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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





"I see," the Composer replied, her suspicions allayed... At least for now "I appreciate your being honest with me, Storyteller. I shan't forget your honesty in the months to come."


Let him interpret that as he wills, she thought, I too can use words without true form.


She rubbed her hooves together "Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, I remember. Well, Kichirou-kun, all will be revealed in good time, do not worry yourself about it, I have it all in hoof."


She started pacing back and forth in front of the two of them as she spoke, her words charged with energy and tension "15 years in our mountain home, 15 years composing melodies, collecting intel, 15 years waiting for the right moment to seize Equestria and make it ours. Finally, we strike, and the flawlessness of our victory will go down in the annals of time in our new land. Our first target is the very heart and soul of one of the six Houses and Equestria's place of origin, one of the most impenetrable bastions known to ponykind. Yes, my dear comrades, the targett of our wrath this day is CANTERLOT!"


She raised a triumphant hoof and the wind surged, reflecting the excitement within her. Her mane flew back dramatically in the sudden gale, and she dropped back to all four hooves. "Kichirou, Mythos, I need you to call upon the Singer and Dancer - they must be here to know of our plans. As for the Artist, we shall just have to wait."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Earthborn – New Ponyville


 “That Rainbow can be a stubborn prick, but she’s got guts.” Applejack turned to Fixit with a rather dissatisfied glare. “Now don’t get me wrong here Sugarcube, Ah mighty respect what you’ve done, but watch that mouth of yours around somepony like her. Somethin’ tells me she would have had no guilt over killin’ ya right then and there. Watch your back.” She then turned to face the great entling, Parthos. “Now there’s you ta deal with. Either you stay here and keep your mitts to ya self, or you can come with us.”


Applejack turned to Fixit, placing a foreleg on the captain’s shoulder. “Ah’m gonna need the heavy artillery for this battle. We’re goin’ north.” As if on cue Braeburn galloped to his cousin’s side, scuffing up dirt and dust as he came to a halt. “What have ya got to say?”


“The force you prepared to send off to Canterlot has returned and are awaitin’ new orders as ya requested.” Applejack nodded in approval, obviously pleased with the news.


“Then we best get goin’. Cloudsdale aint gonna defend itself and Ah highly doubt Rainbow can take it back with but nine troops. Tell the force to move out, quick march on the north road. Ah think it’s ‘bout time we showed Everfree who are the rue masters of the land.”



House Stormwing – Cloudsdale – Outside the Citadel


“Well that didn’t work!” Windslash called out as the ent seemed to shrug of the lighting attacks. The Thunderes were no use here. The Witch Queen laughed wickedly at their failure, sending another unfortunate Hoplite to her death. “Time for a more direct approach!” The warrior of Stormwing took to his wings and flew straight towards the goliath with spear firmly in grasp. He skilfully dodged limb and branch as the beast flailed them around, and with a thud he was on top of it.


Before him stood Zecora, the Forest Devil as many here called her. Windslash did not wait for her to make the first move, quickly thrusting his spear directly at her. But the zebra was cunning and agile, seizing his spear in her grasp and snapping the head clean off. Without another warning the veteran felt the head trust through his chest, sinking deep into his flesh. He gave one last exhale as he toppled from the ents form, crashing to the ground in a heap.


Scootaloo nearly cried out at the sight, flying madly to his side where he fell. “Windslash, hey look at me. Look at me!” She tried desperately to get his attention, but it was obvious he was slipping away. “Look at me!” She rested her head on his chest, not caring anymore if the blood soaked her mane, and wept. Her world came crashing down around her all of the sudden, alone and lost in a sea of chaos. “I’m so sorry.”


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House Stormwing - Cloudsdale - Inbound to the Cloud Capital


"Come on Faster! Faster!" Orange lightning said to himself, his big wings flapped as fast as they could, even though they are much large then the average wings, as he only heard recently that Cloudsdale was being under attack, The hardcore flyer still could not believe what was happening, friends against friends, ponies in an all out war, just how much did Orange Lightning miss whilst taking care of the Thunder clouds to the North.


As Orange Lightning finally managed to arrive to Cloudsdale, his jaw dropped and raised his sunglasses to the his forehead. "What in name of...." he saw the pegasi fighting what appeared to be forest creatures, and see what appears to be the wonderbolts fighting against zecora. "It is true...Equestria truly is at total war." Orange Lightning said, the realization of everything that is currently happening began to spin in his mind until he finally could not help but to deal with the current situation.


Orange lightning flew down, and found Stormwings Hoplites armour and weapons scattered scattered accross the side pavements of the capital. he had little time to spare, and so he equipped the armour and weapons firmly on. "I must defend my home, I must protect those who are my comrades." Orange Lightning said to himself, stepping into the light, and gritting his teeth angrly. "You got it..." The pegasi said as he flew up into the sky and saw an incoming wildling pegasi coming straight towards him. Orange lightning no longer hesitated as he drived the spear into the head of the willding pegasi.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

“Oh dear Composer, a purple beast

Have you grown blind or merely stupid?”


Everyone could hear somewhat familiar, sweet singing voice. It would appear Singer, finally decided to show up.


“Have you forgotten what it is?

To be as one of us, not them

To walk, to fly but not to cast?

 And even if we pass to there

At best it would be two on one

At worst an army against each”


Through it was just a lousy song she sung; somewhat everyone received the things she meant. A few questions:


What about their unicorn only field? What about their forces stationed there? And since when you became blind, composer?


Also the last thing, no one received, it was pretty much just one word. “Idiot”


It was not that big of a secret The Singer didn't liked any one of them, she respected some, but mostly she considered them all idiots, through she usually used her power to say it aloud, without them hearing it. 

It would appear she was the same as last time they saw her, she wasn't from those who changed mych at all. 


