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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square




Fixit waved away the smoke with a hoof and coughed with forced politness before his aloof smile became a hard scowl.


"Well, since we're going to be working together in the near future I'll let that slide, but befoe we go any further we should lay down some ground rules:


Number One: You will not refer to this beautiful piece of artwork as 'that blasted cannon'. She has a name, which happens to be 'Elizabeth St Hilaire', although 'Lady St Hilaire' will do or even 'Elizabeth' in informal situations.


Number Two: If you've some kind of grudge or problem here, just out-and-out say it. Frankly I couldn't care less what you clankers think about me when I can kill more unicorns with a single shot than you can in an hour of slicing and dicing."


He coughed and drew a breath for his next commandment. This one tended to draw a variety of responses from ponies, and with a pony like this he was pretty damn sure it'd be somewhere towards the negative end of the spectrum.


"Number Three: You mess directly with me or my squad, you die. Are we clear?"

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


After finishing everything she has to do here, Spell would go outside and look for Silver Swirl. She didn’t want to keep him or anyone else waiting, though she took her sweet time searching for her diary. But when again it did contained every single though she had for a long period of time, not only personal thoughts but also more delicate information, only for her eyes so to speak and leaving it behind would be kind of stupid of her.


She would look around for ponies she know, pretty much no one, she didn't had a very active life here, she mostly just studies, she didn’t want to risk having to use magic and let ponies know about her little magical defect. She wasn’t healthy as is and it was not that big of a secret, she didn't want to spread rumors of her magic being useless too.


Her bags, if anyone would look at them were moderately packed with stuff, mostly books and bits and pieces she used for a research of her own. She was interested in geometry now, so it wasn't that much. Just some tools which could measure length and shape. It wasn’t all for measures, but it was the most obvious poking out stuff.


- “I hope I won’t have to look for him for ages. He hates to wait for me and I hate looking for him.” - she thought to herself, she mostly though about anything, not letting words slip her mouth. It was just a thing she trained herself in, after a few accidents. 

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Front Courtyard


Eternity was still waiting for Twilight. Despite him waking up late he did come a bit early. He was still reading this book. Though it was just any old book. He always read it before something bad happens or when hes worried about something. And now was a perfect time. Knowing Ol' Twilight Sparkle whatever this is, it is not going to be good. Especially for him if she called for him personally. That's never good sign. This book he was reading, the cover of it was reddish. Almost a maroon. That was no title on it. There was only a big green beautiful diamond on the front. It wasn't real though. Just a fake to make the book look all magical and fancy. Oh at least that's what Eternity thought. What's special about the book though was... it was one of the only things he had left of his Brother. It was his most valued possession  The book didn't have much in it. Most of it was blank pages. But the back of the book had many of the stories his Brother told him as a kid. Fairy tales like How these Six ponies saved the world from Eternal Darkness and how they defeated this vicious monster made of pure Chaos. The book always gave him Courage though.


He finished looking through and started to glance around the courtyard looking for Twilight. She was nowhere in sight. But one thing that caught his eye was this small green filly walking around the courtyard. She seemed lost. "Whats a pony her age doing in a place like this?" Eternity thought to himself. She decided to go and give the little filly a hoof.


@@Spell Shock,  


"Hey kid!" Eternity called out to her. He then knelt down to talk to her. "You look like you are lost. I'm not sure a little filly like you should be wandering around in a place like this. You looking for somepony?"

Edited by AnonBrony
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Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia hideout- Main graveyard


It didnt take long for Lila to realize this mare had Pinkie qualities. From what she heard is back before this whole war started that Pinkie Pie used to bounce around Ponyville the way Wind was now. She even talked like her... Almost. "Sure why not? We could do some raiding planning on some of the local town sectors. And cards sound fun too, if you're up for gambling." She said laughing afterwards. Lila started back towards the hideout and he just realized the thin layer of fog that covered the ground slightly. "So, wind, whats it like being a Euphorie (i actually forgot how to spell that word... Oops)? It must be nice being able to swoop down on the enemy with ease and tearing them apart. I've watched a few battles with you guys around and i have to say youre quite effective at what you do." Lila continued assuming the Wind was behind her. "Of course its always nice to be able to summon laughing dead when things go wrong. Or just for fun." She added as she entered the hideout.


Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia hideout- Main graveyard


Wind smiled and instead of running to catch up to Lila she did a front hoof spring, she ended up right next to her and smiled. "Being a Euphorie is so much fun...I had always liked flying but after joining the cult, and taking some...speedy pills...I got much better and flying and now i'm an expert...kinda. Does magic hurt ? I have seen some ponies who do magic and after casting a spell they look all dizzy." She said, happily skipping next to Lila into the hideout. "And I love gambling...most of the time I gamble with other ponies lives...but I suppose we could gamble with bits." She said, grinning and hopping over a small puddle of water. "So what kind of gambling do you do ? As in game's...I like poker, blackjack...go fish. I also like mind games...and by that I mean with other ponies...the rules are usually. I win, they die...they win...they die anyway." She giggled and hopped over another puddle.



House Everfree - Royal Castle Ruins


Rain was quietly standing by the door, awaiting order's from Lady Fluttershy.




Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


Spell would look at the one who talked to her, which was kind of weird, considering. She met with her looks someone she hasn’t met before, a unicorn male, judging by the sizes, with darkish orange coat and dark-brown mane. She was most certainly sure she hasn’t seen him before.  When again, she saw at the most a few dozen unicorns in this place, due to her lack of talking with anyone outside Lightning and Silver Swirl.


First thing which came to her was irritation, she hated when ponies called her “little filly”. She never called anyone “Big stallion or small mare”. Due to her mild irritation, the little dot circling around her horn got considerably less transparent, through still not very noticeable in the light.


Nevertheless, Spell wasn't about to be rude, so taking her moment to blink for a few seconds, she coughed into her hooves and started talking.


- “I’m not lost, thank you. I’m just looking for my mentor, Silver Swirl as he said I should pack my things for a departure. Perhaps you know where he might be?” - she sounded surprisingly normal, even though she had somewhat strict way of speaking. Even through the pony in front of her irritated her a bit, she was curious if he could point her to direction she needs to go.

Her cutie mark was well visible; it was some kind of multi-colored vortex or rather a whirlpool, probably implying something unstable and deep in its origin. But when again, it can mean anything or nothing. The other trait was her bags, which were obviously packed. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Front Courtyard


@@Spell Shock


Eternity was a bit surprised at this pony in front of him. Talking like an adult and all and acting mature. There was something odd about this pony though. Something very odd. He can feel it. He starred at her horn for almost a minute straight. He swore he noticed something. The magical aura she was giving was... odd. Faint... Very faint... he could sense something. He wasn't sure what... but it was... Dark. Very Dark.


He tried to ignore it and gave a simple smile towards the young green coated filly.


"Mentor huh? So your studying magic then?" He paused. Eternity started to remeber the days he first went to his school for magically gifted unicorns. He sighed. Things were much different back then. No War, no violence. He always wished thinsg could return to the way they were.


"Anyway, let's see... Silver Swirl... Siiiilver Swirl..." Eternity started saying to himself trying to remember this pony the filly mentioned to him. "Ah, Yes. He's one of Twilight's top researchers right?" He stood back up and thought to himself: He's teaching Magic? That's a bit odd. "Well I wouldn't know where he would be right now, be since hes pretty important he's probably going to come here to meet with Twilight. You could wait here if you like lil' filly."

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


"It would seem some ponies are speaking about me," Silver Swirl says having seen Spell Shock a bit earlier, as such moved towards her and coming upon their conversation. With a small smile he had decided to work his way behind them without drawing their attention to see how they would react.


