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private An Unforgettable Day

Ice Storm

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A cooling breeze sent a shiver down Ice's spine on this somewhat cool Ponyville afternoon. It was just a gentle breeze, but at this point any small gust of wind was enough to put Ice Storm on edge given what the entire empire had just gone through. She was at the very least was happy that no pony was lost from the event. It would have been much harder for her to re-adapt after everything had settled if they had lost anypony from the winds, let alone the fight at the end. If there was one thing that she had taken from this event though, it was the one thing, or rather, many things that she had never really had prior to the adventure. Friends. If there was one thing that Ice Storm was grateful for that the entire mess with the winds had cause, it gave her friends. A group of ponies who she wasn't afraid of being herself around and who accepted her for who she was, problems and all. Something that she remembered not even her own parents had done.


She made her way into her shop after making sure that she had enough supplies to get through the day tomorrow and moved behind the counter. The café like room was almost pure white with icy blue table tops and a front counter that resembled a pure white snow drift. The entire decor was meant to remind a pony of a wintery setting. After all, it was a frozen treat parlor. Distracted with putting things away, Ice didn't even hear the door open or anypony walk in.


"I heard that you were able to find yourself a new family," she heard from a familiar voice behind her.


"Princess Luna!" she ran over from behind the counter and gave her a huge hug being the first time that she'd seen her mentor since she'd been back from the quest. "Oh thank Equestria you're okay. I was so worried," Ice said blushing a bit when she realized how she sounded... Which only succeeded in drawing a small laugh from the princess. "How did you find out though? I was planning on keeping that a secret until I had talked to you hoof-to-hoof," she asked.


"Haha, Ice surely you remember that I'm the princess of the night, and that I had at the very least watched over you're little group from Canterlot. However, unlike my sister, I wasn't immune to those winds naturally, and Celestia only had a barrier up here. I was unfortunately not able to replicate my sisters spell. That being said, I'm so very proud of you," the princess responded returning the hug. "I knew that you going to Ponyville would be for the best. I can't say that I haven't missed you around the Castle, but Ponyville Clearly has something that Canterlot lacks. After all, you aren't the only Princess Protégé who's gone to Ponyville and has had much better luck with friends," Luna smiled. "That being said though, I would appreciate it if you would come back by the castle from time to time... I miss our late night conversations, and well, I miss you. My actions to you were never a rouse for popularity. Believe me, I learned my lesson the last time I tried to do something solely for popularity... it... kinda didn't end well for everypony involved. Everypony got angry... I spent a thousand years on the moon... you know..." Luna stated.


Ice was taken back a bit. Of course Luna would have heard everything that they had talked about if she had been watching them. Which meant that she would have heard Ice's comment about whether her feelings were real or not. Looking back at the comments, and knowing that they were heard... made Ice feel really bad. "I'm sorry, I never meant any hard feelings by what I said, and I can guarantee that I'll be back at the castle from time to time. I might even bring a few of my friends with me if that would be alright."


"Of course. I would love to get to know them more. In fact I was kinda hoping I would run into a few of them here," Luna stated.


"Oh, I'm actually closed today. Iron Wing is supposed to take me to meet the rest of my new family. She should actually be here any time now. Oh speaking of which, how do you like my new shop and home? I think I did a good job with the decoration for the café part anyway," she told her.

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The day had a radiant sun over a blue sky that morning, over the fields filled with apple trees the sounds of the harvest could be heard, falling fruits, wooden wheels rolling and the hooves clashing agaisnt wood were the melody in Sweet Apple Acress since the first hours of the morning. But things were a little bit different at the Apple Family Farm, for some months a new helper was part of the daily labors and that particular character was a "not very common fella" just as the owner of the farm described him.


With a stance on two legs and hitting the trees with his front claws a black shaded dragon not much bigger than a pony was taking down the sweet natural treats of the world famous farm. It has been two months since the reptilian arrived to the small Ponnyville and since then he has been working for the Apples enjoying each and every day of it. "Take that one to the barn Colt a' bet you are in for a snack and a chilling jar of cider" said a blond mare crowned with a Stetson hat. 


Cleaning the satisfying sweat of a good early job with his paws the dragon waved back to the mare replying with a smirk on his face. "Ill have it as soon I get this into the barn, Boss"  more than a boss/worker relation Colt and Applejack have develop a solid friendship based on trust and good intentions. Pulling the cart through the dirt road the winged dragon was escorted by Applejack who was particular talkative that morning "So? today is the big day right hun?" she asked with a teasing voice knowing that he was kind of nervous about that day. "Dont talk about it Boss, last time she was here... well you remember... things well went out of hoof"  he said looking kind of miserable about what the day had ahead for him "Dont you think she would have change her mind by now, after all you two helped with all that magic wind mumbojumbo " the farmer replied to Colt as they arrived to the barn and taking the cart in. 


"Well I hope so, I dont want those two to be in bad terms... I just can choose one over the other you know" he said as Applejack closed the wooden red door "And they both are so suborn when they want to...they could be friends you know, if the situation was different" he gave a big sigh thinking in both his sister Emi and Iron Wing. "You sound like a worm in an apple sugar cube" said the earth pony teasing the dragon with his "drama" predicament. "Yeah you laugh, but think of yourself and Big Mac, what if a third element come to the equation?" he asked to the mare as the sat down to have the promised snack "Dont ask me that kind of things I just dont know" she answer "That's exactly how I feel" Colt told her with some nervous voice."Any way, cheers Colt, for a day that I think will be unforgettable". Colt just gave a annoyed smile and follow her hitting their jars of cider while saying "Makes me wonder"


The morning followed kind of the same way, the farmer earthpony kept teasing the dragon with the possible outcomes of the upcoming reunion as the both worked over in the fields. By the time the sun was on its peak the work for the day was over, Colt put extra effort to finish with his chores quickly. After a shower the dragon was walking towards Poniville's watch tower, @@Iron Wing, was waiting for him and he didn't wanted to be late. With butterflies in his belly and some goosebumps bellow his scales the dragon whispered "It really makes me wonder"

Edited by Colt
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Iron Wing got up early in the morning to prepare everything because the day would be going to be very important. While her lynx was sleeping in his basket and just looked from time to time what the excited mare was doing, Iron Wing ran through her watchtower nonstop. She started to clean up the watchtower beginning from the cellar and ending at the landing plattform on the third floor. Everything had to be perfect because this was the first visit of her friends. The plan she thought about was to meet up at Ice´s shop and gathering everypony. The time everypony got prepared, Iron would take all her friends to her watchtower to get something to eat before their departure. After that they would visit her parents near Cloudsdale and have a good time... or at least she hoped so. But before anypony could enter her watchtower she had to clean up everything! The cellar with the party room and the military stock, the ground floor with the kitchen and the living room, the first with her room and the guest rooms, the armory and tactical room including the cannons on the second floor and the landing platform and lookout in the third and last floor.


Almost 3 hours past by just by cleaning up and getting everything sparkling again. Duran the lynx already saved his and his sleeping basket up to the dining table and watched Iron Wing finishing the preparations. "You know you could have helped me fur ball!" she said to the cat. A yawning ~meow~ could be heard. "I could have, but then i would have missed this relaxing sleep..." was the reply within the cat noise he made. Of course Duran could also speak to her mind with his magical abilities, but his owner got the message nearly always. "Buck it you sleephead..." she just mumbled and continued to slip into her finest armor. It was an old but shining assault armor. She wanted to look the best the time she would meet with her friends, and Colt would arrive any minute now. He had told her to pick her up at the watchtower. She also put on a little saddlebag, but before she could insert anything, Duran hopped in. "All cats on board, full speed ahead!" the lynx shouted with a decent ~meooow!~. "Haha little one... But ok, if you want to come along..." Iron sighed and left the watchtower. She looked around and got sight of Colt. She waved for greeting him while Duran put on some aviator glasses he found within the little saddlebag. He looked funky with that outfit and he kept sitting within the bag like a pilot.


Iron Wing waited until Colt arrived and thought about the many many things she wanted to share with her friends. Electrobolt, Daylight, Alex and Ice, her new little sister... that day would be so awesome. Sure Ice wanted to know her new family, Daylight would be interested perhaps in some of the books she owned and Alex and Electro probably would check out the cannons or perhaps the party room. "Look who is there! Nice to see you Colt!" she said and hugged him. "My navigator shall direct us to our destination..." she mumbled giggling and showing Colt the little pilot lynx in her saddlebag which looked outside.