// OOC: She always sings, but her talent is what she always through song can send any type of information, questions and ETC. She can also hand pick who will hear it, so she can swear at everyone of you without you even knowing.//

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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The Artist - Outside The Under City


As soon as Tondrak would of left him the Artist was off traveling back to the Gifted's hideout. "So Brushy, " He said to his brush "Think it is time to test out our new trick?" The brush moved back and fourth in the air to symbolize it was nodding. The Artist nodded and Tossed a rather large piece of paper on the ground. But it wasn't paper. It was a piece of canvass, with white paint all over it. The Artist jumped in it as if it was one of is paintings. Every painting is connected to this 'World'. So if he were to leave a painting over at the hideout, he can potentially travel through his 'World' and come out at the other side of the world, as long as one of his paintings awaited there. He instantly zoomed through the landscape he made himself and appeared at a portal to the real world. He went through it and just like he predicted, he was inside their cave.





@@Spell Shock,  




The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


Though it wasn't the Artist's preferred method of travel. he liked walking to places. Much more relaxing. He can occasionally paint something and kill a traveler or two. He was inside their cave, and they seemed to be outside talking. He overheard them, they must be planning. Typical of them, but he heard something that wasn't. He over heard The Composer say they were headed to Canterlot. The Artist could help but chuckle a little.


"Canterlot? Canterlot!?" He said as he was coming out of the cave. "CANTERLOT!?" The Artist started to laugh. "Oh you have got to be joking. Maybe the Singer is right, perhaps you are an idiot. Do you even know what is happening at Moon and Star this very moment? Telly went there right? Well, go ahead Telly, do your thing. Tell. Tell 'em what is happening over at Moon and Star."


(OOC: Just in case you didn't know Scholar. Telly is his nickname for the Storyteller. So he was talking to you)

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The Six Gifted – Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

The Storyteller hear the Singer come in, condescending as always, singing as she always did instead of speaking. He had always found her to be a tough mare to understand, and as of yet not even his charms had really gotten her to like him. When she spoke of her disapproval of this plan he was not surprised and would even partly agree but her concerns are such that a little discussion could fix them.


Now onto the Artist and his little pet name for Storyteller, he laughed though he did find it fitting at times as he did tell others the way things are which is why his work are gathering information was so important. Yet there was still a number of things he often kept to himself unless asked directly and he admitted, “a little after I had left my main identity for the House I had come to learn that Canterlot was under attack. Not only that but I do believe that Twilight is not in Canterlot at this time, or at least the last time I checked she wasn't.”

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Spell Shock,




The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"Concealing info are we Telly? Oh come on now. You were at Hoofington right. Well then, go on tell them. Tell them all Telly. You aren't the only one who was at Hoofington. You shouldn't be keeping secrets from us ya know. Tell them what is happening at Hoofington" The artist began to smile and he patted Mythos on the back. He was a bit surprised yet fascinated that he would deliberatly keep this from the rest of them. The Artist was at Hoofington before he arrived to Manehatten. He heard Twilight's speech. But he left because they began to round up all the Earth ponies and Unicorns, and he didn't feel like having to deal with twilight.




House Moon and Star - Hoofington




"Don't you dare say it Trixie." Twilight said continuing to do a small bit of work at her desk in her new office in Hoofington. Trixie had just arrived into her office though Twilight had no idea why. "Aren't you supposed to be commanding the slaves out there?"


"Trixie left some of the soldiers up to it." She said flaunting her new whip in front of her. "Trixie came in to tell you the battle at Canterlot has ended."


"And we are the victors?" Twilight said still not looking from her desk.


"Of course, though that stupid messenger said we had many casualties and not much damage was done to Canterlot."


Twilight sighed. "I suppose it doesn't matter. As long as those stupid Earthborn were driven off." Twilight turned her head around and looked out the window. "How is the construction going?"


Outside, many Earth ponies and Pegasi could be seen building the giant archway that will become the gate Twilight said they would build. It was about 1/3 of the way built, and you could see the two legs of the Arch way parallel to each other about 50 ft apart. Many of the slaves were hauling chucks of crystal from the mines to the Arch in the center of town. Guards and soldiers and other officials were seen yelling at them and any slackers were whipped. They were also constructing the walls around the city as well. Many of the unicorn citizens stayed in their homes so to not interfere and because many were afraid to leave their homes.


"Construction is going well." Trixie replied "Those non-unicorns are fantastic workers just like you said, though, no pony is more fantastic at anything except Trixie... and you Sparkle."


"And, what about the Candidates? Any word of them anywhere." Twilight said with an angry tone in her voice. Every time she thought of them especially Eternity it made her slightly angry.


Trixie just shrugged her shoulders and mumbled "don't know".


"And what does that mean?" Twilight said getting a bit more angry


"It means Trixie is not sure of their whereabouts Archmagister. However, Trixie does know that word has begun to spread about them and how they are wanted here. Especially Whitegold. And we know if anypony is better at finding them, other than Trixie, it is Rarity.


"Indeed..." Twilight paused and then sighed. "I wish to be alone now Trixie."


"Oh OK Sparkle." Trixie replied closing the door with magic and staying in the room.


"That means you should go too."


"Really? Fine. Trixie will go and whip more ponies." She said leaving Twilight alone in her office.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





@@Spell Shock


The Composer resisted the urge to become angry. The Singer wasn't her favourite companion, and the Artist least of all, but if she didn't remain rational even her brother would think her a fool. Instead of confronting them, she chuckled coldly and flashed a devious smile.


