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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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The OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/30829-equestria-divided-grimdark/


House Earthborn

House Earthborn - Appleloosa (prologue - 2 week earlier)

Inside the war room of the house, AppleJack, Braeburn and Big Macintosh were discussing the house's next move.

"We shoud attack the Everfree Forest again,” said Big Macintosh

"We can't just charge in blindly. Don’t you remember what happened last time,”Braeburn replied.

"Yep, and that's exactly why we should attack again, we can't give the forest a chance to expand anymore."

"But if we attack again, are loss's could be much bigger. We have some troops just outside of the everfree forest to slow down the forest's growth."

"We need to..." AppleJack interrupted

"Enough, were not going to attack the forest again, Braeburn is right if we attack again were going to lose to many soldiers for too little progress." AppleJack looked at the map in the center of the room.

"We're going to be sending more forces to New Ponyville, from there we will be sending them in between Cloudsdale and Canterlot to set up a camp. From the camp we can send troops straight to Canterlot. We will need to fight against both Stormwing and Moon and Star, but the closer to Canterlot the better."

"Most of our forces are already on the front lines or are stationed to guarding the cities we already have."

"We can take some of the forces from other cities and relocate them."

"Agreed, Big Macintosh, Braeburn you will lead the forces. Now go" Big Macintosh and Braeburn left the war room and began to prepare, Big Macintosh let his juggenaut commanders know about the plan, Steel forest was among the commanders.


House earthborn - Southern Earth Bastion (prologue - 8 days earlier)

In the fortress of the bastion, things were quiet, just guards doing there regular patrols. A pegasus flew into the fortress in search for the fortress's leader, he was a scout come to deliver a letter. After reading the letter the leader walked into the barracks and began to name some soldiers. He turned and looked at Fixit and his group "...and finally Fixit and his team. Everyone i just name is being transferred to New Ponyville." Ponies through out house Earthborn were being called in order to mount a fairly big assault but still leave enough soldiers behind to defend earthborn's territory.


House earthborn - New Ponyville (Currently happening)

Soldiers had been arriving to New Ponyville for weeks, an attack force was growing. Big Macintosh and Braeburn were standing in front of the soldiers gathered. They glanced at a couple of soldiers, among them were Long Stride, Fixit and Steel Forest. General Macintosh began to speak "My fellow soldiers we are going to push our way in between house Moon and Star and Stormwing territory, if everything goes well we will then march unto Canterlot and take it away from unicorn tyranny." Earthborn soldiers then let out a loud cheer. "We are still currently waiting for a team to arrive, get to know your fellow sodiers and get ready to march soon."



House Whitegold

House Whitegold – Manehattan – Top of the Ivory Tower

The courier, panting slightly, collapsed at the top of the endless flight of stairs that he had just reached the top of. Why Mistress


Rarity insisted on rooming at the single highest room in the Ivory Tower, which was only the tallest building Manehattan had to offer, he could never understand. He knocked at the door, and, still out of breath, waited for the response that did not immediately come.


A panel in the door, just large enough for a pony to see through, slid open at eye level, and the courier caught a glimpse of two large, beautiful sapphire eyes peering mistrustfully through it. The skin around the left eye was crystalline, and distorted. The eyes gazed at the pony standing outside the door, rather narrowed, then the panel slid shut. The courier heard a large amount of clinking and fumbling that persisted for several seconds before the door swung open before him. Behind the now-open door stood none other than Mistress Rarity. Running down her horn and the entire length of the left side of her body were jagged growths of a crystal that could only be compared to the purest of diamonds. While initially disconcerting, the effect was really quite pleasing; the crystal growths seemed only to enhance Rarity’s beauty, rather than diminish it.


The shocking blue eyes remained slightly narrowed, although overall, Rarity’s demeanor was far less unfriendly. “Please, do come in, darling.” “Y-yes, of course, Mistress.” The courier never knew what to expect of their Mistress. Today, it seemed, she was in one of her good moods.


“Now, what news do you have for me today?” Rarity asked, her voice eerily sweet, as she approached the balcony in her room, overlooking the city. The courier felt a sudden chill of unease, but dismissed it immediately. It was surely nothing. This was only his first time delivering the news, after all.


“Well, first things first… The Arcanists wished you to know that they have finally constructed a Gem Golem… One that doesn’t fall into its components upon movement, anyway. No news on your…” The courier trailed away, clearing his throat uneasily. He had been warned that the disease was always a picky subject, and that it was risky to bring up in the Mistress’s presence. He paused his soliloquy for a moment, but if he had been expecting a reply, he was sorely disappointed. He continued reading his news, a slightly apprehensive tone entering his voice.


“General Fancy Pants would have you know that the Diamond Dog Tribes are still putting up effective resistance. He has requested use of your… zeppelin… in his efforts against them.” Another pause. Again, all the Courier received from Rarity, still looking out over the balcony, was an oppressive silence.


“And… Your presence has been requested at a performance in the Artisandistrict. Sweetie Belle would have happily requested this herself, but she has found herself rather busy today.” Again, no response. The courier, unnerved, began to inch towards the door. “If that’s all, milady, I’d…”


He never finished his sentence. The unfortunate colt toppled sideways onto the floor, a crystalline dagger protruding from his neck. The blood that gushed out of the wound exactly matched the champagne carpet. Wide-eyed, Rarity trotted to the corpse’s side, and pulled her weapon out of the wound. Great. Now she was going to need another bath after disposing of this would-be assassin, if she was going to attend the event in the Artisan District, as her younger sister had requested.


The body had disappeared from her room, the two dozen locks on her door rebolted, and Rarity sat lounging in her bathtub, the water a faint pinkish colour from the blood. Fancy Pants thought it would be necessary to use her zeppelin against the Diamond Dog Tribes? She certainly didn’t think so. As she reflected on the other news the young assassin had brought, an idea occurred to her. A way to rid her House of those pestilential Diamond Dogs, and possibly deal a heavy blow to another house. A sinister smile spread across the elegant, crystal-lined face as she began to laugh. Her cackle was impossible to hear behind the thick, ivory door that guarded her from the ravaging dangers out side, though the House’s own poison was not apparent under the lavish veil of wealth, luxury, and deceit.


House Whitegold – Manehattan – Artisan District- Performance Hall- Master Green Room

The room where only the most masterful of dramatic and vocal artisans went to rest and prepare for their shining moments on stage was  normally quite lively. It was natural though, as only a hoofful of actors and singers got the honor of using the glamorous room with its luxuriant furniture and its gorgeous decor. The only one in this room tonight was Sweetie Belle, who was busily styling her mane and accessorizing herself. She normally wasn’t one to care about make-up and high-class fashion, but she had sent a messenger to invite Rarity over to her performance and she wasn’t about to let her appearance become something for her big sister to criticize. She stopped and looked around the room. She then sighed, seeing that her partner for the performance wasn’t here yet. Now where could that stallion be?! Ugh, I should’ve sent my messenger to him as well! She turned back to the mirror, exasperated that Encore has not arrived yet. It would be a grand humiliation in front of her sister and all of the high-ranking citizens.


Unknown to the young singer though, a mysterious assassin lurked, waiting for the perfect moment to go in for the kill.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall (aka, military district) - Spy headquarters

In the intelligence department, it was quite normal with written information being sorted, taken out, put back into storage, and workers analyzing information and data. Spies of various sorts are sent out to do a variety of tasks, such as spying on others, collecting documents, stealing objects, etc. Some spies are also coming back in from missions, most of which didn’t yield anything significant. 