"It would seem you have found my wayward student, I thank you for that," he continued with a look of seriousness towards Eternity as if nothing was a miss with his greeting before giving the young filly a stern look as he pushed his glassed up his noise. He showed himself to not be very pleased with having to go and look for Spell Shock but gave a nod to the stallion as if to say thanks for keeping the filly in one place.


Silver considered the stallion before him, knowing him to be secluded and unsocial pony though he was quite intelligent yet at the same time he seemed to have difficultly making choices quickly. He had a love of books from what he could tell, as more often then not he would see Eternity with a book and though he had spoken with and gotten to know the stallion a bit they could never really be called more then acquaintances.


Spell on the other hoof, Silver had made a point to show attention to and from a connection with though the filly seemed to still not like how strict he could be. He had seen the looks she had given him when he wasn't looking and such always brought a small chuckle to his lips. He could also see that Spell was not pleased with being called a 'lil filly' though she very much was such despite her feelings on her maturity.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
  • Brohoof 1
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


- “I’m afraid I still need to find…” – Spell begun, when she heard Silver Swirl’s voice, stopping her mid-sentence. She might have not liked him sneaking up on them and listening which he probably did, but at least it revealing her out of some responsibility of finding him.


She twitched when she heard him say “wayward”, shifting her eyes away from him so he wouldn’t catch her eyes go cold. It happened sometimes, when she didn’t liked remark what her stare became cold and dull, like the dull, as a silent scorn of disapproval. She didn’t like it, ponies usually didn’t like it and it was completely useless. That’s why she avoided eye contact for those two moments. She didn’t even pay much attention to the glare he gave to her, after all she went to look for him too, not her fault she isn’t as tall as him and she can’t see as far due to that.


- “Everything is packed, sir” she replied to Silver Swirl, making usual tone remark on the word “Sir”, through it wasn’t as subtle as usual “On my side, at least. Just have to wait now”.


Both of them could notice the bouncing black dot on her horn now. It was making a peculiar dance on her horn, it didn’t grow in color, but she certainly wasn’t happy with the way the conversation has gone.


It is quite funny, how much uncontrollable flux of magic so insignificant can say about the person. The dot wasn’t big enough to even count as magic, yet it was kind of a dead giveaway what she was getting significantly bored.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Front Courtyard


Eternity was a bit surprised at the suddenness of the stallion apearing from behind him.


"Ah so you are Star Swirl. I do remember meeting you before with... the Archmagister" Considering his job and since hes close to Twilight, Eternity wasn't sure if he was a pony to be trusted. He has seen him many times before, mainly with Twilight, always discussing things in private. A question appeared in Eternity's head though. He was a bit confused. He never knew this pony had a student let alone a magic teacher. Though he thinks Silver is a magic teacher, what other kind of mentor would there be in this House?


"Oh she was no trouble at all. We just met a couple of minutes ago. She was looking for you." Both ponies appeared to carrying bags with them. "It seems like you are traveling to Hoofington too huh? I'm guessing Twilight called for you to meet her as well then. M-May i ask a question? Do you even know why Twilight decided to do this?" Eternity was starting to get a bit worried. Especially since It was almost time for Twilight to appear. You would think she would of came early though.


But his current thoughts about his former mentor shifted away when he glanced at the young filly. He could feel it even more now. Something Cold and Dark. Something very cold. Unnatural even. He saw it. The black dot on her horn moving about. It was some short of flux in her magical energy. He wasn't even sure if it was possible to happen within a pony. He started to stare at her now. Both in confusion and amazement. He was starting to become curious, but he didn't say anything... all he muttered was a dumbfounded "ummm..." and continued to stare.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square


Long Stride gave another puff of his pipe, his expression unchanging. He looked up and down at the pony in front of him and was rather disappointed. Seems Earthborn has become desperate for recruits. "I wouldn't threaten me if I were you. The last pony who did found his entrails scattered on the battle field. Pony at Arms or not, I am more than a match for you."


"I think you'd best keep to yourself. Bad things happen to ponies who can't keep their yaps shut around here."