"Do not be so quick to disregard my plan, my fellow Gifted. Have you forgotten the power and resources we have at our hooves? The way we have operated behind the scenes for the past 15 years? You think I intend to waltz into Canterlot with an army of six and take the city by force?" she laughed again, though this time it was more of a cackle "No, no ,no! We will do what we do best; subvert and control. To enter the city, we will need the help of your reality-bending powers, Artist. As to how we bypass the force field I shall leave the exact details up to you, although I want strictly no bloodhed. After we have entered the city, while Twilight is absent we shall begin our subversion of Princess Cadence and Shining Armour, and after that is done we can claim the throne." She looked at them, unsure what to expect "Are there any further questions, and if you have any more I would suggest you word them less condescendingly, Singer."

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@Spell Shock,




The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"Concealing info are we Telly? Oh come on now. You were at Hoofington right. Well then, go on tell them. Tell them all Telly. You aren't the only one who was at Hoofington. You shouldn't be keeping secrets from us ya know. Tell them what is happening at Hoofington" The artist began to smile and he patted Mythos on the back. He was a bit surprised yet fascinated that he would deliberatly keep this from the rest of them. The Artist was at Hoofington before he arrived to Manehatten. He heard Twilight's speech. But he left because they began to round up all the Earth ponies and Unicorns, and he didn't feel like having to deal with twilight.




House Moon and Star - Hoofington




"Don't you dare say it Trixie." Twilight said continuing to do a small bit of work at her desk in her new office in Hoofington. Trixie had just arrived into her office though Twilight had no idea why. "Aren't you supposed to be commanding the slaves out there?"


"Trixie left some of the soldiers up to it." She said flaunting her new whip in front of her. "Trixie came in to tell you the battle at Canterlot has ended."


"And we are the victors?" Twilight said still not looking from her desk.


"Of course, though that stupid messenger said we had many casualties and not much damage was done to Canterlot."


Twilight sighed. "I suppose it doesn't matter. As long as those stupid Earthborn were driven off." Twilight turned her head around and looked out the window. "How is the construction going?"


Outside, many Earth ponies and Pegasi could be seen building the giant archway that will become the gate Twilight said they would build. It was about 1/3 of the way built, and you could see the two legs of the Arch way parallel to each other about 50 ft apart. Many of the slaves were hauling chucks of crystal from the mines to the Arch in the center of town. Guards and soldiers and other officials were seen yelling at them and any slackers were whipped. They were also constructing the walls around the city as well. Many of the unicorn citizens stayed in their homes so to not interfere and because many were afraid to leave their homes.


"Construction is going well." Trixie replied "Those non-unicorns are fantastic workers just like you said, though, no pony is more fantastic at anything except Trixie... and you Sparkle."


"And, what about the Candidates? Any word of them anywhere." Twilight said with an angry tone in her voice. Every time she thought of them especially Eternity it made her slightly angry.


Trixie just shrugged her shoulders and mumbled "don't know".


"And what does that mean?" Twilight said getting a bit more angry


"It means Trixie is not sure of their whereabouts Archmagister. However, Trixie does know that word has begun to spread about them and how they are wanted here. Especially Whitegold. And we know if anypony is better at finding them, other than Trixie, it is Rarity.


"Indeed..." Twilight paused and then sighed. "I wish to be alone now Trixie."


"Oh OK Sparkle." Trixie replied closing the door with magic and staying in the room.


"That means you should go too."


"Really? Fine. Trixie will go and whip more ponies." She said leaving Twilight alone in her office.

House Moon and Star - Hoofington


It has been a long trip and far away from any known town and city in Equestria. The blind unicorn looks forward with a worried look on his face, as he traveled throughout different villages, he heard terrible news of ponies being captured as slaves, friends fighting one and another, and worst of all death. This send shivers from the top of his head, all the way down to his tail, Vedana wished this was not true, not after all the hard work of healing and helping ponies that he committed.


"Celestia...Luna...Where are you..." Vedana said, turning his head up to the sky, also hearing that the two princesses have vanished and the reason that all this madness happened. Slowly but surely Vedana arrived at Hoofington, two guards outside the town saw Vedana arriving and trotted towards him, "Hold on there, who goes there." One of the guards asked, as Vedana removed his white hood, revealing his face. Both guards were shocked, "G-G-Grandmaster Vedana! What are you doing here?" The first guard asked him, smiling as he knew the unicorn well. "Indeed, you surely picked a bad time to come here."


Vedana turned his head to the second guard with a serious look, "What do you mean...'a bad time coming here'?" The second guard gulped, and the first guard sighed. "Before i tell you sir, I trust you have heard what has happened?" Vedana nod his head at the first guard, "Roughly." The first guard smiled, as he looked at the second, "Stay here, I'll take Vedana to Twilight Sparkle." The second guard nod as he stood watched, whilst the first guard took Vedana to see the Commander.


The Blind unicorn heard the sounds of whips and Pegasi and Earth Ponies in training, his face turned from a worried look, into fear. "What is going on here!? Why do I hear the sound of those in pain!?" The first guard, turned his head and looked at the blind unicorn with pity, "I'm sorry sir, but as i said times have changed, we are in total war. The mane 6 have separated, and...well...The rest you must of heard by now." The first guard trotted beside Vedana, providing the company. "I am truly sorry for this sir I really am."


Vedana said not one word as he arrived to Twilight Sparkles hut. First guard asked the blind unicorn to wait, as he knocked on the door. "My lady Twilight Sparkle, we have a vistor who wants to see you." The first guard said politely, as he knocked on Twilight's door.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

“Oh, foolish soul in death of night

You know of nothing what will happen

The only trap which you awaits

Is feeling of what you have won it all

But is it right to be so righteous

To think it’s easy and achieved

There will be trouble in our way

A one, a two and when a hundred

Thou two are not the fools you know

Ambitious, righteous but so blind

In death of night, no one can hear

Nor see nor wait not know what’ll happen.”


