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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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The general sees hank in a camera and laughs, then he radios George "good job son! I will see to it that you get a promotion!ake sure he isn't killed. I'm leaving him for firestarter! He will have this pony signing the start spangled banner backwards by the end of tomorrow! This loss will turn into many great victories!"


JT starts to run towards hank when he is stopped by more PACE soldiers, "everyone drop!" He yells as he begins shooting at the soldiers.


Rocket helps Joshua escort the two ponies out of the boarded up building.


SIgnature by Reverie


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The general sees hank in a camera and laughs, then he radios George "good job son! I will see to it that you get a promotion!ake sure he isn't killed. I'm leaving him for firestarter! He will have this pony signing the start spangled banner backwards by the end of tomorrow! This loss will turn into many great victories!" JT starts to run towards hank when he is stopped by more PACE soldiers, "everyone drop!" He yells as he begins shooting at the soldiers. Rocket helps Joshua escort the two ponies out of the boarded up building.

Joshua runs with Rocket and the ponies towards the old train station.



"We'll follow the tracks until we reach White Point outpost, there we'll find more resistance members!" Joshua said to Rocket as they continued running.




George once more talked into his radio:


"Thank you sir, we'll be ready to capture Hank on your command," He said, he activated his active camo, it only partially cloaked him but it was better than nothing. He moved through a window to get behind the plasma satchels, and moved towards Hank, making his best effort not to be spotted.


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Rocket followed and said, "I'll radio in to JT and tell him Him were heading that way!"


The general said Into the radio, "bag and tag him! Being him to me, I want to give him a special present to welcome him on board" he then turned tithe camera and watched the situation unfold.


JT watched as he saw the soldier sneak behind hank. He turned to twilight an the group and yelled out, "hold you're ground!! They are retreating!!!"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Rocket followed and said, "I'll radio in to JT and tell him Him were heading that way!" The general said Into the radio, "bag and tag him! Being him to me, I want to give him a special present to welcome him on board" he then turned tithe camera and watched the situation unfold. JT watched as he saw the soldier sneak behind hank. He turned to twilight an the group and yelled out, "hold you're ground!! They are retreating!!!"


George pulled out his stun stick. It was practically a night stick instead it emitted a temporarily paralyzing shock wave onto whatever it hit. Not enough to cause permenant damage but enough to incapacitate.


He walked up to Hank and hit him with the stun stick.


(Now would be cool. Wel postig will be slow. try to keep it slow.)

Hank notices the charges and thinks of what to do as he points the sonic screwdriver at the charges and tries to disarm them but cant "oh no.."


Twilight gasps "hank! Rocket, JT we got to help him please i dont want to lose him!" She looks at them.


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Twilight sent lightning bolts striking the soilders. "We have to help him!"

Hank looks around hides his sonic screwdriver in his cloak and he notices the cloaking but it was to late. He got hit and fell to the ground his AIs noticed it and they told rocket before they got shut off from the shock.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Twilight sent lightning bolts striking the soilders. "We have to help him!"

Hank looks around hides his sonic screwdriver in his cloak and he notices the cloaking but it was to late. He got hit and fell to the ground his AIs noticed it and they told rocket before they got shut off from the shock.

George talked into his radio.


"I have Hank general! Where is the landing zone!"


He then turned behind him and yelled.


"Squad, cover me!" As he yelled that, many PACE soldiers emerged and started to open fire on the resistance that were still encamped. George grabbed Hank and dragged him into an abandoned building nearby.


He once more talked to the general.


"I need a ETA and landing zone, these resistance members are pushing harder than I thought."


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George talked into his radio.


"I have Hank general! Where is the landing zone!"


He then turned behind him and yelled.


"Squad, cover me!" As he yelled that, many PACE soldiers emerged and started to open fire on the resistance that were still encamped. George grabbed Hank and dragged him into an abandoned building nearby.


He once more talked to the general.


"I need a ETA and landing zone, these resistance members are pushing harder than I thought."

The general said into the radio, "we are 300 meters due north if your position, I'm am instituting a full retreat, get out of there!"


JT watched, he couldn't move without getting shot. He looked at twilight, "I'm sorry twilight, but we will get him back! I promise!"


Rocket radioed into twilight and JT "I'm with Joshua, we have a refugee and are getting out of the city right now!"