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Today is a calm and peaceful day in Ponyville, as the sun stood high while the air was nice and cool. At Ponyville Park, a young, lime-green colt was casually trotting along with a smile on his face. Looking around the area, he saw a few smiling ponies playing around. Closing his eyes, he recalled the memories of when he returned after stopping the winds. The first thing he did was return home, seeing his parents wide awake now. After having seen them wide awake, he couldn't help but shed a few tears and rush up to them, giving the both of them a big hug.


Taking in a deep breath, Electrobolt then opened his eyes as he looked up towards the sky. It was fairly clear, let alone a few stray clouds. The sun, clearly visible, was slightly off-centered, showing that it was past noon already. "Is it that late already...?" muttered the young colt as he looked back to what was in front of him. It was a good thing he did so, too, as he nearly walked straight into the park fountain. Shaking his head, he said, "Whoa... That was a close call... Don't wanna take a bath this early. Heheh..." He gave out a slight chuckle as he began to look around.


"Hmm... I wonder how Ice and the others are doing..." he mused to himself. "Perhaps I should go and pay Ice a visit today." Nodding to himself, he then started to leave Ponyville park to head for Ice's home. As he walked by, he took in the sights of the town as he saw a number of ponies walking by. Smiling, he continued to walk through the town. Eventually, he came across Ice's home, which was also her shop. As she approached the building, she noticed the door was wide open. Blinking, he was curious. Did Ice leave the door open, or did somepony enter himself? Shaking his head, he approached the door.


As soon as he got close, he called out, "Ice? Are you in there?" As he started to enter the building, he had seen Ice speaking with another pony, but this pony he recognized almost immediately. This pony was Princess Luna! He didn't expect to see the Princess of the Night in Ice's shop, not one bit. Almost instinctively, Electrobolt knelt down before the princess and looked to the ground. "P-Princess Luna..." he finally uttered. "I... It's an honor to meet you..."

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"I can definitely say that the decor is fitting for you Ice. If I hadn't known any better, I'd guess that I was in an arctic tundra. I really like how you did the walls to make them look like they keep going on each side," Luna told her looking around. The paint on the walls, and the attention to detail was something that she hadn't expected. It was almost to the point to where you could see the ice crystals themselves in the ice sheets that were painted on. Of course she couldn't really say that she was surprised. This was Ice Storm that they were talking about here. If there was one thing that she knew about Ice, was that she definitely lived up to her namesake, and in some cases, both instances of her name. She still couldn't believe herself though that there were ponies out there that were... so cruel to their own... well, actually yeah she could. There were ponies like that a thousand years ago, and even though it was obvious that a lot as chanced during her time on the moon, she also noticed just as many... of the unfortunate things that hadn't changed.


"Hehe, thanks. I wish I could take the credit for the actual painting, but that was actually a local up-coming painter here in town... though I forgot to get his business card so I forgot what his name was. The general design was my idea, but... let's just leave it at there's a reason that my special talent is Ice and not paint... When I tried to do it... well... let's just say I had to pay him twice. Once to fix my mess, and then the second so that he could actually do his job," she said with a giggle.


"And you mentioned that Iron Wing was taking you to meet the rest of the family... I wonder if she would allow me to join you. After all, I would very much like to meet the ponies that took my friend under their wings," Luna added with a smile. She had always hoped that at least a day like this would come for Ice. Granted Ice knew that Luna was always there for her, since well... Ice had been one of the very few that had been there for herself. And that number grew even less when her night was invaded by the mystical winds that threatened to destroy everything. She sighed. At least that nightmare was over.


"Hmm, well. Iron should be here within the next hour or two, so you can ask her. I would say yes, but... it's her call in the end and I don't want to say something that might upset her," Ice finished as she heard her name called from over by the door. She looked over Luna's wings and shoulder and saw Electro standing behind her in the doorway. "Hey Electro! Yeah, I was just putting some things away when Princess Luna, my idol and mentor came in," she told him making Luna blush a bit.


Luna quickly regained herself though and trotted over to where Electro had knelt, "Rise, please, and just call me Luna. A friend of Ice is a friend of mine, and being called a princess around friends is just... a bit too formal for me. My sister would disagree if she were here but... she's not so, Luna is fine," she told him with a bright smile. "So you're Electro. I guess I have a lot that I shoudl be thanking you for; Saving Equestria, Making sure Ice and the others got back in one piece, and most importantly what you and the entire group of ponies have done not only for ice, but for each other as well. Dare I say that we have two teams each equally as capable of wielding the elements as the other. Of course, I'd rather not get into a situation where we have to resort to Twilight and her friends or you ponies again to begin with, but I feel a lot better, especially at night, since we have two equally as powerful teams that are ready to go at a moments notice," Princess Luna said proudly.

  • Brohoof 2


Princess Luna is best pony

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Not to far on the distance the golden eyes of a walking dragon noticed a blue pegasus mare waving at him. In many ways that image under the shadow of the tower make him feel a little less stress about what was forward during that day. The image also gave him some  courage to do something that before the Nightingale Winds incident was unthinkable for him. As he approached to the tower he stood on his hind legs and took off his hood waving back in a timid way with a slight smile, the ponies around the road gaze upon him but no screams, no fear in their faces, just surprise and some whispers between them but not what was before. That was the most amazing reward for Colt, the treasures behind Canterlot vaults were no match for this, he was able to walk almost as one of them showing his face and what he was not being... a monster.


"Look who is there! Nice to see you Colt!"


"That's something Im starting to get used to hear" he said when she was close enough to hear him. A shine in his eyes reflecting the joy to see her again and a sincere smile was there to make the gesture work. And then it was time to start facing what was going on "Hey before any other thing. Thanks a lot for letting...her into this, I know last time she was not very, polite" a pause was made there while some records were played in his mind "Nope, not polite at all... any how this means a lot to me and her... to both of us and maybe my little sis will not know this by now but I have this feeling that by the end of the day well... she will had a change of heart." a bigger more calm smile was sketched at the face of the dragon as he set his paw over Iron's shoulder. 


For him this day was very important, the chance to make both parts of his life become one was at hand and he was going to make all of it happen.  "Hello there fur ball I can see you are ready to lead" Colt said to Duran watching with amusement how the feline was all dressed up and ready to go. "Hope you will know the way to the train station we have to pick up her before going to Ice's house" he said to Duran scratching with his claws behind the kitties ear to make him purr a little. 




"Next Stop Ponyville, Ponyville it is" was the loud voice of the train staff telling the passengers it was time to get their things ready  to walk down the train. A white pegasus mare was standing at the last part of the train enjoying the trip and the wind flowing in her mane. For her and her mind this was going to be the best part of her day because she was far from exited about the "plans" for it.


"But you have to come I know you will love it" she said with a sarcastic voice mimicking the manners of a whining immature filly while quoting for herself the words of her brother. "Enjoy being around, HER while everypony celebrates how you two  became Team B..." she sighed and went to her cabin walking with no much enthusiasm. "I don't know why I gave in to this" she whispered  when she got her saddlebags getting ready to get off the train. "Just to see how you change us for a new family" were her words as the train whistled and slowed down making its arrival to the town home of the Elements of Harmony. 

Edited by Colt
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As Electrobolt remained kneeling, he could hear the princess approach him. As soon as she spoke, Luna stated that he could rise and call her Luna instead. Once she has said this, he got back onto his hooves and nodded. "Um, alright Pr--- I mean, Luna..." he responded, before looking away for a second. *That's gonna take a bit of getting used to...* he thought, before returning his attention to Luna as she spoke again. As she spoke about how he and the group had saved Equestria from the winds, he couldn't help but blush.


Luna then continued from there, saying that they had a second group that she felt could harness the Elements of Harmony. *Eh...? What could she mean by that...?* Electrobolt thought, slightly confused. Just when he finished his thoughts, the princess stated that even though she didn't want to get into a situation whether they'd choose the Element Bearers or this group of ponies, she was just as pleased to have a second group to help out should the need arise. At this remark, Electrobolt couldn't help but blush again.


Now that Luna had finished, Electrobolt looked back over to the princess and smiled, his face still showing a bit of blush. "Um... Thanks for those kind words, Luna..." he stuttered, not quite used to this yet. "I, uh... I appreciate it... I really do..." At this moment, he looked away again as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. As he took a few more deep breaths, his face lost the blush as his shyness slowly went away. After taking one last deep breath, he looked back to Luna with a calm smile. "Sorry about that, Luna... It's just... I'm not quite used to all this yet... Eheheh..."