“Save this tone to when this little plan of yours succeeds, Composer. Until it done and achieved anything, it’s just a big waste of time. If it works, i will admit what i was wrong, but otherwise, no dice.”


She didn’t include any other massages in her song, which by the way everyone received. She looked saddened, concerned and had the same expression she always had. Through, it was different, she was thinking of something. Not even the deepest of masks can hide one’s concern sometimes, no matter how good the person is at it. She was thinking over all possibilities of what could happen that much was obvious, but it was just something in the back of her head. She was concerned about something else. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Kichirou stayed quiet as the Singer and the Artist arrived...he had never really liked either of them so he didn't bother speaking.

As the Singer spoke he rolled his eyes...but again, he did not speak, he just kept stirring the stew. After a moment, he poured the stew into a few bowls. "There's soup there...if you would like some." He said, quietly.

He usually never spoke when they all got together because he pretty much agreed with everything his sister said...and she usually had everything covered. Plus, he was more a follower than a leader...and he admitted it.

"I think you should all stay quiet and listen to the Composer's whole plan. You have no idea what we are planning and as she said...we're not gonna just march into Canterlot and fight every single guard alone. We actually have a plan." He said, looking at the Singer and the Artist.

After saying that, he grabbed the banjo again and began to pluck a few strings...nothing distracting, just something for him to do while the other's discussed the plan.


(OOC: I will be gone until later...try not to speed ahead without me)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"That was... somewhat of the plan I had in mind. But how about I make a suggestion." He took out a blank canvass and began to apint and tak at the same time.


"In order to truly Control Moon and Star we need to control its house. Mainly it's leader. Archmagister Sparkle. Telly should of told you this but, currently she is over seeing a project down in Hoofington. They are constructing a Gateway to the Astral Plane. I guess the Mare has finally done it. Anyway, many troops are stationed there which mean less in Canterlot, but that is besides the point. What I was thinking, is we aim higher than the current King and Queen. And how about Take Control of... oh I don't know... a Previous Monarch." He then turned his painting and showed it to them, it was portrait of Celestia.


"Twilight Sparkle will do anything the Princess says, and in an instant we will have control of Canterlot, Hoofington, and the rest of Moon and Star. And as a back up. We can always get an army. Maybe for extra support. I had one in mind." He smiled yet again.


"You are probably asking how this is all possible, well how about you ask Ol' Telly over there" He turned his head facing him, and his grin grew wider.




House Moon and Star - Town Hall - Archmagister Sparkles office.


Twilight sighed again. Am I ever going to get some alone time? Oh who is it this time... She thought to herself. "Yes, Yes, let them in."


When the guards let the pony in she a bit surprised to see who it was. "Oh. I remember you. You are that old monk that The Princess knew right? That healer right? My, You've been gone a long time. Now what is it that you want?"


(OOC: Just a tip, when replying to someone, try not to quote them. It would be best to mention them You could quote them but if their posts are long like mine was just delete some of the text in the quote so your post wouldn't be gigantic)

Edited by AnonBrony
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


(OOC: I will try my best tongue.png)





@@Spell Shock


She shot a glare at the Singer "I do not assume my own victory so soon, Singer, but if we do not try then we will make no progress. Even if we fail we will be able to withdraw, and we will have a better idea of what to expect in the future," she paused, considering whether to make a comeback or not, glanced at the Singer's face, and saw sadness there. Something troubled her, and as much as the mare seemed to detest her, she couldn't help but feel intrigued and a little protective - perhaps that was because of the 15 years they had spent together.


"Singer, I wish to talk to you after this is over. Just a brief chat, if you please," she said.


She listened to her brother's advice to the rest of the Gifted and shot him a smile of gratitude. She knew she could always count on him for support in a sticky situation. However, she felt herself drawn to the Artist's proposal. Despite his lunacy she felt her respect for him increase considerably - perhaps there was a rational mind in there after all.


She rubbed her chin and furrowed her brow "Your plan is interesting, Artist, although it was not my goal to control Moon & Star but Canterlot itself. As the Royal Throne is situated there it would allow us to claim Equestria before any other House can bring down Moon & Star, although if the House is still active when we take Canterlot a retaliation will surely come. Yes, Artist, your plan will do nicely. Very devious indeed."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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(OOC: Ah right sorry,I jsut cant remember how to do that username and make the text blue)


House Moon and Star - Town Hall - Archmagister Sparkles office.


"Celestia's advisor and Healer yes, I have returned from my Pilgrimage." Vedana smiled at Twilight Sparkle, as the First guard returned to his post, leaving the two alone. "What is going on here Twilight Sparkle, how come I can sense the pain and suffering, and hear the screaming and crying of ponies outside?" The blind unicorn asked her, it was clear that he was indeed taking it hard that Earth Ponies and Pegasi are slaves in Hoofington. "Also, since the disappearance of Celestia and Luna, it now my duty to serve the next in charge of Canterlot, or one who is the personal student of Celestia. That would be you."


The blind unicorn attempted his best to slowly get down on one hoof and bowed before Twilight Sparkle, offering himself to help her and the House of Moon and Star in anyway he can. "Times are hard, and the consequences beyond calculation. However, i will provide you my support."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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((Please don't go so far ahead if you please, the Storyteller will needs be overwhelmed with everything going on. Also i hope I guessed right on what the Artist was suggesting.))

The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

The Storyteller sighs annoyed that he was being so rushed for time and actually feeling that they were not all on the same page before finally saying, "Yes, I did know but I was hoping to gather more information before saying anything. That and as always my position cannot be compromised. If any of the six find out who I really am I will have to start over from the beginning, and there would be the chance of I would never reach the positions I have not."