SIgnature by Reverie


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The Firestarter sat in a dark room, the only light coming from a lit match he was holding in front of him. He wasn't going to burn anything, not yet at least. He was just watching the flame dance. It was... calming. It took his mind off of things that bothered him...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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scarletrose and azure ran back to ponyville and saw the fighting had already started


"we should  go find JT or rocket and get a status update and see wat we can do"


scarlet threw some C4 to azure "i kept some just in case"


Azure put them them in his bag but kept 2 in this magic


they ran in to the battle zone

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The general said into the radio, "we are 300 meters due north if your position, I'm am instituting a full retreat, get out of there!" JT watched, he couldn't move without getting shot. He looked at twilight, "I'm sorry twilight, but we will get him back! I promise!" Rocket radioed into twilight and JT "I'm with Joshua, we have a refugee and are getting out of the city right now!"

Joshua and Rocket reached the tracks. "Let's go, JT will be expecting us!"



George put Hank up over his shoulder and started in a full sprint north.


"He's lighter than I thought. Trust me, you'll pay for hurting so many of my pals, just you wait." He said, as he continued North towards the LZ.


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The general smiled as the group walked into the ship he saluted them then he looked over at hank. "Here's a present from the board." He said as he wound up and punched hank across the face. Then he looked to George, "take him to the firestarter"


Rocket agreed with Joshua


JT watched all of the ships take off and smiled, the group started shooting their guns in the air and shouting, it was a good victory for them all


SIgnature by Reverie


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Twilight kept fighting as she rushed to get hank. She shot most of the ones who is defending the captor of hank. She soon lost them as she cries and ran back to where they all supposed to meet. She cries "they have hank!"


Hank slowly stired waking up "huh?" He noticed he is being carried and is to weak to do anything "where am i going?" he winced from the punch and thats it

Edited by kappa214



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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The general smiled as the group walked into the ship he saluted them then he looked over at hank. "Here's a present from the board." He said as he wound up and punched hank across the face. Then he looked to George, "take him to the firestarter" Rocket agreed with Joshua JT watched all of the ships take off and smiled, the group started shooting their guns in the air and shouting, it was a good victory for them all

George nodded when the general spoke. He was honored to be able to help the human cause like this.


"Thank you general, I'll take him there right away."


"I take it we're going to be discussing this on the bridge later, sir?"


George then carried him through the ship to  the firestarter.


Twilight kept fighting as she rushed to get hank. She shot most of the ones who is defending the captor of hank. She soon lost them as she cries and ran back to where they all supposed to me


Hank slowly stired waking up "huh?" He noticed he is being carried and is to weak to do anything "where am i going?"

George noticed that Hank woke you up.


"Good morning, sleeping beauty. We're just gonna be asking you a few questions, and you'll be providing us with answers, whether you want to or not." George said as a smirk crossed his face. 


"You killed my buddies, and you're going to pay."


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Someone came into the room. The Firestarter stood up. They'd brought him a pony, seemed recently concussed. "Mmmphrnr mmph." He gestured to the table, then pointed at the hostage. He was glad they'd brought him someone, he hadn't been allowed on this mission. Too many "friendly fire" incidents...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Hank groans at George's comment "yea.. hurt me when i am down. Makes sense.. i will never give you answers." He sighs and breaks out of Georges grip and went to run off but fell to the ground and slowly started to crawl away "i will never tell anything.. you can count on it.."


(Gtg 1 or or 3 hrs.))



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Someone came into the room. The Firestarter stood up. They'd brought him a pony, seemed recently concussed. "Mmmphrnr mmph." He gestured to the table, then pointed at the hostage. He was glad they'd brought him someone, he hadn't been allowed on this mission. Too many "friendly fire" incidents...

"Hello firestarter" George said as he laid down Hank on the table.


"Don't have TOO much fun with him, the general wants something left of him after this, and I'll want my piece of him when this is over."


George then smiled and tauntingly waved to Hank as he walked out, locking the door behind him.


"Have a good time!" He said, laughing manically, he then proceeded to the bridge. He remembered that the general had said he would be getting a promotion for this.


The general smiled as the group walked into the ship he saluted them then he looked over at hank. "Here's a present from the board." He said as he wound up and punched hank across the face. Then he looked to George, "take him to the firestarter" Rocket agreed with Joshua JT watched all of the ships take off and smiled, the group started shooting their guns in the air and shouting, it was a good victory for them all


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Mucking about in one of the pockets on his suit for a moment, The Firestarter pulled out a box of matches and a tape recorder. He clicked "Record" on the recorder. "Mphmphmphmphmph..." He takes a match and strikes it, and then starts lowering it towards Hank's eye.