After having finished speaking, he let out an embarrassed chuckle with a sheepish grin on his face. As he looked around the room, he noticed that it was empty, except for himself, Luna, and Ice. Around that moment, he recalled his original intention was to meet up with Ice and see how she was doing. But then seeing Luna had surprised him, and he had forgotten about it at the moment. Now that he recalled his original intentions, he was curious. "Um, Luna..." he began. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but... What is the occasion for your visit...?"

Edited by Jolteon
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(OOC: Upon the request of some other members) this RP takes place a couple weeks after quest instead of a couple days.)


Luna and Ice Storm both waited for Electro to rise and come in. It kinda made Ice wonder what the rest of her friends' reaction would be to finding Luna here. It would obviously be an unexpected turn of events. They could hear the slight sheepishness in his voice though during his own response to Luna. Ice noted the slight stutter when it came to her name. She couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. He first thanked Luna for her kind words and then told her that he wasn't quite used to this yet. "Most ponies aren't," Ice told him. "There are still many ponies that refuse to give her even a chance. Ponies who weren't even alive when anything was done while she was Nightmare Moon," Ice started before Luna waived her off with a hoof. It was obvious that even among friends, Nightmare moon was still a very touchy topic for the princess. After all, she hated what she had become, and even more so, the resentment that came with it. The only difference now between how ponies felt for her now, and how they felt back then, was now she deserved the ridicule. At least to an extent.


Luna was always happy around Ice though. She knew Ice was one of a very few number of ponies that could talk no ill-will about her. Luna didn't even think that a negative thought could exist in Ice's head in regards to herself. "It's okay Ice. It's still no where near as bad as it used to be in the past. Besides, you have to remember, in my return from banishment, I was still Nightmare Moon for however brief a time it was," she responded before turning back to Electro. "I have been doing what I can though to help everypony that's willing to accept it. I can't expect to regain any sort of respect if I set back and do nothing," commented as he had asked why exactly Luna had come. "Oh, Ice Storm used to be an apprentice of mine. Kind of like how Twilight is to my sister. I found her just older than a filly, and she appeared to have been badly beaten, and well, wasn't the best site at the time, so I took her back to the palace where we had some of our nurses look at her and get her fixed up.


When I got a chance to talk to her, and she told me about what happened to her, and what had been currently happening to her, I couldn't help but take her in. It took a quite a bit of convincing from my sister but... She already had Twilight as personal protégé, and I wasn't about to let a pony go through what I had gone through. And now," she said turning to look towards her. "I couldn't be any more proud of her," she stated enticing a blush from Ice. "And that as mainly the primary reason as to why I was here. As I was telling Ice before you got here, unlike my sister, I was not immune to these winds, nor could I replicate the spell that she used to protect everyone else. That being said, along with protecting the remaining citizens of Ponyville, my sister also had a barrier up here keeping the winds from getting in. That made it to where I was unable to be of any real help. So instead I often used a special part of the palace while I was awake at night to watch over everypony at night. There wasn't really anything I could do but watch, but it at least helped me cope with not being able to come myself.


Once everything was done though, and everypony was back, I hadn't heard from Ice in about a week or so. So I made it of great importance that I made sure that she was okay fact-to-face, and now, here I am," she responded in a friendly relaxed tone. "And at any rate it feels good to be out of the castle. When you've been couped up in one place for too long, even one as big as the castle, you can go a bit stir-crazy," Luna finished with a laugh.

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"Hey before any other thing. Thanks a lot for letting...her into this, I know last time she was not very, polite" a pause was made there while some records were played in his mind "Nope, not polite at all... any how this means a lot to me and her... to both of us and maybe my little sis will not know this by now but I have this feeling that by the end of the day well... she will had a change of heart." a bigger more calm smile was sketched at the face of the dragon as he set his paw over Iron's shoulder.


Iron Wing sighed, since she didn´t have a good feeling about this. But since it was that important for him, she accepted his request and now Earth Miracle, the sister of Colt would join them on the family reunion. But did she want a reunion for real? Iron wasn´t that sure about the alabaster coloured mare and her real intentions. Celes had learned from her pet that she was friends with him so she wouldn´t be alone at all. "Ok... if she won´t insult me or my family in any way i won´t have a problem with her beeing around. But be sure that i will sit down on her make her thin like a pancake if she tries to argue with me too much...." she warned her special somedragon about her ideas.



"Hello there fur ball I can see you are ready to lead" Colt said to Duran watching with amusement how the feline was all dressed up and ready to go. "Hope you will know the way to the train station we have to pick up her before going to Ice's house" he said to Duran scratching with his claws behind the kitties ear to make him purr a little.


Duran watched both and let Colt scratch him a bit. "Of course i know the way. What did you think flying crocodyle?" was the meaning behind his meowing. He pulled a bit on Iron Wings mane to get her moving. "Owwiie! On my way, on my way!" the blue pegasus just replied to the cats actions. "Howdy! There we go! Out of the way, heavy transporter coming!" the cat meowed. "This is just my armor that make me heavy you little... oowwieee!" was the reply, and the knightly pegasus started to move into the direction of the train station. With heavy hoove steps the "transporter" moved with it´s pilot Duran and the walking crocodyle escord to get Emi. This surely would be an interesting day for the cat... with lots of fun!



"Just to see how you change us for a new family" were her words as the train whistled and slowed down making its arrival to the town home of the Elements of Harmony.


After a short while they arrived at the train station. The alabaster coloured mare was standing and waiting for them and duran steered his vessel in front of her. "Hooo.... good girl." he meowed and gave Iron Wing a smack on her back. Very fast he build up a mental magical link to Emi to greet her properly and to make it impossible to the others to hear him since he just meowed until now to express the meaning of what he wanted. "Greeting to you Emi. I hope you had a nice trip." he welcomed her. "I shall squish you in your sleep Duran..." Iron mumbled while smiling to Emi to greet her. "Welcome back to Ponyville..." she started a second approach since the first one was a failure back then.

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Daylight awoke but did not open his eyes at first. Instead he just lay in bed for a while reminiscing over the previous nights events. He had never been much of a morning person and only got up early when he needed to but when he was exhausted as he was last night there was no way he would be able to get up early.

Eventually he yawned, opened his eyes and turned over to look at the empty space next to him. Ice had apparently already gotten up sometime earlier. “That mare is just full of energy...” he said slyly to himself as he got of out bed slowly and stretched then looked at the time. “Crap! It’s almost midday!” He thought. Before he jumped up and began to prepare for the day.

It had been two weeks since they had ended the winds in Ponyville, and on that day that they returned Day went straight back to Manehatten to prepare everything he needed to move in with Ice Storm before returning with only the essential items. Anything he couldn't carry had been shipped back to Ponyville though Derpy Mail, who he was reluctant to go with as he heard heard a number of incidents occurring with them mainly where things got delivered to the wrong places but as it was the cheapest option and all of that stuff was unimportant he didn't mind too much if it took just a little bit longer to find it’s way here.

What most surprised Day was how quickly he was able to settle in with Ice. Normally for him things like sleeping in a different bed to just generally being in a different environment unnerved him but this time... it was almost like he was meant to live here...
Day was standing in the bathroom staring at his reflection, when he realized he had been distracted. He shook his head and quickly tried to get himself ready. Today was the reunion of everypony from the quest group and he was quite looking forward to seeing them all again together.

As Day walked down the stairs into the shop, he heard voices talking, as well as one that was not familiar to him and break out into a laugh. When he reached the bottom he could see Ice standing there as well as Electro but he was surprised to see the two of them were talking to Princess Luna. He was sure one of them had seen or heard him approach so he spoke up.
“Morning Ice! And Hey Electro!” He said cheerfully to the pair of them before turning to speak to Luna. “Good morning Princess Luna”, he said, slightly bowing. “Ice has told me a lot about you, including how you prefer to skip the formalities but as this is the first time we have met I did so out of respect.” he said with a friendly smile.

“I guess it isn't morning anymore now though” he said glancing over to check time time again. “Sorry about that. I slept in due to being... rather tired last night.” He finished sheepishly looking at Ice. “Anyway, how have you been Electro?” He said to him not wanting to leave him out. “And is everything just about ready for today Ice?” He finished as he walked over in their direction.

