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Spectrum Whisper heard something unusual off in the distance but her main concern right now was figuring out how the sky got back to normal and what happened to everypony. She winced and continued to walk, trying to find her group of stranded ponies.  She heard someone approach her from behind and ask if she was alright. 


She tried not to look at her mangled wing as she answered,"I think so, but I probably should not fly for a while." She tried to laugh a little and gave a forced shy smile, trying to down play the pain knowing that their top priority is finding the others. She held back a wince and clenched her teeth as she folded her injured wing into her side. "See, I am fine. Do you know where the others are?" She asked taking another quick glance around the forest. 


She began to walk towards the strange voice she heard before Blue Moon showed up from the forest. She looked back making sure he was following, not wanting to be alone any longer, as she searched for the owner of the voice from the other end of the forest.

*My main OC/ ponysona~ Spectrum Whisper*      *Secondary OC~ Surefire*

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Emerald, not knowing that Spectrum was now safe- was still searching for her.

"SPECTRUM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Emerald called. She was weak from pushing her broken hoof to hard.

Emerald was positive she would collapse at any moment.


Her eye twitched and she felt very dizzy. "SPECTRUM! IT"S EMRALD!"

She called for what felt like the thousandth time. "SPECTRUM! THUNDER! BLU! SPLASH!"  

She called everypony off by name, but finally gave up. She was alone. Nopony was around to here her.


Her face felt hot, and her back hoofs had gone numb. She kept blinking over and over again because her vision kept getting blurrier and blurrier. There were leaves in her mane from knocking into branches and thorns. Her eyes had lost most of their color, and her tounge felt dry and was barley moist. She tried to move forward, but collapsed on the leafy ground of the forest. Emerald struggled to keep her eyes open, and all that came out of her mouth was small whimpering noises. Finally, Emerald's head rested on the grass, and her eyes closed. It all went black. (no she is not dead, she just passed out)




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Spectrum Whisper pricked her ears as she heard somepony calling her. "ITS EMERALD!" She heard the pony almost clearly knowing she was probably somewhere nearby. 


"Come on Blue! We have to find her!" She called to him already breaking into a sprint, even though she was already exhausted. "EMERALD!" She desperately called as she got a sinking feeling in her stomach, since she had stopped calling.


She kept running in the direction of the calls, her mane was a mess and her browken wing long forgotten and dragging on the ground. Every once a while she would wince if her wing got caught on a thorn or branch on the ground. Eventually she found her friend, Emerald, lying on the ground.


"Emerald!" She gasped , horrible thoughts gathering in her mind as she ran to her sides. Then she let out a sigh of releaf as the gentle rise and fall of her chest showed that she was breathing. "Emerald!" She called to her as she shook her with her right hoof, trying to wake her and looking around every couple of minutes for any danger. 

*My main OC/ ponysona~ Spectrum Whisper*      *Secondary OC~ Surefire*

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Spectrum Whisper pricked her ears as she heard somepony calling her. "ITS EMERALD!" She heard the pony almost clearly knowing she was probably somewhere nearby. 


"Come on Blue! We have to find her!" She called to him already breaking into a sprint, even though she was already exhausted. "EMERALD!" She desperately called as she got a sinking feeling in her stomach, since she had stopped calling.


She kept running in the direction of the calls, her mane was a mess and her browken wing long forgotten and dragging on the ground. Every once a while she would wince if her wing got caught on a thorn or branch on the ground. Eventually she found her friend, Emerald, lying on the ground.


"Emerald!" She gasped , horrible thoughts gathering in her mind as she ran to her sides. Then she let out a sigh of releaf as the gentle rise and fall of her chest showed that she was breathing. "Emerald!" She called to her as she shook her with her right hoof, trying to wake her and looking around every couple of minutes for any danger. 

When she awoke, Emerald found herself at the campsite. "Spectrum?" Emerald asked, as she squinted her eyes at the purple alicorn. "Spectrum! Oh for luna's sake, you scared my to hay!" At impulse, she tried to get up and hug her friend but was unsuccessful and fell backdown on the grass. "Ponyfeathers..." Emerald mumbled, realizing something. "I heard somepony call my name in the forest....I think he's still out there! We have to save him!" Emerald kept trying to get up, but it never worked. "Please.....please....he's still looking fir me...." her eyes filled with tears and she started to cry. She winced as each teardrop fell onto a bleeding scrapeon her chest. "Please...please..." Her grey eyes had gone small and she was worried, very very worried. "Please...Blu, Spectrum....somepony...go save him! I don't want him to get hurt!"  Panic filled her voice, she was breathing fast. Honestly, Emerald thought she might faint again. Even by the heat of the fire, she was shivering. But not from the cold; from worry. she held her front hoofs close to her heart, she didn't even feel the pain when she moved it.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Splash woke up and saw three things: number one: the sun had come up. number two: the ponies that she had met earlier were nowhere to be found. number three: she was surrounded by small versions of changelings...sorta. They had strange mandables like ants that protruded from their cheeks like ants over top of their mouths. They also had antanae and they didn't have holes. Their eyes had pupils and they were actually quite adorable. Whenever they spoke, their mandables click-clacked against eachother.