The agency’s director paced his office, thinking about what to do next. He had sent a spy out to keep an eye out for a certain pony. Rumors are flying around that there may be an allicorn in their midst, and Lady Rarity had notified him to send one of his agents to find him and watch him. He personally thought it was all rubbish, but he wasn’t about to go against orders, especially not orders from a beautiful rose with thorns that one has to navigate very carefully around. I highly doubt this agent will find any allicorn. It’s probably just a unicorn wearing a costume. 


Meanwhile, he has had three agents in each of the other Houses, each wearing a disguise and being the pony species that their assigned House has the vast majority of. At random times, one of them goes out to Manehatten to deliver any information they might’ve obtained and they switch with another agent, unless they get caught along the way. Who switches with who is randomized so that nopony notices a trend. Right. My top agent is stationed in a Moon and Star city, the one known as Hoofington. Definitely not Canterlot, he has to be a unicorn for that. And the army is going home for the night, some probably attending that performance. Sigh... how long has it been since I indulged myself in such entertainment... The old stallion sighed and sat back down at his desk



House Everfree

The Heart Everfree Forest, the Liege's Domain

“Whisper to me Lord of Everfree. For though they are slow your roots and leaves can still grow. As long as the sun doth shine, your will shall be carried forth and be mine,” The soft yellow mare whispered into a pulsing green crystal. Her words flowed through the air like razor sharp blades of air, cleaving the quiet despite their lowered tone. She was alone in her favored tower, far below the ground level in one of the deepest cellars. Here the lichen and animal life thrived and multiplied, each successive generation encasing and consuming the last for its nutrients. Several tribes of toads ranged around the floor, flowing around each other with subtle differences in croaks and smell. None of them needed their eyes, for food was always forthcoming and mates were in abundance.


Fluttershy stood for a long time, swaying slightly with the slightest outside force. Even the chirps and croaks of the toads made her drift from side to side. As always, she stood upright and firm-hooved. The answer came slowly, composed of the sound of falling leaves and small insects mixed with bird chirping. “Your Liege hears its loyal subject and comes to your call little one. Tell me of my expansion, so that I might advance my works rather than let them be undone.” Fluttershy shuddered softly at the feeling of her master so close. Even after all this time it still was difficult for a mortal pony, even a former Element of Harmony, to stand in the presence of Nature incarnate.


“Y-your oaks and shade grows tall and long Liege,” she whispered. Now her words were barely felt, suppressed by the sheer presence of the Everfree Liege. “In the South they advance into the plains. The ground there is fertile and readily accepts your gift. In the east it is much the same. However… the river to the west has made it increasingly difficult to grow. Our roots do not grow under the river and its waters remain toxic. In the North-“


“I KNOW about the river my vassal. Tell me about what you are doing about it.”

Fluttershy shuddered again, her knees suddenly weak. To suffer the displeasure of her master was painful both physically and emotionally. She would readily give everything, even her life, for the Everfree Liege. A failure towards the Liege was like a piece of herself being torn away, only to be crudely sutured back on when the problem was solved. “My Liege… Iron Will has begun preparations to dam the river and cut off its source. It will flood the hills further north however.”


The Liege said nothing for a while, caressing its pet with its mind. “So be it,” the Everfree Liege replied. “Flood the northern hills and turn them into swamp. Even if my forest will not grow in its presence, the mires surely will. Do not allow the enemy use of this river my vassal. Drown them under their own cursed water.” In an instant the Everfree Liege had dissipated, leaving Fluttershy gasping for breath. Around her was complete silence, as every inch of the room was now devoid of plant or animal life. Only the bare rocks and mortar remained.



House Moon and Star

House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle. Archmagisters Private Study

Twilight was writing on a scroll creating plans for the near future in her Study. She was anxious to tell somepony of her recent discovery. She had invited Trixie over to tell the news and she also had a favor for her to do.

The door slammed open suddenly and Trixie stepped into the room with a smile on her face.


"Honestly Trixie do you have to yell your name each time you enter a room"

"Yes, Sparkle in fact i do." Trixie was a bit annoyed at Twilights remark. "Now what did you need from Trixie?"

Twilight looked up from her work and responded. "First, that's Archmagister Sparkle to you Trixie. Second, is there any word about the Alicorn sighted in Whitegold?"

"Sadly no. Honestly, Trixie thinks we would have better results if we simply payed Whitegold to do the dirty work. You know them, they would do anything for gems."

"Well, i suppose that does matter now, because third, i have very wonderful news Trixie, and i decided to inform you first."

Trixies smile suddenly returned to her face. "Oh? News? And you are telling me first? Oh the Great and Powerful Trrrixie is honored! But knowing you there is a catch isn't there? But that doesn't matter, tell Trixie the news! Was there a battle? Did we win? Ooh how many ponies died!?"

"No there wasn't a battle. I have even Greater news."

"What can be even greater news than Ponies lying dead because of us?"

Twilight smirked. "I figured out a way we can ascend to the astral plane Trixie."

Trixie all of sudden was very surprised. "Oh... that certainly is interesting..."

"I have big plans for Hoofington. We are going to be building something AMAZING there! And i figured we should put all those tools in the toolbox we call Hoofington to work.* I also thought we'd turn the city into a fortress. It is our only city we control on the ground besides Stalliongrad. And it would help protect us from those damned Earthborn. I'll be leaving for Hoofington to address the populace if the others are going to approve of it. And they are. They would never go against me. And i think I'm going to be taking the Candidates with me. I believe the time is almost upon us."

"The Candidates Oh which one are you taking? The orange one with the weird mane? Or the purple one with the pink streak in her mane?"**

"You don't remember many ponies names do you Trixie?"

"Trixie believes her name should be the only name worth remembering. And yours too Sparkle."

Twilight ignored the fact she didn't call her by her full title. "Actually I've decided to take them both with me. And i also got my eye on one of those old experiments too."

"The old experiments? Them? Trixie is surprised. Which one were you thinking about?"

"Remember the white one with the grey mane that was good with fire?"***

Trixie had to think for a moment. She couldn't remember who Twilight was talking about.

"You know. The one that burned some of the Inquisition to ash in a second?"

"OOH yes! Trixie remembers him! Oh that was a splendid day! But none of the experiments have been above ground in years. Let alone outside the city."

"Well, how else am i supposed to get him to Hoofington? Anyway, that's where you come in. You are to find him and take him him to the front of the Castle before we leave. Also make sure you bring some guards. And take him out early too. To make sure the sun doesn't melt his skin. I'm also probably going to have many soldiers, mages, and some of my researchers come as well. And don't worry your coming too Trixie"

"Understood, Archmagister"

"Also, make sure he doesn't die before i see him. Well, i got work to get to. Have to inform the House on this. And i have to... Take a letter."

Trixie bowed and then head towards the door. But she had one last Question she wanted to ask Twilight. "Wait, you never exactly mentioned what amazing thing we were going to build... So what are we planning to build?"

Twilight was hoping she would ask that question and she smiled. And eerie smile.