Edited by Dave247
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After he had finished speaking, Electrobolt looked at Luna, honestly curious about what she had come down to Ponyville for. However, Ice had jumped in, saying that nopony gave Luna a chance, even when they weren't around during Nightmare Moon's appearance. But just as quickly as she said that, Luna waved a hoof at Ice. But afterwards, she had spoken up while looking at the unicorn, saying that it was alright to her before returning her own attention to the young earth pony. She then said that she was doing what she could to help everypony willing to accept it.


After that moment did Luna explain her reasoning for why she had come to Ponyville. Electrobolt was a little surprised to hear that Ice had been an apprentice to Luna, much like Twilight to Celestia. He then heard Luna explain how they met, that Ice had been beaten pretty bad and had to be treated. Upon hearing this, how Luna cared for Ice and took care of her, his face had a small smile sprout up. Hearing about the princess caring for Ice just made him feel happy that Luna and Ice did get along with each other. She then added that she was proud of her pupil, which caused Ice to blush.


After looking away from Ice and back to Electrobolt, Luna resumed by saying that she was not immune to the winds, unlike Celestia, whom put up a barrier to block the winds. She did, however, have a special chamber in Canterlot Castle where she could watch over the ponies at night, to ensure that they would be safe. After the winds had been stopped and everything was back to normal, though, Luna had not received word from Ice in a week's time. *She must have been worried for Ice, after not hearing from her for that long... I most likely would be too, if I were in her shoes...* he thought, still smiling lightly.


Luna then added that being in one place for too long, even a large location such as the castle, could drive a pony stir-crazy - to which she ended that note with laughter. Hearing Luna laughing, he couldn't help but crack a bigger smile. However, just a little afterwards, he heard somepony else calling out to him. Turning his head in confusion, he then saw Daylight. "Oh, hey Daylight!" he called out in response, before seeing him greet Luna. After greeting her, he checked the time before realizing it wasn't morning. At this, Electrobolt couldn't help but chuckle at the goldenrod unicorn.


After that, however, Daylight looked back to Electrobolt, asking how he had been. With a smile, he responded, "Oh, I've been good, Day. To be honest, things haven't really changed all that much for me." After he finished speaking, he saw Daylight turn around and speak to Ice, asking if everything was ready. Electrobolt had a confused look on his face for about a minute, before his eyes widened. *Oh, right! Isn't today the day Ice planned for? Meeting her new family and all? How could I forget???* He wanted to smack his face right there, but resisted as he didn't want to do so in front of his friends, moreso in front of Luna.

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The station was lively and crowded the steam from the train clouded the full sight of the Ponyville station and Emi just enjoyed the time she took to slowly get down of it. There was something about this enormous machines she loved and because of that tons of stuff were in her mind as she walked to the end of the platform to see the Locomotive wondered by the power of the machine and the endless amount of devices working together to accomplish such a wonderful achievement. "All aboard" said the staff of the train, words that echoed some times again while the white pegasus watched the movement of the wheels being covered by the steam of the machine, "Wow" she said with joy and a face of a little filly as the train made it out of the station. Her sight was covered by the steam but she knew the welcoming party was already there.


The mare slowly trotted a few steps without crashing against any pony in the cloud it looked like she was able to see through the steam and dust to finally walk out of it to see the group meant to welcome her,her brother the dragon on the distance her friend the lynx, and... her. 



"Greeting to you Emi. I hope you had a nice trip."


"Welcome back to Ponyville..."


With a equable face and remembering the good manners given by her parents Earth Miracle returned the greet "Hello Iron Will..." she stooped for a second and bit her tongue making a silly face realizing she just spoke her mind and the terrible way that was to start the day "...Wing, Iron Wing, "  I guess its good to be back", she said and bowed to her host that was the moment where her eyes found the little rider the blue pegasus had on her back. "But look who do we have here" she said to Duran "Arent you the most cute looking little pilot there is" she said to Duran very happy to see the lynx once more. Duran smiled back to her and jumped from Irons back to Emi who welcomed him with a hug.




Ok... if she doesnt insult me or my family in any way i wont have a problem with her being around. But be sure that i will sit down on her make her thin like a pancake if she tries to argue with me too much....

The dragon felt some shame for the bad impression his sister left on Iron the last time she was around and tried to do something to soften Iron's hard judgement over her "Dont be like that last time there was so much going by in her hear, you know new knew crazy things she was just overwhelmed by all of it, She wont insult you or your family Im sure of that" that were his words but Colt was really worried about the temperament factor here, both Iron and Emi were powder ready to explode on that term, that was for sure, but if to that equation you get the variable named Minia, the dragon's mind snapped out of his dreadful visions with a cold sweat and feeling of doom by the same time Duran lead them to the station. The concerns about the day in Colt's mind were so deep the "crocodile" nickname just slipped over his scales like water and didn't even noticed how the little jerk were using Iron Wing as his personal mount, his mind was in "auto-mode" and just followed the armored mare and the feline with just one idea in mind. "Dont kill each other PLEASE dont kill each other".


Walking like a Zombie Dragon Iron Wing and Duran took an advantage of one or two minutes over the dragon. By the time he saw them... they were greeting... at least they were still alive, and less violent than the worst case scenario in his mind pictured. For a second the Dragon forgot about his worries with the picture, and felt joy that took the shape of a smile in his face. "Forget about the bad outcomes Colt this day we all will be part of something... finally" his mind spelled the moment he reached them.


"Hello sis, its great to see you again I'm so glad you are here" the dragon said to his sister "Well the letter said it was very very very important to you so Here I am" she replied and with no exaggeration... Colt really wrote that, thing that made the dragon blush a little "Well yes... it is very important jeje. Let me help you with your saddlebags" he said taking the baggage from Emi telling the group about the next destination.


"Well time to pick up for Ice and the others, To Ice's house that is right Iron?" the group started to walk and Emi with some awkward feeling tried to break the ice with Iron Wing. "So... how has been work? any new adventures for the Guardian of Team B" then she felt a little spike in her heart that made her complete her questions with a rude tone "Or you have been too busy with THIS dragon needs" she referring to the injuries Colt suffered during the Nightingales Wind and maybe some other stuff "Whats wrong with you Emi why did you said that?" her mind scolded her.


Colt just felt how his body went cold "... so this is how it begins" he thought.

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"Iron Will..." she stooped for a second and bit her tongue making a silly face realizing she just spoke her mind and the terrible way that was to start the day "...Wing, Iron Wing, " I guess its good to be back",

Iron Wing sighed but kept her smile on. Did she do that on purpose again like the last time they met? But Celes had promised Colt to be more patient with Emi, so she would go along with it. While Duran cuddled with Emi and sat on her back instead of Iron Wings, some feelings of envy came up in her belly, but she wouldn´t be distracted now. She had much more to do so it would be the best for her not to make a wrong move.

"Well time to pick up for Ice and the others, To Ice's house that is right Iron?"

Celes smiled at Colt nodding. "Yes, we get Ice and the others, go back to my tower and prepare for departure. I have prepared everything needed for the trip and i hope everypony will have some fun!" she replied and started to walk into the direction of Ice´s house and shop. Since she was the town guardian she knew about most shops. She was very excited to meet with her friends and there was nothing that could possibly stop her now. No monsters, no dangers and no little sisters which kept getting on her nerves.

"So... how has been work? any new adventures for the Guardian of Team B" then she felt a little spike in her heart that made her complete her questions with a rude tone "Or you have been too busy with THIS dragon needs" she referring to the injuries Colt suffered during the Nightingales Wind

Colt could perhaps hear the gnashing of teeth from Iron Wing, and her face expression just showed that she could just eat Colts sister. But because she never wouldn´t do such a thing, she had to calm down. She took a deep breath and gave Emi a look that said much like "i stomp you into the ground where you stand" and sighed a little annoyed. "My work has been fine and i didn´t go on any dangerous adventures. The job includes scouting, guarding the town, patrolling and of course to maintain peace and order." explained to Emi´s first question. "... and yes, if your brother does have any needs he can´t handle on his own, i am happy to help him..." she finished. They walked not too long and got sight of Ice´s shop and reached it finally. "There we are...." she just said and knocked on the door before entering the shop. Since on the sign was written "open" she thought that she just could enter.