House Everfree - Deep in the Forest


Lily gave another startled squeak as she heard a rustling from the bushed behind her. There were no animals here, well, not the nice ones. These were dangerous woods, paths the Lady had not tread for years. Even now it was frightening just to think about.


Then the small sounds of chirping filled the air, a small sparrow landing on Lily's shoulder. "Oh, it's so good to see you friend. I-I haven't been in these parts for so long, they seem to have gotten worse. Strange plants grow in the undergrowth, predators stalk the shadows. This isn't the Everfree I once knew. Some kind of darkness is overtaking us."


The bird chirped into her ear. "Maybe, but I still have to try. Lady Fluttershy is very wise and very, um...  kind. I'm sure she'll know what's going on and what to do about it. You'll see."


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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


Though he did not do so often he sighs and said to his young student, "Now, now, no need to give me that look and calm yourself... you don't want ponies asking questions do you." As he says this last eyes move from Spell's to her hirn for a moment as he says quietly to Eternity as he walked by, "do not worry yourself about the moot of magic."


Walking up to Spell he says calmly, "did you forget anything, hopefully not your astronomy homework as I need you to keep up even though we are going on a journey." Lifting her chin up and bit he says giving her an amused smile, "also please don't embarress me or draw the Archmagister's attention, you know how she doesn't like having her plans go wary."


Once finished he turned back to Eternity and says getting to what he had said, "Oh not at all, as I am no specter, my name is Silver Swirl one of the Archmagister's head researchers nothing more and nothing less. Even I try to stay out of the Archmagister's way and keep to my research and studies."


With a small smile and a shake of his head he continues,"on what the Archmagister has plan I believe I know as much as you at the moment, the letter that was sent to each of us. Yet I suspect she will be revealing her purpose to us when she is ready."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Meeting Spot


A couple monochromatic drawings later, Star Rain packed her sketchbook and colored pencils back into her saddlebags and looked around the room. Geez, I wonder when Twilight's going to get here? She was growing rather impatient, so she began wandering around the room with no particular destination in mind. While walking, she levitated a book out of her saddlebags and began to read it. It was titled The Princess of the Heart Gales. It was about a unicorn princess who had lots of magical potential, but was never allowed to use it other than when performing very simple tasks.


 That was all Star Rain knew so far, but she felt she could relate to the protagonist very well. Unfortunately, she didn't get very far into the story when she collided into somepony with her head and her book. She rubbed her head some and looked up to see a stallion who seemed to tower over here. She could faintly recognize him because of the dark orange coat and the brown mane and tail, but she was very intimmidated by him.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Meeting Place



Eternity was about to mention something to Silver Swirl. He was about to ask about the little green filly's magic. But As he was about to speak another mare bumped into him. She appeared to be reading a book. She was much shorter than Eternity and seemed pretty young. As soon as Eternity turn to see her face he recognized her right away. She was the young mare that he had always seen around Twilight. And the same one he saw in the foyer. She must of been Twilight student coming to meet her. She looked a bit shocked and intimidated. Eternity didn't mean to upset her. So he quickly apologized.


"Uh-Oh Oh sorry. Sorry. Must not of seen you there."  He put on a cheap smile. But he was curious though. He saw she had bags as well. She must be here to see the Archmagister. If she was her student maybe she would know something.


"Y-Your one of the Archmagisters students right? I think I've seen you around. You must be here to meet her too huh? Many of us Are. But no one seems to know why. So uhh..." He paused for bit. Eternity was never great at small talk. he wasn't entirely certain how to say this next sentence. "I was wondering if you knew why Twilight had sent for us. Since you are one of her students i thought you would know something."

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Drifting (Almost a Member of House Everfree) - The Edge of the Everfree Forest


Jades' face was still tear-stained from earlier that day, and her hooves were sore, raw, and bloody. It wasn't too far of a distance, but she hadn't gone this far from home since...she had never been this far from her home. But still, walking gave time for her to think. What will I do when I get to the Everfree? Am I ready for this? What have I gotten myself into...


