Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind 983 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 What is the best and worst job you've ever had? Give details. Me: Best job I've ever had is my current one. Working at a hotel and conference center. I have a nice boss, I get along with most of my coworkers, and the work environment is nature oriented Worst job ever was working at Burger King. Hated my manager, it sucks being stuck in the kitchen, and the pay was sooooo not worth it. I only worked there for 3 days. So, how has your work history treated you? . 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art 000Signature Requests000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 The best job I had was working at my Dad's old Italian restaurant, sure I worked hard but I also had some perks of being able to eat whatever I wanted and playing a round or two on the Pacman machine in the front when business was slow and I ran out of tasks to do. The worst job I had is the one I have now which is a dairy clerk and backup checker. I could stock and order with the best of them but I am the worst checker in that entire store. I have had multiple moments up there where my inner Twilight Sparkle came flying out and I freaked out and have been written up twice due to screws up I made up there which completely eviscerated every last bit of confidence I had. Since I have Autism being up there is a lot more difficult than it is for most of the other checkers and I am trying to get out of there with a doctors note and if that dosen't work I will step down and be a General Merchandise Clerk. Add this to the fact that I a completely burnt out and have lost all respect for the company I work for thanks to an incident last June where I was suspended and almost fired for an asinine technicality I am not at liberty to discuss here and I really fucking hate my job with a passion. Luckily I have an exit strategy to get the hell out of there which is to become an author first by writing about my experiences with Autism and the eventually going into other subjects. I have full confidence that this will work and when I finally free of that God forsaken hell hole I will be free to expose those scum. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinx 2,292 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 I've had 2 jobs that were absolutely terrible, and the other one wasn't so bad. I worked at a bed & bath factory for awhile a few years ago. I had to load the box, and hot glue them shut. I swear the first night I burnt my hand at least 10 times. I also had to move the awkward sized boxes which were all around 60 pounds to a different spot. The whole first night I was there, I had an old lady telling me I was going too slow while she just wrote something on all of the boxes. The other one was at another factory, where there was an accident and there was a massive spill. It was a pickle product plant, so we had to trudge through pickle juice while we cleaned it up. Thankfully it only took us a week to clean it up, but it was pure hell. Of course after that I got moved to different parts of the factory, and the other jobs there weren't so bad. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash 1,472 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Best Job so far: Working at the county amusement park. So much benefits and the people arent people at all. They are nice, super helpful and if i mess up they just say, "hey it happens." And show me how to do it right. And thats the supervisors. My co-workers make working fun by joking around dancing and laughing and occasionally getting into playful arguments about fandoms. Last time i was there they were debating Adventure Time facts and what-ifs. Worst Job: I didnt get payed since it was volunteer. Not to mention that i was feeding homeless people , of which half of them were crazy. I also got put on teams since thats how it worked and my team wouldnt show up for the hard part of the work. Plus the homeless people were rude and crude. I tried to sympathize with them since they were in though times but its pretty hard to when they are yelling racial slurs at you. R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fox 5,330 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 (edited) Surprisingly, I've stuck to my job for over 3 years. Only a selected few I've trained actually stayed. I'd roughly say 80% of people I trained had quit. It's a difficult job nobody truly understands out of my friends. My mother knows that the mild burns I get on my hands. Cleaning there is atrocious. Sometimes I deal with outraged customers. I've been yelled at my boss for stupid things, that a normal person wouldn't be yelled at a regular place. This has provoked me to yell back and show no fear to something I didn't do wrong. Firstly, impending burns for working at the deep fryer cannot be avoided. Note that some burns are really bad depending how large the burn is. It's not a big of a problem, but when I had gotten burned for the very first time it wasn't that nice. As of right now, the burns I get now are mediocre I really don't a feel too much pain when getting burned. There still a very dangerous thing at my work. It's an older take-out restaurant that gets dirty fairly easily. I think he should have it professionally cleaned. The food is stored properly and everything. It's just the appearance of the restaurant is filthy and needs to be polished up. I've had some customers complain about the