Starting to pace, a slight flicker of his abilities showing through before he took a deep breath and offering, "On the Artist's words, if I understand what he is considering, yes I could take the appearance of the princesses. Because of their closeness it would most likely be Princess Celestia, as the Archmagister Twilight was her student. Yet if I were to do such it would take some planning, it must needs be convincing and having the princess appear out of nowhere just would not do."


Smiling his horn glows and as he begin to slowly change and grow he continues, taking on an almost ethereal softness, "it would have to be an image, as if the princess was there but not there as if contacting her student from somewhere else." As he takes on the appearance of Princess Celestia, a soft glow with eyes bright he turns to the others and says in the voice those that had met the royal of the sun, "Twilight Sparkle would ask where I was and way I had disappeared, such questions can not be treated lightly. She is an intelligent mare, she wouldn't have been chosen otherwise."

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





@@Spell Shock


The Composer watched the Storyteller's transformation intently as he changed from a diminuticve stallion to a towering white mare. The transformation was almost flawless - Twilight would have to make a very close inspection of her "mentor" to find anything amiss in the appearance department.


"It's all smoke and mirrors," she muttered to herself "But it serves our purposes well all the same."


"That will do, I think," she said aloud "Although you are correct, Mythos; we will have to address those problems before we commit to anything."


She sat for a moment, pondering the issue at hand. Could Celestia becoming trapped in the Astral Plane be feasible? It might work... But it would only double Twilight's efforts to construct her portal, and that was the last thing they needed as it would upset the balance of power between the Houses, strengthening Moon & Star. Perhaps they could be beyond or even in the darkest depths of the Everfree Forest? That area wasn't visited often by ponies, and it would serve to draw the Archmagister away from her home and open up even more options to them assuming she fell for the ruse. As for the reasoning behind their disappearance... Could it be a result of investigation into the Astral Plane? Perhaps they had torn the fabric of reality and it had backfired upon them?


She groaned in frustration and looked up at the Musician and the Singer. "Kichirou, Singer, you've both been quiet about this matter. What do you think of all this?"


House Earthborn - New Ponyville




Fixit nodded in acknowledgement "I apologise ma'am, my impulses got the better of me. I don't like other ponies insulting my House and leader, no matter who they are."


At her orders he and his team returned to the garage and retrieved their cannons once again, ready to rush to Stormwing's aid.


"Fall into formation!" he ordered "Stormwing calls for aid, and I'l be damned if Cloudsdale falls on our watch!"


I just hope we're not too late, he thought.

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Kichirou thought for a moment before speaking. "I think its a good idea. And I also like the idea of saying that she was trapped in the Astral Plane...the only thing is, if Twilight does manage to open the Astral Plane...what happens if she brings out the real Celestia ? Because if The Storyteller is disguised as Celestia...and the real Celestia is released, then we are in trouble, so we would have to figure out some way of tricking Twilight into thinking that Celestia had already come back...or something." He said, taking a small bite of his stew.

He looked up again. "Unless we already discussed that...did I miss it or." He shrugged and looked back down at his stew...he had always hated these big meeting things, he almost always ended up getting lost...and his sister was usually the only one kind enough to explain it later.

But right now he did get the idea...and liked it but was worried as there were so many little things that could go horribly wrong...but at the same time...when the six gifted were together, they were practically unstoppable.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Nightfall,@@Spell Shock, @@AnonBrony, @


House Whitegold - Ivory Tower - Dusk's room


"Torture is only something I use to get information out of stubborn ponies. I much prefer to just injure the enemy so that they would spend all of their resources trying to get them well and healthy again. That, or a swift death would do," Rarity said, voicing her dislike of slow, painful deaths. There is positively no way I would stoop down to the other factions' levels! "But thank you. Now eat your dinner and rest up, because we have a busy day tomorrow!" she said before leaving. She wasn't planning on working him to death, that's for sure. She was taking a slightly indulgent path to ensure that he remains loyal to her. We must get those unicorns, no matter what! A sinister smile took shape as she sent her note over to the director.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military District - 03 base - Director's office


(OOC: If the magic-stopping ring thingy is OP, then let me know.)


"Your mission, Agent Swift, is to observe and catch these unicorns," he said in a low voice. He then gave him three sheets, each with a black-and-white drawing and a description that told of their appearance and any sort of history or power they have that the other spies could salvage. "You must keep your operation secret and you must bring them to us as quickly as you can. Consider this your chance to redeem yourself," he explained sternly. Next, he gave Swift blindfolds and special rings that prevent the flow of magic when placed onto a unicorn's horn. The only way they could be removed by said unicorn was by head-jerking it off "They were last sighted in the Undercity bear the border. Now be on your way!"


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern room... thingy


While Spell and Lightning went off to bed, Star Rain did not. She simply stood there after eating her dinner. Awesome. I can finally ask him now. She looked outside to make sure nopony was listening, then she turned toward Eternity. "Eternity, back in Hoofington, you mentioned that Twilight killed a friend of her's. You seem to know about what happened at that time. What is it?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"Now, now," says the mare before them calmly, a small smile playing on her lips, "when did I say anything about the Astral Plan?"


With that the Storyteller again moved make to his own, true form though like always there was a few minutes where his appearance flickered to be that of a numerous shades and hues. After changing completely though before his form was steady he continues, "Who says we need to say where Celestia and Luna are? If I knew I would have likely already told the other group I am with, as finding the princesses is one of their main focuses... that and getting the six heroes of the land back together."