"You've heard of the Gate of Tartarus. Well, we're building the Gate of Olympus"


House Moon and Star - Canterlot - Three Days Latter, the Day of Departure

After a couple days of preparation. Soldiers, Mages, and many other officials are being departed to Hoofington. Twilight was able to get the houses approval of her plans, even though many thought she was insane. Though many thought turning Hoofington into a fortress wasn't a bad idea. Trixie went off to go gather Shuttle Fire. Twilight sent for a number of trusted scientist and researchers that will help with the project to meet with her. One of them being a stallion named Silver Swirl who is most likely bringing his apprentice Spell Shock. Lastly, Twilight had sent a letter to Eternity and Star Rain. Here is that letter:


Dear Students,

Over the last few years, i have had a goal to ascend this house into greatness for the Royal Sisters. And i think we are close to achieving this goal.

I have tremendous plans for the house. We are to leave for Hoofington very soon. I will tell you why at a latter time.

For now, I ask for you on the day we leave that you are to meet me in front of the castle in the morning. No latter than 10:00. Prepare and pack your bags, for we may stay there for a while. Lastly it is imperative that you attend. I hope to see you there.

-Archmagister Twilight Sparkle.



*Shes referring to the Earth ponies and Pegasi. She means shes going to put them to work building.

**The "orange one" is referring to my OC Eternity and the "purple one" is referring to Star Rain.

*** Twilight is talking about Ian's OC Shuttle Fire. 



House Stormwing

House Stormwing – Outside the Senatorial Courts – Three Days Prior

Scootaloo was always happy to arrive back in Cloudsdale after a long flight, the chance to rest her hooves and relax her wings a bit. However there was no time for respite today, for what she had learned over the last few days was of urgent notice. The Changeling Hives were on the move again in numbers not seen for nearly ten years; the Diamond Dogs were advanced south, the ground trembling from the chaos bellow the earth. All this was only worsened by the recent developments within Earthborn. They seemed to grow in numbers daily, gathering in cities and towns to the northern border. If House Stormwing did not act soon then they would risk the downfall of the Southern Lands.


The fight would not leave Cloudsdale untouched, for even the great floating cities had their weaknesses. Scootaloo could not shake these gloomy thoughts from her mind, plaguing her thoughts and dampening her spirits. Yet nothing could be done without the council’s approval, and it was this that Rainbow Dash would need to take immediate action. The price of democracy came at the speed of which it took to act.


Finally from the great senatorial halls strode Commander Rainbow Dash, hailed as decedent of the mighty commanders of old and the Bane of Earthborn. Her face was grim visage of her former self, half seared from her ill experience with Twilight Sparkle, curse her name. But even now as the commander exited the halls she held no look of accomplishment or satisfaction, meaning that the results were only grim.


“Rainbow!” Scootaloo hurried to her side, the old mare letting out a deep sigh before giving in to her softer side.


“Hey squirt; you didn’t wait out here the entire time did you?”


Scootaloo let a small chuckle escape her as she replied. “Please, I’m not a filly anymore. I just wanted to be here when it was over. How did it go? Will they listen to your council?” Rainbow’s gaze immediately fell to the ground and Scootaloo knew the answer to her question. “They can’t keep doing this! Why are we just sitting back and doing nothing?!”


“Clam down Scoots, I know this isn’t the result you were hoping for but there is very little we can do.”


“Yes we can! We have to show them that there is danger out there and it won’t ignore us forever!”


“Listen, that is all fine to assume, but we can’t just go changing the council’s decision. What’s said is said, now we must do what we can in preparation for what may come.”


Scootaloo let out a sigh of submission, looking to her commander and big sister longingly. “Y-you’re right of course. But I won’t sit around in Cloudsdale while nothing is done. Let me take a band of ponies south to scout the boarder. I beg you to let me do something.”


Rainbow halted in place and thought over her words. “You’re still eager to prove yourself? Fine, have it your way. You can take a small band of ponies south, but keep to the ground to avoid detection. I don’t want to see my number one scout lost.”


“Thank you thank you thank you, I won’t let you down.” Scootaloo was obviously exited to get back out on the land, her voice perking up, which seemed to give Rainbow some relief.


“Just remember Scoots… come home with your shield... or on it.”


“Rainbow, when have I ever let you down?”


“Heh, good point. Let’s take some time to rest for now then we can think about getting you ready. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”



House Stormwing – Cloudsdale Eastern Battlements – One day prior

“Commander Spitfire! You may want to see this!” The guards called out to their leader as they stood on the high walls of Cloudsdale overlooking the eastern lands. From the battlements came the famed mare taking up place next to her troops.


“What is it? What do you see?” She looked across the ground far below, nothing catching her eye even after careful examination. What threat was there to be had? “I see nothing bellow. Only call me if there is something worth informing me about.”


“But Commander, it’s not on the ground. Look! Look to the sky!”


Indeed the guard was not mistaken, for ahead of them came the banners of the Griffon Kingdom. They were hardy folk and grim. Though politics were unsteady their loyalty was unquestionable, for they could not stand alone without the aid of their Pegasi allies.


“Alert the Commander. Tell her that the emissaries have arrived.”


“Yes my lady.”


“And let her know that an old friend is among them.”



House Stormwing – Cloudsdale Gatehouse Courtyard – One day prior

“Gilda!” Rainbow trotted slowly across the courtyard towards the griffon commander. “It’s been awhile.”


“Yeah, about three or so years. Our superiors requested we set off after word of the Diamond Dogs began to spread. The threat seems to be too big to ignore.”


“If only I could say the same for my own council. You have come though at a good time, for Scootaloo is about to set off south to scout the boarders of Earthborn. Perhaps you have something to lend to the cause?”


Gilda let out a gruff sigh as only a griffon could. “I guess so; just try not to get him killed. I lost enough of my troops just getting here.”


“Wait, how?”


“Changelings. Nothing big, just a small hunting pack, but they caught us by surprise. At least we made it here in one piece. Sadly I can’t say the same for them.”



House Stormwing – Cloudsdale Barracks – Present Day

Scootaloo flew across to the barracks, a small skip in her step as she landed on the clouds. Certainly one of the most splendid buildings in the city, it offered all that was needed to house an army of 500 soldiers. It was here hopefully that Scootaloo could find a few willing volunteers for the journey ahead. After she lost so many scouts on one of her previous missions she was in serious need of a few more troops.


Entering the training halls Scootaloo was greeted with the sight of the Pegasi elite at their best. Hardy warriors trained and prepared for whatever battle may come. They were relentless, taught to feel no pain and no fear, never to retreat and never to surrender. Here the griffon emissaries were offered rest and accommodation. It was quite a sight to see both pony and griffon interacting and training together.


Scootaloo took to her wings, standing on one of the decorative pedestals to address the ranks. She puffed out her chest as too not look too intimidated by all the stallions and mares around her. As she spoke she added as much volume that her lungs would allow.


“H-hey everypony, listen up! In the morning I’m heading south on a mission for our Commander. Recently we've had a couple of places freed up so I will be accepting a few volunteers. Be in mind that this will require a great deal of speed and stealth. As Pegasi we are never short of such things but I will only be accepting those who will stand up to the test. So… who wants to volunteer?!"



The Cult of Laughter

The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Main Graveyard

It was a beautifully horrid day - blood seemed to rain from the sky, with the Euphories flying about mauling any poor creature that happened to pass near; the undead limped along, smiling their sick smiles, their deranged laughs ringing through the graveyard; the necromancers chanted their spells and their new zombie minions rose from the ground. Everyone was happy, in their own twisted way, because they knew what was happening - the Cake Twins were finally going to bring Pinkie Pie back from the dead.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Laughing Mares' Temple

Cranky Doodle entered the large, oval chamber with the Twins following close behind. He approached Pinkie Pies' sarcophagus and bowed down, Pumpkin and Pound Cake following his example. "O Mighty Mare," Cranky said through a series of racking coughs, "we shall free you on this day, and Pinkie Pie, you shall live once more." A tear slid down his diseased cheek. "At long last," he whispered. He and the Twins stood, and the Cakes trotted towards the center of the room. "Ready," they said to Cranky, although it was indeed a lie. "Alright, kids. 3...2...1...go."