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Hank closes his eyes as he waits for it "i swear put that on me you will never ever live again." He tried his best to stall for his AIs to start back up "firestarter. Dont hurt me and i will tell you everything okay?" He kept his eyes closed and waits for the pain.



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"Mmmrrrn!" Sounding annoyed, the Firestarter holds the match away from Hank's head. "Mr nr, wr hrrv rmp rn nn rrrn." Even though Hank had no idea what he was saying, the Firestarter was pointing out that the room had an EMP system in it, just in case. The walls were lead-plated. "Mrr nnn, mrr nnn, snrt trnkrng."

Edited by acualy is dolan



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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The general smiled as the group walked into the ship he saluted them then he looked over at hank. "Here's a present from the board." He said as he wound up and punched hank across the face. Then he looked to George, "take him to the firestarter" Rocket agreed with Joshua JT watched all of the ships take off and smiled, the group started shooting their guns in the air and shouting, it was a good victory for them all

George approached the bridge, and waited, expecting the general. 



Joshua ran for a while with Rocket and the two ponies, until a large but shambly set of wooden walls appeared. However, it was covered in scrap metal.


"This is White Point, it's not much, but it's the best and safest outpost here, considering PACE hasn't located it" Joshua says. He walked up to a huge steel gate and knocks.


He then yells:


"JT, this Joshua and Rocket, we have two pony survivors, open up!"


As he said this, the gates opened. Several resistance ponies and humans could be seen, Joshua motioned for Rocket to follow him inside.


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Twilight kept fighting as she rushed to get hank. She shot most of the ones who is defending the captor of hank. She soon lost them as she cries and ran back to where they all supposed to meet. She cries "they have hank!"


Hank slowly stired waking up "huh?" He noticed he is being carried and is to weak to do anything "where am i going?" he winced from the punch and thats it


JT looked to the ground. "I'm sorry, I wish I could have done more for hank, where do you think they are going?"


The general heard a soldier say to him "the board wants to talk to you" he cursed under his breath and walks to a dark room.


A video feed starts and the board members are seen. "You gave them new Boston and now we only control new London and new Phoenix (manehatten ad Appleoosa)"

The general laughed, "oh but we have the good chips now"


SIgnature by Reverie


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JT looked to the ground. "I'm sorry, I wish I could have done more for hank, where do you think they are going?" The general heard a soldier say to him "the board wants to talk to you" he cursed under his breath and walks to a dark room. A video feed starts and the board members are seen. "You gave them new Boston and now we only control new London and new Phoenix (manehatten ad Appleoosa)" The general laughed, "oh but we have the good chips now"

George rushed past the guards and barged into the room with the Board and General..


"Sir, this is an emergency, the resistance members have mounted an assault on New phoenix, normally I'd have more courtesy, but we're taking heavy casualties. I had just received radio contact from Alpha squad. They have secured a tank, and are using it in an attempt to breach our defenses."

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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George rushed past the guards and barged into the room with the Board and General..


"Sir, this is an emergency, the resistance members have mounted an assault on New phoenix, normally I'd have more courtesy, but we're taking heavy casualties. I had just received radio contact from Alpha squad. They have secured a tank, and are using it in an attempt to breach our defenses."

"Who is this?" A member demanded


The general put an arm around George as handed him a cigar, "this is my new commander"

The general lit a cigar, "this attack will e quelled momentarily, if ou don't mind" he pushed a button and a screen poped up and huge pods hit the ground. "Men, this is my new shock stopper unit, they are virtually unstoppable"


They watched on the screen as te resistance forces were pushed back and out of the city. The general laughed evilly



SIgnature by Reverie


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"Who is this?" A member demanded The general put an arm around George as handed him a cigar, "this is my new commander" The general lit a cigar, "this attack will e quelled momentarily, if ou don't mind" he pushed a button and a screen poped up and huge pods hit the ground. "Men, this is my new shock stopper unit, they are virtually unstoppable" They watched on the screen as te resistance forces were pushed back and out of the city. The general laughed evilly

George took a seat in an empty chair. He was amazed at his promotion, and honored at the same time.


He sat silently and watched the general present the Shock Stopper unit. He nodded as the general described it. George took time to note the board's general look of unease.


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"These are the future f PACE! Designed by yours truly!" He looked one member spoke up

"But why didn't you use them on new Boston?"

The general snapped back "e cause we don't need that little speck on the map, we are going or Baltimare! We take that and we have three key cities! Then we can easily go or the throat!"


SIgnature by Reverie


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