appearance of the restaurant. I confessed he's too cheap to even consider doing that. The outdated phones are pathetic. My boss doesn't want to invest into the restaurant because he's too cheap. Sometimes when I pick up a phone for a take-out order it's sometimes difficult to hear what the person on the other line is saying because the corded phones are over 20 years old! It's not too bad, but when there's a lot of noise I can't hear anything. Having to deal with angered customers, because we failed to make the food there in time for a delivery, or having some other complaint. My boss fears to talk to the customer. So, he gets us to somehow compromise with the customer. I, one time had to negotiate with a customer and had asked for a discount being his food was very late. However, this was my first time trying to come with an agreement with a customer. I had told the customer to ask the delivery man. Whom my boss was delivering the food at the time because he delivers on weekdays. My boss comes back and had to give the food for free because I said they could? Which was a complete lie. I had gotten yelled at for some jerk who lied and decided to give me a hard time. I was so mad about the whole incident. When making a compromise with the customer my boss gets his employees to do it. Why? I think he actually fears talking to a customer for business reasons. As an employee we can't give them free food, or anything and our boss expects us to make a compromise without any problems, and not giving them further discounts or free food. Unless, we forget an item we can give them a credit no problem. Although, some people lie and we have to make sure that they had ordered that particular item, or didn't "accidentally misplace it." Lastly, there's a language barrier which could be considered a root for most arguments. Not always though, I've worked there so long I understand my boss's "engrish." It's not a problem, but I had one incident when he was on the phone talking to a customer about some problem with there order, and he was yelling, and was apologizing after he yelled at this guys wife on the phone, but unintentionally because she seemed to not be understanding what he was talking about. My boss does yell at all his employees for stupid stuff. A normal person would use a more polite tone. However, my boss uses an aggressive, impatient, and angry tone. He also insults us in Cantonese sometimes English. Calls us stupid and stuff. This was very frequent when I had worked for my first time. The other people I hired didn't have to deal with it because he hadn't shown himself when he was angry to the newer recruits. Lastly, I hate when people quit a job they don't like. Why? It was too hard? It wasn't fun? I didn't get my wanted position? It wasn't good paying? It wasn't a place of good atmosphere? I hate those accusations when people quit early and don't see the light of the positive things of their job. A job is a job. I've shown a struggle at my job. Even through abuse I'm still determined to get what I wanted, money. And there's actually some pros at my job. It's not that all bad getting a job. I've made new friends, gained work experience, and I'm highly skilled at what I do. I'm just hoping people don't complain how horrible there job is because they had a mediocre story. I do honestly hope not. Edited March 10, 2013 by Fox 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind 983 March 10, 2013 Author Share March 10, 2013 I've had 2 jobs that were absolutely terrible, and the other one wasn't so bad. I worked at a bed & bath factory for awhile a few years ago. I had to load the box, and hot glue them shut. I swear the first night I burnt my hand at least 10 times. I also had to move the awkward sized boxes which were all around 60 pounds to a different spot. The whole first night I was there, I had an old lady telling me I was going too slow while she just wrote something on all of the boxes. The other one was at another factory, where there was an accident and there was a massive spill. It was a pickle product plant, so we had to trudge through pickle juice while we cleaned it up. Thankfully it only took us a week to clean it up, but it was pure hell. Of course after that I got moved to different parts of the factory, and the other jobs there weren't so bad. Factory work sucks! I've had a few of them and hated them all. They pay pretty well but usually the people there are all grumpy old farts and the people who run the place are always cutting corners to save money. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art 000Signature Requests000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
notdog1996 315 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Best job: I was working in a strawberry field. I just had to pick as many good strawberries as I could and make baskets. I was paid about 2$ a basket, which isn't much. But, it's the only job in which I've been able to get a reasonable amount of money by the end. Worst job: Delivering newspaper. It was the worst thing ever. People were mean, the pay wasn't that good and they were always asking me to run. I quit after a few times. Since I only just got old enough to legally have a job, I don't have much work experience to share. These were jobs I had before I was 16 as I don't have a job right now. 1 INTJ Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(75%) Judging(1%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%) You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mycarhasaMoustache 