A flare of hot, white light engulfed everything. The Twins levitated and their eyes glowed blue. They soon caught a glimpse of the nearest portal to the Astral Plane, the only portal within thousands of miles. Their powers enabled them to see these things, and sometimes control them. Pumpkin, however, lost focus for a few seconds, causing she and her brother to lose control, collapsing on the ground. "Did you two . . ?" Cranky began. The Cakes got up shakily and shook their heads - they had failed. "Oh." Cranky was obviously very disappointed. He walked out of the chamber, into the long narrow hallway, and he thought, What am I going to tell the other Prophets?


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Chamber of the Prophets

As High Prophet Cranky Doodle walked glumly into the Chamber of the Prophets, they knew this mission had not been successful. Well, all but Derpy, who sat obliviously watching a black widow spider crawl across the table. Of course, somepony had to ask the question anyway - "Well?" inquired Prophet Glitter. She was an intimidating pony and wasn't helping Cranky feel any better. She was a tall mare with a dark gray coat and a sparkling blood-red mane and tail. She wore a necklace of sharp, yellowed teeth, not too different from her own. Although her eyes were completely black, it felt as though she was staring into our soul. Perhaps she was.


Sweating and jittering, Cranky collapsed into his grand chair at the head of the table and began to tell the assembled Prophets what had happened.They all stared at him intently, even Derpy. When Cranky finished, some frowned and sighed while others yelled and rampaged. The chaos was short-lived, and the bloodthirsty screams soon died down. "I realize this is upsetting," Cranky said slowly, in an attempt to calm some of the still-twitching Prophets, "but the Cake Twins have not had a proper amount of training time." "You said that three weeks ago!" Shouted Prophet Tondrak impatiently. "They should be ready by now! You say they've been pouring all their time into studying and learning to control the Gift, but-" "And I meant it," interrupted Cranky. "It takes a very long time to master." Tondrak looked irritated, but he remained silent. "This is a skill no one has had since the Dark Ages. At least, there have been no recorded instances since then. I believe there is nothing left to discuss." Cranky left the room and ducked under the usual dagger hurled at his head by Prophet Dizzy, one of the more Euphorie-like Prophets.


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Main Graveyard

High Prophet Cranky Doodle walked down from the tall grave upon which he gave his speech. He had told the ponies gathered in the Fillydelphia section of the Cult what had transpired with the Twins. It was a similar reaction as in the Prophet Chamber - Euphories screeched overhead, the necromancers sent their zombies back to their graves in some disturbing ways, the Laughing Dead continued to laugh, etc. There was more havoc than with the Prophets however, for there were a few murderings in the frenzy of fury. The members of the Cult were so looking forward to bringing forth Pinkie Pie from the dead. Almost everypony had gathered in Fillydelphia to hear the news with their own ears. The Plan may not have succeeded this time, but it's still a possibility, and to get Pinkie back...the Cult will do anything.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House WhiteGold, Manehatten, Undercity


Nightfall shook his head. He had to start remembering to call himself his new name. Somehow, somewhere, he had slipped. Being alone for so long had taken a toll on him. He nearly through something. His invention wasn't nearly done, and he had spent years, years alone. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, closing his eyes.

He didn't like staying in the Canterlot undercity. He knew it would shorten his life considerably.

"And that's why I gotta get up there." He muttered angrily to himself, pointing upwards at the uppercity.

"Gotta get this invention done, and then show it to them. Once I do... I should get some position high enough to make a name for myself. And then I can try to get back at Twilight. Once Twilight's crazy dream is over, I can finally become Nightfall Starline again. I won't have to call myself Dusk Graystone anymore. Nothing wrong with the name, but..."

He sighed. He magically lifted up a few of the tools and tweaked his engine. But he nudged his engine, getting ready to slam it into pieces, when it coughed into life for a couple of seconds. He couldn't believe his eyes. He laughed, then dropped onto the ground. A few days overdue, he had brought his creation to life for a few seconds. More tweaking, and he could show it to Canterlot's leaders.

Edited by Nightfall
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The cult of laghter - Fillydelphia hideout - Main Graveyard


Wind was happily flying from cloud to cloud, cutting them into pieces with her wing blades. She happily flew above the cult's Fillydelphia Hideout...well...she was happy until she heard Cranky explain that the twins had failed in their attempt to bring back Pinkie Pie.

Wind's smile stayed on her face but her eyes widened slightly and she stopped her hoof against the cloud she stood on. "OH BUCKITY BUCK BUCK BUCKPANTS BUCK." She screamed, stamping on the cloud...a little harder this time, making the whole thing disappear with a small *Poof*

She flew down to the ground and paced back and forth...mumbling random swear words that no pony else could hear.



House Everfree - Royal Castle Ruins


A couple small birds flew down from the tree's above and landed on a tall muscular deer's antlers.

The deer didn't seem to care at the moment...he was more focused on letting his mind go blank, as he was sitting on the ground, just outside the royal castle ruins...meditating.
After a few minutes of listening to the forest around him, he opened his eyes, and stood up. The birds that had perched on his antlers flew away to the tree's around him and he slowly walked a little ways through the forest to the castle ruins then made his way inside.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Eternity's Room.


"Looks like the day has arrived."

As Eternity got out from bed he let out a deep sigh. He was not looking forward to today. Eternity decided to get up a bit latter to get some extra sleep. He already packed his bags last night in preparation for the big trip to Hoofington. Twilight has plans. She always is having plans. When Eternity was her student its always seemed like it was a new scheme every week. But this time was different. This time everypony is involved and is currently being mobilized to Hoofington. And Eternity still has no idea why.


Eternity quickly stirred up a cup of tea wake himself up and he heated it up with some magic. As he was drinking it he checked if he had everything he needed for the trip. Never know what the great Archmagister has planed for you. He then took a glance out of his window. There was scramble of ponies outside getting ready. He saw many Soldiers outside ready to march off. And many Important ponies and members of the House as well hoping onto carriages and and headed out of the city. This must of really caught everypony off guard. He looked at the clock and saw it was about time to go and meet his old master. He was not excited. He put on one of his robes and then his saddle bags. Then carried his Staff and suitcase with magic and walked out of his room.

Edited by AnonBrony
  • Brohoof 1
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Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia hideout- main graveyard


Although disappointed, it didnt really surprise Lila that the twins weren't able to complete the ritual. However she did admire them more for at least attempting bringing back Pinkie Pie. She had sent away her laughing dead long before arriving at the graveyard mainly because she didnt want to listen to they're laughing the whole way here and listening to the few still around could cause anypony to go crazy. Well except for those who summoned them. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a Euphorie pacing back and forth. She didnt really like Euphories that much. Mostly because she thought some of them worked for House Stormwing and weren't loyal to the cult like she was. But this one looked frustrated and angry, even frantic with her pacing. Still, the mare creeped her out a little. More so than the smiling dolls do. Every passing minute more and more of the cult showed up, and the waiting was starting to get to Lila and bored her.