Edited by Iron Wing
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"... and yes, if your brother does have any needs he can´t handle on his own, i am happy to help him..."


The firts blows of the "declaration brawl" were taken and to be fair Iron took them like the most regal lady in the courts of Canterlot  Even with her very strong temperament she was there eating the words of his sister. Colt, on the other hoof had a terrible mix of feelings, Emi had never been like this, she always showed a kind heat to eveypony and the dragon was always proud of the lady like manners she got from mom back in the farm this was a totally new little sister and if he made a move quick she would become a totally new and dead little sister below Iron's hooves. "Yes!, well Iron was of great help those days I was recovering hahaha" the dragon said to keep the conversation into a safe kind of content. "The bands change sure were a bother and not being able to work on the apple fields was kind of hard but now thanks to her Im back into full health" were the words from Colt that now was between the dagger like eyes of both winged mares, he felt like being stabbed from both flanks.  


"Well Its good to know that you have somepony so eager to keep you safe " Emi said with a certain annoyed tone but it was her best try to thank the armored mare for helping her brother. "Even if I cant be of help any more" the white pegasus whispered in a very low voice nor Iron or Colt were able to listen but Duran's mind sure did. "Well yes, now that you have that amazing scholarship things were getting lonely for me but who could new your tip of moving to Ponyville would bring such a great time... and friends " just as the dragon finished this line the group was at the door of Ice's shop.



"There we are...." she just said and knocked on the door before entering the shop. Since on the sign was written "open" she thought that she just could enter.


The siblings followed the lead of the guardian and entered the shop while doing so Emi asked them about the owner of the shop. "So who is this Ice Storm again?" Colt realized the voice of her sister was returning back to her normal self also the spark of curiosity was a sign of her normal attitude so he answer with a low voice looking towards his sister  "She is the pony that lead us to beat the Nightingale " he explained that, something Emi already knew and kept on with more "confidential" information. "Iron and Ice became close during their mission and today is the day Ice will become Princess Luna..." the dragon raised his eyes into the store and what he found was something that froze him at that spot. 


Still below the frame of the front door the golden eyes of Colt were fixed over the alicorn of the night he stood there like a statue not releasing a sound or moving a single muscle he was unable to believe that she was there. 


"Ice would become Princess Luna?, stop being silly Colt how can that be possible" Emi said with a mocking voice before noticing how her brother stayed in the door. The violet eyes from the white pegasus followed the stare of her brother's eyes to find the source of his paralysis, then the words of Colt made sense the Moon herself was standing in front of them with a young stalion and a cute unicorn mare to her sides. "Princes Luna" Emi echoes the last words from his brother as she bowed her head extending her left hoof to salute the monarch of the night.


Still the alabaster mare couldn't believe the impact she had on her dragon brother. Colt was never a big follower of celebrities or royalty and for sure he stood in front of far more terrifying creatures still   Earth Miracle never saw a reaction like the one the  dark scaled dragon was having now, Iron Wing also looked confused about the reaction of Colt caused by the ethereal maned princess. 


"Why is she here?" was the only idea in the dragons mind that echoed there for moments that for him felt like hours.

Edited by Colt
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Alex flew above Ponyvile as he worked on busting up clouds and moving them around to give the cool day feeling for Ponyville while allowing the sun to shine for the most part.  He felt glad that the events at the mysterious temple was over for them.  It had taken every ounce of his physical ability to be able to make it through the events without losing anypony, especially Electrobolt and Ice Storm.  "They're my best friends, but now after all that I've gained new ones...  At least my friend, Aurora was able to wake up again..."  Alex thought to himself, feeling glad that everything had worked out in the end.


He felt that there were still some questions left unanswered, but after the final battle he realized that there won't be a chance to ask them unless he mounted another expedition back to the temple.  Fortunately, he was done adventuring for a while.  Now, he was ready to kick back and relax the way he usually does: by attempting to perform the Sonic Rainboom.  Alex flew up high into the sky about ten thousand feet into the air adjacent from Ponyville where he was up to the same level as Cloudsdale, his home.  He gave his wings some experimental flaps to warm them up and gave a few deep breaths before he darted back down towards the ground at breakneck speed.  He was flying faster and faster as he breached up to Mach three, breaking the sound barrier creating a Sonic Boom for everpony nearby to hear.  "Come on, gotta go faster..."  Alex thought to himself, flapping his wings faster and harder.  He breached up to Mach four as he closed into Mach five, which he knew was where Rainbow Dash needed to be in order to create the Sonic Rainboom.


As he got closer to Mach five, he felt the mach cone form around his body.  He needed to go faster in order to break through the mach cone to jump up instantaneously to Mach ten, which would create the Sonic Rainboom.  If he doesn't break it, then he would be sent rebounding back from the barrier.  "That's it, I'm almost there..."  Alex thought to himself, seeing the ground come closer and closer to him.

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Ice sat back and listened as Luna spoke to Electro and answered his question as to why she was here. She to, smiled at the comment about going stir crazy inside the castle.  She could relate to that just as much as Luna could, which was why she spent most of her evenings out in the main park after everypony else had already gone to bed for the evening. She had always been a late-night pony and even to this day she spend most of her time in Ponyville Park. Stargazing had become one of her favorite past-times and whenever the skies were clear she could sit in a park for hours on end and just stare at the stars.

The sound of hoof steps coming from the stairs about must have meant that Daylight was finally awake. When Ice had left out this morning, he was still out cold from their long night the previous evening. She heard him begin trotting down the stairs, and his reaction to seeing the princess was about as anypony would expect it to be. Before approaching her her however, he greeted herself and Electro prior to addressing the princess. "I think you mean good afternoon," Ice giggled teasingly.


Princess Luna also heard him come down the stairs, and considering that it didn't appear that Electro had any more questions at the moment, she turned her attention to him. She listened to the burnt Goldenrod colored stallion as he mentioned that Ice had told him a lot about her, and how she normally preferred skipping the formalities on most occasion, however, he only found it appropriate to do so since it was their first meeting. The princess nodded. "I appreciate it, but you are correct in knowing that it is not needed. After all, friends need not to address one another by their titles shall they? One would think that to be rather silly," The princess stated.


"And likewise, I've learned a great deal about you as well Daylight. Like I was telling Ice and Electro, I have been watching all of you since the very first night that you set fourth to deal with the winds as it was really the only thing that I could do. So that being said, I saw what you did for Ice when she had her accident, and I also saw how you helped take care of her the following morning. I also did a bit of research of my own to learn a little bit more about you after hearing as well that you and Ice were planning on entering a relationship together. Considering that Ice I've been the closest thing that Ice has had to a mother, I wanted to make sure that I knew everything about the special somepony that she had put her faith in. And from what I've seen, with pasts so similar and the hurt so similar that has been felt, I don't think that there could have been a better union to alleviate the negative emotions that you both possessed. That being said, I officially give you both my blessings on that matter entirely. I can think of no better couple at the moment," the princess stated enticing another deep blush from Ice Storm.


Just then a knock came to the door, drawing the attention of both Luna and Ice and there in the door stood Iron Wing and Colt. Princess Luna knew Iron Wing as the Pony that was the one that was also taking Ice under her wing, However This dragon Colt, She felt like she knew him from somewhere else, but for the life of her she couldn't remember where. Perhaps once she talked with him, she would have a better understanding about the strange feeling of de'javu that she was feeling.


"Hey Iron Wing, hey Colt! Look who came to join us!!" Ice stated bright and cheerfully, Luna just taking a nod.


"Indeed. I had hoped to have met all of you much sooner but, this was the first time that I could actually get out of the castle since the winds had relented and at that point my priority was checking up on Ice Storm. When I got here today though, she mentioned that you were having some sort of reunion, or get together, and I was wondering if it might be okay if I were to tag along as well. I would much like to meet the ones that were nice enough to allow Ice into their family and give them thanks in ponyson," the princess explained. She could only hope that she wouldn't be imposing too much.

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Princess Luna is best pony

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"Well Its good to know that you have somepony so eager to keep you safe " Emi said with a certain annoyed tone but it was her best try to thank the armored mare for helping her brother.


Iron wasn´t sure about the meaning of the sentence Emi said. She sounded just as a pony that didn´t like Iron at all, but on the other side perhaps she had some emotions within her she couldn´t fend off. It was hard for Iron Wing to decide what to do next. She wanted to send her flying into the next wall on the one hoove, and on the other, she wanted to hug her. But she decided to do nothing and just to keep on until she could get to know Earth Miracle a bit better. Like the guardian she was, she would not judge a pony just from a couple of impressions. She wanted to know everything before she would get her final impression.