As she approached the forest, Jade could sense all of the plants and animals breathing in unison, like how you can tell when somepony is lurking nearby. The trees towered over everything else, and bushes, roots, and fallen leaves covered the ground. Welcome to your new home, Jade thought bitterly. No. I need to embrace the forest. The members of House Everfree, soon me as well, are one with these woods. Closing her eyes and listening to every little sound, trying to understand the forest a bit more before joining its' people, Jade stepped into the Everfree. She didn't look back.

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 House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Meeting Place


And from what I could tell, I was the one doing the walking while levitating a book in front of my face... Star Rain's thought didn't turn into words, but the sarcasm showed a little. She saw two other ponies, both of which she didn't recognize. One of them though, the grey and white stallion, looked to be of a high rank and of significant value. He reminded her of the scientists she would occasionally see, but she wasn't so sure. She quickly closed her book and levitated it back into her saddlebags before facing the trio of ponies again. When the dark orange stallion told her a little something regarding the current situation, she didn't look the least bit surprised. I guess I'm not not the only then. Then again, I wonder what she's planning. Why is it imperative for her to meet me? I mean, I know I'm her student and all, but I don't think I'm that important to even meet with. In response to the orange stallion's question, she simply nodded and quietly added,"No idea."

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Everfree: Fluttershy's Briefing

The deer, mostly young bucks right in their prime and about twenty total, were called into Fluttershy's meeting hall after a short wait. "Each of you have been called here for a special mission. In the Everfree forest there is one who calls herself Lady Robin, or possibly Sparrow. She has knowledge that I wish to acquire. Each of you are to seek her out. The one who brings her to me alive will recieve a substantial gift from my possessions. Do not fail me." To any who pledged loyalty to Everfree, the simple notion of a gift from the Lady herself was rare and highly sought after. Duels to the death had secretly taken place over her favor more  once.


House Everfree: Sand meets Jade

He had managed to slip away for a moment, professing a need to heed nature's call. They would be suspicious if he was one too long, but he needed a moment alone. He did not expect to stumble into a stunning mare, whose beauty was not eclipsed by her sullen demeanor. Stammering an apology for running into her as he rounded a rock, he blushed brightly. "I am so sorry about that! Is there anything I can do to make up for it? M-my name is Sand by the way."

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Everfree: Fluttershy's Briefing The deer, mostly young bucks right in their prime and about twenty total, were called into Fluttershy's meeting hall after a short wait. "Each of you have been called here for a special mission. In the Everfree forest there is one who calls herself Lady Robin, or possibly Sparrow. She has knowledge that I wish to acquire. Each of you are to seek her out. The one who brings her to me alive will recieve a substantial gift from my possessions. Do not fail me." To any who pledged loyalty to Everfree, the simple notion of a gift from the Lady herself was rare and highly sought after. Duels to the death had secretly taken place over her favor more  once.


Rain quietly listened to Fluttershy speak, standing at the back of the small group of deer. He stood slightly taller than most of the other buck's in the room but didn't think anything of it, he focused more on what Fluttershy had to say.


When Fluttershy finished a few deer began walking towards the door, some faster than others, but Rain stayed and cleared his throat. "Forgive me my Lady...but...is anything else known about this...Sparrow ? Like where she may be rumored to be ? I don't fancy walking into the forest without knowing where I am supposed to be looking...it is a big forest after all so I was just wondering if there was a place we should...start." He said, trying his best to stay polite and taking a few step's closer to Lady Fluttershy.


He wasn't as interested in the gift as most of the other stag's would be...He would of course be honored to receive something from Fluttershy, but he was more interested in pleasing Lady Fluttershy than any gifts she may have for him...or any of the other stag's of course.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square




Perhaps subconsciously embracing the conflict, Fixit leaned against his cannon and raised an eyebrow at the slightly taller stallion.