449 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Best job: I dont like my current job and I cant say Iv ever enjoyed any of my jobs. Worst job: Night watch man at an ice rink. 11 hours in the freezing cold looking at ice, A fence, A small green painted wall and a locked gate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 I was a Valet at a Lexus dealership. It was the best job i've ever had so far because I love cars. I got to walk around and interact with people. Like every job it had its bad side which was always the Management. Instead of promoting me they put a guy in charge of me and 4 other people. And he didn't speak English he only spoke Farsi. He only got the job because his dad was a manager in another department. Worst Job I had was at an amusment park. I worked at Six Flags and my job was to ...... clean the bathrooms and sweep the midways... Keep in mind it summertime in Washington DC with like 80 percent humidity. The uniform was uncomfortable. Wearing khakis in 90 degree weather. ugh.... 1 ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fox 5,330 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Best job: I was working in a strawberry field. I just had to pick as many good strawberries as I could and make baskets. I was paid about 2$ a basket, which isn't much. But, it's the only job in which I've been able to get a reasonable amount of money by the end. Worst job: Delivering newspaper. It was the worst thing ever. People were mean, the pay wasn't that good and they were always asking me to run. I quit after a few times. I worked at a strawberry field once, my mom had brought me along because she had helped pick strawberries on the farm as a side job along with the migrant workers. I had only worked there doing an odd job with picking off something off a plant for like 10 hours. Was a long time ago so I forget. I heard delivering papers is a horrible job. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinx 2,292 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 I've been yelled at my boss for stupid things, that a normal person wouldn't be yelled at a regular place. This has provoked me to yell back and show no fear to something I didn't do wrong. Oh yes, the yelling is always a great hurdle to get over at almost every job. I swear people like to yell at me for every little thing that went wrong. Alright I get it you're pissed off, so why don't we use that anger to get the job done. It's much more beneficial to use your anger to finish something, than to vent it out on your fellow employees. That will only impede your progress and cause dissent between you. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Tough call. So many pros and cons to each one of them that I'm not sure I could peg any specific job as the best or worst I've ever had. I'll give you a few details on the three that stand out the most in my mind rather than comparing them in my mind all day. The first would be working for King's Dominion, an amusement park in Virginia. Maybe this is true of all such parks, but once you work there, you never want to go back regardless of how much you may have enjoyed it as a kid or customer of any age. My job was mostly cashiering at a store near the bottom of the park. Every day the manager had me selling clearance items at a stand out front or at a stand near the entrance to the water park. These stands were sitting out on the tarmac with no protection from the sun, and it got to be 120 degrees (approx. 48.8 Celsius) almost every day with 100% humidity (common to a summer day in my area). Many days I didn't get any kind of break because nobody was sent to relieve me and the pay was barely above minimum wage. What's more, they rarely promoted store employees, they hired new people to be managers and didn't train them, leaving the grunts to teach their bosses how to do their jobs. For as aggravating as that place was, it was made worse by the fact that I worked in an area that was themed after Wayne's World in the early '90s when I was a kid, which was awesome, but by the time I worked there the area was dilapidated and had no theme of any sort; hits you right in the nostalgia in all the wrong ways. Next on my list is when I worked as a tech of sorts for a middle school. The IT department was independent of any school, answering directly to the school board. So each of us were assigned to one of the schools but not actually employees of it. This didn't go over well with the principal of the middle school. He wanted the authority to hire and manage his own IT personnel, and the best way to make that happen in his estimation was to screw over as many people as possible as were assigned to his building. The idea was that the IT department would eventually be dissolved or something and he would then have that authority. So my time there was spent trying to maintain hundreds of machines while kids regularly vandalized them, and some of the staff constantly tried to stab me and my department in our collective back. Sometimes I had to do some work at the high school. The worst part about that was being mistaken for a student by most of the teachers because I was only 19 at the time. Lastly is my sysadmin job with a university. Drug deals, fights, hit and runs, vandalism, theft, apathy towards many of those events on the part of the administration, and a severe lack of communication makes this a strong contender for worst. The thefts of school and personal property were largely ignored because the