"Even if I cant be of help any more" the white pegasus whispered in a very low voice nor Iron or Colt were able to listen but Duran's mind sure did.


Duran just knocked a paw with a bit more strength on Emis Head. "Don´t think something like that. You have a great impact on both, Iron and Colt. You are important. Start to open your eyes, stupid." he said to her, cuddling something more into her mane. Duran loved the fluffy mane and stretched a bit. It was the time as Iron looked at the alabaster mare with thoughtful eyes. Duran knew that Emi would notice that and again be thinking some stupid thoughts. "Aah, direct hit! Ship is going down! Evasive manoevers!" he joked and poked Emi with his paw on the side and pulling a bit on her mane, trying to get her out of Iron Wings sight. Of course he had more practical intentions with this action, but he wanted Emi to calm down a bit and have fun.



"That's it, I'm almost there..." Alex thought to himself, seeing the ground come closer and closer to him.


Just as Duran did some jokes again on Emi, Iron Wing got distracted by a weird sound that came from above. She looked up noticing Alex flying fast to the ground. What was he trying to do? Perhaps he forgot that the meeting of all friends took place soon and was in a rush to get here. "Way to go Alex! Just make sure not to crash on a house or something like that! See you inside of Ice´s shop!" she shouted to him with good intentions. She didn´t know what he was trying to do or that he was in total concentration. She entered Ice´s shop to get a big surprise.



"Hey Iron Wing, hey Colt! Look who came to join us!!" Ice stated bright and cheerfully, Luna just taking a nod.


Iron listened to Ice and got sight of Luna, the princess of the night and sister of the ruler of Equestria. Iron didn´t expect to meet a princess here on the day of her friends reunion, and she couldn´t get into her mind what she could wanted here now. But Irons mind focused very quick on her manners and her training as a guardian Back then she had the best job every, flying the night patrols in Canterlot. But she never got sight of Luna and she was never visited by her in her dreams. So she wasn´t able until now to get to know the princess. But now she was standing right there. She kneeled down and bow down her head as a sign of good manners and respect for the princess. "I am honored by your presence, princess Luna. What brings you here?" she asked with her typical guardian voice.



"Indeed. I had hoped to have met all of you much sooner but, this was the first time that I could actually get out of the castle since the winds had relented and at that point my priority was checking up on Ice Storm. When I got here today though, she mentioned that you were having some sort of reunion, or get together, and I was wondering if it might be okay if I were to tag along as well. I would much like to meet the ones that were nice enough to allow Ice into their family and give them thanks in ponyson," the princess explained. She could only hope that she wouldn't be imposing too much.


Iron Wing got up again from her kneeling position and looked a bit more serious than before. Under normal circumstances Iron did not like guests who weren´t invited, and she wouldn´t even care if this guest was a princess. But princess Luna was Ice´s mentor and friend, also Iron didn´t know Luna so she would probably make a mistake if she misjudged her too soon. The pegasus never met Luna in person so she never thought about her that much, but now that she was standing before her there were some questions flying circles in her mind. Back then Iron was in the night watch, but it seemed that Luna never cared about patroling troops or guardians, like they were tools. But on the other hoove, the princess was very busy since she changed back into her normal self with the help of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.


"Hmm..." she just mumbled, thinking about some possible things she could or wanted to say. But all these questions wouldn´t matter or help in this situation, so she calmed a bit down, facing the facts that were given to her. Luna wanted to join the party and asked this in the typical princess like style. Iron took a deep breath and looked again into the direction of the princess. "I am honest i am more than surprised, and under normal circumstances i would not just let join anypony such an event just like that. I don´t even care if you are a princess or not. But you are important to Ice, and i want to get an impression of you all by myself, so you may join." Iron answered to the princess request, showing that she would not judge the princess from any rumors, but also making a clear point. "Today, i am here not as a guardian of the royal army, but as a Grayhoove knight, so it would be an honor if you would join the celebration..." she continued with a friendly gesture. She knew that the princess could get the other meaning of this sentence. Not beeing a guardian for today meant that she couldn´t order Iron Wing that easily to do something.


Of course this was a bit rude, but Iron didn´t lose her manners. She wanted to celebrate today with friends, and because she didn´t know how princesses would act around "normal" ponies, she kept beeing careful and played with the rules. The pegasus always thought a couple of times about a situation, getting the best tactical advantage. Also she studied social activity and expression, taking the best course of action. She gave the princess a chance to make her own impression on the ponies she would meet today, setting rules indirectly for her without insulting her and showing that even a normal guardian could think for herself without getting orders.


Duran was a bit scared as he got sight of the princess, immediately shutting down every magical connection he shared to his surrounding. He disguised himself perfectly as the little lynx he was, going completely stealthed he hid within the feathers of Emis left wing. This is bad! Why is a princess here now? I never wanted to run into a creature like that. If she uncovers me, she just will to the same as most other ponies would do... misjudge me and trying to get rid of me. he thought, hoping that Luna just would see a little cat instead of the creature he was for real. This would be a very long day...

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Ice Stood back and let Princess Luna speak, and in return, she did the same to Iron Wing. She listed as Iron wing told the princess that regardless of who she was, this wasn't event that she would normally let ponies attend that were not previously invited. She did add however, that because of the fact that she was so important to Ice, that she would be able to come along, not to mention that she wanted a chance to get to know her more for herself, all by herself.


Princess Luna listened to these words as well, and noted a bit of a firm stance of her own and noted from the words the meaning behind them. Whether or not the mare would actually give her a chance remained to be seen, as she had encounters several ponies in the past that have often said one thing and then spoke poorly of her behind her back. A fact that more often than not, left her heart even more shattered than it was. She wasn't going to lie, it was very hard for her to make any sort of relationship after her return. Simply, nopony trusted her. Not even her own sister had trusted her completely yet, and now here was a mare offering her at least what she hoped was a chance at least at some redemption. "Thank you, Iron Wing. Your words mean more to me than you can imagine, and I appreciate you doing what most refuse to do, in  giving me a chance," the princess replied.


It was then that Princess Luna caught the last of her statement. That today she wasn't a member a Guardian of the Royal Army, but a Greyhoove. Luna understood what she meant by the statement, but at the same time was a bit stung by it. Hadn't her sister told them yet? Or maybe it was just presumed that everything had returned to normal? She didn't know, but one thing she did know, was things needed to be set right. Right there in front of everypony, knelt down to Iron Wing. "I apologize, Guardian Iron Wing," she stated speaking in the most formal addresses that she could give. "I have failed you," she stated with a matter-of-fact tone.

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Right there in front of everypony, knelt down to Iron Wing. "I apologize, Guardian Iron Wing," she stated speaking in the most formal addresses that she could give. "I have failed you," she stated with a matter-of-fact tone.


Iron Wing looked a bit confused at the princess as she knelt down and started something that sounded like an apology. But why would a princess she never even met apologize to her? What was the secret behind this action? Also the words on her last sentence confused her even more. The pegasus stood there with a surprised face expression and looked down at princess Luna, unable to say a word. Within her mind she tried to focus on memories and possible situations that could have lead to this situation. But it was no use, she didn´t remember anything and also couldn´t imagine what could have happened in the past that something like this would happen. But her long training as a guardian forced her out of confusion to a level her mother teached her many times.


"Please rise... i cannot tell why you are apologizing. I hope you have a reason to do something like that...." the iron mare answered to the princess. For sure this was an unusual situation she never could even imagine. But now it happened, and she had to focus on facts. She hated not to have enough information to deal with a situation, but something always helped... a cool and clear mind. So the best way to enlighten this situation was to ask Luna why she would do something like that. "Please tell me... us... why you are doing this. I am curious why a princess i never met is apologizing to a mere and simple guardian." Iron Wing said, awaiting the answer from the princess.

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The reaction that Iron Wing had to Princess Luna's statement, was one that she was already expecting. It was, to put it simply, why. Why had the princess wait until now, why did the princess choose to apologize to her, a simple guardian, and why was she apologizing to a pony that she had never met. "I understand your question and concern, and I intend on explaining everything in full," the princess started. "As I'm sure you are aware, the Royal Army was established nearly a millennium and a half ago during the great Tartus war. In it's creation, Celestia presided over the army during her day while I watched it during my night. Over time it became known as Daywatch and Nightwatch. The Guardians, were ponies that were selected out of these watches for their extraordinary abilities and in turn, were given the responsibility of making sure everypony, and that meant everypony was safe," she continued. 