"Are you trying to lecture me here? Because I've been in this goddamn military for 15 years and I think I know by now that if I can talk to my fellow stallions and get to know them, I'll be much more likely to lay down my life for them if need be." he sighed and shook his head "Look, I'm sorry for the rude greeting, I'm not good with other ponies. Spent most of my time with machines and farming equipment and never really got off the farm much until my 6th birthday, and even then I only had one friend who proceeded to betray me and the House in one fell swoop. I much prefer machines to ponies, they're so much simpler; they don't complain, they don't ask for much - just a tightened bolt or a squirt of oil once in a while - and-" he chuckled to himself then carried on "And they sure as hell don't get me into situations like this where I get all confrontational for no reason. Anyhow, you willin' to let me start this conversation over, or are you not talkin'?"

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square


Even at the sudden opening up Fixit made about his past, Long Stride continued to ignore much of what he was saying. "The past is a useless tool, guilt and and pain are all it offers. The more you suffer the better you get at hiding it." His gaze now shifted across to the stallion next to him, taking one last puff of his pipe before extinguishing it with his forehoof.


"Fifteen years on the front line, fifteen years as a Pony at Arms. That's how long it takes to break a pony." He glanced back down to the ground, remaining silent for a few more seconds. "To long."



House Everfree - Deep in the Forest


Well, Lily was not afraid to say she was completely lost. These woods had changed over the years, everything had become darker and fouler. It sent a sick feeling trough her stomach. The sparrow rested on her shoulder, stretching its wings and occasionally hopping around on its perch.


"Oh, I have no idea where we are. I could fly up above the trees if I wanted to? Oh, could you do me a favor little one?" The bird tilted its head in confusion. "I'm sorry to ask, but could you fly above the trees and just take a quick look to see where the old ruins are? It's nothing really."


The bird hoped around a bit before taking off in a whiz of fluttering feathers. "Don't be too long!" She called out after it. The sparrows were always very helpful, and very polite much of the time. They still called her Lady Sparrow even after she'd insisted they simply call her Lily. Then they'ed gone and told all their birdy friends and it spread from there.


The small sparrow reappeared from the canopy, landing on Lily's shoulder once more and chirping away. "Oh good, we're not too far off. Another few hours and we should be close. Let's just hope we don't met anypony less than kind along the way."


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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle – Meeting Spot


- I have no problems with ponies asking questions, sir. I have a problem with them asking particularly obvious questions. – She replied more or less politely, she didn’t want to cause a scene outside at least


“And no, I have not forgotten my homework. Even though I find it unlikely to have a proper chance to study anything astronomical while on the move.”


After hearing him out about the archmage, she would just slightly nod. She didn’t want her attention either, through unwanted attention had a tendency to find ponies which do not want it.


Looking over the amount of ponies and using common sense, Spell would say - “It’s probably something important. I would believe archmage wouldn’t do something that noticeable if it wasn’t of utmost importance. I can bet anything what very soon, everyone will know what there was a big shift in populous between here and our target destination. I’m kind of curious what that would be through. Definitely not a big cookie for all participants, that’s for sure.”


That last line she said in half-tones, she didn’t had lots of trust in Archmage Twilight.


She when would silently observe the grand show, Titanic and Iceberg, or one mare bumping into another stallion. She would say something, but it would probably hurt feelings on both sides, so she just stayed silent. And now she wanted a cookie, after speaking of them.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Whitegold


The Undercity


Swift scowled, once again cursing his bad luck. An Alicorn? As if! It was just another example of paranoia from those in high command... They get some intel that other houses are experimenting on Alicorns, and the next thing...


To be honest, it was more bad luck than anything else. Bad luck that round about the time that rumours of rival experimentation started to surface, rumours of an Alicorn in the Undercity also surfaced. If they wanted an Alicorn so badly, then why didn't they send soldiers? Why bother an agent with such a wild goose chase?