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Everfree – The Everfree Forest (eves) - Lily’s Cottage


The animals began to flee, a mad dash to reach the safety of home. Squirrels his in the hollows of Oak trees, the birds flew to their nests, their becks firmly shut. An unnatural silence overtook the eves; the only thing to be heard was the slow growling of the Timberwolf. Their branches were thick and their teeth broad, hunters of the forest. It stalked the paths of Everfree with a watchful eye, for you never knew when your next meal would appear.


The beast suddenly felt a rock smack into the side of its head. Turning to face the assailant there was nothing, no sign of any attacker. Then another came, this time from the treetops. It hit smack dead in the creature’s eye, causing it to wail. And another hit its neck and causing it to lurch back and forth. Howling and cursing, confused and disorientated, the Timberwolf ran full speed back into the deepest parts of Everfree.


Sliding down from her perch on a branch, the young mare rested against her small oak staff. She tossed aside her hood to reveal her white coat and grey mane. The sun was starting to creep back into the wood, the clouds parting far above. A small bird chirped happily and landed on her ear.


“Oh yes little one, that big nasty Timberwolf in gone now.”


The bird continued to chirp into her ear, the young mare listening intently. “I know what you mean. It’s not common for Timberwolves to venture this far out. Something dark is approaching and I don’t like the looks of it. I just hope that it won’t reach us.”


The bird flew off again and out of sight, Lily watched as it disappeared into the trees ahead. “Maybe I should talk to the others? I’m not sure how long I can just watch.”

Edited by The-Master


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The House of White Gold, Manehettan, The Under City.


Rhythm of hoof taps against the paved road followed Cunning Horn as he stalked among the crowd of The Under City. His ears tried to catch every grumble as he paced. His gaze moved to one frowning face to another. The effect of harsh economic life in the outer wall was clearly printed on their face.


An Alicorn. He could have sworn that he heard that word. An Alicorn meant a good amount of rewards, of course. Not to mention the fame he would get form catching one. His horn glowed as he hardened his long and sharpened horn with his magic, which he used to do every half an hour. Some eyes moved to him as he did, but he quickly darted away from them before they could decide to investigate him.


He stopped in a narrow space between two poor buildings and stared at the sky and to the towering Ivory Tower. Dark circles hung below his tired eyes. A small leather bottle floated from his saddle bag and then to his lips. He kept watching the tower as he drank. He knew, his story could be forged there. Mistress Rarity. A mare with formidable beauty from what he heard from many wanderers, despite of her crystal-illness. Even so, the tale that fair lady didn't catch his attention. After putting his bottle back into his saddle bag, he continued walking along the street.

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Mornings were never Spell’s strong side, even though her nights were dreamless most of the times, waking up she even still always expected to hear her parents voices, talking about something in the kitchen. When, the mind would take over the sleeping filly, granting her usual disappointment.


Her even less strong side, was important days, as in her nature she was somewhat of perfectionist, who had a need to check everything several times.  Just like today, as she being apprentice of Silver Swirl, more or less had to follow him somewhere, alongside with other unicorns and Archmage Twilight. The though alone made it seem a really bad idea.


The matters were made worse by the fact what she couldn't find her dairy for the longest time, which was irritating her beyond any reason, as Spell has a really short fuse. At least it was something to get her mind out of worrying about Lightning.


She had no idea what Lightning will do, will she stay here or some other thing. Not knowing this made Spell not entirely happy, but she believed what Lightning can take care of herself somewhat, so it wasn’t the most pressing matter at her hooves, she had to find her diary. She already packed everything else in her bags, except it.


- “Oh, for Sister’s sake – Spell was thinking to herself, looking through her things –Where is this bloody thing?


After additional few moments of searching, she realized she just put it under her pillow this time, since she was lazy to bring it to its rightful place last time. Snapping her hooves on her forehead, she with great deal of haste went to grab it.


Afterwards, she would go to the place she needs to be in. She was very sad about leaving this place, since it was much more helpful in her own studies, but nevertheless, maybe she can snatch something useful in the other city, where security would probably not be as strict.


It is somewhat important to mention, what where was a semi-transparent dark dot flying around her horn, as it did when she was annoyed or unhappy.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Star Rain's Room


What's left of me... what's left of me... Star Rain hummed a song she had heard a very long time ago from her father. She was sitting at her desk, drawing a picture of the night sky with differently colored stars. Beneath the sky was a flowering tree and the grass had petals scattered about. Once she was done, she used a luster spell and the stars and the petals became very shiny, as if she had used the special metallic colored pencils that she felt were unnecessary. She looked up at the clock hanging in her room and groaned. Ugh, the time has come... what does she have in store for us at Hoofington? She slowly got up and put her own robes and saddlebags on. I feel so stupid wearing this robe... why do we even have to wear these? What good or bad do these do for spell casting and whatever we're going to do in a little at Hoofington? She let out a very loud sigh. I guess we'll find out once we get there... 


With that in her thoughts, she stepped into the hallway outside.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Stormwing-Cloudsdale-Training Grounds


Dogmatic was busy testing out his claws on different enemy armor, they seemed to work on almost all but the Juggernaut armor of house Earthborn. Dogmatic had never been one to care about politics but since he was a high ranking leader of one of the most militarized cities in the Griffin Kingdoms he was going to have to deal with it. For now, though he was going about his business as he saw fit. Dogmatic made his way out to see what pony cities were like. He didn't get far before a Pegasus courier came and handed him a message. "Geez, this better not be an invitation to some political meeting," Dogmatic muttered under his breath as he read the note. "Scouting mission, eh? Well I had hoped for a bigger first mission but it'll do," he said as he folded up the message and tucked it under his armor. He then flew to the guest barracks to recruit some of his soldiers before he joined up with the Pegasus scouting party. As soon as he flew in the barracks he shouted out to all his soldiers. "All right ladies, I need some troops for a scouting party and I do NOT want a repeat of that changeling attack! If any of you think you have the stones then follow me," he told his troops.

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square


Fixit looked up at the two house leaders standing on the wooden "stage" of the town square. The difference between Big Macintosh and Braeburn was quite large: one was the embodiment of brute force and strength, the other was bordering on lanky but his eyes held a cunning earned only from a hundred battles in a hundred different environments, from the deep badlands to the cold wastes in the north. He absent mindedly rubbed the chase of his cannon, the weapon that had been his constant companion for 15 years of strife. it was dented and scratched and even burned in some places, but his own talents had kept the old girl working through it all, and she wasn't about to fail any time soon.


As the speech ended he sighed a little. He disliked meeting new people, he always found it so awkward to talk to and connect with them. But general's orders he supposed...


"Eagle Eye, Gunpowder, Short Fuse, Buff - mingle."


"Aye sir!" they responded, and melted into the crowd, leaving only their cannons behind.


Meanwhile, Fixit looked around for someone who caught his eye, and his eyes alighted on a brown coated and black maned pony. He trotted over to him with his cannon - wherever he went, he'd be damned if she wasn't there by his side.




He prodded the stallion with his hoof to attract his attention, then opened the conversation with a reluctant greeting "Hello, my name is Fixit, I am a Staff Sergeant in the Siege Engineers Corps. Who would you be, my fellow stallion?

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Silver Swirl's Study



The pure white stallion stood before the mirror, combing his white mane back as that his piecing grey eyes stared back and he put on his glassed. It was another day with new challenges and with a smile smile on his face he turned to finished getting ready. Once finished he went to his door and opened it with horn aglow, off to see if the filly placed under his care would be ready at this time.