"Pony?" they asked. They spoke pronouncing every other syllable with a strange accent.

"Y-yes?" Splash answered.


"Splash. Splash Paint."

"Miss Paint! Need help! Queen sick! Very sick! Need help! Save hive! Please?"

"S-sure! I'll try..."

The strange creatures swarmed Splash and paicked her up. They were the size of baby dragons but very strong despite their size. They carried her down a hole in the ground that had been hidden by jagged rocks. They carried her down twisting tunnels until the came to a lage chamber. It was filled with treasures and in the corner was a odd blue unicorn. She looked very ill but like a normal pony. The creatures set Splash down and nudged her towards the pony. She trotted up to the unicorn.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

The pony peeked open an eye.

"TAKE THE MEDALION!" She whispered urgently. Splash took note of the bright jewel adorning the pony's neck. She pulled it off. The creatures gasped collectively behind her.

"PUT IT ON! THANKS!" The pony smiled. Splash slid the necklace on. It shone briefly then settled in place around her neck. The unicorn jumped up and ran off. The creatures just stared at Splash.

"All hail QUEEN SPLASH!" the bellowed. Splash sighed. This had happened with another species to her sister. She should've known better.

"What are my duties as the queen?" she asked.

"Increase population!" the yelled.

Splash gulped nervously.

"Use spell!" the said.

Splash blew out in relief. The small things brought her a torn page with a spell inscribed. She quickly cast it and three flowers grew up next to her. The blossumed and bloomed and three minute creatues slid out. The smiled adorabley up at her.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I-I am sorry." She stuttered glad that Emerald was alright. She glanced around in fright as she nervously rubbed her hooves together. "There w-was something f-following me in the forest last night wh-when I went to get firewood last night. I flew into the sky to try and get away b-but I broke my wing when I landed this morning. I f-found you..." She rambled on as she kept glancing over her shoulder into the forest.


Suddenly she stopped talking when she heard that there was a pony lost in the forest out there. "We will find him, but you really need to rest and I dont think I can m-make it another foot before I pass out." She explained as she made an effort to comfort her friend. She took one last glance towards the forest before shakily sitting down next to Emerald. "It will be okay." She exhaled as she tried to shift her broken wing into a more comfortable position. Spectrum yawned as she took her good wing and cradled Emerald with it, her purple feathers ruffled from her horrible landing that morning. 

*My main OC/ ponysona~ Spectrum Whisper*      *Secondary OC~ Surefire*

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Splash huffed. After growing her seventy-eighth creature, she felt spent. She suddenly remembered the ponies and the princess that she had met earlier.

"Um, what are your species called?" she asked her assistant.

The creature puffed out its chest with pride.

"We are the illuminat. Our tribe is Wascana. We communicate with other tribes occasionally, but mostly we try to ignore them," the thing replied.

"What's your name?"

"I have a very long and complex name. Please call me Torinski."

"I'm glad that you can speak English properly unlike the rest of your tribe."

Torinski nodded. He chewed his antanae while shifting his balance out of boredom.

"Um, I'd like to assemble the entire tribe, well most of them anyway because we need some to watch the children, to help search for my friends," Splash said. No sooner than she had spoken the words, the entire tribe minus the nurses poured out from tunnels and picked Splash up. She was carried gently upwards into the moonlight. They carried her around while tracking her friends. She sat patiently and talked to Torinski while the traveled. The herd of illuminat thundered heavily across meadows and paths.

"So why are ya'll called the illuminat?" Splash asked Torinski.

Instead of answering directly, Torinski sucked in his breath and held it for several moments. He slowly began to glow. The other illuminat did the same and soon there was nothing but light surrounding Splash. She couldn't discern one illuminat from another. She heard a voice over the tramping of the illuminats' feet. She spotted Spectrum Whisper up ahead.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I-I am sorry." She stuttered glad that Emerald was alright. She glanced around in fright as she nervously rubbed her hooves together. "There w-was something f-following me in the forest last night wh-when I went to get firewood last night. I flew into the sky to try and get away b-but I broke my wing when I landed this morning. I f-found you..." She rambled on as she kept glancing over her shoulder into the forest.


Suddenly she stopped talking when she heard that there was a pony lost in the forest out there. "We will find him, but you really need to rest and I dont think I can m-make it another foot before I pass out." She explained as she made an effort to comfort her friend. She took one last glance towards the forest before shakily sitting down next to Emerald. "It will be okay." She exhaled as she tried to shift her broken wing into a more comfortable position. Spectrum yawned as she took her good wing and cradled Emerald with it, her purple feathers ruffled from her horrible landing that morning. 