Moving over to where the Composer was, finally gain control of his body completely and fixing his mane he asks, "do you honestly think Twilight would be able to ever find her mentor without those that were once her friends? She can try but she will fail, all is lost unless those that are supposed to keep harmony get their lives straightened out." Turning to the Musician he says, "perhaps leading her to the Everfree Forest would work, at the very least it will bring conflict between two Houses and weaken them."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 1
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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
After some time, Spell would open her eyes. The sleep wasn’t getting its way in her head, perhaps she just didn’t felt that much tried to go to sleep just yet. She would look at sleeping Lightning and gently smile, wanting to hug her, but not wanting to wake her up.

She when would think about everything, when she would start trying spell by spell, having an idea in her head. First of all she would use water and sand she picked up, to create with her magic a somewhat transparent, elastic, goo substance. She had very specific use for it and she needed act fast before applying it. She would use it on her horn, this goo would make possible for her to directly touch the egg she had, which would be vital for the plan she had. This goo had a little bit of thermal capacity, it’s main properties however were to not let magic of egg and horn connect with each other, so no cataclysmic events would happen. It was almost like rubber, made with magic. But not exactly.


She when would levitate the egg she found in the forest, it was emitting a cyan light, it was rather chilly to even look at it, let alone touch.


She when would touch the egg with her horn, she felt the horn getting rather frosty fast, this substance sticking to it due to the cold, but she had enough time to try and apply magic, to speed up hatching of the egg. She knew something about it, since it was often used for tests and such, so she would try to direct magic currents to the egg and… nothing happened, it seems.


She would levitate the egg away before it harmed her horn and looked at it, a little disappointed. She hoped it would work, but when again – she never even tried the spell, she hardly saw any eggs in her lifetime, really.  But she thought she would try again later, or ask Eternity to help.


In fact, when she was done she would head to Eternity and after knocking on the door, would enter and ask if he could help her with Egg Hatching Spell, since she doesn’t seem to make it work.


//OC: Daawn is named after being cute and being born at Dawn. So, i guess this is also kind of importantz//


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage
The singer kept quite to herself, only nodding to Composers wish to speak with her later. She would still be in her wondering about something expression. 
Edited by Spell Shock
  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Whitegold - Ivory Tower - Dusk's room


"Torture is only something I use to get information out of stubborn ponies. I much prefer to just injure the enemy so that they would spend all of their resources trying to get them well and healthy again. That, or a swift death would do," Rarity said, voicing her dislike of slow, painful deaths. There is positively no way I would stoop down to the other factions' levels! "But thank you. Now eat your dinner and rest up, because we have a busy day tomorrow!" she said before leaving. She wasn't planning on working him to death, that's for sure. She was taking a slightly indulgent path to ensure that he remains loyal to her. We must get those unicorns, no matter what! A sinister smile took shape as she sent her note over to the director.


Nightfall nodded, and sat down at the table when Lady Rarity had left. She seemed to be more trusting than normal, and that gave him a little bit of a concern, but he put that off, seeing as he was going to start work on modifying his engine tomorrow so that other unicorn's could use it, and so that it could be mass produced. He smile to himself a little, and silently complimented the chef. Anfter that, he bolted the door and got into his bed, falling asleep as soon as he hit the mattress.


The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


"Now, now," says the mare before them calmly, a small smile playing on her lips, "when did I say anything about the Astral Plan?"


With that the Storyteller again moved make to his own, true form though like always there was a few minutes where his appearance flickered to be that of a numerous shades and hues. After changing completely though before his form was steady he continues, "Who says we need to say where Celestia and Luna are? If I knew I would have likely already told the other group I am with, as finding the princesses is one of their main focuses... that and getting the six heroes of the land back together."


Moving over to where the Composer was, finally gain control of his body completely and fixing his mane he asks, "do you honestly think Twilight would be able to ever find her mentor without those that were once her friends? She can try but she will fail, all is lost unless those that are supposed to keep harmony get their lives straightened out." Turning to the Musician he says, "perhaps leading her to the Everfree Forest would work, at the very least it will bring conflict between two Houses and weaken them."


The Dancer blinked. She had never liked the Musician or the Composer. In fact, he hated the Composer with a passion, simply because she didn't like their "leader" assumed the position and by the way the Composer acted in certain situations. She glared at the Composer, before waiting to here what the brother and sister's response would be to what the Storyteller had just said. She leaned against a wall in the hermitage, and sighed slightly, wishing to be out fighting with her swords, which, to be honest, she would rather be doing.

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House Everfree: Zecora the Witch Queen

The meddlesome pegasus was an easy kill for the Witch Queen. Her blade now soaked in his blood, she laughed hysterically while retaining all of her brutal cunning. "Kill them all!" she wailed in her banshee's cry. "Devour their flesh and rend their pathetic souls asunder!" A new flock of Everfree wraiths flowed forward around the legs of her ent-slave, who was still charging its attack. They fell upon the Hoplites in swarms wicked claws and scythe-like teeth cleaving through armor like it was paper. Then, in a bright flash, it was a complete slaughter. The Ent's grossly augmented Flayer Cannon gave out an ear-splitting screech as the nauseating beam of magic speared straight through the Hoplite line and smashed against the doors. The final gate was no flimsy work of a few minutes, that was true. My normal means it was considered almost impregnable. But the corrupted magic bit into it and burst the armored door into flying shrapnel with only a few seconds of contact. From there the magic flowed inside, striking one of the main support pillars and incinerating all the ponies it passed through.


Even as the roof began to collapse, grotesque bat winged monsters poured into the opening to get to the ponies inside. Shrieking and wailing they were brought skyward, either to be dropped to the far earth below or carried away for other nefarious purposes. The Witch Queen stood admist it, her summoned hurricane pulling apart what remained of Cloudsdale into chunks. "I will spare you this day," she called to Scootaloo and the few remaining Stormwing forces. "But only so that you might spread the word! You are dead. Your families, colts, fillies, mares, and stallions are ALL going to die. They will be ravaged by wolves and consumed by beetles! The Everfree Liege will have all of your souls and you will suffer in damnation for even DARING to oppose him!" In another bright flash, the forces of Everfree departed, taking their captives with them. They left behind not even bodies. All that was left was the shattered remains on the now poisoned earth and the few shards that remained of Cloudsdale, which were even now being torn apart and scattered southward by the hurricane overhead.