Though he would never admit such to Spell or other ponies for that matter, liking they found him to serious to see it as anything but an annoyance, he found the filly's lack of control when it came to magic interesting. He had never seen a pony with a condition such as hers in all his days, which brought another small smile to his face as if such a thought amused him for some reason.


“Silver Swirl,” said the mare not far from his room as he say her checking to see if those going were up and getting ready and he got his saddlebags on, “are you packed?”


“Yes, do you honestly think I wouldn't be,” the stallion said raising a eye brow with an expression that suggested 'how could I not be' though a small look of amusement did pass over his face, “we can't keep her waiting now can we?”


“Well off you go though,” the mare said walking off to continue checking attendance, as Silver watched her leave even taking a good look at her flank before finally heading off to where everypony was supposed to meet.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Stormwing - Cloudsdale barracks

Windslash lisened to Scootaloo, he liked the idea of a scouting mission, Windslash wanted to try and avoid combat, not out of cowardice but because he didn't like killing until necessary. Windslash waited a moment and saw that no one was volunteering. Windslash was an average flyer but he wasnt sure if he would be good enough. It looks like he would be the first to volunteer out of the pegasi. He walked up to Scootaloo and sayed "I will volunteer." He awaited a little nervously for a response from Scootaloo.


Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia hideout - the chamber of the prophets

Tondrak was mad after Cranky Doodle left. “I can’t believe I wasted my time to come here and our deity isn’t even close to coming back to the mortal plane. I was in the middle of making a new smiling doll.” After a little moment, Tondrak calmed down a bit. He was a little happy because generally he had to hide his skeletal face under his mask, but only his fellow prophet were aware of the fact that he was a lich. “Well since were all here except for Cranky who just left, I would like to bring up an old subject. I wish to send someone to Manehatten to retrieve my crown. The cult has expanded much since the last time I brought up this issue. No one in whitegold is aware of my crown’s true value. It will help make me and as a result the cult more powerful. So, what do you say my fellow prophets?"


House Whitegold – Manehatten – Artisan district – performance hall

Nightshade loved the life of sophistication and glamour she had now been living in Manehatten for a few years. She was a fan of Sweetie Belle’s singing and hoped that she might be able to meet her. She also heard a rumor that Rarity might even show up to Sweetie Belle’s show, if Nightshade was very lucky, she might even meet Rarity, the head council mare of the house, that would be an immense honor. Nightshade was wearing her best dress and had a hoof-full of flowers to give to Sweetie. She knocked on the door to the Master green room. “Hello, Sweetie Belle are you their? I am a huge fan.” When she spoke she didn’t sound like a zebra, she lost her zebra accent a long time ago after joining the civilized lifestyle. Nightshade had no clue that there was an assassin in the same room as Sweetie Belle. 

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House Stormwing - Cloudsdale Barracks


Damn it, Scootaloo was hoping was going to be a bit easier. There was like thirty hooves raised to volunteer. I was nice to know that there was so many willing to help, but this was about stealth. She would have to select out a few ponies. Pulling at her collar, Scootaloo looked nervously across the barracks and finally decided she would have to select a few of them.


"Ummmm...  you!" She pointed her hoof at an orange and red stallion. "You can come! And also, ummm..."


Out of the corner of Scootaloo's eye she noticed the company of Griffon's, their captain standing at their head. Maybe it would be useful to have a Griffon at their side. "You, yes you, Griffon!" She pointed her hoof in the rough area where he stood. "But the others can stay. We don't need an army, just a small elite band. Okay,well, you two that I've chosen be ready to move out within the hour. Take any weapons or amour you want, just don't take too long."


"Excuse me." Scootaloo turned her head to see a Pegasus stallion standing to her side, a rather unimpressed expression on his face.


"Um, just continue with whatever you were doing." She waved off the troops with her hoof, the group falling back into the usual training routine. "What is this about?"


The colt stood about the same height as Scootaloo, his sandy coat and blue mane hidden under the traditional senatorial robes. He must have come from the council. "I have come to discuss this... mission you've been planning. On behalf of my fellow senators I must highly discourage whatever it your planning. It's not-"


"You may have command over your chambers, but you have no power over what my soldiers do."


"Let me finish. I highly discourage it, but Commander Rainbow Dash has requested a representative be sent on your mission. The council is not convinced of the growing threat to the south and so they send one of their own to find out first hoof."


"Fine, as long as this pony doesn't weigh us down."


"Don't worry, I'll try not to be a burden."


"Wait, they're sending you? No offence, but you don't look like much of a warrior."


"We are Pegasi, we are all warriors, aren't we? Oh, and the name is Star Keeper just in case you wanted to know."




House Earthborn -  New Ponyville - Town Square


Long Stride cared little for these little ponies and their politics. It was not exactly deserving of his attention, rather he cast his head down, his face shadowed by his hood. From his belt he drew out his pipe and a small amount of tobacco weed. He took in a shallow breath, exhaling slowly and letting the smoke drift off.


Then he felt somepony prod him in the side, irritating him quite a bit. "Hello, my name is Fixit, I am a Staff Sergeant in the Siege Engineers Corps. Who would you be, my fellow stallion?


Long Stride cast a scowl at the rather enthusiastic pony who introduced himself. He took another puff and his pipe, blowing the smoke in the stallions face. "Go talk to somepony who cares, or who has the tolerate to listen to you. And take that blasted cannon with you."

Edited by The-Master


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The cult of laghter - Fillydelphia hideout - Main Graveyard


Wind was about to make her way back to the Euphories sleeping quarters (which I assume would be somewhere around the hideout...unless i'm just crazy) until she noticed a purple mare who had taken a few glances at her.


Wind smiled and skipped over to the mare, muttering the words "Skip skip skip" every time her hooves touched the ground.

When she was about a foot away from the mare, Wind turned her head to the side and gave the mare a crazed smile. "Hiiiiii." She said, her smile widening a considerable amount, showing a mouth full of filed teeth.



House Everfree - Royal Castle Ruins

Rian walked into the castle ruin's and stood by the gate, awaiting orders...because right now he was feeling rather bored.
*Sigh* He looked up through a hole in the ceiling at the blue sunny sky. The clouds floated above the castle all on their own...one of the only places in Equestria where this was possible. He yawned and looked back down at the wall in front of him.
Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Whitegold, Manehatten, Undercity


Nightfall awoke with a start. His sleep was never restful ever since he started his plan. He blinked a few times, got a deep breath, and stood up.

"These annoying cobblestones..."

He shuddered, trying not to think when he had last bathed or when he had last washed his article of clothing.

"These are only temporary set-backs," he muttered angrily. But he would have to wash-up a little bit before he got out of the undercity. He sighed, closing his eyes, counting to ten. He then moved over to his creation, tweaking the four big cylinders, trying to get a little more life out of them. He figured that he could tweak almost everything, getting five or hopefully, though not likely, ten seconds of run time.

"And then, I'll clean it a little and show it to the uppercity leaders. Then, I will get help making it better, and I will make more, getting power within the ranks. I'll soon then turn my rage to-"

He lowered his voice.

"To that traitor, Archmage Twilight."

He snorted.

Sometime later, he smacked his engine into life. By pressing the pedal that he had wired into his engine, he got... nothing. He took a deep breath. By hitting the engine again, it sputtered into life, and he pressed the pedal immediately to the floor, not having the patience to take his time, not having the patience to implement "safety." The engine made a racket, the cylinders getting faster, a little fire spitting from them. He grinned as it growled, getting louder, until it started coughing, almost seven seconds later. His laugh turned into almost a maniacal laugh, and he couldn't stop.

