Wake up rocky, we're almost back to ponyville." He said


Rocket awoke and saw ponyville, he breathed a sigh o relief to see he was safe again.


JT began thinking more details out to his plan. But he decided he would wait after getting a cigar and some rest. He had been up a lot of the night.


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When Blackshard realized Ponyville was in sight, she smiled slightly. Hopefully Whiteshard would have at least heard about the War Meeting...



Of course Whiteshard had heard. Said white mare was currently frantically writing a response to her Other Half. This war could finally be turning around!

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JT nodded off, but was awoken by a bump, he looked out the window to see ponyville in sight, he nudged rocket out of a sleep. "Wake up rocky, we're almost back to ponyville." He said Rocket awoke and saw ponyville, he breathed a sigh o relief to see he was safe again. JT began thinking more details out to his plan. But he decided he would wait after getting a cigar and some rest. He had been up a lot of the night.

"Sorry to wake you guys, but we're here. I hope that your little planning meeting went well. Wait a minute... I think someone's here." Cezary said to the ponies in the cab. "Who the hell are you?" he shouted to the pony outside

"Corporal Nightshade, 9th ponyville volunteers, I have a letter for the one known as JT... may I be told where he is residing?" said the unknown pony.

"So polite... he's in the back, but he's kinda tired... so don't ask anything straining." Cezary said with a smile.

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Hank smiles "JT, when this war is over, would you support me if i went to be a musician?" he smiles as he looks at ponyville "Also JT, if we get to the blue box, i might be able to get another human to help us.. he has been trapped in it ever since the war started." he sighs



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"Of course i would, and thats a great idea, more men is a better chanc of us winning!" JT said, then JT stepped out if the vehicle and looked at the pony, "pleasure to meet you, brother. You wanted to talk to me?"


Rocket stepped out of the vehicle and immediately ran to the city hall, he wanted to get started on battle tactics for the ponies. He ran to the map and began looking at different key points.

Edited by ~/XC- BRONY\~


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Hank smiles "JT, when this war is over, would you support me if i went to be a musician?" he smiles as he looks at ponyville "Also JT, if we get to the blue box, i might be able to get another human to help us.. he has been trapped in it ever since the war started." he sighs

"I don't know about him, but I'm with you 100% if you turn to music... If you ever need a technician for anything just call me up, and I'll drop whatever I'm doing to help. Anyway, I'll see if I can find that blue box of yours and force it to move... I found it's database entry a couple of days ago." Said Cezary, his smile only growing larger.

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(OOC: I guess I'm Nightshade for this?)


"Yes sir. My Lieutenant  wanted me to give you this sir". Nightshade handed JT a letter. He would randomly shiver in the cold. The cold weather made him think grow more and more weary of his tent. He hoped he would be back in time to get a decent amount of rest.


"At your leave sir." He said.

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Hank sighs "thats the tough part, it can not be moved that easily.. only by using the control panel in the middle inside the blue box... but the power has been drained out.. so its just there..." he sighs "i have the key.. just by using the key.. we can get in. inside, there are some weapons we can use." he smiles "just tell me the location, and when we go to attack i will head there."



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(OOC: I guess I'm Nightshade for this?)


"Yes sir. My Lieutenant wanted me to give you this sir". Nightshade handed JT a letter. He would randomly shiver in the cold. The cold weather made him think grow more and more weary of his tent. He hoped he would be back in time to get a decent amount of rest.


"At your leave sir." He said.

"Thank you, solider. It's good to hear from a army unit." He then thought for a moment and realized he had room for the army regiment, he said, "if you would like, could you tell your commanding officer that we have plenty of room for your entire squad in ponyville, it is safe and warmer here."


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"Thank you, solider. It's good to hear from a army unit." He then thought for a moment and realized he had room for the army regiment, he said, "if you would like, could you tell your commanding officer that we have plenty of room for your entire squad in ponyville, it is safe and warmer here."

"I'll head out with him, I don't care how badass they are, they will need transport to avoid PACE detection... and I'm the only one with practice on one of these APCs... And with regards to the Blue Box, I sorta requested that they try transporting it right past us... how fast can you guys organize an ambush?" Said Cezary with a look that said "Oops..."