House Everfree: Parthos the Younger

Though he may have physically seperated himself from the forest itself, Parthos could feel what had just happened to the north. It physically hurt him, causing him to stumble and fall. The other ents were similarly affected. A large groaning issued forth from their throats, sounding much akin to mourning wails at a funeral. "Commander!" he finally managed to gasp. "The Witch Queen... she has departed the field, taking her forces  with her along with a great many captives from Stormwing. They... they are going to be turned... as we are. No... NO! I cannot let this happen, not to my beautiful forest." Suddenly a nearby stone became a gigantic mace in his wooden palm. "Commander, if you invade Everfree Forest alone, you will all die. The forest itself will warp and change, protecting our enemies from us and striking back at you. But... we Ents still have a degree of control over the woods. If you supply us with protection, we in turn can spread through your forces and negate the most deadly of the forest's traps. This... this has gone too far. The Liege is going to pay for my tree-father and everyone else he has consumed and twisted." Similar to Parthos, what seemed to be random objects of large size became deadly clubs and blades in the hands of Ents. "We are going to follow Stormwing. We hope you will aswell, as none of us can hope to survive without each other. But... you will not harm Fluttershy. She is a victim, as unwilling a slave as could have been born. She is needed if the land is to revive after this." Having said this, the Ents began to march after Stormwing, covering great distances on their long legs.


House Everfree: Fluttershy

In much a similar manner, Fluttershy could feel what was going on in the north. She visibly paled and almost collapsed. "I...," she panted. A quick glance had shown that the Liege had departed, though she knew it was to go about the atrocities he intended. "My vassals and friends, something terrible has happened. Despite what you believe... I am not the mistress of this house. I'm a figurehead, a slave. You are right about the whispers and the rotting of the Forest's heart. They are both caused by the Liege, the Liege that has stolen my soul from me, and everypony's soul that has died for decades. I... I'm ashamed. I didn't think he would do this... but... He is evil. Do not ask me why, for I have not the time to explain. Only know that we must leave this wretched place immeadiately. The Trickster... he is to seek sanctuary for us in Manehatten if he can find it. Please believe me and though I have betrayed your trust, please have faith in my truthfullness now." She shuddered as further waves of grief and pain began to wash over her from the Liege's actions. She limped to Rain and whispered to him. "Rain... I will become weaker the further we go from the forest. Eventually I will be unable to stand. Please... take me away from this horrid place, even if you have to carry me. This... this is not a forest anymore. It is a prison for the damned. Iron Will... he will meet us as we make our way out. He is still loyal to me and not the Liege. He will help us."


House Everfree: Sand (Directed to House Whitegold.)

To Sand, there was very little in cities that was worth having. There was indeed much life there, but it was cluttered and nasty. The lower streets would be covered with the filth that washed down from the white-washed palaces above. Of course, many ponies made their way to cities none the less. Manehatten was the most prosperous of all and acquired a seedy underbelly of massive size for its trouble. To gain an identity was easy. Posing as anyone who had come for work or fortune could be done in an instant. But Sand needed access to Rarity, probably the most paranoid, egotistical, and rich mare in Equestria. He figured that the way to her was to cause a large enough stir among the 'upper crust'. The most obvious way to this: Heaps and heaps of money. Everfree was not poor. But the House was not considered oppulent. However, furs, precious woods, and pure gems from the Forest's depths could easily become portable wealth. This he managed with ease.


So, he arrived in Manehatten under the guise of a young stallion of rather astounding wealth, an impeccable pedigree, and more charm than you could beat off with a sword and sheild. The name 'Sand' was replaced with the title of Count 'Silver Silk-mane'. Though suspicions would undoubtedly arise with an extravagent stallion no one had ever heard of appearing at the city gates with more money than one could pave a street with, he had put some thought into this. So a slightly accented tone was added to his voice, one simply slathered with eloquence and self confidence. This was to help support his story, that his family prefered suclusion in the Far South, but he had traveled to Manehatten on a whim, to see if the stories were true so to say.


He bypassed the main city gates entirely, using a private entrance that was owned by an old mare with too much frilly outfits and not enough sense. An estate was bought in the prime property region, though its owner was more flooded by a tide of coin than persuaded. It had a pleasant courtyard in the center, much in the style of Roman Villas. However, it extended up two stories instead of just one. Overnight it changed from an old man's dwelling to an airy house full of comfortable furniture and tasteful art.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - The Under City - Tavern


Eternity sat up on his bed and looked at the mare that asked him the question. I suppose she was going to have to know eventually. He forwned at her and looked at the floor for a bit thinking of how to say it.


"Not many ponies know of the Truth between the Houses Leaders hatred for each other. Not many know how this war truly started. Not many know about the six leaders past. But we all know the stories.


Of how Six ponies conquered evil and saved Equestria from Chaos and Darkness, Twice. All through the power of Harmony and Friendship. How they stood together and did the impossible. I'm sure you have heard of the tales of when God of Chaos tried to rule again and or when The Mare in the Moon returned for revenge. And about the six Bearers of Harmony.


Though not many knew if the stories were true or not, and fewer knew of these ponies names. Only some of the ponies of Canterlot knew them, and some of Ponyville too. Their names were, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and... Twilight Sparkle."


He paused for a bit. Trying to think of what to say and his brother wrote in his book. A lot of what he knew about the truth from from that book.