"Tomorrow, then... I'll find somewhere to bathe quickly, and I'll ask to see Whitegold's leader, that... that... Mistress Rarity, or whatever."

Edited by Nightfall
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Eternity headed down the stairwell that lead from his room down to the main foyer. He kept think why Twilight would do this. And on such a sort notice too. It seems like he was the first one informed considering he saw many members of the house scrambling about. It was as if we were being attacked for Celestia's sake.


He arrived at the main foyer and saw many other members of the house. Some he recognized some he didn't. Though, there was one particular pony he did recognize. He had seen her a couple times around Twilight but never really talked to her. She was a young filly, and one of her "students". Or "Candidates" as he heard Twilight call them. He knew Twilight had some special plan for many of us. Which was why he was sort of glad not to be her student anymore. Spend nearly 12 years with a pony like her and you start hearing and even seeing things you know you shouldn't have.


The filly had her belongings with her too. Twilight must of called for her as well. At least he wouldn't be alone with the Archmagister. That's a nightmare waiting to happen. Because of the chaos of every leaving and moving about and the soldiers everywhere, he decided not to go speak with her. Though that isn't a new thing. He doesn't associate with many ponies anyway. He then made his way out of the main entrance of the castle to the front courtyard. Twilight was meeting him here. A long with many others. He saw Important soldiers and researchers and other members there as well, all ponies close to the Archmagister herself. Since the purple Mare hasn't arrived yet he decided to put down his belongs and wait. He then sat on his suitcase and took out a book he usually read at times of worry and stress.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Stormwing-Cloudsdale Barracks


Dogmatic frowned at the fact that this pony was giving him orders but nodded all the same. "Alright you bunch of limp winged sissies, you get a break this time but if I come back to find you were doing nothing the whole time I will send you back home on changeling patrol and get them to send some real warriors," he told his troops. He then walked up to Scootaloo and the rest of the scouting party. "Well, I guess I'll be playing baby sitter to a bunch of Pegasi while Gilda plays politics.," He said to the three of them. He then gave Star Keeper a look over and frowned. "I heard rumors that the pegasi army took anypony but this is just ridiculous, do you even lift? There is no way you can be serious with this one," he said, Dogmatic never had been Just meegood at politics, or telling who was a politician. "Well meet me at the front gate when you want to leave," he told Scootaloo before he flew off. He stopped by a supply depot and got some bandages that he knew they would need if he was to really go on a scouting mission with that group of ponies. Then he made his way to the front gate as planned.

Edited by Half-Note
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The cult of laghter - Fillydelphia hideout - Main Graveyard


Wind was about to make her way back to the Euphories sleeping quarters (which I assume would be somewhere around the hideout...unless i'm just crazy) until she noticed a purple mare who had taken a few glances at her.


Wind smiled and skipped over to the mare, muttering the words "Skip skip skip" every time her hooves touched the ground.

When she was about a foot away from the mare, Wind turned her head to the side and gave the mare a crazed smile. "Hiiiiii." She said, her smile widening a considerable amount, showing a mouth full of filed teeth.




*ugh, great. Just what i need.* Lila thought looking at the Euphories filled teeth. Another reason she didnt like them very much. The mare seemed overly excited to be meeting her. "Hi there." Lila replied in a practiced excited tone with a fake smile. She only did this around the euphories, anypony else she was more than happy to meet especially if they were part of the cult and weren't a pegasus. But this one didnt get to her as much as the others, probably because she was just as upset about the failure to bring back pinkie pie as she was. Still it didnt take away the fact that she was still a pegasus. "Im Lila, and you are?" She asked smiling wider. Lila began to second guess this mare just standing there with her. Maybe she isnt so bad. Maybe she is loyal to the cult.

(I forgot how hard it is to write 800 characters without sounding repudiative. I hate my crappy writing skills.)

Lila faintly heard the sounds of other ponies moving around her and this mare. Each of them going off to do their own thing and what not. She personally wanted to take a nap as soon as possible then go do her usual patrol.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance hall - Master Green Room


Sweetie Belle turned suddenly at the sound of knocking. Another fan? I hope there isn't a crowd of them... She went without hesitation to open the door. She then found herself standing in front of who appears to be a zebra. Memories of a zebra potion-brewer in the Everfree Forest came back to her like a breeze, but it quickly went away with her reaching for it like she was reaching for a diamond. Whew... at least I won't be mobbed or anything. "Hello, how may I help you?" she asked politely. 


The pony peeked out of the closet she was hiding in and muttered some swear words before going back into hiding. She was disappointed that somepony else(she thought the visitor was a pony) had arrived before she got the chance to kill the famous singer


House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Star Rain stood by the window, looking around at all the ponies rushing around the foyer. She didn't bother to ask what the rush was, since she never was into socializing and was never exposed to others her age. Bored, she levitated her sketchbook out and began to draw an owl perched in a tree with a book and some scrolls at its side. It was all done with only one color with all its shades and tints- blue.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Everfree- Fluttershy's Quarters then Castle's Main Courtyard

Having ascended from the murky depths of the castle's dungeons, Fluttershy emerged into her personal bedchambers. Her quarters held the one and only entrance to the Everfree Liege's sanctum, which came as both a benefit and a nuisance. This was because her room was uniquely attuned to her person, only permitting her to enter or leave. As such, on the rare occasions that another was brought before the Liege for inspect it had proved difficult to circumvent the various protective measures she had constructed. On more than one occasion her charges had mistakenly entered to deliver a message, only to meet a grisly death by its lethal one-mindedness. That their bodies served to nourish the trees and plants was a comfort, but she considered it unnecessary most often. There was no meaning to their deaths and that served to deepen her already melancholy mood. She knew in her heart that most of her compatriots of the former Elements of Harmony considered their followers little more than means to an end when you disposed of the lies and false smiles.


Her entrance sparked life into the wards and guardians of her dwelling, causing them to surround and caress her with their thoughts and physical forms. Several small birds, akin to robins, perched on her head. Despite their frail appearance, their talons could fatally poison even the largest beasts with a small prick. Even the Hydras were afraid of them, and the Hydras considered the majority of living beings as food or moving furniture. When she emerged from their embrace she was naked as the day she was born, her coat and mane cleaned of the scars and unsightly markings that she seemed to acquire every so often. Once again she submitted herself to their care, armor made of hydra scales forming a battle-skirt over her hind legs. A breast plate made of a Buffalo's skull and the softest spider silk covered her front. On her head, much to her annoyance, a crown of antlers was formed. She didn't like the crown, it always made her hair tangle and made her a bit more savage than she would have liked.


After being suitably garbed, she emerged from her chambers. A thick wall of thorns barred the way inside and out, only lifting to allow her passage. Outside she discarded the crown, setting it on a hat rack she had acquired at some point. Replacing it with a single pink rose behind her left ear, she continued on. Two regal deer strutted into place behind her, holding their heads and antlers high. On their necks hung the symbol of Everfree, a flower pattern surrounded by thorns. Surrounding this, an impression of each race's hoof or paw print was marked, encompassing all the species she commanded. Space was left for those races who might yet join her cause.