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JT looked with a sorry face, "I would love to help in this battle, but I really have business to attend to. Hank, could you orginize this ambush? I have 100% faith that if you do it, the plan will go smoothly. Once again I'm sorry I can't help that much with this battle"


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Hank facedhoof "JT i am not that good with ambushes, if you haven't learned from that television series all you saw was running and barely any ambushing! I can't do that! and the blue box, it can not be moved from where it is! it is stuck in that position unless it teleports using the control panel inside!" he sighs as he paces around



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"I have VERY bad news then... Either your box isn't on this plane of existance or they found a way to move it... And if I remember the show correctly (it's been a few years) it could still be moved as long as there was a way to take it out of flux... And we KNOW that PACE has that..." Cezary said with a voice reserved for the gravest of occasions.

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Hank looks mad "thats impossible, the only way is if they get a certain type of energy, but that has been gone for years. Its impossible to  move it! i tried! It should be heavier than it looks! this is bad, very bad. If they managed to open it they can rewrite history.. thats what i am worried about."



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JT looks at both of them, his eyes open wide to the last thing said, "we need to get that box! An hank, do you think your friend in the box would be able to move it?"


Rocket ran back after seeing a little bit of the commotion, he was worried about everyone. He said, "guys what the hell is going on? I can hear you arguing all the way from city hall!"


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"Relax... They can't open it, just move it... They'd need someone with a key, or who REALLY knows the show to do that... And I guess I'll handle the ambush... Just get on the other side of the road, and when the transport blows up, go and get your friggin box." Cezary said, switching to the voice he used for explaining tactics.

"Alright! This time we hit them fast and hard, End game will blast the transport, then everyone cover for Hank while he exfils the box. We CANNOT afford to screw this up! Now let's move, we have an hour till that truck arrives and we WILL be catching it."

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Hank sighs "he can move it if we can give him energy for it. I bet he is looking for some energy inside the blue box.. and i have the key so it wont be that hard to get in there." he smiles "also there are a lot of technology in there we can use.. there is something special about the blue box, when it is on, it has a force field about two or three feet around it so it doesnt take damage."


(going to bed night)

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"brothers, I wish you the best of luck on the mission. I will keep you updated of any other movements while me and rocket discuss the meeting"


Rocket Says to Cezary, "ya know, or a human youre alright. good luck on your mission!" Rocket walks away laughing.


JT smiles, "that's good, Rocket trusts you!"


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Nightshade turned to Cezary "Well...if you're all set than perhaps we should get going?"


Golden Age

Golden Age paced back and forth in his wall tent. letting his mind wander. He suddenly realized something: He had litte idea of the enemie's positions. He thought it best if he got his troops ready to move at a moments notice.

He open the tent flap and walked out. He could tell it was day time. Revelie had sounded an hour ago, many were socializing around the fire, waiting for breakfest. "Lads, we're in unknown territory. I want tents pitched. I'm planning to move out sometime today.

Many walked over to thier tents and began dissassembling.

"Cookie, whats on the menu?" He asked. "Same old same old sir." The cook said with a grin. "Ah lovely, does wonders for me digestive system it does!" Golden Age said sarcastically.

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Hank nods "i hope we dont fail.. if we do we may never get a chance like it." he smiles and puts his hood on "lets get going. they will be here shortly." he started to walk off to the direction of where the blue box will be hoping that they didnt get in cause who knows what will happen



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Hank nods "i hope we dont fail.. if we do we may never get a chance like it." he smiles and puts his hood on "lets get going. they will be here shortly." he started to walk off to the direction of where the blue box will be hoping that they didnt get in cause who knows what will happen

"Alright then. Let's get packed up and roll out. I'm going to need at least two ponies equipped with automatics, one with a shotgun, and you might as well come along too nightshade, we'll drop you off after the exfil. End Game says the charges are in place, so we are ready to roll. The head is the weakest shielding, so aim there if you're confident you can hit it. The first vehicle in the convoy will explode, I'll take out the drivers of the other two. Hank will then open the box and get it out of here. Radio jammers are in place, so they won't even know this happened. Now lets go, there isn't time to waste!" Said Cezary, trying to pump up the soldiers as much as possible.

(I'll start the attack when I get back from school)

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