Swift looked disdainfully at his surroundings, the filthy structures, the stained ground, the hurried ponies. Sure was a far-cry from the illustrious environment that he was used to. Maybe if the top agents weren't stationed in secret within the other houses, then he wouldn't have been given such a futile task. Then again, in his mind he was the best agent within the 03... Maybe if he was to find an Alicorn within this mess of an Undercity, then he'd finally get that promotion to a class one. Of course, he'd been a class one until a few months ago... Until that disaster that had claimed half the agents, and left him shamed. Working his way back from that was going to be a task an a half, but it would be worth it to once again rise to the top. The other agents had only kept their positions because they weren't clever enough to run away...


He stopped suddenly, the filthy crowd pushing past him without curtesy. If there was an Alicorn down here, then he'd find it.


(OOC Wasn't sure how to post, or where to fit into Whitegold, so if I've made a mistake, then let me know.)

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Square




With the stallion's words came a certain feeling of sorrow and melancholy that Fixit found hard to describe. It reminded him of the stallions back at the South Earth Bastion who had been diagnosed with PTSD after so many years of what they now thought of as pointless fighting. Slaughtering and slaughtering until their minds grew numb from such repetitive disregard for life. It made him shudder to hear of it, and he hoped that fate would never take him until the House was victorious or lay in tatters.


What did you say to that kind of statement? Did he expect comfort? In a stallion of this temperament it was doubtful, to say the least. At best he would probably get a verbal lashing, at worst he'd be out cold on the floor in seconds. However, staying silent would serve to make the situation even more awkward...


This was why he hated meeting new people. he never knew what to say or when to say it, he was the least tactful person he knew. Yet, despite his worries, he decided to take stab at it.


"What makes you say that? he asked.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Everfree: Sand meets Jade

He had managed to slip away for a moment, professing a need to heed nature's call. They would be suspicious if he was one too long, but he needed a moment alone. He did not expect to stumble into a stunning mare, whose beauty was not eclipsed by her sullen demeanor. Stammering an apology for running into her as he rounded a rock, he blushed brightly. "I am so sorry about that! Is there anything I can do to make up for it? M-my name is Sand by the way."


Drifting (So Close to Being in House Everfree) - The Everfree Forest - Near the Dam-Building Stie


(OOC: Where exactly in the forest is this? Just wondering)


Jade had been listening to the noises of the animals and plants, and she found it was quite relaxing, aside from running into a few thorn bushes. Maybe being in tune with nature could will be nice. She attempted a few bird calls, and they were sometimes successful. She even managed to feed a bit of bread she had packed to one or two birds.


After walking for quite a while into the forest, Jade heard noises of other ponies...building, maybe. She headed in that direction, curious, and was surprized to bump into a rather handsome stallion, telling her his name was Sand. She didn't know what to say - it had been years since she'd had any social interaction with anypony who wasn't her family. "I...I..." Don't act like an idiot! she thought to herself irritantly. Recovering a bit slowly, she finally spoke again. "No, no it-it's fine. Nice to meet you, Sand. My name is Jade. Are-are you from House Everfree? Just wondering..."


I must look awful. My ear is still bloody and throbbing, my eyes must be puffy from crying, my mane and tail are probably messed up, I think I've got thorns sticking out of my hide, I kind of need a bath...



The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Cake Twins' Bedroom


After their failure, the Twins had gone straight to their room to rest. Pumpkin flopped onto her bed face-first and sighed rather loudly. Her brother was to tired to fly up to his bed, the top bunk of their bunk-bed, and he just collapsed onto the floor out of exhaustion. Pumpkin plopped her head onto her pillow. "We'll never be able to do it!" "What?" Pound Cake inquired - his sisters' voice was muffled by her pillow. Picking her head up, Pumpkin repeated what she said to Pound and stuck her head under her pillow. She fell asleep. Also very tired, Pound started to talk but trailed off into his dreams. "Maybe..whee could...find...abook 'bout it...or...sumthinn'..." *SNORE*

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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@@Spell Shock



House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Meeting Spot


Eternity sighed and the students remarks about the Archmagister. Figures, he thought to himself but didn't say outloud. He didn't want to seem rude. But he was intrigued and the young student-of-Silver-Swirl's remarks. She looks so young yet acts so mature. When a young filly acts like that it almost seems cute. Eternity smiled and responded to her.