"They were the best of friends. I believe. Twilight. Twilight actually never had many friends i believe. They were some of her only friends she had. Until... until the Princesses disappeared. There friendship started to break piece by piece. Twilight became obsessed with the Astral Plane and Alicorns and achieving greatness for the unicorn race." Eternity didn't need the book to remember this. He lived it, this all happened when he was a student of hers. 


"Twilight conducted a total of Three Alicorn transformation experiments... and it would of been four... on her very own friends. Rainbow Dash, it is why, if you see her in picture, she has that burn scar on her face and body. She did one of her self, but she remained unharmed. She attempted to do one on Applejack, but she refused and that is why she was made a traitor and why she left and started Earthborn. And Then... there was Pinkie Pie. I remember her too when I was just a young teen. Probably about 12 actually. She was always happy, and even in these troubled time she always had a smile on her face..." Eternity was becoming upset, almost teary-eyed " Twilight did an experiment on her... and... she died. And" He was getting angry now " And Twilight knew what would happen! She risked her life! And she ended up killing her. She didn't even have any remorse! She knew the consequences, yet she still did it!" He stopped talking trying to keep in his emotions.


"There. Now you know." Eternity then heard Spell's knocking on the door. "Yes? Who is it?"


@@Vedana Purity


House Moon and Star - Town Hall - Archmagister Sparkles office.


Twilight raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn't see it. "You really don't know?" She the continued to speak while organizing some papers. "House Moon and Star is constructing a project here in this town. We are building a Gateway to the Astral Plane so that we can gain more power and win this war and lead the unicorn race to ascension. Right now we are having the Earth Ponies and Pegasi build it along with assisting in the construction of the walls and several buildings." She then turned her head back to him. "Do you even know anything about the war?"









The Six Gifted - Somewhere in Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage


The Artist was please that they liked his idea for once. "I'm sure all of these issues can be solved relatively easily. Nothing like some special effects, some lies, a bit of deceptions, maybe a bit of puppet mastery, a little bit of lemon juice, oh maybe some mind control too, and a poke with a stick can't fix. What we have to worry about now is how we are going to execute this." His brush then floated up to his ear ad appeared to whisper something. "Mmhmm. Yeah. Ok. Brushy says for Telly to make Luna appear as well. It might be more convincing. If he is able to do that."

Edited by AnonBrony
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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
- “It’s me, Spell” – Spell would reply – “I need some help with one blue thing; I can come later if I’m interrupting something”.

She would reply through the door, after checking if anyone was listening a little bit too careful. She didn’t want a lot of ponies overhearing anything, so she didn’t said what she wanted directly, but he could presume it was something to do with the egg.

She didn’t listen to what they were talking by the way, she wasn’t one of those who will eavesdrop on those she trusts, if she needs to know anything, she will ask, if not – she will not. Simple as that, yet some ponies usually forget about this simple principle.


She was holding the egg in the part of the robe she was wearing, she didn’t felt like bringing her saddlebags with her, so she just wrapped it carefully and went here.


It was probably time to admit, what she was quite curious about the egg and if it’s going to give birth to a bird or just going to be filled with same kind of magical ice cold filth, which was byproduct of her magical flux. IT was still in the air for her, but she wouldn’t mind either way. For her both could be of use, thinking about it.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Stormwing - The Ruins of Cloudsdale

Rainbow could find no words to describe what she saw before her. The sheer scale of destruction was truly unbelievable. As she landed among the ruins of what was once Canterlot all she could feel was sorrow welling up within her, emotion and memory finally taking over. Everything was destroyed, not a single building left untouched. And among it all there was few living souls to tell the tale.

Rainbow felt a slight trickle of a tear fall down the good side of her face, her knees about to buckle from under her. Her fillyhood home was gone, the place she grew up in. Everything was just rubble. All those souls now damned to the torment of Everfree. While her guard scattered to try and find the survivors, or at least bodies of the fallen, Rainbow rested herself on her haunches and simply wept. She hadn't done so for so many years, and yet even now it pained her. "I- I was too late. I couldn't save her. I couldn't save them."

But then from the distance came a small group if Pegasi, survivors. Among them were Commander Spifire, Soarin', Orange and nearly twenty surviving Hoplites and Thunderers. But where were the others? Where was Scootlaoo?

"Commander!" Spitfire sped to her side and held her under a wing. "We're so glad you're safe."

Soarin' gave a silent nod while the other soldiers all gave a shallow bow. But now was no time for formalities. "Where is Scootaloo? I promised I would see her again now where is she?"

All those present looked at eachother with nervous glances. "She refuses to leave the side of a fallen comrade. She yet lives, but it has taken a toll on her. She refuses to let us look at her wounds."

Now all sorrowful thoughts were gone, all shrouds of guilt vanished in a instant. All that's was replaced with a burning anger, a lust for vengeance. "Earthborn has left us for dead, Everfree has bertrayed us and now our house stands on the edge of ruin! I promise you one thing before the end; I will kill Fluttershy before this is over! If I'm going down I'm going down fighting!"



House Everfree – The Southern Ruin – The Dining Hall


“Leave the forest?” Despite everything that was happening she couldn’t imagine even crossing the boarder, let alone leaving for what seemed like forever.  This was her home, sure it was getting rather dangerous and dark, but that was no reason to just pack up and leave. What if the outside world is just as dangerous? Then again with this wound she couldn’t exactly look after herself, or get back to her hut for that matter.


“M-maybe it would be beast for me just to stay. I have no business outside the Everfree, let alone in these courts. I was never much help. You guys are the heroes. The way you guys were in the fight, I could never be that brave. I think this war needs to be left to its warriors, not its hermits. I’m sorry, but I’m just…  not ready yet.”

Edited by The-Master


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