(Sorry I took so long to respond)


Emerald smiled at Spectrum. "It's alright.  I didn't hear any replies from you so I was very worried. I just think I pushed my broken hoof to hard. Plus, the fact that I traveled way to deep into the forest..."



"Well, why don't you rest to, then? I mean, if you feel like you are going to pass out-"   Emerald cut of her sentence and looked over in the other direction was being carried in by what looked like a bunch of giant ants.


Emerald looked up at Spectrum and Blu. "Are you seeing this?" she motioned with her muzzle towards Splash Paint. Who was being carried, now that they were closer- they looked kind of like changelings.Except with no holes and they had antenna, plus the mandibles on their cheeks.  


They ant/changling looking thingies were talking excitedly in a language she did not understand. But she could see the look of happiness  in their eyes.


Each one marched in unison, not even dropping what must being an important conversation. Emerald looked up at Spectrum and Blu with a confused expression. ''You think their conversation has something to do with Splash?" 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Um, yeah, I kinda got turned into their Queen, not that it counts for much. Sorry, I got lost. Where'd ya'll go? I was so scared!" Splash replied.

"Um, madame, we appear to have a problem," Torinski said.

"Oh! This is Torinski, ya'll. He's my assistant. Yes, Torinski?"

"Several of our colleagues are curious if we are to eat the pony or the grass. The previous queen only allowed them to eat other ponies, but they have craved the taste of grass. Plus, they provide a free trimming service. They always eat the grass evenly."

"EAT THE GRASS! Don't eat my friends! Eat it!" Splash burst out.

Immediately, the illuminat began zipping around like mini lawn mowers, trimming the grass as they ate it. Splash sighed with relief. She apologized and shouted to her new tribe, "NO MORE EATING PONIES! ONLY VEGGIES! YA HERE ME?"

In response, all the glowing illuminat turned to her and spat, "NO MORE EATING PONIES! ONLY VEGGIES! YAY!" over their mouths full of grass. They resumed their eating and ignored the random collisions that happened. Splash smiled.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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  • 1 month later...

"Um, yeah, I kinda got turned into their Queen, not that it counts for much. Sorry, I got lost. Where'd ya'll go? I was so scared!" Splash replied.

"Um, madame, we appear to have a problem," Torinski said.

"Oh! This is Torinski, ya'll. He's my assistant. Yes, Torinski?"

"Several of our colleagues are curious if we are to eat the pony or the grass. The previous queen only allowed them to eat other ponies, but they have craved the taste of grass. Plus, they provide a free trimming service. They always eat the grass evenly."

"EAT THE GRASS! Don't eat my friends! Eat it!" Splash burst out.

Immediately, the illuminat began zipping around like mini lawn mowers, trimming the grass as they ate it. Splash sighed with relief. She apologized and shouted to her new tribe, "NO MORE EATING PONIES! ONLY VEGGIES! YA HERE ME?"

In response, all the glowing illuminat turned to her and spat, "NO MORE EATING PONIES! ONLY VEGGIES! YAY!" over their mouths full of grass. They resumed their eating and ignored the random collisions that happened. Splash smiled.

"I went looking for Spectrum who apparently got lost or something, I got lost looking for her and pushed my broken hoof to far. Luckily  Blue and Spectrum heard me calling Spectrum's  name before I passed out, oh and I can't walk until my stupid hoof heals." Emerald stayed silent, and so did the others. They all stared at her and Spectrum sympathetically. Emerald looked up to the sky and broke the awkward silence. "You all are my best friends. What will happen we get back to where we belong, to our original states I mean? I don't want to go back. I like it here, where nopony punches me or calls me a street rat. It's better here, even though I am still homeless here. It's more fun to be homeless here because I have friends to talk to. My only friends I have ever had...." Emerald silenced again, but was still staring at the sky. She was smiling a huge smile. "So, Splash, where did you wonder off to? And can you please tell the WHOLE story so we can actually GET what you are talking about?" Emerald silenced again, and waited for Splash to tell her story.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Well, I got a bit lost and it's a bit unfortunate that I stumbled upon these creatures and their queen who was playing sick so that they'd find another queen so that she could go free. Unfortunately, that was me. The same thing happened to my sister. I should've recognized her act. Now I'm stuck with these things," Splash explained. She tried to take off the medallion that the previous queen had given her, but it was spell-locked. "Just as I suspected. It's not coming off until the next queen takes it off of me.Well, on the other hoof, now I have an indispensable army of changeling-like bugs. I'm very happy that they like grass, though. I'd hate to see somepony get eaten. The previous queen must've used them as weapons of war. They're not built for anything like that, though. They're kinda like dogs."


((I was wondering what happened to this rp :D Thanks for replying. I'm not a big fan of the 800 character limit, though. Is Emerald wearing her hoof heels? I was just curious...smart thing to come up with though :D Thaaaanks!!!))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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