"Well of course it's important! Since when is anything the Archmagister does not important?" Eternity chuckled a bit, but soon his smile disappeared. The filly does have a point, he thought to himself,  This IS really noticeable, I bet even the other Houses will notice something this big. What exactly is Twilight thinking?


Eternity continued to speak to the filly. "You do kind of have a point. This is noticeable. And on such a short notice too..." Ten all of  sudden, it hit Eternity. He remembered something from a couple days ago. "...wait" He turned to Silver swirl " do you think this would have anything to do with Twilight-"


"Anything to do with me what?"


Eternity was immediately silenced. He gulped. A sting of fear went up his spine. Oh no. Don't tell me she was listening in the whole time! I am so dead! Eternity turned around and his eyes widened, for Twilight Sparkle herself was standing right behind him, starring at him shooting cold icy daggers with her gaze. Darkness in her eyes as usual. She was wearing regal clothing. Must be a political occasion as well. Eternity gave a fake smile.


"Oh... Archmagister." Eternity bowed " It is so great to umm... see you again!" Eternity was a bit shocked, Twilight literally appeared out of nowhere. She must of teleported in.


Twilight smirked. She knew she has intimidated her former student with her sudden appearance. "I suppose its nice to see you again too, Eternity." She turned towards Star "And i see you are here as well my faithful student. But no time to talk yet i have to speak with the others first" She then walked past the four of them and started to converse with the others the area. All the generals and other important ponies. All of the them giving fake smiles and saying hello. Then she would give each of them orders and the soldiers would teleport off and the others would just run about, most hoping onto carriages.


She then finally turned to Silver Swirl and starting speaking softly so that not may would here her.

"Ah Silver Swirl. Good to see you too. But no time for chit-chat. I will speak to you on the way to Hoofington. Just step into that armored carriage over there. You will be riding with me and Trixie... whenever she gets here." She better be sober when I see her, Twilight thought to herself considering Trixie can get drunk from time to time. Though half the time you couldn't tell if she was sober or not.

"We have very important things to discuss. Oh and your little student there an go ride with my students over there."


Then she finally turned to Eternity and Star Rain.

"Now we can talk." She smiled "So how is everpony doing on this wonderful day! I sure you too have met already. If not, Eternity, Star Rain, Star Rain, Eternity." 


What the... Eternity thought to himself. She is so... PERKY? Why is she so happy? Shes never happy! Oh this is not a good sign...


"So!" Twilight said again "How are you two doing?" She continued to smile. It was almost scary to see her smile and not smirk.


"I'm... uhh... doing fine I suppose" Eternity responded.


"And you my faithful student?" Twilight said to Star Rain.

Edited by AnonBrony
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 House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Meeting Spot


Is she having a mood swing or something, going from dark and angry to light-hearted and happy? Or is she unsuccessfully using a peppy facade to cover it all up? Star Rain thought, not at all surprised that Twilight was here. However, she was taken aback by the archmagister's sudden cheerfulness. She turned toward the stallion and took note of his facial expressions. What is it? Is... Eternity is it? Is Eternity scared about something? Then again, I normally don't see Twilight looking this ecstatic. The unicorn barely heard Twilight's question with this maelstrom of thoughts going through her mind. She looked up at the archmagister and said,"Fine." She then took note of the fact that Silver Swirl and that other filly wasn't there. Huh. I guess this information we'll be receiving will have to be closed off to everypony else's ears. I wonder what's so top-secret that nopony else can here it besides us? Star Rain was starting to get sweaty under her robes, so she casted an ocean breeze spell on herself that lasted for 10 seconds.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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