Emerging on to a small balcony, she took a quick look at the encampment surrounding her castle. All manner of people and animals scurried back and forth, an ocean of different colors and hues. She had called them all here today, for this was the day that the next wave of growth would begin. Her stare brought silence to the crowd, each feeling her eyes bore into their soul despite her sweeping glance. "We head to the west!" She proclaimed. "The rivers seek to impede our progress, but we will cut it off like life in a wolf's jaws. From there, you know what you will do. Spread the forest! Make sure it devours the land whole. Where the river floods, poison the water with our spores, causing new life to arise where our trees will not. If they stand against us, devour them. But, remember mercy, for there are many among you who were shown the same by your compatriots. Those of you who have direct orders from me, come at once."


The deer were noticably absent from the throng. All of them had been summoned for a special mission by Lady Fluttershy: Find the 'Lady Robin', and bring her to their Liege. Control over the forest, even a feeble one, would only be tolerated under the Everfree banner.


Everfree Forest, Western Border

Already work had begun on the river dams. Tributaries had been blocked off by mounds of dirt. The river itself had slowly become slower and more sluggish as less water fed in to it. The lower areas were already beginning to pool and become soggy. In several places, the water had overtaken its banks and flooded the surrounding area. Sand had watched all of this with exceeding anxiety. Travelling through the Everfree Forest had been a bad idea in the first place. Eyes were constantly watching him. If he was not able to leave soon he would be discovered and surely wrath would descend upon him. As one of the few alicorns ever birthed, even in the past he would have been subject to persecution, not intentional of course. But now so many ponies hated regular unicorns and an Alicorn was sure to be killed on sight. As the flooding and boglands grew, travel became slower. Yesterday he had come to the river, hoping to cross it. However, he had arrived at one of the main work sites. A earthen damn was spreading from both sides of the river. In a day or two it would be finished. The area was flooded with Everfree denziens, making his progress even more difficult. Eventually he worked his courage up and began to blend in with the crowd, doing manual labor in order to fit in. His hope was that once the dam was complete he could cross. Because if he ran away now, they would surely notice.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Drifting (Towards House Everfree) - Ghastly Gorge


After walking for about twenty minutes from where she had slept last night, Jade reached the Ghastly Gorge. If I'm going to make it to the Everfree Forest, she thought, I'm going to *sniff sniff* have to go around this gorge. Once she had walked a little ways around the crevice, she noticed a very long log stretching across the gap. Jades' common sense wasn't the best after experiencing all of the grief she had just gone through, so she decided to cross. About halfway to the other side, she realized how stupid that was when the wood beneath her hooves went CRACKK!! Galloping for her life, she bolted towards the dark forest, which wad now in sight. The log snapped and started to disappear down the ravine. The log was falling faster than Jade could run, and at the last second she jumped to the other side. Poking her head over the edge, Jade watched the log plummet into the depths of the Ghastly Gorge. It made a snapping sound when it hit the bottom, and Jade shuddered at the thought that she could have been on that thing when it crashed.


Turning her face to the Everfree, she walked forth and did not look back.



The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Chamber of the Prophets


Sighing, Prophet Darkblood gazed at Tondrak with his intense, tired, dark eyes. "Tondrak." he said with his deep, booming voice. "You have said this several times and each time the answer has been 'no'. This time, in contrast to what you might think, I will say yes. You are obviously not going to give up on this, and it would be..." He grinned a pointy-toothed grin and took a sip of his drink, which was in a skull cup and was very possibly blood. "It would be helpful to have a necromancer that is as powerful as you would be if you obtained your four items. All in favor.." He wiped the blood off of his lips and raised his hoof. The majority of the other prophets followed his example. "Then it's settled. Tondrak, we will find one or two volunteers for your mission. Derpy - notify the High Prophet of this at once." Derpy Hooves jumped up out of her chair and sped off to tell Cranky what had been decided.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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*ugh, great. Just what i need.* Lila thought looking at the Euphories filled teeth. Another reason she didnt like them very much. The mare seemed overly excited to be meeting her. "Hi there." Lila replied in a practiced excited tone with a fake smile. She only did this around the euphories, anypony else she was more than happy to meet especially if they were part of the cult and weren't a pegasus. But this one didnt get to her as much as the others, probably because she was just as upset about the failure to bring back pinkie pie as she was. Still it didnt take away the fact that she was still a pegasus. "Im Lila, and you are?" She asked smiling wider. Lila began to second guess this mare just standing there with her. Maybe she isnt so bad. Maybe she is loyal to the cult.

(I forgot how hard it is to write 800 characters without sounding repudiative. I hate my crappy writing skills.)

Lila faintly heard the sounds of other ponies moving around her and this mare. Each of them going off to do their own thing and what not. She personally wanted to take a nap as soon as possible then go do her usual patrol.



The cult of laghter - Fillydelphia hideout - Main Graveyard (I think everyone know's that by now...but whatever)



Wind laughed...for no reason. "Hiiii Lilaaa....My name is Red Wind...sometimes I like to be called Blood but you can call me anything...well...you cant call me Anything...you can call me Red, Wind, or Blood. I have seen you around before Lila...you seem like a nice a mare...we should play a game of cards sometime...or kill some town's folk. I dunno." She giggled and fluttered her wings slightly making a few clinking noises come from her wing blades. "You wanna walk into the hideout with meee ? You never know...maybe our room's are close to each other."  She said, bouncing up and down.





House Everfree - Royal Castle Ruins

Rain had forgotten that Fluttershy had requested a meeting with all the deer."Buck." He quickly made his way to where all the deer were supposed to meet.
He trotted into the room...a little late. "um...F-Forgive my lateness." He muttered, standing at the back of the group
(OOC: Quick question...how many deer are there ? I thought there weren't too many but maybe i'm wrong.)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Stormwing - Cloudsdale Barracks


Star Keeper gave a harsh look at Scootaloo, the mare offering a forced grin. "You insist on brining one of those... Griffon's with you. You certainly want to be killed very quickly. Griffon's are not well known for their stealth."


Scootaloo seemed to ignore his comment, turning and trotting towards the armoury. Star Keeper grunted in slight annoyance but eventually followed. Scootaloo had already strapped on her lightweight leather armour and was now simply sorting through a variety of sharp and menacing weapons. Star looked across to a set of basic armour, deciding that it may be best to have some protection rather than none at all.


Scootaloo selected a finely balanced War Spear, a tool for air and ground combat. Along with a couple of swords she was ready to go. Star Keeper took a bit longer than he first expected. He fumbled around with buckles and straps till he felt himself protected enough to not feel exposed. Along with this he also bore a short sword and dagger. He tied his travel cloak to his neck and prepared to meet the others at the front gate.


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Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia hideout- Main graveyard


It didnt take long for Lila to realize this mare had Pinkie qualities. From what she heard is back before this whole war started that Pinkie Pie used to bounce around Ponyville the way Wind was now. She even talked like her... Almost. "Sure why not? We could do some raiding planning on some of the local town sectors. And cards sound fun too, if you're up for gambling." She said laughing afterwards. Lila started back towards the hideout and he just realized the thin layer of fog that covered the ground slightly. "So, wind, whats it like being a Euphorie (i actually forgot how to spell that word... Oops)? It must be nice being able to swoop down on the enemy with ease and tearing them apart. I've watched a few battles with you guys around and i have to say youre quite effective at what you do." Lila continued assuming the Wind was behind her. "Of course its always nice to be able to summon laughing dead when things go wrong. Or just for fun." She added as she entered the hideout.

  • Brohoof 1

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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