tuition coming in from those who committed the thefts outweighed the cost of the stolen items. I worked with one other guy in my department, and while he was good at what he did and was very reliable, I couldn't communicate with him on any level. I tried talking to him about work and about personal interests that we both shared, and I could barely get a word out of him; he wasn't like that with anyone else. I also wasn't informed of many changes major or minor to policies, procedures, or our infrastructure by him or the brass at our primary campus. Whenever some broad, important change was made, I didn't know about it until well after the fact and was always told by somebody outside of our department, like a student or teacher. MOST INFURIATING. So I spent plenty of time twiddling my thumbs with no idea what to do or what was going on; work/events came in huge, hectic bursts followed by periods of calm. Eventually they decided I wasn't necessary and told me to hit the road. Huh. Come to think of it, I haven't enjoyed many of the places I've worked. The best job I had was working at a small-time repair shop with nobody other than the store manager. Customers came in, gave us stuff to fix, we fixed it, and that was it. No massive hierarchy and no BS policies that required us to take abuse from customers like retail companies have. Ran the store alone plenty of times too. Even a brief retail stint I pulled was pretty enjoyable because all of my coworkers were chill, though you still had a few stupid corporate elements to put up with; it was a straightforward job of putting out inventory and selling stuff, not much to say about it except people were nicer than normal in such an environment. 1 Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 Best job: Working as a business analyst at MetLife. I'd develop (not program, mind you, just come up with the GUI specs) the software interface that insurance wholesalers would use to help sell the product. Got paid pretty well to do it, had a boss that really looked out for me and wanted me to grow, but at the same time was given plenty of freedom. Worst job: Selling Verizon FIOS systems door to door. First of all, I had to drive up a half hour north to the office, then go out door to door in various towns in the area, trying to sell a product to people who hated me on principle the moment I showed up at the door. This by the way, is during all weather conditions (even during the worst storm of the year), then I had to pay for my own gas to drive into town, then I would be on foot for hours going house to house, and people threatening to call the cops on me if I didn't leave was a lot of fun. Oh, and by the way, did I mention that this job was entirely based on commission after the first few weeks, and I was making at best $150 a week on sales? Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 March 10, 2013 Share March 10, 2013 I only had 2 jobs, one that I am still working at, and honestly both suck! The first was at six flags, which is already a red flag, and everything about the place was terrible. The training, work, superiors, everything. Next as well as current job, is working at a newspaper factory. Not much of an improvement but the superiors are pretty cool. Though paper-cuts are a regular. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fox 5,330 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 Oh yes, the yelling is always a great hurdle to get over at almost every job. I swear people like to yell at me for every little thing that went wrong. Alright I get it you're pissed off, so why don't we use that anger to get the job done. It's much more beneficial to use your anger to finish something, than to vent it out on your fellow employees. That will only impede your progress and cause dissent between you. You're right about it off setting a relationship with your boss. It makes it so much more difficult though I find to communicate. I'm a fairly nice person, but I feel I've aged more to be a jerk more so, because I'm caught in between conflicts at work or other shenanigans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dimitri Hammer 3,645 March 11, 2013 Share March 11, 2013 The best job I have ever had was when I taught History classes in St. Petersburg University. Being a college professor was the best thing ever, it was my dream job and I achieved it for several short months before I had to come to America. Americans don't want me in college teaching because I can't speak English good. I have tried to apply to certain colleges and they rejected me. Probably because of the way I look and speak. I have a beard, I am not good at English and I am tall and muscular. Worst job I ever had was when my father had me working for him in Russian politics. I am okay with politics normally, but I hated working for my father. Paper work and Putin <_< I dislike Putin greatly <_< Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ AirbourneAvatar by me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 November 30, 2013 Share November 30, 2013 My favorite job was being a janitor, it was so peach full at night.. and I for one love to clean! me and John would smoke some meth and start cleaning that school top to bottom oh my goodness! good times. My other favorite job is the one I'm working at now, being doing it for 3years now. Working the farm! sure it hard work but hot damn I love it! "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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