"Over time though, as.... as the darkness began to build inside of me. I began to lose sight of this, and I had begun to use the Gaurdians not as their intended purpose, but as spies to get as much information on everypony else as possible. Then when... my alter ego took over... I ultimately made everypony turn against each other... something that to this day, I still deeply regret. It is because of this, that even after my return, and have regained control over the moon, I no longer have any affiliation with the Royal Army, nor have I since my return. My sister just simply doesn't trust me with the units, and honestly, I can't really say that I trust myself in a position over anypony else at the moment. I have let you, and all previous members of the guardians, and my Nightwatch down. That is why I've failed you, and that is why I apologized." She stated looking up to Iron Wing. "I know that this is the first time that you and I have met, and that you were not present when my misdeeds had taken effect, but... it's just something I've had to get out, and you are the first guardian I've actually met face-to-face since my return. In fact... If my sister caught wind that I'd even spoke to you... I'm sure I'd never hear the end of it..." Luna finished with a soured, sorrowful look.


Ice was shocked to hear this herself. She had lived with the palace with Luna for a long time, and she'd never seen any ill relationship between her and her sister. Of course, the two usually stayed on opposite ends of the castle, but still. Then again though... It did make sense, and it explained why Luna had so much time to dedicate to herself. If the only responsibilities Luna actually had were for the moon, then what more was there for her to do? The very thought made Ice sad, and even more glad that she had been there for here, as it was beginning to seem more and more, that nopony else was.

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Princess Luna is best pony

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"My sister just simply doesn't trust me with the units, and honestly, I can't really say that I trust myself in a position over anypony else at the moment. I have let you, and all previous members of the guardians, and my Nightwatch down. That is why I've failed you, and that is why I apologized." She stated looking up to Iron Wing.


Princess Luna was telling the truth and Iron couldn´t deny that the actions of her had a major impact on how the nightwatch guardians were treated the past decades. No pony did have that much respect for them any more, the education was very hard and for usual they were less in numbers as the daywatch guardians. Also the way Luna had used them to spy on other ponies was disgusting in many ways, and Iron was somewhat angry about that. But she remained calm on the outside, looking at Luna with unchanged mimicry.



"I know that this is the first time that you and I have met, and that you were not present when my misdeeds had taken effect, but... it's just something I've had to get out, and you are the first guardian I've actually met face-to-face since my return. In fact... If my sister caught wind that I'd even spoke to you... I'm sure I'd never hear the end of it..." Luna finished with a soured, sorrowful look.


Iron Wing thought about the complete situation for a while. She knew that in the old days Luna made some terrible mistakes... but she learned that everypony deserved a second chance. Also all this happened a long time ago and Luna never did anything bad to Iron until now, so the pegasus had no right to think bad about Luna. And now the princess looked at her with an expectant expression on her face, waiting for Iron to respond to her apologize. She sighed, looking at Luna for some moments, not saying any word. She sorted her thoughts and what she wanted to say could be very important for the princess, since she was the first guardian who would answer her since 1000 years. She closed her eyes, thinking of her final answer. She tried to imagine how the princess feeled and what her thoughts could be. Then she made up her mind, opening her eyes and looking at Luna with a serious and determined look.


" I, Iron Wing Celes Greyhoove, commander of the southern watchtower in Ponyville and former member of the Nightwatch in Canterlot, accept your apology." she stated with her most formal Canterlot voice and sighed. "But to be honest, it would be a pleasure if we could talk like normal ponies. And since i am not a guardian today and i am feeling somewhat strange if a princess apologizes to me, i would appreciate it if you would stand up again. I am not angry with you and i won´t judge your pasts since i was thaught that everypony deserves a second chance." Iron Wing explained to Luna and smiled a bit.

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Princess Luna let out a sigh of relief when she heard Iron Wing accept her apology. She was honestly quite surprised that she had, but then again at the same time she wasn't. After all, Iron had been open, kind and understanding to Ice Storm, so to thing that she wouldn't be the same here would be well, silly. However, the issues that had been present and that she had addressed were important ones. Ones that to this day she hadn't gotten an opportunity to make amends for, and for that alone, she was happy. She knew that she still had a long way to go, though and she knew it would take time.


When Iron Wing continued though and told the princess that she felt a bit awkward still having a princess apologizing to her in such a manner, and the fact that for today she wasn't a guardian, it made her feel even more awkward. She did add however that she wouldn't be quick to judge her pasts since she had been taught that everypony deserved a second chance. Luna rose, then smiled. "Thank you Iron Wing. It means a lot to me," she responded, her demeanor quickly going back to a much more positive feel. "And reflecting back, I can see how my actions could have been more than a bit awkward as well. No doubt my sister is hallway of views now watching this and either writing up her punishment or laughing her wings off. As for the rest of today,I think I'll take a page out of your book Iron," she stated as she cast a simple appearance spell to make herself look like how she did right after Nightmare Moon had been defeated. "I think today, I'll be not a princess, but just another pony. That being said," she said this time turning to the group, "I would prefer the princess title at least be dropped for today," she finished with a bright smile.


Ice was relieved herself, to see that Iron had forgiven Luna, and she to listened as Luna spoke again. There wasn't much to add, but the though of Celestia writing a punishment for Luna for apologizing was one that made her more than a bit sour. If what Luna was speaking were true, then how could she ever clear her name from the darkness when she can't apologize to those she'd wronged and allow them to continue to spread her name in hatred and disgust? Was her sister really that mean? Granted she didn't see much of Celestia during her time at the castle. She was always busy with important meetings or busy with Twilight, so Ice never really got a chance to know her. What bit she did speak to her though, she never seemed that bad. Of course, she did have to stop to remember. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were sisters. Granted, she didn't know much about how siblings worked, but she did at the least know of Sibling rivalries. She knew that Luna could be exaggerating a bit as well.


That being said though, she smiled and looked to the door and saw another pony behind Colt. She seemed to be a white pegasus mare with a vibrant violet and lavender mane, and tail to match. Her cutie mark was that of a flower blooming from a star. She couldn't really make out what it meant, but all the same, she was quite pretty. Ice decided to inquire about her. "Hey Colt, Iron, who's your friend? I don't remember seeing her before?" she asked politely.

  • Brohoof 2


Princess Luna is best pony

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Alex could feel the resistance of the mach cone pushing him back as he tried to breach it before reaching the ground.  He was about to push past it until...



"Way to go Alex! Just make sure not to crash on a house or something like that! See you inside of Ice´s shop!" she shouted to him with good intentions.



Right there, Alex heard a voice call out to him and recognized it to Iron Wing from the quest to that Forbidden Temple...  Unfortunately, his concentration on processing her broke his much needed concentration to complete the Sonic Rainboom.  As a result, Alex felt the Mach Cone catch him like a rubber band and slung him flying back fast and out of control.  "Darn it, Iron Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!"  Alex called out loudly, his voice reaching to her fading more and more until it was just an echo.  Alex couldn't make it out from his unintended velocity, but he was actually heading for a window....  That belonged to the Great Oak Library that Twilight Sparkle studies from within.  He sailed through the window, which fortunately for him was actually open.  Unfortunately, Alex could not be able to stop the imminent collision of a bookcase as he braced himself for impact.  "Oh man, I'm in for it now."  Alex thought to himself, as he knew from offhand accounts of Rainbow Dash that Twilight spends a lot of time making the library nice and neat.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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The statue under the doorway that Colt was at that time was able to watch and listen all that was happening but that only made his mind more confused, not only the youngest of the Royal Mares was in front of him, but now she was bowing to Iron wing and asking her for forgiveness. Not just that the armored Pegasus accepted her into the plans for the day so now he would be petrified for all the day too. “Is that really your solution for this? Are you an idiot” the mind of the dragon made fun of his ridiculous conclusion and pushed him to think in a better solution “she doesn’t even know who you are, just act normal” but what should’ve been moments took much more time and the dragon stayed there without reaction or even expression in his face.


The things for the dragon just went worse as the Mare of the Moon changed her shape into a more "regular" pony still with her wings and horn although she looked familiar to Colt and that made the memories of the dragon ravage even more his still shaken mind "She looks just like back then" were the only words his mind could picture.





The white pegasus mare listened to all of what was going on between Princess Luna and Iron Wing she stayed behind her brother because well she didn't really knew anypony else she was very amazed as how the Alicorn apologized to the guardian pony.... amazed and in a way annoyed without any "real" motivation behind it she just felt irritated for this "ugh, does everything just have to go her way?... always?" were the thoughts on Emi’s mind as her jaw almost knocked the floor of the store. 



"Hey Colt, Iron, who's your friend? I don't remember seeing her before?"



Emi smiled a little nervous when everypony in the room turned their eyes to her those nerves began to make her sweat a little as his dragon sibling just stayed there with no movement or sound coming from him  "come on Colt say something…" she whispered trying to keep her smile while saying so but no answer came from the dragon… this was getting weird and ridiculous her mind even imagined crickets in the background and a TumbleWeed going through the shop for the lack of action from her brother…”this is not my day” she said just before taking action.


“Please excuse him your highness…erhm Luna and everypony he is not used to…unexpected royalty” she said bowing “Im Eath Miracle, Colt’s younger sister it’s a pleasure to finally meet you all please call me Emi” stepping in front of the paralyzed reptile and feeling a little released from the awkward situation. “My brother told me about your feats on the Nightingale’s event and I want to thank you for taking care of him” she said to Ice Daylight and Electro, maybe Iron too but who could tell. “Also… Luna I must say it’s a so good to meet you, me and my family we all have been a very big fan of your night’s and stars since long time ago and we are so glad we can see your art once agahhhh HEY!! Emi interrupted her words with a screech that was caused by a poke on her ribs from the claw of an awakened dragon.


“Yes yes, big fans, I cant get enough of your moon each night” Colt said bowing to the princess all of the room looked at him with weird eyes, “Sorry for my lack of control Ms. Luna, Ice, every pony I think I cant handle myself when close to Equestian Royalty ” an awkward smile was at the dragon face as he spoke and watched to his sister. Emi’s eyes were fixed on Colt with displease she wasn’t happy with him for making her scream and see like a fool to all this ponies. “you are not getting away from this stupid dragon” were the words on her eyes that made Colt gulped knowing that this day was meant to be Unforgettable. 

Edited by Colt
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"I appreciate it, but you are correct in knowing that it is not needed. After all, friends need not to address one another by their titles shall they? One would think that to be rather silly," The princess stated.

Daylight was rather taken aback by her initial response to him. Mainly how how she used the word, “friends”. He thought for a moment about everything Ice had told him about Luna, and how close the two of them had been. He was unfamiliar with the concept of, “a friend of yours is a friend of mine”, as most of the things he knew about Luna had been relayed through Ice and although he didn't doubt her words, to him, a thing like friendship was of a personal nature and he had never considered anypony to be his “friend”, until he had got to know them himself personally. Regardless, he smiled and nodded. in response.


“If Luna considers me to be her “friend” then I must interact with her myself when I get the chance so I can say the same about her. I wonder how much she knows about me though...” He thought, before he was disrupted by Luna continuing to speak.


Day’s eyes opened wide in shock at first as he did not realize he had been under judgement from a pony as herself, though it did not surprise him as it made perfect sense considering what Ice had confided in him about her relationship with Luna.


“Why didn't I realize this sooner?” He thought, slightly annoyed with himself. “Oh... right... Damm you Ice.” He thought as he thought back over the events of the last month hiding a grin on his face.


As Luna finished speaking, he felt embarrassed having received her blessing, as it was like Luna really was Ice’s Mother and had just given them both her approval. He saw Ice deeply blush in response and could feel his own face heating up, so he decided to briefly nuzzle her to hide his own face and hopefully calm both of them down.



After that, however, Daylight looked back to Electrobolt, asking how he had been. With a smile, he responded, "Oh, I've been good, Day. To be honest, things haven't really changed all that much for me." After he finished speaking, he saw Daylight turn around and speak to Ice, asking if everything was ready. Electrobolt had a confused look on his face for about a minute, before his eyes widened. *Oh, right! Isn't today the day Ice planned for? Meeting her new family and all? How could I forget???* He wanted to smack his face right there, but resisted as he didn't want to do so in front of his friends, moreso in front of Luna.

Daylight looked back at Electro having not received an answer from Ice and could plainly see that Electro had forgotten what day was today by the expression he was showing.


“It’s ok Electro,” He said to him quietly with a grin. “It’s my fault as I was supposed to go round to your place yesterday to remind you about today but Ice kept me busy helping her out with the shop all day and by the time I had finished in the late afternoon I had completely forgotten. It’s a good thing you just happened to stop by then today...” He trailed off as a knock on the door had distracted him. He looked over in that direction and saw Iron Wing as well as Colt standing there. He also thought he saw something white trying to hide itself behind Colt, but he was distracted by Ice as she greeted them.

"Hey Iron Wing, hey Colt! Look who came to join us!!" Ice stated bright and cheerfully, Luna just taking a nod.

Day listened to the conversation that was going on. After Luna had first spoke, he looked to Iron, and was surprised to see that she seemed rather phazed from Luna’s unexpected visit, and even more surprised by the dumbfounded look on Colt’s face.


He listed to Iron’s response to Luna, which to him sounded similar to what he was thinking previously about Luna considering them all to be her friends, except spoken, and little harsher too. “There must be something behind it all...” He said softly as Iron finished speaking.


As Day turned to look at Luna for her response, it was clear that there was. Luna knelt down and bowed to iron, while apologising for failing.


Daylight was shocked beyond belief, and so was everypony else by the look of it. Even Iron didn't seem to know the reason for Luna’s actions.


Still knelt down, Luna went on to explain her actions by recalling something from her past, something that to this very still haunted her, which day could clearly see for himself.


Ice had not mentioned anything about any problems Luna had with her sister and guessed it was because Ice had not known from the shocked expression on her face. He would have thought a pony such as Celestia to be much more understanding than that from what he had heard of her, but he knew couldn't take what Luna had said on face value.


Day then turned back to look at Iron, who seemed to be weighing everything that she had just heard in her mind. He knew she was a reasonable pony and needed time to think about big and important things such as this, but he was sure she would forgive Luna.


As Iron spoke, Day smiled. She had been formal while still being personal and even managed to be casual as well. It was the perfect response considering the situation in his opinion.


He smiled as all seemed well again. Luna had gone back to her earlier cheery self and had even gone as far as to cast a spell to change her appearance to her simple form, which was the size of a regular pony. This now made him slightly taller than Luna, and he was unsure if instead of helping it would only make things more awkward.


Day then looked over at Ice to see how she was coping with what she had heard. Because it was a relatively minor matter she seemed unfazed until something caught her attention. As he followed her gaze, he saw the white creature that he had spotted earlier hiding behind Colt, but only now could see properly as she had come out from behind him. It was a pony, small, looking around Electrobolt's age to him, with a strange star shaped cutie mark. Ice then asked who she was, which put the  on the spot. She looked uncomfortable, but not a nervous, it was like she was waiting for something... Day looked back to colt, who was still frozen with the same dumbfounded look, which when he traced his gaze was pointed directly at Luna oddly enough.


The something having not happened, she then began to speak for herself. She introduced herself as Earth Miracle, Colt’s younger sister. However she would prefer to be called Emi. How she was related to a dragon he did not know nor did he think it to be wise to ask about either. As she continued to talk, mostly directed at Luna, she as cut off suddenly by what looked awfully like an automatic reaction as ponies didn't normally just stop and screech in the middle while they were talking. It was at the exact same moment Colt seemed to finally snap out of whatever daze he was in and finally speak. He took note of Emi glaring angrily at her brother, and Colt looking rather concerned in response. Although he had not been able to see what it was that Colt did exactly, he knew he had done something.



“Some family they are huh?” he lent over and whispered to Electrobolt and gestured to Colt and Emi inconspicuously.


Looking around, he decided it was best they started moving that that they were all here before any other drama’s erupted. He turned to speak to Ice.

@@Ice Storm

“Erm, I think it’s best we started to head out now that we're all here before any other... things happen.” He said, making sure to not look a anypony in particular.


“Hang on though... we are missing somepony... has anypony seen Alex on their way here?” He directed to the group.

Edited by Dave247

My Ponysona: Daylight
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